November 15 2019

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Why Should We Contribute? ||Jiva - Jagat - Ishwara || Vakyartha Sadas ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Contribution during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Why Should We Contribute?, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that life is for contributing and when contributing starts, intense life energy explodes in you. He explained through examples in His own life, that when Jiva, the individual self decides to contribute to the Universe-Jagat, Paramashiva Ishwara Himself manifests through Jiva.

He asked that Vakyartha Sadas continue on His Facebook profile page, discussing how to contribute to making Kailaasa Ecosystem around us and we each can contribute. Then He connected everyone with the space of Kailaasa through a meditation with chanting of the Mahavakya.

Video and Audio - Why Should We Contribute

Video Audio

Satsang Transcript



nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, Nithyananda Yogam participants, Kalpataru Yoga participants, Hindu University students, Nithyananda eGurukul students and all the eKailaasavasis. I welcome all of you sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailaasa TV, Hinduism now TV, TV, Twitter and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Understand, ... today's revelation from Kailaasa: life is for contributing. When you start contributing, intense life energy explodes in you. Jiva, Ishvara, Jagat. Listen. Jiva means individual soul. Jagat means Universe including humanity and all the living beings, animals, living beings, sentient or whatever you call as per the western standard non-living being, beings. In Hinduism, sthavara, jangama, everything is living. Means moving, non-moving - all of them are living. And, before building the building earth is worshipped as a living being. Vastu Purusha Shanti means the earth, land on which the building is built is not geography for us, it is biology for Hindus. Understand. So sthavara, jangama - moving, non-moving, all put together is Jagat, Universe. Ishvara: the Ultimate, Paramashiva, Parameshwara, Paramporul, Parabrahma, Paramanatha, Vishnu, all, you can give any name; the Parama, Ultimate is Ishvara.

Listen. When Jiva feels its existence is to enrich the Jagat, Ishvara manifest through him. That's it. Listen. When Jiva feels he is here to contribute to Jagat, Ishvara manifest through Jiva. That’s it. Listen carefully. Ishvara wants the auspicious goodness of Jagat, that is why He make it. He’s playing. He’s doing the leela of this Jagat because He wants best things to manifest in the Jagat. So, anyone is in tune with Ishvara’s Sankalpa, Shiva Sankalpa of enriching that Jagat, Universe; He himself manifest through us. Listen. Hinduism is all about contributing. Either you read, read Vedas or you read Agamas or you read Tantra or you read Puranas, it is all about contribution. That is why even in the war, so much restriction and so much of righteousness even in the war. Understand. After thoroughly studying all the Hindu scriptures about life, death, war, administration, economy, law and order, social order, enlightenment; after thoroughly analyzing, understand. I don't want to say I read all scriptures, but I read enough scriptures to understand what I am talking.

After reading all these, I am absolutely convinced Hinduism is all about life positive. Extremely life positive. Whether it is a simple acts you are expected to do - making rangoli with the rice powder outside your house, in front of your house or applying maruthani in your fingers, mehndi or applying the turmeric powder for your face and kumkum early morning. Everything is all about life positive. Life positive, life positive, life positive, life positive. Go on contributing, contributing, contributing. Not only minimum, … bare minimum, as low as possible taking back from the Jagat, but giving as much as possible. Hinduism is all about that. That’s it. I tell you, ... why do you think Hindus are the richest ethnic community, not only in United States of America and Canada, Europe and Australia; almost all major countries all over the world? Hindus are the richest ethnic community. I tell you, because from the young age, the religion … imbibes this contributing pattern. There will be always exemption, that is different. But as a rule, anyone living Hindu, practicing Hindu, if he brings up a child in a practicing Hindu way - it all about contributing.

I tell you, I am so happy. I had amazing examples of contributors in my life whom I can see and grow. And, … who taught me contributing makes Parameshwara manifest through you. I tell you, ... when I came out of Ramakrishna Mission, the first ashram I established, I named it after Ramakrishna Mission, as Ramakrishna Dhyanapeetham for my deep gratitude to Ramakrishna Mission; that I learnt how to do hard work. I never felt I was exploited, I was cheated, and I should start fighting against Ramakrishna Mission. No! I felt, “Oh God! How much they taught me to do hard work. A great opportunity I got to do hard work, sincere work.” You can talk to any Ramakrishna Mission sadhu. They’ll tell one thing, “Oh, Nithyananda! Eh, he was our brahmachari, twenty four hours he will be working. Workaholic fellow.” That's what they remember, we have reminiscences from many of them. I feel extremely grateful that they have given me an opportunity to learn hard working.

