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Shodasi Mantra - 16 Source Sounds to Manifest Enlightenment & Supernatural Powers
In this video (19-20 December 2014), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the very esoteric and sacred Shodasi Mantra - which is a combination of 16 sacred syllables which can be used to manifest supernatural powers and ultimately enlightenment itself.
In this video (19-20 December 2014), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the very esoteric and sacred Shodasi Mantra - which is a combination of 16 sacred syllables which can be used to manifest supernatural powers and ultimately enlightenment itself.
==Link to Video: ==
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFg_SzIIEEc&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6B6zanpwBOPds_PrJWBthd&index=32 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2014-dec-19shodasi-mantra-16?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2014-dec"/>
==Transcript ==
Let me introduce the science of this process now which we are going to do. The exact 16 sounds which awakens this same lines into your brain,in your cognition which makes the 42 powers awakened. I am going to use those 16 sounds and literally program your biomemory and muscle memory with those 16 sounds.
See all this the traditional dress,ashram dress it is all directly helping you to support the process. So the weight of the clothes should sit only on the left shoulder. It should not sit on the right shoulder. if it sits on the right shoulder body heat will increase tremendously. Your lungs will feel suffocated.
If it sits on the left shoulder only then lungs won't feel suffocated. It will constantly keep itself cool and especially that Vaishnavite structure of worshipping and all that is completely the.. see Vishnu because he is in the Milky ocean and everything related to vishnu will be cooled. That's why Tulasi not to catch cold. Shiva the whole thing is cool the Kailasa everything but he himself is a very high active heat that's why bel to cool, it bel will cool. Whole thing is related to this.
See now let me restrict myself only to this processes,let me not get into the whole thing. I am not expecting any cooperation from your mind. So you do not need to presume you need to be very silent peaceful meditating. You don't have to presume any of that. You don't have to imagine any of that. I am making it very clear, I am not expecting any cooperation from your mind. I am only expecting cooperation from your body,means sit holding the Yantra, don't scratch yourself, don't hurt yourself. Like that housekeeping kind of level. That level cooperation only I am expecting from you. Nothing more than that. If at all I expect any co-operation it is all just simple housekeeping level which you can physically do. Which you can do using your body. Nothing else is required so you do not have to have any stress. I free you from all psychological demand. No Psychological demand and just be free. You are going to be spending some time sitting,like when you spend time rarely seeing the sunset or sitting in your rose garden or sitting with the books, not even reading or seeing pictures. That is one of my hobby. I have beautiful photographic books of all the temples. Lot of temples picture view books I will be sitting and watching all those temples.
So how you casually spend, I tell you if you have your own library and if you have your own garden you have everything you need. The garden which you love where you spend time. The libary which you love where you spend time. So how you spend time there,like that, just sit. You don't have to plan. and if you are tensed, Ok be tensed. If you are relaxed ok be relaxed.
I am not expecting any psychological cooperation from you, and you don't have to presume you are supposed to be any specific way.
When I am chanting those 16 syllables, you may feel the shooting pains in the body, which will be getting released. It's like a hot flash. Hot Flash kind of a thing, but it will not give you any suffering don't worry, don't be afraid.
If you are having knee pain, suddenly you will see in the knee hot flash kind of a thing.a kind of a needle entering or that kind of a feeling but it will disappear immediately.
This 16 sounds, they are not even described syllable, please understand it's not like a A, B. It is not like a defined separate letter, It will be like aye.. So it may be sometimes like a mixture of A and E, half-half. So it is 16 sounds not 16 syllable actually, that's the truth. It's 16 sound, not 16 syllable. So those sounds I am going to use, very intensely, those 16 sounds form the basis of your cognition.
Your cognition of love, joy, insecurity, bliss, fear, good, bad, right, wrong, all that starts in your cognition. You see that, all the things you cognize get triggered, in your cognition with this 16 sounds.
For example..
Anything you experience in your life, good, bad, world, large, small, anything, it has to get triggered in your inner space, it should get triggered. For Example the moment I utter the sound tiger, immediately some kind of a fear, mixed fear with insecurity those, all that gets triggered the moment that form is triggered by this sound.
So everything in your life gets triggered in your inner space only from this 16 sounds. The mixture of this 16 sound, is the source of all cognition in your life.
All of you are able to understand what I am saying ?
So, I may be just cutting into many of your pains, pleasures, good, bad, right, wrong, into many of those things, through these 16 sounds and melting them away.
It's not that I am going to cut and let the body remain with you.
See the moment I utter the word cow, immediately you get the visualization of the animal with 4 legs, one tail, two horn and the mild feeling, Ok it's mild and good. Not harming. Kind of whatever ideas you have recorded with that visualization comes up, that cognition.
The moment I utter the word "Snake", all the cognition you have recorded with that word comes up.
So this 16 syllable is the source sounds from which you learn cognition. See the cognition itself whether you are a French person, Spanish person, Tamilian or a Gujarati whatever may be your mother tongue, but this 16 sound only creates waves where the cognition happens in you. The combination of these 16 sounds is the source of all your bio memory and muscle memory.
The combination of these 16 sound can instill many powers in you, can cure many of your powerlessness. As I said if you don't have anything to ask from me, you are king.
If you don't have anything to ask from god, you are god. These 16 syllables pushes you to that state of being god. Anything you want, you know how to manifest. So you don't feel like asking anybody to manifest it for you. That is what is called Ishwaratwa. Ishwaratwa.
Please understand Mahadeva achieved Ishwaratwa through Shodashi. Mahadeva achieved Ishwaratwa through this signs of Shodashi. 16 sounds and whenever the Mahadeva's incarnations happen, they always use only these 16 sounds and achieve their original state back.
Whether it is Adi Shankara or Ramana Maharshi or Ramakrishna, whenever Mahadeva's expression happens it is always, this 16 sounds. Jnanasambandhar or Adi Shankara or Lakulisha, Lakulisha of Gujarat and Shankara of Kaladi, Jnanasambandhar of Seergayi, or Ramana Maharshi of Tiruvannamalai, Or Ramakrishna of Calcutta, Or Nithyananda of Arunachala.
