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Conquering Life Workshop - Part 2
You have vast untapped hidden abilities and powers which are not even known to you. HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam leads a breakthrough workshop for each attendee to discover what these powers are, how to develop them so that you can live a powerful and fulfilling life.
Experience BREAKTHROUGHS in your Career, Relationships, Health & Finances and achieve Peace, Happieness, Stress-Free Living, Spiritual Clarity and More !
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7HqbZQJDhQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/conquering-heroes-2?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist"/>
Please come back to the space of listening. Let me start now.
Listen; first understanding how life is occurring to you as it is. It's unfortunate even though life is occurring to us constantly, we are not at all interested in looking it as it is. We are only always interested in approaching it with a reason, which makes us feel we can't do anything about it. Reason to put the cross (“X”), “Why?” is dealt with the past means it will only lead to cross (“X”). The “Why?” need to be dealt from the future, context of the future, then it can lead to Z.
Listen; when life is occurring to you, “My husband is not giving time to me”. If this is the reason you find, the way life is occurring to you, you will only put everything into the impossibility. I can't do anything about it. He doesn't give time to me; that’s all, nothing can be done. See the life is occurring to you, “My relationships are falling apart, it is not giving me enjoyment and excitement”. So the reason if you discover, if you approach it with the idea, “My husband is not giving time to me” you are only going to cross (“X”) and put the whole thing in the past and nothing can be done about it. Life conquers you not you conquer life; either withdrawal, collapsing or getting conquered.
If you approach the life... if you approach the “Why?” with the context of solving, healing, finding the reality as you want; you will always see, you are not able to engage him. Why you are not able to engage him? Actually you are not able to engage even yourself. So you are not able to engage him. If you find this reason, “I am not able to engage him” there is always a solution. Reasons which liberates are right diagnosis. Reasons which binds are wrong failure diagnosis like this whole bogus of who is diabetic patient? Who has... Who is high cholesterol patient? This whole bogus.
Please understand when I am using the word, I mean it because who sets the standard? The standard set, “This is the blood pressure level. This is the cholesterol level. This is the diabetic... sugar level” and all is not logically substantiated. Please understand it is much worse than few pandits sitting and gathering and declaring, “This is what we will start following”. At least these guys have some honesty about what they are doing.
Few fellows gang up funded by the pharmaceutical companies and they say, “Patients are too less for the medicines we are producing. Please somehow increase the patients number” and over night they bring it from 120 to 100 and 20 million more patients are now there. These are not logically substantiated decisions. I tell you so-called, “Modern Science” is the worst superstitious religion. This so-called, “Modern-Science” is the greatest superstitious religion. Make more diseases for your business because disease is your business. I am giving you one example.
Now listen to this very carefully, first... the first set of the writing you did, “How life is occurring to you as it is?”. The second, finding the reason from the context of solving it. Manifesting the new reality you want, to conquer the life as you want. Third, listen; now is the real actual part which you are going to do.
Last two sessions are more or less like a theory: understanding your problems, understanding how the life is occurring. Now is the solution. I tell you, solution is too simple, straight forward. Even though you will be shocked, surprised, “That simple!”; because you don't practice, some solutions look very simple. Please listen, some solutions look very simple because you don't practice. Some solutions are actually simple even if you practice.
“Diabetes Kriya” which I have offered. It’s available freely in the internet. The solution is, I can guarantee within 11 days your diabetes will be completely healed with that Kriya. I am responsible for what I am uttering. Please understand, I am very responsible for your health. I usually don’t utter the statements which will put you in risk.
I am very responsible. But it looks too simple, “Only 11 days? I am taking medicine for last 11 years Swamiji. Only 11 days?”. Do it. We have done tons of researches, it works. But the problem is because you never do, solution seems simple.
See we use something, either the idea too simple or the idea too complicated, but not to do. I only request you, “Don’t use the idea too simple. Don’t use the idea too complicated. Do this solution”. The solution is your “Will”. Understand you have so much of pain associated to your “Will”. I used my will power but it does not work for me. It worked three days but I think it worked by fluke. You have a so much of failure-pain. How many of you have so much of failure-pain with your will? Raise your hand.
The moment I say “Will”, it is pain so much because you tried, it failed. It did not work and it worked for four days and then you have been dumped by your “Will”. You feel your will is your enemy and you have too much of incompletion with your “Will”. Listen, drop all that stupidity, even those things are some of the wrong diagnosis you have done.
Please understand; in many medical universities this concept exists. When certain disease lessons are taught; lessons are taught about certain disease, the whole class goes through that symptoms. There is a technical term for it. In many medical universities this is one of the important problem they face whether it is physical diseases or mental disorders. Whenever the lessons about that disease is going on, the whole class feels that they are going through that disease.
Understand; this effect when you listen about some problem, you develop certain kind of a fear, you also may have that problem and you psychologically go through the same, is actually peak of problem creation. Mind which is waiting for creating problems. Most of the time, even your incompletions with your “Will”, even your incompletions with your incompletions, your incompletions with your powerlessness, your incompletions with your inability, your incompletions with your impossibility, all this, all this are wrong diagnosis about life. The medical student’s disease, “It is called Intern’s syndrome”. When you study certain disease, you go through the same. You perceive that you experience the same symptoms.
Listen; in original Ayurveda, there is a chapter which is actually anti-dote to this intern’s syndrome. See here, how when they study about some disease, they perceive they go through that disease. In ayurveda there is a technology, if you are made to scan your body and understand the exact problem, precise problem about you; suddenly you will heal and get out of that disease. Listen carefully; if you are just... your “Vaidya” sits with you and makes you meditate on your internal organs, helps you to diagnose where the exact problem like a, some chemicals are missing in the tomach, some are happening too much in your Liver. If he is able to guide you and precisely help you to diagnose yourself, self diagnosis heals.
Actually both the intern’s syndrome and this Ayurveda, technology of Ayurveda, both have the basis of your cognition about you. Here the “Why” is approached with the angle of problem. Here in Ayurveda, the “Why” is approached from the angle of solution, that’s all. Ayurveda has the technology and I commit with you guys, I will revive it. I am already working on it. I am already working on it. You just need to be initiated into third-eye and Sadashiva gives this technique also, “The ability to see your internal organs”. It doesn’t take too much time. It may take 10-15 days and a right Vaidya should teach you about “Naadi Pariksha” and you should be initiated into the Yogic science of third-eye and just able to see the internal organs.
I don’t think spending a month for your body with whom you are going to live for almost 100 years is too much; otherwise at least, few months or few years you are going to spend in hospital and that 100 years may not even be 100 years. Soon I will revive this technology. I am already... I have clearly mapped the whole thing. I just need to make it happen for My Sanyasis, Balasants first then it will be out for all you guys to enjoy and experience.
Actually this session itself is based on that technology. A right diagnosis instigates, inspires your “Will” to solve the issue. Understand, your “Will” by its nature wants to conquer life and manifest life as it wants. Only with the wrong diagnosis, you are mellowed down. Listen carefully; your “Will” is like Hanuman, capable of everything.
Now come to the listening space. I am… I am moving to the solution part. You know the way life is happening, now you are approaching it from the angle of solving, trying to find reasons from the angle of solving. Now I am giving you the exact, precise solution. Listen carefully; all the feeling impossible, all the feeling of suffocation, all the feeling – anger, resentment, failure. For example: if you have a stomach pain consistently even after trying various medicines, Yoga, Kriya method; certain kind of anger and incompletion gets developed around stomach pain.
If you have a failure in business decisions, even after trying various things you know, you can; certain kind of an incompletion, frustration gets developed around your career and business. Listen carefully; all these impossibilities, powerlessness in your life. You tried your best to bring Completion with some relationship in your life: son, brother, father, friend, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law. With some people you try Completion, to bring Completion with the relationship. It’s not working out. Somehow there is some incompletion, tug-of-war; all this only I call it as powerlessness.
Listen; relive all these powerlessness, even the emotions, thought-currents, sickness which can’t be named by you or branded by you. Sometimes the jealousy you feel, you will experience as powerlessness. You will never brand it as a jealousy because that hurts you. You will say, “Oh! They achieved. Why not me? Life is unfair. Life is unjust”.
We have our own technical way of constantly diagnosing very cleverly but your cleverness doesn’t work with life. Life actually need to be conquered. All these impossibilities, feeling stuck... It can be as simple as feeling stuck with certain pain or as difficult as feeling stuck in your financial status, current relationships or the question about life itself. You may feel stuck anywhere, one by one start reliving that heavy suffocation, that heavy powerlessness, that heavy feeling, “Life is unjust. Life is not fair”.
Please understand; reliving precisely helps you to diagnose from the right angle. Reliving is nothing but diagnosing it, diagnosing any problem. Looking at any “Why” precisely for the purpose of solving it. Listen carefully; reliving any thought current, emotional current will bring precise diagnosis of why that problem, thought current exists from the angle of solving it. The perfect solution for conquering life is, relive the suffocations, powerlessness you carry and declare with all your “Will” you are going to create the reality you want. Please understand it may look too simple but it’s a complete package, whether you want to get out of your headache or you want to become enlightened. This package, “Completion and manifesting your Will” is complete enough unto itself.
Just test it out, nothing else. Try it out, nothing else. Test it out. Try it out. Read whatever you wrote. Take few minutes. The first session what you wrote, “How life occurs to you?”. The second session the reasons you try to find out from the angle of solving it. Please take few minutes to read then I will guide you.
Create the intense “Will” to manifest the life as you want. Tell yourself and the Universe, your intention, the way you want to exist, the way life should occur to you. Create a clear, detailed, powerful will to declare to yourself and to the Universe, the way you want to exist, the way the life should occur to you, in every level. Consciously spend few minutes and declare it to yourself.
Powerful “Will”, with your declaration to yourself and to the Universe to manifest the life the way you want from the space of Sadashiva.
I bless you all. Let your intention, “Will” become reality by bringing complete Completion in you and manifesting the life the way you want. Tatasthu.
Relax. You can open your eyes.
I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam.
The eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Be blissful.
Conquering Life Workshop - Part 3
You have vast untapped hidden abilities and powers which are not even known to you. HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam leads a breakthrough workshop for each attendee to discover what these powers are, how to develop them so that you can live a powerful and fulfilling life.
Experience BREAKTHROUGHS in your Career, Relationships, Health & Finances and achieve Peace, Happieness, Stress-Free Living, Spiritual Clarity and More !
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=442L7GzmPS8&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-07jul-31_conquering-life?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2016-playlist"/>
nithanandeshwari-madhyamām |
asmdācārya-paryantāṁ vande guru-paramparām ||
I welcome you all for this second day of the conquering life program. I think we are almost in sixty countries now. First thing I wanted to do today to clear all your doubts and help you to internalize and experience this three truths I shared yesterday. See I am not interested in giving you more and more thought current but I am only interested in whatever this three thought current, sacred truths I shared, making it as your experience. Making it as your experience. Instead of hearing more and more and more thought currents if you experience at least this few sacred secrets and go back. I will be really happy.
Listen; focus on the three sacred truths I have revealed yesterday. One; listen; One, how life occurs to you? Second, approach “Why?” with the zeal of solving it not to blame. Third, Completion, reliving and “Will” to manifest new reality is immediate most practical solution.
Maybe I will welcome the new participants and encourage the new participants to come and have your doubts cleared more than the IA grads trying to get My attention. I may request all the new participants; if you are first-time here, please come. Come to the mic. I may welcome all the first timers, new participants. You may need My attention more to make these truths into reality. Go ahead. Go ahead. 
'''Devotee:''' Nithyanandam, Vanakkam.
'''Swamiji:''' hmmm... Go ahead.
'''Question:''' Completion process la - when you tell me to relive, we forgot many of the incidents since childhood...
'''Swamiji:''' No, no, no, whatever you remember that only is still sitting inside you as a blockage. If you forgot something, good. It is no more a blockage in you. Understand; celebrate that you forgot. People come and tell me, “Worries are haunting me”. When I tell, “Ok relive them”, “Swamiji I forgot” then come on feel blessed for what you forgot. What you remember if you relive that’s enough.
'''Question:''' For manifesting them into reality what we wish to do? how can... means what kind of visualization that we have to brought into?
'''Swamiji:''' See what you want, command it with your “Will”. Please understand one thing, all of you listen, your “Will” is the umbilical cord connection between your individual soul and the cosmos. If you shake your individual soul with your “Will”, cosmos has to shiver because it is connected through the spiritual umbilical cord, your “Will”.
I don’t know how many of you read in Puranas? A Yogi sits under the tree and starts meditating, creating certain “Will” to get that boon and Indra loka burns, Devaloka shakes and Indra has to run, Brahma has to run to attend. It is true. If you sit here and create a “Will”. If you can shake your individual soul, your individuality with your “Will”, naturally you will make the cosmos shake, move.
Visualise very... as clearly as you can what you want as your life? How you want your life to be manifested and “Will” it. Understand when you “Will”, multiple energies in your Bio-Memory, in your Muscle-Memory, in your system gets integrated to that “Will”. Actually you have multiple energies inside you. Unfortunately all of them are in their own direction. Even “Complete you” do not know what you want? Because morning you told yourself, you want this. By noon, you already changed. By night, it is different. By the time your first order reaches from head to toe, there is a second order. By the time that reaches your, from your head to toe, your desires have changed. Even you as whole do not know what do you want? Understand...
'''Question''': Individual will is obstacled by nervousness and fear mostly, how can we conquer?
'''Swamiji:''' Again... that is again your disturbed ideas about you. You can clearly tell yourself, even that to be healed by your own “Will”. Understand, your “Will”, actually this which you are saying nervousness and all that is nothing but your decision not to “Will”. So your “Will” can heal it and I will support it.
Devotee: Nithyanandam-ji. Nithyanandam.
'''Question:''' What is “Will”? Just executing your intention?
'''Swamiji:''' Please understand; here when I am using the word “Will”, I am not even going to the step of executing, I am only asking you, “Will… Will it” means declare it. What will happen usually when you declare you know, your own internal energies get integrated, that is the actual first step supposed to happen in you; then, the execution will happen not as you usually imagine. You struggle, make ten project plan, scratch nine, sometimes nine and half and then rebuild and in this confusion get tired, bored and sick, curse everyone around you and you. Don’t even bring the word executing because there is too much of incompletion with that word executing within you. Please understand; how many of you the moment you think you need to execute something there is so much of incompletion? I am telling you incompletion with executing is incompletion with life. I know it is there. I know it is there that is why I am saying, don’t even bring the word, “Executing”. “Will” is powerful enough… “Will” is powerful enough to integrate then it is capable enough to manifest. May be little bit of your cooperation is required but you may not need to do this whole executing exercise. Most of the time your execution exercise is almost like fighting with yourself, fighting with yourself. Next.
'''Question:''' Can I ask why your image varies from being a male personnel when you are speaking to us and then a female personnel when you are not speaking to us?
'''Swamiji:''' Nuesa, understand an enlightened being cannot be constrained into first of all one body. Forget about constraining Me into one gender. In vedic tradition, we call enlightened beings as transcendental gender not transgender, transcendental gender neither male nor female or gay or lesbian or transgender. It is a separate kind of a body, we call it Divya Sharira which reflects the way you want to see, you will go on be seeing it. The way you want to perceive, you will be perceiving it. The way you want to enjoy, you will be enjoying it. So it is even in language, words, Sanskrit gives exemption from all the grammar, rules, everything to enlightened beings. The Sanskrit grammarian, he says, “Enlightened beings are expressing, trying to express something which can never be expressed through words. So they are exempted from all grammar rules, everything, it is called Asha Prayoga”. Whenever a Rishi uses the language for his own convenience, the way he wants and the way he interprets, it is accepted as a trend and grammar rule and it is called Asha Prayoga. He is not bound by the linguistic rules, grammar rules. Same way, an enlightened being cannot be constrained even to one body with so much of difficulty when he is trying to express through one body, you can never be able to constrain him to one gender whether psychology or physiology or the whole system, the body I carry, nothing can be framed into one gender. Actually the Enlightenment itself is a physiological, psychological mutation. So that is why, if you are a keen observer means if you are a living, observing, witnessing personality then you can understand the form I am carrying is beyond the genders. Nuesa, I think you are the Nuesa Australia person, Ian Anderson. I think your ability to absorb or observe is too much, that’s all I can say and you are right.
'''Question''': Does God help the people who help themselves first or the person who is lazy and who keeps taking help from others?
'''Swamiji''': Please understand; the person who is lazy will not even be able to take help from others. There are only two kinds of people, life negative – who neither help themself nor take help from others, other… another one life positive – who helps themself and take help from others. Helping yourself and taking help from others is one and the same, if you will help yourselves you will take help from others and you will help others. So the classification you are making, lazy and helping themself, in that you are making one small mistake, you think lazy persons take help from others; no.  Understand the two classification – life positive, life negative. If you are helping yourself, God will be helping you. If you are taking help from others, again God will be helping you through others. A person who helps themself will always be taking help from others and helping others. Lazy fellows neither they will help themself nor they will take help from others or they will help others. So understand God helps the people who help themselves. After all he is sitting in yourself. Next
