September 22 2010

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How Not to Miss the Master


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Missing during a live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled How Not To Miss The Master, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that If you have the guarantee he (Guru) loves you, that missing will not be there. It is the fear that He may not love you anymore is the root of the missing. His Divine Holiness (HDH) shared his experience when He disrespected Arunagiri Yogeeshwara by bringing Mata Vibhutananda Puri between their relationship; He describes the relationship with Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, sharing that He tasted that extreme missing - a very painful feeling that Arunagiri Yogeeshwara may not love Him anymore. His Divine Holiness reassured everyone that the cosmos keeps everything alive to show some beautiful qualities to the world and will keep them alive just to show the courage which He is radiating, with which all of His disciples are standing with Him.

Video and Audio:

How Not to Miss the Master: Nithyananda Morning Message

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

1:01 Today’s subject is How Not To Miss The Master. Fifteen days you guys are going to be physically away. When you understand master is not a mass you will not miss. As long as you think he is a mass you will miss. If somebody is mass he cannot be master if somebody is master he is not just mass. Who has mastered the mass is master.

2:10 I have the right to talk about not missing the master because I know the extreme missing and extreme fulfillment. When Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, when I felt I disrespected Arunagiri Yogeeshwara by bringing Mata Vibhutananda Puri between our relationship; my relationship with Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, I tasted that extreme missing. It is not only me missing, suddenly feeling that he may not love you anymore. That’s too painful. If you have the guarantee he loves you, that missing will not be there. It is the fear that he may not love you anymore is the root of the missing.

3:12 Understand even when physically I was not there with you guys you all loved me, stood with me. So I will stay with you, have a deep love for all of you guys. So understand I have a deep love for all of you. I still live in this body drag this body just to be with you all. So understand this next fifteen days till I come back and see you guys physically, I give you one process. You all had process for 40 min, 20 min, 1/2 an hour, 2 hour, 3 hour. I give you one process for this whole till I come back and see you guys. This one process; don’t miss the master you won’t miss me; just this one process I LOVE YOU. I am with this as process. Just be with this one process I Love You, I am With You. Just have this as a process not as my word not just as my consolation, have it as a process, you will experience me; the real me. I will be with you guys. Nobody can do anything.

4:47 Understand, I am with you, I will be with you, we will live and radiate enlightenment, go on creating enlightened beings on the planet earth. We will stand. Just the courage I am showing, I am worthy of living. The courage with which we are all standing together we are worthy of living.

5:14 Understand anything worthy of living cosmos does not destroy. We are most beautiful flowers of cosmos. It will stand with us. Don’t worry, we are worthy of living and cosmos will let us live. Cosmos wants us to live. It wants to show to the world the courage. You see cosmos keeps everything alive to show some beautiful qualities to the world. It will keep us alive just to show the courage which I am radiating, with which all of you are standing with me. Just to show the example for courage, cosmos will keep me and all of us alive doing our work.

6:06 Let us stand with it. Let us stand with it. Let us offer our whole body and mind into the one fire of courage. Let us disappear into courage. Let us disappear into courage. Cosmos will keep us alive. Cosmos will keep us alive. We will live. We will live. We will live. So have this one process I love you. Let you all experience and radiate enlightenment. Let us all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda.

Thank you. 7:36


La vérité sur 2012

Narration (French):

2012- Tout le monde en parle, la NASA, les philosophes, les psychologues, les hommes de science, les astronomes, les mystiques... 2012 marque t'elle la fin du monde? Est-ce le jugement dernier? Est-ce Armageddon? Pourquoi le calendrier Maya s'arrête-t'il en 2012? Quelle est la vérité au sujet de ces prophéties?

Video and Audio (French Translation):

Video Audio