September 17 2017

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Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam | Science of Inner Awakening Session 1

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Science - Of - Inner - Awakening - Experience - Initiation - IA - Sessions


00:09 om nithyānandeśvara mahāsadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādishakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, … participants of this beautiful program Science of Inner Awakening. Understand, the program originally started when I started speaking. From the day I started speaking until now, whatever I have revealed it to the world, I have condensed everything and brought the essence, and sharing it with all of you through this program Science of Inner Awakening.

02:20 Understand, the course involves literally the essence of everything I have delivered, starting with the Science of Seven Chakras, Science of Seven Bodies, Science of Pancha Koshas, Science of Three States of Consciousness. Then the Science of Five Bhavas means Ananda Spurana, Nithyananda Spurana, Shakti Spurana, Atma Spurana, Bhava Spurana. All the Spurana series programs. And, the Nithyananda Yoga … with Shastra Pramana, Apta Pramana, Atma Pramana. And, the Science of Unclutching and Science of Completion, Science of Pancha Shila: five fundamental principles - completion, authenticity, integrity, responsibility and enriching. Science of Power Manifestation, Science of Manifesting Powerful Cognitions. Ultimately now Science of Aushadha. Understand this whole thing put together is Science of Inner Awakening.

04:36 If I have to put it in nutshell for all of you to grasp, understand. State of Sadashiva: state of Sadashiva is Nirvikalpa Samadhi, unclutched space, complete completion, purnatva, Sahaja Samadhi. Achieving complete completion through various methods, techniques. And, achieving complete completion with others. From the space of completion operating with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching. From the space of integrity functioning and making whatever you want as reality in day to day life. Then, from the space of complete completion, purnatva … experiencing Oneness, Cosmic Oneness, Oneness with Sadashiva. From that Oneness manifesting all the powers. It is like whatever I have shared till now, I am taking the essence without losing single truth - adding it … properly, arranging and organizing properly ... so that you can enjoy the whole program. If you are new to what I am teaching, this program … will be the literary feast for your soul.

08:13 It is introduction to Sanatana Hindu Dharma. I should say literally Science of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. And ... if you are already listen to my satsangs and teachings, this will be the essence of … whatever I am teaching so you don’t have to worry you missed something in the past, you missed watching some satsang, some program. You may have the feeling, “Oh, I have attended Inner Awakening but I missed Living Enlightenment Process,” “Tsk! Oh I attended Living Enlightenment Process but I missed some other program,” “I missed Shivoham Process,” “I missed Nithyanandoham Process.” I tell you, all that problem is solved, I have finished … all these problem once for all in one stroke. I am solving all these problems, people feeling “I missed this,” “I missed that,” “I missed this,” “I missed this.” By introducing this program - Associate Degree in Science of Inner Awakening, I am giving you essence of everything I have spoken. Understand.

10:14 If I have to introduce this Associate Degree in Science of Inner Awakening, literally I have to introduce everything I have spoken. Whatever I have conducted: Ananda Spurana, Nithyananda Spurana, Bhakti Spurana, Bhava Spurana, Shakti Spurana, Atma Spurana, Aham Spurana, and Living Shuddhadvaitam Process, Living Sadashivoham Process, Living Shivoham Process, LSP, LSSP. Now almost forty three Inner Awakenings ... and Shivoham Process and Sadashivoham Process and Nithyanandoham Process. Whatever I shared in yatras - Kailash Yatra, Cambodia Yatra, everything ... I am consolidating and presenting it to all of you through this Science of Inner Awakening.

11:50 You are going to have live sessions with me. And I also be giving you precise selected few of my satsangs for you to watch and do homework. And then you are going to have Mahasadashivoham processes with me. And I am also going to open up live Inner Awakening sessions, selected live Inner Awakening sessions to all of you. And I am going to open the live Sadashivoham sessions, selected live Sadashivoham sessions and selected Nithyananda Yoga sessions. And, initiation into the power of depth dimension. You are going to have initiation without moving from your bed. Without moving from your bed wherever you are, I will be there to giving you initiation. You can experience Science of Inner Awakening. You will move any object you want without moving from your bed. Understand. Power manifestations served in your bedroom. I don’t think enlightenment can get any better or any easy, any more!

13:43 And now with this Aushadha, it will be just couriered to your home! Enlightenment Pill couriered! You don’t even need to go to Himalayas and Kailasa. It reaches wherever you are. And ... understand, this whole sacred secret science - Raja Vidya Raja Guhya Yoga. Royal secret which is royal knowledge, the gupta vidya. Raja Vidya Raja Guhya was preserved in the form of this Banyan Tree, Kalpavriksha which is in the Gupta Kailaasa, Bidadi kshetra. Protected by Muneshwara and Kalabhairava. Now ... it’s getting revealed to the whole world in the form of multiple programs, multiple processes. All the programs, classes, processes, sessions, everything; the essence I am condensing in this one program called Science of Inner Awakening and sharing it with all of you.

15:55 You will be receiving essential all the spiritual alchemy products, essential Sadashivoham, Nithyanandoham, Shivoham sessions, essential Aushadhas. Ultimately I commit with you, all of you, all the participants of Science of Inner Awakening; I commit with you guys, it’s my responsibility that you achieve the state of Sadashiva, you function in the space of Sadashiva and you manifest powers of Sadashiva. And I commit with you all, I will make you manifest state, space and powers of Sadashiva.

17:00 राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम् | प्रत्यक्षावगमं धर्म्यं सुसुखं कर्तुमव्ययम् ||९- २||

rājavidyā rājaguhyaṃ pavitramidamuttamam | pratyakṣāvagamaṃ dharmyaṃ susukhaṃ kartumavyayam ||9- 2||

The literal translation goes, “I shall now declare to you who does not cavil the greatest secret, the knowledge combined with experience. Having known this thou shall be free from evil.”

राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम् | प्रत्यक्षावगमं धर्म्यं सुसुखं कर्तुमव्ययम् ||९- २||

rājavidyā rājaguhyaṃ pavitramidamuttamam | pratyakṣāvagamaṃ dharmyaṃ susukhaṃ kartumavyayam ||9- 2||

17:48 This sacred secret, royal knowledge, royal secret preserved under this Kalpavriksha, Gupta Kailaasa, I am revealing and sharing with all of you. These three is the goal. You achieving the state of Sadashiva. You functioning in the space of Sadashiva. You operating in the space of Sadashiva and manifesting the powers of Sadashiva. I’ll use all the science available in Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Science of Spiritual Alchemy Products, the Science of Spiritual Alchemy Process, teachings, techniques, initiations and … ultimately now Aushadha itself - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, all the methods and methodologies.

19:31 I tell you, if you have enrolled for, understand this is the essence, if you have enrolled for Associate Degree In Science of Inner Awakening - you know whatever is available as Hinduism now on the planet earth experientially! Whatever Sanatana Hindu Dharma is left to the Kali Yuga on the planet earth, whatever remains now, I’ll give you essence of all that in this one program. Even though it looks like too big promise, I’ll make it into reality including Bhaga Shastra classes you will have. You are going to have live Bhaga Shastra classes. And ... literally everything, everything ... I am sharing with the world, I’ll be sharing with you all.

21:06 Actually I have decided to … give this program initially as preparation for Mahasadashivoham. Now I am not going to stop with it. I am going to offer this program regularly, continuously because I have decided sau … through some method, I wanted everything I have revealed put in one place through one program and shared with the whole world. I decided I am going to use this platform - Associate Degree in Science of Inner Awakening. Actually the caption for this program - “All of Hinduism, Alpha to Omega.” All of Hinduism, Alpha to Omega. All of Hinduism, Alpha to Omega experiential. And, literally this will be the complete works of Paramahamsa Nithyananda! Whatever I have spoken and written, the whole essence I’ll collect and share it with you all through this one program.

22:46 I really wanted a platform from which to share this whole thing. Now I have decided and this platform is being introduced. You will have live sessions with me and Mahasadashivoham processes, special Inner Awakening processes, Sadashivoham sessions, Nithyananda Yoga sessions, initiation into power of depth dimension, special manifesting Shaktis sessions ... and Aushadha process sessions. Everything I’ll reveal to the world in one program. And, I know for sure I have left many things without uttering due to lack of time ... all that included. Anything I uttered from the time I started speaking and which I have mentioned and not mentioned here, all that essence is going to be shared with this one program - Associate Degree in Science of Inner Awakening. This is the program through which I am going to share it and I welcome everyone for the grand feast of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. The whole Sanatana Hindu Dharma ... in the poetic language of Upanishadic Rishis with the authority of Sadashiva’s command and inimitable lifestyle of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This is the description of this program.

25:33 And I’ll also be sending you all through email some of the privately recorded sessions which I conduct in Courtyard or for the close aadheenavasis. If I am describing some of the important truths which I may not be able to open live immediately, but I’ll record them and email it to you guys. So it’s almost like you living in my Courtyard and learning whatever was revealed in the past too, not just what is getting revealed in the present, whatever I’ve revealed in the past too, so you can enjoy them. Ultimately ... my commitment with you all, that I am responsible for all of you manifesting the state of Sadashiva means experiencing, living the state of Sadashiva and operating from the space of Sadashiva and manifesting the powers of Sadashiva from wherever you are physically.

27:04 My commitment with you, this is the most powerful initiation. I give you my commitment. With this commitment I start the initiation. I’ll be continuously available teaching you in waking state and dream state, both. Understand. Please understand, … I commit with you all within next eleven days, everyone who has registered for this program, I will conduct at least one session for you in your dream. At least one session! Then you will know the initiation has happened! This is my commitment to proved that I have initiated you and you are initiated. The process has started working. So this is the introduction to Associate degree in Science of Inner Awakening. Within eleven days, from today within eleven days, I commit with you the first at least one session in your dream … which you will remember, understand! You may not remember the whole teachings but you will remember at least essence of the teachings I shared with you and that you had the session with me. That vivid! That vivid session! This initia … this dream session is the proof that you are initiated and the session has started. This is the proof that process has started between you and me. We are working together. That’s the proof.

29:33 And ... I also want to tell you, we do still have room for students. Anybody wants to join, you can join. From the day you register and start the program, within eleven days I commit with you, one session in the dream. Because, you need proof that initiation has started. And, I am a person, I look at your doubt not in a defensive way but in a sympathetic way. I look at your doubts with sympathy, not with anger, understand. When you doubt my words, I look at you with sympathy and care, not with anger or violence. When I see you having doubts, I stretch myself and take the responsibility to complete your doubt. I know you may have a doubts, “How can this be equivalent to physical initiation?,” “How can this be?,” “We need initiation … for the growth to happen. How can this be?,” “How can without initiation I can achieve the state and … space and powers?” I tell you, one class in dream is the proof that you are initiated.

31:46 So we will have many classes in Zoom, two-way video conferencing but at least one class in dream. I think this is the unique way of teaching. And ... many sessions in waking state, few sessions in dream state, few sessions in deep sleep state, some sessions in Turiya state and eternal sessions in Turiyatita state! So this is the introduction to the Science of Inner Awakening. This is the introduction to Associate degree of Science of Inner Awakening. And mark my words, from today, within next eleven days ... at least one session in your dream which you will remember after waking up. You will remember the essence of the teachings I gave you and you will remember you had a session with me in the dream. And ... if you have incompletions, I’ll be removing them on the dream. Maybe like a nightmare you’ll wake up. But it’ll not be torturing, don’t worry. It will be a sweet nightmare. Sweet dream which wakes you up from all sleep!

34:02 And ... today is 17th Septem … 17th September before 28th September - everyone, all of you who are attending the initiation today, the introduction today will have at least one session in dream. If somebody registers tomorrow, within that eleven days, they will have one session in the dream. This is the scale with which you can understand initiation has happened, and we are working together. I think that’s all. I have said whatever I want to say. I think for introduction this is enough. And, we will start our regular sessions. The timings and details will be announced. And, the dream session is going to be real fun.

With this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful! 35:54



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