May 05 2007

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Maya: Understand the illusion


With a simple example, Nithyananda explains Maya through the words of Shiva. The sutra that starts with "Illusions deceive..." explains how one can become Shiva. Nithyananda spends some time only on these two words so that the illusionary Maya as real as it seems simply dissolves and what remains is the ultimate truth. To purchase videos by Nithyananda, please visit

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Allow Your Being To Flower || Part 1 || Atma Spurana || 05 May 2007


Name Of The Convention: Atma Spurana Session on: Allow Your Being To Flower Part 1 Date : 5th May 2007 Venue : Oklahoma City USA

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 5th May 2007. Here, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda​ #Paramashivam​ starts by describing how the ATSC is different from previous programs. He explains that this convention is neither technique based or non technique based, It is a process- adding something to you and taking the unwanted away from you. SPH says that Atma Spurana translates directly to mean the flowering of the soul and of one's self, opening up your being like a how flower opens up. He says this convention is simply just sitting with the master (Upanishad).

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atman means the self higher self means flowering overflowing in every one of us naturally ourselves is there otherwise we'll be dead we'll be gone just you being alive is a proof that you have self the self exists in you but it's not flowering you don't feel constantly the flowering moon or flowering attitude or flowering being where is the problem where we need to work what we need to do is all about these two days of shock two days will work only on this line understand if you are already in any of our programs don't think it is going to be safe that's the first thing you need to understand my first level programs like asp now we call it lbp lbp nsp all these things are technique based i give you some particular technique you do the technique and there are next level programs dsp nithyananda all these programs are no technique ways there are no technique the lbp and spl technique based the dsp nithyananda all these things are no technique based this program atmosphere is neither technique based nor no technique based it is called process process means we will be doing few things understand technique means we will be taught something you can do it here and you can do it in a home no technique means you will be given an understanding you will be just sitting without doing anything you can be there the same way in the home also but now here neither you are going to be doing something which you can do in the home nor you are going to be keep quiet which you can do it in the home here it's something like that you and me both of us are going to work together it is solved across us in sanskrit we call that upanishad understand in sanskrit we call that upanishad all our vedic traditional scriptures the cream is called upanishad cream is called upanishad literally the word means sitting with the master that is what the word means sitting with the master process means you and me both of us are going to work work together it is not technique because you can't go to your home and practice the same which you learned here you can't practice if you practice not only there won't be effort so no practicing you can't practice second thing it is not no technique also because you are going to do something now it is not technique because you can't go back to your home and practice it is not to know no technique because you are going to do something now means both of us are going to work together it will be like a cooking in sanskrit we have a word called siddha the word siddha has got two meaning one mild another one enlightened both meanings are given to the same world now you are going to be buying there is every possibility can become enlightened by tomorrow evening let's hope at least he will become like this all right hoping we can do all what should we do it's like a process where you open yourself completely to the presence of the master understand with the technique you need to do something with no technique you don't need to do anything here with process even if you do or don't do the work will start happening only thing you have to be here you have five layers of condition yesterday i was talking about that because that has a porsche 5 sheet do not think this is like an mst 7 layer no in nsp we work on the engrams sanskaras engraved on the layers here we are directly working on the layer itself in nsp we were working on the painting on the camera store there was a canvas float there was a painting we were cleaning doing little touch up or correcting our wiping now we are washing the very cloth itself the very cloth itself we are just cleaning the very layer itself it is not that just here touching the painting touching the painting is like touching the engram some stars but we are working on the layer the cloth itself not just the painting so understand it's a very powerful method sitting with the master process basic requirement is you need to believe trust i am enlightened otherwise you can't open up completely so that's the basic requirement and whether you directly believe it or not let me tell you from my side i've had the experience about which i'm talking i'm very clear about what i'm talking so i give you once more assurance you can open up of course now it's up to you second thing decide very clearly consciously you will open yourself means literally visualizing you are like a completely open flower literally visualize and open yourself all the five layers all the five layers you don't have to talk verbally talking does not mean opening up understand i am not asking you to confess no confession is a cunning technique to keep people under no it's a very cunning technique once you confess you can't go out of his fold because he knows everything about you he knows everything about you i am not asking you to confess no need to verbalize but release the thoughts thought pattern open your thought pattern let it be dissolved let it disappear so confession is cunning method practice from ages to keep people under control it's a very subtle matter and people also start enjoying when you listen others personal life but really it's got some sucking joy why do you think we go on talk about so many things about others it's a there is a job when you talk about others private life especially others don't know many people