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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, is the visionary through whom this whole revival of [[KAILASA]] is made possible. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) engaged with delegates from around the world during the second day of the online [[Nithya Dhyan Yoga]] Program. In all four videos, The SPH guides the delegates with the powerful teaching of the [[Science of Completion]] instructing them how to break their root patterns and clear all their incompletions. During this process He initiated all delegates into a [[Kriya]], a yogic technique to awaken the kundalini shakti that melts away all powerlessness from any incompletions.
Also today, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism celebrated [[Dwajarohanam]], by hoisting the Nithyandotsava flag. A delegate shared about the [[Bhagavad Gita Decoded]] Book by SPH, and how it gives direct solutions for any situation in today’s world.
==Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 1 || NDY ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDhLBJIaPlQ&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-19_the-science-of-completion-part-1-ndy"/>
Seven O'clock, shall we start? If you are able to see Me, hear Me, please wave your hands. Manhattan, I think Manhattan is not able to see Ma. Los Angeles, Los Angeles also is not able to hear Ma. Slovakia? Yes, great!  El Paso, Texas? Charlotte? Yes. Toronto? Yes. Ohio? Great! Seattle? Great! Phoenix? Great! Springs, Texas? Great!
Alright. Now first let us start today, spending few minutes in the completion process. Listen. Completion is a technique, process. Only after you practice few times you will have a handle over it. You will be able to catch it, you will be able to get the knack of it. But the moment you get the knack, so much, so much will be cleansed, cleaned, purified, it will be just unimaginable.  It will be just unimaginable. So, let's start. Let us start. Please pick up the mirror and sit straight. Please pickup your mirror, sit straight, center yourself on your eyes. Center yourself on your eyes.
Music played.
Start re-living. Forget your present identity, go back to the same past when the root incidents started in your life, when the patterns started developing in your life.  Re-live, re-live, relieve. (music)
Do completion, sincerely, intensely. Re-live with tremendous sincerity. My blessings. Let everyone achieve completion.
Please settle down. (music)
Any questions you have about all the truths I have introduced in your life, like completion, incompletion, the inner image, outer image, life image, others image, anything, any question you have on these truths. How to apply them or anything you can send your questions now. I will answer your questions. (music)
HDH: Please go ahead. Whoever is in Bidadi, you can come to the mic directly and ask your questions. I will answer.
Participant: I...I wanted to know if the incompletions are only of this life? Or can it be from other lives?
HDH: Oh, actually, incompletions do come even from the past life. They do come even from past life but through this completion process you can even melt them and complete with them. It is possible.
Participant: Okay. So, it is not necessary to remember that?
HDH: Yes, sometimes you may not remember the incident, only the incompletion, even by reliving that you can complete it.
Participant: Okay. Thank you.
HDH: Yes. Jnanatma, even yesterday's questions you can read out, I will answer.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: We have a question from Isabel from Manhattan. How do we release the incompletions from our lives, causing all current blockages to dissipate?
HDH: First thing, releasing incompletions happen through so many ways. One, practicing completion every night before going to bed. Please understand. Before going to bed and immediately after waking up from the bed whatever you do becomes part of your deeper consciousness, your bio memory. Before going to bed, before falling asleep your bio memory and muscle memory is available for you to consciously program them. So, if you practice completion at that time, whole night you will be releasing many of the incompletions, you will be completing many of the incompletions, even in the dream. All the current blockages will dissipate. All the current blockages will dissipate. So, please understand. Practicing completion before going to bed is the most important thing.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from San Jose, Gilberto. Dear Swamiji, what if, when you are focusing on your particular incompletion, it brings up other incidents that happened at that particular time.
HDH:  Yes.  Even when other incidents come up complete with them also. First finish completing with this incident. Then one by one pick up the other incidents also and complete them.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from  Artemis Escos from Manhattan centre. Thank you for changing my life. Your volume on bliss bite changed my life in such a bright way. Today, I am asking for guidance in my music career. I need help starting off. I don't know why I make myself lazy. I don't know why I have been keeping myself back. I no longer want to feel like this. Please guide me and give me clarity as to what I need to do. Thank you for listening.
HDH:  Artemis, first  thing, the earlier failures develop  as a kind of a fear pattern in you.  Fear about life only causes laziness. Complete with some of the earlier failure patterns, past failure patterns.  You will get out of this lazy pattern. My blessings. You will be successful. I am with you. Blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is also from Alfred from San Jose. In addition to my first question, I just want to add that I have a hard time when I make a plan and it does not come to fruition. It causes a sense of anxiety and panic in me. Do you have any insight in order to complete?
HDH: Again, the whole thing is just incompletion. Pick up your root incidents, when the incompletion started building in you and complete. If you can, better try to come to Inner Awakening so that you will be able to complete with all your root patterns.  Inner awakening will just transform you and get you out of this problem. And don't think, “Oh I have this obstruction. I don't have time. I don't have money.” Just decide, “I will make it happen.” You will have money. You will have time. Everything will happen. Come to the next Inner Awakening. You will get out of this problem. I commit with you.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Amruta from San Jose. Dear Swamiji, how do I remove guilt? How do I live free of obligations especially it’s regard to the help that people offered me when I needed it. They made me feel ashamed of my vulnerability.
HDH:  See, first thing, anybody helps, at that moment they open their heart.  After that moment, they may become closed, demanding, expecting and all that. But at that moment, when they make the decision to help they are God. So all help comes only from God. After the help they might have lost that Godhood. So, you don't have to feel guilty for that. And I also wanted to add one more thing, same way, you should be grateful to their God side. And many time because you don't want to be grateful, you don't want to be responding to them with love, you create this mess. So be very clear, when somebody supported, at that moment they are God. It means they have the God side in them and decide to respect, revere the God side in them.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question we have from Bryan from the Ohio Prayag centre. In my current relationship my partner was unfaithful. I have tried to accept it and let it go because I care so much for her.  Sometimes as we are enjoying time together it comes to my mind and I get a sickness in my stomach. How did I attract unfaithfulness into my relationship, when it was something I never expected? The other question is how can I let it go once and for all so this doesn’t come back up constantly and destroy my relationship going forward and make me have hatred towards her.
HDH: Bryan, first thing, look in and complete the constant doubt you carry about you. You might have given kind of a insecurity to her without even being aware. So complete inside you the doubt you have about you. You will become authentic being. You will give her that feeling of authentic security. You will simply be able to let go this past and create the new future for you and for her. My blessings.
==Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 2 || NDY ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUT0ui1TDB8&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-19-01_the-science-of-completion-part-2-ndy"/>
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Los Angeles, Aileen. “Can you explain more why the gap between others image and life image results in self-denial? Thank you.”
HDH:  See, others image means what you expect from others. Life, see, listen, listen, sorry.  Amrita, you are able to hear? Who put this question? Aileen. Aileen, are you able to hear? Yes. Great! Please listen. Others image means what others expect from you. How your brother wants you? How your mother wants you? How your father wants you? How your sister wants you? How everyone around you wants you? That is others image. Life image means how you feel life is, others are. I can give you this example. You feel everyone around you should understand you, accept you and transform as you want. Even you expecting they should undust you, understand you and accept you is the transformation you expect in them. But all of them feel you should change as they want. It is like a unnegotiable gap. You expect others... if you are spending four hours a day for others, you expect it should reduce to half an hour to one hour. But others are expecting it should increase to eight hours to nine hours. 😊
