Enriching-Aapyaayanam-Fourth Principle

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Enriching is you taking responsibility with integrity and authenticity that you are committed to continuously enriching, which is expanding yourself and life in and around you.

Enriching Others Makes You Complete. How it expands your relationship with you and with others. Enriching is the only possible way you can relate with the universe, with others, which can expand you also. Human-beings relate with others in so many modes – mode of lust, mode of fear, mode of confusion, mode of jealousy, mode of attention-need. But, the best way to relate with others which will make you powerful, which will make you expanding, which will build you, is “Enriching”. Your creativity can enrich God! Your creativity is always your contribution to the Cosmos. It is something which was not there in the Cosmos; you created it; you expanded it; you expressed it! Enriching others constantly expands your possibilities of life. Enriching can ring expansion in whatever dimension of life you want. The first step you need to reach for success is Positivity; then, Space of Possibility; then, Space of Leadership; then Space of Enlightenment. Only if you remove friction in your thinking, the Space of Positivity happens. With the right understanding, everything is enriching. With the right understanding, everybody is enriching. You just need to have an understanding and shift in your cognition. Simply your actions will transform!

First of all, you need to understand, Enriching is the only possible way you can relate with the universe, with others, which can expand you also. You can relate with others in so many ways – through lust, through fear, through the confusion, through attention-need from them, jealousy, through jealousy with them, hatred. You can relate with others in so many ways, but nothing is going to expand you, make you powerful like the method of Enriching. You relating with others, the basic principle should be “Enriching”. The basic principle through which you relate with others should be “Enriching”. Whether it is the relationship with others or relationship with God, it has to be from the attitude of Enriching.

You may ask, ‘How can we enrich God?’ Your creativity can enrich God! Your creativity is always your contribution to the Cosmos. It is something which was not there in the Cosmos; you created it; you expanded it; you expressed it! For you to express your creativity, whatever is needed maybe was (already) there in the Cosmos; but putting all of them together, allowing the alchemy of creativity to happen, and sharing it, enriching it, is YOUR contribution. The best life on Planet Earth is the Alchemy of Creativity.

Whether you look at you or look at others, look at everything with this one angle: ‘How can I enrich?’ When you look at you (from the angle of) ‘How can I enrich me?’, you are healed with you, you will be completely comfortable with you.

Same way, if you look at others (from the angle of) ‘How can I enrich them? How can I enrich them?’, I tell you, you will experience Advaitha (Non-Dualism, ONENESS) just with this one attitude.

You relating with others, the basic principle that you relate with others, should be “Enriching”.

Creativity is your contribution to the Whole. Sit with this one attitude of enriching with you or with the world. Let this one attitude, “Enriching”, be the way to relate.

Understand, one of the important principles about the life you need to understand and contemplate is: Enriching others constantly expands your possibilities of life. Whether you are doing business, (or) you are doing some other job, or your relationship in the family, or relationship in the society, friends, in every line, every dimension, when you live with the principle of “Enriching”, your life goes so beautifully, so smoothly, so strongly!

In whatever dimension of life you want expansion, Enriching can do (it). I can give you one hundred examples. You see, when we speak about some principles (that) rarely works, you need to think and give examples. But when I speak about the principle on which the COSMOS is functioning, everything is an example! For the principle I am talking (about) – enriching others empowers you, completes you, fulfills you - I don’t need to think and bring examples from somewhere! Everything happening in life is an example of this principle. The first thing you need to do in your life is finding some lubrication in your inside thinking. When your inside thinking is constantly irritated, there is so much friction in your inside thinking. For example, if you are thinking, ‘Why should I constantly think of enriching others when nobody cares for me?’ Yes, you may have very logical, supporting facts, figures, evidence for your argument. But those arguments are only going to be like a grinding wheel on your inner space, creating so much friction, grinding you, literally eating parts of you. But that is not going to solve the issue. You may have so many facts, figures, evidence. (The) The world is (a) place (where) you can collect evidence for any case you create; it does not need to be true! Anything you want, you can create evidence for it! You can create evidence for the statement, “Everything is God!” And you can create evidence for the statement, “Everything is Devil!” You can create evidence for both. It depends on you, for which you want to create evidence.

Remove the friction from your thinking. When you have the thinking, ‘Why should I enrich others when they are not even ready to receive what I am giving when they are not even ready to be sensitive?’ You can go on, go on, go on. But I tell you, with this friction, you will only be shrinking in your life because friction naturally makes your thinking shrink. You will be shrinking in your thinking also. You will not take up expansive, new adventures expressing your possibility. Friction puts so much negativity in your thinking, you will not even reach the Space of Positivity.

