Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic Food

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Nature of Sattvic Food

Sattvic foods are light and easy to digest

They bring clarity and perception

Sattvic food has the potential to unfolds love and compassion in the individual

Sattvic food promotes the qualities of forgiveness and austerity

It gives a feeling of contentment

Examples of sattvic (high prana) foods Fruit mango, pomegranate, coconut, figs, peaches, pears Grains rice, tapioca, blue corn Vegetables sweet potato, lettuce, parsley, sprouts, yellow sqaush Beans mung, yellow lentils, kidney, lima Dairy organic milk, fresh homemade yoghurt Meat None Nature of Rajasic Food

Rajasic foods are hot, spicy and salty

They are irritants and stimulants

All morish or tempting foods come under the category of rajasic

Heavily spiced foods e.g. hot pickles and chutneys which can stimulate the senses

Rajasic foods make the mind more agitated and susceptible to temptation

The mind can become more rajasic, which means it tends towards anger, hate and manipulation

Examples of rajasic (stimulating) foods Fruit sour apples, apples, banana, guava Grains millet, corn, buckwheat Vegetables potato, nightshades, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, tamarind, pickles, winter squash Beans red lentils, toor dal, adzuki Dairy old sour milk, sour cream Meat fish, shrimp, chicken Nature of Tamasic Food

Tamasic food is heavy, dull and depressing

It induces sleep

Under this category comes dark meat, lamb, pork, beef, as well as thick cheese

Old and stale food is also tamasic

Only when too much of it is eaten, it causes the dulling effect.

In moderation, tamasic food is considered as grounding and promotes stabilit

Examples of tamasic (heavy) foods Fruit avocado, watermelon, plums, apricots Grains wheat, brown rice, Vegetables mushrooms, garlic, onion, pumpkin Beans urad dal, black, pinto, pink Dairy cheese Meat beef, lamb, pork