'''Question:''' Pranams respected Swamiji. Excuse me, I apologize if I hurt you at any time, it is not my intention to scold you or hurt you because I love Satya Sai baba. He says, “Help ever. Hurt never”. When this is the case this simple problem cannot be executed by me or by any of the citizens. So how to help and hurt never, this is more important, hurting never. I came here not on my own intention but this is my second visit. So some forces had dragged me here. I salute to those powers and I immediately say and I apologize for what I have done and I know that divinity is also in me which is similar to your divinity but the manifestation is not taking place and I want “Sunayasa Maranam” and “Anayasa Jeevitham” which is everybody’s wish and I also wish the same thing but at the same time, the Ramana Maharishi he is silently teaching and similarly Swami Vivekananda says what you say yesterday, “Awake, arise and still the goal… goal is reached, stop not; that is the same thing what I heard from you. So I request you to bless me to have the similar highest values in my life and the God... I know the God is protecting me from all the sides and giving me what I required and at the same time for the world also I need that I am successful, not a failure candidate. But now I am a failure candidate in my life. So the success is to be generated not only from me but from cosmetic (cosmic) energy that I request you and bless me. Thank you.
'''Swamiji:''' My Blessings.
'''Question:''' To conquer do you need to know your purpose? If you do not know your purpose, how do you conquer and find out?
'''Swamiji:''' Dhruvraj, first thing you understand, do not expect your past to tell your purpose. Decide to create for yourself. We always think our past should tell our purpose. No, create your purpose based on the input and intelligence from your past. Whatever you think as the best, create the purpose. Understand; past is dead. If you are waiting for inspiration from it, you will never get. From dead things you get only smell, not inspiration. No most of the time you are sitting and waiting, from your dead past, the inspiration will come out like a angel and possess you and drive you. No, that’s never going to happen. People come and tell me, “Swamiji, whatever repeatedly I think, should I take that as a purpose of me?” No, whatever actually your incompletion, you will be repeatedly thinking about that. Do enough of Completion, from that Completion space, you “Will”, you create your purpose. Do not wait for the purpose to come from inside you as accident.
Dhruvraj, what you think as the best thing for your life, create the purpose. Creating the purpose will make you conquer life. Don’t wait for some accidental or words, intuition coming from inside and all that; no. And Dhruvraj, I see you as potential being who can really conquer the life, who can really manifest what you want. So do not wait for your past to guide you. Your past is mostly incompletion. So if you are waiting for your intuition from the past, it will be mostly incompletion. So decide to create as you want, that will only conquer your life.
'''Question:''' Swamiji, if most things in my life are going really well except for allowing constant stream of money to flow to me. Can I focus on the bliss and joy which all the other areas brought to me and use this energy to visualize and feel the constant flow of money coming in. Nithyanandam. Thank you.
'''Swamiji:''' First thing, <English 25:30 Lee cam leone>, this whole question is about the wealth dimension of you. I will give you one important truth, “Activism is wealth”. Understand, in any field, you are active, you can convert that into wealth. You can make that as a wealth flow in your life. Actually this one truth itself need to be expanded as a program. May be the next program, secrets of attracting wealth is specially for you. To answer this question, I invite you. Please come and experience how the activism can be converted into wealth? How activism can be the flow of wealth in your life? I invite you to come and enjoy the secrets of attracting wealth, that will really make experiential answer for this question.
'''Question:''' Pranam Swamiji, I am really grateful to almighty for having me brought me here. My question is based on yesterday’s deliberation, I just be very specific in my question. How to ensure that I am correct in my analysis of the problem, identifying appropriate reasons and judge…
'''Swamiji:''' Please understand; how much ever you analyze in the initial level, you will be analyzing only to a certain limit; but with more and more Completion, your analysis will become more precise. When your analysis complete, the problem will not be there. Yesterday I was telling, the moment you diagnose rightly, the disease will disappear. It is one of the technology from Ayurveda. Same way, the moment your analysis is perfect, the problem will disappear. So how to know whether your diagnosis is perfect? Your analysis is perfect? The more and more problem melting down will be the signal through which you can know more and more your analysis is right.
'''Question''': So how to sharpen and strengthen my will and determination so that…?
'''Swamiji:''' Completion. Completion.
'''Question:''' How to go about... that’s why...
'''Swamiji:''' Yesterday I was giving you the process, every night at-least sit twenty one minutes to relive all the suppressed suffocation, powerlessness of your life. Just 21 minutes allow that suffocation consciously to come up on you. Relive - Reliving is the most powerful way of relieving. Completion ca'''n bring completely new energy into your neurology, into your whole system. Completion can bring completely new energy in your very frequency, in your ve'''ry aura. So solution for the problem you are asking is everyday Completion. Spend at least 21 minutes before going to bed. You can sit in the bed and allow everything to come up and relive. The reliving release you.
'''Question:''' I need to be guided in that direction.
'''Swamiji:''' Blessings. Tathastu.
'''Question''': Dear Swamiji, could you please talk on “How to love yourself?”. I find it difficult.
'''Swamiji:''' Irena, first thing I want to tell you, deep incompletions about you makes you forget the great things you experienced or achieved. Actually for, next few minutes I want you to do this exercise, even in this, yesterday and today. Yesterday, three hours and today, last one hour. What all deep clicks happened, liberating cognitions happened, understanding happened in you. If you remember and pen them down at-least once and see, only then you will understand otherwise you will just take this whole thing for granted. You will forget. In your life you constantly take good things for granted. Remember only pain, suffering, suffocation even though you don’t want to remember them. Incompletions with yourself. For example, incompletions with your body, the way you look, the way you feel about you. Incompletions with your mind. Incompletions with your emotions. Incompletions with your inability to handle your emotions and above all anger towards others. You call it as a incompletion within you because when you know you can’t express that anger it will be costly. You just dump it on yourself and suffer with that anger within you. Spend little time completing with you, all the incompletions you have with you, please pen them down. List it and complete with all of that, one by one, one by one, one by one. Actually some of our devotees there in the centre, you can talk to them and they will give you the detailed instruction about Completion, practice it. You will be liberated. I bless you, you will achieve Swapriya, the love for yourself.
Maybe I really want to take few minutes. Please all of you take few minutes and pen down yesterday and today what all clarity, understanding happened in you. So at-least you will know and you will remember the clicks and understandings you had yesterday and today. Please pen down. Few minutes.
We will be continuing on question and answer after this few minutes of exercise.
Yes. How many of you finished writing? Great. I will move to further questions.
'''Question:''' Dear Swamiji, how can I achieve Enlightenment in this life?
'''Swamiji:''' Rusbe first, please understand; It is a straightforward simple science. Learn how to complete within you with yourself, how to complete with others who are involved in your life and how to complete with cosmos, that’s all. Completion with yourself, others and the whole. It’s a very simple, straight forward direct science. I can give you two options – One, become a subscriber in our Nithyananda TV YouTube channel. It’s free, available, wherever you are I will be teaching you to get enlightened in your bedroom. There is a set of clear Satsangs, very scientifically described; that is the option one, do it for yourself. If you want Me to do it for you, come to IA. Come to Inner Awakening.
Understand, this two options are in front of you, subscribe to the YouTube channel, Nithyananda TV and there is a clear set, number one, number two, number three, next, next, next like a Completion with yourself, then Completion with others, then Completion with the cosmos, then manifesting your reality, manifesting others reality, step by step you can do it for yourself. It’s completely free. We believe in Vedic tradition “Knowledge is free” so opened it.
Please understand, everything I teach in the Inner Awakening is available in the YouTube. You can do it for yourself, that’s one option. The second option if you feel, “No, I may not be do it all by myself. I may want you to do it for me”, come, come to the Inner Awakening. I will do it for you. Understand, between this two, take up one. My blessings, you will achieve the Enlightenment. Next.
'''Question:''' Dear Swamiji, what to do when the self feels it does not deserve to receive life or to live life in a full way?
'''Swamiji:''' First thing you need to understand, this is a very cunning way you try to get attention from life. You think by putting yourself in sympathy, self sympathy, showing yourself as a weak, life is going to immediately rush and attend to you. Because from the young age, we are habituated. If you fall sick, your mom will attend to you. You will have your attention. This is extension of that same pattern. If you are so clear that life does not deserve, then why don’t you commit suicide? Simply we are trying to make life to run towards us by putting ourself in the place of victim; the victimhood.
Please understand; immediately you need to complete with this pattern and... otherwise you will be naturally suffering and suffocating yourself and anybody who decides to suffer and suffocate themself. Life blesses. So be it - Tathastu. Life does not interfere in your desire to suffer. So this pattern need to be attended emergently. It needs to be immediately addressed. It is worst cancerous pattern. So please complete it and drop it. That’s the only way life can flow through you.
'''Question:''' How do you deal with people who are still in blaming game while I am working on a solution to approach to the current conflict?
'''Swamiji:''' Understand, even if you classify them as a people who are blaming, that again puts you in the position where you are doing the blame game. Look into it. Yes, there are people who do the blame game, but am I going to approach them for Z or for Y. Approach even them for Z, they will become part of your solution. The moment you classify them as people who do blame game, now you already done the blame game. You put them in X. So look at the whole thing. Yes, people do blame game. Why? Because they do not understand this XYZ theory. Educate them this XYZ theory. When you tell them, look at the Y for Z, not for X, even they will become your partners and they will also start solving the issues. Nobody is ultimately interested in destroying their life, crying about somebody. People are finally interested about the remaining future. See it is the remaining future gives you the hope to live. So really, the remaining future is the hope for everyone to live. Just educate them... educate them about this XYZ, always ask Y for Z not for X.
See, you will always have excess memory about X, good or bad. The excess memory about X is incompletion. Whether rightly or wrongly, the excess influence of the X on you is incompletion. Approach the Y for Z. That’s the only way you will be free from X. Next question.
'''Question''': Swamiji, I am Vinod, coming from Bangalore. My question is related to “Will”. You said “Will” will make your problems solve. “Will” will help you to get your problems solved. My question is, “Will” means thought process and approach to solve a problem.
'''Swamiji:''' No. No, no, no, no, no, no… your definition is wrong. All the three statement you made is wrong. I am telling, “Will” will solve your problem is wrong. I told you, “Will” will make your problems irrelevant, not just solving. Your problems are not even worthy of being solved. Actually, the “Will” will just raise your frequency to level, where your problems will become irrelevant. You see, your table is filled with all the garbage, you don’t know how to solve all these files, complications and you don’t know what to do. If you are trying to solve, one by one, file by file, that is solving. Suddenly you get promotion and you... you have moved to a different job. All these files become redundant and irrelevant to you. There is a big difference between this two. I am telling you, “Will” makes your problems irrelevant to you because it raises your frequency; that’s one.
The Second, the statement you are making, “Will” is to execute, no. As I told you, execution have lot of load and incompletion in you. I am not asking you to think about it. “Will”, then you will see so much of energy in you, will be available to you. So, the execution will not be as you think of execution now. See now presently how you think of execution – If I say, ““Will” will make you execute what you want”. You will say, “Already I know how much of suffering is there in the execution. If I have to execute, I don’t want this methodology, technology, “Will” and all that. Let me be as I am”.
Understand; because you have so much incompletion about the execution. So don’t bother about that now. It is like a… a doctor is trying to tell the born blind man, “Hey, I will do a surgery. You will get your eyes back. You can walk without a stick”. The blind man says, “Doctor I understand you will do a surgery. I will get my eyes back but even then, how can I walk without my stick?”. He cannot be logically convinced, once you get your eyes you don’t need, stick. He feels, “No. I will get my eyes back but how will I walk without stick? Because throughout his life, he walked with stick. He thinks it become... it is part of the... his walking mechanism. So now, logically you can never understand how the “Will” alone can make so much difference but I tell you, when the “Will” is awakened, you can walk without the stick. The stick is execution. “Will” is your eye. When your eye is awakened, actually the execution will not be as you think now. It will be totally different. The quality of the execution itself will be different. So I don’t want you to use this word for that.
'''Swamiji''': Go ahead.
'''Question''': Swami, yesterday... In yesterday’s session, one of the things that I realize was that a lot of the projects that I am working on right now were things that I started  because there was just a lot of pain in me that I didn’t want to deal with. So to... just to get rid of that, I started this but I actually like working on the projects. Are they like… Should I stop working on these?
'''Swamiji:''' No, no, no, no, no. You should not stop working. You should complete the pains from which you are trying to run away. If you complete the pains, this projects will be more successful than what you think. See, if you do it with your… if you do a project by putting your time, it will only be a… like a mathematics. If you do it by putting your energy along with time, it means you need to have energy. Now all your energy is caught in your incompletions and pains. Complete and put your energy into it then you will see it will come out as a art piece. If you put your life, it will come as your own extension.
Please understand; whether your job, relationship, career, anything, anything… if you are giving only your time, you are a worker. I do not have one inch of respect for anybody who is working for somebody. Please understand; I am making a very blank straight forward statement. Be your boss. Even if you think... even if you think, “No, no, no, I am working already for 25 years. How can I give up my job?” Take this as a two year project. Within two years, you will do the transition and become your boss. Be your boss. I tell you, after you leave the body, you will understand how much consciously you have grown by being your boss.
Please understand, only to the people whom you are serving, your clients, your customers, whom you are enriching should be your boss. Be your boss. I tell you, consciously you will be complete about life. If you are working for somebody, you will learn only one thing to give your time. You will never learn the taste and joy of what it is to give your energy along with your time. You will give your energy along with your time only if you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary. If you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary, only then you will put your energy into your time otherwise that 9 to 5; especially this government jobs in India. I don’t want to talk about it but you read from My face.
No really. If you want to make some fellow dead, if you want to destroy somebody, if you don’t like your... like somebody in your life, want to destroy them. Some... somebody, for any reason, just get him a government job in India. For his life, he is done. No, he learns there the ultimate cunning, cheating methodology of giving only time, even by mistake not giving little energy or giving little life to his time. So that is the way he will destroy himself; that is the worst, long, prolonged painful suicide. Giving your time for something but not giving your energy or life to it is the most prolonged, most painful suicide possible.
Be your boss, you will learn, you will be inspired to give your energy to your time, anything you do, then you will learn how to give your life to what you are doing, to your time and energy. Understand; the senior devotees and disciples they know, day in and day out; this Raja Sabha is a witness, this land is a witness. 2001, I started My public life, now it is 2016; day in and day out, 20 hours a day, I am doing this same job. Never I felt tired or bored even once, “What am I doing?” Because I have put My energy and My life into what I am doing. I don’t know how many thousands of times I explain Unclutching and Completion. You will not... if you see the recording of Me talking about Unclutching and Completion in 2002 and 2016, you will not find a single word missing, it will only getting added.
Understand, if you are in a mechanism where you put your energy and life into your time, you will be fulfilled in your life. Do not be in a mechanism where you are constantly taught... actually in the government job, your seniors teach you how to cheat and even if you are putting your energy into it, your life into it, your seniors will feel threatened; no really. See even in the private sector, if you are putting your energy into your work to the level your seniors can handle you, they are okay. But if you are putting your life into your work where they feel threatened, it is not okay; that is why I am telling you, take up this as a two year project in your life. If you are working for somebody, decide in next two years I will become my boss and it will really, really make you put your energy and your life into what you are doing, not only you will have success, you will have Completion. You will have fulfillment.
I tell you, deep self doubt only makes you work for others either you spend your life to fulfill your dreams or somebody will hire you to fulfill theirs and when you are fulfilling somebody else’s dream, you will become naturally cunning to separate your energy and your time; that is why the 9 to 5 is only time for you, not life. How many of you feel the 9 to 5 is only time for you, not life? That’s all. You know now. No, that is the worst crime you are doing against yourself. Do not separate, do not be in the structure, do not be in a mechanism where your life and energy is separated from your time.
People come and tell me, “Time is money Swamiji”. Fool, “Time is Life”. What are you talking? The lie you have been taught by the bosses is, time is money. No, time is life. Don’t be under anybody. I tell you, first few months it may be a struggle, that is why I am saying, take two years as a transition period means do some startup and stabilize it and put... see when something is yours, you will put actually your time, energy, life into it then slowly you will get the confidence, the self doubt will melt down. Yes, I can sit on this throne because the throne is built by me. It’s mine. I can sit on it. Your energy, life and time will become one in that then naturally you can move from, working from somebody to being for yourself.
I tell you, in the modern day, working for somebody is the worst crime you will do to yourself. Do not do that crime, do not abuse yourself by working for somebody. Take this as a project and make it. Maybe in one year or two year, you will feel blessed that you lived your life. And I tell you in the modern day there are millions, billions of opportunities. Do what you like, complete and free all your energies from your incompletion and put your energy into your time. Naturally your life will flow towards it, you will be successful. You will be celebrating what you are doing, what you are doing will celebrate you. You just celebrating your art is success. If your art celebrates you, that is Completion.
Understand; micromanaging your inner space is Enlightenment. Micromanaging your outer space is success. Both will happen to you, if you are in a mechanism where your time and energy is not separated. I tell you, even the people who hire you, if you put too much of energy and life into what you are doing, which they are not able to comprehend, they will feel threatened. Your great work, your boss will feel threatened because that is the... the whole setup of hiring and firing mechanism, hiring and firing mechanism. I tell you, take up this one truth in your life. I am 100% guarantee, 100% sure, you will only appreciate Me for giving you this advice, never you will blame Me.
