New Clear Bomb - Krishna is the Reason You are Alive on Planet Earth Today

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Krishna is the Reason You are Alive on Planet Earth Today


In this New Clear Bomb, Bhagwan is revealing the importance of why Mahabharata happened and that how Krishna is the Reason You are Alive on Planet Earth Today.

Video Audio


Everyone abuses and blames Krishna for Mahabharata war, I‘ll tell you, if He has not made the Mahabharata war happen and clean the planet earth, planet earth would have been destroyed long before, because too much of atomic weapons had been piled, piled, piled, and there was no understanding, even minimum common agenda to protect the planet earth. Any fool, just because he did not get his morning breakfast can pick up Brahmastram, destroy the planet earth, it has become so easily available, too much of destructive power is available to too many people with too much of mood streams, so He has to do the burning under the controlled conditions, the controlled fire, to clean up the things which are too dangerous. A controlled explosion of all the weapons, and getting rid of is all of it once for all is what Krishna did in the form of Mahabharta war. He just got rid of everything. Under the controlled conditions, and saved the planet earth. If you are sitting on the planet Earth you need to be grateful to Krishna, greatest strategist, otherwise too much of piling of weapons available in the hands of too freaky minded unstable fellows, and any moment, any fool could have destroyed the whole planet Earth. Just because he did not get his morning breakfast…!