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Science Of Miracles Patanjali Yoga Sutras
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Prayer. Welcome. Today we are entering into the next Chapter in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras called Kaivalya Paada. Patanjali describes after and side effects and the very signs of Kaivalya. Please understand, the Kaivalya Samadhi’s side effects and after effects are always positive, good, right. But you need to know the side effects & after effects of Kaivalya so that you can be in rest. Kaivalya the very word is a beautiful word. Kevala means oneness – nothing but, nothing else. The pure aloneness. Not lonliness. Please understand, when you are one but still have craving for the other It is loneliness. When you are one and complete by your existence it is aloneness. All oneness is aloneness! The pure oneness. When you feel still the need of something else, somebody else – see naturally when you need something you take a loan. When you are in the need of loan-ness you are in loneliness! Kevala means the pure aloneness – the science of pure aloneness. What constitutes aloneness. What all the side effects and after effects of aloneness and unnecessary myths surrounded around the aloneness everything is clearly presented in the form of a beautiful re producible science by Patanjali. The power of Kevala – Kaivalya. Let me enter into the sutras.
Today’s subject is The Science of Miracles!
163rd  Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3th chapter 1st verse\
Janma Aushadihi mantra Tapa Samadhi jaat siddhayaha
Vivekananda: the siddhis or powers are attained by birth, chemical means, power of words, mortification or concentration
Prabhavananda: the psychic powers may be obtained either by birth or by means of drugs, practice of words, practice of austerity or concentration
Satchitananda: siddhis are born of practicing perfection in previous births, or by herbs, mantra repetition or austerity or samadhi
Osho: powers revealed at birth are acquired through drugs, …
I humbly disagree with all the translations! With all my due respects with all the great masters, I humbly disagree with all the translations. Unfortunately all these translations are done by masters after the British era where much of the science and knowledge of these siddhis are lost. I just want to present the facts in front of without boasting. I had the fortune to sit in front of people who had complete knowledge of all dimensions of siddhis. So I will take up this sutra break word by word. First I will explain why I defer. Next I will say what really I wanted to express. 3rd is really that Patanjali wanted my interpretation what I am expressing, what I am trying to convey. So I will do this step by step because this one sutra understood properly opens 1000s of doors not just for miracle powers of psychic powers. It opens the door for enlightenment itself. I call enlightenment complete when extraordinary powers and miracles express through you. Please understand there are 100s of masters saying siddhis are not required to express along with enlightenment. I do accept. But at least from my experience and analysis thoroughly there is no master who does not express siddhis upon enlightenment. You cannot hide enlightenment in a single body. You cannot possess it. That possesses you! You cannot hide it like an ornament in a case. No. you do not create context. The context creates you! I will explain the key words in this sutra.
Janma – birth through -  Aushadhi –  medicines or drugs, Mantra –  sound, Tapah – austerity, Samadhi –  enlightenment, Siddhi – attainment.
Unfortunately, maybe due to lack of words or I don’t know. These words have been translated in a very incomplete way by many of the different translators. Especially the siddha word – when this word siddha is translated as psychic or mental powers, the whole sutra loses its strength. Especially because of the word drugs, medicine, all master took up the meaning of miracle of the psychic powers to the word siddha because nobody can trust, nobody is going to think the ultimate enlightenment itself or the kaivalya itself can be experienced just by medicines. I am telling you from my authority and authority of all great masters at whose feet I sat and learnt. Enlightenment can be experienced just by medicine not by addictive drugs. No. Through proper siddha medicines which raises your consciousness and awareness more & m ore & more the direct complete enlightenment itself can be achieved just through aushadhi. Even great masters like Osho when he translates this sutra uses words like LSD because west is obsessed by LSD. No not only it does not create miracles, it can destroy your health. The siddha tradition has enough herbs which give extraordinary powers and directly lead you to enlightenment. There are some masters who believe it can give you the former not the latter. But I tell you the attainment siddha – I mean kaivalya – establishing yourself in enlightenment which expresses extraordinary powers & experiences not just being in Samadhi. Please understand, I am defining Kaivalya Siddhi exactly as Patanjali wants. Many translators tend to translate this word siddha as psychic power. In that case why is Patanjali is keeping this sutra as 1st in Kaivalya paada? If the word siddha is supp to be translated as miracles or psychic powers he would have kept in last chapter which deals with miracles. Why is he keeping it here instead then? So please understand Pantanjali means by siddha establishing yourself in enlightenment which expresses extraordinary powers and experiences.