Life goes on in this tug of war. I am talking about one example - time. I can give you the example of love, or attention, or feelings, or responsiblism, anything. So, this tug of war goes on. When the gap is too much, when things become unnegotiable, you start denying it. You feel, “Oh God! it is impossible. I am not going to make it happen. It is not going to be made in my life. I am neither going to bridge the gap nor they are going to let me bridge. They are, the tune between me and them is not going to happen at all.” You give up. That is what I call self-denial. Aileen, you are able to get it? Aileen, you are able to get what I am saying? The definition of self denial? Alright. Next.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is, we have from Hong Kong, Sirkazhi center, Sui Li.  “Dear Swamiji, I have been continuously doing completion again and again. When an incompletion has gone for a while but after a while the pattern comes out again. For example, my hatred towards my son.  I always beat and scold him. Do completions, after I do completions it gets improved for a while but it comes out again.  Please guide me.”
HDH: Sui Li, first thing, maybe you are remembering not re-living. When you are doing completion, you may be sitting and remembering, not re-living. You need to forget the present, what you are now, who you are now and just disappear into the  past. Relive and relieve. Completion will happen completely. Completion will happen completely. So, maybe you need to remember, you need to understand, you should not be remembering while you’re completing. You should be re-living while you are completing.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from New York, Varanasi Morris plains center, Petra. “How do you know that your incompletion is fully completed? Second question: How do you know when to follow your desire?” Petra.
HDH: Petra, Morris plains. Petra. Yes. Great. Listen, listen. When your past is not making you powerless. See, whenever you remember your past also you don't feel powerless. You don't feel guilty. You don't feel fear. You don't feel anger. You don't feel suffocated. You don't feel restrained. Then it is complete. And there is no such thing as when to follow your desire. Always follow your desire. Just create enough energy to follow it; that's all. There is never a restriction that you should not follow your desire. Create enough energy to follow your desire. That's all. For whatever desire you are able to create energy, go with it. You can prioritize. That's all. Nothing else. Next.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Sudhakar in Los Angeles center. “Namaste Swamiji. How to prepare ourselves so that any incidents in future do not cause any incompletions?  What is the way to build upon inner energy and self-confidence?”
HDH:  That is, see, human beings constantly carry a kind of a shivering inside. You may be fifty, forty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, twenty five outside but inside still that shivering child is alive. First time when that child inside you started shivering, frightened at the age of four or five. That shivering child is still alive in you. Kill that child. That happens by spending at least few days on completion. Kill that child who is constantly shivering in you. That's the only way you will be out, you will be free from this problem, from this struggle, once for all. And you will be ready to face the life with confidence. You will be able to face the life with strengths.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Isabel from Manhattan center. Isabel, can you please wave our hands. Yeah.  Isabel is asking, “Swamiji, I am not happy with my outer image. How does it impact how others perceive me? I have suffered a lot and feel so much pain and fatigued. I have gotten your blessings to attend Inner Awakening I’m...and I am so blocked that I feel nothing works for me.”
HDH:  Now I will remove the block.  Don't worry, Isabel. You will be able to make it for Inner Awakening.  I know the problem you are mentioning, it is too big. I don't want to answer it, just in this one question. See, the immediate solution, for the time being I will give is do completion every day. And the permanent solution, as early as possible be here for Inner Awakening. I will remove all the obstacles and blockages. You will have, you will have time, money. You'll be able to make it happen. I will take care. Don't worry. And Inner Awakening is the permanent solution for you. It will solve it.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Liliana from New York, Varanasi, Morris plains. She is asking, “Dear Swamiji, requesting your blessings to attend the July inner awakening for me and for my daughter to do eN-genius. Thank you.”
HDH: Liliana, blessings. Tathastu. All the obstacles will be removed. You will be able to make it. I will take care.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Shahiba from Vancouver center. Shahiba is asking, “I used to have bad dreams almost every day, for the past few years. Shahiba can you please wave your hand? I used to have bad dreams almost every day for the past few years and I would wake up in awe, shock, fear and try to pacify myself. These dreams have minimized but I still have them every few days. When I wake up half of my, half of my energy has already been consumed. I become so consumed that I end up sleeping for ten to twelve hours and I end up over sleeping and missing important exams, meetings which then causes stress. Are these dreams fear of my consciousness which I need to work or do I just not have inner peace which make my mind wander and visualize scary nightmares?”
HDH:  Shahiba, the solution for the problem is before falling asleep every night at least ten to fifteen minutes do completion. Completion with all the incidents which started creating fear in your life from the young age. If you go back at the age of three, four, you would have had some incidents which started creating fears in your life. Complete with them. I guarantee you, within one week you will be out of this kind of nightmares; because completion before falling asleep is such powerful solution to heal your inner space. It will completely heal you. My blessings. You will be out of this problem.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: She is having one more question. “I was in a very bad state a month ago. I was in a numb state, depressed and taking  medication for it and had no desire for life. I have gotten better with time but I am scared for it to happen again. What if this time I actually give up and decide to self-harm?”
HDH: No, no don't worry. Do completion. You will not give up. You will not harm yourself. Do completion. I will take care.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Alejandra from Manhattan center. Alejandra, can you please wave your hands. Yeah.  Please be seated. Yes. She is asking, “I want to work through my incompletions. I want to listen. I want to be receptive. I want to be a part of all good energy around me, yet I feel at this moment I am stuck and blocked off from it all. I am staring at a wall. What can I do to drop this wall and really begin to start completion?”
HDH: Yes. Alejandra, first I am giving you My energy, support, blessings. From today you will be able to move towards completion. From today starting, without missing even one night, do completion at least fifteen to twenty minutes before falling asleep. I will take care. I will get you out of this mess. You will be able to do completion. You will achieve completion. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Isiane from Charlotte Srisailam center. Isiane is asking, “Dear Swamiji, I want to attend February inner awakening, wanted to be cured from prostate cancer, back pain. Also need blessings for money to happen.”
HDH: Tathastu. Isiane, Charlotte, My blessings. You will see money, time both happens. My blessings. You will be healed, cured from the cancer and back pain and whatever money did not happen, the part and parcel, don't worry. I will see to it you are provided scholarship. Please be here. Please be here. Attend the inner awakening. And I will see to it you are completely healed and cured. And you are happily living. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from San Jose center, Srinivas. Srinivas is asking, “How do I deal with someone whom I give so much love, tries to control me all the time. She becomes happy only when I don't do certain things which does not have any impact on her. I am okay to do everything to her but when I do to certain things for me, she doesn't want me to do that which I feel is controlling. How do I make others give me my freedom, so that we both can be happy?”
HDH:  Srinivas, this is one of the important problem in the relationship. The first thing you need to do, analyze, where exactly she is controlling you and where you feel controlled.  See, there are some time she will be actually controlling you but you will not feel you are being controlled. There are sometimes, she will only utter a word, she is going to do something, you will feel you are controlled. You need to know where your fake-feeling of being controlled makes you powerless and actual control, the factual controlling is happening. That will solve fifty percent of the problem. Second, sitting with the other person and completing with that person. Making the other person understand, you are not going to enter into that person's boundary.  You are here to completely support the other person to be blissful, active, happy, live, living, excited.  Giving the other person a verbal, visual completion commitment. You may be thinking “No, no, she is living with me for so many years by now she should know, I love her and I help her for completion and her happiness.” No, people don't. You need to verbally sit and talk it out.  Tell them. That is what I call completion with others. I think it will be nice if you can come for one Inner Awakening. That will teach you how to do completion with others step by step. Step by step. See, two thing here. First, find out where factually you are being controlled and fant…... where you get frightened you are being controlled. This analysis will take away fifty percent of your fears. And the remaining little bit, you can work with her, complete with her and you will be out of this problem.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Los Angeles Center, Sundari. Sundari is asking, “Dear Swamiji, I realised a lot of my cognition throughout my life was based on me versus not me. In my cognition not me is dangerous, hurtful and separate from me. In that process of doing completions, I realized that this cognition will not work anymore and in fact has never worked. How do I relate to the world now? I think I know the answer intellectually but I don't know experientially the new way of relating to world and life. Thank you.”