Understand, I tell you, contributors wherever you go, you will enjoy life. All contributors … will always have Lakshmi. And I tell you, future is for practicing Hindus. Because, the truth is becoming authority all over the world. Understand, all over the world, the truth is becoming authority. One of the best thing I realized in my life, when I am seeing so much of attack on me, the truth I realized is, I am making the truth more and more as authority, and it is spreading all over the world; that is why the anti-Hindu people are reacting so much. Understand. They may try to create a strategies, “Oh, we are not anti-Hindu, we are only … anti-Nithyananda.” This all, they are aunty old strategy, a-u-n-t-y. Tsk! Tsk! They may create more strategies. But I tell you, I am establishing more and more truth as authority. In every field, in the future only contributors are going to survive.

See, you can make fun of me. Troll me for few days when I said, there is something more to E=mc2. When I make this kind of statements, like I am saying that zillions of Universe raised, exist for zillions of years and dissolved, get pulled out of delusion and gets liberated, all these happening now without time gap - you can troll me for few days. But soon, soon, scientists are going to become curious about what I am talking. And they are going to understand I am making sense, and they are going to understand I am really contributing to their thinking and furthering their researches and their new breakthroughs, discoveries to make world better living place. Understand. Once people start understanding I am contributing, and I am establishing the truth as the authority; … trolls will be trolled. Trolls are fools. They don’t have history. The haters are losers. They are not going to be part of the history. Contributors are going to be part of the history. Understand.

In every field: in the field of economy, ninety nine percent of energy should be contributing economy. Only one percent should be administration. Now, eighty percent of the people who are trying to grab, and administer; the bottom twenty percent people are getting destroyed, literally killed, and sucked, forced to contribute. Understand. The Hindu economy is all about contribution - eighty percent will be contributing. I tell you, ... all the attack on agriculture, the Hindu agriculture happening in India. Please understand, the Hindu agriculture is literally getting destroyed. I don't know who is going to save. If the Hindu agriculture is revived, the economy of the world will boom. Because, the Hindu economy is all about intense contribution. It's not consumeristic. It’s contributing economy. Whether in the field of economy or the field of social stability. I tell you, ... the idea of charity in Hinduism is to keep the society stable. Taking care of your elders, parents, it is because of the Hindu lifestyle still alive, India, Indian government does not need to spend billions and billions of dollars to maintain the elders of the India. Elders of India are not at all a load on government, Indian government because of the Hindu lifestyle and Hindu thought currents.

Till the last day, my grandfather was the head of the family, he had the whole money and bank signatory and all the wealth under his control. There is retirement concept in Hindu family style. And I tell you, the Hindu profession is always father teaches to son. Son teaches to grandson, specialization based. Specialization, so always father remains a teacher and father, father figure till his death. And you are always remembered by your father or grandfather. My whole village, my nickname is Mudaliar parent means grandson of the Mudaliar. Understand, the social stability.

That is why, it is now ten thousand years Hinduism has faced five thousand wars. What these simple foolish fellows trying to do some social media attack on me. Eh! We are a ten thousand year old tradition. In ten thousand years, we have faced five thousand attacks, all types of wars and we stood, we won and we still thriving. And I am going to be alive for next two hundred years in the body - alive, teaching, initiating, enlightening people. And creating a huge Sannyas Sampradaya. Building stone temples and universities all over the world. Creating thousands of Sarvajnapeethas everywhere.

