New Clear Bomb - Your Declaration is Enough for Paramashiva to Rush towards You

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Your Declaration is Enough for Paramashiva to Rush towards You


Video Audio


Listen carefully! I’ll give you the essence, your body evolves, goes through the process of mutation and natural selection, that is the way from a one-cell your supreme mechanism on the planet Earth has evolved, the body you are carrying has evolved. The consciousness from Paramashiva as a superconsciousness it descends and you are both together, you are not just body, you are body also. Now, by invoking this Conscious Being Paramashiva, you are letting Him manifest His quality of conscious decision as a default natural functioning mechanism of your DNA instead of natural selection methodology. In natural selection methodology, you can only select from any available possibility and permutation-combination of that, it’ll only lead to only growth, maximum good growth, that’s all! But, if you allow this conscious decision process of Paramashiva in you by invoking Him, connecting with Him, declaring Oneness with Him, declaring your Integrity and allegiance to Mahadeva, Paramashiva, just the very declaration is enough because He is waiting, with the declaration, He rushes into you, gushes into you, He just opens the floodgates and explodes into you and changes your DNA’s natural selection methodology to conscious decision methodology. Understand, when your DNA decides to shift from natural selection to conscious decision, you manifest powers because power manifestation is a breakthrough, not growth. Now what I am talking is real initiation into Hinduism, only when you understand what I am talking now, you are initiated into Hinduism, this is the real introduction to living Hinduism, no words minced, I am a ferocious guy, ferocious people does not know to mincing the words. I am Shiva Gana, I don’t know how to mince words.