Jun 25 2017

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Inner Awakening - Day 9 | Pratyaksha Pada Puja | Nithyananda Satsang | Energy Darshan

Morning Spiritual Routine is the Fuel to Reach Kailasa


In this beautiful Living Sadashivoham Process from 25 June, 2017, His Holiness Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamiji explains the power and importance of maintaining integrity with the morning spiritual routine. In all the Vedagamic traditions, only three things are universally recognized as sacred: Om, the Cow and practicing a morning spiritual routine. Not only it tunes the body to radiate superconsciousness, it is also the fuel to reach the abode of Sadashiva Himself, Kailash!

Link to Video:


Due to your food, entertained depressive thought currents, cherished incompletions, the first damage you do to you: disturbing the biological clock.Cat, dog, cows and calves in our Goshala, chickens and hens in our Gurukul, birds, everything; the moment sun is going to rise, all of them are up, alive, jumping, running around. Only human beings...Our biological clock is beaten left and right. Instead of going towards the superconscious breakthrough, it is falling down lower than animal structure.What kind of a biochemistry you enjoy while you are in the body, you will create, manifest same kind of biochemistry in the next Janma.If you think sleeping is the best pleasure, be very clear next Janma you will be only buffalo. If you are enjoying that you will only plan for that kind of a body. What kind of a chemical combination you cherish in your biology is very important.

If all the time you are enjoying only this acidity - eating without hunger or without the need for energy, just acidity. When you cherish incompletions about depression, when you cherish incompletion, about various incomplete thought currents like guilt, violence, the kind of agitation generated in your system, you get a false signal to your brain that it is hunger.Understand, if you just become integrated to your signals and thought currents you will not be obese. You will stop getting the false signals that you are hungry. Lot of times you get the false signals that you are hungry because you are depressed, because of your depression.

You give so much of importance to how you look outside but you don’t care about the false signals going on inside, the wrong biochemistry you are developing. And you are getting comfortable with it! That is what is the worst part. And you even become very cute about it. "I am not obese, my belly is just cute."No it is not. Understand, allowing the false signals to pull the strings in your system and you acting based on those false signals is the most dangerous. The biochemistry mess up, the disturbance happened to your biological clock, repairing that is the first and foremost.

Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Living Sadashivoham Process,

Photo of The Day


Pratyaksha Pada Puja Pratyaksha Pada Puja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-6june-25th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_6876_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day9-nithya-satsang-swamiji_0.jpg


Energy Darshan Energy Darshan Energy Darshan Energy Darshan Energy Darshan