I am happy to announce one good news that we are getting a property in Sri Lanka. There is in eighteen aadheenams traditionally, Varani is one of the place. In that eighteen aadheenam, Varani is one of the important aadheenams. Varani Aadheenam is the only aadheenam outside India - in Sri Lanka. So in that Varani place, somebody is donating a place, we going to start, revive the Varani Aadheenam. Now I don't know whether the aadheenam exist or not. We are going to revive Varani Aadheenam. There are, there are well known eighteen aadheenams. Like Kanchi Thondaimandala Aadheenam, Madurai Aadheenam, Thiruvallur Aadheenam, Dharmapuram Aadheenam, Swargapuram Aadheenam, Sirkazhi Vellalar Aadheenam. Like that eighteen aadheenams were popular once upon a time. In that, one is Varani Aadheenam. Unfortunately, Sirkazhi Vellalar Aadheenam and all, we don’t even know where it existed, and absolutely not there! Thanjavur Aadheenam, Sirkazhi Vellalar Aadheenam, Thiruvallur Aadheenam and all, we don’t even know where it is now. And I am trying to revive wherever the it is completely non-existent. I am trying to get a property and restart the, revive the whole sampradaya. So Varani is one of the aadheenam so we are reviving it.

Go on contributing, contributing, contributing. Understand. It’s a contribution through which Paramashiva manifest through you. Of course, we need to tell the world how much we have been attacked, how much Hinduism has suffered, and Hinduism is going through. We have to tell the world, no doubt. But the brand of Hinduism is empowering and enlightening. Understand. Empowering and enlightening and enriching is the brand of Hinduism. Contributing whether social structure, economical structure, even after being swindled so much by so many invading nations, still India is able to withstand, it is because of the contributing thought current of Hindus. I tell you, … charyapada. Last few days I am talking about charyapada. The whole charyapada is all about, just two things. Live long blissfully, enrich the world blissfully. That's all.

Everything, morning waking up, the moment you wake up, you are expected to apply sacred ash on your forehead. Remembering how whatever you saw in the dream is now ashes which is inside your head. Now whatever you are seeing also will become the ashes like this. When you go inside your head again, remember that and apply the vibhuti. That’s it. What you saw inside the head and dreams, what you saw, what you are seeing outside the head as Universe - both are just this same ashes. Remember that and apply. That's it. When you remember that, you will have so much energy, life, strength to contribute. As long as you are alive, let's contribute, contribute, contribute. Morning when you come out of your head to outer world, applying the ash - that is the first charya you are expected. And night when you fall asleep, means when you are going from outside into inside your head, apply the sacred ash. From that to this, the whole charyapada. The essence is live long healthy, happily, blissfully and enrich, empower, enlighten happily, blissfully. That's it.

The whole charyapada purpose is this only.

ईशावास्यमिदग्ं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ॥१॥ कुर्वन्नेवेह जिजिविशेच्छतग्ं समाः । एवं त्वयि नन्यथेतो’स्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥२॥

īśāvāsyamidagṃ sarvaṃ yatkiñca jagatyāṃ jagat । tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ॥1॥ kurvanneveha jijiviśecchatagṃ samāḥ । evaṃ tvayi nanyatheto’sti na karma lipyate nare ॥2॥

Over. The whole charyapada: live hundreds of years ... by enjoying renouncing.

I tell you, … any problem you have in your life, … any problem, maybe it is you are struggling in your office without having a breakthrough, you are struggling in your personal relationships without having a completion, you are struggling inside your head or you are struggling with some anger and frustration; any problem you have, it all boils down to one - not having inspiration. I tell you, solution for not having inspiration. Simple solution: watch satsang every day. Anybody, your friend or anyone has any problem, make them watch satsang every day, because Hinduism is all about extreme inspiration; I’ll go on be giving inspiration. In various languages I may speak. One day I’ll speak about yoga, one day I’ll speak about puja, one day I'll speak about powerful cognitions, one day I’ll speak about Svarga, one day I’ll speak about Naraka, one day I’ll speak about your stomach. One day I’ll speak about Raurava Naraka (रौरव नरक), Kumbhīpākaṃ (कुम्भीपाकं), Avīci Naraka (अवीचि नरक).

But end of the day, it is all about inspiring, inspiring, inspiring, contributing. Whether wearing rudraksha or having jata or ... anything. Life is all about contributing. When you contribute, wealth gathers around you. I tell you, sincerity and contributing ability is the real wealth. I always felt that is the strength. That is the strength. Wherever I saw sincerity, contributing, I saw Lakshmi energy showering, living happily. Understand. End of the day contributors will be part of the history. False allegations, accusations does not stand. The all that does not stand. I have seen so many people, to become popular, they will attack some popular figure, so that along with that popular figure’s name, your name also will appear. You become popular. But how many days those popularity still stand? No! Only contributors … stand in history. Understand. You can go on cooking up false allegations, false stories, false theories, try to get false evidence, do all kinds of abuse. But how long it’ll stand? It can't, it won't!