Finally, it is only these 16 sounds are used to remember the original state of their existence. The Shivoham is reminded, see for example the early morning lucid dream reminds you of your original state and you wake up.
How many of you understand what I am saying ?
Same way this 16 syllable will remind you of your original state and you will wake up.
It is the lucid dream of Mahadeva. That is the exact definition I will give about these 16 sounds.
See for example in the dream, you will not completely remember about you, but you will remember half about you and let me pick up my tea cup and drink. Then in the slight corner of your husband you will immediately remember, your whole you, your husband, daughter, kids, family, and you will remember who you are and you will wake up.
How many of you are able to relate with what I am saying ?
This 16 syllables will remind few powers like what you think will become reality, what is going to happen you will remember, these few powers that is the lucid dream, suddenly you will occupy, Eh.. "I am the source of all powers" and you will wake up to assert the authority, your right, your originality from which you forgot and slept.
These 16 syllables can cause tonnes of powers in you. Tonnes of miracles in you and you are not needed to mentally co-operate.
You are only needed to physically co-operate, you are only requested to physically be available and you don't even have to plan; you have to remember all this 16 syllable and repeat and all. Don't worry, you don't need to repeat, it will actually be programmed, you will be actually singing that.
Means, it will be just vibrating in you, reverberating in you.
Q & A Session after Shodashi Initiation. Cambodia 19 - 20 Dec 2014
Q) Nithyanandam Swamiji. About 24 years ago I had been to Rajarajeshwari temple in Kailasa ashram, I met Trichi Swamigal. When I close my eyes continuously I saw him, with big kumkum, white dhoti and blessing.. "Good".. and I saw diety there with lotus.. "Blessings". Thank you Swamiji.
Swamiji:-He was initiated into SriVidya by Kuppammal. There is a recorded evidence. He receiving SriVidya from Kuppammal, Vibudhanandapuri.
Q) During the energy Darshan, can I keep my Yantra ?
Swamiji:-Yes Yes you can keep the Yantra. Oh you are asking that as a question, yes that is Ok.
Q) What does this initiation mean for all of us Swamiji ?
Swamiji:-  Your cognition, now is going to be eaten by these 16 sounds, so whole brain will now start getting re-organized as a SriYantra which awakens these 43 powers in you. I have put the seed now. That itself is too much. So that is why I am settling all you guys for the seed not to get rejected by your bio-memory, saying this is anti-component or it is too powerful component for me to digest.
So I am settling it down. So that, that rejection does not happen. Now it will start growing in you as part of you.
See, sometimes if the seed is too big, the land gets frightened. I am not letting that happen.
Q) Swamiji, Swamiji Gauthama remembers, Gauthama's uncle who is a Paramahamsa he actually initiated not initiated he used to sing Keertans with that some similar to that.
Swamiji:- See that trishadi stotra has 15 syllables in that and there are some Stotras called Pancha Dashi Stotras means Pancha Dashaakshari means 15 syllables will be there but 16th will never be. 16th is never sung or written,spoken.
Q)Can we sing that as Keertan Swamiji ? Without 16th you can do anything.,
Swamiji:-16th One you can chant for yourself.when you become enlightened, when i put you in throne like sankara charaya you can initiate others.
Q) one more swamiji, when you are hitting, the ears are paining too much?
Swamiji:- but, there is no speaker here,sound is coming from there only and hitting, so dont worry it is o.k, but there is no speaker here.only sound is created here but it is not sent to your hears, so no speaker dont worry
Q) Swamiji today, suddenly laugh came. Suddenly laugh came and head became very hot. That Swamiji:- it is ok,Cool.
Q) Swamiji, it's one of those rare occasions that I was actually moved, I was wondering if we could have another session reason being...
Swamiji:- Don't worry we are going to have 3 more days with this 16 Syllable.
Q)...particularly this sound at the end, it was the most extraordinary experience. It didn't last long enough.
Swamiji:-That is why,I am saying, your inner space will be usually afraid of something very powerful entering you,
... it was so powerful I could have sustained it.
That is what I am saying, we will be doing at least 3 more days we will be working. So don't worry.
Q)... but could I ask you to make the sound towards the end to make it somewhat longer..
Swamiji:- Sure. See it is not like I want to make it short or long, it is just the whole being how much it is able to receive and delivery. And I am also delivering in such a way that you don't get frightened. See when you are talking, you say to me "no no no I could have taken it, but that is not the response from inner space.
That is why you even feel that I have to catch it. It's too much. You see in the first session you guys got this much is a great thing. So don't worry just bless yourselves you are more than qualified.so dont worry about it.
See some of the major things which can be a small hindrance like a construction sound we stopped. This coughing this that don't worry.
Q) Swamiji ? Go Ahead.. During the process I saw Devi worshipping Linga and even  her Kundalini was awakening.
Swamiji:- Good Darshan.
Q) Swamiji, I saw those two serpents in the shape of Kundalini coil and it became one big serpent and came and swallowed me.
Swamiji:-That is exactly described in Patanjali as the form of Kundalini. You are right.
Q)... so it came and swallowed me. Swamiji one more question if like everyday in Energy Darshan we have personal question, we used to write it and submit right, can we submit like that ? I have some personal questions to ask.
Swamiji:-When we have the next darshan submit.
Q) Swamiji thank you very much for the wonderful experience, yesterday also and today. Yesterday I couldn't speak that is why. In my mother's place we do this Lalita Upasana, mother has been doing for 50 years, I am learning from her, I learnt and also continuing. We always go to Mookambika temple there that swayambhu linga is covered with Meru. That lifted up and I got Darshan.
Swamiji:-It is not Linga,it is devi. ... Devi in Linga form..
Participant:- When it lifted that linga has got a golden.. swarna reagai.. Yes.. from there the golden rays came and sat inside the ananda gandha swami.
Swamiji:-The deity was installed by Adi Shankara.. and there is a SriChakra Pratishta there.
...Last night also you will come in my dream, I felt you were near my bed and Ananda Gandha Sri Chakra .. tathastu.
So many people have started reporting.. How many saw me in the dream.. Wow So many dreams I was there.. That's nice to see. Laughs.. good.
Participant:-.. and today now Swami, I saw you sitting as Raja Rajeshwari and with all abharana and Alankara. Great .. Thank you very much Swami.. Tathatsu.
Q) Swamiji I wanted to share the experience of Yantra speaking..
Swamiji:-So you saw Yantra was speaking to you, that's good. Because it is an intelligence. Good.
