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HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us.
== Description: ==
== Description ==
==Video and Audio - The Best Gift for our Children==
In today’s morning [[Satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us. The possibility we carry should be infectious, by our enthusiasm, spreading out to everyone around us. In this state, we are more active and useful to our family, neighbors, society, and humanity. Let us stay off the couch, away from the TV, and create excitement and joy in others!  
In today’s morning [[Satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us. The possibility we carry should be infectious, by our enthusiasm, spreading out to everyone around us. In this state, we are more active and useful to our family, neighbors, society, and humanity. Let us stay off the couch, away from the TV, and create excitement and joy in others!  
== Description: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z14VJg9V-9g&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6KrfJe2kgh9y2JR4-IdcOo&index=729 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2014-jan-21-the-best-gift-for?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2014-january"/>
In today’s morning [[Satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us. The possibility we carry should be infectious, by our enthusiasm, spreading out to everyone around us. In this state, we are more active and useful to our family, neighbors, society, and humanity. Let us stay off the couch, away from the TV, and create excitement and joy in others!
Kailaaasa TV
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
is samay hamare saath upasthith sabhi darshakon, bhakton ka mein prem aur ashirwad sahith swagath kartha hoon. aaj ke satsang mein, mein aap sabhi ka prem aur ashirwad ke saath swagath kartha hoon. sabhi bhakton shishyon sannyasiyon samajiyon ka swagath hai.
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us all over the world, this time through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Ishwar TV, Janasri TV, and through two-way video conferencing, having nayana deeksha in 29 cities in many countries around the world. The cities sitting with us via two-way video conferencing. Greensboro - North Carolina, Kuala Lumpur - Palani, Monterrey - Mexico, Charlotte - SriSailam, London - Kaashi, Nithyanagara - Bangalore, Xalapa Jalisco - Mexico, San Diego - La Jolla, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Seattle - Chidambaram, Houston - Kalahasti, San Jose - Madurai, Adhi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetham Avathi Palayam (2:09), Thiruvanmiyur - Chennai, Ohio - Ma Shivananda, Bengaluru - city centre, Nithyananda Nagaramu - Hyderabad, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Ohio - Prayag, Toronto - Kaailasam, Indrani - New Jersey, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetham Avati palayam, Guadeloupe - Prameshwaram, Houston - Kaalahasti, Singapore - Singapuram, San Antonio - Texas, Enriching Temple Bidadi, Molieres - France, Oman - Sivagangai, Scottsdale - Arizona, Hyderabad - Gupta Kashi, Thiruvanmiyur - Chennai.
1:22 PM (4 hours ago)
I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. I specially welcome all the participants in Toronto - Kailaasam; all the devotees, viewers, visitors gathered in Toronto Kaailasam for special kalpataru darshan, unique kalpataru darshan.
Today again I wanted to expand on kalpataru. Listen, there is a big difference between every action you take with the idea of impossibility, and with the idea of possibility. Understand? For example, from Haridwar you are travelling to Delhi. You are going by walk. Every step you take, you put, with the idea, you are never going to reach Delhi, with all kinds of doubts, “who knows whether this is the right road? Who knows whether the tempo..whether the weather will be helping us? Who knows I will not get into some accident and die?” With all kinds of doubts. The more and more number of steps you put, more and more you will be tired, sick, depressed. If you walk in the same road, with the idea of possibility, more and more you will be excited. When you see every name board, “Wow, we are coming closer to Delhi, closer to Delhi.” And the ideas, what you’re going to achieve, enjoy, have in Delhi, that will inspire you and excite you more and more.
Please understand, don’t ever think like a so-called rationalist, irrational-rationalist. This irrational-rationalist always give an argument, “Eh, what is there? Whether I believe or don’t believe, the same number of steps only I have to take to reach Delhi.” Understand, number of steps may be same, but the effort will not be same. When you walk with the impossibility, number of steps may be same, but the effort will be more. If you walk with the possibility, number of steps may be same, but effort will be practically zero. The more and more action, the more and more excitement, is the definition of possibility. The more and more action, more and more excitement. The more and more action, more and more tiredness and boredom, is the definition of impossibility.
One of My disciple asked me, “Swamiji, what is this, everyday morning exactly You get up, run to take bath, do Your puja,” I am sincerely doing, even I am some..sometimes surprised. See, after the realization of My incarnation-hood, see, from the age of three I started puja. First I started with Ganapathi puja, with that Ganesha deity I got. Then, a few deities added. But from the age of three I remember, Me doing puja, unbroken, till the age of 22. And after 22 no puja. Just being in the samadhi, that’s all. Again, the day I took up the responsibility of Madurai Adheenam, from that day till now, unbroken, I am doing puja as a tradition. I’ll sit and invoke My own presence and offer 😃 It will be very cute if you see the puja. 😃 I’ll sit with so much of joy and I’ll feel exactly, almost like a, My own hand putting it on Myself. But it is such a joy. So one disciple asked Me, “What is this Swamiji? You do your puja and run to the satsang. Are you going to do this for your whole life forever?”
