June 15 2014

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Satsang in Hyderabad, India on 15 June 2014


On this Day Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam delivered a Satsang Discourse in Hyderabad, India.

Link to Video:

'Advaita As A Lifestyle || Nithya Satsang || Part 1 || Nithya Satsang || Part 1 || 15 June 2014' In this video Supreme Pontiff HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains on Advaita as a lifestyle by guiding the participants into the process of finding out when the concept of "I am the body" and "I am the mind" has started to build, when the patterns & incompletions related to these concepts got rooted.


00:17 nithyānandeśvara samārambhām | nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

00.45 I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV and 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

1.11 Cities sitting with us in 2way video conferencing having nayana deeksha Ohio Prayaag, Vancouver Bhuvaneshwar, Dhyanapeetam Madurai, Surrey Canada, Houston Kalahasti, Kuala Lumpur Palani, St Louis Thirumala, Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Nithyananda University Los Angeles, Seattle Chidambaram, Toronto Kailasam, Charlotte Srisailam, Washington DC Sripuram, South Wales Australia, San Jose Madurai, Jnaneshwar Nepal, Singapore SIngapuram, Chicago North, Hong Kong Sirkazhi, Mulund Mumbai, Hyderabad Guptakashi, New York Varanasi, New Zealand Adi Arunachalam, Netherlands, San Diego Thirualawai, Kilinochi Ilangai, Austin Texas, Belgium Dhyanapeetam, Port Washington New York, New Jersey Omkareshwar, Hong Kong Sirkazhi, High Point North Carolina, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Dekota Dunes, Bangalore Malleshwaram, Melbourne Australia, Washington DC Sripuram, Sammamish Washington.

03:30 I welcome all of you with my love and respects (,).

03.54 Today, the IA Grad teamily is gathering in Oklahoma, Los Angeles, and Kaula Lumper. Blessings to all of you.

I can see now, Madurai Dhyanapeetam. Madurai Dhyanapeetam also I can see. Blessings to Madurai Dhyanapeetam (,).

04.44 I will expand on, the Advaita (,) as a lifestyle. Understand, yesterday I was talking on these few sacred truths. How, straightaway Advaita can be brought into your experience. Not by saying I am not the body, but by completing the patterns and incidents when you started thinking you are the body. Please understand.

05.27 I am not the body is can never be the antidote for the pattern I am the body. I agree I am the body, I am the mind, that only separates you from advaitic truth. Your original space. But, I am not the body, I am not the mind is not solution. That is not antidote. The antidote is, solution for this problem is, as I always tell you. Life is neither difficult nor easy. It is a technique.

06.20 Solution for this problem is neither difficult nor easy. It’s a technique. If you are constantly trying (,) I am not the body, I am not the mind, as a solution. Solution will be difficult, because this is not the solution. You are trying in the wrong direction. Hyderabad is this side, you go this side, and you say “going to Hyderabad is very difficult”. Because you have to go around the planet Earth to come to Hyderabad. Life is neither difficult nor easy, it is technique (,).

07.12 If I am the body is separates you from your original Advaitic space, “I am not the body” is not the solution. I am If I am the mind, idea separates you from original Advaitic state. I am not the mind is not the solution.

07:37 Find out the incident you started building the concept I am the body. Find out the root incident when you started building the concept I am the mind. Find out, when you started building this pattern. When this incompletions have started getting rooted into you.

08:09 More and more, dig inside you. I tell you, the more and more you understand how you built the pattern (,) more and more completion will happen. The pattern will lose its power over you. More and more you complete with the pattern, more and more experience of your original state of Advaita will come back to you.

08:53 Please listen. You trying to shout as loud as possible “I am not the body, I am not the mind” is not going to help. Advaita is neither difficult nor easy. It is technique. It is neither difficult nor easy. It is just technique.

09:31 Understand.

09:44 Listen.

09:56 Dig more and more, deeper and deeper into your being. When you started building this pattern “I am the body, I am the mind.” When you started feeling a deep affiliation, association with your incompletions.

10:18 I have seen people, taking the decisions during the moments of scrazyness. My contribution, this word Scrazy - means scared and crazy, both together.

10.37 Never ever decide when you are scared and crazy. Never. Never. Never ever decide when you are scared and crazy. Drop this pattern of making decisions.

10:59 Drop this pattern of making decisions when you are scared and crazy. I tell you, 90% of the difficulties you face experiencing Advaita will be cleared away. You will be free from it. You will be liberated, if you stop making decisions when you are scared and crazy. Do not make decisions when you are scared and crazy.

11:59 The craziness which comes when you are scared. Please understand, being scared can be handled separately, successfully. Going crazy can be handled separately, successfully. But this two together is a deadly combination. Alcohol can be handled separately by your body. Sleeping Pills can be handled separately by your body. But this two together is a deadly combination, you will be dead.

12:19 Same way, being scared can be separately handled by your body. Going crazy can be separately handled by your body. Please understand, mark my words, going crazy or being scared need to be handled by your body not mind.

