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Authenticity as a Spiritual Practise, January 05 2013 Morning Satsang
Authenticity as a Spiritual Practise
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TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON 5 JANUARY 2013 AT BIDADI ASHRAM, INDIA In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) defines [[authenticity]] as a spiritual practice. He gives the definition as responding to life from what one believes oneself to be from one’s own perspective; from the perception of how one relates to others; and from the expectations others have. This is taking [[responsibility]] for one’s presence. Whether one is aware of one’s impact or not, one’s body language communicates many unspoken messages. Every individual is responsible for the expectations created by those messages.
TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON 5 JANUARY 2013 AT BIDADI ASHRAM, INDIA In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) defines [[authenticity]] as a spiritual practice. He gives the definition as responding to life from what one believes oneself to be from one’s own perspective; from the perception of how one relates to others; and from the expectations others have. This is taking [[responsibility]] for one’s presence. Whether one is aware of one’s impact or not, one’s body language communicates many unspoken messages. Every individual is responsible for the expectations created by those messages.
== Tags: ==
Saturday, 5th January, 2013
“Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”  I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 642 places through Nithyananda TV, 34 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 278 cities, 31 countries around the world! I welcome you all with my love and blessings. Cities sitting with us in 2 way VC having ND – Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Seattle Chidambaram, Vancouver Puri, Los Angeles Arunachala, San Jose Madurai, Oklahoma Somanatham, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Gajan Malyaisa, Ohio Center, St. Louis Tirumala, Bangalore North, Toronto Kailasam, Atlanta Ujjayini, Ohio Prayag, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Edgewater new jersey, Bangalore Marthahalli, St. Julien France, new hall California, Sydney Australia, Oman Siva Gangai, Manchester UK, Premikananda from Serambam Malaysia, Lawpet pondicherry, North Hollywood California, Chicago loop, Anna Nagar Chennai West extension, Winston Salem north Carolina, Adayar Chennai, Dhyanapeetam Salem, Chennai Alwarpet, Bangalore Nithananda Vidyalaya. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!
Today an important thing the Jayanthi eve. So you know there is a special Darshan – Devi Bhaava Darshan. Sharp evening 7. 7 pm Indian standard time screen will open for you to have Devi bhaava Darshan. All temples can have this Darshan. But you have to make sure that Videography or audio recording no way the Darshan is stored other than your eyes.  Toronto, Bidadi, Seattle Chidambaram, Los Angeles, San Jose Madurai, Oklahoma Somanatham, Ohio Prayag, Singapore Singapuram, all can have Darshan. Other cities who want to have can send an email to us declaring with authenticity and integrity that you want to have Darshan….St. Louis Prema Manjula if you take responsibility I will allow. Send an email to ‘[email protected]’ Atlanta Kailashananda if you take the responsibility then I will also allow. Of course all Indian devotees will be here by tonight. Oman Sri Priyan you take the responsibility…let all the emails come. Whoever is taking responsibility. Sri Priyan you need to have Vidyo. We will not be able to do it on one way…
I am also excited. I also enjoy seeing her from outside. What a grace. God! When she lands in the body. KB is like a wild river. Meenakshi is like a mild rose with her valour. Always Devi  bhaava Darshan Meenakshi lands. She radiates grace. You need 1000s of eyes to store it inside the heart and cherish forever. I know 2 days before the body is getting prepared. I could see the muscles are changing, so many things are happening. I can see very clearly that Meenakshi is preparing the body for Darshan. This time it is  a very powerful Darshan she is going to give new birth to me and the sangha. She is finishing all the old things and giving birth to me and the sangha. Victory. This year is year of Pattaabhishemkams – I meant plural – coronations. I did not say the word pattabhishekam. I said pattabhishekams.
So all participants of Niraahaara samyama will end your fast level I today. You can break your fast. You can eat today and tomorrow on Jayanthi also. Day after tomorrow we will have 2nd level of NS started. I have an imp announcement to you guys. 8th Jan Tamil Nithya Kriya Yoga will happen. I will be conducting it personally. Because of many things we were not sure. As a part of integrity, whether ten people are there or twenty people are there, I will conduct personally. It is a Tamil program and any international center who wants to have this program can have it for free. You can get any number of people and can ….so anybody who has done NSP or Inner Awakening can come for Devi Bhaava Darshan. Tomorrow morning please understand no pada puja and morning satsang. Because tomorrow morning I myself will be doing Adiguru Aurnagiri Yogishwara puja. No pada puja and morn satsang. Sharp 4 pm Indian standard time we will be having pp. one more thing how many ever devotees enrol we will have only one set evening 4 pm. Sharp 6pm IST there will be satsang in Tamil.t he topic is “shraddha” and the satsang is available for 2 way and one way