May 14 2013

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions from Inner Awakening participants. He explains that when we enrich others by sharing the principles of integrity, authenticity and responsibility with the world, we are initiating them. When we help them to identify their root patterns, they begin to fully realize their life. Nithyananda also clarifies that Vedic tradition has the depth and breadth to include every religion. Because of its knowledge -- Veda means knowledge -- it offers teachings which enrich everyone, regardless of personal faith.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Inner Awakening, integrity, authenticity, responsibility, world, life, religion, knowledge, teachings, enrich, faith.


 We Are Citizens of Planet Earth

0 – 15 min

Nithyanandeshwara samarambham Nithyanandeshwari madhyamaam |
Asmadaacharya paryantam Vande guruparamparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, yet-to-be devotees, sitting with us around the world.

Today, 17th Inner awakening 7th day. Only 7th day, God! So much has happened.

/* 2.22 Hindi */

7th day of Inner awakening - Today we have a special session - samskaara dahana kriya - Working on Ahamkaara. Please understand, we were working earlier on Mamakara and swa-anyakara. Today we will work on Ahamkara.

/* 3.20 - 3.44 Hindi */

So much has happened in 7 days. I think, How many of you think just too much has happenned 7 days? I should raise my hand first. No, Never there was any program conducted by us, in dhyanapeetam in last 12 years of my public life, in one week so much has happened.

See I tell you, we know, we are practicing authenticity. Means constantly we are expanding, expanding, expanding. But this time, we really expanded.

Usually by 7th day, we would have only completed ASP and NSP. 7 chakras and 7 bodies and then 7th day, we will start - Let us think of root pattern. Usually what we complete by 15th day, we are up, alive on 7th day. And I should thank all of you for cooperating with this speed. Co-operating with the speed. And it is literally a conscious roller-coaster. Inner awakening is a spiritual roller coaster. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. It’s one of the best program. I can say THE best program. Every time we say, the best, the best, and every time it is becoming best and best.

Best and bestest, bestest-est. Thats the beauty,beauty of the whole program is.

We worked on Mamakara, Swa-Anyakara.Now, next, Ahamkara.

Today we will work on Ahankara. Once you find your root pattern and complete with it, simply your whole being can be filled with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. You will carry the space which makes miracles possible. I tell you - This 4 tattvas - Integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching - It’s a plan for miracles. It’s a unfailing, powerful, more successful strategy for miracles.

/* 7.59 - 8.24 Hindi */

So beautiful. Really beautiful. From today again, it is my sessions. So I'll be here with you guys. Of course, yesterday also I stepped out because of the root patterns for women. That is the reason I stepped out. I dint want to be here

See only when you cause miracles by living these 4 principles, you are living these 4 principles. Not otherwise. Otherwise you may be thinking. But not living. When you utter a word, it should become simply reality. Only then, you are living integrity. When you think an idea, it should become simply reality. Only then, you are living authenticity.

When you take responsibility, simply the whole problem should be solved and running as you want. Only then you are taking the responsibility. Otherwise, you are thinking of taking the responsibility. Not taking the responsibility.

The moment you enrich somebody, immediately he should start living these 4 tattvas. Only then, you are enriching. Otherwise, you are thinking about enriching. Getting it?

The moment you enrich somebody with the 4 principles, simply he should be able to start living. Enriching somebody about the 4 principles - like a initiating him. into the 4 principles. Simply the person should start living. That is why I am now sending my sannyasis to take the classes all over the country. Because I drill them to live these 4 tattvas. Only when they live, the 4 tattvas, If they speak to anybody, if they initiate into the 4 tattvas, simply the other person will start living.

June 1st and 2nd all over Tamilnadu, we have NDY programs. Nithya Dhyan Yoga programs, conducted by our sannyasis, to initiate these people into the 4 tattvas. And every weekend, we have kalpataru. Everywhere, kalpataru programs, to initiate people into 4 tattvas and the 4 principles. June 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, all weekends, we have kalpataru programs. Please understand, only based on what you cause outside, we can make sure you are living these principles inside. Only based on what you cause outside, we can confirm that you are living these principles inside. Till the world moves by your word, you can’t be sure you are practicing integrity.

Only when the world moves by your words, you are practicing integrity. Only when cosmos says "Tathastu", blesses, what you think you are practicing authenticity, only when cosmos supports you, with your responsibility, you are taking responsibility, you are living responsibility.

15 to 30 min

Only when Cosmos says “Thathaasthu!”, blesses what you think, you are practicing Authenticity! Only when Cosmos supports you with your responsibility, you are taking Responsibility, you are living Responsibility!

(Speaks in Hindi)

Listen! Even your inhaling and exhaling is for expansion. Either you inhale and exhale towards the higher life or towards death. If you practice these four principles, even death cannot take away life from you. You will be moving towards higher life. If you don’t live these four tattvas, every breath you are losing life and moving towards death. Atheists never go to the higher life, because they don’t believe it is possible. Whatever you believe strongly inside your inner space, you carry that and you make that happen. You carry that and you make that happen. Go around, go around all over the world and Enrich people to find their root-patterns, complete with it, live a new life, live a new energy. You will see, you will see very clearly, so much you will be enriched. Never in the language, never in the way you could even grasp, you will be enriched!

(Speaks in Hindi)

Finding the root-pattern literally makes you mature. Till then you are immature. Finding the root-pattern and completing with it makes you mature. Till then you are immature. Even if you take any number of spiritual programs, classes, courses, unless, unless you take the responsibility of finding the root-pattern and completing it, life does not start for you. Life does not start for you!

(Speaks in Hindi)

The program is actually going so successfully because all of you are sincerely interested in transformation. Listen! Because, see, all the time, program can’t be successful because of my instruction. Only because when you accept the principles into your life and bring that into your life, only then it can be successful. See, I can only give instruction, ‘Find your root-patterns and go around and introduce yourself with other. If you go around and introduce, ‘Hi! How are you? I am the CEO of this company. I am the Manager of this company.’, and if you go around and introduce yourself in the old way, not through your root-pattern, what can I do? I can’t do anything! I will say, ‘Alright! What can be done? I have a lunch break. We will gather for the next session.’ Understand, I have my own spies inside the class. They come back and tell me what is really happening. Only based on your interest and involvement, I take you to the next level of the process. Understand! I am so happy with the whole group energy. I am so happy with the whole group. Living it! Catching it! See, if you are constantly grumbling, grudging, ‘Oh, he is telling me to introduce myself as xxxxxxxxx! And especially to all the young girls how can I introduce myself like that where I have to show myself as a hero?’ No, you guys are so sincere, so integrated! Other than one or two sessions starting few minutes late, that also one or two minutes only, you guys are so integrated even with time!

You see, in the initial level, when you are practicing Integrity, it may look like out of fear. ‘Oh, I have to run! I have to run! Otherwise I have to stand in front of the mike. This Swami will drill me for ten minutes for one minute late! And I have to stand in front of the mike like a child! And I have to take everything!’ In the beginning it will be like fear. But, after two-three days, it will be just the space of Integrity driving you. Not the fear. How many of you feel that? Now it is the space of Integrity! It is no more fear!

Same way, Authenticity. See, first day, first day, when I say introduce yourself based on your root-pattern, if you are not ready to do, then I will not be able to take you to the next level of Swa Anyakaara, telling about the other person also you are this, this, this! Only when you encounter actual inner image and actual your idea about others, you are awakened to what you are doing to you and to others. How many of you feel you are awakened to what are you doing to you and to others? (People raise their hands). True!

Because you guys are so sincere, authentic, even in the next step of Swa Anyakaara, now we are going to the more powerful process, working on Ahankaara, Samskaara Dahana Kriya. Then we will, we are going to experience real, real death experience! Nothing like ever you have done any in death process! Understand, don’t even think it is like earlier. No!

I have so many questions from the Inner Awakening participants. As I said, these few days till the end of the Inner Awakening, I will answer the questions from participants. Maneesha, you can read the questions. After the two more days, means, once you complete with the Mamakaara, Swa Anyakaara, Ahankaara and ready, I think by tenth day you will be ready, I also wanted to have morning live panel discussion with Inner Awakening participants. During my morning satsang, we will be having live panel discussions where you can express your doubts, questions, your experiences, and I will answer, clarify, lead you to the deeper level truths. Read your questions.

Ma Maneesha: First question we have today is from Nico from Austria, who is saying, Swamiji, I have been following the morning satsang regularly for the past few months and understand that the 4 tattvas are the basic foundation to living life. I have been practicing the tattvas in my life and I am seeing amazing transformation in myself and in life around me. I have not done Inner awakening yet. I hear that in Inner Awakening also Swamiji is teaching the 4 tattvas. How would Inner Awakening benefit a person like me who is practicing the 4 tattvas already? Everyday morning satsang itself is like 1 inner awakening for me. Nico from Austria.

30 – 45 min

Swamiji: Understand, I think I answered this question yesterday. Yesterday itself I attended this question. Without knowing the question, I attended the question! So whoever is carrying this question in your heart, you already got the answer! As I said, satsang is trying to see the stars from the Planet Earth with bare eye during the day time. You will see little bit. But Inner Awakening is seeing the stars through the telescope mounted on satellites! You can say, the guy who is seeing the stars from the earth during day time and the guy who sees the stars through the telescope mounted on satellite, both of them are seeing the stars only. Am I right? But are both of them seeing the same? Both of them are seeing same, but both of them are not seeing same! Both of them are seeing the same thing, but both of them are not seeing the same! Getting it? So, it may look like, ‘morning satsang is also on four tattvas; Inner Awakening is also four tattvas; how is it going to help me?’ Only when you come to the Inner Awakening you will understand it may look same, it is not same!

Q. Why do we say Vedic tradition is the only hope for the world? If someone authentically follows other religions, won’t they be helped? Or, even if they believe in themselves and in what they do, won’t they be helped? Why only Vedic tradition?

Swamiji: Yes, this is an important question I have to deal with. First thing, all traditions are unique. Each one of them have their own spiritual strength, spiritual truths. But fortunately, Vedic tradition is so vast enough it has its depth and breadth to live, accept, respect all traditions. Listen! See, there are some spiritual traditions which have depth, but they are missing the breadth to accept others also. There are some traditions that accept everyone, huge breadth, but they miss the depth of leading a person to enlightenment, ultimate. Vedic tradition has both. It has depth, it can straight away lead you to enlightenment! It has breadth, it can accommodate many gods or all gods! I never ask anybody to legally convert. We don’t do that legal conversion job. Unless somebody wants to be a sannyasi, no other way! See, being a Hindu, you cannot go and become a Catholic Bishop, just because of those norms.

Please be very clear, we are rooted in Vedic tradition, but we serve the whole world!

I don’t want to say all religions are same. No! All religions are unique! “All religions are same” is a disrespect to Hinduism! Because there are some religions which teaches you to go and kill people! Either convert or kill. If somebody gets converted because of the fear of getting killed, how much of loyalty he will have towards that religion? How much of authenticity he will have towards that religion? So, inauthenticity is piling up, becoming the terrorism in some religions.

Gita does not teach you convert or kill. No! So understand, the Vedic tradition - Sanatana Dharma, the Vedic tradition, the very tradition, Vedic tradition means, the tradition based on Knowledge. The word “Hinduism” is forced on us by the invaders. See, those invaders are Chandalas. They can think only based on land. That is why they named us geographically: “Who lives that side of the Indus River”. Please understand, the man whose mind is all the time about the “land, land, land”, is Shudra, Chandala. The man whose mind is always about “weapon, weapon, weapon’ is Kshatriya - power. The man whose mind is always about “money, money, money and luxury” is Vaishya. The man whose mind is centered on Knowledge is Brahmana. We are knowledge-based civilization.

The other day I was thinking, now I have to do, clearly I have to develop an international branding for akhada. The responsibility is with me. So I was thinking, what can be the branding? I have to now discover and define what is our Mamakaara to ourselves, what is our Ahankaara, what is our SwaAnyakaara towards the world as an entity, as a collective group or a team.

When I was contemplating for the last few days, “Knowledge”! “Knowledge” is the branding of Hinduism. Veda means Knowledge. It can lead to prosperity, success, peace, bliss, wealth, all the auspicious things. Knowledge is the main theme of Vedic tradition. Veda means Knowledge. So, wherever, whatever Knowledge has flourished, all those places, Vedic tradition has flourished. All of them belong to Vedic tradition. The scientists who dedicate their life for Knowledge, not for the Pharmaceutical companies which runs behind money, are Rishis. Any discovery done for the sake of enriching the world, not for the sake of patenting and money-making, are Rishis. Understand, Vedic tradition is not restricted to the River of Indus. It belongs to the whole world, wherever Knowledge is flourishing. Without the taint of land, weapon and money, in all those places Vedic tradition is flourishing. They belong to Vedic tradition, us! Oxford University, Harvard University, all the great universities all over the world, understand, we are one! Wherever the Knowledge is flourishing for life, not for money, not for weapon, not for land, but for enriching, all of you belong to Vedic tradition.

Because we are ready to accept all gods, and many gods!

Understand, I promote Vedic tradition not because I am born in it, because I discovered it! The only way to have the Planet Earth, the future of the Planet Earth saved, only way to keep the Planet Earth away from religious terrorism is allow people to discover their religion. When they become 18, present all the traditions in front of them. Allow people to discover their religion. Vedic tradition is the only tradition which can stand the scrutiny of the logic, which will allow people to discover. We don’t say, ‘If you are born to me, you have to follow me!’ No! We are ready to stand the scrutiny. We are open to be discovered. We are ready! Let there be platform where everything is presented by the most charismatic leaders in every school, every college.

The future of the world is going to be this way. The future of the Planet Earth is going to be exactly this way. Once you become 18, now you have the freedom to choose which country you want to live in, what should be your language, what should be the field you wanted to enrich the world, and which faith you wanted to live, which religion you wanted to pick up, which gender you want to have. It is going to be very common, the gender-exchange operations! Gender-change operations are going to be just like cough and cold medication! It is going to be available in every street! Very soon you don’t need to be bound in the gender you are born. You don’t need to be bound to the religion you are born. You don’t need to be bound in the country you are born in. You don’t need to be bound with your mother-tongue. So, naturally, all the people who promote love for your country, love for your religion, love for your mother-tongue, love for your culture, love for your gender, they will all be outdated Because politics thrives on constantly making you love the things which you don’t need to love, constantly generating, forcing the pseudo love. Why do you need to love a language, tell me? Language is just for communication. Over! If you know what the other person is saying, if the other person knows what you are saying, and he understands, that is over! Language is just for communication, not for becoming fanatic and dying! Religion is just for enriching yourself and others, not for just killing each other. Country is, what for country concept? So that we create better and better infrastructure and enrich the universe, enrich the world. But, instead, we build more and more weapons in the name of defense and kill each other! The concept of language, the concept of country, the concept of religion, just see, how many billions of people we lost on the Planet Earth and all their intelligence! There are some religions, even while you are alive they kill your intelligence! So, understand, the future should be, the religion, language, gender and country, all these should be just openly available! We are not born to live in one corner of the world. We are citizens of the Planet Earth. This can happen only by the Vedic tradition. I tell you, only by Vedic tradition, which has the strength to stand any scrutiny. And, not only that, even though it accepts all traditions, even if you don’t accept Vedic tradition, Vedic tradition accepts you!

45 - end

You need to know this good news! Even if you’re agnostic, or atheist, Vedic tradition has a place for you. The greatest atheist on planet Earth, who walked on the planet Earth, Charvaka is one of our rishi, highly revered, respected. if your whole life is all about, only about money, you can’t cross Charvaka, he says - borrow money and drink ghee; that’s all, that’s your life.. ‘Rinam Krithva, Ghritham Pibeth!’ Make loans and drink ghee, there’s no next birth. Forget about everything, enjoy as much as you can. Just like exactly many materialistic mentality – ‘my last cheque should bounce!’ If you are in that category you belong to us. Come on, we have your leader Charvaka following, if you are agnostic means, I trust only me, nothing else, nobody else, come on you belong to me. Buddha is there to lead you! If you feel, No, no ,every stone I see is God, I’m going to worship, and live. come on you’re a Shaivite. Every stone we see, we hang it on our chest, and say ‘linga’.

Whoever you are, we accept you, but we don’t lose our originality. We enrich you, but we don’t lose our authenticity. Sometime, many religions when they go all out for enriching, they lose their authenticity. Some religions, when they are too authentic, they forget about enriching, or they try to kill people. Vedic tradition is authentic and enriching.

Of course I accept the word Hindu, also even though it is given by the chandalas and shudras. Because it has become popular, its O.K, we’ll accept it. But we will re-define that word, see they gave that word just to give an identification of people who live that side of the Indus river that’s all, because they know only geography, they do not know philosophy, they’re not knowledge based civilization. ‘This land is mine! this land is mine! This side of the land if you live like this, that side of the land if you live like that!’ it’s just land based barbarians.

A few days before, we were having a very serious discussion, in all over the U.S all the temples we have, should we call as Nithyananda Vedic Temple? Or Nithyananda Hindu Temple. That time is what I thought, I’m not against the word Hindu, because it has been accepted all over the world, we should accept that word. But all I thought is that, the word did not tell about our brand, what we stand for, the word was geography based, we are knowledge based, the word is land based, we are knowledge based civilization. Understand? The Vedic Sampradaya , the Vedic tradition, is all about enriching life, knowledge for prosperity, knowledge to realise your possibility, knowledge to experience extra ordinary powers, knowledge to experience health, knowledge to experience wealth, knowledge to experience peaceful, harmonious community. Knowledge to experience yourself as part of the organism , Listen, Hinduism is not organization based religion, it is organism based religion. We don’t have organizations, but early morning prayers, we chant in Ramashwaram, and what they chant in Kashmir, what they chant in Varanasi, and what they chant in Somanatam will be the same. And the way they move their hands will be the same, the way they show the fingers and mudras will be same. Then what do you mean by saying Hinduism is weak, because it has no organization? No we are not organization based religion, we’re organism based religion. We just become one organism. That is why, how much ever you attack the heads of our tradition, how many heads you attack, the tradition never dies! You can never kill it. See sharp Indian time seven o clock, when the screen opens here, in how many countries! I am not saying for pride or ego, see in how many countries the camphor in the same way it is shown. Can any organization do this? With so much authenticity, because so many countries now it is mid-night. It is only an organism can do. Vedic tradition is organism based religion, you become just organism, knowledge makes you an organism. Energy in synchronization, that is why I call it Hinduism, is the religion of synergy, sync with energy, all energies are in sync with each other. Synergy, so I promote Vedic tradition because it has possibility for accepting everyone, and still retaining its originality, to lead you to enlightenment. We are a tradition based on the whole organism. That is why how many temples you demolish, immediately it stands back! How many leaders you demolish immediately they stand back. How much ever you try it stays forever and ever, and ever. Now all the third generation are great atheist and devotees. There is not a single third generation atheist, who has not taken vibhuti from me. Not for pride, I am just telling you the truth, it has no base, the way the atheism started, everyone thought they would destroy the Hindu tradition, but by second generation, over! It’s not able to move any further. So the essence of today’s satsang, enrich, enrich, enrich. I accept and promote Vedic tradition, because it is based on enriching. Knowledge based civilization, knowledge based tradition. I wanted our sangha, Nithyananda sangha , to be knowledge based tradition. You don’t need to be bound by a language, religious principles, or land, or gender. Collect the best things from all over the world, flourish as a tradition of knowledge, knowledge, unlimited knowledge, for life, unlimited knowledge for prosperity, unlimited knowledge for health is ayurveda, unlimited knowledge for wealth is the prosperity, atharvanaveda unlimited knowledge for everything to prosper, is Vedic tradition.

Vedic tradition is my passion subject, that is why when we started, I don’t know how the time flew! Still I have so much to share, so much to tell!