Q) So Kundalini Shakti is Shiva and Shakti both male and female energy when it awakens, and when it awakens that's the enlightenment ? That's the only way to get enlightenment ?
Swamiji:- See when the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara it is enlightenment, I don't want to say this is the only path, but in any path Kundalini awakens. So Mahaveera also did this.. Everyone in any path Kundalini is awakened. 
Q) Nithyanandam Bhagawan, thank you very much for this beautiful experience Bhagawan, when you were saying the different mantras, different parts of the Chakras were vibrating distinctly. I mean like for a particular sound, only that chakra was getting activated. Thank you very much Swami.
Q) It's about the process very very heavy like head pulsating like almost naucacious ? Normal ?
Swamiji:- That is good. No problem. Have the time. Enough time till Jan 13th for you to stand up and become responsible. 
Responsibility is not delivering something it is a consciousness. It's a decision. It's not delivery, it is a decision. The moment you take the decision, you will fill yourself into that and the delivery is the side effect.
Q) Swamiji, when we go back, can we internally chant these 16 Syllables ?
Swamiji:-Yes. You don't even have to chant, you will see that it is getting vibrated in you. See when those 16 are chanted, you will have like the attack on 16 different parts. Even if you remember that part you will see that that part is chanting that.
Participants:-... because of all the noise that was going on I could not catch all that was going on..
Swamiji:-Don't worry, it is done purposely so that the syllable gets into your system. You will get to hear the syllables also don't worry. You don't need to remember, don't worry.
Q) Swamiji, just yesterday I spoke to Neela, I said "I am going to ask Swamiji for SriVidya" and you gave it to me.. I just can't believe it. You just said this morning in Satsang. I said Swamiji heard me or something like that..
Swamiji:-You are constantly heard ! Understand you are constantly heard.
Participants:-Swamiji how do we proceed from this ?
Swamiji:-You don't need to proceed actually. That SriVidya is Independently Intelligent enough to proceed itself.
See I am not putting the dead seed so you need to pour water, and fertilizer, chemical pesticide, and put a fence to defend, let it grow.. I am putting a living seed which is already sprouted and which is capable of defending itself and protecting itself and growing itself and growing itself and giving you the fruit by itself. 
You just have to open your mouth for the fruit to fall into your mouth and just close the mouth after the fruit falls into your mouth.. and taste it.
Q) Swamiji, so by the time we leave here, we will know how to utter the sounds.. to..
Swamiji:-  Yes you will know. Don't worry. Actually you may not need to do something separately. I am telling you right. Even if you chant 10 million times what will happen I am making it happen just by inserting into your being.
See, if you chant 10 million times then it will reach your skin level. If you chant a billion times, it will reach your muscle memory level. If you chant a trillion times it will reach your bio memory level. I am inserting it in your bio memory.
See if the cushions are kept, I am lifting the lowest cushion I am lifting and inserting the SriChakra in to it. Over !
Q) Swamiji, just curious, just after the process, I noticed the Yantra got heated, I thought it is due to body heat, and half and hour it's still hot.
Swamiji:- "Good.. Good".
Q) Swamiji, Before the process started there is very heaviness in the chest and after settling down now, having the same thing. Little heavy.
Swamiji:-"It will become alright". It is just.
Q) "Sounds scared me and so when you were making the sounds I got so frightened again I am sitting here, I am crying and I kinda plugged my ears because I don't want hear the sounds, am I interfering with the process by having all this.
Swamiji:-"Don't worry, this fear also I will burn it." That is also just a chaotic sound only. I will heal it. Thank you Swamiji. 
Q) The sound used your company these syllables has different types of frequencies. So I was concentrating on the frequency of the sounds.
Swamiji:-"See you don't even need to concentrate on that.. the sounds I am using have no equivalent Syllable even in Sanskrit."
... These syllables are they related to different chakras ? "Yes they directly work on different Chakras".
participants:-.. Lower chakras or higher ?
Swamiji:-" I will say if you have patterns it will go to the lower chakra, otherwise it will not go.
Q) Swamiji, so these 16 sounds, if I make it the person next to me can hear it ?
Swamiji:-  No 15 letters they will be able to hear, the 16th one no one will be able to hear. 16th Letter only you will be able to hear but in my case, I am converting that into a vibration and sending into all of you. So you all can get it. Not through ears but something happening in you.
See the first 15 letter, first 15 sounds, can be even heard by the ears. The 16th you will only feel it. So you may not hear it.
Q) Swamiji when I was sleeping yesterday night, without my knowledge I shouted and got up Swamiji.
Swamiji:-    That is ok, Night mare getting tensed. So much happening So much boiling cleaning all happening. Don't worry.
Q) Swamiji, since all our reactions weather they are good or bad comes from recorded sounds within, are you saying that these 16 sounds they are the sounds of good ?
Swamiji:-Let me tell you.. they are the source sounds when you have that source strongly, you do not allow bad to be recorded, or bad to be active in you. In that way they will lead you to more and more powerfulness in you and good. That's all.
But they themselves do not have the quality of good or bad, they are source.
Q) Swamiji here.. The Sri Chakra lines, they represent a cosmic geometry. What about Meru Swamiji ?
Swamiji:-Meru is 3 Dimension of Sri Chakra. It's a 3D of Sri Chakra.
Q) Swamiji during this process is the chemical reaction going on or there is toxin release ? 
Swamiji:-I can say Chemical reaction also. If you have acidity, it will just be raised to the peak and you will be healed. If you have ulcers it will start getting healed, there is a very powerful chemical reaction of healing of the body happening.
Toxins getting released, you will have so much of stomach cleaning, and toxins getting cleaned, and very big healing chemical reaction.
Q) but it is very high isn't it ? Notice that I wear the gold chain which one doesn't do anything and each evening I have a stain.
Swamiji:-It will become alright. It will become alright in one or two days, don't worry.
participant:-... it's not much, it's just showing up. Thank you.
Swamiji:-Yes, See I am working on your body literally like your body is getting cooked. Getting purified.
Q) Swamiji, can you explain the word cognition once more, with context to before and after shivoham ?
Cognition means how you perceive you and world and others.
For example if you strongly perceive you can fly, you can actually fly. If you strongly perceive you can swim, you can actually swim. It is your perception about you decides everything. So the cognition means perception about you.
participant:-... So after shivoham it will be changed ?