I have seen this in thousands and thousands of lives. When people merge their energy, life into their time... see when you are doing something on your own, when you are your boss, you are forced by yourself to merge your energy, life and time but when you are working for somebody, you are not forced and you cunningly develop such a logical reasons to convince your boss, you know how to manage him and people do PhD how to draw salary without working. I have seen. I have seen how to manage your job, continue to get bonus, salary and never doing any work. In that way you are not just cheating your boss, your life becomes piece, piece. The energy is separated from time, energy is separated from life, then you feel your life is just… Poor are those who feel 9 to 5 is only their time, not life. I will not classify poverty based on the zeros they have in their bank. Poor are those who feel 9 to 5 is their time, not life. Twenty four hours should be your life. It should not be separated as time, time+energy, time+life+energy.
So how many of you understand what I am sharing now? So how many of you feel really you are going to take this up very seriously for next two years project? In next two years, I will be my boss. Whoever feels, raise your hand. Come on. My blessings. You will all be successful. You will all be successful. Blessings ma.
'''Question''': Pranam Swamiji, thank you for answering my question. I found you by accident on social media during my seeking stage, last year. I feel so drawn to your divine face and feel this is your calling. Is it possible that my intention to visit your Ashram and attend the upcoming Inner Awakening become real even though I have many obstacles?
'''Swamiji:''' See first thing, understand you seeing Me is never accident. Please understand; if you seeing Me is an accident, you will not continue to see Me. If you are continuing to see Me; understand; it is not accident, it is not accident. So the moment you are continuing to see Me, it’s a calling. Understand that. Second, just create your intention and “Will” to be in the Inner Awakening. It’s My responsibility to clear all obstacles and make it as reality to you. Whatever may be the obstacle, time, money, anything. I tell you, cosmos only tests your intention, depth of intention, never denies anything for your spiritual growth.
Please understand, cosmos may test strength of your intention. It will never deny anything you require for your growth, require for your spiritual growth or Enlightenment. It’s a cosmic law and I am bound to execute that law. Understand, it’s a cosmic law and it’s My responsibility to execute the cosmic constitution and law. Don’t worry, it will only test your strength of your intention. It will never deny. It will never deprive anything you need to make your spiritual growth, spiritual explosion, spiritual possibility into reality. Just make a will, intention. It’s My responsibility making it into reality. You will attract wealth, you will attract time, you will attract everything.
It is not just for her, it’s for everyone here. I can actually ask, “How many of you experience this in your life the moment you made an intention or “Will” for IA, simply it happened, raise your hands”. All this witnesses, just look around the hands in your hall or look around in your screen. Mohini, just look around, how many hands are up? Just see around, the hands up. They are all witnesses. Understand, next time when I ask, your hands will be up I tell you. Welcome to the world of miracles. I think it is time.
Thank you.
Be blissful.
Create your purpose!
During the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31July 2016, one participant asks Swamiji: To conquer (your life), do you need to know your purpose? If you do not know your purpose, how do you conquer and find out? Swamiji gives a beautiful response - telling us we should create our purpose from our will, from our decision what is best for us.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glRSzMKBdVM&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-07jul-31_create-your-purpose"/>
Question: To conquer, do you need to know your purpose? If you do not know your purpose, how do you conquer and find out?
Dhruvraj, Vancouver, Canada
SWAMIJI: Dhruvraj, first thing you understand. Do not expect your past to tell your purpose. Decide to create for yourself. We always think our past should tell our purpose. NO. Create your purpose... based on the input and intelligence from your past. Whatever you think as the best, create the purpose.
Understand. Past is dead; if you are waiting for inspiration from it, you will never get. From dead things you get only smell, not inspiration. No most of the time you are sitting and waiting from your dead past the inspiration will come out like a angel and possess you and drive you. No. That’s never going to happen.
People come and tell me, “Swamiji, whatever repeatedly I think should I take that as a purpose of me.” No. Whatever actually your incompletion you will be repeatedly thinking about that☺
Do enough of completion. From that completion space, you WILL, you CREATE your purpose. Do not wait for the purpose to come from inside you as accident.
Dhruvraj, what you think as the best thing for your life, CREATE THE PURPOSE. Creating the purpose will make you conquer life. Don’t wait for some accidental or words, intuition, coming from inside and all that. No. And Dhruvraj I see you as potential being who can really conquer the life, who can really manifest what you want. So do not wait for your past to guide you. Your past is mostly incompletion. So if you are waiting for your intuition from the past it will be mostly incompletion. So decide to create as you want. That will only conquer your life.
How should I visualise to manifest my reality?
During the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31 July, one participant asks Swamiji what kind of visualisation we should use to manifest our desired reality. Swamiji explains: What you want, command it with your will. Your will is the umbilical cord connection between your individual soul and the cosmos. If you shake your individual soul with your will, cosmos has to shiver. Because it is connected through the spiritual umbilical cord: your will. I don’t know how many of you have read in Puranas: a yogi sits under a tree and starts meditating, creating certain will to get a boon. And Indra Loka burns, Deva Loka shakes, and Indra has to run, Brahma has to run to attend! It is true! If you sit here and create a will, if you can shake your individual soul, your individuality with your will, naturally you will make the cosmos shake. Visualise as clearly as you can what you want as your life, how you want your life to be manifested and will it.
Understand, when you will, multiple energies in your bio memory, in your muscle memory, in your system - gets integrated to that will. Actually you have multiple energies inside you. Unfortunately all of them are in their own direction. Even complete you does not know what you want. Because morning you told yourself you want this. By noon you already changed, by night it is different. By the time your first order reaches from head to toe, there is a second order. By the time that reaches from head to toe, your desires have changed. Even you, as whole, do not know what you want.
Again, that is again, your disturbed ideas about you. You can clearly tell yourself, even that to be healed by your own will. Actually, what you are saying, nervousness and all that - it is nothing but your decision not to will. So your will can heal it, and I will support it.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab3U1_zspvs&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-06jul-31_how-should-i-visualise-to-manifest-my-reality"/>
'''Participant:''' For manifesting them into reality what we would wish to do, what kind of the visualization should we do?
'''SWAMIJI''': See, what you want, command it with your will. Please understand one thing, all of you listen. Your will is the umbilical cord connection between your individual soul and the cosmos. If you shake your individual soul with your WILL, Cosmos has to shiver; because it is connected ... through the spiritual umbilical cord your will.
I don’t know how many of you read in Puranas - a yogi sits under the tree and starts meditating, creating certain will to get that boon and Indra Loka burns, Deva Loka shakes. And Indra has to run, Brahma has to run to attend. It is true. If you sit here and create a will, if you can shake your individual soul, your individuality with your will, naturally you will make the Cosmos shake, move.
Visualize very, as clearly as you can, what do you want as your life. How you want your life to be manifested and WILL it. Understand, when you WILL, multiple energies in your bio memory, in your muscle memory, in your system gets integrated to that will. Actually you have multiple energies inside you. Unfortunately, all of them are in their own direction. Even complete you do not know, what do you want... Because morning you told yourself you want this, by noon you already changed, by night it is different. By the time your first order reaches from head to toe, there is a second order. By the time that reaches from your head to toe, your desires have changed. Even you as whole do not know what do you want.
'''Participant:''' Individual will is obstacled by nervousness and fear, mostly…
'''SWAMIJI:''' Again, that is again, your disturbed ideas about you. You can clearly tell yourself even that to be healed by your own will. Understand, your will, actually this which you are saying nervousness and all that is nothing but your decision not to WILL. So your will can heal it, and I will support it.
Swamiji, your image seems to shift between male and female. Why?
In the Question and Answer session of the Conquering Life workshop on 31 July 2016, one participant asked Swamiji about the way his appearance, his image seems to shift between male and female.
Swamiji explains that for an Incarnation, it is difficult enough to commit to expressing through one body - expressing as only one gender is too limited. That is why, in Sanskrit, Enlightened Beings are not limited to any grammar rules - they can express themselves as per their own decision.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwSYdVulzq0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-07jun-31_swamiji-your-image-seems-to-shift-between-male-and-female-why"/>
Can I ask Why your Image varies from being a male personal when you are speaking to us and then a female personal when you are not speaking to us?
An Enlightened being cannot be constrained into, first of all one body, forget about constraining me into one gender.  In Vedic tradition, we call Enlightened beings as Transcendental Gender not Transgender.  Transcendental gender, neither male nor female or gay or lesbian or transgender. It’s a separate kind of a body.  We call it Divya Sareera which reflects the way you want to see, you will go on be seeing it.  The way you want to perceive, you will be perceiving it, the way you want to enjoy, you will be enjoying it.  So it is... even in language... words... Sanskrit gives exemption from all the grammar, rules, everything to enlightened beings. 
The Sanskrit Grammarian, he says Enlightened beings are expressing, trying to express something, trying to express something which can never be expressed through words, so they are exempted from all grammar, rules, everything. It is called “Arsha prayoga”. Whenever a Rishi uses the language for his own convenience, the way he wants and the way he interprets, it is accepted as a trend and grammar rule and it is called “Arsha prayoga”. He is not bound by the linguistic rules, grammar rules, same way an enlightened being cannot be constrained even to one body, with so much of difficulty when he is trying to express through one body, you can never be able to constrain him to one gender. Whether Psychology or Physiology or the whole system, the body I carry, nothing can be framed into one gender.  Actually the enlightenment itself is a physiological, psychological mutation.  So that is why, if you are a keen observer, means, if you are a living, observing, witnessing personality, then you can understand the form I am carrying is beyond the genders.  Noosa, I think you are, the Noosa Australia person, Ian Anderson, I think your ability to absorb or observe is too much that’s all I can say.
Find the Immortality In You, Amritatvam
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cSisHL0S3U&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-07jul-31_find-the-immortality-in-you-amritatvam"/>
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Nithya Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live, two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Listen! Cities sitting with us long list.
I’ll enter into the satsang directly because I am pregnant with something which I wanted to reveal. I’ll enter into the 4th verse. Oh, let me bow down to Ganesha, let me not miss Him. And today, He is gracing all of us on Swarna Simha Vahana, the golden lion vehicle in Santana Alankara, with the sandalwood alankara , sandalwood paste alankara. Let’s have His blessings.
(Devotional offerings to Maha Ganapati starts)
Let’s have Maha Ganapati’s blessings and enter into Kenopanishad 4th verse. I’ll continue to expand on the  4th verse of the Kenopanishad.
Recite along with me.
pratibodhaviditaṁ matamamṛtatvaṁ hi vindate
ātmanā vindate vīryaṁ vidyayā vindate ‘mṛtam || 4 ||
pratibodhaviditaṁ matamamṛtatvaṁ hi vindate
ātmanā vindate vīryaṁ vidyayā vindate ‘mṛtam || 4 ||
Listen. These words so powerful, so clear. I’ll expand. I’ll read out the translation and expand. It is truly known, when the self is consciously cognised and subjectively known to oneself, Pratibodha in each state of Consciousness with every modification of the mind and intellect. Through such complete cognition of the pure self is attained immortality, Amritatvam, existence in one’s own self by Atman, the pure self is attained. Real strength, the space of powerfulness achieved through celibacy and brahmacharya, and by vidya, complete knowledge of the self is experienced immortality, Amritattva which is the true nature of Atman. Let me explain some of the sacred secrets in the key words. One key word here is “Amritattva” - immortality. Means, something in you which does not die, which does not go through illusion, which does not go through losing of its existence.
Listen. All your depression, all the feeling of suffocation you have, all the feeling of torture you have, all the pain you have physically, all the pain you have mentally - everything boils down to one. Listen carefully, boils down to one - that one is fear of losing what you think as you comfortably. Fear of losing your existence, fear of losing your experience as you. You think this is the way you should exist and anything threatens that existence, immediately, the fear is invoked and when the fear is invoked, understand, you become cunning fox. You start doing all that third rate strategies in which you think you can cheat life. No! The moment you become wolf, fox, whatever you do is not cheating others, you already cheated yourself!
Immortality is the way of existing, means nothing, nothing, nothing can touch the way you exist. Find that existence of you which gives you a complete feeling that it cannot be changed, it cannot be questioned, it cannot be taken away from you. I have seen some of the most selfish human beings, it is all about “Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!” in them and that stupid “Me” which they are carrying is so insecure and wounded from all corners, full of puss, pain, but they go on protecting that, cherishing that. It is like a... you have somebody who came to your house as a orphan, who is paralyzed, mentally deranged, nothing in them works other than arrogance, demanding. But you fall in sympathy with that person and that person, “Ooh, if you don’t take care of me, I’ll die, I’ll die, I’ll die!” And you give your whole life literally and take care of that person. Why? “Because that person, if I don’t take care, who will take care of that person.”
And end of the life, you did not get married to take care of that person, you did not have children to take care of that person, you did not do whatever you wanted to do in your life just to take care of that person, you did not even go to Guru to take care of that person, everything. End of the life, the person just kicks you in your face and disappears you, disappears in the air, thin air. You are here sitting, wasted the whole life, to protect somebody. Finally, you realise that person is not there! He is a delusion, ghost! That is exactly what you are doing. Who you are trying to protect, the identity you are trying to protect with that “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me” will suddenly disappear the thin air after sucking your whole life. And then you will realise, “Oh God!” The “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me”  in you will be the worst exploiter and cheater of you. Because, by its very constitution it cannot exist eternally, but makes you believe it is going to exist eternally - you yourself cheat yourself.
Listen. Listen very carefully. You need to understand this word Amritattva. There is something in you which does not lose itself even while you go through the dream, while you go through the waking state, while you go through the deep state. Relaxing into that something is what I call Amritattva, immortality. Start finding that something which does not lose its existence, while you go through a dream state or deep sleep state or waking state. That in which when you relax you don’t feel threatened, you don’t feel you have something to lose, you don’t feel something is going to be taken away from you, you don’t feel something is going to change in you. Amritatvam... Amritatvam... Whether you a two year old kid or twenty year old loosu or eighty year old caraboldu or ninety nine year old about to go get visa, whoever you are - the first priority for you should be recognising that part of you. Actually, it is there like a bone marrow in you. That part of you - see like a how skin, then blood, then bone and then bone marrow, how the structure of the body.
Same way, your ordinary confusions, your ordinary attachments, then your ordinary fears. Then if you dig deep into you, the core you, inside the core you, just like inside the bone - bone marrow, inside the core you, is sitting that immortality, Amritattva, which you don’t lose or which does not recognise any of that physical, mental pains you imagine. You go on imagining physical, mental pain because of the hidden payoffs, because of the immature cognitions. Just like inside your bone, the bone marrow is there. Same way, inside your identity that immortality is there in the form of a pure light, in the form a pure Consciousness, pure light. Recognising that part is the first priority. This should be first lesson in all our gurukuls, schools, colleges, temples, monasteries, aadheenams, everywhere. The first lesson is spending some time and recognising the connecting thread, which is inside your bone marrow.
Just like the bone marrow is inside the bone, inside your identity this component is there, which keeps you alive while you are in the deep sleep, which holds you while you are dreaming, which holds you while you are in this waking state, everywhere; which holds you when you are young, which holds you when you are in middle age, which holds you when you are in old age, everywhere; which holds you when you are cunning, which holds you when you are depressed, which holds you when you are blissful - which holds you! That, recognising its existence in you and catching it, is what I call Amritattva, immortality. Listen. Amritattva, immortality. Amritattva, immortality. It is actually just like your bone is filled with bone marrow, your core identity is filled with that immortality, with that Amritattva. It is in the form of pure light. It does not change when you have body or it does not change when you don’t have body. It is there with you forever, from the time you remember you, from the time you disappear as you. Even before you remember you, it exists and supports you. Even after you forget to remember you, it is going to continue to support you and hold you. It does not get worked up. It does not get messed up.
The increase and decrease of your Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or the hormones does not affect its existence and its clarity. See the Vata, Pitta, Kapha when it goes up, you go through some crankiness. That is why when you catch cold, actually nobody is afraid of the cold, but everybody is afraid of the crankiness which comes to you after, along with the cold. Nobody is afraid of cold, everybody is afraid of the crankiness, because of the Vata, Pitta, Kapha gets imbalanced, the crankiness you go through. I have seen at least five Ayurveda Vaidyas very, very expert authority on the scriptures, fifty years of practice, that kind of a Ayurveda Vaidya. At least five till now. Very confidently I can say, all five of them when they hold my nadi, first thing that they says, “Oh Samadosha, Samatva!” Means, neither the body is Vata or Pitta or Kapha type. It is Samatva.
Understand, I wanted you to know, very simple technique, it’s a very simple technique, you won’t die. Just make yourself catch cold. That’s not a big thing, go in the rain for one hour you will catch cold. But after, before catching cold, make this will, “Today I will realise my Amritattva. For that, I’ll make myself catch cold.” Little cold you are not going to die, understand. Hmm. Little cold, you are going to die means, I don’t think… alright. Hmm. Let’s not bother about that. But make that sankalpa, “I am going to catch my Amritattva.” With that, catch cold and see how the cold is influencing your logic, influencing your thinking pattern. And then same way, drink coffee - not little, half a litre. No, very very thick half a litre of coffee, because coffee can affect your whole, because coffee puts you in certain high, cold puts you in certain low.
