New Clear Bomb - Delusion happens to You when you Forget the Cosmic Vision

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Delusion happens to You when you Forget the Cosmic Vision


Video Audio


Almost 99% of the time, you invoke such worst life destructive decisions due to your temporary sadness. You do the decisions which permanently damage your life because you are temporarily sad. Understand! If you just remove this one quality from your life, you will ever be blissful. I tell you! If you have the vision of the cosmos you will never make permanently damaging decisions in your life because of you are temporarily sad. For example, i give you an example, you jumped to the red signal in the traffic and cop gives you ticket, out of your anger, arrogance, you pick up the gun and shoot him, so you have permanently damaged your life due to temporary mood swing. The person who understands the vision why the traffic rules are developed will never pick up the gun on cop even if the cop has done a mistake. He knows this can be argued, debated and the outcome, even if it is going against you will not permanently damaging your life but picking up the gun and killing the cop is going to permanently damage your life. Understand all the damage in your life is because of the delusion, forgetting the cosmic vision and making the decision which damages you permanently due to the temporary mood swing. The ‘’apasmara’’ will not be able to make you do actions if you remember your cosmic identity.