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The Second Shade of the Lust Energy | The Worst Confusion


Second important thing. "I" , the identity "I" is not a source of mind, but mind is the source of "I". This delusion, listen carefully, the truth is I is not the source of mind, mind is the source of the "I". This is the truth. The real "I" you have, it is from Paramashiva. The "I" you experience is from mind. But, due to the delusion of the lust, you start feeling the mind is from "I" and constantly legitimize decisions of the mind as the decisions of the "I". Please understand, decisions of the mind, when you associate that as a decision of "I", you’re falling into delusion. For example, some small chemical imbalances in your body, hormonal imbalances in your system, if they decide something, it is decision of mind, not decision of "I" . But, you pick those decisions and attribute them to you, and start thinking it is decisions of "I" . Then, he execute it. That delusion, the decisions of mind getting attributed to decisions of "I" , decisions of mind becoming part of the decisions of "I" , decisions of mind due to the lust gets attached and made to feel experience as decisions of "I" . I tell you, this is the worst shade of the lust. Worst shade of the lust is not the body’s attachment or craving for another body, or person, the worst shade of the lust is the actions and reactions of the mind being portrayed to you as the actions and reactions of the "I" due to the extreme attachment , lust, between mind and "I" . Listen carefully, Shanti means able to see the gap between what is the instinct of the "I" and what is the instinct of the mind, that is Shanti. Able to see inside your inner space, the thoughts generated in you are they from mind or are they from "I"? Always the "I" realizes and releases only powerful cognitions. All this, mind realizes and raises only powerless cognitions. It’s eternal law of life. Ability to see the gap is Shanti, inability to see the gap is Moga. Be very clear, all the great things comes from "I" , and all the worst things comes from mind. Lust confuses you and makes you feel the "I" is the source of the mind, and many of the decisions of the mind gets the rubber stamp of "I" and get executed. That is the worst forgery happens inside your system.

Original Satsang ( 13 Nov 2018 ) : SHADES OF LUST - 3 POWERFUL SECRETS TO BREAK LUST

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