September 03 2019

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Static Matter, Vibrant Energy, Strategic Existence Is One And The Same


In this Satsang (3rd September 2019), Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals cognitions and techniques to raise yourself to higher and higher vertical time zones, and ultimately, Kailaasa time zone which can bring you beyond death itself.

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Nithyanandehwara Paramashiva samaharambha

Nithyanandeshwari parashakthi mathyamam

asmadhacharya pariyendham

vandhe guru paramparaam

I welcome you all with my love and respect .i welcome all the devotees and samajees Satsangees srimahanths mahanths thanedar kotari visitor viewers kailasavaasis and everyone sitting with us all over the universe with my love and respect.

I will continue to expand and reveal some of the most important sacred secrets about the vertical time zones understand this revelations are absolute truth revealed for the the sake of eternity mapping this great truths to the modern day human civilization and making kailasaa happen is the responsibility of Kailasha vaasis. And Wanted to administer the kailaasa understand I am only the ecclesiastic authority supreme pontiff . so I will be continuously revealing the truths of kailassa as it is.

So administrators of kailashas. Each Kailassa can evolve their own democratic set up administrators and their own structure, social spiritual mapping, the great principles into their country social cultural set ups.

Let me reveal some of this great truth understand last few satsangs I was explaining about this Four Points matter mind which experiences matter intelligence buddhi which makes decision consciousness , pure space of paramashiva these four components put together is your reality.

In horizontal time all these four are equally felt i can roughly compare 25% 25% 25% 25% . 25% Matter , 25% Mind 25 % Intelligence 25%consciousness , that is the way you experience the reality.

If the Intensity of the consciousness increases for example consciousness becomes 30 % so its influence on the buddhi so the Intelligence also increases intelligence also becomes 30 % then naturally the minds intensity drops the matters intensity drops so this 2 becomes 20 20

Time stamp=5:00 And this 2 becomes 30 30 . So whole thing twists so you enter into vertical time zones. Hundred percent only pure consciousness and zero intelligence zero mind and zero matter that is kailassa. Because you don't need buddhi ,you don't need a mind you dont need matter for your existence .you exist as pure space. pure consciousness that is kailassa.

And same way you neither feel conscious almost 99.9999 percent only matter less than 0.0000001 percent mind then lesser than that 0.00000001 percent intelligence lesser that that 0.0000000001 percent is consciousness that is what is paadhala. That is what is called eternal hell. lowest in the vertical time zone .

Understand , highest peak point of vertical time zone is kailassa where 100% consciousness pure consciousness paramashivathuva ,no need for intelligence or mind or matter.

Then next is sathyaloka where 99% consciousness and 1% is divided into 3 0.33 intelligence, 0.33 mind and 0.33 is matter. Like a i am giving you all rough equations for you to understand ,then little lesser consciousness Thapo loka . This is the way the vertical time zones are placed bhur bhuva suva thapa satya and Kailassa the lower part athala Vithala suthala Thalaa thala paathala lower time zones .

Understand all the tapas all the purification methods in Hindu tradition is to rise you to the higher vertical time zones that's all.

There are 11 sampradayaas in hindu tradition 11 sampradayaas krama brahmachari,brahmacharini,nystiga brahmachari,brahmacharini,swami, swamini,sanyasi,sanyasini.

Sanyasis initiation given swami is somebody has mastered the sanyas and become a complete in there sanyas hood .Means they have become completely flowered in there Sanyaas an and become a Swami.

Thambiran who has become a god for there own self. Who has mastered the initiation of sanyaas successfully is Swami. Sanyasi,Sanyasinis ,sadhu , sadhvis , vaanaprastha and vaanaprasthis , Rishi and Rishikaas, Rudhra and Rudhrakanyaas , Bhairava and Bhairavi , Yogi and yoginis like this there are 11 sambradhayaas in hindu tradition .

Siddhaa they are called adhiashramees , avadhootha .