So the word siddha is not translated as psychic or mental powers. It is attainment, establishing in enlightenment which expresses extraordinary powers and expands the ability to reproduce the same experience in others through the words, initiation and mere presence. The ability to be established and transmit the enlightenment experience and extraordinary power & experiences is what I call as kaivalya attainment siddha. The word siddha cannot be superficially translated as psychic powers or just mental powers. Now let us analyze this sutra.
Janma – by birth you can radiate this quality. Only these beings are called incarnations. People who express these qualities by birth
Aushadhi – here I need to introduce the great science of alchemy. Just by the proper herbs siddha medicines, not only you can experience extraordinary powers and experiences, you can experiences and get established in enlightenment itself! Please understand, in my young age I have seen 100s of ways the extraordinary powers and capabilities expressed by my own masters siddhas. When I wanted to go for parivraajaka at the age of 12, my master Mata Vibhdananda Devi/Kuppamaal inspired me to travel to different places, temples and pilgrimages. This pilgrimage is my life. There are some things I am fanatic about – building temples and visiting temples! Just yesterday my programs like Inner Awaking and NSP got over. Today I am going for temple visit. Not only I go on creating temples, I also like to visit temples.
When I wanted to travel to different places after she inspired me, she just gave me one small root of a particular plant and told me whenever I feel hungry, just rub that herb on my stomach or on my liver area. I don’t know how you will believe. I used that herb from the age of 12 to 25 till I settled back in my body after I realizing my avataric mission – purpose of my life at age of 22 – 2000 January 1st. I had a strong experience where I got revealed the purpose of my life and was equipped with everything necessary to execute the mission. Then I took a year to settle in my body. I used that herb till then. I used it 100s of times. Every time I used that herb, hunger & thirst just disappeared! Fortunately that herb is still there. I will prove scientifically. Now only I am creating a group of seekers who will not be intimidated by too many questions or too many eyes looking at them when they are able to teleport things – if you are afraid of handling that, you will lose your own peace and even the little bit of spiritual evolving which you had. That is why I am training a group of people who will express extraordinary powers and experiences and who will not be intimidated by eyes filled with doubt, questions, scrutiny and who will be more peaceful. That is the reason I am dragging this scientific study. How any word I utter I am ready to face the scrutiny. Same way when I train few mediums who will express these great powers I want them also to be mature to handle the scrutiny and doubt of the society. I am going to prepare these guys to face the scrutiny. When you have even a little fear that too many people are watching me, immediately you feel intimidated. It sometimes reduces or stops the energy flow. I am developing a group of seekers who will become a pure channel, who will experience and express these great powers and experiences.
I have seen in my life, these herbs give the extraordinary powers and experiences. I can tell you from my predecessors life – Idaikada Siddhar in Arunachala received enlightenment just by a herb. His Guru Nava Naatha siddhar was going for a walk and he saw this Idaikada siddhar a shepherd boy asking Guru for blessings for kaivalya, enlightenment. All the guru did is he got a small cup of milk, mixed a herb and asked him to drink. The boy drank and got enlightenment. How nice it will be to have a pill for enlightenment. Not only I will make but I will prove that siddha tradition has herbs which will awaken the non-mechanical parts of your brain, establish you in enlightenment and can give you extraordinary power and experiences. By birth, by medicine, by mantra – sound can not only give you extraordinary power & experiences it can directly lead you to the ultimate enlightenment itself.
Today also I put a group of mediums in samana mudra so that they can receive teleportation. Vibhooti is now coming. Next I will train a group of seekers training them to live without food and water just by scratching this herb.
Mantra  - sound can lead to extraordinary powers and experiences and can lead to kaivalya. The sound of kaivalya is the omkara which cannot be contained just inside that ‘O M’ syllable. ‘Om’ is only a deity of the real Omkara. That itself is not Omkara. Omkara is the uncreated sound the Anahata dhwani of universe Kaivalya. When you meditate upon that, you will experience being established in enlightenment, extraordinary powers and experiences. The 4th day is Tapaha – austerity. It is not the complete word but I am using this word because of lack or a word. I will translate the word tapaha is the ability to be with the ultimate truth and allowing that truth to express through your body and mind, trusting it even before you experienced it. So through that trust being open to those great powers and experiences to express through your system is tapaha. You may not be enlightened now but trusting the great truth of enlightenment and allowing that great truth to express thru your body and mind, being a channel for that great truth to express through you is what I call tapaha – being available for the great truths before even you experience it in the factual level. Bringing actuality to factuality is tapaha!