Swamiji:-What I am saying is before Shivoham your perception about you is always impossible. After Shivoham whatever you want you know it is possible. Whether you want it or not you may decide. But there won't be impossibilities standing between you and reality.
.. yes go ahead..
Q) So if you are working on our bodies that means that.. our default futures are going to be changed as well , and all that self destructive program, self destructive etc that's going to be..
Swamiji:-All that will be cleared. You will not have self destructive patterns because of these 16 sounds getting purified into you.
participant:-.. so that means our so called default whatever destiny is going to be different.
Ok, Thank you.
'''Shodasi Mantra - 16 Source Sounds to Manifest Enlightenment & Supernatural Powers'''
Q) Swamiji, What does the 16 sounds means ?
Swamiji:-There is no separate meanings for that ma, it is a source sound from that 16 only all the combination of letters sounds everything comes.
Q) Swamiji, I have a question about, the energy darshan yesterday after everything was done, some feeling came to me and I felt like it's like the same feeling I used to get when I used to say, "I am going to smoke" so I got a little worried. Is this part of the processes normal ?
Swamiji:-But you did not smoke na ?
Participant:-  I didn't.
Swamiji:-  That is what,So it did not come up strongly. It has lost power over you.
Participant: Ya it was for like a minute.  
Swamiji:-  Yes.
Q) If the source is the 16 sounds,what is silence then ?
Swamiji:-  The 16th sound is silence.
Q)What about “OM” Swamiji ? Is it the combination of these 16 ?
Swamiji:-  In the “OM”, all the 16 merges.
See whenever you know, this person will not do any crime, harm you, or your wealth, you should not even have second thought in hosting them, entertaining them. That is the principle of atithi devobhava.
See whoever you know he will not harm, take the risk of hosting them, supporting them when they are visiting your place, giving food, or at least 1 day stay, it may be little inconvenience, but I tell you this "Atithi devobhava" does so much of healing in you.
See if you don't know them and there is a possibility they may steal or harm you, don't allow. I am not asking you to take that risk. But if you know them, even you are sure that somebody has given the reference that there won't be any harm to you, never deny because of your personal comfort reasons, food or stay. Hosting.
See all this, I am not aiming and talking only to NRI's, I am telling them because they have lost it. But I am telling the whole world. Most of you from the Western society, you have not lost your family name, it's nice you keep that family name and all that and the elders but, unfortunately this NRI's have become a "orphans" the cultural orphans. Identity Orphans. That is why I am continuously aiming at them and telling them.
So always keep this as a, see all Indian village houses will have a place called "Thinnai" varandha, that varandha is to host the people whom we don't know but we don't want to deny. Even if there is a risk, they will not say no to hosting them in Varandha.
See if there is no risk, they will take them inside the house, if they know there is a risk they will host them at least in Varandha, and give them food.
So never deny hosting due to your personal comforts. You can deny only if you feel,if you suspect there may be danger for you or your wealth. Keep this always as a decision making point, and I tell you so much good will happen to you.
I have seen in my life, the people, who have that feeling of "atithi devobhava" they do not suffer with attachment with wealth.
I tell you wealth will give you equal amount of suffering when it is not there and when it is there. Wealth will give you equal amount of suffering.
The same amount of suffering when it is not there when it is there, if you are wrongly clinging to it, if you have wrong concepts to it, and this "atithi devobhava" all this, will heal you from the wrong clinging. It will heal you from wrong clinging.
With all pride I can tell, my Gurukul is the only school where kids don't steal. I can challenge and tell.  
Advaith, have we ever had a single complaint of stealing ? Among the kids ?  
Otherwise kids will always have the complaint of "He stole my rubber, he stole my pencil, he stole my hair clip, She stole my Sundaravadam".
And for Sanyasis, the rule is next level, anything anybody asks which you own,you can't say NO. That is Aparigragha. That's for Sanyasis. But for Grihastha that doesn't apply.
Whenever there is no harm, never deny hosting or supporting because of your small personal inconveniences.
"Oh if I host this fellow, he will wake up tomorrow morning 4 O Clock he will wake up and do some Puja. I will get up only 10 O Clock before 10 O Clock I cannot get up, I have to switch on the geyser for him and I have to make breakfast for him". Let all this never be a reason for denial.
You have only one reason for denying that is harm to your person or wealth. Manu says very clearly, other than this you can't have any reason, denying hosting.  The possibility for hosting somebody.
If you don't host anybody, you are a hostage of wealth. Wealth is having you as a host.
Understand. If you don't host anybody, wealth is having you as a hostage and you are not living it, that is living you.
See when you suspect there may be harm to the person or wealth, then no need to host. Then you have the freedom.
So keep all these simple things alive in your life. You will see so much completion, so much fulfillment happens.
The habit my family had, the family in which I was born and brought up, the habit they had of hosting everyone, has enriched me and strengthened me so much. Enriched me and strengthened me so much.
Because, variety of people I will see, there are some people my family will be hosting who will come and boss around, but still my mother will not say don't come next time.
I had the darshan of different characters, because of my mother's hosting habit, not only my mother, even my mother's mother. sorry father's mother.
Even she, I had the fortune of coming in contact with so many types of cartoons. Characters. Good, bad, it has added so much of richness to me, coming in contact with all types of people. That will happen only if your family is a family of hosting people. If you are not that kind of a family you will never grow so much.
A hosting family and a travelling personality, these two gives you so much completion about life. Fortunately I had both.
A hosting family and travelling personality.
See most of your bodies are, you guys have a stamina but not power. See power is something related to the strength of your internal organs.
Ability to digest, the kidney's ability to purify, liver's ability to support and disintegrate the food into energy. That is power, now these sounds, awaken those powers first.
But your bodies, most of your bodies I am seeing, all you guys, have so much stamina you can jump, run, swim. That stamina is Ok. But the power is very very low, because of the modern day food and lifestyle, the beliefs you have about you, you think if you have the muscles you are a healthy person. But you don't think your digestion capacity only makes you healthy.
The wrong concepts about health has been fed into your system.
Let's gather for next session,thank you "Be Blissful" !
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Latest revision as of 10:02, 20 February 2021