Contribution, understand. If you see my life, forty one years - twenty years of recorded life. I have continuously intensely contributed to people's consciousness. Forty one years of life, twenty years is recorded, documented from 2000. It's almost documented. See the whole documentation. In that twenty years, I don't know whether thirty percent or forty percent of the days, we have video record of me sitting twenty hours, eighteen hours continuously, and talking to people, initiating people, giving energy darshans, giving spiritual counselling, healing, continuous contribution. Understand. This documented life - twenty years, the amount of work I have contributed, and the temples, centers, ashrams built everywhere, understand. Contributions stands. That makes you complete, blissful.

People who try to attack me and get popularity - name and fame, they may try to … cook up all these false things and one or two days of popularity. But what’s the use of that? That's not going to help you forever in the life, in anyway. Contributing to the world, real contribution to the consciousness of the humanity, that makes you part of the history, understand. Listen carefully. When you decide to contribute to the Universe, to the Jagat, to the humanity - Ishavara manifest through Jiva, Self. Ishavara, God manifest through Jiva, Self, when the Self, Jiva decides to enrich the Universe, world, humanity. Understand. Enriching and empowering, life positive is not just moral or good advice, good attitude. No! It is a spiritual methodology for enlightenment.

When you give one free meal, your stomach gets pure. Listen. When you give one free meal, your stomach gets pure, your blood gets cleaned. You decide to give your own meaning for this statement. What I made is the ultimate truth. In every level: enriching, contributing, life positive. In your business ethics, in your relationships, in your responsibility, in your … everything! Enriching, enriching, enriching, makes you manifest powers. I tell you, it makes you manifest powers. It is a straight way to live in Kailaasa and reach Kailaasa. If you are giving a wake up call to your brother, your friend, your teamily for morning Brahma Muhurta yoga ... see, morning four thirty to six is Brahma Muhurta. Whichever country you are living your time: four thirty to six, means one muhurta before the sunrise is called Brahma Muhurta. One muhurta is one and a half hours. One and a half hours before the sunrise is Brahma Muhurta. Best time for Brahma Muhurta ... is, understand, best time for yoga is Brahma Muhurta.

Best time for morning yoga is Brahma Muhurta, whether you give one morning wake up call to your teamily person - waking them up, her up for the yoga or you do a simply enriching - inviting somebody to come and receive Atma Linga and start the puja, everything makes you manifest Kailaasa space. Understand, all enriching, or you press a simple share button of Swamiji’s satsang to your friends and family or somebody - all enriching, all enriching makes you manifest Paramashiva. Understand. The only problem Hindus have is, we don't tell the world the good things we are doing, and we don't tell the world how much we are attacked and abused. That is the biggest problem. That’s the only problem we have. We need to learn, we need to learn to tell the world all the good things we are doing, and all the attacks we are going through. Enormous atrocity material generated on Hinduism: false allegations, abuses, name calling, cow worshippers, idol worshippers. Come on!

You need to know simply planet earth cannot afford meat eaters. Sooner the planet earth realizes, good for all of us. Simply planet earth cannot sustain, cannot afford meat eating lifestyle of human beings. Sooner the human beings realize, good for the planet earth. Understand that. One good thing with the social media - truth is becoming authority everywhere. People have started realizing … truth is the only authority. Understand. The future is going to be all for contributing traditions. And you also need to know, no religion is going to have power over people in the future. Only all is going to become traditions. And only the contributing traditions are going to have power over people. Yoga, is going to become the largest practice religion, because it is contributing to people directly. Puja is going to become the largest practiced ritual in the planet - Nithya Puja, because it is contributing to your consciousness. Powerful cognitions are going to become the principles for humanity very soon. The powerful cognitions I am sharing from Vedas and Agamas is going to become principles for humanity, because there is going to be lot of scientific reseaches on all these powerful cognitions, and these powerful cognitions will establish scientifically, legitimately to the world, understand.