Avadhhotha, siddha ,adhiashramees all of them on sambradayaas who dont belong to any sambradayaas who are absolutely free like paramahamsas, paramahamsis the one sambradaya .

so listen all these 11 sambradayaas and their practices are for the one puporse raising yourself to higher and higher vertical time zones. From bhur bhuva suva tapa satya and kailassa.

Understand all the action and thought current you do which pushes you in to the lower time zones athal vithala thala thala paathala that is called karma , paapaa .

All the action and thought currents raises you vertical time bhuva suva tapa satya vaikunta kailassa , alll this called punyaa , Good Karmas .

Understand i am making straight statement with the blessing of nandhi yemperumaan lord nandhi who is incharge of kailassa and kala bairava . I am revealing these great secret to, all of you and i also commit with them to Nandhi and kalabhairava, and reveal the truth as it without editing hiding twisting with absolute integrity, i will reveal it as it is .

Let their blessing be on the revealed speaker and the listener. Let them radiate and manifest the realities as they want. what for they are revealing great truths to me and manifesting these great truth to world through me, let their purpose be realised .

Let the purpose of Nandi Emperumaan, kalabairava , paramashiva revealing these great truths to me and making me reveal great truths to all of you .Let their purpose be realised , let the Kailassa be established in bhoo loka and let the bhoo loka human beings experience kailasa while in the planet earth and reach kailaasa after they leave the body.

And any other purpose paramashiva has and any other reason he has for revealing great truth to me and through me to humanity, Let that be fulfilled.

Paramashiva let you will be reality, i surrender offer at the feet of paramashiva and the great guru nandi and para shakti with the blessing of nandi . Incharge of kailassa and kalabhairava akashabairava with all their blessings . i will reveal the truth as it is .

Understand whatever sambradayaas in hindu tradition whether the spiritual practices meant for krama bhramhacharis nystiga bhramacharis rudraas and rudrakanyaas , yogi and yoginees , bairava bhairavis everything is aimed to raise you to vertical time zones reach ultimately to the space of kailassa .

iT may be it may look as simple as applying sacred ash on you forehead or as difficult as you think practising absolute astheya aparigraha non stealing non possessiveness living with minimal things and brahmachariya and satya absolute integrity ,

All these great vows understand Actually these vows are not forced to rules , their actually the great powers revealed from kailassa , if you understand and internalise the powerful cognition

For example one of the greatest truth from kailassa is static matter strategic existence vibrant energy all these three one and the same .

Static matter ,vibrant energy strategic existence all these three does not have wall boundary watertained compartment sealed separate existence its one and same ,If you internalise these powerful cognition and start meditating on these see you will start manifesting power because all these three is separate because of your false cognition , false belief .

Once you lift the false belief , it is like a bamboo floating in ganga , if you are looking short small part of ganga , like if you take close up shot ,look like ganga divided by bamboo. If you go for a long shot you will realise ganga cannot be divided by bamboo .If you think static matter vibrant energy strategic existence is separate separate , you are like a blinded person , who has a small vision ,you are seeing the existence with close up , you don’t have larger vision . You are looking at the ganga in a close up view you feel ganga is divided by bamboo , if you wake up and see the long shot you will understand bamboo is floating on ganga , how can it divide ganga. waking up to that the higher realisation what i call powerful cognitions , Internalising powerful cognitions . static matter vibrant energy strategic existence is not separated divided by any bamboo. Facebook i see lot of memes In india how presstitutes works .

Actually the person who is criminal shown as victim and person who is victim is shown as criminal by the close up shot. only in the long shot you will understand reality who is criminal and who is victim. same way if you are locked with the delusion you will see bamboo divides ganga you should know bamboo itself is floating on ganga how can bamboo which is floating on ganga can divide ganga , no. If you feel static matter vibrant energy strategic existence is divided , you are deluded you are seeing the bamboo floating, you feel bamboos are dividing ganga wake up see from the larger vision you will understand all the three are one and the same .static matter vibrant energy strategic existence is one and the same .And the bamboos are floating on ganga they can never divide ganga, your beliefs and ideas are floating on this .