12:44 If you are thinking it has to be handled by your mind, you are wrong. It is nothing but just stomach upset. It is just nothing but stomach upset. If you are scared, something is wrong in your stomach.If you are going crazy, something is wrong in your stomach, nothing else. It is simple stomach issue. Don’t make it as a mind issue. Then you are empowering your enemy. Unnecessarily you are getting frightened about enemy.

13.21 Understand, if your enmity is strong, your enemy will looks strong. If your lust is strong the other person will look very beautiful. If your enmity is strong the enemy will look very powerful.

13.44 So listen (,) Going crazy, being scared is not mental mind related issue. It is just simple body related issue. Like if there is low sugar, how you take little sugar, candy, it becomes alright.

14:04 Just like that, if you are scared, going crazy, if you just observe your diet and patterns for a 10 days you will find. Sometimes, when you are goings crazy, all you need is little mango or tamarind. The taste of the mango or tamarind has the ability to heal the acidity in your system, in your stomach. You just need to observe. When you are scared you may just need little green chilli chutney, thats all nothing else. But you have to observe your own body, and find out this truth. If you observe 10 days, you will find out.

14:59 Green Chilli can be taken as a medicine. It should not be taken as a regular food. But it can be taken as a medicine.

When you are scared, you may just need little green chilli chutney. You may think what? What kind of a solution it is? Please understand, I am responsible for what I am talking. I am talking to you after thousands of successful studies and researches. Getting scared, going crazy not mental problem, it is just physical problem. So attend in a physical way, you will simply get over it.

15:55 If you are making it a mental problem, you are empowering your enemy unnecessarily. As I said, if you are filled with lust, the other person will look more beautiful. If you are filled with enmity, the other person will look more powerful. Your enemy will look more powerful. I tell you, don’t empower your enemy by having wrong understandings about him.

16.30 Being a successful warrior in the life, I am telling you. When you don't have enmity, you will understand the real ability of your enemy. You will not be fighting in the air. You will know the capacity of the fellow who is cherishing enmity towards you and intensity of his enmity. I tell you (,) don’t make your enemy too big because of your enmity.

17.10 Don’t empower him. I’m clearly telling you. The moment you think getting scared, going crazy is a mental problem, you empowered your enemy. Now he has become more powerful. Once you make him powerful, then try to fight him is foolishness!

Understand, going crazy, getting scared is worthy of only little bit of green chilli chutney or a mango or tamarind fruit, thats all. It is not anything more worthy. But whether you need to take a green chilli chutney or a tamarind juice or a mango, you need to find out by testing it. Atleast, observing at least for 10 days.

18:08 When you are going crazy, see whether you have acidity. When you are going crazy, if you have acidity, just take little mango thats all! Unriped mango, and see, when you are going crazy, you are having gastric problem, or feeling burning sensation, the heartburn. Find out. Observe (,) And the solution I am giving may look very crazy. But I am telling you. Your problems are not as big as you think. Because they are so small, I am giving you simple solution.


Link to Video:

'Power Of Ability To Solve Any Problem || Nithya Satsang || Part 2 || Nithya Satsang || Part 2 || 15 June 2014' In this video Supreme Pontiff HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam describes on the ability to solve the problem, how individuals view the #problem and that ability to solve the problem is the pride rather than holding the pride of having big problems.

Link to Video:

'Stop Making Decisions When You Are Emotionally Unstable || Nithya Satsang || Part 3 || 15 June 2014' In this video Supreme Pontiff HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives a detailed explanation on how not to make any kind of #decision whenever one is going crazy, is scared, or feeling emotionally #unstable. He explains on how to complete with all moments of going crazy in life for becoming a living advaiti and guides participants into process of reliving and relieving all the craziest moments in life on holding on to space of what one want cause as reality.


Guru moorthi Paduka Puja Nithyanandeshwara, Nithyanandeshwari and Nithyananda Bhajan Swamiji delivers Nithya Satsang from Hyderabad Life is neither difficult nor easy; it is technique. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2I014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4401_hyderabad-satsang_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2I014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4404_hyderabad-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2I014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4407_hyderabad-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2I014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4413_hyderabad-satsang_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2I014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4435_hyderabad-satsang.JPG Swamiji gives e-Kalpataru Darshan to devotees in Los Angeles Nithyananda University http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4514_hyderabada-kalpataru-darshan_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4519_hyderabada-kalpataru-darshan_0.JPG Kalpataru Darshan to devotees in Hyderabad http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4525_hyderabada-kalpataru-darshan_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diaryIIMG_4535_hyderabada-kalpataru-darshan.JPG Ananda Nandi Bidadi Sanctum Nithyanandeshwara & Nithyanandeshwari Swayambu Linga http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2014-06jun-15-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5388_bidadi-temple.JPG Kapila Muni moorthi Bhoga moorthi of Devi Dakshinamoorthi Munishwara Patanjali Shrine Evening Darshan - 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