centers also. All the 2 way and one way can watch the whole thing live tomorrow from morning itself the procession and everything. Evening naturally it is live you can watch. Tomorrow morn we will be having abhishekam to Arunachaleshwara. Whatever can be relayed can be relayed through Nithyananda TV…after that we will be having Arunagiri Yogishwara puja in his Jeeva samadhi. I request all devotees not to bring my chappal, which was worn by me physically. How many of you have my chappal or paadukas worn by me physically? You cannot bring it. You can use the small paadukas which represent and symbol of all Gurus! That can be brought but not the full slppers either silver or gold or plastic which I used with this feet. Tradition does not allow those paadukas to be brought into the temple. You should not disrespect anyway the tradition. Of course in all our Dhyanapeetam temples they are worshipped. But in traditional temples, you should be in integrity with the law of the space. So we will have Arunagiri Yogishwara’s puja then we will have a very colourful procession going around the temple where main Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari large size deities is also coming in the procession.
So today I will start on Authenticity. The next dimension that is mandatory for The next dimension that is mandatory for you to enrich yourself and others in enlightenment is “Authenticity.” The exact translation fo the word in Sanskrit you can translate this word Authenticity as – “Shraddha/” …The katopanishad which teaches the science of death of death and beyond death. Before entering into the subject, I do have a ritual. I formally the wear the watch today. …ceremoniously wearing this. With integrity and authenticity I declare to KB I will keep the time, I will respect the time, I will honour the time. Once I declare the time, I will honour it and keep up with it with integrity and authenticity including the time I leave my body. Everything I will declare and keep it up. With this commitment to MKB I wear this watch ceremoniously. I also request all my disciples and sanyaasis to wear a watch. So we respect time and honour time in every program, in every festival, every function, in everyday activities also. So all our temples and ashrams will run integrity with time. Please understand if the naivedyam is 1:00 o clock in the noon. It can neither be 1:01 nor 12:59…same way all the halls in Indian ashrams and US ashrams all the Ananda sabhas, chit sabhas, raja sabhas. All the sabhaas will have the clock with bell which rings every hour. So when the bell rings, the screen opens….for example LA it maybe around evening 5:30 pm. At that time your bell will ring automatically the screen will open and you will have Darshan. Nice in Toronto they have put watch to my deity. Toronto deity wow. So time keeping, integrity with time should be the first brand of Dhyanapeetam. Understand it should be the brand of Dhyanapeetam. All the ashrams and all the temples understand any program the time you print in the flier the program should start. Any class by any of our acharyas. If you in any way did not keep the time, if you are out of integrity with time you have to apologize to all people concerned and to Kaala Bhairava. You have to send the message before time. You will …understand I am going to follow this as a spiritual law. So for all the devotees it is again the spiritual law.
Let us enter into authenticity. Let me define authenticity.  Athenticity is you being established and responding to life from who you believe yourself to be for yourself, who you believe yourself to be for others, and, what others believe you to be for them. Understand even for what others believe you to be for them you are responsible. Knowingly or unknowingly it is your indirect commitment, indirect co-operation. Please understand, unless you also give them certain indirect signal through your body language they do not believe what you are in their heart. For example, a girl is responding to all the signals of the boy in the body language. But suddenly she wakes up one morning and says I never told you. You may not say with words but even if you are subtly co-operating it is authenticity. I think this example may not be right example. Let me give you a practical example from my life. Even if I don’t declare in words, the moment I assume this throne and let you see me in this throne, I have declared and made you believe I am an incarnation and I have to respond to you…….the moment I sit on the throne and put my feet on this paadukas and the mantra is chanted Meenakshi Sundareshwara swarupaya, Arunagiri Yogishwara swarupaya, Maha kaali swarupaya the moment I smile for that mantra, I let that mantra chanted in my presence, I have already committed to all of you who heard that mantra. I already declared. Now I have to authentically stand for my commitment……even if I have not said it…..so same way the moment you marry somebody indirectly even though there are many vows you do not commit verbally, but indirectly because you don’t make him or her believe with words, you commit with authenticity.
