New Clear Bomb - Sex is the Most Powerful Weapon to Trap Someone

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   Sex is the Most Powerful Weapon to Trap Someone


Video Audio


Sex, of course, most discussed subject, which can invoke all the 9 emotions , Navarasas, it can invoke the feeling of greed, fear, guilt, sadness, everything, it can invoke everything at a time, it can be overwhelming, it can invoke every possible emotion. Understand, I am going to look at the whole thing as Sadashiva looks at it, as Paramashiva looks at it. A person who wants to keep you under the control through sex, will make you feel you need it, will introduce sex to you in a way you are trapped in it forever. Sex is one of the most powerful weapon every one uses to trap others . Illegal system which wants to keep human beings under the control, it looks at the sex in that aspect: how you should be introduced about sex so you can be kept under control. The social order can be maintained, law, law, can be maintained. They introduce sex only in that line , and that aspect, from that spectrum to you. The person who wants to addict you, and yearn money to you, he introduces the sex from that angle to you. Understand, prostitute tries to introduce the sex to you in a different angle, police tries to introduce the sex to you in a different angle, a religious leader tries to introduce sex to you from a different angle, your uncle introduces to you in a different angle, your mom and dad introduces to you different angle, your wife introduces it to you in different angle, if you have extra marital affairs they introduce the sex in a different angle; each person gives his own version, understanding about sex to you. You are so confused, you start giving multiple versions to multiple people. I ‘ll give you precisely the version of Paramashiva, master of sexology. He elaborates on the science in all aspects, as a reproductive act, as a recreative act, as an entertainment, as empowering act, or enriching act, strengthening the state, space, and powers and being of Paramashiva in you, ultimately , even as an enlightening act. So, I will introduce the whole science to you, from the angle of Paramashiva. Understand, I am not going to say something is right, or something is wrong, I am not going to analyze the sex from the angle of your countries, rules and regulations laws, your societies right, wrong, good, bad, moral; I am not going to look at the sex in any of those prisms. I am not going to look at the sex through any of those prisms, I am going to look at it purely from the vision of Paramashiva. How He looks at it. He looks at the sex only as an opportunity to make you manifest the state, space, powers and beings of Paramashiva. Understand, whether He talks about the act He talks about the instinct,He talks about hormonal ups and downs, He talks about the mental attitudes and aptitudes, He talks about the realizations and reality, anything about sex He talks only from the aspect, angle, prism of making you manifest the state, space, powers and being of Paramashiva.