HDH: Please understand. Whatever you think you know intellectually and unable to relate, is what I call incompletion. Now, you need to find, spend little time on yourself and find when you started building this pattern of knowing something is right and not practicing it, not living it. You may know morning yoga is good but you don't wake up and do.  This would have started in your life, young age. Find those few incidents and complete them. Suddenly you will wake up to live what you think as right as life. It is just a pattern, thinking in one style and living in another one style. Constantly thinking I will wake up and build my life blissfully and constantly not doing it. Next.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  The next question is from Edwin from Ecuador center.
HDH:  Go ahead.
Ma Jnanatma Swami:  Edwin, can you please wave your hands? Yes yes.  Edwin is asking, “I feel inferior to everyone else. How can I complete if I don't remember the situation when I started feeling inferior?”
HDH: So, you, you can just sit even with that feeling that I am inferior, inferior, inferior and go through that feeling of inferior and fear. Re-live it. You will see it will melt down.
==Video and Audio -  The Science of Completion || Part 3 || NDY ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JCl1qEWn_Y&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-19_the-science-of-completion-part-3-ndy"/>
Questions Session
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Manhattan Center Justine. Justine, can you please wave your hands? Justine is asking: “I have trouble maintaining my focus in reliving situations when looking in the mirror, I just keep looking into my left eye, wishing I would just wake up already. I am not sure if I am unwilling to face the incidents or I have already done enough to complete and let go? I decided to come to Inner awakening, but how can you help me if I don't, if  I am not able to help myself? Do I have to believe in this for it to work?”
HDH: Justine, I can help you by making you understand ‘you can help you’. Understand? The feeling and the idea you have now ‘you can’t help yourself’ is a wrong pattern. I can help you by removing that pattern and making you understand you can help yourself. That's the way I can help you.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Phoenix Center, Karen. Karen is asking: “Swamiji, I have a difficult time getting into the reliving space of feeling the past experience. Can you please help me with this? I remember but I seem to be blocking in the feeling level.”
HDH: So, please understand, in the beginning when you start practising completion all this is a usual problem because with completion your mind will lose power over you. You will become a new being which your mind does not want. So it’ill create all possible obstructions, difficulties. Try just for few more days. You’ll get that knack and My blessings and support you will get it and you will win. Blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Hong Kong Centers, Yu Lay: “Swamiji, please bless my whole family, husband and son to come to Inner Awakening this year. Bless us to have money.’
HDH: Blessings. My blessings. All the obstacles will be removed, you will be able to make it. My blessings. Your family will be able to make it for Inner Awakening. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Calgary Center, Kim: “Swamiji, I think I'm still missing some root patterns. When I try to remember things from my childhood, I have so few memories, nothing comes up. How can I access the memories that I don't recall?”
HDH: Kim, don't worry, whatever you dont recall it is good, thou-- they don't have any power over you. They are lost. It is good for you. Whatever you remember, complete only with them. That's enough. Nothing else is required. So you can just complete with what you remember. What you forgot is good for you, you don't have to remember about them. Blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Hong Kong Center, Vivian: “My husband is facing severe financial challenges, both of us are very stressful. What should I do?”
HDH: I understand Vivian. My blessings and support. Now, My blessings. You will get out of this problem. Your family will get out of this stress and I will see to it, you come out of this stress and financial crises and your life becomes smooth, happy, blissful, abundant.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Danny, from Los Angeles Center, Danny. Danny is asking: “Swamiji, can I receive your blessings to attend Inner Awakening in Kailash?”
HDH: Actually, we are not going to have Inner Awakening in Kailash. We are only going to have a Shivoham Program. Means few days of that Shivoham experience will be done in Kailash. Inner Awakening itself is not going to be done physically in Kailash. So please attend the Inner Awakening which is happening in Bidadi or Kashi which is also Kailash. Blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Raphael from Manhattan Center. Raphael can you please wave your hands? Raphael is asking: “I used to have a recurring nightmare when I was a child for about one to two or maybe three years. What did it mean? Was it a trauma I had but I don’t remember?”
HDH: Yes! No, it was a trauma from the past birth. It was a trauma from the past birth. So, I think it'll be really nice if you can attend an Inner Awakening because in the Inner Awakening we have ‘Completion with past birth patterns’. In that session you may release those trauma and be free from it. So that it will not repeat in your life. It’ll not repeat in your real life. You will be free from this trauma. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from the San Jose Center, Mina Saloun. She's asking: “Swamiji I found the exact incident when the first time I fell away from Advaita as a child. During reliving I connected with the concept of going back to Advaita but in everyday life I find it difficult to stay in Advaita. How do I get it over? Is it maintaining extreme infinite integrity that I won't fall from Advaita, meaning no anger, no fear? How much can I control this from mind? How much body is involved?”
HDH: Mina, don't bother about any of this extreme integrity like ah ‘no anger, no fear, no how do I control the mind’, don't bother. Just as much as possible repeat “Shivoham”. Take it as a Mantra. I give this as a Mantra to you: “Shivoham”. Every time you inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, go on, be repeating “Shivoham”. That will prepare enough strength in you. You will never fall out of this uh anger, fear or you will never fall into that, those powerlessness. Understand, don't plan to control your anger, fear and all. That is a wrong decision. That is like a directly you trying to control the Bull in front of it. No. Just hold the tail, and tight. Understand? Which is far more easier, less riskier. So, “Shivoham”. Go on chanting “Shivoham”. That’s the best thing. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: She is also requestings healing. She’s saying: “I’ve had one zero five heart rate for the last month, please help me by healing it.”
HDH: My blessings.within twenty four hours it'll come to normal, My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Sudhakar from Los Angeles Center. Sudhakar is saying: “Namaste Swamiji. I am undergoing a lot of stress in my marital life. Please bless our family so that we are always with love, affection and peace of mind. Please also bless my wife so as to get a chance to participate in this program immediately.
HDH: My blessings. Start doing completion within you. My blessings. I'll bring peace in your life and in her life. Both of you will live a happy, married life. My blessings. I'll do it.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Morris Plain Center, Petra. “Seeing persons suffer creates pain in us. How to help someone who doesn't want to be helped?”
HDH: Morris Plains Petra. See, when somebody doesn't want to be helped, nothing can be done. You should drop your attachment with him or her, that, that person should be out of suffering. Maybe he is enjoying that. What can be done? He's enjoying the suffering. What can be done? Hmm?
Ma Jnanatma Swami: Next question is from Manhattan Center, Ayelet, Ayelet is asking... Ayelet from Manhattan, please wave your hands. Ayelet is asking: “I feel incompletions that come from my throat chakra such as comparison for example. I feel as though I have done the completion process many, many times around this one topic. Yet, it still exist. I remember that you said: ‘If I can't remember as a memory then the incompletion doesn’t exist. Is there something that I’m doing wrong? Is there something more I can be, I can be doing?’
HDH: Maybe you have brought some trauma from the past birth Ma. Mmmh? It’ll be really wonderful if you can make it for an Inner Awakening or if you already done an Inner Awakening. Do that past birth regression, that process. Where you enter into the chosen animal body and release the incompletions. So, please do that process, for next eleven days. You will see, you will get out of this incompletions. My blessings Ma. I am with you. Ayelet, you will get out of this incompletions. I'll heal you. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: Next question is from Manhattan Center again Evy Siscos: “I feel as though no matter how much completion I do, I can't let certain things go. Even though I recognise them as my patterns it is very difficult. Why is this and what can I do?’