Shodasi Mantra - 16 Source Sounds to Manifest Enlightenment & Supernatural Powers


In this video (19-20 December 2014), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the very esoteric and sacred Shodasi Mantra - which is a combination of 16 sacred syllables which can be used to manifest supernatural powers and ultimately enlightenment itself.

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Video Audio


Let me introduce the science of this process now which we are going to do. The exact 16 sounds which awakens this same lines into your brain,in your cognition which makes the 42 powers awakened. I am going to use those 16 sounds and literally program your biomemory and muscle memory with those 16 sounds.

See all this the traditional dress,ashram dress it is all directly helping you to support the process. So the weight of the clothes should sit only on the left shoulder. It should not sit on the right shoulder. if it sits on the right shoulder body heat will increase tremendously. Your lungs will feel suffocated.

If it sits on the left shoulder only then lungs won't feel suffocated. It will constantly keep itself cool and especially that Vaishnavite structure of worshipping and all that is completely the.. see Vishnu because he is in the Milky ocean and everything related to vishnu will be cooled. That's why Tulasi not to catch cold. Shiva the whole thing is cool the Kailasa everything but he himself is a very high active heat that's why bel to cool, it bel will cool. Whole thing is related to this.


See now let me restrict myself only to this processes,let me not get into the whole thing. I am not expecting any cooperation from your mind. So you do not need to presume you need to be very silent peaceful meditating. You don't have to presume any of that. You don't have to imagine any of that. I am making it very clear, I am not expecting any cooperation from your mind. I am only expecting cooperation from your body,means sit holding the Yantra, don't scratch yourself, don't hurt yourself. Like that housekeeping kind of level. That level cooperation only I am expecting from you. Nothing more than that. If at all I expect any co-operation it is all just simple housekeeping level which you can physically do. Which you can do using your body. Nothing else is required so you do not have to have any stress. I free you from all psychological demand. No Psychological demand and just be free. You are going to be spending some time sitting,like when you spend time rarely seeing the sunset or sitting in your rose garden or sitting with the books, not even reading or seeing pictures. That is one of my hobby. I have beautiful photographic books of all the temples. Lot of temples picture view books I will be sitting and watching all those temples.

So how you casually spend, I tell you if you have your own library and if you have your own garden you have everything you need. The garden which you love where you spend time. The libary which you love where you spend time. So how you spend time there,like that, just sit. You don't have to plan. and if you are tensed, Ok be tensed. If you are relaxed ok be relaxed.

I am not expecting any psychological cooperation from you, and you don't have to presume you are supposed to be any specific way. (4:48)

When I am chanting those 16 syllables, you may feel the shooting pains in the body, which will be getting released. It's like a hot flash. Hot Flash kind of a thing, but it will not give you any suffering don't worry, don't be afraid.

If you are having knee pain, suddenly you will see in the knee hot flash kind of a thing.a kind of a needle entering or that kind of a feeling but it will disappear immediately.

This 16 sounds, they are not even described syllable, please understand it's not like a A, B. It is not like a defined separate letter, It will be like aye.. So it may be sometimes like a mixture of A and E, half-half. So it is 16 sounds not 16 syllable actually, that's the truth. It's 16 sound, not 16 syllable. So those sounds I am going to use, very intensely, those 16 sounds form the basis of your cognition.


Your cognition of love, joy, insecurity, bliss, fear, good, bad, right, wrong, all that starts in your cognition. You see that, all the things you cognize get triggered, in your cognition with this 16 sounds.

For example.. Anything you experience in your life, good, bad, world, large, small, anything, it has to get triggered in your inner space, it should get triggered. For Example the moment I utter the sound tiger, immediately some kind of a fear, mixed fear with insecurity those, all that gets triggered the moment that form is triggered by this sound.

So everything in your life gets triggered in your inner space only from this 16 sounds. The mixture of this 16 sound, is the source of all cognition in your life.

All of you are able to understand what I am saying ?

So, I may be just cutting into many of your pains, pleasures, good, bad, right, wrong, into many of those things, through these 16 sounds and melting them away.

It's not that I am going to cut and let the body remain with you.

See the moment I utter the word cow, immediately you get the visualization of the animal with 4 legs, one tail, two horn and the mild feeling, Ok it's mild and good. Not harming. Kind of whatever ideas you have recorded with that visualization comes up, that cognition.

The moment I utter the word "Snake", all the cognition you have recorded with that word comes up.


So this 16 syllable is the source sounds from which you learn cognition. See the cognition itself whether you are a French person, Spanish person, Tamilian or a Gujarati whatever may be your mother tongue, but this 16 sound only creates waves where the cognition happens in you. The combination of these 16 sounds is the source of all your bio memory and muscle memory.

The combination of these 16 sound can instill many powers in you, can cure many of your powerlessness. As I said if you don't have anything to ask from me, you are king.

If you don't have anything to ask from god, you are god. These 16 syllables pushes you to that state of being god. Anything you want, you know how to manifest. So you don't feel like asking anybody to manifest it for you. That is what is called Ishwaratwa. Ishwaratwa.

Please understand Mahadeva achieved Ishwaratwa through Shodashi. Mahadeva achieved Ishwaratwa through this signs of Shodashi. 16 sounds and whenever the Mahadeva's incarnations happen, they always use only these 16 sounds and achieve their original state back.

Whether it is Adi Shankara or Ramana Maharshi or Ramakrishna, whenever Mahadeva's expression happens it is always, this 16 sounds. Jnanasambandhar or Adi Shankara or Lakulisha, Lakulisha of Gujarat and Shankara of Kaladi, Jnanasambandhar of Seergayi, or Ramana Maharshi of Tiruvannamalai, Or Ramakrishna of Calcutta, Or Nithyananda of Arunachala.

Finally, it is only these 16 sounds are used to remember the original state of their existence. The Shivoham is reminded, see for example the early morning lucid dream reminds you of your original state and you wake up.

