January 16 2019

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Take the Jump into Paramashivattva, Be a Kailaasavasi!


In this satsang (16 Jan 2019) Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals that your inner space, what you cognize as you is called Pratyaghatma or Taraha Aksaha in Hindu shastras. If you hit this Tahara Akasha with powerful cognitions it explodes as power, awareness, super consciousness and a higher level of existence. The same Taraha Askaha when it is hit with pattern, it gets reduced to what we call and experience as Time, and becomes boring and repetitive. Every Pattern that settles in your inner space makes you time bound.

Video - Take the Jump into Paramashivattva, Be a Kailaasavasi!:

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Take The Jump Into Paramashivattva, Be A Kailaasavasi!


The Patterns in Your Inner Space Steal Your Time #Nithyananda #Kailasa


You inner space is Akaraakasha, inner space. If you hit your inner space patterns, means getting more and more patterns, living more and more as per your developed patterns takes away your psychological conscious time from you, makes it just as chronological time and you don’t even know how the life is running, when you wake up, ah, one year is over! oh! twenty years over, three years over. How many time you get into the car and start the car and drives almost one hour, you reach from home to the house, sorry, home to the office, only after reaching the office and your park the car you will realize, Oh God! office has come, means that full one hour you only had chronological time, not psychological time. You are caught in your pattern, you are grinding, you are chewing your pattern, your inner space had only chronological time it did not have psychological time or conscious time, you were not consciously living, alive. Every time you are ferocious with yourself and break a pattern you gain consciousness, you get more consciousness, more psychological time, more aware, more alive and when you hit your inner space with powerful cognitions you just manifest powers. These are fundamental principles of existence and reality, it’s a fundamental principles of existence, i heard this directly from Arunagiri Yogeshwara when He taught me about the cosmos, the principles of cosmology, directly i heard this from my Guru, understand!

Video - The Patterns in Your Inner Space Steal Your Time #Nithyananda #Kailasa


What is Living in Kailash All About? #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Living in Kailash, Kailasavasi is all about making the maximum conscious psychological time available to you, of course, i do work on your body, detoxification, giving you the best organic food and make your body also long, live long. Now i am taking the whole thing to next level, every Temple of Paramashiva all over the world will act as a Center for Kailasa where we will provide the food as per the Bhaga Shastra, organic food completely free, all Grihasthas can have your own homes. Settled your own home, you get free organic food, you get free morning yoga class, you get the whole Kailasa lifestyle, Yoga, Satsang, everything freely available at the Temple.The male monastery will be separate, they come and attend and they continue with their routine, female monastery will be separate, they come and attend and they carry on with their routine, Grihasthas can live all around the Temple, you get everything Kailasa provides and your freedom, of what do you think as freedom, so, a beautiful, complete, happy, fulfilled, super conscious energy Center is created in every Temple. Understand, this is the vision of the Kailasas all over the world, a Temple, all around the Temple people can come and settle down with their own homes, all Grihasthas. Temple will be the place where everything needed for enlightened civilization will be available, for Ayurveda means for the physical longevity healthy life, all the food as per Paramashiva’s guidance and even Ayurvedic supplements, i am going to the next, taking the whole thing to the next level. All the Ayurvedic supplements needed for your health will also be provided free of cost, this is the charity work every Temple has to do. Next, morning yoga, Satsang, Uttamottama Seva will be provided for all, everyone can come and participate morning yoga freely, you can be attending the Uttamottama Seva and doing your Guru Puja and Shiva Puja then attend the Satsang, then Grihasthas, whoever is working for the Kailas, you can work for the Kailas and you will receive the Punya currency, whoever is working outside with the regular country currency, you can go and gain your country currency, is up to you and there will be separate monastery, male monastery who practice Krama Brahmachatya, Naishtika Brahmacharya, Sanyasa and Living Enlightenment, same way for female monastery, Krama Brahmacharya, Naishtika Brahmacharya, Sanyasa, Living Enlightenment to practice, they will have separate places around the Temple, understand! Brahmacharis are not allowed to earn, they can only beg and live so they will raise funds by enriching and contributing to the world whatever Paramashiva has offered to us, tons of things, Paramashiva has offered, creating a powerful Sathya Sankalpa and doing Puja and benefiting the Yajamans who are offering Puja, who are contributing, donating. So multiple things Paramashiva is offering, whatever Paramashiva is offering, those religious and spiritual services, Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinis will offer to the world, through that they will raise donations and live. This is the way an organic Kailasa structure will be running, understand, where Ayurveda and Veda, both are available. Every Temple will have a beautiful, extremely beautiful presentation of the Ancient Enlightened Civilization, how it was revealed by Paramashiva, how it was practiced, how it spread all over the world and wherever it was hit, hurt, people trying to disturb, that stories also will be presented and how we are reviving, that also will be presented. The whole history will be presented in the form of Deities, paintings, photographs, books and architecture. Understand, this is the vision for Kailasa.

Video - What is Living in Kailash All About? #Nithyananda #Kailasa