See, one day work with the cold and catch your original state which is not going up or down by coffee, sorry by cold and after you recover, after two-three days play with coffee - have half a litre coffee. It’ll, it’ll put you in some high which is not again your immortality, which is again imbalance. No, you should experiment. It will really help you. If you experiment with these Vata, Pitta, Kapha - the highs and lows, it will really help you. With that coffee, just see how you feel the high which is not again your immortality, which is not your Amritattva! Which is not your Amritattva. These simple things. Sometimes certain food will put you in depression. You should eat that food and see how it is affecting your existence and what is it which can be beyond this? You should play with these few of these things. And then for one week without missing in the night take Kadukkai Podi. Morning take neem juice and pancha kriya. In that one week see how that core of you is shining. When you remember you, how it’s feeling, “Swaahh, waahh...!”
That core which feels very un-imbalanced, which cannot be imbalanced, that core - taste that core. That is immortality! One day play with cold and see. One day play with coffee and see. One day play with some food which puts you in depression. Onion uttappam is best to put you in depression. Really! Onion uttappam with poondu chutney. No actually, Vivekananda used to do, when some of his disciples through his presence get power - siddhis, not shaktis, siddhis, but they are not mature to handle that siddhis; the maturity has not yet happened - he will feed them with fish. Fish and onion will finish you! Finish you! All powers will disappear. Every one of you, try! Try to play with coffee, then you will understand how dangerous it is. And the decisions you make after coffee, you will never be able to maintain because that is not you who made that decision, that is not your core which made the decision.
Same way, this onion uttapam. Onion with the uttapam with the garlic chutney. See, actually garlic is an amazing medicine if you have a problems related to fat and heart, but not regular food. If you play with these two - onion, green chili, garlic, all three. Eat nicely, you will see that your low curve, your depression. All these will give you the idea, how much you can be affected and what is the core in you which is not affected by any of these Vata, Pitta, Kapha - ups and downs. And the hormonal gush and hormonal urge and hormonal pressure and hormonal tortures. It’ll give you as a rough idea. It can actually, when you play with all these you will understand, there is some part of you, core of you, just like inside the bone - bone marrow, inside your identity, there is core of you which is a sweet, pure light. An amazing feeling about you, “Wow! What a way to exist.”
Like in the morning after my walk when I sit in my swing and singing and slight drizzle. My team taking care of me, cleaning up the hair. If you sit with me in that time and breathe my space, then you will understand, “What a way to exist. Waaa...” I tell you… that, “What a way to exist. Waaa…,” if that comes from you without Vata, Pitta, Kapha, hormonal imbalances, when all these things are not able to imbalance you and you do not have any cunning strategy to exist and protect your existence. See, all these cunning strategy to protect your existence is nothing but your existence is feeling threatened. When all these are not there, that light “You” is Amritattva. And if you let that Amritattva penetrate into your day to day activities - in the dream also you will not be imbalanced, you will be very clearly saying, “Aiyee…! See, see, see I myself seeing. I myself become a tiger and I myself chasing and I myself created the forest, which I myself cannot get out. Oh God! What a game!”
You will understand the whole life is virtual video game you created and you are playing it. The virtual reality video game which you created is your life. Understanding it, grasping it and clicking with it, “Oh God! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, whatever I wanted to verbalise and he is verbalising.” Whenever you feel whatever you wanted to verbalise, I am verbalizing - it is clicking with you. Its like a when you dig a borewell for water, at some places it will be hollow inside the earth so the drill will go just like that because it is already hollow. Same way, at some time you will catch, “Oh God! This is what I wanted to verbalise verbalise, he is verbalising verbalising!” That feeling, “What a way to exist, err!” is immortality, Amritattva.
29: 38
Then the second key word in this verse is Viryam, understand. I’ll define exactly. Your life, energy and the vessel which holds the energy - these two put together is your life. Energy may be available like a ocean but you have only one pot, that also with hole. What will happen? Mud pot with hole, what will happen? No! Useless! Energy can be only one well size but you have a strong beautiful brass vessel. Again it’s good, but not complete. The complete is ocean like energy and perfect strong gold vessel. The system you carry body-mind, this whole thing is the vessel. And the energy available is a lifestyle. If you are struggling on your own, you have the energy of a small well where every day you have to dig out and then the water will slowly phsst, phsst, phsst, phsst, phsst… and then you have to take and use. You are living in a dry area. Or you may be living around just next to Ganga. The moment early morning you wake up, you don’t have to do anything, She is gushing seven to nine! Pravaha! Even otherwise you see or not, She is gushing all around. You may be living in that kind of area, it’s up to you.
Listen. Listen now. In these two, energy availability and the vessel you carry: the pure will with which you are able to handle your hormonal gush without any support from any other technique, method, just the raw crude will with which you are able to handle your hormonal urge, torture, hormonal torture - that pure will decides the quality of the vessel you are carrying. That pure will is the material out of which the vessel you are carrying is made, this body and mind. Its ability, its capacity is a very important need for you to hold the energy how much ever it may be available. For all of you, you don’t have to worry about living near the well or Ganga you are already into this Jnana Sagara, the ocean of Amritattva! It's not just Ganga, it's a ocean made of Ganga. You don’t have to worry about the availability of the energy. Now you have to work only on the strength of the vessel. See, I can give you technique. As I said, Sadashiva gives beautifully, five beautiful way - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana. Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana.
Yes, with all these five if you make the vessel, it’ll be a good vessel. But the ability to manifest the power is dependent on your ability to handle your hormonal gush with your pure will. Sometimes the cookers come you see - copper bottom, the whole cooker may be different material, bottom will be copper so that you can save fuel. If I give the technique, all these five - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana. Mani means, yesterday I explained very clearly, each of this. All these five - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana; even if I create your vessel with that, that will be like a aluminum cooker with a copper bottom, copper bottom. When you take the external support, it’ll only be the aluminum component. Your pure will, that decides the quality of the vessel you are going to be made. If you can handle just with your raw, crude pure will without the support of any technique, method, your hormonal gush, your hormonal urge, your hormonal torture, if you are able to handle it - you just become gold vessel. You become gold vessel.
I tell you, that will, that will decides that kind of power you’ll radiate, manifest. See, whether it is mud pot or gold pot - energy is same. Enlightenment you will have it. The moment I decided I will give the enlightenment. But, if the vessel is strong, it can manifest tons of powers. Just having is not the goal. Radiating is the goal. Not just having, but radiating. The pure, raw, crude, street smart will; if you can handle your Vata, Pitta, Kapha imbalance and the hormonal gush and hormonal urge, hormonal torture with your pure, raw, crude, street smart will, not only you will have enlightenment energy, you will manifest all the powers of Sadashiva. You will manifest all the powers of Sadashiva. Your raw will’s ability to withstand the hormonal gush and hormonal urge and hormonal torture and Vata, Pitta, Kapha imbalances is called Virya (वीर्य, Vīrya)! Understand, Virya means the powerfulness which comes by handling, facing your Vata, Pitta, Kapha and hormonal imbalances through the raw will, just with will power, without the help and assistance of any method, technique like Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana.
Bhavana means attitudes. Understand, the pure will makes the vessel powerful, not only hold but to radiate enlightenment. If you just through technique made the brahmacharya possible, it is like a wooden piece reflecting the sun, but just with pure will without any assistance of the technique, if you have mastered, that is like a mirror reflecting the sun. Mirror also holds the sun. Wood, wooden piece also holds the sun. When the wooden piece holds the sun, it is useful for whom? Nobody! Even wooden piece forgets it’s holding the sun. But when the mirror holds the sun, it’s useful for him and the whole world. Pure will is the mercury applied on the mirror, on the glass. Your ability to stand the dosha imbalances and the hormonal urge, gush, torture is called Virya. That powerfulness is Virya. There is one more beautiful technical term in this Upanishad - “Pratibodha.” I’ll expand on it further,  in the further satsangs.
I wanted you all to continue to have Vakyartha Sadas today on these two words “Amritattva” and “Virya.” At least one week you guys should be having the Vakyartha Sadas on this subject Virya. Today I have given a very precise definitions. This satsang should be the repeat satsangs. Whenever there are recorded satsangs, it should be watched two-three times and internalised. I wanted the Vakyartha Sadas on Amritattva and Virya, these two word. So please have Vakyartha Sadas on these two words.
Today is 31st August, Malaysia’s 59th Independence Day. Blessings to all the Malaysians. God bless Malaysia. Let Sadashiva bless Malaysia. Let the Malaysia emerge as powerful new generation, powerful new generation living, radiating enlightenment to the world. So, my blessings to all of you.
Let you radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful. 43:47
Be Your Boss - Put Time, Energy and Life in What You Do!
During the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31 July, one participant asks Swamiji whether or not to continue working on projects which she picked up from a space of incompletion. As Swamiji explains why and how she can continue working on these projects, he goes into the topic ‘be your own boss’. Beautifully he expands on the value of being your own boss, where we put our time, energy and life into what we are doing. Only when we put our time, energy and life, we find fulfilment in what we do and success and completion happen in our lives. A must see for everyone working for themselves and working for someone else - this video will give you all the inspiration you need to pick up the 2 year project of building your own business, like Swamiji proposes - or to continue building the business you already have.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scFgCsx9Nq0&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2016-07jul-31_be-your-boss-put-time-energy-and-life-in-what-you-do"/>
Go ahead...
Question: Swami, in yesterday’s session, one of the things I realized was that a lot of the projects that I’m working on right now, were things that I started because there was just a lot of pain in me that I didn’t want to deal with. So to just get rid of that I started this. But I actually like working on the projects. Should I stop working on these?
No,no,no,no no.You should not stop working. You should complete the pains from which you are trying to run away. If you complete the pains, these projects will be more successful than what you think. See, if you do it with your ..if you do a project by putting your time, it will only be a …. like mathematics. If you do it by putting your energy along with time, it means you need to have energy. Now all your energy is caught in the incompletions and pains. Complete and put your energy into it. Then you will see it will come out as a art piece. If you put your life, it will come as your own extension. Please understand, whether  your job, relationship, career, anything…anything... if you are giving only your time, you are a worker. I do not have one inch of respect for anybody who is working for somebody. Please understand, I am making a very blank, straightforward statement. “Be Your Boss”. Even if you think, even if you think, ‘no,no,no, I am working already for 25 years, how can I give up my job?’. Take this as a 2 year project. Within 2 years, you will do the transition and become your boss.
Be Your Boss. I tell you, after you leave the body, you will understand  how much consciously you have grown by being your boss. Please understand, only to the people whom you are serving, your clients, your customers, whom you are enriching should be your boss. Be Your Boss. I tell you, consciously you will be complete about life. If you are working for somebody, you will learn only one thing – to give your time. You will never learn the taste and joy of what it is to give your energy along with your time. You will give your energy along with your time only if you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary. If you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary, only then you will put your energy into your time. Otherwise, that  9-5, giving your time for something, but not giving your energy or life to it is the most prolonged, most painful suicide possible.
Be Your Boss. You will learn. You will be inspired to give your energy to your time, anything you do. Then, you will learn how to give your life to what you are doing, to your time and energy. Understand, the senior devotees and disciples, they know , day in and day out, this Rajya Sabha is a witness, this land is a witness. 2001 I started my public life. Now it is 2016. Day in and day out, 20 hours a day, I am doing this same job. Never I felt tired or bored even once, ‘what am I doing?’, because I have put my energy and my life into what I am doing.
I don’t know how many thousands of times I explained unclutching and completion. You will not, if you see the recording of me talking about unclutching and completion in 2002 and 2016, you will not find a single word missing. It will only be getting added. Understand, if you are in a mechanism where you put your energy and life into your time, you will be fulfilled in your life. If you are putting your energy into your work to the level your seniors can handle you, they are ok. But if you are putting your life into your work where they feel threatened, it is not ok. That is why I am telling you; take up this as a 2 year project in your life. If you are working for somebody, decide, in next 2 years, I will become my boss. And, it will really , really make you put your energy and your life into what you are doing. Not only you will have success, you will have completion. You will have fulfillment. I tell you, deep self doubt only makes you work for others. Either you spend your life to fulfill your dreams or somebody will hire you to fulfill theirs. And when you are fulfilling somebody else’s dream, you will become naturally cunning to separate your energy and your time. That is why, the 9-5 is only time for you, not life. How many of you feel  the 9-5 is only time for you, not life? That’s all! You know now.
No! That is the worst crime you are doing against yourself.  Do not separate, do not be in the structure, do not be in a mechanism where your life and energy is separated from your time. People come and tell me, “Time is money, Swamiji”. “Fool! Time is life! What are you talking? The lie you have been taught by the bosses is – “time is money”. No! time is life. Don’t be under anybody. I tell you, first few months it may be a struggle. That is why I am saying, take 2 years as a transition period, means, do some startup and stabilize it. And put… see ...when something is yours, you will put actually your time, energy, life into it. Then slowly, you will get the confidence- the self doubt will melt down. “Yes! I can sit on this throne! Because the throne is built by me! It’s mine. I can sit on it”. Your energy, life and time will become one in that. Then naturally you can move from working for somebody to being for yourself.
I tell you, in the modern day, working for somebody is the worst crime you will do to yourself. Do not do that crime. Do not abuse yourself by working for somebody. Take this as a project and make it maybe in one year or two year. You will feel  blessed that you lived your life. And I tell you, in the modern day, there are millions, billions of opportunities. Do what you like. Complete and free all your energies from your incompletion. And put your energy into your time. Naturally, your life will flow towards it. You will be successful. You will be celebrating what you are doing. What you are doing will celebrate you. You just celebrating your art is success.  If your art celebrates you, that is completion.
Understand, micromanaging  your innerspace is enlightenment, micromanaging  your outer space is success. Both will happen to you if you are in a mechanism where your time and energy is not separated. I tell you, even the people who hire you, if you put too much of energy and life into what you are doing which they are not able to comprehend, they will feel  threatened. Your great work, your boss will feel threatened because that is the whole setup of hiring and firing mechanism...hiring and firing mechanism.
I tell you, take up this one truth in your life. I am hundred percent guarantee,hundred percent sure you will only appreciate Me for giving you this advice. Never  you will blame Me. I have seen this in thousands and thousands of lives. When people merge their energy, life into their time, see, when you are doing something on your own, when you are your boss, you are forced by yourself to merge your energy, life and time but when you are working for somebody, you are not forced. And you cunningly develop such a logical reasons to convince your boss, you know how to manage him and people do PhD, how to draw salary without working. I have seen. I have seen; how to manage your job, continue to get bonus, salary and never doing any work. In that way, you are not just cheating your boss, your life becomes piece-piece. The energy is separated from time. Energy is separated from life. Then you feel your life is just..poor are those who feel  9-5 is only their time, not life.
I will not classify poverty based on the zeroes they have in their bank. Poor are those who feel 9-5 is their time, not life. 24 hours should be your life. It should not be separated as time- time plus energy, time plus life plus energy.
So how many of you understand what I am sharing now? So, how many of you feel really you are going to take this up very seriously for next 2 years project?  In next 2 years I will be my boss - whoever  feels, raise your hand. Come on... My blessings, you will all be successful. You will all be successful.  Blessings Ma.
What is the secret to attracting wealth?
==Description: ==
In this short video, taken from the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31 July 2016, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares one important secret about wealth. He just touches it and raises our curiosity. But he explains - the topic is too vast to handle in just this Q&A. He will be giving a two day workshop explicitly on the topic of wealth on 27 and 28 August: Secrets of Attracting Wealth.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFco-wF4zPk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/what-is-the-secret-to-attracting-wealth"/>
==Photos From The Day: ==
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=== Conquering Life Workshop Day-2 ===
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{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8210_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8210_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
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{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8288_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8296_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8296_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8223_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg?}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8313_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8313_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|The Third Eye Demo by Nithyananda Gurukul amazed and inspired all the viewers - one IA graduate was there to show how adults are also successful with the initiation given by His Holiness.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8341_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Third Eye Demo|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8348_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 - Temples, Ashrams and Centers around the world.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_7963_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 - Temples, Ashrams and Centers around the world.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_7963_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 - Temples, Ashrams and Centers around the world.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_7966_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 - Temples, Ashrams and Centers around the world.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_7966_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
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=== The Third Eye Demo by Nithyananda Gurukul  ===
{{#hsimg:1|300|The Third Eye Demo by Nithyananda Gurukul amazed and inspired all the viewers - one IA graduate was there to show how adults are also successful with the initiation given by His Holiness.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8341_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|300|Third Eye Demo|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_8348_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg}}
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Latest revision as of 20:14, 21 February 2021