Authenticity has 3 layer. 1 – what you believe yourself for yourself. I tried to have fun. I tried to have Swapoornatva with mirror. The moment I sat I got lost, neither kaaya was there, nor chaaya was there. After that I got up washed my face and went to sleep. I am so happy that I hold myself as a pure super consciousness. And who others believe as you. and how you show yourself to others. Understand. Let me define once more. How you believe yourself for yourself this is mamakaara. Please understand. You need to Listen – how you project yourself to others – this is ahamkaara. How you believe yourself for yourself is mamakaara. How you project yourself to others is ahamkaara. 3rd this is very imp. How others perceive you. others may perceive different than how you project. Even for that you become responsible! I don’t know what kaara we can give for the 3rd one. Ahamkaara, mamakaara maybe others kaara! How he perceives you whether you want it or not because you subtly co-operate with it, you become responsible. How others believe you for example, you may be believing yourself as ordinary man, but you may project to others ass a great sadhu, others may not believe it. So there are 3 entities here…somebody may believe you are enlightened, incarnation, just a fake sadhu, but for each one’s belief because you subtly cooperate with it, you are responsible. That is why with integrity and authenticity I declare I am responsible for every image created by me. That is why I feel powerful. I don’t feel abused. If you call me I am the Poornavatara because I gave you something I am responsible for it, if you call me a great sadhu because I gave you something, I am responsible for it, if you call me enlightened because I gave you something, I am responsible for it, if you call me fake sadhu also I am responsible for it because subtly in some way I cooperated with it, I did not stop it. …whatever be the reason for the decision I took not to stop this abuse or the so called wrong images getting built up, whatever may be the reason, I am responsible. When the image was getting developed, I was neither interested nor I responded. That is my freedom…I am not going to change their image about it. No. but I declare authentically that I am responsible to live with it. It is for them whether they want to carry it or drop it. Nothing for me. I am complete with it. If they are not complete they are going to suffer. I am not going to suffer with it. We use the Sanskrit word – anyaakaara. So ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyaakaara – all three are kaaras! I am responsible even for the anyaakaara and the anyaayaakaara because even when I allow these people to chant Meenakshi swarupaya, Arunagiri Yogishwara swarupaya, maha kaali swarupaya, I have the benefit of their chanting - 1000s of peoples’ devotion is invoked with which I can enlighten them. But same way people who are not convinced…..for them to feel I am a cheat I am responsible because I allowed this to be chanted. Or I should have waited without letting this to be chanted till the whole world believes I am an incarnation. For which even Jesus would have been waiting till now! So naturally we do take some hurried steps even though the whole world Is not ready to come with us in our speed. Just for the sake of few who are ready to come with me. Understand the sufferings caused or the disturbances caused by the anyaakaara I tolerate, I bear with it because of the benefits seekers are having. So it is seeker’s responsibility to stand, protect and defend the master when the anyaakaara is being done. I allow this to be chanted, I subtly cooperate with it because it is going to …..now when you listen to the chant you will melt – svabhaava sundarangaya naana shaktyaaya shreyaayate, suvarnam, rajitam tubhyam kalpayaami prasidame;  yasya darshanamicchanti deva swabhista siddhaye tasmai te parameshana swagatham, swagatham prabho..…when you know the meaning, the joy you experience, the fulfillment you have, the subtle romance happens in the corner of your eyes because that joy and the love which you experience the feeling connection you have you feel can make you enlightened, I allow this to be changed. So naturally few people what does he mean? Meenakshi Sundareshwara swaroopa, Maha Kaali, Kaala Bhariava swaroopa- what does he mean? If they feel I am fake, even for their anyaakaara I feel responsible. That is why I don’t feel powerless when they have their anyaakaara. I am waiting for it. The anyaayaakaara they do with their anyaakaara is not a surprise to me. I was waiting for it. Poison is not surprise to Maha Deva. …before few people got enlightened there will be people who will have doubt, there will be people ….so the kanta was waiting to become Neelakanta. Maha Deva is complete with Neelakanta. Neelakanta is symbol that Maha Deva is complete even with anyaaya of anyakaara. People ask what is the symbol of poison in his throat. He declares he is authenticity and complete even with anyaaya of anyakara. He is complete with his amhamkra, mamamkara and anyakara. That is why ihe is MD. Nobody else is ready to be compelte with anykara. He is ready to be called as bholenaatha, smasaanavasi, bhasmakari. He knows how to transform even anyayas of anyakara. I declare with integrity and authenticity with Maha Kaala Bhairava I am complete even with anyakaara!  And I do not feel it is any abusal or anyaaya. Nothing is surprise for me! Maha Deva having the haala haala in his throat he declares nothing is surprise for me! Only when you have the clarity nothing is surprise for me, you will have the guts to take the responsibility and enter into others life. Only then you will understand the word don’t give up on people. Understand only if you are complete with that statement, nothing surprises me, I am ready for anyaakaara, you will face anyaakaara you will learn the truth – don’t give up on people. I wanted you all to meditate on the word anyaakaara. All of you know ahamkaara and mamakaara. Mamakaara means what you feel as yourself. Ahamkaara means what you show to others as yourself. Anyaakaara means what others believe as you independent of what you project as you.
Contemplate on anyaakaara. Today assignment what all the sufferings you think is caused in your life by anyaakaara which is independent of ahamkaara. See what others hold you as you is independent of what you project as yourself to others. That is why the effects of anyaakaara surprises you whether good or bad. I am neither surprised by a devotee who is ready to give his life for me nor a devotee who is ready to take my life for him. I am complete with both because I know the possibilities
What all you think as good or bad happened in your life because of anyakaaras which is the idea others carry about you independent of what you project to them as you.
It is a very powerful assignment. So next two days do this. Day after tomorrow satsang we will continue this. In next 2 days I want you to work on anyaakaara – think. Contemplate, contemplate, contemplate. The word anyaakaara. I tell you if you are complete with anyaakaara, I can declare you are God! I can authentically declare you are God. Completion with anyaakaara is where people miss. Completion with ahamkaara and mamakaara people always catch. Because both are in your control. Completion with anyaakaara. Ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyaakaara. So all of you will do the home work, assignment. Look at your life and pen  down what are all the good things and bad things happened in your life due to anyaakaara others idea and image about you which is independent of how you feel as you and how you project as you. ready? All of you understand. If you understand say yes or raise your hand if you are in 2 way. Even in IA I did not add this. It is now getting developed. When you express more and more the deeper and deeper truths are coming out. So the authenticity updated edition. So understand now all of you will work on Anyaakaara and come back day after tomorrow. What all the good and bad happened to your life the way others hold you independent of how you hold yourself to you and how you project yourself to others. 2nd part how you are responsible even for what others hold you as. How you are responsible for others anyaakaara.
It is the confusion between your ahamkaara and mamakaara which is responsible for anyaakaara. In my case consciously I decided ..there is no other way for anyaakaara. So I am not surprised. If you are surprised for anyaakaara there is some unconsciousness in you. work on how you are responsible for anyaakaara. So I will continue in day after tomorrow morning satsang.
The hoax scandal I went through all this sufferings, torture given to me is the NEELAKANTA. That is Neelakanta! Integrity is Meru, authenticity is vaasuki. Responsibility is Devatas and demons. Not giving up on people is Vishnu who is in the form of tortoise and holding everything up. And the effect of anyaakaara is poison.
Alright. Today we will not be having the Nirahaara Samyama process as you are going to break your fast. But I will give you few minutes to do the assignment of anyaakaara so that you start the assignment now. Please get your paper and pen and start the assignment of anyaakaara now. And we will also have the dial the avatar calls.
Jena Walker from Scotsdale Arizona – 480-44-9334…I bless to have the joy, the excitement, the bliss you are feeling now, let that be bolted in your nervous system forever! Blessings!.... I will look and tell you -  you will be good at writing and software development. In this 2, take up anything you will be successful and you will be very happy.
Alright now please start the assignment on anyaakara what all are the good or bad things that happened to you because of what others feel as you independent of what you project as you to others.
<Swamiji starts singing in Tamil>
This is Satsang – you sat I sang – this is sat-sang! ☺
Relax. Blessings. My blessings to our lawyer Sunny – US Lawyer. I think he is not in the temple. My blessings to him Sunny Kalara. I heard he is the first person to sponsor for the Tele Presence project. My blessings! I am jost thinking f you guys see me in Devi Bhaava Darshan in 3D what will happen. Oh God! ..i think in our traditional temples we have Garbha Mandir. Temples all over the world if you are interested to see me in 3D raise your hands. All you guys start working with BSP now you guys have to plan a dark room and you have to have raja sabha garba Mandir. Soon we will have tele presence and when we have it, we will have Devi bhaava darsahn specially for that. And AR in tele presence. OH god! KB will really rock in tele presence…omni presence in tele presence.. wow! So we will start the process. Blessings!
Today morning puja to be done in English translation….the  minutes of the satsang to be entered in minutesforpeace.org today is 142 minutes.
Relax. You can open your eyes. All the participants of samyama. I bless you all to become Niraahaaris.  I bless you all sitting with us as per the statistics in 687 places through Nithyananda TV and Youtube live, 37  places in 2 way Video conferencing, in 316 cities in 34 countries around the world. I bless you all! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share, explode and enrich with the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you!
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, spiritual practice, life, expectations, responsibility, aware, impact, body language, individual, create.
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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, spiritual practice, life, expectations, responsibility, aware, impact, body language, individual, create.
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Latest revision as of 21:07, 2 April 2021


Authenticity as a Spiritual Practise

Link to Video:


TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON 5 JANUARY 2013 AT BIDADI ASHRAM, INDIA In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) defines authenticity as a spiritual practice. He gives the definition as responding to life from what one believes oneself to be from one’s own perspective; from the perception of how one relates to others; and from the expectations others have. This is taking responsibility for one’s presence. Whether one is aware of one’s impact or not, one’s body language communicates many unspoken messages. Every individual is responsible for the expectations created by those messages.


Saturday, 5th January, 2013 “Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaraacharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 642 places through Nithyananda TV, 34 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 278 cities, 31 countries around the world! I welcome you all with my love and blessings. Cities sitting with us in 2 way VC having ND – Nithyananda Nagara Bidadi, Seattle Chidambaram, Vancouver Puri, Los Angeles Arunachala, San Jose Madurai, Oklahoma Somanatham, Hyderabad Bhagyanagara, Gajan Malyaisa, Ohio Center, St. Louis Tirumala, Bangalore North, Toronto Kailasam, Atlanta Ujjayini, Ohio Prayag, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, Edgewater new jersey, Bangalore Marthahalli, St. Julien France, new hall California, Sydney Australia, Oman Siva Gangai, Manchester UK, Premikananda from Serambam Malaysia, Lawpet pondicherry, North Hollywood California, Chicago loop, Anna Nagar Chennai West extension, Winston Salem north Carolina, Adayar Chennai, Dhyanapeetam Salem, Chennai Alwarpet, Bangalore Nithananda Vidyalaya. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings! Today an important thing the Jayanthi eve. So you know there is a special Darshan – Devi Bhaava Darshan. Sharp evening 7. 7 pm Indian standard time screen will open for you to have Devi bhaava Darshan. All temples can have this Darshan. But you have to make sure that Videography or audio recording no way the Darshan is stored other than your eyes. Toronto, Bidadi, Seattle Chidambaram, Los Angeles, San Jose Madurai, Oklahoma Somanatham, Ohio Prayag, Singapore Singapuram, all can have Darshan. Other cities who want to have can send an email to us declaring with authenticity and integrity that you want to have Darshan….St. Louis Prema Manjula if you take responsibility I will allow. Send an email to ‘[email protected]’ Atlanta Kailashananda if you take the responsibility then I will also allow. Of course all Indian devotees will be here by tonight. Oman Sri Priyan you take the responsibility…let all the emails come. Whoever is taking responsibility. Sri Priyan you need to have Vidyo. We will not be able to do it on one way… I am also excited. I also enjoy seeing her from outside. What a grace. God! When she lands in the body. KB is like a wild river. Meenakshi is like a mild rose with her valour. Always Devi bhaava Darshan Meenakshi lands. She radiates grace. You need 1000s of eyes to store it inside the heart and cherish forever. I know 2 days before the body is getting prepared. I could see the muscles are changing, so many things are happening. I can see very clearly that Meenakshi is preparing the body for Darshan. This time it is a very powerful Darshan she is going to give new birth to me and the sangha. She is finishing all the old things and giving birth to me and the sangha. Victory. This year is year of Pattaabhishemkams – I meant plural – coronations. I did not say the word pattabhishekam. I said pattabhishekams. So all participants of Niraahaara samyama will end your fast level I today. You can break your fast. You can eat today and tomorrow on Jayanthi also. Day after tomorrow we will have 2nd level of NS started. I have an imp announcement to you guys. 8th Jan Tamil Nithya Kriya Yoga will happen. I will be conducting it personally. Because of many things we were not sure. As a part of integrity, whether ten people are there or twenty people are there, I will conduct personally. It is a Tamil program and any international center who wants to have this program can have it for free. You can get any number of people and can ….so anybody who has done NSP or Inner Awakening can come for Devi Bhaava Darshan. Tomorrow morning please understand no pada puja and morning satsang. Because tomorrow morning I myself will be doing Adiguru Aurnagiri Yogishwara puja. No pada puja and morn satsang. Sharp 4 pm Indian standard time we will be having pp. one more thing how many ever devotees enrol we will have only one set evening 4 pm. Sharp 6pm IST there will be satsang in Tamil.t he topic is “shraddha” and the satsang is available for 2 way and one way centers also. All the 2 way and one way can watch the whole thing live tomorrow from morning itself the procession and everything. Evening naturally it is live you can watch. Tomorrow morn we will be having abhishekam to Arunachaleshwara. Whatever can be relayed can be relayed through Nithyananda TV…after that we will be having Arunagiri Yogishwara puja in his Jeeva samadhi. I request all devotees not to bring my chappal, which was worn by me physically. How many of you have my chappal or paadukas worn by me physically? You cannot bring it. You can use the small paadukas which represent and symbol of all Gurus! That can be brought but not the full slppers either silver or gold or plastic which I used with this feet. Tradition does not allow those paadukas to be brought into the temple. You should not disrespect anyway the tradition. Of course in all our Dhyanapeetam temples they are worshipped. But in traditional temples, you should be in integrity with the law of the space. So we will have Arunagiri Yogishwara’s puja then we will have a very colourful procession going around the temple where main Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari large size deities is also coming in the procession. So today I will start on Authenticity. The next dimension that is mandatory for The next dimension that is mandatory for you to enrich yourself and others in enlightenment is “Authenticity.” The exact translation fo the word in Sanskrit you can translate this word Authenticity as – “Shraddha/” …The katopanishad which teaches the science of death of death and beyond death. Before entering into the subject, I do have a ritual. I formally the wear the watch today. …ceremoniously wearing this. With integrity and authenticity I declare to KB I will keep the time, I will respect the time, I will honour the time. Once I declare the time, I will honour it and keep up with it with integrity and authenticity including the time I leave my body. Everything I will declare and keep it up. With this commitment to MKB I wear this watch ceremoniously. I also request all my disciples and sanyaasis to wear a watch. So we respect time and honour time in every program, in every festival, every function, in everyday activities also. So all our temples and ashrams will run integrity with time. Please understand if the naivedyam is 1:00 o clock in the noon. It can neither be 1:01 nor 12:59…same way all the halls in Indian ashrams and US ashrams all the Ananda sabhas, chit sabhas, raja sabhas. All the sabhaas will have the clock with bell which rings every hour. So when the bell rings, the screen opens….for example LA it maybe around evening 5:30 pm. At that time your bell will ring automatically the screen will open and you will have Darshan. Nice in Toronto they have put watch to my deity. Toronto deity wow. So time keeping, integrity with time should be the first brand of Dhyanapeetam. Understand it should be the brand of Dhyanapeetam. All the ashrams and all the temples understand any program the time you print in the flier the program should start. Any class by any of our acharyas. If you in any way did not keep the time, if you are out of integrity with time you have to apologize to all people concerned and to Kaala Bhairava. You have to send the message before time. You will …understand I am going to follow this as a spiritual law. So for all the devotees it is again the spiritual law. Let us enter into authenticity. Let me define authenticity. Athenticity is you being established and responding to life from who you believe yourself to be for yourself, who you believe yourself to be for others, and, what others believe you to be for them. Understand even for what others believe you to be for them you are responsible. Knowingly or unknowingly it is your indirect commitment, indirect co-operation. Please understand, unless you also give them certain indirect signal through your body language they do not believe what you are in their heart. For example, a girl is responding to all the signals of the boy in the body language. But suddenly she wakes up one morning and says I never told you. You may not say with words but even if you are subtly co-operating it is authenticity. I think this example may not be right example. Let me give you a practical example from my life. Even if I don’t declare in words, the moment I assume this throne and let you see me in this throne, I have declared and made you believe I am an incarnation and I have to respond to you…….the moment I sit on the throne and put my feet on this paadukas and the mantra is chanted Meenakshi Sundareshwara swarupaya, Arunagiri Yogishwara swarupaya, Maha kaali swarupaya the moment I smile for that mantra, I let that mantra chanted in my presence, I have already committed to all of you who heard that mantra. I already declared. Now I have to authentically stand for my commitment……even if I have not said it…..so same way the moment you marry somebody indirectly even though there are many vows you do not commit verbally, but indirectly because you don’t make him or her believe with words, you commit with authenticity. Authenticity has 3 layer. 1 – what you believe yourself for yourself. I tried to have fun. I tried to have Swapoornatva with mirror. The moment I sat I got lost, neither kaaya was there, nor chaaya was there. After that I got up washed my face and went to sleep. I am so happy that I hold myself as a pure super consciousness. And who others believe as you. and how you show yourself to others. Understand. Let me define once more. How you believe yourself for yourself this is mamakaara. Please understand. You need to Listen – how you project yourself to others – this is ahamkaara. How you believe yourself for yourself is mamakaara. How you project yourself to others is ahamkaara. 3rd this is very imp. How others perceive you. others may perceive different than how you project. Even for that you become responsible! I don’t know what kaara we can give for the 3rd one. Ahamkaara, mamakaara maybe others kaara! How he perceives you whether you want it or not because you subtly co-operate with it, you become responsible. How others believe you for example, you may be believing yourself as ordinary man, but you may project to others ass a great sadhu, others may not believe it. So there are 3 entities here…somebody may believe you are enlightened, incarnation, just a fake sadhu, but for each one’s belief because you subtly cooperate with it, you are responsible. That is why with integrity and authenticity I declare I am responsible for every image created by me. That is why I feel powerful. I don’t feel abused. If you call me I am the Poornavatara because I gave you something I am responsible for it, if you call me a great sadhu because I gave you something, I am responsible for it, if you call me enlightened because I gave you something, I am responsible for it, if you call me fake sadhu also I am responsible for it because subtly in some way I cooperated with it, I did not stop it. …whatever be the reason for the decision I took not to stop this abuse or the so called wrong images getting built up, whatever may be the reason, I am responsible. When the image was getting developed, I was neither interested nor I responded. That is my freedom…I am not going to change their image about it. No. but I declare authentically that I am responsible to live with it. It is for them whether they want to carry it or drop it. Nothing for me. I am complete with it. If they are not complete they are going to suffer. I am not going to suffer with it. We use the Sanskrit word – anyaakaara. So ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyaakaara – all three are kaaras! I am responsible even for the anyaakaara and the anyaayaakaara because even when I allow these people to chant Meenakshi swarupaya, Arunagiri Yogishwara swarupaya, maha kaali swarupaya, I have the benefit of their chanting - 1000s of peoples’ devotion is invoked with which I can enlighten them. But same way people who are not convinced…..for them to feel I am a cheat I am responsible because I allowed this to be chanted. Or I should have waited without letting this to be chanted till the whole world believes I am an incarnation. For which even Jesus would have been waiting till now! So naturally we do take some hurried steps even though the whole world Is not ready to come with us in our speed. Just for the sake of few who are ready to come with me. Understand the sufferings caused or the disturbances caused by the anyaakaara I tolerate, I bear with it because of the benefits seekers are having. So it is seeker’s responsibility to stand, protect and defend the master when the anyaakaara is being done. I allow this to be chanted, I subtly cooperate with it because it is going to …..now when you listen to the chant you will melt – svabhaava sundarangaya naana shaktyaaya shreyaayate, suvarnam, rajitam tubhyam kalpayaami prasidame; yasya darshanamicchanti deva swabhista siddhaye tasmai te parameshana swagatham, swagatham prabho..…when you know the meaning, the joy you experience, the fulfillment you have, the subtle romance happens in the corner of your eyes because that joy and the love which you experience the feeling connection you have you feel can make you enlightened, I allow this to be changed. So naturally few people what does he mean? Meenakshi Sundareshwara swaroopa, Maha Kaali, Kaala Bhariava swaroopa- what does he mean? If they feel I am fake, even for their anyaakaara I feel responsible. That is why I don’t feel powerless when they have their anyaakaara. I am waiting for it. The anyaayaakaara they do with their anyaakaara is not a surprise to me. I was waiting for it. Poison is not surprise to Maha Deva. …before few people got enlightened there will be people who will have doubt, there will be people ….so the kanta was waiting to become Neelakanta. Maha Deva is complete with Neelakanta. Neelakanta is symbol that Maha Deva is complete even with anyaaya of anyakaara. People ask what is the symbol of poison in his throat. He declares he is authenticity and complete even with anyaaya of anyakara. He is complete with his amhamkra, mamamkara and anyakara. That is why ihe is MD. Nobody else is ready to be compelte with anykara. He is ready to be called as bholenaatha, smasaanavasi, bhasmakari. He knows how to transform even anyayas of anyakara. I declare with integrity and authenticity with Maha Kaala Bhairava I am complete even with anyakaara! And I do not feel it is any abusal or anyaaya. Nothing is surprise for me! Maha Deva having the haala haala in his throat he declares nothing is surprise for me! Only when you have the clarity nothing is surprise for me, you will have the guts to take the responsibility and enter into others life. Only then you will understand the word don’t give up on people. Understand only if you are complete with that statement, nothing surprises me, I am ready for anyaakaara, you will face anyaakaara you will learn the truth – don’t give up on people. I wanted you all to meditate on the word anyaakaara. All of you know ahamkaara and mamakaara. Mamakaara means what you feel as yourself. Ahamkaara means what you show to others as yourself. Anyaakaara means what others believe as you independent of what you project as you. Contemplate on anyaakaara. Today assignment what all the sufferings you think is caused in your life by anyaakaara which is independent of ahamkaara. See what others hold you as you is independent of what you project as yourself to others. That is why the effects of anyaakaara surprises you whether good or bad. I am neither surprised by a devotee who is ready to give his life for me nor a devotee who is ready to take my life for him. I am complete with both because I know the possibilities What all you think as good or bad happened in your life because of anyakaaras which is the idea others carry about you independent of what you project to them as you. It is a very powerful assignment. So next two days do this. Day after tomorrow satsang we will continue this. In next 2 days I want you to work on anyaakaara – think. Contemplate, contemplate, contemplate. The word anyaakaara. I tell you if you are complete with anyaakaara, I can declare you are God! I can authentically declare you are God. Completion with anyaakaara is where people miss. Completion with ahamkaara and mamakaara people always catch. Because both are in your control. Completion with anyaakaara. Ahamkaara, mamakaara, anyaakaara. So all of you will do the home work, assignment. Look at your life and pen down what are all the good things and bad things happened in your life due to anyaakaara others idea and image about you which is independent of how you feel as you and how you project as you. ready? All of you understand. If you understand say yes or raise your hand if you are in 2 way. Even in IA I did not add this. It is now getting developed. When you express more and more the deeper and deeper truths are coming out. So the authenticity updated edition. So understand now all of you will work on Anyaakaara and come back day after tomorrow. What all the good and bad happened to your life the way others hold you independent of how you hold yourself to you and how you project yourself to others. 2nd part how you are responsible even for what others hold you as. How you are responsible for others anyaakaara. It is the confusion between your ahamkaara and mamakaara which is responsible for anyaakaara. In my case consciously I decided ..there is no other way for anyaakaara. So I am not surprised. If you are surprised for anyaakaara there is some unconsciousness in you. work on how you are responsible for anyaakaara. So I will continue in day after tomorrow morning satsang. The hoax scandal I went through all this sufferings, torture given to me is the NEELAKANTA. That is Neelakanta! Integrity is Meru, authenticity is vaasuki. Responsibility is Devatas and demons. Not giving up on people is Vishnu who is in the form of tortoise and holding everything up. And the effect of anyaakaara is poison. Alright. Today we will not be having the Nirahaara Samyama process as you are going to break your fast. But I will give you few minutes to do the assignment of anyaakaara so that you start the assignment now. Please get your paper and pen and start the assignment of anyaakaara now. And we will also have the dial the avatar calls. Jena Walker from Scotsdale Arizona – 480-44-9334…I bless to have the joy, the excitement, the bliss you are feeling now, let that be bolted in your nervous system forever! Blessings!.... I will look and tell you - you will be good at writing and software development. In this 2, take up anything you will be successful and you will be very happy. Alright now please start the assignment on anyaakara what all are the good or bad things that happened to you because of what others feel as you independent of what you project as you to others. <Swamiji starts singing in Tamil> This is Satsang – you sat I sang – this is sat-sang! ☺ Relax. Blessings. My blessings to our lawyer Sunny – US Lawyer. I think he is not in the temple. My blessings to him Sunny Kalara. I heard he is the first person to sponsor for the Tele Presence project. My blessings! I am jost thinking f you guys see me in Devi Bhaava Darshan in 3D what will happen. Oh God! ..i think in our traditional temples we have Garbha Mandir. Temples all over the world if you are interested to see me in 3D raise your hands. All you guys start working with BSP now you guys have to plan a dark room and you have to have raja sabha garba Mandir. Soon we will have tele presence and when we have it, we will have Devi bhaava darsahn specially for that. And AR in tele presence. OH god! KB will really rock in tele presence…omni presence in tele presence.. wow! So we will start the process. Blessings! Today morning puja to be done in English translation….the minutes of the satsang to be entered in minutesforpeace.org today is 142 minutes. Relax. You can open your eyes. All the participants of samyama. I bless you all to become Niraahaaris. I bless you all sitting with us as per the statistics in 687 places through Nithyananda TV and Youtube live, 37 places in 2 way Video conferencing, in 316 cities in 34 countries around the world. I bless you all! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share, explode and enrich with the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you!

Photos From The Day:

Swamiji in Morning Padapuja

Swamiji in Morning Padapuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0208.JPG

Swamiji Blessing During Padapuja

Swamiji Blessing During Padapuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0264.JPG

Devotees During Padapuja

Devotees During Padapuja

Swamiji giving Discourse on authenticity

Swamiji giving Discourse on authenticity http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_0326_1.JPG

Swamiji Giving Sarva Darshan

Swamiji Giving SarvaDarshan

Blessings at the end of Morning Satsang

Blessings at the end of Morning Satsang


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authenticity, spiritual practice, life, expectations, responsibility, aware, impact, body language, individual, create.

Photos Of The Day:



