June 20 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declares that our first priority in life should be to complete all incompletions. Decisions should not be made nor should we start anything new without being in completion. All planning should come from a space of completion. Otherwise, the decisions we make will come from our patterns not us. We can achieve everything with the power of completion as it eliminates all powerless moments in our lives. Completion is God! Complete! Complete! Complete! Only when we are complete can we experience, live, and teach the power of the 4 Tattvas.

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam | Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

00:00:56 Hindi - 00:01:07

I welcome all the devotees, television viewers, samajis, satsangis for the Nithya Satsang.

Before entering into the satsang, I have to express my strong condolences and the heartfelt prayers to all the devotees, Hindu pilgrims who have passed away in Kedarnath in the flood situation. Something like a 65,000 people are stranded and only 10,000 are rescued so far. Around 5,000 are missing so death toll may go up in thousands. Two hundred Government and private lodges are covered in almost few hours by the flash flood and the cloud burst. Kedarnath Temple other than the Garbha Mandir, nothing is left. Even the Garbha Mandir is submerged in the slush and the nature’s fury has completely washed away Adi Shankaracharya’s Samadhi. Adi Shankaracharya Samadhi is not even there now and I express my deep prayers and strong condolences to all the people who passed away. I pray to Mahadeva Kedarnath to liberate all the souls who left the body in your vicinity and we have also sent immediately our sannyasis. Turiyananda has already started working with other Hindu organizations which are working on giving relief works but still we are not able to reach the place because there is no access all the access is completely damaged and all the temple staff and Shri Mahants, Naga Sadhus who were protecting the temple, taking care of all the jewels, gold, silver, all of them are missing.Not single one, of course there is very less chance anyone of them can be alive because the whole thing is submerged at least 20 feet height the slush has covered and the temple actually belongs to our Peetha, Mahanirvani Peetha, and Shankaracharya’s Samadhi belongs to Mahanirvani Peetha. It’s unfortunate - just like last time when Amarnath devotees faced difficulties Dhyanapeetam did relief work surely we will be doing relief work this time also we’ll be sending a group of volunteers and lot of money, food, medicines, clothes, everything. Already I sent two of our sannyasis to study and immediately inform us so that whatever is required is sent. If you are experienced in working in these terrains and interested in volunteering there, you can send an email to our en sharing, Dhyanapeetam will take the responsibility and send you as our team but one thing if you are not experienced don’t try to go out of enthusiasm then somebody has to do relief work for you , somebody has to attend to you. So only if you are trained to live in those terrains and help people work I request send an email to [email protected]. It’s the worst tragedy Kedarnath Temple faces it is one of the Jyotirlinga not only the temple belonged to our sampradaya one of the Jyotirlingas, and from the time of Mahabharata this temple is well-known it’s re-established by Adi Shankara and Adi Shankara left the body there, Adi Shankara’s Samadhi is there. I sincerely pray to Kedareshwar to liberate all the souls who left the body.

<00:08:09 Hindi - 00:08:59>

I’ll enter into today’s program, Nithya Satsang I will speak on karma and completions. I’ll continue on karma and completions. Danse suniya listen as I defined yesterday the incompletions you continue to carry is karma, incompletions you continue to carry is karma. Listen every disease I tell you if you continuously complete, complete, complete, many psychosomatic diseases will not even start in your system, can be completely avoided like diabetes, blood-pressure. Many of these psychosomatic disorders won’t even start.The incompletions, incompletions you carry in your system is powerful enough not only to create disorders in the body it can create disorders, permanent disorders in the mind.

<00:12:44 Hindi - 00:13:09>

Understand karma, karma is not just effect of incompletion, karma can be cause for more and more incompletions. Listen, karma cannot be just the effect of earlier incompletions karma can be the source for new incompletions. Once the incompletions start either you have to be moving towards completion or more and more incompletion you cannot just keep quiet as I said life is a verb, not a noun. Life is a happening either you move towards more completion or go on be creating more and more incompletions.

Understand 00:14:01 Hindi -00:16:58

It is unfortunate human beings do not understand what karma can cause in you. Don’t allow debt, enmity, fire, incompletions even little bit left out even if a little bit of fire is left out it can grow and engulf. Even if a little bit of debt is left, it can grow and swallow all your wealth. Even a little bit of enmity is left, it can grow and destroy your life. Even if a little bit of incompletions are left, it can grow and completely destroy you mentally. Understand incompletions left in any form leads to more and more incompletions and difficulty. I request all the disciples, devotees, to complete incompletions should become the first priority in the life. Completing the incompletions should be the first priority in your life. Completing the incompletions should be the first priority in your life. That should be the first thing in your life.