How many of you understand what I am saying ?

Same way this 16 syllable will remind you of your original state and you will wake up.

It is the lucid dream of Mahadeva. That is the exact definition I will give about these 16 sounds.

See for example in the dream, you will not completely remember about you, but you will remember half about you and let me pick up my tea cup and drink. Then in the slight corner of your husband you will immediately remember, your whole you, your husband, daughter, kids, family, and you will remember who you are and you will wake up.

How many of you are able to relate with what I am saying ?

This 16 syllables will remind few powers like what you think will become reality, what is going to happen you will remember, these few powers that is the lucid dream, suddenly you will occupy, Eh.. "I am the source of all powers" and you will wake up to assert the authority, your right, your originality from which you forgot and slept.

These 16 syllables can cause tonnes of powers in you. Tonnes of miracles in you and you are not needed to mentally co-operate.

You are only needed to physically co-operate, you are only requested to physically be available and you don't even have to plan; you have to remember all this 16 syllable and repeat and all. Don't worry, you don't need to repeat, it will actually be programmed, you will be actually singing that.

Means, it will be just vibrating in you, reverberating in you.


Q & A Session after Shodashi Initiation. Cambodia 19 - 20 Dec 2014

Q) Nithyanandam Swamiji. About 24 years ago I had been to Rajarajeshwari temple in Kailasa ashram, I met Trichi Swamigal. When I close my eyes continuously I saw him, with big kumkum, white dhoti and blessing.. "Good".. and I saw diety there with lotus.. "Blessings". Thank you Swamiji.

Swamiji:-He was initiated into SriVidya by Kuppammal. There is a recorded evidence. He receiving SriVidya from Kuppammal, Vibudhanandapuri.

Q) During the energy Darshan, can I keep my Yantra ?

Swamiji:-Yes Yes you can keep the Yantra. Oh you are asking that as a question, yes that is Ok.

Q) What does this initiation mean for all of us Swamiji ? Swamiji:- Your cognition, now is going to be eaten by these 16 sounds, so whole brain will now start getting re-organized as a SriYantra which awakens these 43 powers in you. I have put the seed now. That itself is too much. So that is why I am settling all you guys for the seed not to get rejected by your bio-memory, saying this is anti-component or it is too powerful component for me to digest.

So I am settling it down. So that, that rejection does not happen. Now it will start growing in you as part of you.

See, sometimes if the seed is too big, the land gets frightened. I am not letting that happen.

Q) Swamiji, Swamiji Gauthama remembers, Gauthama's uncle who is a Paramahamsa he actually initiated not initiated he used to sing Keertans with that some similar to that. Swamiji:- See that trishadi stotra has 15 syllables in that and there are some Stotras called Pancha Dashi Stotras means Pancha Dashaakshari means 15 syllables will be there but 16th will never be. 16th is never sung or written,spoken.

Q)Can we sing that as Keertan Swamiji ? Without 16th you can do anything., Swamiji:-16th One you can chant for yourself.when you become enlightened, when i put you in throne like sankara charaya you can initiate others.

Q) one more swamiji, when you are hitting, the ears are paining too much? Swamiji:- but, there is no speaker here,sound is coming from there only and hitting, so dont worry it is o.k, but there is no speaker here.only sound is created here but it is not sent to your hears, so no speaker dont worry

Q) Swamiji today, suddenly laugh came. Suddenly laugh came and head became very hot. That Swamiji:- it is ok,Cool.

Q) Swamiji, it's one of those rare occasions that I was actually moved, I was wondering if we could have another session reason being... Swamiji:- Don't worry we are going to have 3 more days with this 16 Syllable.

Q)...particularly this sound at the end, it was the most extraordinary experience. It didn't last long enough. Swamiji:-That is why,I am saying, your inner space will be usually afraid of something very powerful entering you, ... it was so powerful I could have sustained it. That is what I am saying, we will be doing at least 3 more days we will be working. So don't worry.

Q)... but could I ask you to make the sound towards the end to make it somewhat longer..

Swamiji:- Sure. See it is not like I want to make it short or long, it is just the whole being how much it is able to receive and delivery. And I am also delivering in such a way that you don't get frightened. See when you are talking, you say to me "no no no I could have taken it, but that is not the response from inner space. That is why you even feel that I have to catch it. It's too much. You see in the first session you guys got this much is a great thing. So don't worry just bless yourselves you are more than qualified.so dont worry about it. See some of the major things which can be a small hindrance like a construction sound we stopped. This coughing this that don't worry.

Q) Swamiji ? Go Ahead.. During the process I saw Devi worshipping Linga and even her Kundalini was awakening.

Swamiji:- Good Darshan.

Q) Swamiji, I saw those two serpents in the shape of Kundalini coil and it became one big serpent and came and swallowed me.

Swamiji:-That is exactly described in Patanjali as the form of Kundalini. You are right.

Q)... so it came and swallowed me. Swamiji one more question if like everyday in Energy Darshan we have personal question, we used to write it and submit right, can we submit like that ? I have some personal questions to ask.

Swamiji:-When we have the next darshan submit.

Q) Swamiji thank you very much for the wonderful experience, yesterday also and today. Yesterday I couldn't speak that is why. In my mother's place we do this Lalita Upasana, mother has been doing for 50 years, I am learning from her, I learnt and also continuing. We always go to Mookambika temple there that swayambhu linga is covered with Meru. That lifted up and I got Darshan. Swamiji:-It is not Linga,it is devi. ... Devi in Linga form.. Participant:- When it lifted that linga has got a golden.. swarna reagai.. Yes.. from there the golden rays came and sat inside the ananda gandha swami.

Swamiji:-The deity was installed by Adi Shankara.. and there is a SriChakra Pratishta there.

...Last night also you will come in my dream, I felt you were near my bed and Ananda Gandha Sri Chakra .. tathastu.

So many people have started reporting.. How many saw me in the dream.. Wow So many dreams I was there.. That's nice to see. Laughs.. good.

Participant:-.. and today now Swami, I saw you sitting as Raja Rajeshwari and with all abharana and Alankara. Great .. Thank you very much Swami.. Tathatsu.

