Ishavasya Upanishads - Varanasi, The DNA of Hinduism

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Varanasi, The DNA of Hinduism


In today's (1 July 2015) special satsang from Varanasi, Ananda Vana, Paramahamsa Nithyananda launches the 33rd Inner Awakening Program where he is initiating people into into SHIVOHAM in Shiva's Home and Third Eye Awakening. Narrating the glory of Varanasi, he shares the greatness of Annapurni Devi's energy-field that gives the feeling of bliss, health and completion., which is in the very air of Kashi. Varanasi is the very DNA of Hinduism and is directly controlled by Mahadeva, where He dances, celebrates His own existence and protects it as Kalabhairava. All these divinities are literally, physically living here in Varanasi. Varanasi is literally the place where Gods make themselves available to everyone who comes here to relate with them, talk with them, receive blessings or offer gratitude. "Among the Gods - Mahadeva; among the kshetras - Varanasi; among the mantras - Pranava; among the books - Upanishads."

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Varanasi, The DNA of Hinduism