The first step you need to reach for success is Positivity; then, Space of Possibility; then, Space of Leadership; then Space of Enlightenment. Space of Positivity is the Space of Devathaas. Space of Possibility is the Space of Indra. Space of Leadership (Eshwarathwa) is the Space of Vaikunta, Kailasha. Space of Enlightenment is Nirvana, Moksha. Understand, only if you remove friction in your thinking, the Space of Positivity happens. Remove friction from your thinking. If you start your day with the attitude of Enriching, first of all, you need to be convinced why should you enrich yourself.

Life happens to you with others. You can be a good mother only when your son is complete with you as a mother. Only when your husband is complete with you as a husband, you can be a good wife. Only when your father and mother are complete with you as a good son or daughter, you will be a good son or daughter. Only when your employee is complete with you as a boss, you will be a good boss. Only when your boss is complete with you as a good employee, you will be a good employee.

Understand, every identity you carry in your life will become complete if the other end is complete. For example, if you are carrying the identity of the mother, your son is the other end. If you are carrying the identity of your son, your father is the other end. If you are carrying the identity of an employee, your boss is the other end. If you are carrying the identity of the boss, your employee is the other end. Only if the other end is complete, you can be complete. Unfortunately, you come to the conclusion even before even you start enriching them (that) they can never be complete. ‘You don’t know my boss! Anybody can be complete on Planet Earth, but not him! Till I make twenty-five companies and give him, he will not be complete!’ You start with so much negative possibility and you never reach, and you never even take the first step!

You can never be complete, till the other end is complete, and making the other end complete is not a complicated job. You just need to remove the friction inside you (that) you carry about the other end. When you remove the friction inside, the other end is healed. When you add lubrication to your heart, the other end is automatically healed. (The) lubrication you need to add inside the heart is the attitude of enriching. With (the) attitude of enriching, even in your business you will feel so fulfilled.

For example, if you are doing the business of selling shirts, do (it) with the attitude of enriching with integrity and authenticity. Don’t cheat (in) the quality (of the) material. Have the right price, right price for the product. For example, if you are selling the shirt for Rs.100, you know very clearly, even if somebody is having Rs.100, they cannot wear the Rs.100. They need to make the cotton thread, dye it, weave it, stitch it, and bring it here. So, converting that Rs.100 into the shirt itself is enriching. So, every business you do can be enriching directly. If you are with the attitude of enriching, suddenly so much friction in you melts down. You are complete with whatever profession you are doing.

I tell you, I have met so many CEOs, heads of companies, business magnates; none of them are complete with the business they are doing. They carry so much guilt because they feel they are cheating everybody. Their business is based on cheating.

Everybody says, ‘Swamiji, this Integrity and Authenticity can be practiced in other fields. But in my field, it cannot be practiced! In my business, from morning till night, I have to tell lies. How can I be enriching?’

I tell you, you are not bigger than the Cosmos. When Cosmos is enriching, you too can! You just need to have the right understanding and the right attitude.

Many CEOs, heads of corporate companies, try to give me donations. They fund some of our social service activities. Many a time, I decline. I don’t accept. I tell them, ‘No!’

They ask me, ‘Why Swamiji? We are giving you a donation. Why you are telling “No!”?’

I tell them, ‘First, you heal the incompleteness you are carrying that your business is cheating. Because of that guilt, you are donating. When you donate out of incompletion, you will try to rule my organization. Tomorrow you will try to put your nose inside my organization. Because you carry the incompleteness that you are cheating people, tomorrow you will put that on me. I tell you, first you complete the pattern you are carrying.’

With the right understanding, everything is enriching. With the right understanding, everybody is enriching. You just need to have an understanding and shift in your cognition. Simply your actions will transform! Your way of cognizing will transform!

You need to understand, enriching adds so much to your inner space. Only when you enrich the people in the other end, only when the people in the other end are complete, you can be complete. You always think that without completing with the people on the other end you can be complete. It may be irresponsible retirement, not responsible completion. Only when each one of my disciples is complete, I am complete as Guru. Before my disciples are complete if I try to be complete, it can be retirement; it cannot be completed. Withdrawal is not completed. It can be irresponsible retirement. When I make each one of you understand what I am saying, only then I am a Sathguru, Teacher. Only when all of you are complete in what I am teaching, I am a Teacher. Till I complete with the other end, I cannot be called a Teacher. Suddenly, without even getting into life applying these principles, you come to the conclusion, you decide this cannot be practiced. When your other end is complete, you will be complete.