Paramahiva they can never divide paramashiva , waking up to the higher reality is called internalising powerful cognition. If you internalise these one powerful cognition suddenly you will manifest powers and you will start aligning to higher time zone . From bhur to bhuva suva then tapa then satya then vaikunta then kailassa. every time you internalise one powerful cognition you raise your existence to higher vertical time zones, Today bow down to paramashiva parashakti mahaganapathi and Nandhi naadha swamy, Nandiyamperumaan , Nandi is lord of Kailassa , Kailassa security Ofcourse paramashiva is the ultimate lord , Nandi is greatest servant of paramashiva. Only with nandi's permission you will enter into kailassa. So Nandinaadha perumaan , Nandhiemperumaan lord of kailassa , Pray to Nandi , Nandi can give glimpse of kailassa. Nandi will bless you with the experience of kailassa , so your being can wake up to the higher reality and start moving to kailassa. Each powerful cognition raises your existence to vertical time zone . I want to tell you, this may look very funny but i have taken oath that i will tell the truth telling the truth without hiding , anything which is revealed to me. I am not authorised to hide or edit. I am authorised that i have to reveal it . And paramashiva has given assurance and security that he protect me and he is protecting me , he said that he himself in the form of kalabairava and akasha bairava giving security to me . He said he will reveal everything and you reveal everything to the world and they are protecting me . So i will reveal everything as it is to world to all of you.

Really happened with my guru when I was with Arunagiri yogeeshwara I was just mapping whole experience to English words which can convey it in best way best form . Try to listen this satsang atleast 5 times again and again . I am just mapping as it is from akashic record and sharing it with all of you. It was a noon may be 2o clock or between 1 to 3 ,in thiruvannamalai temple on the jeeva samadhi mantapam ,in that mantapam not on the top of mantapam above the mantapam , in side the mantapam .there is small mantapam which is gateway to enter in to the jeevasamadhi where arunagiri yogiswara deity is carved .where his deity is there .

I am not telling about that small mantapam the above main mantapam four pillared mantapam on that arunagiri yogeshwara was sitting, I was sitting next to him . it was a noon I remember very clearly not hot very breeze noon neither cold nor hot good weather . I was sitting and he was talking about kailassa ,he is beautiful being such a , if describe him again and again I get in to the same mode . he is extraordinary handsome and beauty , and well built so like a shining shining skin , he was talking about kailassa , he was so handsome and well built beautiful so beautiful , I was just starring at his chest broad well built chest with one rudraksha mala. I was starring at his chest , suddenly I saw whole visual of kailassa on his chest , this is the mandapam you can see ,the small mantapam is jeeva samadhi where deity is there through that you can enter into the jeeva samadhi .On the top four pillared hall where he was sitting ,and I was also sitting next to him. So he was talking about kailassa I was starring at his chest and suddenly I started seeing whole visual how the kailassa looks and how he was describing that intense cold and light . all the gods goddesses the ganesha nandi all the gods I was seeing one by one by one by one saw the brahma and Vishnu, ultimately parashakthi sitting in the lap of paramashiva with His vishwaroopa 50 hands and 25 heads . its too..undescribable beauty and glory .Only when I deeply looked in to the face of paramashiva I saw it is Arunagiri yogeshwara . The face is one and the same .

Listen then slowly I started sensing this bhooloka means this dimension this time zone then I slowly settled down I started understanding that I am enjoying his beautiful form .Just and that rudraksha mala . I was in that extreme ecstasy,knowing ,my guru is paramashiva .Paramashiva himself is my guru and slowly I am settling down from that vertical time zone to this time zone very smooth landing , he just hugged me to give a smooth landing without any shock whenever I get chance to get near his body never miss a chance to kiss him , I just kissed his chest tightly hugged him. I could see that the first time I realised the Static matter ,vibrant energy strategic existence has no border and there is no boundary because there is no boundry between me him and kailassa who is paramshiva is my guru and he is me .