don't know okay i know that kind of a thing and if you add little masala here there and if you are sure that nobody can verify or refer to the person you can start doing anything this is just fun like enjoying the memory that others are doing something which you can't do which you always want to do but which you can't do in public when you think that others are when you imagine our thing but others may be doing suspecting then you start talking about it it gives you sort of a juicy feeling mind is always sad [Music] so i am not asking you to confess you know i am not asking you to talk no i am not asking you to tell no just open up release those thought patterns so that it can be erased once for all it can be erased once for all it can be healed it can be clean the pores kosha means the sheet layers the layers which you have can be clean this program is directly based on a great upanishad great scripture called thai three of punisher likely one of important book from the vedic tradition in which the method or the process for enlightenment is described now we are going to what unfold that upanishad we are going to work on that step by step it's a whole two days program where you'll be going through the process be very clear if you have any program tomorrow or by evening you may have to leave off never take up this program no i want you to be completely inside till tomorrow evening i end up shocked because it is a process it is not just a technique it is a process it is a process you need to completely go through icons with one layer two feet and three layers stuck and you will go if somebody asked no two layers and clearly an exception when you come in something i do i can't afford to do that and you can't be playing half off please decide very clearly now itself till tomorrow evening you need to be here completely you need to be here fully involved the process process means adding something to you and taking something away from you that is what is the process adding something to you which is you taking away something from you which is not you and during this process during this work i constantly create the heat or i boil the whole thing by my presence it's practically like cooking adding something removing something and side by side while it so that the whole process is completed whatever has to happen happens completely whatever has to happen happens in its full form just enjoy the scene don't go on wasting your time clicking why people click you know they can't enjoy the present moment they can keep that memory they can enjoy only only the memories they can't enjoy the stuff itself they become so cerebral they can enjoy only the memory so anything they make in the memory actually when they are in some good spot they can't see the ninja they can only take photograph with a big smile pose smile and later on oh that in those days when we went to alaska all of us are so happy but actually the memory when they were there on the spot itself they never had a jaw they were not enjoying even the smiling the cameraman was shouting smile please and then they opened their mouth we have become so dead we enjoy only the past memories not the reality now at least for two days enjoy the reality no need for past or no need to make it as a memory we were working and living with two identities one we showed the outer world the other one will show to your inner world now for this next two days just i want you to understand both idpd does not have big hold on you it is just your cooperation see these two identities are only giving you all suffering your hundred percent suffering is given by them and you add little bit and make it 120 percent all your sufferings are from these two identities i have a certain good listener person who is meditating and is a good listener means what is thinking of something else [Music] i designed this body especially to do my job my mission that is why does not ask food does not have sleep nothing just one sons runs constantly i'll be working so long already for four and a half years now we are going to have the fifth anniversary of our mission this january first coming in january four and a half years four thousand seven hundred hours have spoken we have recorded dvd of four thousand seven hours and thousand seven homes i visited 1.2 million disciples initiated 200 books have been authored 30 temples have been erected and 78 ashrams have been built one thousand centers are running i never thought the body will run so much because that's automatic mechanism all right now that you all understand something let's work on this two identities this is the first process after this we will return to initiation the first process the upanishad says before sitting with the master you are supposed to understand the futility of identity see all of you know the utility of your identity your utility of your identity is two things one your wealth second your sufferings these two are the results of your identity now understand the futility of identity uselessness of identity for example create a new crazy identity new avatar are you doing yahoo just for two days try to live with that identity sincerely if you are male decide to be female if you are engineer decide to be a liar if you are a doctor decide to be engineer if you are a liar become a doctor now just for two days i am not saying more than that i am not telling go back and start doing operations now just for two days see one important thing whenever you see your beautiful place you'll only spot the tv or photograph all the movies like a snow covered mountain vast ocean a beautiful hill steep hill you always feel you should be in that spot you feel you should be in the place but actually when you go there itself you don't feel the jar why why you always crave to be in that spot but when you are there you don't feel something big all right said okay why understand your craving or desire to be in that spot means the truth of your desire is actually you want to go to somewhere someplace where you will not be identified where you don't have to hold on to your identity for survival where you will not be judged when you see those thoughts in your mind first thing you remember first thing your inner unconscious remembers is oh that's a space where nobody will know me where i don't need to keep my standards where i don't need to be so called decent reason where nobody will notice me where i will not be judged your desire or the deep learning to go go away somewhere where nobody will know you where nobody knows your identity where your identity is not judged that only expresses as a desire for vacation understand you