Conquering Life Workshop - Part 2


You have vast untapped hidden abilities and powers which are not even known to you. HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam leads a breakthrough workshop for each attendee to discover what these powers are, how to develop them so that you can live a powerful and fulfilling life.

Experience BREAKTHROUGHS in your Career, Relationships, Health & Finances and achieve Peace, Happieness, Stress-Free Living, Spiritual Clarity and More !

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Please come back to the space of listening. Let me start now.

Listen; first understanding how life is occurring to you as it is. It's unfortunate even though life is occurring to us constantly, we are not at all interested in looking it as it is. We are only always interested in approaching it with a reason, which makes us feel we can't do anything about it. Reason to put the cross (“X”), “Why?” is dealt with the past means it will only lead to cross (“X”). The “Why?” need to be dealt from the future, context of the future, then it can lead to Z.


Listen; when life is occurring to you, “My husband is not giving time to me”. If this is the reason you find, the way life is occurring to you, you will only put everything into the impossibility. I can't do anything about it. He doesn't give time to me; that’s all, nothing can be done. See the life is occurring to you, “My relationships are falling apart, it is not giving me enjoyment and excitement”. So the reason if you discover, if you approach it with the idea, “My husband is not giving time to me” you are only going to cross (“X”) and put the whole thing in the past and nothing can be done about it. Life conquers you not you conquer life; either withdrawal, collapsing or getting conquered.


If you approach the life... if you approach the “Why?” with the context of solving, healing, finding the reality as you want; you will always see, you are not able to engage him. Why you are not able to engage him? Actually you are not able to engage even yourself. So you are not able to engage him. If you find this reason, “I am not able to engage him” there is always a solution. Reasons which liberates are right diagnosis. Reasons which binds are wrong failure diagnosis like this whole bogus of who is diabetic patient? Who has... Who is high cholesterol patient? This whole bogus. Please understand when I am using the word, I mean it because who sets the standard? The standard set, “This is the blood pressure level. This is the cholesterol level. This is the diabetic... sugar level” and all is not logically substantiated. Please understand it is much worse than few pandits sitting and gathering and declaring, “This is what we will start following”. At least these guys have some honesty about what they are doing.

Few fellows gang up funded by the pharmaceutical companies and they say, “Patients are too less for the medicines we are producing. Please somehow increase the patients number” and over night they bring it from 120 to 100 and 20 million more patients are now there. These are not logically substantiated decisions. I tell you so-called, “Modern Science” is the worst superstitious religion. This so-called, “Modern-Science” is the greatest superstitious religion. Make more diseases for your business because disease is your business. I am giving you one example.


Now listen to this very carefully, first... the first set of the writing you did, “How life is occurring to you as it is?”. The second, finding the reason from the context of solving it. Manifesting the new reality you want, to conquer the life as you want. Third, listen; now is the real actual part which you are going to do.

Last two sessions are more or less like a theory: understanding your problems, understanding how the life is occurring. Now is the solution. I tell you, solution is too simple, straight forward. Even though you will be shocked, surprised, “That simple!”; because you don't practice, some solutions look very simple. Please listen, some solutions look very simple because you don't practice. Some solutions are actually simple even if you practice.


“Diabetes Kriya” which I have offered. It’s available freely in the internet. The solution is, I can guarantee within 11 days your diabetes will be completely healed with that Kriya. I am responsible for what I am uttering. Please understand, I am very responsible for your health. I usually don’t utter the statements which will put you in risk.

I am very responsible. But it looks too simple, “Only 11 days? I am taking medicine for last 11 years Swamiji. Only 11 days?”. Do it. We have done tons of researches, it works. But the problem is because you never do, solution seems simple.


See we use something, either the idea too simple or the idea too complicated, but not to do. I only request you, “Don’t use the idea too simple. Don’t use the idea too complicated. Do this solution”. The solution is your “Will”. Understand you have so much of pain associated to your “Will”. I used my will power but it does not work for me. It worked three days but I think it worked by fluke. You have a so much of failure-pain. How many of you have so much of failure-pain with your will? Raise your hand.

The moment I say “Will”, it is pain so much because you tried, it failed. It did not work and it worked for four days and then you have been dumped by your “Will”. You feel your will is your enemy and you have too much of incompletion with your “Will”. Listen, drop all that stupidity, even those things are some of the wrong diagnosis you have done.

(10:19) Please understand; in many medical universities this concept exists. When certain disease lessons are taught; lessons are taught about certain disease, the whole class goes through that symptoms. There is a technical term for it. In many medical universities this is one of the important problem they face whether it is physical diseases or mental disorders. Whenever the lessons about that disease is going on, the whole class feels that they are going through that disease. Understand; this effect when you listen about some problem, you develop certain kind of a fear, you also may have that problem and you psychologically go through the same, is actually peak of problem creation. Mind which is waiting for creating problems. Most of the time, even your incompletions with your “Will”, even your incompletions with your incompletions, your incompletions with your powerlessness, your incompletions with your inability, your incompletions with your impossibility, all this, all this are wrong diagnosis about life. The medical student’s disease, “It is called Intern’s syndrome”. When you study certain disease, you go through the same. You perceive that you experience the same symptoms. (12:39) Listen; in original Ayurveda, there is a chapter which is actually anti-dote to this intern’s syndrome. See here, how when they study about some disease, they perceive they go through that disease. In ayurveda there is a technology, if you are made to scan your body and understand the exact problem, precise problem about you; suddenly you will heal and get out of that disease. Listen carefully; if you are just... your “Vaidya” sits with you and makes you meditate on your internal organs, helps you to diagnose where the exact problem like a, some chemicals are missing in the tomach, some are happening too much in your Liver. If he is able to guide you and precisely help you to diagnose yourself, self diagnosis heals. (14:00) Actually both the intern’s syndrome and this Ayurveda, technology of Ayurveda, both have the basis of your cognition about you. Here the “Why” is approached with the angle of problem. Here in Ayurveda, the “Why” is approached from the angle of solution, that’s all. Ayurveda has the technology and I commit with you guys, I will revive it. I am already working on it. I am already working on it. You just need to be initiated into third-eye and Sadashiva gives this technique also, “The ability to see your internal organs”. It doesn’t take too much time. It may take 10-15 days and a right Vaidya should teach you about “Naadi Pariksha” and you should be initiated into the Yogic science of third-eye and just able to see the internal organs. (15:07) I don’t think spending a month for your body with whom you are going to live for almost 100 years is too much; otherwise at least, few months or few years you are going to spend in hospital and that 100 years may not even be 100 years. Soon I will revive this technology. I am already... I have clearly mapped the whole thing. I just need to make it happen for My Sanyasis, Balasants first then it will be out for all you guys to enjoy and experience. Actually this session itself is based on that technology. A right diagnosis instigates, inspires your “Will” to solve the issue. Understand, your “Will” by its nature wants to conquer life and manifest life as it wants. Only with the wrong diagnosis, you are mellowed down. Listen carefully; your “Will” is like Hanuman, capable of everything. (16:54) Now come to the listening space. I am… I am moving to the solution part. You know the way life is happening, now you are approaching it from the angle of solving, trying to find reasons from the angle of solving. Now I am giving you the exact, precise solution. Listen carefully; all the feeling impossible, all the feeling of suffocation, all the feeling – anger, resentment, failure. For example: if you have a stomach pain consistently even after trying various medicines, Yoga, Kriya method; certain kind of anger and incompletion gets developed around stomach pain. If you have a failure in business decisions, even after trying various things you know, you can; certain kind of an incompletion, frustration gets developed around your career and business. Listen carefully; all these impossibilities, powerlessness in your life. You tried your best to bring Completion with some relationship in your life: son, brother, father, friend, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law. With some people you try Completion, to bring Completion with the relationship. It’s not working out. Somehow there is some incompletion, tug-of-war; all this only I call it as powerlessness. (19:09) Listen; relive all these powerlessness, even the emotions, thought-currents, sickness which can’t be named by you or branded by you. Sometimes the jealousy you feel, you will experience as powerlessness. You will never brand it as a jealousy because that hurts you. You will say, “Oh! They achieved. Why not me? Life is unfair. Life is unjust”. We have our own technical way of constantly diagnosing very cleverly but your cleverness doesn’t work with life. Life actually need to be conquered. All these impossibilities, feeling stuck... It can be as simple as feeling stuck with certain pain or as difficult as feeling stuck in your financial status, current relationships or the question about life itself. You may feel stuck anywhere, one by one start reliving that heavy suffocation, that heavy powerlessness, that heavy feeling, “Life is unjust. Life is not fair”. (21:07) Please understand; reliving precisely helps you to diagnose from the right angle. Reliving is nothing but diagnosing it, diagnosing any problem. Looking at any “Why” precisely for the purpose of solving it. Listen carefully; reliving any thought current, emotional current will bring precise diagnosis of why that problem, thought current exists from the angle of solving it. The perfect solution for conquering life is, relive the suffocations, powerlessness you carry and declare with all your “Will” you are going to create the reality you want. Please understand it may look too simple but it’s a complete package, whether you want to get out of your headache or you want to become enlightened. This package, “Completion and manifesting your Will” is complete enough unto itself. (23:07) Just test it out, nothing else. Try it out, nothing else. Test it out. Try it out. Read whatever you wrote. Take few minutes. The first session what you wrote, “How life occurs to you?”. The second session the reasons you try to find out from the angle of solving it. Please take few minutes to read then I will guide you. (24:20) Create the intense “Will” to manifest the life as you want. Tell yourself and the Universe, your intention, the way you want to exist, the way life should occur to you. Create a clear, detailed, powerful will to declare to yourself and to the Universe, the way you want to exist, the way the life should occur to you, in every level. Consciously spend few minutes and declare it to yourself. (25:39) Powerful “Will”, with your declaration to yourself and to the Universe to manifest the life the way you want from the space of Sadashiva. I bless you all. Let your intention, “Will” become reality by bringing complete Completion in you and manifesting the life the way you want. Tatasthu. Relax. You can open your eyes. (26:39) I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam. The eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


Conquering Life Workshop - Part 3


You have vast untapped hidden abilities and powers which are not even known to you. HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam leads a breakthrough workshop for each attendee to discover what these powers are, how to develop them so that you can live a powerful and fulfilling life.

Experience BREAKTHROUGHS in your Career, Relationships, Health & Finances and achieve Peace, Happieness, Stress-Free Living, Spiritual Clarity and More !

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nithyanandeshwara-samāraṁbhāṁ nithanandeshwari-madhyamām | asmdācārya-paryantāṁ vande guru-paramparām ||


I welcome you all for this second day of the conquering life program. I think we are almost in sixty countries now. First thing I wanted to do today to clear all your doubts and help you to internalize and experience this three truths I shared yesterday. See I am not interested in giving you more and more thought current but I am only interested in whatever this three thought current, sacred truths I shared, making it as your experience. Making it as your experience. Instead of hearing more and more and more thought currents if you experience at least this few sacred secrets and go back. I will be really happy.

(03:08) Listen; focus on the three sacred truths I have revealed yesterday. One; listen; One, how life occurs to you? Second, approach “Why?” with the zeal of solving it not to blame. Third, Completion, reliving and “Will” to manifest new reality is immediate most practical solution. Maybe I will welcome the new participants and encourage the new participants to come and have your doubts cleared more than the IA grads trying to get My attention. I may request all the new participants; if you are first-time here, please come. Come to the mic. I may welcome all the first timers, new participants. You may need My attention more to make these truths into reality. Go ahead. Go ahead.

(05:04) Devotee: Nithyanandam, Vanakkam.

Swamiji: hmmm... Go ahead.

Question: Completion process la - when you tell me to relive, we forgot many of the incidents since childhood...

Swamiji: No, no, no, whatever you remember that only is still sitting inside you as a blockage. If you forgot something, good. It is no more a blockage in you. Understand; celebrate that you forgot. People come and tell me, “Worries are haunting me”. When I tell, “Ok relive them”, “Swamiji I forgot” then come on feel blessed for what you forgot. What you remember if you relive that’s enough. (05:46)

Question: For manifesting them into reality what we wish to do? how can... means what kind of visualization that we have to brought into?

Swamiji: See what you want, command it with your “Will”. Please understand one thing, all of you listen, your “Will” is the umbilical cord connection between your individual soul and the cosmos. If you shake your individual soul with your “Will”, cosmos has to shiver because it is connected through the spiritual umbilical cord, your “Will”. I don’t know how many of you read in Puranas? A Yogi sits under the tree and starts meditating, creating certain “Will” to get that boon and Indra loka burns, Devaloka shakes and Indra has to run, Brahma has to run to attend. It is true. If you sit here and create a “Will”. If you can shake your individual soul, your individuality with your “Will”, naturally you will make the cosmos shake, move. (07:18)

Visualise very... as clearly as you can what you want as your life? How you want your life to be manifested and “Will” it. Understand when you “Will”, multiple energies in your Bio-Memory, in your Muscle-Memory, in your system gets integrated to that “Will”. Actually you have multiple energies inside you. Unfortunately all of them are in their own direction. Even “Complete you” do not know what you want? Because morning you told yourself, you want this. By noon, you already changed. By night, it is different. By the time your first order reaches from head to toe, there is a second order. By the time that reaches your, from your head to toe, your desires have changed. Even you as whole do not know what do you want? Understand... (08:42)

Question: Individual will is obstacled by nervousness and fear mostly, how can we conquer?

Swamiji: Again... that is again your disturbed ideas about you. You can clearly tell yourself, even that to be healed by your own “Will”. Understand, your “Will”, actually this which you are saying nervousness and all that is nothing but your decision not to “Will”. So your “Will” can heal it and I will support it. Devotee: Nithyanandam-ji. Nithyanandam. (09:32)

Question: What is “Will”? Just executing your intention?

Swamiji: Please understand; here when I am using the word “Will”, I am not even going to the step of executing, I am only asking you, “Will… Will it” means declare it. What will happen usually when you declare you know, your own internal energies get integrated, that is the actual first step supposed to happen in you; then, the execution will happen not as you usually imagine. You struggle, make ten project plan, scratch nine, sometimes nine and half and then rebuild and in this confusion get tired, bored and sick, curse everyone around you and you. Don’t even bring the word executing because there is too much of incompletion with that word executing within you. Please understand; how many of you the moment you think you need to execute something there is so much of incompletion? I am telling you incompletion with executing is incompletion with life. I know it is there. I know it is there that is why I am saying, don’t even bring the word, “Executing”. “Will” is powerful enough… “Will” is powerful enough to integrate then it is capable enough to manifest. May be little bit of your cooperation is required but you may not need to do this whole executing exercise. Most of the time your execution exercise is almost like fighting with yourself, fighting with yourself. Next. (12:44)

Question: Can I ask why your image varies from being a male personnel when you are speaking to us and then a female personnel when you are not speaking to us?

Swamiji: Nuesa, understand an enlightened being cannot be constrained into first of all one body. Forget about constraining Me into one gender. In vedic tradition, we call enlightened beings as transcendental gender not transgender, transcendental gender neither male nor female or gay or lesbian or transgender. It is a separate kind of a body, we call it Divya Sharira which reflects the way you want to see, you will go on be seeing it. The way you want to perceive, you will be perceiving it. The way you want to enjoy, you will be enjoying it. So it is even in language, words, Sanskrit gives exemption from all the grammar, rules, everything to enlightened beings. The Sanskrit grammarian, he says, “Enlightened beings are expressing, trying to express something which can never be expressed through words. So they are exempted from all grammar rules, everything, it is called Asha Prayoga”. Whenever a Rishi uses the language for his own convenience, the way he wants and the way he interprets, it is accepted as a trend and grammar rule and it is called Asha Prayoga. He is not bound by the linguistic rules, grammar rules. Same way, an enlightened being cannot be constrained even to one body with so much of difficulty when he is trying to express through one body, you can never be able to constrain him to one gender whether psychology or physiology or the whole system, the body I carry, nothing can be framed into one gender. Actually the Enlightenment itself is a physiological, psychological mutation. So that is why, if you are a keen observer means if you are a living, observing, witnessing personality then you can understand the form I am carrying is beyond the genders. Nuesa, I think you are the Nuesa Australia person, Ian Anderson. I think your ability to absorb or observe is too much, that’s all I can say and you are right. (16:47)

Question: Does God help the people who help themselves first or the person who is lazy and who keeps taking help from others?

Swamiji: Please understand; the person who is lazy will not even be able to take help from others. There are only two kinds of people, life negative – who neither help themself nor take help from others, other… another one life positive – who helps themself and take help from others. Helping yourself and taking help from others is one and the same, if you will help yourselves you will take help from others and you will help others. So the classification you are making, lazy and helping themself, in that you are making one small mistake, you think lazy persons take help from others; no. Understand the two classification – life positive, life negative. If you are helping yourself, God will be helping you. If you are taking help from others, again God will be helping you through others. A person who helps themself will always be taking help from others and helping others. Lazy fellows neither they will help themself nor they will take help from others or they will help others. So understand God helps the people who help themselves. After all he is sitting in yourself. Next (19:01)

Question: Pranams respected Swamiji. Excuse me, I apologize if I hurt you at any time, it is not my intention to scold you or hurt you because I love Satya Sai baba. He says, “Help ever. Hurt never”. When this is the case this simple problem cannot be executed by me or by any of the citizens. So how to help and hurt never, this is more important, hurting never. I came here not on my own intention but this is my second visit. So some forces had dragged me here. I salute to those powers and I immediately say and I apologize for what I have done and I know that divinity is also in me which is similar to your divinity but the manifestation is not taking place and I want “Sunayasa Maranam” and “Anayasa Jeevitham” which is everybody’s wish and I also wish the same thing but at the same time, the Ramana Maharishi he is silently teaching and similarly Swami Vivekananda says what you say yesterday, “Awake, arise and still the goal… goal is reached, stop not; that is the same thing what I heard from you. So I request you to bless me to have the similar highest values in my life and the God... I know the God is protecting me from all the sides and giving me what I required and at the same time for the world also I need that I am successful, not a failure candidate. But now I am a failure candidate in my life. So the success is to be generated not only from me but from cosmetic (cosmic) energy that I request you and bless me. Thank you.

Swamiji: My Blessings. (21:34)

Question: To conquer do you need to know your purpose? If you do not know your purpose, how do you conquer and find out?

Swamiji: Dhruvraj, first thing you understand, do not expect your past to tell your purpose. Decide to create for yourself. We always think our past should tell our purpose. No, create your purpose based on the input and intelligence from your past. Whatever you think as the best, create the purpose. Understand; past is dead. If you are waiting for inspiration from it, you will never get. From dead things you get only smell, not inspiration. No most of the time you are sitting and waiting, from your dead past, the inspiration will come out like a angel and possess you and drive you. No, that’s never going to happen. People come and tell me, “Swamiji, whatever repeatedly I think, should I take that as a purpose of me?” No, whatever actually your incompletion, you will be repeatedly thinking about that. Do enough of Completion, from that Completion space, you “Will”, you create your purpose. Do not wait for the purpose to come from inside you as accident. Dhruvraj, what you think as the best thing for your life, create the purpose. Creating the purpose will make you conquer life. Don’t wait for some accidental or words, intuition coming from inside and all that; no. And Dhruvraj, I see you as potential being who can really conquer the life, who can really manifest what you want. So do not wait for your past to guide you. Your past is mostly incompletion. So if you are waiting for your intuition from the past, it will be mostly incompletion. So decide to create as you want, that will only conquer your life. (25:00)

Question: Swamiji, if most things in my life are going really well except for allowing constant stream of money to flow to me. Can I focus on the bliss and joy which all the other areas brought to me and use this energy to visualize and feel the constant flow of money coming in. Nithyanandam. Thank you.

Swamiji: First thing, <English 25:30 Lee cam leone>, this whole question is about the wealth dimension of you. I will give you one important truth, “Activism is wealth”. Understand, in any field, you are active, you can convert that into wealth. You can make that as a wealth flow in your life. Actually this one truth itself need to be expanded as a program. May be the next program, secrets of attracting wealth is specially for you. To answer this question, I invite you. Please come and experience how the activism can be converted into wealth? How activism can be the flow of wealth in your life? I invite you to come and enjoy the secrets of attracting wealth, that will really make experiential answer for this question. (27:15)

Question: Pranam Swamiji, I am really grateful to almighty for having me brought me here. My question is based on yesterday’s deliberation, I just be very specific in my question. How to ensure that I am correct in my analysis of the problem, identifying appropriate reasons and judge…

Swamiji: Please understand; how much ever you analyze in the initial level, you will be analyzing only to a certain limit; but with more and more Completion, your analysis will become more precise. When your analysis complete, the problem will not be there. Yesterday I was telling, the moment you diagnose rightly, the disease will disappear. It is one of the technology from Ayurveda. Same way, the moment your analysis is perfect, the problem will disappear. So how to know whether your diagnosis is perfect? Your analysis is perfect? The more and more problem melting down will be the signal through which you can know more and more your analysis is right. (28:56)

Question: So how to sharpen and strengthen my will and determination so that…?

Swamiji: Completion. Completion.

Question: How to go about... that’s why...

Swamiji: Yesterday I was giving you the process, every night at-least sit twenty one minutes to relive all the suppressed suffocation, powerlessness of your life. Just 21 minutes allow that suffocation consciously to come up on you. Relive - Reliving is the most powerful way of relieving. Completion can bring completely new energy into your neurology, into your whole system. Completion can bring completely new energy in your very frequency, in your very aura. So solution for the problem you are asking is everyday Completion. Spend at least 21 minutes before going to bed. You can sit in the bed and allow everything to come up and relive. The reliving release you.

Question: I need to be guided in that direction.

Swamiji: Blessings. Tathastu. (30:37)

Question: Dear Swamiji, could you please talk on “How to love yourself?”. I find it difficult.

Swamiji: Irena, first thing I want to tell you, deep incompletions about you makes you forget the great things you experienced or achieved. Actually for, next few minutes I want you to do this exercise, even in this, yesterday and today. Yesterday, three hours and today, last one hour. What all deep clicks happened, liberating cognitions happened, understanding happened in you. If you remember and pen them down at-least once and see, only then you will understand otherwise you will just take this whole thing for granted. You will forget. In your life you constantly take good things for granted. Remember only pain, suffering, suffocation even though you don’t want to remember them. Incompletions with yourself. For example, incompletions with your body, the way you look, the way you feel about you. Incompletions with your mind. Incompletions with your emotions. Incompletions with your inability to handle your emotions and above all anger towards others. You call it as a incompletion within you because when you know you can’t express that anger it will be costly. You just dump it on yourself and suffer with that anger within you. Spend little time completing with you, all the incompletions you have with you, please pen them down. List it and complete with all of that, one by one, one by one, one by one. Actually some of our devotees there in the centre, you can talk to them and they will give you the detailed instruction about Completion, practice it. You will be liberated. I bless you, you will achieve Swapriya, the love for yourself. (33:43)

Maybe I really want to take few minutes. Please all of you take few minutes and pen down yesterday and today what all clarity, understanding happened in you. So at-least you will know and you will remember the clicks and understandings you had yesterday and today. Please pen down. Few minutes. We will be continuing on question and answer after this few minutes of exercise. Yes. How many of you finished writing? Great. I will move to further questions. (41:16)

Question: Dear Swamiji, how can I achieve Enlightenment in this life?

Swamiji: Rusbe first, please understand; It is a straightforward simple science. Learn how to complete within you with yourself, how to complete with others who are involved in your life and how to complete with cosmos, that’s all. Completion with yourself, others and the whole. It’s a very simple, straight forward direct science. I can give you two options – One, become a subscriber in our Nithyananda TV YouTube channel. It’s free, available, wherever you are I will be teaching you to get enlightened in your bedroom. There is a set of clear Satsangs, very scientifically described; that is the option one, do it for yourself. If you want Me to do it for you, come to IA. Come to Inner Awakening. Understand, this two options are in front of you, subscribe to the YouTube channel, Nithyananda TV and there is a clear set, number one, number two, number three, next, next, next like a Completion with yourself, then Completion with others, then Completion with the cosmos, then manifesting your reality, manifesting others reality, step by step you can do it for yourself. It’s completely free. We believe in Vedic tradition “Knowledge is free” so opened it. Please understand, everything I teach in the Inner Awakening is available in the YouTube. You can do it for yourself, that’s one option. The second option if you feel, “No, I may not be do it all by myself. I may want you to do it for me”, come, come to the Inner Awakening. I will do it for you. Understand, between this two, take up one. My blessings, you will achieve the Enlightenment. Next. (44:35)

Question: Dear Swamiji, what to do when the self feels it does not deserve to receive life or to live life in a full way?

Swamiji: First thing you need to understand, this is a very cunning way you try to get attention from life. You think by putting yourself in sympathy, self sympathy, showing yourself as a weak, life is going to immediately rush and attend to you. Because from the young age, we are habituated. If you fall sick, your mom will attend to you. You will have your attention. This is extension of that same pattern. If you are so clear that life does not deserve, then why don’t you commit suicide? Simply we are trying to make life to run towards us by putting ourself in the place of victim; the victimhood. Please understand; immediately you need to complete with this pattern and... otherwise you will be naturally suffering and suffocating yourself and anybody who decides to suffer and suffocate themself. Life blesses. So be it - Tathastu. Life does not interfere in your desire to suffer. So this pattern need to be attended emergently. It needs to be immediately addressed. It is worst cancerous pattern. So please complete it and drop it. That’s the only way life can flow through you. (46:52)

Question: How do you deal with people who are still in blaming game while I am working on a solution to approach to the current conflict?

Swamiji: Understand, even if you classify them as a people who are blaming, that again puts you in the position where you are doing the blame game. Look into it. Yes, there are people who do the blame game, but am I going to approach them for Z or for Y. Approach even them for Z, they will become part of your solution. The moment you classify them as people who do blame game, now you already done the blame game. You put them in X. So look at the whole thing. Yes, people do blame game. Why? Because they do not understand this XYZ theory. Educate them this XYZ theory. When you tell them, look at the Y for Z, not for X, even they will become your partners and they will also start solving the issues. Nobody is ultimately interested in destroying their life, crying about somebody. People are finally interested about the remaining future. See it is the remaining future gives you the hope to live. So really, the remaining future is the hope for everyone to live. Just educate them... educate them about this XYZ, always ask Y for Z not for X. See, you will always have excess memory about X, good or bad. The excess memory about X is incompletion. Whether rightly or wrongly, the excess influence of the X on you is incompletion. Approach the Y for Z. That’s the only way you will be free from X. Next question. (50:04)

Question: Swamiji, I am Vinod, coming from Bangalore. My question is related to “Will”. You said “Will” will make your problems solve. “Will” will help you to get your problems solved. My question is, “Will” means thought process and approach to solve a problem.

Swamiji: No. No, no, no, no, no, no… your definition is wrong. All the three statement you made is wrong. I am telling, “Will” will solve your problem is wrong. I told you, “Will” will make your problems irrelevant, not just solving. Your problems are not even worthy of being solved. Actually, the “Will” will just raise your frequency to level, where your problems will become irrelevant. You see, your table is filled with all the garbage, you don’t know how to solve all these files, complications and you don’t know what to do. If you are trying to solve, one by one, file by file, that is solving. Suddenly you get promotion and you... you have moved to a different job. All these files become redundant and irrelevant to you. There is a big difference between this two. I am telling you, “Will” makes your problems irrelevant to you because it raises your frequency; that’s one. The Second, the statement you are making, “Will” is to execute, no. As I told you, execution have lot of load and incompletion in you. I am not asking you to think about it. “Will”, then you will see so much of energy in you, will be available to you. So, the execution will not be as you think of execution now. See now presently how you think of execution – If I say, ““Will” will make you execute what you want”. You will say, “Already I know how much of suffering is there in the execution. If I have to execute, I don’t want this methodology, technology, “Will” and all that. Let me be as I am”. (52:19)

Understand; because you have so much incompletion about the execution. So don’t bother about that now. It is like a… a doctor is trying to tell the born blind man, “Hey, I will do a surgery. You will get your eyes back. You can walk without a stick”. The blind man says, “Doctor I understand you will do a surgery. I will get my eyes back but even then, how can I walk without my stick?”. He cannot be logically convinced, once you get your eyes you don’t need, stick. He feels, “No. I will get my eyes back but how will I walk without stick? Because throughout his life, he walked with stick. He thinks it become... it is part of the... his walking mechanism. So now, logically you can never understand how the “Will” alone can make so much difference but I tell you, when the “Will” is awakened, you can walk without the stick. The stick is execution. “Will” is your eye. When your eye is awakened, actually the execution will not be as you think now. It will be totally different. The quality of the execution itself will be different. So I don’t want you to use this word for that. (53:58)

Swamiji: Go ahead.

Question: Swami, yesterday... In yesterday’s session, one of the things that I realize was that a lot of the projects that I am working on right now were things that I started because there was just a lot of pain in me that I didn’t want to deal with. So to... just to get rid of that, I started this but I actually like working on the projects. Are they like… Should I stop working on these?

Swamiji: No, no, no, no, no. You should not stop working. You should complete the pains from which you are trying to run away. If you complete the pains, this projects will be more successful than what you think. See, if you do it with your… if you do a project by putting your time, it will only be a… like a mathematics. If you do it by putting your energy along with time, it means you need to have energy. Now all your energy is caught in your incompletions and pains. Complete and put your energy into it then you will see it will come out as a art piece. If you put your life, it will come as your own extension. (55:15)

Please understand; whether your job, relationship, career, anything, anything… if you are giving only your time, you are a worker. I do not have one inch of respect for anybody who is working for somebody. Please understand; I am making a very blank straight forward statement. Be your boss. Even if you think... even if you think, “No, no, no, I am working already for 25 years. How can I give up my job?” Take this as a two year project. Within two years, you will do the transition and become your boss. Be your boss. I tell you, after you leave the body, you will understand how much consciously you have grown by being your boss. (56:17)

Please understand, only to the people whom you are serving, your clients, your customers, whom you are enriching should be your boss. Be your boss. I tell you, consciously you will be complete about life. If you are working for somebody, you will learn only one thing to give your time. You will never learn the taste and joy of what it is to give your energy along with your time. You will give your energy along with your time only if you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary. If you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary, only then you will put your energy into your time otherwise that 9 to 5; especially this government jobs in India. I don’t want to talk about it but you read from My face. No really. If you want to make some fellow dead, if you want to destroy somebody, if you don’t like your... like somebody in your life, want to destroy them. Some... somebody, for any reason, just get him a government job in India. For his life, he is done. No, he learns there the ultimate cunning, cheating methodology of giving only time, even by mistake not giving little energy or giving little life to his time. So that is the way he will destroy himself; that is the worst, long, prolonged painful suicide. Giving your time for something but not giving your energy or life to it is the most prolonged, most painful suicide possible. (58:42)

Be your boss, you will learn, you will be inspired to give your energy to your time, anything you do, then you will learn how to give your life to what you are doing, to your time and energy. Understand; the senior devotees and disciples they know, day in and day out; this Raja Sabha is a witness, this land is a witness. 2001, I started My public life, now it is 2016; day in and day out, 20 hours a day, I am doing this same job. Never I felt tired or bored even once, “What am I doing?” Because I have put My energy and My life into what I am doing. I don’t know how many thousands of times I explain Unclutching and Completion. You will not... if you see the recording of Me talking about Unclutching and Completion in 2002 and 2016, you will not find a single word missing, it will only getting added. (01:00:26)

Understand, if you are in a mechanism where you put your energy and life into your time, you will be fulfilled in your life. Do not be in a mechanism where you are constantly taught... actually in the government job, your seniors teach you how to cheat and even if you are putting your energy into it, your life into it, your seniors will feel threatened; no really. See even in the private sector, if you are putting your energy into your work to the level your seniors can handle you, they are okay. But if you are putting your life into your work where they feel threatened, it is not okay; that is why I am telling you, take up this as a two year project in your life. If you are working for somebody, decide in next two years I will become my boss and it will really, really make you put your energy and your life into what you are doing, not only you will have success, you will have Completion. You will have fulfillment. (01:01:55)

I tell you, deep self doubt only makes you work for others either you spend your life to fulfill your dreams or somebody will hire you to fulfill theirs and when you are fulfilling somebody else’s dream, you will become naturally cunning to separate your energy and your time; that is why the 9 to 5 is only time for you, not life. How many of you feel the 9 to 5 is only time for you, not life? That’s all. You know now. No, that is the worst crime you are doing against yourself. Do not separate, do not be in the structure, do not be in a mechanism where your life and energy is separated from your time. People come and tell me, “Time is money Swamiji”. Fool, “Time is Life”. What are you talking? The lie you have been taught by the bosses is, time is money. No, time is life. Don’t be under anybody. I tell you, first few months it may be a struggle, that is why I am saying, take two years as a transition period means do some startup and stabilize it and put... see when something is yours, you will put actually your time, energy, life into it then slowly you will get the confidence, the self doubt will melt down. Yes, I can sit on this throne because the throne is built by me. It’s mine. I can sit on it. Your energy, life and time will become one in that then naturally you can move from, working from somebody to being for yourself. (01:04:28)

I tell you, in the modern day, working for somebody is the worst crime you will do to yourself. Do not do that crime, do not abuse yourself by working for somebody. Take this as a project and make it. Maybe in one year or two year, you will feel blessed that you lived your life. And I tell you in the modern day there are millions, billions of opportunities. Do what you like, complete and free all your energies from your incompletion and put your energy into your time. Naturally your life will flow towards it, you will be successful. You will be celebrating what you are doing, what you are doing will celebrate you. You just celebrating your art is success. If your art celebrates you, that is Completion. (01:05:47)

Understand; micromanaging your inner space is Enlightenment. Micromanaging your outer space is success. Both will happen to you, if you are in a mechanism where your time and energy is not separated. I tell you, even the people who hire you, if you put too much of energy and life into what you are doing, which they are not able to comprehend, they will feel threatened. Your great work, your boss will feel threatened because that is the... the whole setup of hiring and firing mechanism, hiring and firing mechanism. I tell you, take up this one truth in your life. I am 100% guarantee, 100% sure, you will only appreciate Me for giving you this advice, never you will blame Me. (01:07:16)

I have seen this in thousands and thousands of lives. When people merge their energy, life into their time... see when you are doing something on your own, when you are your boss, you are forced by yourself to merge your energy, life and time but when you are working for somebody, you are not forced and you cunningly develop such a logical reasons to convince your boss, you know how to manage him and people do PhD how to draw salary without working. I have seen. I have seen how to manage your job, continue to get bonus, salary and never doing any work. In that way you are not just cheating your boss, your life becomes piece, piece. The energy is separated from time, energy is separated from life, then you feel your life is just… Poor are those who feel 9 to 5 is only their time, not life. I will not classify poverty based on the zeros they have in their bank. Poor are those who feel 9 to 5 is their time, not life. Twenty four hours should be your life. It should not be separated as time, time+energy, time+life+energy. So how many of you understand what I am sharing now? So how many of you feel really you are going to take this up very seriously for next two years project? In next two years, I will be my boss. Whoever feels, raise your hand. Come on. My blessings. You will all be successful. You will all be successful. Blessings ma. (01:09:41)

Question: Pranam Swamiji, thank you for answering my question. I found you by accident on social media during my seeking stage, last year. I feel so drawn to your divine face and feel this is your calling. Is it possible that my intention to visit your Ashram and attend the upcoming Inner Awakening become real even though I have many obstacles?

Swamiji: See first thing, understand you seeing Me is never accident. Please understand; if you seeing Me is an accident, you will not continue to see Me. If you are continuing to see Me; understand; it is not accident, it is not accident. So the moment you are continuing to see Me, it’s a calling. Understand that. Second, just create your intention and “Will” to be in the Inner Awakening. It’s My responsibility to clear all obstacles and make it as reality to you. Whatever may be the obstacle, time, money, anything. I tell you, cosmos only tests your intention, depth of intention, never denies anything for your spiritual growth. Please understand, cosmos may test strength of your intention. It will never deny anything you require for your growth, require for your spiritual growth or Enlightenment. It’s a cosmic law and I am bound to execute that law. Understand, it’s a cosmic law and it’s My responsibility to execute the cosmic constitution and law. Don’t worry, it will only test your strength of your intention. It will never deny. It will never deprive anything you need to make your spiritual growth, spiritual explosion, spiritual possibility into reality. Just make a will, intention. It’s My responsibility making it into reality. You will attract wealth, you will attract time, you will attract everything. (01:12:44)

It is not just for her, it’s for everyone here. I can actually ask, “How many of you experience this in your life the moment you made an intention or “Will” for IA, simply it happened, raise your hands”. All this witnesses, just look around the hands in your hall or look around in your screen. Mohini, just look around, how many hands are up? Just see around, the hands up. They are all witnesses. Understand, next time when I ask, your hands will be up I tell you. Welcome to the world of miracles. I think it is time. Thank you. Be blissful.


Create your purpose!


During the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31July 2016, one participant asks Swamiji: To conquer (your life), do you need to know your purpose? If you do not know your purpose, how do you conquer and find out? Swamiji gives a beautiful response - telling us we should create our purpose from our will, from our decision what is best for us.

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Question: To conquer, do you need to know your purpose? If you do not know your purpose, how do you conquer and find out? Dhruvraj, Vancouver, Canada

SWAMIJI: Dhruvraj, first thing you understand. Do not expect your past to tell your purpose. Decide to create for yourself. We always think our past should tell our purpose. NO. Create your purpose... based on the input and intelligence from your past. Whatever you think as the best, create the purpose.

Understand. Past is dead; if you are waiting for inspiration from it, you will never get. From dead things you get only smell, not inspiration. No most of the time you are sitting and waiting from your dead past the inspiration will come out like a angel and possess you and drive you. No. That’s never going to happen.

People come and tell me, “Swamiji, whatever repeatedly I think should I take that as a purpose of me.” No. Whatever actually your incompletion you will be repeatedly thinking about that☺ Do enough of completion. From that completion space, you WILL, you CREATE your purpose. Do not wait for the purpose to come from inside you as accident.

Dhruvraj, what you think as the best thing for your life, CREATE THE PURPOSE. Creating the purpose will make you conquer life. Don’t wait for some accidental or words, intuition, coming from inside and all that. No. And Dhruvraj I see you as potential being who can really conquer the life, who can really manifest what you want. So do not wait for your past to guide you. Your past is mostly incompletion. So if you are waiting for your intuition from the past it will be mostly incompletion. So decide to create as you want. That will only conquer your life.


How should I visualise to manifest my reality?


During the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31 July, one participant asks Swamiji what kind of visualisation we should use to manifest our desired reality. Swamiji explains: What you want, command it with your will. Your will is the umbilical cord connection between your individual soul and the cosmos. If you shake your individual soul with your will, cosmos has to shiver. Because it is connected through the spiritual umbilical cord: your will. I don’t know how many of you have read in Puranas: a yogi sits under a tree and starts meditating, creating certain will to get a boon. And Indra Loka burns, Deva Loka shakes, and Indra has to run, Brahma has to run to attend! It is true! If you sit here and create a will, if you can shake your individual soul, your individuality with your will, naturally you will make the cosmos shake. Visualise as clearly as you can what you want as your life, how you want your life to be manifested and will it.

Understand, when you will, multiple energies in your bio memory, in your muscle memory, in your system - gets integrated to that will. Actually you have multiple energies inside you. Unfortunately all of them are in their own direction. Even complete you does not know what you want. Because morning you told yourself you want this. By noon you already changed, by night it is different. By the time your first order reaches from head to toe, there is a second order. By the time that reaches from head to toe, your desires have changed. Even you, as whole, do not know what you want. Again, that is again, your disturbed ideas about you. You can clearly tell yourself, even that to be healed by your own will. Actually, what you are saying, nervousness and all that - it is nothing but your decision not to will. So your will can heal it, and I will support it.

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Participant: For manifesting them into reality what we would wish to do, what kind of the visualization should we do?

SWAMIJI: See, what you want, command it with your will. Please understand one thing, all of you listen. Your will is the umbilical cord connection between your individual soul and the cosmos. If you shake your individual soul with your WILL, Cosmos has to shiver; because it is connected ... through the spiritual umbilical cord your will.

I don’t know how many of you read in Puranas - a yogi sits under the tree and starts meditating, creating certain will to get that boon and Indra Loka burns, Deva Loka shakes. And Indra has to run, Brahma has to run to attend. It is true. If you sit here and create a will, if you can shake your individual soul, your individuality with your will, naturally you will make the Cosmos shake, move.

Visualize very, as clearly as you can, what do you want as your life. How you want your life to be manifested and WILL it. Understand, when you WILL, multiple energies in your bio memory, in your muscle memory, in your system gets integrated to that will. Actually you have multiple energies inside you. Unfortunately, all of them are in their own direction. Even complete you do not know, what do you want... Because morning you told yourself you want this, by noon you already changed, by night it is different. By the time your first order reaches from head to toe, there is a second order. By the time that reaches from your head to toe, your desires have changed. Even you as whole do not know what do you want.

Participant: Individual will is obstacled by nervousness and fear, mostly…

SWAMIJI: Again, that is again, your disturbed ideas about you. You can clearly tell yourself even that to be healed by your own will. Understand, your will, actually this which you are saying nervousness and all that is nothing but your decision not to WILL. So your will can heal it, and I will support it.


Swamiji, your image seems to shift between male and female. Why?


In the Question and Answer session of the Conquering Life workshop on 31 July 2016, one participant asked Swamiji about the way his appearance, his image seems to shift between male and female.

Swamiji explains that for an Incarnation, it is difficult enough to commit to expressing through one body - expressing as only one gender is too limited. That is why, in Sanskrit, Enlightened Beings are not limited to any grammar rules - they can express themselves as per their own decision.

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Can I ask Why your Image varies from being a male personal when you are speaking to us and then a female personal when you are not speaking to us?

(0:24) An Enlightened being cannot be constrained into, first of all one body, forget about constraining me into one gender. In Vedic tradition, we call Enlightened beings as Transcendental Gender not Transgender. Transcendental gender, neither male nor female or gay or lesbian or transgender. It’s a separate kind of a body. We call it Divya Sareera which reflects the way you want to see, you will go on be seeing it. The way you want to perceive, you will be perceiving it, the way you want to enjoy, you will be enjoying it. So it is... even in language... words... Sanskrit gives exemption from all the grammar, rules, everything to enlightened beings.

(1:46) The Sanskrit Grammarian, he says Enlightened beings are expressing, trying to express something, trying to express something which can never be expressed through words, so they are exempted from all grammar, rules, everything. It is called “Arsha prayoga”. Whenever a Rishi uses the language for his own convenience, the way he wants and the way he interprets, it is accepted as a trend and grammar rule and it is called “Arsha prayoga”. He is not bound by the linguistic rules, grammar rules, same way an enlightened being cannot be constrained even to one body, with so much of difficulty when he is trying to express through one body, you can never be able to constrain him to one gender. Whether Psychology or Physiology or the whole system, the body I carry, nothing can be framed into one gender. Actually the enlightenment itself is a physiological, psychological mutation. So that is why, if you are a keen observer, means, if you are a living, observing, witnessing personality, then you can understand the form I am carrying is beyond the genders. Noosa, I think you are, the Noosa Australia person, Ian Anderson, I think your ability to absorb or observe is too much that’s all I can say.


Find the Immortality In You, Amritatvam

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Nithya Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live, two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Listen! Cities sitting with us long list.

I’ll enter into the satsang directly because I am pregnant with something which I wanted to reveal. I’ll enter into the 4th verse. Oh, let me bow down to Ganesha, let me not miss Him. And today, He is gracing all of us on Swarna Simha Vahana, the golden lion vehicle in Santana Alankara, with the sandalwood alankara , sandalwood paste alankara. Let’s have His blessings.

(Devotional offerings to Maha Ganapati starts)

02:55 Let’s have Maha Ganapati’s blessings and enter into Kenopanishad 4th verse. I’ll continue to expand on the 4th verse of the Kenopanishad.

Recite along with me. pratibodhaviditaṁ matamamṛtatvaṁ hi vindate ātmanā vindate vīryaṁ vidyayā vindate ‘mṛtam || 4 || Recite. pratibodhaviditaṁ matamamṛtatvaṁ hi vindate ātmanā vindate vīryaṁ vidyayā vindate ‘mṛtam || 4 || 04:21 Listen. These words so powerful, so clear. I’ll expand. I’ll read out the translation and expand. It is truly known, when the self is consciously cognised and subjectively known to oneself, Pratibodha in each state of Consciousness with every modification of the mind and intellect. Through such complete cognition of the pure self is attained immortality, Amritatvam, existence in one’s own self by Atman, the pure self is attained. Real strength, the space of powerfulness achieved through celibacy and brahmacharya, and by vidya, complete knowledge of the self is experienced immortality, Amritattva which is the true nature of Atman. Let me explain some of the sacred secrets in the key words. One key word here is “Amritattva” - immortality. Means, something in you which does not die, which does not go through illusion, which does not go through losing of its existence.

Listen. All your depression, all the feeling of suffocation you have, all the feeling of torture you have, all the pain you have physically, all the pain you have mentally - everything boils down to one. Listen carefully, boils down to one - that one is fear of losing what you think as you comfortably. Fear of losing your existence, fear of losing your experience as you. You think this is the way you should exist and anything threatens that existence, immediately, the fear is invoked and when the fear is invoked, understand, you become cunning fox. You start doing all that third rate strategies in which you think you can cheat life. No! The moment you become wolf, fox, whatever you do is not cheating others, you already cheated yourself!

07:40 Immortality is the way of existing, means nothing, nothing, nothing can touch the way you exist. Find that existence of you which gives you a complete feeling that it cannot be changed, it cannot be questioned, it cannot be taken away from you. I have seen some of the most selfish human beings, it is all about “Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!” in them and that stupid “Me” which they are carrying is so insecure and wounded from all corners, full of puss, pain, but they go on protecting that, cherishing that. It is like a... you have somebody who came to your house as a orphan, who is paralyzed, mentally deranged, nothing in them works other than arrogance, demanding. But you fall in sympathy with that person and that person, “Ooh, if you don’t take care of me, I’ll die, I’ll die, I’ll die!” And you give your whole life literally and take care of that person. Why? “Because that person, if I don’t take care, who will take care of that person.”

09:49 And end of the life, you did not get married to take care of that person, you did not have children to take care of that person, you did not do whatever you wanted to do in your life just to take care of that person, you did not even go to Guru to take care of that person, everything. End of the life, the person just kicks you in your face and disappears you, disappears in the air, thin air. You are here sitting, wasted the whole life, to protect somebody. Finally, you realise that person is not there! He is a delusion, ghost! That is exactly what you are doing. Who you are trying to protect, the identity you are trying to protect with that “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me” will suddenly disappear the thin air after sucking your whole life. And then you will realise, “Oh God!” The “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me” in you will be the worst exploiter and cheater of you. Because, by its very constitution it cannot exist eternally, but makes you believe it is going to exist eternally - you yourself cheat yourself.

11:27 Listen. Listen very carefully. You need to understand this word Amritattva. There is something in you which does not lose itself even while you go through the dream, while you go through the waking state, while you go through the deep state. Relaxing into that something is what I call Amritattva, immortality. Start finding that something which does not lose its existence, while you go through a dream state or deep sleep state or waking state. That in which when you relax you don’t feel threatened, you don’t feel you have something to lose, you don’t feel something is going to be taken away from you, you don’t feel something is going to change in you. Amritatvam... Amritatvam... Whether you a two year old kid or twenty year old loosu or eighty year old caraboldu or ninety nine year old about to go get visa, whoever you are - the first priority for you should be recognising that part of you. Actually, it is there like a bone marrow in you. That part of you - see like a how skin, then blood, then bone and then bone marrow, how the structure of the body.

13:41 Same way, your ordinary confusions, your ordinary attachments, then your ordinary fears. Then if you dig deep into you, the core you, inside the core you, just like inside the bone - bone marrow, inside the core you, is sitting that immortality, Amritattva, which you don’t lose or which does not recognise any of that physical, mental pains you imagine. You go on imagining physical, mental pain because of the hidden payoffs, because of the immature cognitions. Just like inside your bone, the bone marrow is there. Same way, inside your identity that immortality is there in the form of a pure light, in the form a pure Consciousness, pure light. Recognising that part is the first priority. This should be first lesson in all our gurukuls, schools, colleges, temples, monasteries, aadheenams, everywhere. The first lesson is spending some time and recognising the connecting thread, which is inside your bone marrow.

15:51 Just like the bone marrow is inside the bone, inside your identity this component is there, which keeps you alive while you are in the deep sleep, which holds you while you are dreaming, which holds you while you are in this waking state, everywhere; which holds you when you are young, which holds you when you are in middle age, which holds you when you are in old age, everywhere; which holds you when you are cunning, which holds you when you are depressed, which holds you when you are blissful - which holds you! That, recognising its existence in you and catching it, is what I call Amritattva, immortality. Listen. Amritattva, immortality. Amritattva, immortality. It is actually just like your bone is filled with bone marrow, your core identity is filled with that immortality, with that Amritattva. It is in the form of pure light. It does not change when you have body or it does not change when you don’t have body. It is there with you forever, from the time you remember you, from the time you disappear as you. Even before you remember you, it exists and supports you. Even after you forget to remember you, it is going to continue to support you and hold you. It does not get worked up. It does not get messed up.

18:18 The increase and decrease of your Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or the hormones does not affect its existence and its clarity. See the Vata, Pitta, Kapha when it goes up, you go through some crankiness. That is why when you catch cold, actually nobody is afraid of the cold, but everybody is afraid of the crankiness which comes to you after, along with the cold. Nobody is afraid of cold, everybody is afraid of the crankiness, because of the Vata, Pitta, Kapha gets imbalanced, the crankiness you go through. I have seen at least five Ayurveda Vaidyas very, very expert authority on the scriptures, fifty years of practice, that kind of a Ayurveda Vaidya. At least five till now. Very confidently I can say, all five of them when they hold my nadi, first thing that they says, “Oh Samadosha, Samatva!” Means, neither the body is Vata or Pitta or Kapha type. It is Samatva.

Understand, I wanted you to know, very simple technique, it’s a very simple technique, you won’t die. Just make yourself catch cold. That’s not a big thing, go in the rain for one hour you will catch cold. But after, before catching cold, make this will, “Today I will realise my Amritattva. For that, I’ll make myself catch cold.” Little cold you are not going to die, understand. Hmm. Little cold, you are going to die means, I don’t think… alright. Hmm. Let’s not bother about that. But make that sankalpa, “I am going to catch my Amritattva.” With that, catch cold and see how the cold is influencing your logic, influencing your thinking pattern. And then same way, drink coffee - not little, half a litre. No, very very thick half a litre of coffee, because coffee can affect your whole, because coffee puts you in certain high, cold puts you in certain low.

21:07 See, one day work with the cold and catch your original state which is not going up or down by coffee, sorry by cold and after you recover, after two-three days play with coffee - have half a litre coffee. It’ll, it’ll put you in some high which is not again your immortality, which is again imbalance. No, you should experiment. It will really help you. If you experiment with these Vata, Pitta, Kapha - the highs and lows, it will really help you. With that coffee, just see how you feel the high which is not again your immortality, which is not your Amritattva! Which is not your Amritattva. These simple things. Sometimes certain food will put you in depression. You should eat that food and see how it is affecting your existence and what is it which can be beyond this? You should play with these few of these things. And then for one week without missing in the night take Kadukkai Podi. Morning take neem juice and pancha kriya. In that one week see how that core of you is shining. When you remember you, how it’s feeling, “Swaahh, waahh...!”

23:05 That core which feels very un-imbalanced, which cannot be imbalanced, that core - taste that core. That is immortality! One day play with cold and see. One day play with coffee and see. One day play with some food which puts you in depression. Onion uttappam is best to put you in depression. Really! Onion uttappam with poondu chutney. No actually, Vivekananda used to do, when some of his disciples through his presence get power - siddhis, not shaktis, siddhis, but they are not mature to handle that siddhis; the maturity has not yet happened - he will feed them with fish. Fish and onion will finish you! Finish you! All powers will disappear. Every one of you, try! Try to play with coffee, then you will understand how dangerous it is. And the decisions you make after coffee, you will never be able to maintain because that is not you who made that decision, that is not your core which made the decision.

24:43 Same way, this onion uttapam. Onion with the uttapam with the garlic chutney. See, actually garlic is an amazing medicine if you have a problems related to fat and heart, but not regular food. If you play with these two - onion, green chili, garlic, all three. Eat nicely, you will see that your low curve, your depression. All these will give you the idea, how much you can be affected and what is the core in you which is not affected by any of these Vata, Pitta, Kapha - ups and downs. And the hormonal gush and hormonal urge and hormonal pressure and hormonal tortures. It’ll give you as a rough idea. It can actually, when you play with all these you will understand, there is some part of you, core of you, just like inside the bone - bone marrow, inside your identity, there is core of you which is a sweet, pure light. An amazing feeling about you, “Wow! What a way to exist.”

26:16 Like in the morning after my walk when I sit in my swing and singing and slight drizzle. My team taking care of me, cleaning up the hair. If you sit with me in that time and breathe my space, then you will understand, “What a way to exist. Waaa...” I tell you… that, “What a way to exist. Waaa…,” if that comes from you without Vata, Pitta, Kapha, hormonal imbalances, when all these things are not able to imbalance you and you do not have any cunning strategy to exist and protect your existence. See, all these cunning strategy to protect your existence is nothing but your existence is feeling threatened. When all these are not there, that light “You” is Amritattva. And if you let that Amritattva penetrate into your day to day activities - in the dream also you will not be imbalanced, you will be very clearly saying, “Aiyee…! See, see, see I myself seeing. I myself become a tiger and I myself chasing and I myself created the forest, which I myself cannot get out. Oh God! What a game!”

28:06 You will understand the whole life is virtual video game you created and you are playing it. The virtual reality video game which you created is your life. Understanding it, grasping it and clicking with it, “Oh God! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, whatever I wanted to verbalise and he is verbalising.” Whenever you feel whatever you wanted to verbalise, I am verbalizing - it is clicking with you. Its like a when you dig a borewell for water, at some places it will be hollow inside the earth so the drill will go just like that because it is already hollow. Same way, at some time you will catch, “Oh God! This is what I wanted to verbalise verbalise, he is verbalising verbalising!” That feeling, “What a way to exist, err!” is immortality, Amritattva.

29: 38 Then the second key word in this verse is Viryam, understand. I’ll define exactly. Your life, energy and the vessel which holds the energy - these two put together is your life. Energy may be available like a ocean but you have only one pot, that also with hole. What will happen? Mud pot with hole, what will happen? No! Useless! Energy can be only one well size but you have a strong beautiful brass vessel. Again it’s good, but not complete. The complete is ocean like energy and perfect strong gold vessel. The system you carry body-mind, this whole thing is the vessel. And the energy available is a lifestyle. If you are struggling on your own, you have the energy of a small well where every day you have to dig out and then the water will slowly phsst, phsst, phsst, phsst, phsst… and then you have to take and use. You are living in a dry area. Or you may be living around just next to Ganga. The moment early morning you wake up, you don’t have to do anything, She is gushing seven to nine! Pravaha! Even otherwise you see or not, She is gushing all around. You may be living in that kind of area, it’s up to you. 31:46 Listen. Listen now. In these two, energy availability and the vessel you carry: the pure will with which you are able to handle your hormonal gush without any support from any other technique, method, just the raw crude will with which you are able to handle your hormonal urge, torture, hormonal torture - that pure will decides the quality of the vessel you are carrying. That pure will is the material out of which the vessel you are carrying is made, this body and mind. Its ability, its capacity is a very important need for you to hold the energy how much ever it may be available. For all of you, you don’t have to worry about living near the well or Ganga you are already into this Jnana Sagara, the ocean of Amritattva! It's not just Ganga, it's a ocean made of Ganga. You don’t have to worry about the availability of the energy. Now you have to work only on the strength of the vessel. See, I can give you technique. As I said, Sadashiva gives beautifully, five beautiful way - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana. Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana.

34:08 Yes, with all these five if you make the vessel, it’ll be a good vessel. But the ability to manifest the power is dependent on your ability to handle your hormonal gush with your pure will. Sometimes the cookers come you see - copper bottom, the whole cooker may be different material, bottom will be copper so that you can save fuel. If I give the technique, all these five - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana. Mani means, yesterday I explained very clearly, each of this. All these five - Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana; even if I create your vessel with that, that will be like a aluminum cooker with a copper bottom, copper bottom. When you take the external support, it’ll only be the aluminum component. Your pure will, that decides the quality of the vessel you are going to be made. If you can handle just with your raw, crude pure will without the support of any technique, method, your hormonal gush, your hormonal urge, your hormonal torture, if you are able to handle it - you just become gold vessel. You become gold vessel.

36:19 I tell you, that will, that will decides that kind of power you’ll radiate, manifest. See, whether it is mud pot or gold pot - energy is same. Enlightenment you will have it. The moment I decided I will give the enlightenment. But, if the vessel is strong, it can manifest tons of powers. Just having is not the goal. Radiating is the goal. Not just having, but radiating. The pure, raw, crude, street smart will; if you can handle your Vata, Pitta, Kapha imbalance and the hormonal gush and hormonal urge, hormonal torture with your pure, raw, crude, street smart will, not only you will have enlightenment energy, you will manifest all the powers of Sadashiva. You will manifest all the powers of Sadashiva. Your raw will’s ability to withstand the hormonal gush and hormonal urge and hormonal torture and Vata, Pitta, Kapha imbalances is called Virya (वीर्य, Vīrya)! Understand, Virya means the powerfulness which comes by handling, facing your Vata, Pitta, Kapha and hormonal imbalances through the raw will, just with will power, without the help and assistance of any method, technique like Mani, Mantra, Aushadha, Siddhi, Bhavana.

39:10 Bhavana means attitudes. Understand, the pure will makes the vessel powerful, not only hold but to radiate enlightenment. If you just through technique made the brahmacharya possible, it is like a wooden piece reflecting the sun, but just with pure will without any assistance of the technique, if you have mastered, that is like a mirror reflecting the sun. Mirror also holds the sun. Wood, wooden piece also holds the sun. When the wooden piece holds the sun, it is useful for whom? Nobody! Even wooden piece forgets it’s holding the sun. But when the mirror holds the sun, it’s useful for him and the whole world. Pure will is the mercury applied on the mirror, on the glass. Your ability to stand the dosha imbalances and the hormonal urge, gush, torture is called Virya. That powerfulness is Virya. There is one more beautiful technical term in this Upanishad - “Pratibodha.” I’ll expand on it further, in the further satsangs.

41:50 I wanted you all to continue to have Vakyartha Sadas today on these two words “Amritattva” and “Virya.” At least one week you guys should be having the Vakyartha Sadas on this subject Virya. Today I have given a very precise definitions. This satsang should be the repeat satsangs. Whenever there are recorded satsangs, it should be watched two-three times and internalised. I wanted the Vakyartha Sadas on Amritattva and Virya, these two word. So please have Vakyartha Sadas on these two words.

Today is 31st August, Malaysia’s 59th Independence Day. Blessings to all the Malaysians. God bless Malaysia. Let Sadashiva bless Malaysia. Let the Malaysia emerge as powerful new generation, powerful new generation living, radiating enlightenment to the world. So, my blessings to all of you.

Let you radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful. 43:47


Be Your Boss - Put Time, Energy and Life in What You Do!


During the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31 July, one participant asks Swamiji whether or not to continue working on projects which she picked up from a space of incompletion. As Swamiji explains why and how she can continue working on these projects, he goes into the topic ‘be your own boss’. Beautifully he expands on the value of being your own boss, where we put our time, energy and life into what we are doing. Only when we put our time, energy and life, we find fulfilment in what we do and success and completion happen in our lives. A must see for everyone working for themselves and working for someone else - this video will give you all the inspiration you need to pick up the 2 year project of building your own business, like Swamiji proposes - or to continue building the business you already have.

Video Audio


Go ahead... (0:15) Question: Swami, in yesterday’s session, one of the things I realized was that a lot of the projects that I’m working on right now, were things that I started because there was just a lot of pain in me that I didn’t want to deal with. So to just get rid of that I started this. But I actually like working on the projects. Should I stop working on these? (0:35) No,no,no,no no.You should not stop working. You should complete the pains from which you are trying to run away. If you complete the pains, these projects will be more successful than what you think. See, if you do it with your ..if you do a project by putting your time, it will only be a …. like mathematics. If you do it by putting your energy along with time, it means you need to have energy. Now all your energy is caught in the incompletions and pains. Complete and put your energy into it. Then you will see it will come out as a art piece. If you put your life, it will come as your own extension. Please understand, whether your job, relationship, career, anything…anything... if you are giving only your time, you are a worker. I do not have one inch of respect for anybody who is working for somebody. Please understand, I am making a very blank, straightforward statement. “Be Your Boss”. Even if you think, even if you think, ‘no,no,no, I am working already for 25 years, how can I give up my job?’. Take this as a 2 year project. Within 2 years, you will do the transition and become your boss. Be Your Boss. I tell you, after you leave the body, you will understand how much consciously you have grown by being your boss. Please understand, only to the people whom you are serving, your clients, your customers, whom you are enriching should be your boss. Be Your Boss. I tell you, consciously you will be complete about life. If you are working for somebody, you will learn only one thing – to give your time. You will never learn the taste and joy of what it is to give your energy along with your time. You will give your energy along with your time only if you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary. If you are going to be the ultimate beneficiary, only then you will put your energy into your time. Otherwise, that 9-5, giving your time for something, but not giving your energy or life to it is the most prolonged, most painful suicide possible.


Be Your Boss. You will learn. You will be inspired to give your energy to your time, anything you do. Then, you will learn how to give your life to what you are doing, to your time and energy. Understand, the senior devotees and disciples, they know , day in and day out, this Rajya Sabha is a witness, this land is a witness. 2001 I started my public life. Now it is 2016. Day in and day out, 20 hours a day, I am doing this same job. Never I felt tired or bored even once, ‘what am I doing?’, because I have put my energy and my life into what I am doing. (4:58) I don’t know how many thousands of times I explained unclutching and completion. You will not, if you see the recording of me talking about unclutching and completion in 2002 and 2016, you will not find a single word missing. It will only be getting added. Understand, if you are in a mechanism where you put your energy and life into your time, you will be fulfilled in your life. If you are putting your energy into your work to the level your seniors can handle you, they are ok. But if you are putting your life into your work where they feel threatened, it is not ok. That is why I am telling you; take up this as a 2 year project in your life. If you are working for somebody, decide, in next 2 years, I will become my boss. And, it will really , really make you put your energy and your life into what you are doing. Not only you will have success, you will have completion. You will have fulfillment. I tell you, deep self doubt only makes you work for others. Either you spend your life to fulfill your dreams or somebody will hire you to fulfill theirs. And when you are fulfilling somebody else’s dream, you will become naturally cunning to separate your energy and your time. That is why, the 9-5 is only time for you, not life. How many of you feel the 9-5 is only time for you, not life? That’s all! You know now. (7:26) No! That is the worst crime you are doing against yourself. Do not separate, do not be in the structure, do not be in a mechanism where your life and energy is separated from your time. People come and tell me, “Time is money, Swamiji”. “Fool! Time is life! What are you talking? The lie you have been taught by the bosses is – “time is money”. No! time is life. Don’t be under anybody. I tell you, first few months it may be a struggle. That is why I am saying, take 2 years as a transition period, means, do some startup and stabilize it. And put… see ...when something is yours, you will put actually your time, energy, life into it. Then slowly, you will get the confidence- the self doubt will melt down. “Yes! I can sit on this throne! Because the throne is built by me! It’s mine. I can sit on it”. Your energy, life and time will become one in that. Then naturally you can move from working for somebody to being for yourself. (9:03) I tell you, in the modern day, working for somebody is the worst crime you will do to yourself. Do not do that crime. Do not abuse yourself by working for somebody. Take this as a project and make it maybe in one year or two year. You will feel blessed that you lived your life. And I tell you, in the modern day, there are millions, billions of opportunities. Do what you like. Complete and free all your energies from your incompletion. And put your energy into your time. Naturally, your life will flow towards it. You will be successful. You will be celebrating what you are doing. What you are doing will celebrate you. You just celebrating your art is success. If your art celebrates you, that is completion. (10:21) Understand, micromanaging your innerspace is enlightenment, micromanaging your outer space is success. Both will happen to you if you are in a mechanism where your time and energy is not separated. I tell you, even the people who hire you, if you put too much of energy and life into what you are doing which they are not able to comprehend, they will feel threatened. Your great work, your boss will feel threatened because that is the whole setup of hiring and firing mechanism...hiring and firing mechanism. I tell you, take up this one truth in your life. I am hundred percent guarantee,hundred percent sure you will only appreciate Me for giving you this advice. Never you will blame Me. I have seen this in thousands and thousands of lives. When people merge their energy, life into their time, see, when you are doing something on your own, when you are your boss, you are forced by yourself to merge your energy, life and time but when you are working for somebody, you are not forced. And you cunningly develop such a logical reasons to convince your boss, you know how to manage him and people do PhD, how to draw salary without working. I have seen. I have seen; how to manage your job, continue to get bonus, salary and never doing any work. In that way, you are not just cheating your boss, your life becomes piece-piece. The energy is separated from time. Energy is separated from life. Then you feel your life is just..poor are those who feel 9-5 is only their time, not life. (13:14) I will not classify poverty based on the zeroes they have in their bank. Poor are those who feel 9-5 is their time, not life. 24 hours should be your life. It should not be separated as time- time plus energy, time plus life plus energy. (13:49) So how many of you understand what I am sharing now? So, how many of you feel really you are going to take this up very seriously for next 2 years project? In next 2 years I will be my boss - whoever feels, raise your hand. Come on... My blessings, you will all be successful. You will all be successful. Blessings Ma.


What is the secret to attracting wealth?


In this short video, taken from the Q&A session of Conquering Life on 31 July 2016, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares one important secret about wealth. He just touches it and raises our curiosity. But he explains - the topic is too vast to handle in just this Q&A. He will be giving a two day workshop explicitly on the topic of wealth on 27 and 28 August: Secrets of Attracting Wealth.

Video Audio

Photos From The Day:

Conquering Life Workshop Day-2

Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 - Temples, Ashrams and Centers around the world. Conquering Life Global Workshop - Day 2 - Temples, Ashrams and Centers around the world. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_7968_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-31st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_7975_bengaluru-aadheenam-conquering-life-day2-swamiji.jpg

The Third Eye Demo by Nithyananda Gurukul

The Third Eye Demo by Nithyananda Gurukul amazed and inspired all the viewers - one IA graduate was there to show how adults are also successful with the initiation given by His Holiness. Third Eye Demo

Photos Of The Day:





Photos Of The Day:
