New Clear Bomb-There Cannot Be Conflicts Outside if there Are No Conflicts Inside : Chastity

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There Cannot Be Conflicts Outside if there Are No Conflicts Inside | Chastity


Video Audio


Chastity has nothing to do with body it is something to do with your core cognition to whoever you declare your chastity, nobody else should be able to enter into the core cognition of you, that is chastity, understand, chastity is always absolute or obsolete, there is no 99,999…% chastity. No. In your core cognition, in your being, if you declare chastity to Paramashiva, your Guru or anyone in your life, that space no one else can enter or shake, alter, dilute, that is chastity. Understand, it has nothing to do with ordinary body. In any relationship, son, daughter, father, mother, spouse, in any relationship, what you declare to them and to you, it should be same, be very clear it has to be same. What you declare to them and to you, if your core cognition stands with that, that is chastity. I tell you, i commit with all my disciples, i’ll be continuously available to you, whatever decisions i take, end of the day it is just for that, making myself available as much as possible, in every possible way to enrich my disciples and followers’ life. Listen carefully, life is like climbing the Mount Kailash, more and more and more and more and more you climb, more successful you will be going near Paramashiva, Mahadeva, one slip does not mean you have to have a free fall and be destroyed. No. Even if you slip, hold on to something, get back, constantly moving to the higher and higher and higher to manifest Paramashiva, to reach Paramashivatva, to experience Paramashiva, to reach Paramashiva, to reach the ultimate goal of life, enlightenment. Understand, even if you slip, it’s not that you lost your chastity but if you decide not to align back, you lost your chastity, as long as you are clear you have to align back and march you are chaste. In any relationship this is the same principle, there is nothing separate, chastity to Paramashiva and chastity to your spouse, it’s one and the same, chastity to your daughter, chastity to your son, chastity to your father, chastity to your mother, chastity to your Guru, chastity to God, all one and the same, it is simple declared to them and to you, then comes the next question, sometimes my chastity declaration to multiple people criss-crosses and creates conflicts, what should i do? Be very clear i am telling you the cosmic opinion, cosmic legal opinion, cosmic truth: ‘If you don’t have conflict, there cannot be conflict externally, there cannot be’.