July 10 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda presents the deeper dimensions of completion. He stresses that we can make things possible in our lives only when we are complete, especially with the perpetuating pattern of self-doubt. We tend to live with deep inauthenticity because the image we show others is not the same image we carry about ourselves internally. Naturally, we begin to feel others are also showing us a fake identity. Trust in them is lost and as a result, we feed the self-doubt we carry inside. Self-doubt is a horrible consciousness-killing and self-destructive disease. Let us build confidence and intelligent decision making abilities by beginning work today, completing with self-doubt.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, pattern, self-doubt, inauthenticity, identity, trust, consciousness, confidence, intelligent, decision making.



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

Today Mahadeva graces us in the alankara (decoration), leela alankara of, “Ulavaa Kizhi Aruliyadhu”.

The story behind the scene is, Kulabhushana Pandyan, the king, spent all his money in worshipping Shiva and building the temples, but did not take care of Brahmin scholars, because of which famine and hunger started spreading in the kingdom and the scholars, Brahmins also started moving to other countries in search of food and respect. So, because of that, no Veda Mantra chanting and yajnas happening in the kingdom. The people of the kingdom were also wondering where to go and live. At this time, the king prays to Sundareshwara. Sundareshwara appeared in the king’s dream and said that the famine is because there was no yajnas performed and no Vedic chantings were happening, for the Vedas are the Lord’s own words and ornaments. Then the Lord gives this Ulava Kizhi, means the pot of gold coins which never gets emptied, which will not diminish at all. Sundareshwara blesses the king to feed people with that wealth which comes out of that Ulava Kizhi and encourage the Brahmins and perform the yajnas.

With His grace we will make the whole thing into reality. We request His blessings.

What beautiful stories! The Lord attending to every day-to-day needs of life, literally responding to every simple prayer and every single situation.

In today’s satsanh I‘ll continue to expand on “COMPLETION AND STABILITY”.

Let me expand on the deeper dimensions of Completion.

Listen! Completion: only with completion anything in your life is possible, and I wanted all of you to understand you have to first start completing even with this pattern of self-doubting. See, ‘If I complete is it going to help me? And when I sit in front of the mirror, start completing, I don’t think I feel complete.’ Even these are patterns! Please understand, how many of you feel ‘If I sit in front of the mirror and do the completion process, I don’t know whether I am complete or not?’ This is an important pattern that you need to understand. How many of you feel that way? Raise your hand. (People raise their hands).

So understand, all of you have one important pattern: self-doubting. This self-doubting pattern, unless you complete with that pattern also, completion will not happen. Understand, the pattern of self-doubting! Please listen, along with your root-pattern and split-up of your personality, one more thing has entered into you: constantly doubting. Please listen! Because any part of your personality decides or does anything, the other part doubts that cognition. Whatever your right hand does, left hand is doubting! Whatever your left hand does, right hand is doubting! So, you have to do everything with both hands, only then it will be successful.

So, first of all, you need to complete with this doubting pattern, constantly doubting yourself. Because you constantly doubt yourself, you doubt about the truths of completion, four tattvas, principles, you doubt everything. You doubt you. Because you doubt you, you doubt me. Please listen, if you doubt you, you will doubt me, because I am inside you more than you exist in you! If you are occupying 20-30% of you, I am occupying 60-70% of you. So, naturally, if you doubt you, you will doubt me. And, if you have anger towards you, you will have anger towards me!

Sometimes people think, ‘oh, I don’t have anger towards others, I have anger only towards me.’ But I tell you, when you dig, dig, dig, you will see very clearly, vengeance towards others when you can’t express it, it becomes anger towards you. Vengeance towards others when you can’t express it, when you think, ‘Oh, no! I know they are powerful! I have to be dependent on them!’ then it expresses on you.

Today, I’ll expand only on how to complete with your self-doubt. Listen! Understand, today I will expand just on this one subject: self-doubt! Sit and look in. Look in to find first time when the self-doubting started in you. Please understand, the moment you realize your inner image about you is different and the outer image you project to others is different, self-doubting will start on you. The moment you realize behind the screen you are like something and outside the screen you are like something, or in front of your wife you are something, you have a different way of behaving, and outside when she is not there you have a different way of describing her.

