January 28 2011

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Title: Renounce the Mind, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 105

Renounce the Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 105 Nithyananda Satsang 28 Jan 2011


Avatar and Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda continued to speak on the best way to deal with our mind, namely by renouncing it! This Patanjali Yoga Sutra on Ashtanga Yoga uses the keyword Pratyahara. Ahara means absorbing, taking in, Pratyahara means withdrawing, not taking anything in through the five senses. When the Kundalini is awakened, the senses shift, they are no longer ordinary. When the Kundalini awakens, when you experience levitation, you will automatically experience the shifting of senses.

Your senses are matter used by your inner space. Your mind works through your senses and experiences the world through sensual pleasures or pain. Now, if your mind withdraws from sensory activities and returns to the source, restoration, that is what Swamiji calls Pratyahara.

Withdrawing the senses, restoring them to space where constant joy is happening without any happening, is the ultimate goal! If you see anything new, your senses will come alive. How cunning your senses are. How it easily it gets attached or excited.

Somehow your mind catches things to get excited. Excitement has nothing to do with the object, it's something to do with your ideas. Being attached to anything is important, whether to a steel plate or silver plate or mud plate. The attachment is to be renounced.

The process of the mind going through the senses is the constant distraction. A conscious decision has to be made, to withdraw the mind and restore it to the original stuff out of which it's made, without going through the different happenings of the 5 senses and being in the space of joy which happens without happening.

"So decide not to go through the useless sensory distractions, get into space where the ultimate joy, peace, and bliss is happening, without happening."

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00:37 Today's subject: "Renounce the mind to realize your Self". In Patanjali yoga sutra: 105th sutra, the 2nd chapter, 54th verse. "SVA VISHAYA ASAMPRAYOGE CHITTASYA SWARUPE ANUKARAH EVA AYINDRIYANAM PRATYAHARAH"

01:37 Swami Vivekananda translates this as:" Pratyaharah or the drawing in of the organs is affected by their giving up their own objects and taking as it were the form of mind stuff". Swami Prabhavananda translates as: "When the mind is withdrawn from the sense objects and sense organs also withdraw themselves from their respective objects and thus are said to imitate the mind. This is known as pratyaharah".

Swami Satchidananda translates as: "When the senses withdraw themselves from the objects and imitate as it were, the nature of the mind stuff is pratyaharah". 

02:34 I'll try to translate this sutra. Please understand the word pratyaharah. That's the key word. Aaharah means absorbing, taking in, pratyaharah means withdrawing, not taking anything in. Aaharah means through five sense you absorb; like seeing, listening, eating... sorry tasting, that’s the right word, then eating, tasting, smelling, touching; These are aaharah - five senses. Pratyaharah means not taking anything through the five senses.

03:52 As Ma Nithyatma was saying in her experience, when the kundalini is awakened, the senses are shifting. They are no more ordinary! Actually when the kundalini awakens, when you experience levitation, you will automatically experience pratyaharah; let me explain pratyaharah. How the senses are working; how the aaharah happens and pratyaharah happens; how the kundalini awakening directly impacts and influences the pratyaharah? First thing, your senses are matter used by your inner space, your mind. Your mind works through your senses and experiences the world through sensual pleasures or pains like seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, touching.

05:35 Now the stuff out of which your mind is made, if it withdraws from the senses activities, sensory activities and returns to its source, restoration, returning to the source; that is what I call pratyaharah. Withdrawing the senses, restoring them into the space where intense excitement and joy is a constant happening, without any happening.

06:26 Please understand. The joy and excitement happens in your senses only if there is something is happening outside. If your cell phone rings, excitement‼ Oh!! May be some friend; if you get an email, Oh! Excitement! May be some good news!! If you see food, Aaaw!! Come on... Now the tongue is alive!!! If you see anything new, immediately excitement!!