Unless the other end is complete, you cannot be complete. Any attempt you do to become complete with yourself without completing the other end will be only irresponsible retirement, never (will) be responsible completion. Try! Try to apply this principle. Start thinking from the angle of enriching people. You will see, completing others how easy it is because everyone is waiting to complete you. If you are feeling incomplete with you, be very clear, they are also feeling incomplete with you. When you want to complete, think they are waiting to complete you. Nobody is here to exploit you. Nobody is here to cheat you. I tell you, with an attitude of cunningness, you will never be expanding. The possibility of expanding will never be cherished by the inner space which goes through the friction of incompletion. The friction of incompletion constantly makes you shrink, shrink, shrink. The way each of my sannyasis declare about their plan through which they are going to enrich others, the way they declare, I know do they carry friction inside or not. If you are carrying friction inside you, I tell you, the expansion is not possible. Expansion, even in your thinking, is not possible. Add the lubrication of an enriching attitude in your being.

I tell you, as long as I was thinking the world is out there to cheat me, I was only shrinking. The moment I realized my decision to enrich myself and others is going to be the life of completion, the moment I decided to live the principle of enriching, even my sannyas felt like being a king! I tell you, when I was 14, from my 14 to 17 (years of age), I suffered from this attitude (that) the world is out there to cheat me. Even when I was in the house, I felt like a poor beggar. (When I was) 17½, I left the house. But with the completion and attitude of enriching myself and others, even though I was a beggar from 17½ till 25, I felt and lived inside like a king. I went on enriching people, even though I never had anything in my hand. I was dependent even for my meal, for my food, stay, for clothes, on others. I tell you, I lived like a king! I went to different monasteries, different ashrams, different places, lived my life, but I I lived, I felt that I am a king! And I saw I was only adding whoever came in my breathing space. I might have received food and clothes, but I have contributed, added so much to people, I have only felt fulfilled. I only felt expanded. I lived like a king even though I had to be dependent even for my food and clothes on others. DON’T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF Don’t give up on people, continuously enrich them to transform. Don’t ‘expect’ them to transform. Have undying patience to trust they will one day transform. Take up responsibility for this. Your life happens outside of you through all the people around you. Enrich those around you.

Maths of life is very simple :

See how many you have given up on (–) they are the minus of your life. See how many you have not given up on (+) they are the plus of your life. Now see all the plus and minus, that’s the Balance Sheet of your life. Find out you are living in Profit (or) Loss. So, go on Enriching people without expectation. Its the victory strategy for life. DON’T GIVE UP ON PEOPLE Life happens to you with sangha..... Decide to enrich everybody you see... In few months you will see you are surrounded by Gods ... Go on enriching by these tatwas...... AIRE My integrity and authenticity makes me an Enlightenment Being My commitment to take responsibility to enrich you makes me an Incarnation... Go on Go on Go on Enriching..... Go on enriching en reaching is enriching - enriching is enreaching... Enriching is sharing the fruit to create more fruits Enriching is enjoying the fruit and sowing the seed for more fruits to happen...

Responsibility Enriching is the right way you relate with an expressed component of God. Integrity Authenticity is the right way you relate with the Unexpressed part of God...

Only when you commit even the right ideas click... Life happens to us with others.....

Whatever you see use in the planet earth is from Enriching Consciousness... Never from the mind which thinks of returns...

Astheya - important vows of sanyas can be maintained only by enriching. Enriching is where life happens to you. Enriching is infusing all three tatwas into satyas. Enriching means non - postponing... Do it now... Life happens to you with others...! Whether it is sannyas or sansaar (material world), the joys of spirituality or the joys of the world, joys of authenticity or inauthenticity, everything happens with "company". Whether it is Satsang or dussangh (bad company), everything happens with "company"! Life happens to you in sangha.

Being the Head of one of the Naga Sampradayas, I tell you, even to become a Naga, initially, till you are established, the sangha is required. Whether it is basic food or the ultimate luxury, everything happens to you with others. If you do not enrich others, it is stealing! Life does not happen to you. I tell you, decide to enrich everyone you see with these tattwas (Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility). In just a few months you will see you are surrounded by Gods and you are living in heaven! Go on enriching people with these tattwas...!

Only in the company of others will life truly become life for you! Only with the company of others can life be called "LIFE"!!

Listen, if you are not enriching but only taking and enjoying, you are a thief! "Aastheya" (non-stealing), one of the important vows of sannyas cannot be maintained without enriching. Enriching is where life happens to you. I can say, Enriching means infusing all the three tattwas (Integrity, Authenticity, and Responsibility) into Satyas (truths).