Q) Swamiji I wanted to share the experience of Yantra speaking.. Swamiji:-So you saw Yantra was speaking to you, that's good. Because it is an intelligence. Good.

Q) So Kundalini Shakti is Shiva and Shakti both male and female energy when it awakens, and when it awakens that's the enlightenment ? That's the only way to get enlightenment ?

Swamiji:- See when the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara it is enlightenment, I don't want to say this is the only path, but in any path Kundalini awakens. So Mahaveera also did this.. Everyone in any path Kundalini is awakened.

Q) Nithyanandam Bhagawan, thank you very much for this beautiful experience Bhagawan, when you were saying the different mantras, different parts of the Chakras were vibrating distinctly. I mean like for a particular sound, only that chakra was getting activated. Thank you very much Swami.

Q) It's about the process very very heavy like head pulsating like almost naucacious ? Normal ?

Swamiji:- That is good. No problem. Have the time. Enough time till Jan 13th for you to stand up and become responsible. Responsibility is not delivering something it is a consciousness. It's a decision. It's not delivery, it is a decision. The moment you take the decision, you will fill yourself into that and the delivery is the side effect.


Q) Swamiji, when we go back, can we internally chant these 16 Syllables ?

Swamiji:-Yes. You don't even have to chant, you will see that it is getting vibrated in you. See when those 16 are chanted, you will have like the attack on 16 different parts. Even if you remember that part you will see that that part is chanting that.

Participants:-... because of all the noise that was going on I could not catch all that was going on..

Swamiji:-Don't worry, it is done purposely so that the syllable gets into your system. You will get to hear the syllables also don't worry. You don't need to remember, don't worry.


Q) Swamiji, just yesterday I spoke to Neela, I said "I am going to ask Swamiji for SriVidya" and you gave it to me.. I just can't believe it. You just said this morning in Satsang. I said Swamiji heard me or something like that.. Swamiji:-You are constantly heard ! Understand you are constantly heard.

Participants:-Swamiji how do we proceed from this ? Swamiji:-You don't need to proceed actually. That SriVidya is Independently Intelligent enough to proceed itself. See I am not putting the dead seed so you need to pour water, and fertilizer, chemical pesticide, and put a fence to defend, let it grow.. I am putting a living seed which is already sprouted and which is capable of defending itself and protecting itself and growing itself and growing itself and giving you the fruit by itself.

You just have to open your mouth for the fruit to fall into your mouth and just close the mouth after the fruit falls into your mouth.. and taste it.

Q) Swamiji, so by the time we leave here, we will know how to utter the sounds.. to.. Swamiji:- Yes you will know. Don't worry. Actually you may not need to do something separately. I am telling you right. Even if you chant 10 million times what will happen I am making it happen just by inserting into your being. See, if you chant 10 million times then it will reach your skin level. If you chant a billion times, it will reach your muscle memory level. If you chant a trillion times it will reach your bio memory level. I am inserting it in your bio memory.

See if the cushions are kept, I am lifting the lowest cushion I am lifting and inserting the SriChakra in to it. Over !

Q) Swamiji, just curious, just after the process, I noticed the Yantra got heated, I thought it is due to body heat, and half and hour it's still hot. Swamiji:- "Good.. Good".

Q) Swamiji, Before the process started there is very heaviness in the chest and after settling down now, having the same thing. Little heavy. Swamiji:-"It will become alright". It is just.

Q) "Sounds scared me and so when you were making the sounds I got so frightened again I am sitting here, I am crying and I kinda plugged my ears because I don't want hear the sounds, am I interfering with the process by having all this.

Swamiji:-"Don't worry, this fear also I will burn it." That is also just a chaotic sound only. I will heal it. Thank you Swamiji.

Q) The sound used your company these syllables has different types of frequencies. So I was concentrating on the frequency of the sounds.

Swamiji:-"See you don't even need to concentrate on that.. the sounds I am using have no equivalent Syllable even in Sanskrit." ... These syllables are they related to different chakras ? "Yes they directly work on different Chakras". participants:-.. Lower chakras or higher ? Swamiji:-" I will say if you have patterns it will go to the lower chakra, otherwise it will not go.

Q) Swamiji, so these 16 sounds, if I make it the person next to me can hear it ?

Swamiji:- No 15 letters they will be able to hear, the 16th one no one will be able to hear. 16th Letter only you will be able to hear but in my case, I am converting that into a vibration and sending into all of you. So you all can get it. Not through ears but something happening in you.

See the first 15 letter, first 15 sounds, can be even heard by the ears. The 16th you will only feel it. So you may not hear it.

Q) Swamiji when I was sleeping yesterday night, without my knowledge I shouted and got up Swamiji. Swamiji:- That is ok, Night mare getting tensed. So much happening So much boiling cleaning all happening. Don't worry.


Q) Swamiji, since all our reactions weather they are good or bad comes from recorded sounds within, are you saying that these 16 sounds they are the sounds of good ?

Swamiji:-Let me tell you.. they are the source sounds when you have that source strongly, you do not allow bad to be recorded, or bad to be active in you. In that way they will lead you to more and more powerfulness in you and good. That's all. But they themselves do not have the quality of good or bad, they are source.

Q) Swamiji here.. The Sri Chakra lines, they represent a cosmic geometry. What about Meru Swamiji ? Swamiji:-Meru is 3 Dimension of Sri Chakra. It's a 3D of Sri Chakra.

Q) Swamiji during this process is the chemical reaction going on or there is toxin release ?

Swamiji:-I can say Chemical reaction also. If you have acidity, it will just be raised to the peak and you will be healed. If you have ulcers it will start getting healed, there is a very powerful chemical reaction of healing of the body happening. Toxins getting released, you will have so much of stomach cleaning, and toxins getting cleaned, and very big healing chemical reaction.

Q) but it is very high isn't it ? Notice that I wear the gold chain which one doesn't do anything and each evening I have a stain.

Swamiji:-It will become alright. It will become alright in one or two days, don't worry.

participant:-... it's not much, it's just showing up. Thank you.

Swamiji:-Yes, See I am working on your body literally like your body is getting cooked. Getting purified.

Q) Swamiji, can you explain the word cognition once more, with context to before and after shivoham ?

Cognition means how you perceive you and world and others.

For example if you strongly perceive you can fly, you can actually fly. If you strongly perceive you can swim, you can actually swim. It is your perception about you decides everything. So the cognition means perception about you.

participant:-... So after shivoham it will be changed ?

Swamiji:-What I am saying is before Shivoham your perception about you is always impossible. After Shivoham whatever you want you know it is possible. Whether you want it or not you may decide. But there won't be impossibilities standing between you and reality. .. yes go ahead..

Q) So if you are working on our bodies that means that.. our default futures are going to be changed as well , and all that self destructive program, self destructive etc that's going to be..

Swamiji:-All that will be cleared. You will not have self destructive patterns because of these 16 sounds getting purified into you.

participant:-.. so that means our so called default whatever destiny is going to be different.


Ok, Thank you.

Q) Swamiji, What does the 16 sounds means ?

Swamiji:-There is no separate meanings for that ma, it is a source sound from that 16 only all the combination of letters sounds everything comes.

Q) Swamiji, I have a question about, the energy darshan yesterday after everything was done, some feeling came to me and I felt like it's like the same feeling I used to get when I used to say, "I am going to smoke" so I got a little worried. Is this part of the processes normal ?

Swamiji:-But you did not smoke na ? Participant:- I didn't. Swamiji:- That is what,So it did not come up strongly. It has lost power over you.

Participant: Ya it was for like a minute.

Swamiji:- Yes.

Q) If the source is the 16 sounds,what is silence then ?

Swamiji:- The 16th sound is silence.

Q)What about “OM” Swamiji ? Is it the combination of these 16 ?

Swamiji:- In the “OM”, all the 16 merges.


See whenever you know, this person will not do any crime, harm you, or your wealth, you should not even have second thought in hosting them, entertaining them. That is the principle of atithi devobhava.

See whoever you know he will not harm, take the risk of hosting them, supporting them when they are visiting your place, giving food, or at least 1 day stay, it may be little inconvenience, but I tell you this "Atithi devobhava" does so much of healing in you.

See if you don't know them and there is a possibility they may steal or harm you, don't allow. I am not asking you to take that risk. But if you know them, even you are sure that somebody has given the reference that there won't be any harm to you, never deny because of your personal comfort reasons, food or stay. Hosting.

See all this, I am not aiming and talking only to NRI's, I am telling them because they have lost it. But I am telling the whole world. Most of you from the Western society, you have not lost your family name, it's nice you keep that family name and all that and the elders but, unfortunately this NRI's have become a "orphans" the cultural orphans. Identity Orphans. That is why I am continuously aiming at them and telling them.

So always keep this as a, see all Indian village houses will have a place called "Thinnai" varandha, that varandha is to host the people whom we don't know but we don't want to deny. Even if there is a risk, they will not say no to hosting them in Varandha.

See if there is no risk, they will take them inside the house, if they know there is a risk they will host them at least in Varandha, and give them food.

So never deny hosting due to your personal comforts. You can deny only if you feel,if you suspect there may be danger for you or your wealth. Keep this always as a decision making point, and I tell you so much good will happen to you.

I have seen in my life, the people, who have that feeling of "atithi devobhava" they do not suffer with attachment with wealth.

I tell you wealth will give you equal amount of suffering when it is not there and when it is there. Wealth will give you equal amount of suffering.


The same amount of suffering when it is not there when it is there, if you are wrongly clinging to it, if you have wrong concepts to it, and this "atithi devobhava" all this, will heal you from the wrong clinging. It will heal you from wrong clinging.

With all pride I can tell, my Gurukul is the only school where kids don't steal. I can challenge and tell.

Advaith, have we ever had a single complaint of stealing ? Among the kids ?

Otherwise kids will always have the complaint of "He stole my rubber, he stole my pencil, he stole my hair clip, She stole my Sundaravadam".

And for Sanyasis, the rule is next level, anything anybody asks which you own,you can't say NO. That is Aparigragha. That's for Sanyasis. But for Grihastha that doesn't apply.

Whenever there is no harm, never deny hosting or supporting because of your small personal inconveniences.

"Oh if I host this fellow, he will wake up tomorrow morning 4 O Clock he will wake up and do some Puja. I will get up only 10 O Clock before 10 O Clock I cannot get up, I have to switch on the geyser for him and I have to make breakfast for him". Let all this never be a reason for denial.

You have only one reason for denying that is harm to your person or wealth. Manu says very clearly, other than this you can't have any reason, denying hosting. The possibility for hosting somebody.

If you don't host anybody, you are a hostage of wealth. Wealth is having you as a host.

Understand. If you don't host anybody, wealth is having you as a hostage and you are not living it, that is living you.

See when you suspect there may be harm to the person or wealth, then no need to host. Then you have the freedom.

So keep all these simple things alive in your life. You will see so much completion, so much fulfillment happens.

The habit my family had, the family in which I was born and brought up, the habit they had of hosting everyone, has enriched me and strengthened me so much. Enriched me and strengthened me so much.

Because, variety of people I will see, there are some people my family will be hosting who will come and boss around, but still my mother will not say don't come next time.

I had the darshan of different characters, because of my mother's hosting habit, not only my mother, even my mother's mother. sorry father's mother.


Even she, I had the fortune of coming in contact with so many types of cartoons. Characters. Good, bad, it has added so much of richness to me, coming in contact with all types of people. That will happen only if your family is a family of hosting people. If you are not that kind of a family you will never grow so much.

A hosting family and a travelling personality, these two gives you so much completion about life. Fortunately I had both.

A hosting family and travelling personality.

See most of your bodies are, you guys have a stamina but not power. See power is something related to the strength of your internal organs.

Ability to digest, the kidney's ability to purify, liver's ability to support and disintegrate the food into energy. That is power, now these sounds, awaken those powers first.

But your bodies, most of your bodies I am seeing, all you guys, have so much stamina you can jump, run, swim. That stamina is Ok. But the power is very very low, because of the modern day food and lifestyle, the beliefs you have about you, you think if you have the muscles you are a healthy person. But you don't think your digestion capacity only makes you healthy.

The wrong concepts about health has been fed into your system.

Let's gather for next session,thank you "Be Blissful" !

Photos From The Day:

Photos Of The Day:
