New Clear Bomb - TROLLz are Mediocre People who Enjoy Taking Revenge on Successful People

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             TROLLz are Mediocre People who Enjoy Taking Revenge on Successful People 


Video Audio


These mediocre mind, because they are so incapable of handling the truth they are mediocre, they try to make fun of everyone who are elite. Why do you think all celebrities are trolled? Because deep vengeance the mediocre mind holds. If you are trolled, you are a celebrity! If you are trolling, you are mediocre. Otherwise why will you waste time? I can never think of trolling anybody. I am so busy in what I am supposed to contribute, Listen carefully, Trolling is nothing but tremendous vengeance inside, When you know you are mediocre and you can’t do anything about it, then at least troll the elite. You feel kind of a satisfied! Elite takes revenge on you by keeping you always down. That is what is going on. Understand, I am not interested in keeping you always down. I am sharing the truth as listen and raise yourself.