Next Samadhi means the glimpse of kaivalya. Glimpse of samadhi is satori, glimpse of kaivalya is samadhi. It means experiencing the opening into the cosmos. Kaivalya means not only experiencing but expressing the powers and capacities. Samadhi is like king of country. Kaivalya is like ruling properly without putting the money in other countries. Means radiating Samadhi is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                kaivalya. So all these 5 directly leads to attainment of kaivalya means not only enlightenment expressing but also the extraordinary experiences and powers of enlightenment. Not just psychic powers, occult powers, mystic powers is called siddha. It means being establishing in enlightenment and expressing extraordinary  power and experiences also.
There has been an age old fight between the teacher Gurus and mystic Gurus. The teacher Gurus who do not express and have this extraordinary powers and experiences go on abusing the mystic gurus who express this extraordinary powers and experiences. The real kaivalya is establishing yourself in enlightenment and expressing extraordinary powers and experiences to transmit this enlightenment to the next generation. These teacher Gurus always abuse mystic Gurus. These mystic Gurus do not abuse. See, when you don’t have money when you are poor, you always abuse the rich people and try to destroy the richness of rich people. But rich people do their job just. After a while the mystic gurus should shut the teacher guru. I tell you the combination of teacher guru and mystic Guru is happening in me for the first time! Unfortunately, these mystic gurus do not have the orating capacity to debate with the logice of the teacher gurus with their logic. Always the teacher gurus will have loud mouth but will not have ability to express the powers. Same way, mystic gurus will have powers but cannot stand on stage and express the truth. First time I am not only a mystic guru, I can challenge logic of all these teacher Gurus. I wanted to tell all teacher Gurus what you are doing is great work but stop abusing the mystic Gurus. This teacher Guru have brought lot of confusion to the planet earth. Without understanding the whole truth. They do not know what a joy is experienced by devotees when extraordinary powers and experiences are shared! What can happen, how many people can fall or rise in ecstasy just by this (he blows)
Actually I was supposed to join the temple yatra after Inner Awakeneing. So I decided to go on my own with a small group of Ashramites for a few days.
Understand the essence of this sutra by birth, by siddha medicines, by the sound, by tapaha- austerity, by enlightenment – Samadhi the kaivalya siddhi. Siddha means being enlightenment radiating and sharing extraordinary powers and experiences. This can be attained thru all the above 5 means. This is the sacred secret Patanjali wants to reveal to the world thru this sutra. In next sutra I will explain sacred secret in every word – janam, mantra, tapaha, ..
So that deeper understanding and experiences happen in all of you. Blessings!
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Science Of Miracles Patanjali Yoga Sutras

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Prayer. Welcome. Today we are entering into the next Chapter in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras called Kaivalya Paada. Patanjali describes after and side effects and the very signs of Kaivalya. Please understand, the Kaivalya Samadhi’s side effects and after effects are always positive, good, right. But you need to know the side effects & after effects of Kaivalya so that you can be in rest. Kaivalya the very word is a beautiful word. Kevala means oneness – nothing but, nothing else. The pure aloneness. Not lonliness. Please understand, when you are one but still have craving for the other It is loneliness. When you are one and complete by your existence it is aloneness. All oneness is aloneness! The pure oneness. When you feel still the need of something else, somebody else – see naturally when you need something you take a loan. When you are in the need of loan-ness you are in loneliness! Kevala means the pure aloneness – the science of pure aloneness. What constitutes aloneness. What all the side effects and after effects of aloneness and unnecessary myths surrounded around the aloneness everything is clearly presented in the form of a beautiful re producible science by Patanjali. The power of Kevala – Kaivalya. Let me enter into the sutras. Today’s subject is The Science of Miracles! 163rd Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3th chapter 1st verse\ Janma Aushadihi mantra Tapa Samadhi jaat siddhayaha Vivekananda: the siddhis or powers are attained by birth, chemical means, power of words, mortification or concentration Prabhavananda: the psychic powers may be obtained either by birth or by means of drugs, practice of words, practice of austerity or concentration Satchitananda: siddhis are born of practicing perfection in previous births, or by herbs, mantra repetition or austerity or samadhi Osho: powers revealed at birth are acquired through drugs, … I humbly disagree with all the translations! With all my due respects with all the great masters, I humbly disagree with all the translations. Unfortunately all these translations are done by masters after the British era where much of the science and knowledge of these siddhis are lost. I just want to present the facts in front of without boasting. I had the fortune to sit in front of people who had complete knowledge of all dimensions of siddhis. So I will take up this sutra break word by word. First I will explain why I defer. Next I will say what really I wanted to express. 3rd is really that Patanjali wanted my interpretation what I am expressing, what I am trying to convey. So I will do this step by step because this one sutra understood properly opens 1000s of doors not just for miracle powers of psychic powers. It opens the door for enlightenment itself. I call enlightenment complete when extraordinary powers and miracles express through you. Please understand there are 100s of masters saying siddhis are not required to express along with enlightenment. I do accept. But at least from my experience and analysis thoroughly there is no master who does not express siddhis upon enlightenment. You cannot hide enlightenment in a single body. You cannot possess it. That possesses you! You cannot hide it like an ornament in a case. No. you do not create context. The context creates you! I will explain the key words in this sutra. Janma – birth through - Aushadhi – medicines or drugs, Mantra – sound, Tapah – austerity, Samadhi – enlightenment, Siddhi – attainment. Unfortunately, maybe due to lack of words or I don’t know. These words have been translated in a very incomplete way by many of the different translators. Especially the siddha word – when this word siddha is translated as psychic or mental powers, the whole sutra loses its strength. Especially because of the word drugs, medicine, all master took up the meaning of miracle of the psychic powers to the word siddha because nobody can trust, nobody is going to think the ultimate enlightenment itself or the kaivalya itself can be experienced just by medicines. I am telling you from my authority and authority of all great masters at whose feet I sat and learnt. Enlightenment can be experienced just by medicine not by addictive drugs. No. Through proper siddha medicines which raises your consciousness and awareness more & m ore & more the direct complete enlightenment itself can be achieved just through aushadhi. Even great masters like Osho when he translates this sutra uses words like LSD because west is obsessed by LSD. No not only it does not create miracles, it can destroy your health. The siddha tradition has enough herbs which give extraordinary powers and directly lead you to enlightenment. There are some masters who believe it can give you the former not the latter. But I tell you the attainment siddha – I mean kaivalya – establishing yourself in enlightenment which expresses extraordinary powers & experiences not just being in Samadhi. Please understand, I am defining Kaivalya Siddhi exactly as Patanjali wants. Many translators tend to translate this word siddha as psychic power. In that case why is Patanjali is keeping this sutra as 1st in Kaivalya paada? If the word siddha is supp to be translated as miracles or psychic powers he would have kept in last chapter which deals with miracles. Why is he keeping it here instead then? So please understand Pantanjali means by siddha establishing yourself in enlightenment which expresses extraordinary powers and experiences. So the word siddha is not translated as psychic or mental powers. It is attainment, establishing in enlightenment which expresses extraordinary powers and expands the ability to reproduce the same experience in others through the words, initiation and mere presence. The ability to be established and transmit the enlightenment experience and extraordinary power & experiences is what I call as kaivalya attainment siddha. The word siddha cannot be superficially translated as psychic powers or just mental powers. Now let us analyze this sutra. Janma – by birth you can radiate this quality. Only these beings are called incarnations. People who express these qualities by birth Aushadhi – here I need to introduce the great science of alchemy. Just by the proper herbs siddha medicines, not only you can experience extraordinary powers and experiences, you can experiences and get established in enlightenment itself! Please understand, in my young age I have seen 100s of ways the extraordinary powers and capabilities expressed by my own masters siddhas. When I wanted to go for parivraajaka at the age of 12, my master Mata Vibhdananda Devi/Kuppamaal inspired me to travel to different places, temples and pilgrimages. This pilgrimage is my life. There are some things I am fanatic about – building temples and visiting temples! Just yesterday my programs like Inner Awaking and NSP got over. Today I am going for temple visit. Not only I go on creating temples, I also like to visit temples. When I wanted to travel to different places after she inspired me, she just gave me one small root of a particular plant and told me whenever I feel hungry, just rub that herb on my stomach or on my liver area. I don’t know how you will believe. I used that herb from the age of 12 to 25 till I settled back in my body after I realizing my avataric mission – purpose of my life at age of 22 – 2000 January 1st. I had a strong experience where I got revealed the purpose of my life and was equipped with everything necessary to execute the mission. Then I took a year to settle in my body. I used that herb till then. I used it 100s of times. Every time I used that herb, hunger & thirst just disappeared! Fortunately that herb is still there. I will prove scientifically. Now only I am creating a group of seekers who will not be intimidated by too many questions or too many eyes looking at them when they are able to teleport things – if you are afraid of handling that, you will lose your own peace and even the little bit of spiritual evolving which you had. That is why I am training a group of people who will express extraordinary powers and experiences and who will not be intimidated by eyes filled with doubt, questions, scrutiny and who will be more peaceful. That is the reason I am dragging this scientific study. How any word I utter I am ready to face the scrutiny. Same way when I train few mediums who will express these great powers I want them also to be mature to handle the scrutiny and doubt of the society. I am going to prepare these guys to face the scrutiny. When you have even a little fear that too many people are watching me, immediately you feel intimidated. It sometimes reduces or stops the energy flow. I am developing a group of seekers who will become a pure channel, who will experience and express these great powers and experiences. I have seen in my life, these herbs give the extraordinary powers and experiences. I can tell you from my predecessors life – Idaikada Siddhar in Arunachala received enlightenment just by a herb. His Guru Nava Naatha siddhar was going for a walk and he saw this Idaikada siddhar a shepherd boy asking Guru for blessings for kaivalya, enlightenment. All the guru did is he got a small cup of milk, mixed a herb and asked him to drink. The boy drank and got enlightenment. How nice it will be to have a pill for enlightenment. Not only I will make but I will prove that siddha tradition has herbs which will awaken the non-mechanical parts of your brain, establish you in enlightenment and can give you extraordinary power and experiences. By birth, by medicine, by mantra – sound can not only give you extraordinary power & experiences it can directly lead you to the ultimate enlightenment itself. Today also I put a group of mediums in samana mudra so that they can receive teleportation. Vibhooti is now coming. Next I will train a group of seekers training them to live without food and water just by scratching this herb. Mantra - sound can lead to extraordinary powers and experiences and can lead to kaivalya. The sound of kaivalya is the omkara which cannot be contained just inside that ‘O M’ syllable. ‘Om’ is only a deity of the real Omkara. That itself is not Omkara. Omkara is the uncreated sound the Anahata dhwani of universe Kaivalya. When you meditate upon that, you will experience being established in enlightenment, extraordinary powers and experiences. The 4th day is Tapaha – austerity. It is not the complete word but I am using this word because of lack or a word. I will translate the word tapaha is the ability to be with the ultimate truth and allowing that truth to express through your body and mind, trusting it even before you experienced it. So through that trust being open to those great powers and experiences to express through your system is tapaha. You may not be enlightened now but trusting the great truth of enlightenment and allowing that great truth to express thru your body and mind, being a channel for that great truth to express through you is what I call tapaha – being available for the great truths before even you experience it in the factual level. Bringing actuality to factuality is tapaha! Next Samadhi means the glimpse of kaivalya. Glimpse of samadhi is satori, glimpse of kaivalya is samadhi. It means experiencing the opening into the cosmos. Kaivalya means not only experiencing but expressing the powers and capacities. Samadhi is like king of country. Kaivalya is like ruling properly without putting the money in other countries. Means radiating Samadhi is kaivalya. So all these 5 directly leads to attainment of kaivalya means not only enlightenment expressing but also the extraordinary experiences and powers of enlightenment. Not just psychic powers, occult powers, mystic powers is called siddha. It means being establishing in enlightenment and expressing extraordinary power and experiences also. There has been an age old fight between the teacher Gurus and mystic Gurus. The teacher Gurus who do not express and have this extraordinary powers and experiences go on abusing the mystic gurus who express this extraordinary powers and experiences. The real kaivalya is establishing yourself in enlightenment and expressing extraordinary powers and experiences to transmit this enlightenment to the next generation. These teacher Gurus always abuse mystic Gurus. These mystic Gurus do not abuse. See, when you don’t have money when you are poor, you always abuse the rich people and try to destroy the richness of rich people. But rich people do their job just. After a while the mystic gurus should shut the teacher guru. I tell you the combination of teacher guru and mystic Guru is happening in me for the first time! Unfortunately, these mystic gurus do not have the orating capacity to debate with the logice of the teacher gurus with their logic. Always the teacher gurus will have loud mouth but will not have ability to express the powers. Same way, mystic gurus will have powers but cannot stand on stage and express the truth. First time I am not only a mystic guru, I can challenge logic of all these teacher Gurus. I wanted to tell all teacher Gurus what you are doing is great work but stop abusing the mystic Gurus. This teacher Guru have brought lot of confusion to the planet earth. Without understanding the whole truth. They do not know what a joy is experienced by devotees when extraordinary powers and experiences are shared! What can happen, how many people can fall or rise in ecstasy just by this (he blows) Actually I was supposed to join the temple yatra after Inner Awakeneing. So I decided to go on my own with a small group of Ashramites for a few days. Understand the essence of this sutra by birth, by siddha medicines, by the sound, by tapaha- austerity, by enlightenment – Samadhi the kaivalya siddhi. Siddha means being enlightenment radiating and sharing extraordinary powers and experiences. This can be attained thru all the above 5 means. This is the sacred secret Patanjali wants to reveal to the world thru this sutra. In next sutra I will explain sacred secret in every word – janam, mantra, tapaha, .. So that deeper understanding and experiences happen in all of you. Blessings!

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