20:00 min

Sometimes it is so unfortunate we don’t do first things first. We think we will find our job, we will find our spouse, we will find our house, then we will start incompletion. No! Then we think we will start incompletions. No! When you are in incompletion, you will attract a wife who is in incompletion. When you are in incompletion, you will attract a house which is in incompletion. When you are in incompletion, you will attract a job in which you will not be stable. First thing you need to do is clear your inner space. Space corruption is the worst thing! Space corruption is the worst thing that can happen in your life. With corrupt space, nothing can be done. Whether you want to start building your new house, you want to start your new career, you want to start your new job, you want to start your new life, you want to start a new business, new career, anything you want to start new, I tell you, first do completion. Do not rush in making decisions. Before completion, any decision you make will be of patterns, not of yours! It will be of your patterns, not of yours!

“Hindi Translation”

Understand, anything, anything with which you plan your life should be in completion. Are you using your cognition for your life, complete the cognition? Cognition should be in completion. Are you using your mind? It should be in completion. Are you using your words? It should be in completion. Everything you use, everything you use to plan for your life should be in completion. When you are not in completion, even listening to these fiery spiritual truths you sleep!

Sometimes people ask, ‘How do I know whether my cognition, mind and whatever I use to plan my life is in completion or not?’

Yes, you will see very clearly, if powerless moments are, again and again, repeated in your life, you are in incompletion. If there is no powerless moment in your life throughout the day, you are in completion. That is all!

“Hindi Translation”

Only one person living in completion can be an inspiration for millions of People, whoever sees him, will at least know this is possible! One man started swimming in the water is the reason for millions of ships now floating in the ocean! When one man demonstrated swimming is possible, all other human-beings had the courage. When they had the courage they can float, then the field of floating, means today millions of ships floating has happened, because one man decided to swim on the water! I tell you, today all the spiritual knowledge is available just because one man has decided to define the power of root-patterns on human mind. Because one man has decided to live in completion, today all the science of completion, science of enlightenment exists! Go on, go on, go on completing. Don’t leave any being with whom you have incompletion. Reach out to everyone and complete with everyone. Because, even a little incompletion left can twist and pervert the way you think about you and others, the way you think about you and the world. So, first thing needs to be done is completion in your life before anything you start. Anything you start, you need completion. Before beginning a career, complete with everything. Before building a house, complete with everything. Before beginning learning, complete with everything. Before beginning a new lifestyle, complete with everything. Before beginning a spiritual practice, complete with everything. Before beginning a religious ritual, complete with everything. Before beginning anything, complete with everything.

“Hindi Translation”

Knowledge, knowledge about completion is the basic survival need for every human-being. If you are cornered, complete. If you are confronted, complete. If you are in conflict, complete. If you are feeling powerless, complete. Every situation, first do completion. Completion is Ganesha Pooja! In Hindu tradition, what we call “Ganesha Pooja” is nothing but completion! Start everything after completion. Before beginning anything, do completion. That is why, even before beginning sannyas I tell people, take a little time for completion. During completion don’t take any decision of going out of sannyas and living in sannyas. First do completion, and then decide. Completion, completion, completion is life. When you complete, you will be in the right space to do pooja, meditation, tapas, yajna, dhaana. Everything, everything is possible when you do completion. Everything is possible when you do completion. Understand, you don’t know the power of completion. The power of completion is nothing but the power of God! Whatever the power of God can do, everything can be achieved just by completion.

“Hindi Translation”

Before you begin the life, all Gurukul kids listen, at least one year you should spend your life aiming, concentrating on completion, because you guys will have less incompletions now. Spend next one year, along with your education, every day spend a little time on completing with people. Whoever you met in your life with whom you carry incompletions, complete, complete, complete. Completion eliminates all the powerless moments of life. Every powerless moment in your life is eliminated by completion. When you are in completion, even Lord of Death cannot kill you, because Shiva will be there to protect you like how Markandeya is protected! When you are in completion, everything supports you in the life, everything supports you, everything in Nature supports you, Law of Life supports you! Everything fulfills your inner space!

“Hindi Translation”

The essence of today’s satsangh: Completion, completion, completion! Only when you complete you will be able to practice the four principles of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Only when you are complete, you will be able to see the result of these four principles in your life. Only when you are complete, you will be fulfilled, you will be experiencing the power of these four tattwas. Only when you are complete, you will have everything auspicious in your life.

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explore in eternal bliss, Nithyananda!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, priority, life, incompletions, completion, planning, space, patterns, eliminates, powerless, God, experience, power, Tattvas.

Photos From The Day:

Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Ambal Sayambu Linga http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-20-61-13-14_0.JPG Swamiji's Utsavamurthy Dakshinamurthy http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-20-61-13-12_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-20-61-13-10_0.JPG Banyantree http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-20-61-13-3_0.JPG Morning Satsang http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-20-61-13-7_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-20-61-13-9_0.JPG Sarva Darshan Blessings