Please understand, when you understand that your inner image about you, your outer image about you, the way you project you and the way you think about you, when these two are different – the way you think about you is Mamakaara, the way you project you is Ahankaara – when these two become different, and one important thing, please listen, especially when others are convinced about the image you project outside, you think, ‘Oh, God! All these fellows are fooled! Even though I am hiding what is and projecting something different, everyone is fooled. Then, I think this is the way everyone is fooling others.’ Then you start doubting everything and you.

Listen! When there is a disconnect between your inner image about you and the image you project about you outside, means your outer image, when there is a disconnect between these two, and especially when you are able to convince others, you are able to convince others about your outer image, the way you project yourself is the true image, when you are able to convince everyone, suddenly the self-doubt starts getting developed. ‘What am I doing? What is this?’

I tell you, the worst conscious killer disease is self-doubt, especially self-doubt established as a pattern in you. You will see very clearly you will work for something, and when it becomes a failure you yourself will take revenge on you. ‘You did all this, this, this! You need this!’ How many of you have this self-revenge pattern? This is called “átma droha”. Understand, first, “átma sandeha”, means self-doubt, then “átma droha”, this leads to “átma hatya” self-destruction. No, that is the poor human-beings!

Look in and start digging out when first time you started having self-doubt. Try to remember, recollect the earliest memory of your self-doubt. When you yourself did not trust the words you uttered, for example even now when you declare, ‘With Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, I declare…’ one part of you saying, ‘You neither have Integrity nor Responsibility nor Authenticity! What are you declaring? Keep quiet! Keep Quiet! You are not going to be successful. These are all pseudo drama! What others, they may be telling because they may be having’. Before you even complete one statement, your other part has finished satsang! But I tell you, only by the declarations and making them into reality, the spiritual strength, “the átma bala” is created.

What is “átma bala”? Most of you, your parts, being integrated! See, now you are nothing more than a spare parts shop. You are not a whole vehicle. You are a spare parts shop. In U.S., there will be dump yards where a lot of cars will be dumped. Any spare part you want, you can go into the dump yard and remove it, when you come out you can pay for that and go. You will get even Rolls Royce spare parts in the dump yards! You may get Rolls Royce spare parts, but that does not mean dump yards can become car showroom! All of us are only dump yards, spare parts selling centers! Because we are all in different spare parts, each one is thinking in one, one way. Your tongue goes on visualizing about food and all the decisions about food it puts that file in the front: ‘hey, sign in this first!’ And your eyes, they push their file: ‘hey, hey, hey! Come on! Sign in this!’ And your lust, that fellow when he comes, he pushes everyone out, because he bribes a lot! All files are thrown out! And he says, ‘Come on! Sign in this!’ It is literally a chaotic government office! Chaotic, corrupt government office! Chaotic, corrupt government office and spare parts selling center. Now, first thing you need to do, when the self-doubting started and all the incidents you remember about your self-doubting pattern.

Please understand, the people who have self-doubt only created atheism! Atheism is nothing but the collective expression of self-doubt. Collective expression of confidence on the consciousness is Temples! And, collective expression of self-doubt is Atheism! So, with whatever you associate, you are going to get that, be very clear! Are you going to allow the collective self-doubt to influence you? No, I have read enough of atheist literature! It is nothing but exploiting your self-doubting system. These atheists’ idiots go on telling that “these religious leaders and gurus are exploiting the innocent, exploiting the emotional weakness of the people”. I tell you, the atheist leaders and atheist gurus exploit the conscious weakness of human-beings which is self-doubting!

Understand, the pattern of self-doubting: if somebody knows how to touch the pattern of your self-doubting, he can make you doubt anything! But, it will lead to destruction. Based on self-doubt, any doubt you create it will lead more and more ignorance. More and more ignorance!

Please understand, I tell you, many, many fellows who can exploit, who master the art of exploiting your self-doubt, they become atheist leaders, the revolutionaries. And, the guys who can exploit your ability to doubt your emotions, they become poets. Please understand, poetry, cinema, all these arts are nothing but, making you feel that your self-doubt can be healed! I’ll give you the example, why always in all movies the lovers finally unite? And, why they don’t show after they get married, what happens?

See, your emotions, the decisions you take during your emotions, can’t be completely trusted. And one more thing you need to understand, that does not mean you should not take any decision based on emotions. You should take decisions based on emotions which should also be supported with intelligence. So, whenever you are high on emotions and want to take some decision, if you stop taking decisions, you will live as buffalo! If you take decision immediately, you will enter into incompletion. You should raise your intelligence level to your emotions, means, building up completion in you to support why you should do what you want to do. Please understand, I am revealing some of the important basic theories of life. All the movie makers, they try to show the decision you take emotionally, like love marriage or anything, it is always good and right! At least, majority of them try to show, because in their life they realized it is wrong, a lie and a failure! They go on trying to justify, ‘No, no, no, I may not be successful, but the system is successful.’

Listen! Listen! Whenever you are high on emotion, means you are in love with a boy or girl, and you really, really want to get married, if you don’t take the decision in that high emotion, your whole life will be like a buffalo! I have seen people who don’t take any decision. So understand, if you don’t take decisions when you are highly excited, feeling powerful and emotional, you will become a buffalo. Same way, if you take decisions during those high emotions, you will be a failure. Then, what should be done? Build the intelligence to support your decisions during the high emotions, means, building completion, completion, completion! During the high emotions, self-doubt also will be in high frequency. So, complete with that self-doubt. Complete with the self-doubts! I can say, self-doubt is the part of you which does not allow you to take any major decisions in your life.

I have seen many people who literally just want to jump into the Sangha and want to be part of the Sangha. They dream, ‘I think sannyas is my life. Living around him is my life. Oh, God! After so many janmas I recognized he is in the human body! How can I be away?’ All high emotions! High feeling, Inspired! Excited! But then comes self-doubt. ‘Will these emotions stay high? Will I be able to retain this same space? Will I be able to ever be in that same mood, be in that same energy? Oh, I don’t know what to do?’ Over! You are back to your two-bedroom apartment. Two-bedroom apartment means two people staying in that constantly for fighting with each other! Your inner space is like that only. The one who doubts you, and the one who is doubted. These two stay together and they exchange the role also. ‘See, today you doubt me, I‘ll be the doubted. Tomorrow I‘ll doubt you, you’ll be the doubted.’

Understand, whenever the high emotion, excitement happens, understand, you are jumping towards the space of God! You are closest towards your highest existence! But, I tell you, don’t make decision out of that emotion, and don’t be without making decision out of that emotion! You have to make decision after the completion with all the self-doubts, so that the emotion becomes eternal, e-Motion, Enlightening Motion! The people who try to justify their emotions, wrong!

Understand, continuously these patterns of self-doubt destroys you making any major decision in your life. Whether in your career, or in your education, or in your life, in your knowledge, everything, everything, the self-doubt makes it into pieces, destroys it.

The essence of today’s satsang:

Sit with all these self-doubting patterns. Pen them down. Relive and relieve them. Complete with them. Don’t doubt whether you completed with your self-doubts; that will be one more doubt, at least complete with that! If you have self-doubt, complete with it. If you have one more doubt whether you completed with your self-doubt or not, complete with that also. Go on completing.

With this, I‘ll move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Nirahara Samyama.

I request all the Nirahara Samyama participants, sit straight. Tomorrow level-2 Samyama ends. So, after tomorrow morning satsangh, you can have breakfast, you can break the Samyama. Now let us start the Nirahara Samyama.

Please sit straight. Close your eyes. Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha and inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth. Hold as long as possible. Exhale through both the nostrils.

With Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I bless you all. Let you all experience Kundalini awakening, live health, bliss and enlightenment, producing the energy directly from the space! Namah Shivaya!

Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!