07:01 Yesterday I saw all bramhacharis and bramhacharinis were asked to eat in the mud plate to experience renunciation. Of course eating in the mud plate is very good for your health also; especially the plate which is made out of Ganges mud. We use that's what in our ashram, the plates made out of Ganges mud. When you put the hot food, hot rice into it and mix with sambar and eat in hand, that is something totally different! The energy and quality and even the chemistry of the food is different!! It works with your body like anything.

07:51 In sanyas training, there is a life called ‘Ganga based’ . They will morning take bath in Ganges water, drink Ganges water, use the Ganga mud to brush the teeth and the sticks which is collected from the trees which grows out of Ganga water, with that stick they will burn and cook their food in the pot made up out of Ganga mud; and the rice grown in the Ganga field and eat that and sleep in the breeze of Ganga and do their spiritual practices sitting in the banks of Ganga. The Ganga based life is a spiritual training.

08:43 So that is the reason I asked all my bramacharis and bramhacharinis to eat in the plate made out of Ganga mud. Even in that I saw these bramachari, especially one bramacharini, five times she wrote her name. I thought, "Oh God!! To avoid the excitement only the Ganga mud plate...but the plate has become a such a big excitement". When I went round and checked in the kitchen almost in ever plate five names or five times names are there.

09:22 In Pattinatar's disciple Badragiriyaar, there was a great siddha Pattinatar in Tamilnadu from a very.. He is from a very charitable community. He is born and brought up in a community which does business 'nagarataars'. So he is highly charitable minded person. He had some renunciation experience. So he gave away all the property and became a sadhu. Because he became a sadhu, actually he used to give lend money even to kings. Suddenly, he became sadhu.

10:02 One king, king of Badragiri who used to borrow money from this Patinatar, he was shocked!! Somebody who can lend money to me, king, has become a sadhu... renounced all the wealth! He was shocked and he came to see the Pattinatar. Pattinatar just gave two three great teachings, essence of life that clicked with Badragiriyaar, Badragiri king and he also renounced everything and came and started staying at the feet of Pattinatar.

10:46 So Pattinatar always used to take food from the hand and eat. But this his disciple after all he was a king, so he decided to have a small mud plate to eat. But Pattinatar did not like the idea of having a mud plate to eat. But king after all poor guy, it’s too much to eat from the hand , he needs at least the basic comfort to eat from a plate. He got a mud plate.

11:18 Naturally when there is a mud plate, you will take the food little more than what is required because you do not know how much is enough. With hand if somebody gives you will eat, eat. When the stomach is full you will say, “No, enough go back”. So person who brought the food has to take the remaining back. Who came to give you alms he will give how much you want and after that he will go back with the remaining food. So, no problem. But when you have a plate, naturally they will dump the food and go away. And this guy everyday he saw remaining there was little food.

11:59 One day one small dog came to him and he gave that food to that dog. And continuously like this few days when he gave the food to the dog, the dog got attached to him and it started staying with him. And after few days he started taking automatically little more food for the dog also. Earlier whatever was excess he started giving. So accepting the excess; the first fall!! The second fall, now for the dog also he stated taking more food.

12:38 One day Shiva himself came down as a sadhu; as a siddha to Pattinatar and asked. "Oh Lord! Please give me something". He asked for alms. Pattinatar looked up and said, he understood it is Shiva. "I am a paradesi, I don't have anything to give. May be in the other side of the temple one of my disciples who is a samsari is sitting. Go and ask him something. He will give you".

13:13 So Shiva went to the Badragiriyaar, the disciple who was king, the ex-king and asked Badragiriyaar, "Please give me something I am a sadhu". Then he looked up and said, "I am also a sadhu". Then the....Then Shiva said, "No, no. I went to your guru who is sitting in the eastern side of the temple, Pattinatar, he said he is a sadhu, he doesn't have anything but his disciple Badragiriyaar.... he mentioning you that you are a samsari, grihasta, householder, he asked me to come and beg from you.”

13:57 Then suddenly it clicked to that king the Badragiriyaar, Oh God! Odum tirunayyum yenae sammsari aakeeyado he excites he cries in Tamil, “this begging bowl and the dog which eats my remaining ....this too can it make me a householder, a bound man??? A grihasta oh God!! What have I done”!! It clicks. That idea clicks with him and he throws that mud plate on the dog .The plate breaks and the dog dies and he is liberated.

14:39 Please understand how cunning your senses are. The things the life is created around you so that the external excitements are avoided but you are excited even about those few things. I have seen these sadhus, they will leave everything and go away to Haridwar or Rishikesh and stay outside some temple, beg and eat but after two three months they will be attached to the place. Even when they go out they will put a towel; that no one nobody else should come and sit in that place.

15:16 That’s exactly getting a mud plate to eat. What for? So that you will not have other excitement attachment; and writing 5 times your names and making all kinds of kolam and flower garlands in that. I thought, "Oh God!! All these things are created so that the mind will avoid going through the senses too much and stop the getting excitement. But somehow our mind catches even these things and start getting excited".

16:07 So the excitement has nothing do with the object. It is something to do with your ideas. Whether you are attached to the 5 acre land or 2 feet land outside the temple to sit and beg is not important. You are attached is important. Whether you are attached to a silver plate or steel plate or to the mud plate is not important; you are attached. Even in the silver plate nobody used to write the name.

16:54 Mind going through the senses is the constant distraction. A conscious decision to withdraw the mind and restore it in its original stuff out of which it is made without going through the different happenings of the five senses, being in the space of constant excitement and joy which happens without happening is pratyaharah. So decide not to let the mind to go into the useless sensory distractions. Get into the space of ultimate excitement, peace and joy; without happening. Space where ultimate joy, peace, bliss is happening without any happening. Get into that. That is what I call pratyaharah!! 18:41 I bless you all to experience, achieve express, live, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you. 18:58

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'Description: Renounce the Mind by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 28 jan 2011'

Title: Love, Sex and Kundalini Awakening

Love, Sex and Kundalini Awakening Nithyananda - Q&A 28 Jan 2011


Question and answer session by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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Sadashiva samarambaam; Shankaracharya madhyamaam Asmathachaarya pariyantaam; Vande guruparamparaam

00:46 I welcome you all with my Love and Respects. I welcome all the devotees who are with us around the world at this moment. Dubai, Seattle, New York, LA, Dallas, Chorus Mexico, Vancouver, and all other individuals who are sitting with us and small satsang groups who are sitting with us through the eN tv. I welcome you all with my Love and Respects. Before entering into today's subject, satsang, I'll answer some of the questions. I'll respond to some of the questions.

01:51 It’s a question from Vanaja, New Jersey Spiritual Embassy coordinator: "I had an epiphany coming from home, coming home from NSP today. I asked you yesterday if I could heal help heal people and you gave me your blessings. I realised today there is so much more involved. I want to be able to talk to trees, insects, people in their own language, mountain, flowers, my car, animals; absolutely everything. When I do a healing, I want to be able to see their inside their body or frame to see what diseases they need to self heal. I want to see the CNS and be inside the bark of a tree and communicate and listen to everything. I also want to be able to download any information from the cosmos. So I have clinical evidence to support my findings and speak intelligently with all of God's creations. I want to be able to understand how they feel, see what they need to survive and most of all I want everything including tables and chairs to trust me to help them. I want to be one with nature. This sounds beyond logic and little crazy. But I know in my heart of heart this is the meaning behind my name and the path that you have chosen for me. Am I right? If the answer is 'yes', please give me your blessing. I am so excited about this".

03:16 Swamiji: “Vanaja answer is 'YES'. The way is: constantly Heal and Unclutch. Healing, our healing process is based on love so when you radiate love, love is the emotion which is immediately reciprocated by cosmos. Sex is the emotion which is immediately contradicted by cosmos. Please understand. Love is the emotion which immediately responded by anything in the cosmos. When you feel love, within few moments you will see it comes back to you from the cosmos. Immediately cosmos responds to it. The tree, the flower, mountain, nature everything responds to it. The sex, even your own body will be against it. See when it is awakened, even you own body immediately will resist. Our whole healing process is love based. So understand it is completely love based. So continue, continue, continue, intensely radiate love. You will see and experience whatever you are asking”.

04:56 Next question from Ma Nithya Atma, LA, VEDIC TEMPLE:" Last night's satsang and this mornings repeat of it via eN TV, you were giving us a strong kundalini experience. I experienced a very intense shaking from root to crown and at times I was levitating while I watched from home this morning. I and had to go to teach yoga class, and during one pose I had to stop because I thought it would take me back into the spiralling movement which could lead to levitation. Also the five senses are shifting. All the five senses are different and it is not all that easy to relate to life around me. So is it better to withdraw while this shift is going on or should I just move with the flow of everyday life activity, even though it feels strange and different. Are we bound to have public displays of spontaneous activity like levitation? Every day I give so much gratitude for what you are giving us all. If only everyone knew the great gift you are sharing.

06:05 Swamiji: Nithya atma, you need to understand two things. First, what you are going through now. The senses are shifting. Actually today exactly this is the same sutra Patanjali is giving us. I am going to express. When the senses are shifting, because of levitation and kundalini experience, it is good to withdraw at least for 3 months, so that your body gets completely matured, established in kundalini. Please understand yogic body is made of unclutching, intense tapas, kundalini and protein. When you are going through this levitation experience, unclutching; unclutch as much as possible. When your rajas means the restlessness is exhausted by unclutching; when you are feeling tamas, take up intense body building activities like yoga or weight lifting. Confuse the muscle by infusing the sweet pain of yoga and weight lifting. The third very important thing, bring joyful blissful mood to your muscles again and again by the kundalini awakening.

08:05 Please understand. Whenever your kundalini is awakened, when you experience levitation by the Master’s presence, all your muscles feel joyful, ecstatic, blissful! That is why even if you have one dose of kundalini experience; you can call one dose means may be 10 minutes of the masters presence, next at least seventy two hours three days that will go on be staying in your muscle memory. Means your muscle memory, muscles are being soaked into the honey. It constantly stays inside you. So please understand, let your body be built during the initial periods of kundalini awakening with this four material. One: Intense yoga and body building activities like a weight lifting, all the things which creates sweet pain inside the body; of course with proper instruction, first. Second: Intense unclutching as much as possible. Third: Masters presence as much as possible. Fourth: Protein; Means a disciplined satvik diet; no animal protein. Please understand. When your kundalini is awakened add only vegetable protein; protein through vegetarian means. Do not add animal protein. This four is enough to create a complete Yogic body and Vedic mind.

10:13 So, I will recommend anybody who has stated experiencing kundalini and levitation; three months if you retire from all other activity and work intensely, you will create a perfect yogic body and vedic mind. Then go to the world and show. Do all the circus. You are asking here, "Are we bound to have public displays of spontaneous activity like levitation"? After establishing yourself, go round and show not just levitation even teleportation!! Nothing wrong; but I will sincerely recommend any sincere seeker who wants to establish them self into this kundalini experience permanently, when you are experiencing kundalini, when you started experiencing; within a month, decide three months, back out from the normal activity and regular life . Either come and stay in the ashram: I am creating ambience just for that. See it’s like a.... Our ashram is like a 'green house of consciousness'; 'nursery for new man'. So when the kunadlaini experience happens in you, when you start levitating, the best thing is come to the green house of consciousness, nursery of new man. And all four are provided for you here and something more…..for growing consciousness, to nurture your consciousness, to make you a new man. New being!

12:12 So try, whoever is experiencing the awakening. So I'll sincerely recommend come and be here at least for 3 months. It is just a beautiful, intense, amazing, experience! And create a new body and new mind. It can really help you. It can really awaken your whole being! 12:54

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'Description: Love, Sex and Kundalini Awakening Nithyananda - Q&A by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 28 Jan 2011'


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