Allow Your Being To Flower || Part 2 || Atma Spurana || 05 May 2007


Name Of The Convention: Atma Spurana Session on: Allow Your Being To Flower Part 2 Date : 5th May 2007 Venue : Oklahoma City USA

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 5th May 2007. Here, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda​ #Paramashivam​ starts by describing how the ATSC is different from previous programs. He explains that this convention is neither technique based or non technique based, It is a process- adding something to you and taking the unwanted away from you. SPH says that Atma Spurana translates directly to mean the flowering of the soul and of one's self, opening up your being like a how flower opens up. He says this convention is simply just sitting with the master (Upanishad).

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your desire for vacation is rooted in the desire to go away to some place where nobody will know you where your identity is not judged that is why traditionally in our very tradition if you want to become enlightened or if you want if you are interested in going higher consciously you want to grow in awareness you are supposed to go away somewhere where you nobody will know your identity where you will not be judged you see the vedic tradition the sadhu tradition sadhu means people will just leave the house and everything and go ahead they will live in a place where nobody knows their identity where they don't have to prove their identity where they are not judged it is very funny you should come to himalayas and see millions of people living like that nobody will know even their name that's why changing the name in my nine years of wandering i used 53 names incidents then from my laundry nine years then after enlightenment three years like this three value we are bringing up the second volume you will see all 53 names are used anywhere i go that's all in i remembered 53 names i used all those super names for my grandchildren's the first batch of swamis and grand cherries i gave them that names only 53 names are used just nobody will know my identity even if somebody sees me in one city if they can't inform their reality there is a sadhu please take care then they'll inform about my identity also my behavior my standard my morality or my character then i have to stick to the character i have to mystical that morality that's standard that is suffocation understand that is suffocation two days get out of the suffocation don't judge don't be judged just two days don't judge don't be judged give them the freedom and you also be liberated don't sit next to your friend family don't sit next to the people who are suffocating you i'm going on complaining i'm suffocated i'm suffocated why are you sitting next to the person don't sit next just disappear somewhere and have a new identity behave crazy something different sit and paint your own identity if you play with the new identity suddenly you will realize the freedom of vacation you will have the true vacation whenever you can make time at least make two three days in in a month at least three days in a month go away somewhere without your friends or relatives don't carry the same wife or the same husband and the same friends if you know then you'll be getting the same identity same identity you can't even shake your hands and legs in a different way they will ask you what happened yesterday you are all right so just for two days if you see my calendar then some particular 10 days you won't see any information just go through my calendar last three years the website is there whole thing is that three four years will be there after my birthday there will be a particular time you won't find any program every day you will see our program every day you will see photographs except those 10-15 days i'll just go back and eat and i have to tell you honestly i am not comfortable with one with a big luxury around me i have to maintain this body and i have to do something this is like utility i have to sit on all these things only then people will listen to what i am talking only then they will think that i am talking something big so really the fools they understand even about spirituality seeing my car and my wealth and my richness when i was when i did not have this big organization around me i was talking the truth in much more raw way but the servers are not ready to listen now with this big organization paraphernalia oh big swami he's great enlightened he's talking everything let us go and listen and then i understood that theory money attracts money i also decided i will do that actually usually this is not my life the paraphernalia and all these things so just like i just live the same life up to peace nobody no cell phone nothing no vehicle no money nothing yet only secretary knows that swamiji is on his own he will come back after a few days when nobody will know they all say something is in silence over that's all if you thoroughly check the website only those 15-20 days are 10 days you will not see any program you will not see you will not be able to trace around i just walk somewhere bed and eat in some village and sleep under the trees once in a while you should do that once in a while it should go somewhere where nobody knows you you will experience such a wonderful vacation when you come back you will be a fresh person complete rebooting of the inner software would happen and you will completely reboot it ready and change the flow change the name throw it go somewhere one more thing this kind of a person will never do any crime you will never be interested in crying you will never be interested in crying because you are interested only in your liberation person who is interested in liberation person who is interested in working with himself will never be do any crime that you that is so i'm giving you so much of freedom courageously these two days i'm telling you just be crazy you will never do a crime person who is interested in doing a crime will never be a seeker he will never be a seeker he will never be a meditator person who is interested in meditation and seeking we'll never be doing crime that is sorry in india at least we have at least 10 million people living like this without identity in name that he says still we can't tell the population of india still that we don't have clear senses nothing can be done because this big one chunk is there now ten percent of the population is living homeless we have value we will surprise ten percent of the country's population doesn't have an identity no question of the social security number credit card nothing nothing can be done that's why that country is created just for enlightenment if you are interested in enlightenment come there see people are interested in money and comfort all of them came here there is another fellows non-reliable indians if you are interested in enlightenment come and experience that country i tell you come and live there just like this without having identity and i tell you one more thing if you are of respect to this clothing is given and they will give you money anybody came to my ass last time can you get some money they will give you money actually they'll give you money and they'll give you food if you go to any shop they won't take money from you they'll tell baba so you eat and go they won't take money even if you're a lady they won't look at you in a different way even villager of course now the cities has gone to dogs that is different too much of the western cultural innovation has happened but in villages especially himalayas they will have small nisha per days whole profit will be not more than five to ten dollar that will be the maximum profit you will be having but if you go with this clothes the sharing so much of sharing giving back to the society so much if the girl is having one square meal you'll give off come there and live there looking nine years i lived without neither working not studying this is studying also giving promise to a society tomorrow i work now i am getting trained that's also promising direct way i was neither productive nor giving the promise i will be productive nine years i was given food clothes shelter everything everything not that i was in only one village i was traveling all over the country every village and given that with respect then understand the whole country is knows that culture somebody who wants to drop the identity i want to be a wanderer sadhu is respected you will be surprised the society which does not bother about making a person productive you are not just an integrity value that is the fun you are not just that you cannot devalue that is the big fun even if you don't give anything back to society you are even full and shelter clothe with respect that is the beauty they won't eat first and give me they'll give me first then leave if they already eaten the food they will cook freshly and give they won't give after they eat sometimes you'll be shocked and surprised but only if you come and live you will understand be a courageous cultural ambassador of the great tradition stand for it have the courage to live that condition and tell to the world that you belong to the great heritage which is enlightenment signs these fellows won't even have that when they go to office they don't want to show their they don't want to remain they don't want to keep culturally pride about the great enlightenment tradition always tell people i don't ask any money from you we are enough we have everything you don't need to yes we are not beggars be a strong five cultured ambassador of the tradition after coming here changing the name from allah mad pal changing the name because they don't want to have the diabetes and the pseudo behavior of talking high why why because he says don't understand the richness from where their body language their inner software is created and i tell you don't bother about this so-called video if you are interested in vedic tradition enlightenment come and experience directly and it is such a powerful such a powerful incubator a spiritual incubator so much can happen to me so much can happen at least these two days try try to play without this identity try to play without this identity and have some crazy identity be a sadhu for two days sadhu means he doesn't have any identity you have some you can even change identity every two hours no problem after two or you can become again male or female anything just two days you should not have consistent identity with which you are constantly suffocated don't remember don't believe in consistent identity for next two days once in a while you should be given a freedom to be without identity ramakrishna says one day you should be away from your people who are defining your identity understand people are defining your identity who are they who are defining your identity waiting person is by your family my other 25th person by your friends be away from the people who are defining your identity at least once in 15 days he says that will clean your inner space that will clean your inner space you will have time to reboot your hardware will not be crushed hardware crashing happens too much of load no time to remove no time to leave once in a while 15 days move away from the people who are defining your identity even these so-called indian fellows doesn't know all these things understand many of the restaurants are thinking all the indian fellows are really spiritual and everybody is meditating they don't they don't actually they don't even know how much you know they don't know anything don't think they know all these things at the most they may know little bit of some prayer that's all nothing more than that all these inner signs even these fellows are lost that is why whenever i see these guys i feel like just catching them rich tradition such a rich science or enlightenment and the only country which is still keeping that living stream of enlightened beings alive my hometown boasts two thousand years of unbroken lineage of american beings two thousand years of unbroken lineage of enlightened beings you see the exact that living current is maintained sometimes even two things two things living at a time so anyhow now this next two days try no consistent identity no consistent identity now give me a few minutes you can sit and paint your new identity one more thing after creating new identity try to go around and make ten new friends you always make friends only showing your identity the moment you say that that your doctor we can't love somebody without knowing their attracted card why if you are loving somebody only by knowing their track record means utility love bargain business not love without telling about your identity without asking about their energy why can't you smile at somebody and share little love just because that person is there why do you need his whole history even to give a smile even to give a smile even just to open up to give a friendly body language you need to know his whole biography why no need you don't need to know his whole biography just open up you can open up be friendly just because he's there in front of you suddenly you will see not only you can live without identity you can relate without writing person who can live without identity you can relate without identity is enlightened over that is the essence of whole thing a sense of enlightenment enlightenment means who can live without identity who can relate without identity person who does not have consistent identity is called [Music]


Allow Your Being To Flower || Part 3 || Atma Spurana || 05 May 2007


Name Of The Convention: Atma Spurana Session on: Allow Your Being To Flower Part 3 Date : 5th May 2007 Venue : Oklahoma City USA

This video is an excerpt from the Atma Spurana Convention conducted on 5th May 2007. Here, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam starts by describing how the Atma Spurana convention is different from previous conventions. He explains that this convention is neither technique based or non-technique based, It is a process- adding something to you and taking the unwanted part away from you. SPH says that Atma Spurana translates directly to mean the flowering of the soul and of one's self, opening up your being like how the flower opens up. He says this convention is simply just about sitting with the master (Upanishad). SPH tells all the delegates to visualise themselves as dropping their identity and everything that they currently hold about themselves and initiates them into a meditation process where they can experience a brand new identity for themselves.

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you may think no no if you don't have consistent identity you may become criminals you may become immoral understand i think now you are not becoming immoral actually the person who is suffocated suffocated with you with this identity only will become immoral why will you become criminal why would you become violent because you are suffocated but if you know the method of relaxing from your identity or freeing from your identity you will never be a criminal person who does not have consistent identity will never be violent will never be criminal he knows and he respects his freedom so naturally he will respect your freedom person who knows the value of his freedom will know the value of your freedom he will never be violent that is why in sunset recall paramahamsa means a person who does not have identity and who does not relate with people with an identity that is why any amount of mistake you do behind my back when you come back i am same for you all of you many people who are already a lot of time you can see in your life how many times what all you do when you come back you will not even see the trace of that in my eyes don't think i don't know i know much more than what you know about you but even then i don't have the consistent identity of claiming some track record that's why i live out there just to run this organization maybe one or two small things take care of that just to protect so that many people will be benefited that's all i take care only that lake is not person because thousands of millions are going to drink just for that otherwise nothing else just go ahead don't take it easy over nothing nice try it's two days no consistent identity this is the first process this is the first process understand don't die in the home because and i'm not there if you try i can't be responsible better you cry only now please close your eyes and sit paint your new identity what you are close your eyes [Music] so just create new strong identity with which you are going to live for next two days oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] hmm [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] yes relax now just with this new identity try to make 10 friends means do not go to the people who are already known to you just try to create some 10 friends see the new people try you must be able to smile open up just because the person is alive and in front of you you don't need to know the whole tracker card create just your friends get back within 10 we'll start the next session accessing the initiation means and downloading the whole time your concept software will work on initiation now you can have 10 minutes to make new friends and come back don't use the different restrooms restroom button please confusion if you get back get scared of our next session thank you [Music]