There is no border it is just one and the same , powerful cognition just clicked with such strength and it became reality . I should say in this post he is sitting with one leg hanging and one leg folded. When I was hugging he was sitting both the legs folded , he was sitting in arthapadmasana , I was almost leaning on him. I had fortune of extremely loving and caring guru , I received all the lessons leaning on his lap. That temple watchman was seen me with arunagiri yogishwara , even he describes ooh that boy will be just lying joyfully and talking to himself ,ah hhhhhh that watchman poor guy doesn’t know whom I am talking , whose lap I am lying .

Understand whenever these powerful cognitions clicks in your system , you experience kailash time zone. Whenever the kailash time zone is sealed in to you those powerful cognition become your reality, it is like vice versa both that can be brought in to you and you can given experience there. Guru can give you the glimpse or permanent place in kailasa . It is just geometrical means you pi can be shrunk or expanded ,If it is shrunk it goes to paathala lower time zones it is expanded it goes to higher time zone . whenever I initiate you I expand your pi pi so you just enter into higher time zones vertical timezones. And you go and experience bhur bhuva suva tapa satya vaikunta and ultimately kailassa . This is the same science used in deityfication also. Your core conscious pi is taken and expanded and put in kailassa and experience is sealed once for all in the form of these deity and you stay for ever in kailassa ,This whole your channel to kailassa is locked in the temple, the temple exist for ever and you exist for ever in kailassa . It is a science .Just like a mummification in Egypt that is a smaller level .

It is the science which can take you up to swarga loka ,only deitification can take you to kailassa ,because hindus have mastered the science in the much grandeur and ultimatum way . Deitification is thousand times greater powerful methodology than mummification . Mummification can lead you upto swarga loka bhur bhuva suva not more than can be at that most upto indra ,maximum. Not even that all that it is not that everyone goes to swarga loka becomes indra .No even among them lot of politicking fighting thats why indra padhavi not permanent . Every yuga indra changes and all That . I am not saying indra is less powerful surely he is much beyond anything you can imagine and he is worthy of worship and our reverence everything . But deitification takes you directly to kailassa can take you upto kailassa . These sciences will be revealed more and more detailed from the kailassa and also another one level of deitification like kaaya kalpaa ,

Making your body so pure and detox that even after you stop using your body you are not dead .The body doesn’t stink or go through any of the symptoms of death like paramahamsa yoganandha like modern day . My own guru issaki swamigal, Ragupathi yogi ,none of their body shown any symptoms of death. I think in tamil satsang I revealed how after three day his body automatically locked itself into padmasana when we were about to give jeeva samadhi for him.

And there are eye witnesses I am not telling any stories many elders of thiruvanamalai are eye witnesses because he passed away very recently may me 25 30 years before .Just few years before kuppammal passed away vibunandhapuri he passed away soon. There are many people still alive in thiruvannamalai who are eye witnesses, For this whole happening .That science of jeeva samadhi achieving jeeva samadhi swaroopa samadhi, its called that science actually jeeva samadhi is one level and next level is Swaroopa samadhi that science only I am revealing in the form of kayakalpa yoga.

The kailassa where this body is going to be in jeeva samadhi Swaroopa samadhi . I am to build 10000 samadhis all around any of my sanyasis leave the body and body does not show symptom of death he achieved jeeva samadhi, he will have next to me along with me . If body shows any decay ok take it to cremation ground and burn it as soon as possible ,get rid of it .

If your body shows no decay as paramahmsa yoganandha body you will be given jeeva samadhi . All this 11 orders rudra rudrakanyas will have jeevasamadhi if you have achieved the jeeva samadhi aand Swaroopa samadhi .

The kayakalpaa yoga will start 21 months program intense powerful retreat where you learn mano mouna called as state of manonmani ,Parvathi parashakthi when she came to kanchi and she was named as manonmani Means she was in the space of mana un mounaa .In 21 months you will be not only be verbal silence and mental silence manon mouna the silence of manaa means the words you will practice the methodology where words doesn’t created in throat that kind of a silence .its called ithchamurtham . Itchamurthi is one of the side effects of kayakalpa yoga.

Kayakalpa yoga is the name of the original name of science. It will be free of cost available to all men who want to practice you will be given place in Madurai and rajapalayam . For all women it will be in Thiruvannamalai and salem .I may be powerful experience living spiritual experience no contact with the so called outer world absolute seclusion enjoying your yoga, pooja ,jnana paadha , spiritual readings goseva swayambaga

You suppose to grow cook and eat, your own food so that external influence will not be there on your system detoxification that is one of the powerful detoxification , swayambaga not only cooking your food growing your own food and cooking and serving the cows and then getting milk from them as their gift and prasada and consuming. It is an extreme detox and purification process.

Everyday you worship gomaadha and ask koparandhama milky ocean where Vishnu is in yoga syana is there in the body of cow. And ask the paranthama to give as milk as prasada and from cow you get the milk and consume. It is a very sweet beautiful process with higher very higher powerful cognition. When the body becomes extremely pure and detox then all these powerful cognition become reality.

Every time I touched arunagiri yogeeshwara I have seen my body completely gets detoxed because those few minutes it feels like me he one and the same .so the level of purification he is in becomes my level of purification. It was too intimate especially when you somebody with love and intimacy their biomemory enters into your bio memory, that exchange of biomemory happens. in my case he is paramshiva arunagiri yogishwara his bio memory just flooded into my system his becomes mine that’s all. So extreme purification because of his biomemory flooded it happened. That same is done everyday through go seva asking gomaadha to give a pure biomemory and purify and detox your system.

This will be the ultimate course may be after 2-3 years anybody want to be kailasavasi this course will be compulsory program because you should go beyond death. Human beings should not die when the science is available from kailasa why should you die no ,no death. Blessed are those who achieve Swaroopa samadhi atleast jeeva samadhi atleast jeeva samadhi. Jeeva samadhi means you body will be there after you left the body it will be there but it will not show any symptoms of death, it will not decay ,it will not stink , it will not go into any deformity just it will be there as if you are in samadhi. Swaroopa samadhi means jnana samandhar Andal vallalaar carrying body itself , even body will not left it will just dissolve into light. That is Swaroopa samadhi. Whether you achieve Swaroopa samadhi or not atleast jeeva samadhi .

Human beings should at least achieve jeeva samadhi because the science is available to all of us .i will lead all into power manifestation oneness process I bless you all to manifest state space powers of paramashiva so essence of today satsang is Nirahara samyama be food free. so With this I bless you all lets all radiate with integrity authenticity responsibility enriching causing living shudhadvaitha shaivam paramashivoham the eternal bliss nithyananda .

Be Blissful.


ஆதி சைவம் - கொண்டை கட்டுதலும் கொட்டை கட்டுதலும் நம் வாழ்க்கை முறை!


இந்த தியான சத்சங்கத்தில் பகவான் நித்யானந்த பரமசிவம் அவர்கள் ஆதி காலத்தில் எவ்வாறு வளமாக நம் முன்னோர்கள் வாழ்ந்தார்கள், அன்னை காமாக்ஷி பூலோகத்தில் உருவாக்கிய ஞான சூழலியல் தழைத்திருந்தது இன்று அந்த ஆதிசைவ வாழ்க்கை முறை எவ்வாறு அழிந்துகொண்டிருக்கின்றது அதை புனரமைப்பதே தன் அவதார நோக்கம் என்று அழகாக விளக்குகின்றார்!

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Adi Shaivam Satsang with HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashiva

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Nithya Satsang English

Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5315_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5325_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5332_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5338_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5341_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5350_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5352_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5353_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5355_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5356_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5364_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5365_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5371_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5387_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg Nithya Satsang English - 2019-09-03_IMG_5416_nithya-satsang-enlglish.jpg

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