HDH: Evy, don't worry at all. Just whatever you can let go, complete with them and what you can’t don’t worry, it’ll... once you know them as pattern, when they bring suffering to you, you will drop them. You may be holding on when they don’t bring suffering but the moment they bring suffering, I tell you simply you will let them go. Just have the knowledge ‘they are your patterns’. That's enough. See, life is nothing but a bargain, ma. You understand? You, as on now you believe those patterns bring some good things to you but when you understand they bring suffering, immediately you will drop them. When the pot is hard your hands will drop automatically 😃 If your hands are not dropping, the pot is not yet become that hot; that's all. So remember, it is going to get hot at one time, you will see, simply you will drop it when it is required 😃 So, My blessings. Soon the pot will become hot and you will drop it. My blessings. 😃 I am with you.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Hong Kong Center, Vivianne: “We are a part of each other “Oneness”. I’m not able to open myself to other people. What is the reason? Dear Swamiji, please guide me.”
HDH: Vivianne, are you able to listen? Vivianne, can you wave your hands? Yes. Understand, from today, for next eleven days meditate on this one statement I am telling you: ‘I love you’. Go on remembering: Why did Swamiji tell “I love you?” Why did Swamiji tell “I love you?”. Why did Swamiji tell “I love you”? What have I done to him, for him to declare I, He loves me? Go on contemplating. I'll open you up and make you experience Oneness with “Whole”. My blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question it’s from San Jose Center, Prasanna Ramachandran, “Dear Swamiji, fear of public speaking and facing interviews seems to be my biggest inhibition. What is the best completion technique? Especially before a big day? Thank you.”
HDH: Prasanna, just remember, you are blessed to have an incarnation as your Guru and now I am declaring: “I’ll be in your tongue as a Saraswati, in your body language as a Durga and do the job.” Just take this blessings as a strength, go and do, you will have Lakshmi. I'll take care. 😃 Prasanna, rem,- remember, My words can't go waste. My words can't go waste. My blessings can't go waste, I have proved this in your life many times. So, go with that confidence, that's enough. 😃
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Monique Tari, from Manhattan Center. Monique can you please wave your hand? Monique is asking: “How do I know these practices are working? I find, when I look in my mirror my mind wanders as opposed to when I meditate, my eyes are closed. I can remember incidents more clearly.”
HDH: Monique, just practise for next one week, you will see so much of completion, relief, stressfree-ness and happiness. You will simply understand, these techniques work. That's all. You don't have to believe that statement ‘Apple is tasty’. Have a bite. You will know. 
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Amrita from San Jose. She's asking: ‘How do I always remember these ultimate truths and take decisions based on them?’
HDH: Amrita, see, more and more listening to satsang, whenever you find time, you know I have tonnes of satsangs in the Youtube and they are really so much of jokes, stories, fun. It is not even education. It is edutainment and entrainment. It is not even education or training, it's edutainment and entrainment. Enjoy them, you will see, simply they go and settle down in your being and you take the decisions based on that cognition. That's all.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from John, sorry the next question is from Ljubomir from Slovakia Center. Ljubomir Hetus from Slovakia, he's asking: “I can't relive the incidents, maybe I have fear?”
HDH: Then relive the fear. Ljubomir. Live, relive the fear. That’s all. Relive the fear. It'll become alright. That's all.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: John from Manhattan Center is asking: “How do I focus on completion? I get bored and lose focus too easily.” John, can you please wave your hands?’
HDH: John Shimron, see even losing focus is a one more pattern. Dig that and complete. In few days it’ll become alright. Losing focus is also one more pattern, complete with that it'll, it'll simply melt down. Blessings.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question we have is from Spring Texas Center. Poornima is asking, ’Nithyanadam Swamiji, I want you to bless me removing all my patterns of incompletion. I wanna sell this house and go live near Houston Temple. So I want this to sell faster and get one [house] based on vedic architecture.’
HDH: Tathastu. Tathastu. Ma it’ll happen within next 48 days and don’t sell that mandapam you have, with where you kept My picture. Keep that altar with you, that altar looks very nice. 😃 I am with you. Tathastu.
Ma Jnanatma Swami: He is also asking : I'm planning to open a Naturo Cafe near the Houston Temple
HDH: Blessings. You will be successful. It'll really be successful. Blessings, do it. Blessings.
So with this, let's gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.
==Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 4 || NDY==
Health warning: This kriya technique is not for heart patients, people with high blood pressure, people with heart conditions, people who just had surgery, & people suspected pregnant or is pregnant.
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides his delegates through the science of completion with an initiation into Kriya (a yogic process to awaken the kundalini shakti) to complete many root patterns. Find out how He guides the delegates into a step-by-step Kriya technique which can melt away powerlessness, complete all incompletions, and awaken the kundalini shakti.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFSBIK8PlRM&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-19_the-science-of-completion-part-4-ndy"/>
“If you are able to hear Me and see Me please wave your hands!”
Great! Now I am going to initiate all of you into a Kriya. Kriya means a process, yogic process to awaken your inner potential energy, “Kundalini Shakti”, to awaken your Bio-Energy which will complete many of your patterns, incompletions. Many of your powerlessness will start melting down. Many of your patterns will start melting down. Many of your incompletions will melt down.
First thing I want to tell you, if you have high blood pressure, if you are a heart patient, you have any heart conditions and recently you had a hernia surgery, if you are pregnant or think you are pregnant, you won’t do this Kriya now.
It’s a very beautiful, powerful Kriya. Step by step I will guide you. Step by step I will guide you.
First step, please listen. Tie the ribbon; listen, listen first, then you can do. Then inhale through the left as deeply as possible - like this (Swamiji demonstrates...), then exhale through the right, again inhale through the right and exhale through the left.
Do this, inhale and exhale, and inhale and exhale for next few minutes... but do it comfortably, don’t hold the breath inside; just inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling. Do it comfortably.
Please tie the ribbon and start doing.
(The process starts...)
Move to the next step. Open your eyes and receive the instruction.
Listen, fold your tongue like a tube. I will show you (Swamiji demonstrates...) Inhale through the tongue, just swallow the air, whatever is remaining, exhale through the nostril. I will show you (Swamiji demonstrates...) Inhaling through the tongue, swallow the air and whatever is remaining, exhale through the nostril. Please tie the ribbon. Start the process.
(The process starts...)
You can open your eyes. Learn the next step. Please listen, listen, I will start the instruction.
Inhale through left, hold as long as you can comfortably. Without exhaling inhale again through the right, hold as long as you can comfortably, then inhale through both, hold, then slowly exhale through left.
I will repeat. Inhale through left, hold as long as you can comfortably; then again without exhaling, inhale through right, hold as long as you can comfortably, then without inhaling, inhale through both, hold as long as you can comfortably, then exhale through left.
During this process, automatically your body will exhale little bit, that is okay. You do not do it wilfully. Do this very smoothly, comfortably.
Please tie the ribbon. Start the process.
(The process starts…)
This will awaken your Kundalini Shakti.
You can open your eyes.
If you can do this Kriya every morning, it will help you to complete with all the incompletions and awaken your Kundalini Shakti.
With this, let’s gather for next session.
Thank you.
Be blissful.
Nithyananda Times - 19th January, 2015
The Science Of Completion || Part 5 || Nithya Dhyan Yoga || 19 January 2015
==Link to Video:==
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All the two way online centers, Charlotte - Srisailam, Calgary - Amarnath, El Paso- Texas, Grasse- France, Hong Kong -Seerkazhi,  Koshite -Slovakia, Mexico city, New York - Maurice Plains, New york- Manhattan, Los Angeles Temple, Ohio -Prayag, Phoenix- Kancheepuram, France -Kalighat, Quito-Ecuador, San Jose - Madurai, Seattle -Chidambaram, Springs -Texas, Toronto, Vancouver - Bhuvaneshwar.
All of you please sit straight. Close your eyes. You will experience intense kundalini awakening and energy darshan now. Shiva…. Shiva, Shiva.
Music and song.
Requesting Swamiji to bless all the Inner Awakening intentions submitted  from all the centers including Bidadi. Requesting Swamiji to bless the intention and make everybody’s intention into reality.
The daily Video Magazine of Nithyananda Sangha
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==Nithyananda Times ==  
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=== Rudrabishekam  ===
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{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Rudrabishekam to the Nithyanandeshwara Linga in the Vaidhya Sarovar at Bidadi Adheenam|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9632_bidadi-vaidhyasarovar-rudrabishekam-arati.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299.785867237687|Rudrabishekam to the Nithyanandeshwara Linga in the Vaidhya Sarovar at Bidadi Adheenam|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9632_bidadi-vaidhyasarovar-rudrabishekam-arati.JPG}}
=== Nithya Dhyan Yoga ===
''' Nithya Dhyan Yoga '''
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Latest revision as of 22:27, 29 May 2021



The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, is the visionary through whom this whole revival of KAILASA is made possible. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) engaged with delegates from around the world during the second day of the online Nithya Dhyan Yoga Program. In all four videos, The SPH guides the delegates with the powerful teaching of the Science of Completion instructing them how to break their root patterns and clear all their incompletions. During this process He initiated all delegates into a Kriya, a yogic technique to awaken the kundalini shakti that melts away all powerlessness from any incompletions.

Also today, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism celebrated Dwajarohanam, by hoisting the Nithyandotsava flag. A delegate shared about the Bhagavad Gita Decoded Book by SPH, and how it gives direct solutions for any situation in today’s world.

Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 1 || NDY

Video Audio



Seven O'clock, shall we start? If you are able to see Me, hear Me, please wave your hands. Manhattan, I think Manhattan is not able to see Ma. Los Angeles, Los Angeles also is not able to hear Ma. Slovakia? Yes, great! El Paso, Texas? Charlotte? Yes. Toronto? Yes. Ohio? Great! Seattle? Great! Phoenix? Great! Springs, Texas? Great!


Alright. Now first let us start today, spending few minutes in the completion process. Listen. Completion is a technique, process. Only after you practice few times you will have a handle over it. You will be able to catch it, you will be able to get the knack of it. But the moment you get the knack, so much, so much will be cleansed, cleaned, purified, it will be just unimaginable. It will be just unimaginable. So, let's start. Let us start. Please pick up the mirror and sit straight. Please pickup your mirror, sit straight, center yourself on your eyes. Center yourself on your eyes.


Music played.


Start re-living. Forget your present identity, go back to the same past when the root incidents started in your life, when the patterns started developing in your life. Re-live, re-live, relieve. (music)

Do completion, sincerely, intensely. Re-live with tremendous sincerity. My blessings. Let everyone achieve completion.


Please settle down. (music)


Any questions you have about all the truths I have introduced in your life, like completion, incompletion, the inner image, outer image, life image, others image, anything, any question you have on these truths. How to apply them or anything you can send your questions now. I will answer your questions. (music)


HDH: Please go ahead. Whoever is in Bidadi, you can come to the mic directly and ask your questions. I will answer.

Participant: I...I wanted to know if the incompletions are only of this life? Or can it be from other lives?

HDH: Oh, actually, incompletions do come even from the past life. They do come even from past life but through this completion process you can even melt them and complete with them. It is possible.

Participant: Okay. So, it is not necessary to remember that?

HDH: Yes, sometimes you may not remember the incident, only the incompletion, even by reliving that you can complete it.

Participant: Okay. Thank you.


HDH: Yes. Jnanatma, even yesterday's questions you can read out, I will answer.

Ma Jnanatma Swami: We have a question from Isabel from Manhattan. How do we release the incompletions from our lives, causing all current blockages to dissipate?

HDH: First thing, releasing incompletions happen through so many ways. One, practicing completion every night before going to bed. Please understand. Before going to bed and immediately after waking up from the bed whatever you do becomes part of your deeper consciousness, your bio memory. Before going to bed, before falling asleep your bio memory and muscle memory is available for you to consciously program them. So, if you practice completion at that time, whole night you will be releasing many of the incompletions, you will be completing many of the incompletions, even in the dream. All the current blockages will dissipate. All the current blockages will dissipate. So, please understand. Practicing completion before going to bed is the most important thing.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from San Jose, Gilberto. Dear Swamiji, what if, when you are focusing on your particular incompletion, it brings up other incidents that happened at that particular time.

HDH: Yes. Even when other incidents come up complete with them also. First finish completing with this incident. Then one by one pick up the other incidents also and complete them.

Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Artemis Escos from Manhattan centre. Thank you for changing my life. Your volume on bliss bite changed my life in such a bright way. Today, I am asking for guidance in my music career. I need help starting off. I don't know why I make myself lazy. I don't know why I have been keeping myself back. I no longer want to feel like this. Please guide me and give me clarity as to what I need to do. Thank you for listening.

HDH: Artemis, first thing, the earlier failures develop as a kind of a fear pattern in you. Fear about life only causes laziness. Complete with some of the earlier failure patterns, past failure patterns. You will get out of this lazy pattern. My blessings. You will be successful. I am with you. Blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is also from Alfred from San Jose. In addition to my first question, I just want to add that I have a hard time when I make a plan and it does not come to fruition. It causes a sense of anxiety and panic in me. Do you have any insight in order to complete?

HDH: Again, the whole thing is just incompletion. Pick up your root incidents, when the incompletion started building in you and complete. If you can, better try to come to Inner Awakening so that you will be able to complete with all your root patterns. Inner awakening will just transform you and get you out of this problem. And don't think, “Oh I have this obstruction. I don't have time. I don't have money.” Just decide, “I will make it happen.” You will have money. You will have time. Everything will happen. Come to the next Inner Awakening. You will get out of this problem. I commit with you.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Amruta from San Jose. Dear Swamiji, how do I remove guilt? How do I live free of obligations especially it’s regard to the help that people offered me when I needed it. They made me feel ashamed of my vulnerability.

HDH: See, first thing, anybody helps, at that moment they open their heart. After that moment, they may become closed, demanding, expecting and all that. But at that moment, when they make the decision to help they are God. So all help comes only from God. After the help they might have lost that Godhood. So, you don't have to feel guilty for that. And I also wanted to add one more thing, same way, you should be grateful to their God side. And many time because you don't want to be grateful, you don't want to be responding to them with love, you create this mess. So be very clear, when somebody supported, at that moment they are God. It means they have the God side in them and decide to respect, revere the God side in them.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question we have from Bryan from the Ohio Prayag centre. In my current relationship my partner was unfaithful. I have tried to accept it and let it go because I care so much for her. Sometimes as we are enjoying time together it comes to my mind and I get a sickness in my stomach. How did I attract unfaithfulness into my relationship, when it was something I never expected? The other question is how can I let it go once and for all so this doesn’t come back up constantly and destroy my relationship going forward and make me have hatred towards her.

HDH: Bryan, first thing, look in and complete the constant doubt you carry about you. You might have given kind of a insecurity to her without even being aware. So complete inside you the doubt you have about you. You will become authentic being. You will give her that feeling of authentic security. You will simply be able to let go this past and create the new future for you and for her. My blessings.


Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 2 || NDY

Video Audio



Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Los Angeles, Aileen. “Can you explain more why the gap between others image and life image results in self-denial? Thank you.”

HDH: See, others image means what you expect from others. Life, see, listen, listen, sorry. Amrita, you are able to hear? Who put this question? Aileen. Aileen, are you able to hear? Yes. Great! Please listen. Others image means what others expect from you. How your brother wants you? How your mother wants you? How your father wants you? How your sister wants you? How everyone around you wants you? That is others image. Life image means how you feel life is, others are. I can give you this example. You feel everyone around you should understand you, accept you and transform as you want. Even you expecting they should undust you, understand you and accept you is the transformation you expect in them. But all of them feel you should change as they want. It is like a unnegotiable gap. You expect others... if you are spending four hours a day for others, you expect it should reduce to half an hour to one hour. But others are expecting it should increase to eight hours to nine hours. 😊


Life goes on in this tug of war. I am talking about one example - time. I can give you the example of love, or attention, or feelings, or responsiblism, anything. So, this tug of war goes on. When the gap is too much, when things become unnegotiable, you start denying it. You feel, “Oh God! it is impossible. I am not going to make it happen. It is not going to be made in my life. I am neither going to bridge the gap nor they are going to let me bridge. They are, the tune between me and them is not going to happen at all.” You give up. That is what I call self-denial. Aileen, you are able to get it? Aileen, you are able to get what I am saying? The definition of self denial? Alright. Next.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is, we have from Hong Kong, Sirkazhi center, Sui Li. “Dear Swamiji, I have been continuously doing completion again and again. When an incompletion has gone for a while but after a while the pattern comes out again. For example, my hatred towards my son. I always beat and scold him. Do completions, after I do completions it gets improved for a while but it comes out again. Please guide me.”

HDH: Sui Li, first thing, maybe you are remembering not re-living. When you are doing completion, you may be sitting and remembering, not re-living. You need to forget the present, what you are now, who you are now and just disappear into the past. Relive and relieve. Completion will happen completely. Completion will happen completely. So, maybe you need to remember, you need to understand, you should not be remembering while you’re completing. You should be re-living while you are completing.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from New York, Varanasi Morris plains center, Petra. “How do you know that your incompletion is fully completed? Second question: How do you know when to follow your desire?” Petra.

HDH: Petra, Morris plains. Petra. Yes. Great. Listen, listen. When your past is not making you powerless. See, whenever you remember your past also you don't feel powerless. You don't feel guilty. You don't feel fear. You don't feel anger. You don't feel suffocated. You don't feel restrained. Then it is complete. And there is no such thing as when to follow your desire. Always follow your desire. Just create enough energy to follow it; that's all. There is never a restriction that you should not follow your desire. Create enough energy to follow your desire. That's all. For whatever desire you are able to create energy, go with it. You can prioritize. That's all. Nothing else. Next.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Sudhakar in Los Angeles center. “Namaste Swamiji. How to prepare ourselves so that any incidents in future do not cause any incompletions? What is the way to build upon inner energy and self-confidence?”

HDH: That is, see, human beings constantly carry a kind of a shivering inside. You may be fifty, forty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine, twenty five outside but inside still that shivering child is alive. First time when that child inside you started shivering, frightened at the age of four or five. That shivering child is still alive in you. Kill that child. That happens by spending at least few days on completion. Kill that child who is constantly shivering in you. That's the only way you will be out, you will be free from this problem, from this struggle, once for all. And you will be ready to face the life with confidence. You will be able to face the life with strengths.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Isabel from Manhattan center. Isabel, can you please wave our hands. Yeah. Isabel is asking, “Swamiji, I am not happy with my outer image. How does it impact how others perceive me? I have suffered a lot and feel so much pain and fatigued. I have gotten your blessings to attend Inner Awakening I’m...and I am so blocked that I feel nothing works for me.”

HDH: Now I will remove the block. Don't worry, Isabel. You will be able to make it for Inner Awakening. I know the problem you are mentioning, it is too big. I don't want to answer it, just in this one question. See, the immediate solution, for the time being I will give is do completion every day. And the permanent solution, as early as possible be here for Inner Awakening. I will remove all the obstacles and blockages. You will have, you will have time, money. You'll be able to make it happen. I will take care. Don't worry. And Inner Awakening is the permanent solution for you. It will solve it.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Liliana from New York, Varanasi, Morris plains. She is asking, “Dear Swamiji, requesting your blessings to attend the July inner awakening for me and for my daughter to do eN-genius. Thank you.”

HDH: Liliana, blessings. Tathastu. All the obstacles will be removed. You will be able to make it. I will take care.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Shahiba from Vancouver center. Shahiba is asking, “I used to have bad dreams almost every day, for the past few years. Shahiba can you please wave your hand? I used to have bad dreams almost every day for the past few years and I would wake up in awe, shock, fear and try to pacify myself. These dreams have minimized but I still have them every few days. When I wake up half of my, half of my energy has already been consumed. I become so consumed that I end up sleeping for ten to twelve hours and I end up over sleeping and missing important exams, meetings which then causes stress. Are these dreams fear of my consciousness which I need to work or do I just not have inner peace which make my mind wander and visualize scary nightmares?”

HDH: Shahiba, the solution for the problem is before falling asleep every night at least ten to fifteen minutes do completion. Completion with all the incidents which started creating fear in your life from the young age. If you go back at the age of three, four, you would have had some incidents which started creating fears in your life. Complete with them. I guarantee you, within one week you will be out of this kind of nightmares; because completion before falling asleep is such powerful solution to heal your inner space. It will completely heal you. My blessings. You will be out of this problem.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: She is having one more question. “I was in a very bad state a month ago. I was in a numb state, depressed and taking medication for it and had no desire for life. I have gotten better with time but I am scared for it to happen again. What if this time I actually give up and decide to self-harm?”

HDH: No, no don't worry. Do completion. You will not give up. You will not harm yourself. Do completion. I will take care.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Alejandra from Manhattan center. Alejandra, can you please wave your hands. Yeah. Please be seated. Yes. She is asking, “I want to work through my incompletions. I want to listen. I want to be receptive. I want to be a part of all good energy around me, yet I feel at this moment I am stuck and blocked off from it all. I am staring at a wall. What can I do to drop this wall and really begin to start completion?”

HDH: Yes. Alejandra, first I am giving you My energy, support, blessings. From today you will be able to move towards completion. From today starting, without missing even one night, do completion at least fifteen to twenty minutes before falling asleep. I will take care. I will get you out of this mess. You will be able to do completion. You will achieve completion. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Isiane from Charlotte Srisailam center. Isiane is asking, “Dear Swamiji, I want to attend February inner awakening, wanted to be cured from prostate cancer, back pain. Also need blessings for money to happen.”

HDH: Tathastu. Isiane, Charlotte, My blessings. You will see money, time both happens. My blessings. You will be healed, cured from the cancer and back pain and whatever money did not happen, the part and parcel, don't worry. I will see to it you are provided scholarship. Please be here. Please be here. Attend the inner awakening. And I will see to it you are completely healed and cured. And you are happily living. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from San Jose center, Srinivas. Srinivas is asking, “How do I deal with someone whom I give so much love, tries to control me all the time. She becomes happy only when I don't do certain things which does not have any impact on her. I am okay to do everything to her but when I do to certain things for me, she doesn't want me to do that which I feel is controlling. How do I make others give me my freedom, so that we both can be happy?”

HDH: Srinivas, this is one of the important problem in the relationship. The first thing you need to do, analyze, where exactly she is controlling you and where you feel controlled. See, there are some time she will be actually controlling you but you will not feel you are being controlled. There are sometimes, she will only utter a word, she is going to do something, you will feel you are controlled. You need to know where your fake-feeling of being controlled makes you powerless and actual control, the factual controlling is happening. That will solve fifty percent of the problem. Second, sitting with the other person and completing with that person. Making the other person understand, you are not going to enter into that person's boundary. You are here to completely support the other person to be blissful, active, happy, live, living, excited. Giving the other person a verbal, visual completion commitment. You may be thinking “No, no, she is living with me for so many years by now she should know, I love her and I help her for completion and her happiness.” No, people don't. You need to verbally sit and talk it out. Tell them. That is what I call completion with others. I think it will be nice if you can come for one Inner Awakening. That will teach you how to do completion with others step by step. Step by step. See, two thing here. First, find out where factually you are being controlled and fant…... where you get frightened you are being controlled. This analysis will take away fifty percent of your fears. And the remaining little bit, you can work with her, complete with her and you will be out of this problem.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Los Angeles Center, Sundari. Sundari is asking, “Dear Swamiji, I realised a lot of my cognition throughout my life was based on me versus not me. In my cognition not me is dangerous, hurtful and separate from me. In that process of doing completions, I realized that this cognition will not work anymore and in fact has never worked. How do I relate to the world now? I think I know the answer intellectually but I don't know experientially the new way of relating to world and life. Thank you.”

HDH: Please understand. Whatever you think you know intellectually and unable to relate, is what I call incompletion. Now, you need to find, spend little time on yourself and find when you started building this pattern of knowing something is right and not practicing it, not living it. You may know morning yoga is good but you don't wake up and do. This would have started in your life, young age. Find those few incidents and complete them. Suddenly you will wake up to live what you think as right as life. It is just a pattern, thinking in one style and living in another one style. Constantly thinking I will wake up and build my life blissfully and constantly not doing it. Next.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Edwin from Ecuador center.

HDH: Go ahead.

Ma Jnanatma Swami: Edwin, can you please wave your hands? Yes yes. Edwin is asking, “I feel inferior to everyone else. How can I complete if I don't remember the situation when I started feeling inferior?”

HDH: So, you, you can just sit even with that feeling that I am inferior, inferior, inferior and go through that feeling of inferior and fear. Re-live it. You will see it will melt down.


Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 3 || NDY

Video Audio



Questions Session Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Manhattan Center Justine. Justine, can you please wave your hands? Justine is asking: “I have trouble maintaining my focus in reliving situations when looking in the mirror, I just keep looking into my left eye, wishing I would just wake up already. I am not sure if I am unwilling to face the incidents or I have already done enough to complete and let go? I decided to come to Inner awakening, but how can you help me if I don't, if I am not able to help myself? Do I have to believe in this for it to work?” HDH: Justine, I can help you by making you understand ‘you can help you’. Understand? The feeling and the idea you have now ‘you can’t help yourself’ is a wrong pattern. I can help you by removing that pattern and making you understand you can help yourself. That's the way I can help you.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Phoenix Center, Karen. Karen is asking: “Swamiji, I have a difficult time getting into the reliving space of feeling the past experience. Can you please help me with this? I remember but I seem to be blocking in the feeling level.” HDH: So, please understand, in the beginning when you start practising completion all this is a usual problem because with completion your mind will lose power over you. You will become a new being which your mind does not want. So it’ill create all possible obstructions, difficulties. Try just for few more days. You’ll get that knack and My blessings and support you will get it and you will win. Blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Hong Kong Centers, Yu Lay: “Swamiji, please bless my whole family, husband and son to come to Inner Awakening this year. Bless us to have money.’ HDH: Blessings. My blessings. All the obstacles will be removed, you will be able to make it. My blessings. Your family will be able to make it for Inner Awakening. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Calgary Center, Kim: “Swamiji, I think I'm still missing some root patterns. When I try to remember things from my childhood, I have so few memories, nothing comes up. How can I access the memories that I don't recall?” HDH: Kim, don't worry, whatever you dont recall it is good, thou-- they don't have any power over you. They are lost. It is good for you. Whatever you remember, complete only with them. That's enough. Nothing else is required. So you can just complete with what you remember. What you forgot is good for you, you don't have to remember about them. Blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Hong Kong Center, Vivian: “My husband is facing severe financial challenges, both of us are very stressful. What should I do?” HDH: I understand Vivian. My blessings and support. Now, My blessings. You will get out of this problem. Your family will get out of this stress and I will see to it, you come out of this stress and financial crises and your life becomes smooth, happy, blissful, abundant.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Danny, from Los Angeles Center, Danny. Danny is asking: “Swamiji, can I receive your blessings to attend Inner Awakening in Kailash?” HDH: Actually, we are not going to have Inner Awakening in Kailash. We are only going to have a Shivoham Program. Means few days of that Shivoham experience will be done in Kailash. Inner Awakening itself is not going to be done physically in Kailash. So please attend the Inner Awakening which is happening in Bidadi or Kashi which is also Kailash. Blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Raphael from Manhattan Center. Raphael can you please wave your hands? Raphael is asking: “I used to have a recurring nightmare when I was a child for about one to two or maybe three years. What did it mean? Was it a trauma I had but I don’t remember?” HDH: Yes! No, it was a trauma from the past birth. It was a trauma from the past birth. So, I think it'll be really nice if you can attend an Inner Awakening because in the Inner Awakening we have ‘Completion with past birth patterns’. In that session you may release those trauma and be free from it. So that it will not repeat in your life. It’ll not repeat in your real life. You will be free from this trauma. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from the San Jose Center, Mina Saloun. She's asking: “Swamiji I found the exact incident when the first time I fell away from Advaita as a child. During reliving I connected with the concept of going back to Advaita but in everyday life I find it difficult to stay in Advaita. How do I get it over? Is it maintaining extreme infinite integrity that I won't fall from Advaita, meaning no anger, no fear? How much can I control this from mind? How much body is involved?” HDH: Mina, don't bother about any of this extreme integrity like ah ‘no anger, no fear, no how do I control the mind’, don't bother. Just as much as possible repeat “Shivoham”. Take it as a Mantra. I give this as a Mantra to you: “Shivoham”. Every time you inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, go on, be repeating “Shivoham”. That will prepare enough strength in you. You will never fall out of this uh anger, fear or you will never fall into that, those powerlessness. Understand, don't plan to control your anger, fear and all. That is a wrong decision. That is like a directly you trying to control the Bull in front of it. No. Just hold the tail, and tight. Understand? Which is far more easier, less riskier. So, “Shivoham”. Go on chanting “Shivoham”. That’s the best thing. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: She is also requestings healing. She’s saying: “I’ve had one zero five heart rate for the last month, please help me by healing it.” HDH: My blessings.within twenty four hours it'll come to normal, My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Sudhakar from Los Angeles Center. Sudhakar is saying: “Namaste Swamiji. I am undergoing a lot of stress in my marital life. Please bless our family so that we are always with love, affection and peace of mind. Please also bless my wife so as to get a chance to participate in this program immediately. HDH: My blessings. Start doing completion within you. My blessings. I'll bring peace in your life and in her life. Both of you will live a happy, married life. My blessings. I'll do it.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Morris Plain Center, Petra. “Seeing persons suffer creates pain in us. How to help someone who doesn't want to be helped?” HDH: Morris Plains Petra. See, when somebody doesn't want to be helped, nothing can be done. You should drop your attachment with him or her, that, that person should be out of suffering. Maybe he is enjoying that. What can be done? He's enjoying the suffering. What can be done? Hmm?


Ma Jnanatma Swami: Next question is from Manhattan Center, Ayelet, Ayelet is asking... Ayelet from Manhattan, please wave your hands. Ayelet is asking: “I feel incompletions that come from my throat chakra such as comparison for example. I feel as though I have done the completion process many, many times around this one topic. Yet, it still exist. I remember that you said: ‘If I can't remember as a memory then the incompletion doesn’t exist. Is there something that I’m doing wrong? Is there something more I can be, I can be doing?’ HDH: Maybe you have brought some trauma from the past birth Ma. Mmmh? It’ll be really wonderful if you can make it for an Inner Awakening or if you already done an Inner Awakening. Do that past birth regression, that process. Where you enter into the chosen animal body and release the incompletions. So, please do that process, for next eleven days. You will see, you will get out of this incompletions. My blessings Ma. I am with you. Ayelet, you will get out of this incompletions. I'll heal you. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: Next question is from Manhattan Center again Evy Siscos: “I feel as though no matter how much completion I do, I can't let certain things go. Even though I recognise them as my patterns it is very difficult. Why is this and what can I do?’ HDH: Evy, don't worry at all. Just whatever you can let go, complete with them and what you can’t don’t worry, it’ll... once you know them as pattern, when they bring suffering to you, you will drop them. You may be holding on when they don’t bring suffering but the moment they bring suffering, I tell you simply you will let them go. Just have the knowledge ‘they are your patterns’. That's enough. See, life is nothing but a bargain, ma. You understand? You, as on now you believe those patterns bring some good things to you but when you understand they bring suffering, immediately you will drop them. When the pot is hard your hands will drop automatically 😃 If your hands are not dropping, the pot is not yet become that hot; that's all. So remember, it is going to get hot at one time, you will see, simply you will drop it when it is required 😃 So, My blessings. Soon the pot will become hot and you will drop it. My blessings. 😃 I am with you.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Hong Kong Center, Vivianne: “We are a part of each other “Oneness”. I’m not able to open myself to other people. What is the reason? Dear Swamiji, please guide me.” HDH: Vivianne, are you able to listen? Vivianne, can you wave your hands? Yes. Understand, from today, for next eleven days meditate on this one statement I am telling you: ‘I love you’. Go on remembering: Why did Swamiji tell “I love you?” Why did Swamiji tell “I love you?”. Why did Swamiji tell “I love you”? What have I done to him, for him to declare I, He loves me? Go on contemplating. I'll open you up and make you experience Oneness with “Whole”. My blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question it’s from San Jose Center, Prasanna Ramachandran, “Dear Swamiji, fear of public speaking and facing interviews seems to be my biggest inhibition. What is the best completion technique? Especially before a big day? Thank you.” HDH: Prasanna, just remember, you are blessed to have an incarnation as your Guru and now I am declaring: “I’ll be in your tongue as a Saraswati, in your body language as a Durga and do the job.” Just take this blessings as a strength, go and do, you will have Lakshmi. I'll take care. 😃 Prasanna, rem,- remember, My words can't go waste. My words can't go waste. My blessings can't go waste, I have proved this in your life many times. So, go with that confidence, that's enough. 😃


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Monique Tari, from Manhattan Center. Monique can you please wave your hand? Monique is asking: “How do I know these practices are working? I find, when I look in my mirror my mind wanders as opposed to when I meditate, my eyes are closed. I can remember incidents more clearly.” HDH: Monique, just practise for next one week, you will see so much of completion, relief, stressfree-ness and happiness. You will simply understand, these techniques work. That's all. You don't have to believe that statement ‘Apple is tasty’. Have a bite. You will know.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from Amrita from San Jose. She's asking: ‘How do I always remember these ultimate truths and take decisions based on them?’ HDH: Amrita, see, more and more listening to satsang, whenever you find time, you know I have tonnes of satsangs in the Youtube and they are really so much of jokes, stories, fun. It is not even education. It is edutainment and entrainment. It is not even education or training, it's edutainment and entrainment. Enjoy them, you will see, simply they go and settle down in your being and you take the decisions based on that cognition. That's all.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question is from John, sorry the next question is from Ljubomir from Slovakia Center. Ljubomir Hetus from Slovakia, he's asking: “I can't relive the incidents, maybe I have fear?” HDH: Then relive the fear. Ljubomir. Live, relive the fear. That’s all. Relive the fear. It'll become alright. That's all.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: John from Manhattan Center is asking: “How do I focus on completion? I get bored and lose focus too easily.” John, can you please wave your hands?’ HDH: John Shimron, see even losing focus is a one more pattern. Dig that and complete. In few days it’ll become alright. Losing focus is also one more pattern, complete with that it'll, it'll simply melt down. Blessings.


Ma Jnanatma Swami: The next question we have is from Spring Texas Center. Poornima is asking, ’Nithyanadam Swamiji, I want you to bless me removing all my patterns of incompletion. I wanna sell this house and go live near Houston Temple. So I want this to sell faster and get one [house] based on vedic architecture.’ HDH: Tathastu. Tathastu. Ma it’ll happen within next 48 days and don’t sell that mandapam you have, with where you kept My picture. Keep that altar with you, that altar looks very nice. 😃 I am with you. Tathastu. Ma Jnanatma Swami: He is also asking : I'm planning to open a Naturo Cafe near the Houston Temple HDH: Blessings. You will be successful. It'll really be successful. Blessings, do it. Blessings.


So with this, let's gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.


Video and Audio - The Science of Completion || Part 4 || NDY

Health warning: This kriya technique is not for heart patients, people with high blood pressure, people with heart conditions, people who just had surgery, & people suspected pregnant or is pregnant.

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam guides his delegates through the science of completion with an initiation into Kriya (a yogic process to awaken the kundalini shakti) to complete many root patterns. Find out how He guides the delegates into a step-by-step Kriya technique which can melt away powerlessness, complete all incompletions, and awaken the kundalini shakti.

Video Audio



Start! “If you are able to hear Me and see Me please wave your hands!” Great! Now I am going to initiate all of you into a Kriya. Kriya means a process, yogic process to awaken your inner potential energy, “Kundalini Shakti”, to awaken your Bio-Energy which will complete many of your patterns, incompletions. Many of your powerlessness will start melting down. Many of your patterns will start melting down. Many of your incompletions will melt down.


First thing I want to tell you, if you have high blood pressure, if you are a heart patient, you have any heart conditions and recently you had a hernia surgery, if you are pregnant or think you are pregnant, you won’t do this Kriya now.


It’s a very beautiful, powerful Kriya. Step by step I will guide you. Step by step I will guide you. First step, please listen. Tie the ribbon; listen, listen first, then you can do. Then inhale through the left as deeply as possible - like this (Swamiji demonstrates...), then exhale through the right, again inhale through the right and exhale through the left. Do this, inhale and exhale, and inhale and exhale for next few minutes... but do it comfortably, don’t hold the breath inside; just inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling. Do it comfortably. Please tie the ribbon and start doing.


(The process starts...)


Move to the next step. Open your eyes and receive the instruction. Listen, fold your tongue like a tube. I will show you (Swamiji demonstrates...) Inhale through the tongue, just swallow the air, whatever is remaining, exhale through the nostril. I will show you (Swamiji demonstrates...) Inhaling through the tongue, swallow the air and whatever is remaining, exhale through the nostril. Please tie the ribbon. Start the process.


(The process starts...)


You can open your eyes. Learn the next step. Please listen, listen, I will start the instruction. Inhale through left, hold as long as you can comfortably. Without exhaling inhale again through the right, hold as long as you can comfortably, then inhale through both, hold, then slowly exhale through left. I will repeat. Inhale through left, hold as long as you can comfortably; then again without exhaling, inhale through right, hold as long as you can comfortably, then without inhaling, inhale through both, hold as long as you can comfortably, then exhale through left. During this process, automatically your body will exhale little bit, that is okay. You do not do it wilfully. Do this very smoothly, comfortably. Please tie the ribbon. Start the process.


(The process starts…)

This will awaken your Kundalini Shakti.


You can open your eyes. If you can do this Kriya every morning, it will help you to complete with all the incompletions and awaken your Kundalini Shakti. With this, let’s gather for next session. Thank you. Be blissful.



The Science Of Completion || Part 5 || Nithya Dhyan Yoga || 19 January 2015

Link to Video:



All the two way online centers, Charlotte - Srisailam, Calgary - Amarnath, El Paso- Texas, Grasse- France, Hong Kong -Seerkazhi, Koshite -Slovakia, Mexico city, New York - Maurice Plains, New york- Manhattan, Los Angeles Temple, Ohio -Prayag, Phoenix- Kancheepuram, France -Kalighat, Quito-Ecuador, San Jose - Madurai, Seattle -Chidambaram, Springs -Texas, Toronto, Vancouver - Bhuvaneshwar.


All of you please sit straight. Close your eyes. You will experience intense kundalini awakening and energy darshan now. Shiva…. Shiva, Shiva. Music and song.


Requesting Swamiji to bless all the Inner Awakening intentions submitted from all the centers including Bidadi. Requesting Swamiji to bless the intention and make everybody’s intention into reality.


Nithyananda Times


Rudrabishekam Rudrabishekam to the Nithyanandeshwara Linga in the Vaidhya Sarovar at Bidadi Adheenam

Nithya Dhyan Yoga

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9659_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG Two way Participants during the NDY (LifeBliss Program Level-1) session http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9672_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9681_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-2way-screen.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9679_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9680_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9696_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9698_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9699_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9708_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_9709_bidadi-ndy-lifebliss-program-day3-swamiji.JPG