The job really Hindus need to do is to tell the world. I have incorporated this Kailaasa - Nation without borders. Kailaasa nation without borders, in a way I can say whole Universe is the Kailaasa. Kailasa nation without borders, I’ve incorporated … in multiple countries. Each Kailaasa will function in their own countries as per the country's law, within that country's law. Understand. The Kailaasa is revived to do contribution, uniting the nations for … contribution. Hinduism, Veda Agamas have great things to contribute to the world. Like the great power manifestation science, the ancient culture and arts, the ancient lifestyle truths, the ancient medical practices and medicinal knowledge, the ancient … indigenius cultural heritage, and jewellery, perfume, dance, music; in every level, Hinduism has so much to contribute. Veda Agamic traditions have so much to contribute, to share all these with the world, to contribute to the world.

Many of the devotees, disciples are creating organizations, sanghas all over the world. Uniting nations for the purpose of contribution, contribution, contributing. To work on religious harmony, to work on world peace, to work on preserving the ancient heritage, to work on protecting the ancient power manifestation sciences, and ancient unique religions and traditions because … people are trying to destroy indigenous cultures. The racists and supremacists, racist supremacists are trying to destroy indigenous cultures all over the world, calling them cult, and, calling them all bad names and destroying them. All those indigenius traditions have so much to contribute to the humanity and the world. All of them need to be protected. All of them need to be safeguarded.

Kailaasa is taking up the responsibility of uniting the nations for ancient heritage, uniting nations for ancient knowledge and scriptural storing, uniting nations for ancient sciences, uniting nations for animal rights, uniting nations for children and youth, uniting nations for enlightened beings and Avatars, uniting nations for feminine empowerment and gender equality, uniting nations against lawfare, uniting nations against persecutions and genocides, uniting nations for global peace and religious harmony, uniting nations for mental health and development, uniting nations for monks and nuns, uniting nations for mystical and spiritual sciences, uniting nations for nutritious food and hunger free world, uniting nations for persecuted religions, uniting nations for revival of ancient civilizations, uniting nations for unique religions, uniting nations for yoga, uniting nations for ancient sacred arts and ancient sacred sciences, uniting nations for consciousness studies and consciousness practices, uniting nations for enlightened cultures and arts, uniting nations for indigenous, aboriginal nations and traditions and cultures, uniting nations for advocating peace, uniting nations for yogic sciences, uniting nations for family health and development, uniting nations for rights of the immigrants, uniting nations for safe and supportive entertainment, uniting nations for … best, right spiritual techniques and methods and technology. Understand. Uniting nations for prevention of mass killings, uniting nations for orphans and abandoned children, uniting nations for furthering the researches to find cure for HIV, AIDS; uniting nations for against the atrocities and crimes.

We are working in all these line. And devotees, disciples, volunteers are creating organizations in multiple nations to do all these good work. Soon, in the morning satsang, I'll be blessing, giving them spiritual blessings. And announcing in which countries, which organizations are legally registered and started functioning. All over the world started, work has started happening. Much is done. Soon, I’ll be announcing more details. Understand. Hindus need to tell the world what we are contributing in every level. The brand of Hinduism itself is enriching and empowering, and enlightening. Hinduism is all about enlightening the world. Empowering, enlightening, enriching the world - contributing. That is our spiritual life. That is our spiritual strength. That is our spiritual core principle. When you contribute, life explodes in your consciousness.

Decision to contribute, makes the small flame into Big Bang. Understand. Small flame, “aṅgúṣṭha matra Purusha,” the consciousness in you which is just thumb size - “aṅgúṣṭha matra Purusha,” awakened with that decision to contribute, can become Paramapurusha, explore into Big Bang of Paramapurusha. Contribution, decision to contribute. You should read my forty years of, forty one years of life - twenty, twenty years of recorded life. If I have to reduce the whole thing to one line, one word - contribution. I tell you, ... wherever contribution happens, Parameshwara manifest through Jiva, Paramashiva manifest through Jiva, to bless the Universe, to bless the world. Whether in the field of health, wealth, life, society, relationships, career, law and order, administration, economy, education, health, medical care, in every field - Hinduism is all about contribution.

The Hindu medical researches, the great Siddhas, they always do research and development to make the medicines, to discover the medicines which are easily available around your home. Understand, that is the beauty. They will always try to come up with the better and better combinations, which is widely available. Means, making medical care freely available. The whole thought current, again and again I bow down to Siddhas, who made healthcare free in India. Till that time I grew up, I remember, literally healthcare is free in the whole village, because we all know simple fifty medicines which we can get from Tiruvannamalai Hill, which almost keeps ninety nine percent of diseases away from us. Ninety nine percent of the city is kept healthy. And ninety nine percent of the city lives long. I have seen … dying before hundred is exemption. Living till hundred is like a regular lifestyle.

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Means, “Oh, he is ninety. He died already? He was alright till yesterday.”

Fundamental principle of contribution was the core context. Whether they do research and development on medical care or they do research and development on law and order issues or they develop a new law or they develop idea of what is valuable socially and what is economy, what for human being should work, what is poverty and what is richness, what is having, what is not having, even these definitions are framed based on the core principle of contributing. Who will be respected in the society and who will not? Who will have the best things of the society and who will not? All these decisions are made based on the principle of contribution.

Oh humanity, I request you with folded hands, some one corner of the world, if you just give me few hundred acres; I will keep this whole science alive. Leave it for the whole humanity freely. Fortunately Paramashiva has given me the power to decode all these Hindu medicinal system, Hindu judiciary system, Hindu social law and order system, Hindu power manifestation system, Hindu mental sciences system, Hindu yogic sciences, the sciences of Hindu biology, Hindu physics, Hindu psychology, Hindu physiology, Hindu chemistry. All these Paramashiva has given me the power to decode. Whatever the remaining scriptures are available with the humanity, Paramashiva has blessed me and I have collected. Not only I have collected and organized. I can decode, this whole science can be kept alive. In any one corner of the world, just few hundred acres are given for me to live peacefully and exists peacefully; I can store this whole thing alive and contribute it to humanity. Humanity can become better and better and better. I can make the planet earth so much better place to live. I am here to contribute, and I'll continue to contribute.

As long as I am allowed to live, I will contribute. I have collected all the remaining available scriptures. Maybe two crore books. Two, two crore means, twenty million I think. Books on Hindu physics, Hindu chemistry, Hindu biology, Hindu physiology, Hindu psychology, Hindu law and order, Hindu social system, the power manifestation sciences of Hinduism, yogic sciences of Hinduism; I have collected and Paramashiva has given me the blessing and power to decode. I have decoded and continuing to decode them. If the humanity, somebody is kind enough to give me few hundred acres in one corner of the world, and let me live peacefully; I can keep all these scriptures there. And go on sharing with the world, revealing these whole sciences to the world and go on contributing, contributing, contributing. I don't need anything other than one cup of curd rice every day. That's all. A cup of curd rice per day. Over. I can go on be giving this to the world. I can add to the world. I can make the world better place to live. That's all I have to say.

Thousands of medicine are described, detailed in ancient Siddha and Ayurvedic scriptures. Paramashiva has given me the power to decode them, read them and properly translate and map them to the modern day human language. And, I am ready to work twenty hours a day. I just need few hundred acres where I can sit peacefully, and keep this library, run a Gurukul where thousands of people can learn this, and share it with the world. Understand. I am only interested in contributing, contributing, contributing, contributing. If we can decode all these great knowledge, whole world can prosper from these knowledge, whole world can enjoy from these knowledge. If I prosper, I will only create a university, I will not create ... anything else. If the Hindus prosper, they will only create education institutions. Because Hinduism is all about giving, contributing. If I prosper, I'll create university. That’s all.

Kailaasa is all about university, to decode the ancient sciences and share with the world. Understand. Every day I am sitting and going on decoding, writing notes on my books and writing details on my books. Whether it is in making human beings manifest powers and I have also have started downloading and decoding the science of making animals manifest powers. Whether making people manifest powers or healing, … in every level, life is all about contribution, contribution, contribution. Hinduism is all about contribution, I tell you, I really tell you. I do not comment on politics, but this one line I want to state, tell if Ayodhya Ram Temple is built, India will become rich economically. Because the principles of Rama is all about contribution. If the principles of Rama is revived, if Ram bhakti is awakened in Indian consciousness, it will become so much contributing. India will become wealthy, I tell you. India will become wealthy, I tell you, anyone who gives money to build Rama’s temple in Ayodhya is contributing for Indian economy.

Of course, I have nothing. I am not even a member of any organization. But I’ll strongly recommend my sannyasis, my disciples to contribute whatever you can to build Rama Temple in Ayodhya, in every way. Because Rama is all about contribution. Rama is Tyagaraja. His whole life, He has contributed. Even He is sending Sita to forest is His tyaga, understand. He was extremely love with her. Literally Sita is part of Rama. Like how Parashakti is part of Paramashiva, Sita was part of Rama. that to keep the social stability, He sacrificed even Sita. It was more painful for Rama than Sita, understand! The modern day feminists going on abuse Rama for this one act. I tell you, Rama suffered more than the Sita for sending Sita to forest. It is sacrifice of Rama to keep the social stability. Nobody can contribute like Rama. Rama is embodiment of tyaga, Tyagaraja.

And we should not judge those great peoples act based on the today's modern days situations and social set up. See at that time, what was the society, how was the situation - all that we should think before judging them, commenting on them. It's not like a Facebook post, you read and you put any comment you want. No. I'll contribute in my own way to Rama Temple. I don't want to say I don't have anything. Lakshmi is it me, I know. So, we’ll contribute. We’ll contribute in right way to build Rama Temple. Building Rama Temple will raise the economy of India. Rama bhakti spreading good for whole India, in every level. Socially, morally, spiritually, economically, legally, in every level, Rama Bhakti spreading is good for India and the whole world actually in a way, umm. And, Rama Temple happening is the best, greatest thing for the world.

I want to tell this to my sannyasis, all my sannyasis, aadheenavasis, kailaasavasis, listen. Every minute you are active an enriching and contributing, you will be showered by Paramashiva fulfillment and completion and enlightenment, and your purpose of life will be fulfilled. Laziness is the devil. Contribution, enriching is Paramashiva’s energy. Don't think, you need to be monitored and driven. Contributors are blessed by Paramashiva. Paramashiva continuously showers on contributors. Actively contributing, you will manifest more and more powers and blessings and energy. I have seen all kinds of people. I tell you, contributors are the best people to associate with. Lazy people are not just innocent, dangerous to be associated. Because to protect their laziness, they will become cunning. When they become cunning, how they will behave even they do not know. So lazy people are dangerous people. Contributing people are the best people to associate with.

I tell you, … the great blessing I have received from Paramashiva is in the young age, I was brought up by people who contributing continuously to society, to the humanity and set a trend of contributing as lifestyle. Just see the Autobiography of The Avatar website. I think now almost thousands slides they have put, collecting, presenting all the different events. If you just see the thousand slides, you will understand. The whole thousand slides one line caption, if I have to give, say - contribution to humanity. Contribution to humanity.

So today's essence of satsang: understand, when Jiva, individual self decides to contribute to the Universe, Jagat, Ishvara, Paramashiva himself manifest through Jiva. And example is my life, Autobiography of The Avatar. Put this and share with the whole world:

And I tell you, today we will have Vakyartha Sadas in the Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Facebook profile on - how to contribute and make that Kailaasa ecosystem around us. How all of us can contribute and make the Kailaasa ecosystem around us. Contributors live happily. Contributors live as Shiva, Paramashiva himself.

So now, I’ll connect all of you with the space of Kailaasa with the grace of Ganapati, Nandi and Paramashiva. You need all three blessings and Devi. Of course, all Gods and Goddesses. Mainly Ganapati, then Nandi, then Paramashiva and Parashakti. Of course, Subramanya and all the Gods. All of them exist. Let's connect with them and experience the space of Kailaasa. Sit straight. Chant Mahavakya intensely.

Initiation starts with Swamiji chanting Mahavakya followed by continuous Mahavakya chanting in the background

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham.

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Satsang Photos

Number of Lives Enreached And Enriched


Number of Temples Participated

16 temples from all round the world participated.


Connection with the space of Kailaasa

Sakshi Pramana

Video Audio


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