Please understand, the moment he asked, I know that idea of boredom and tiredness as a pattern in him. Immediately I told, “First thing, understand, not only My whole life, even after I leave the body I am going to be doing this.” I am going to be doing this forever, as a aksharadhama. Forever and ever, from My aksharadhama I’ll continuously be available. You will see, all over the world in all My samadhis, people will gather every morning and do Pada Puja and sit for satsang, Upanishad with Me. When I am in the body, when My body is moving and when My vocal cord is functioning, it is satsang, Nithya satsang. When that does not function, it is Nithya Upanishad, that’s all. It is going to be My action, whether I am in the body or after I leave the body. He could not understand, the disciple could not understand. I wanted to tell him and tell every one of you, if any action brings you tiredness and boredom, you already have a belief of impossibility. The subtle impossibility is already developed in you.
to me
I tell you, beauty in the action is possibility. We all know how to beautify our body and skin. We need to know how to beautify our actions. When you are carrying possibility and acting, every action brings more and more joy and excitement. You will grow younger and younger. Your face will become more graceful, more younger, more beautiful. Very rarely I have seen people growing younger. One person without doubt I can say, Sathya Sai Baba. He grew younger and younger and younger. The more time passes, he was becoming more graceful and more younger. Without any controversy or doubt, I will tell, I will tell very clearly and boldly, one person I’ve seen in My life growing younger and younger and younger is Sathya Sai Baba.
I have seen Yogi Ram Surat Kumar also. Not only the face and the being, even the.. the lifestyle, everything. Bhagavan Ram Surat Kumar, the more the number of years he become more like a child. He was growing younger.
I tell you, the same Haridwar to Delhi, if you walk with the idea of impossibility, SDHD, you will not even cross Roorkee. Before that itself in some Ganga canal you may fall and die. With SDHD, you will not even cross Roorkee. If you walk the same road with the idea of possibility, without SDHD, every step gives you excitement. By the time you reach Delhi, you have all the excitements, all the excitement of Delhi. And, you get excited to do more walking, more yatra. I tell you honestly, when I started My yatra, please understand, let it be on record, when I started My Parivrajaka Yatra, I never thought, or planned, I will walk length and breadth of India, I will spend so much time In My Parivrajaka Yatra. The first few days of Yatra, I carried with the idea of possibility, that’s all. The concept of possibility gave Me so much courage, so much joy. I never imagined I spent 9 full years. God!
You see, a person who is more awake, for him, one day is equivalent to the three day of a normal man. See, even for the Inner Awakening, all the IA graduates, understand, you guys did not go through 21-day programme. You have gone through 63-day programme in 21 days. Because the number of hours you were working, just see. Morning 4 o’clock you’ve got to get up. Am I right? Ah, sorry, 3. Because 4 you have to be in the yoga. 3 you have to get up and clean all the holes and.. and.. and 4 you have to be here. From 3, what time you go to bed? 9 or 10, sometime 11. In the normal everyday, regular day, average a man works 6 to 7 hours a day. Here come on, see how many hours? And that also, all the emotional rollercoasters, ups and downs. And so much of cleansing. So, 3 days action you go through in 1 day. Understand? External cleaning, internal cleaning, internal internal cleaning.
So, I was a this kind of a person, Too many hours means, many number of hours, waking hours. Too many number of waking hours was My lifestyle, from the beginning. So I never imagined 9 years, 9 means in My lifestyle 9 into 4, 36 years. Because for Me, there is no other thing. No waking... no dreaming and sleeping state. I never thought so many years I’ll spent in Parivrajaka Yatra.
Now I remember, when I am going around the Haridwar, I have not spent years in Haridwar, surely months only, at different different time, but months only, not years. But I feel like, as if I know the whole Haridwar, because I don’t keep quiet. I’ll be walking around everywhere, going to every temple, going to every ashram, going to every place. The active lifestyle, I tell you, because that possibility gave Me the excitement, only now when I look back, I am shocked, 9 years I spent in Parivrajaka - Means, going from place-to-place. Not being stable in one place. God.
Please understand, take this one lesson, intranalyze this one truth. It may be same number of steps, same distance, but the effort, result, everything will be different. if you carry possibility with you. I tell you, when you travel with possibility idea from Haridwar to Delhi, with the idea of possibility, even if you’ve walked the same number of steps, you will forget many time, you walked or you struggled so much. To tell you honestly, when I describe it looks like a struggle for all of you, My Parivrajaka yatra time. Otherwise, it was simply honey-sun. Honeymoon means you may start imagining your own stories, I don’t want to tell that word. It was just a joy, excitement. Vacation with nature, that is exact word I’ll use. Vacation with nature.  
== Description: ==
Travel in your life also, with the possibility in your heart. You will see, one: every step does not tires you, it adds to more and more excitement. See when you walk with impossibility, every step adds anxiety, not excitement. When you walk with possibility, every step adds excitement. And, when you reach the goal, you won’t even feel tired that you did so much; because when you were walking you did not feel tired. See, when you were walking, if you did not feel tired, after reaching you will not have the tiredness memory. But with the idea of impossibility, while you are walking it’ll be tired, you may not reach. By mistake if you reach, it will give you the idea of “Ohhh, so much difficulty.” I tell you, I don’t feel at all I have struggled to do anything in My life. That is why still I don’t care about all this opposition, abusal, illegal attacks. I am not at all bothered.
In today’s morning [[Satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us. The possibility we carry should be infectious, by our enthusiasm, spreading out to everyone around us. In this state, we are more active and useful to our family, neighbors, society, and humanity. Let us stay off the couch, away from the TV, and create excitement and joy in others!
Actually these guys who are abusing, spreading lies, spreading rumours, they should have a small trailer of My inner space, heart 😃 They should get to, look into My inner space, they will really, they’ll really be, because they may be thinking, I am, I am giving too much importance to them in My inner space. When they look there, and they find that they are not even there, they will really be upset. Because they really expect that I should be afraid of them or I should be frightened about them, or I should have at least little concern. This is too much.
==Link to Video: ==
What to do? I tell you one thing, I tell all these guys who are abusing us, attacking us, illegally, immorally, adharmically, and lying about us, spreading rumours, I wanted to tell all you guys one thing, please understand, “do not fight with a man who don’t have vengeance.” Understand, this is a secret of life, I don’t have any vengeance, I don’t have any violence, My inner space is full of power. Don't fight with the guy who don’t have vengeance. You will fall and collapse, fail bitterly. See, only a person with vengeance will become tired, will become bored, will feel he’s doing mo… so much. A person without vengeance will never feel he’s doing too much. I neither feel I am doing too much nor I have any vengeance against anybody, or I have anger, no nothing.
Understand one of the very important lessons in the life. Do not fight with a guy who don’t have vengeance. You will lose the game. Always fight with the fellow who has a vengeance, you will always win the game. Please understand, the fellow with vengeance, even if he is a too big guy, you are a too small guy, you just go with the space of without vengeance, go with the completion, you will just win him.
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I am still working and trying to get some of the Akashik records, how did the few akhada sadhus fail in the war? I want to study, because many of our akhada sadhus were established on Nididhyasana. Only after they were established on nidhidhyasana level, means the cognitive shift has happened, they have sent to war, they have been sent to war. How did they, a few wars they lost, how did they lose? I want to study. Maybe before, some emergency I think some of the people have been sent to war before the training. That might have been the reason for their loss. Otherwise I tell you, a violence-free man can never be conquered. It’s a law of life. Violence-free man can never be conquered. My victory declares not just My victory, victory of dharma. I am telling you, My victory over all these abusive elements, anti-spiritual elements, anti-social elements, anti-humanity elements, anti-national elements, proves, this one truth: a nonviolent person can never be conquered. You will always lose if you are fighting with a nonviolent person. Because he’s so powerful. I tell you, a nonviolent person will be so powerful inside. He will not have any wound inside. And he knows, very beautifully he will handle the whole situation, and he knows what to do. When you’re filled with violence you will not know what to do. You will enter foolishly into a small ashram and break, beat that Swami, and get into trouble!!
I tell you, that is why in tradition, always before war, warrior has to do tapas, he has to do tapas. Whether it is Arjuna or Bhima, first they have to do tapas, become nonviolent, powerful, only then any war. I tell you, carry this space of possibility, you will always win in all wars. No one can win you in any war. Because the space of possibility excites you more and more, inspires you more and more, brings rejoice in you.
You can see in My life. Really people thought, how can Swamiji do 21-day programme, continuously? First year we did one. Second year we did two. Third year we did four. Fourth year we did six, sorry, third year we did one, because of the abusal and attack, but fourth year we did six, 4, 4, and fifth year we did six, sixth year we did eight, and, 7th year we are doing 12. Yes, 2008 - one, 2009 - two, 2010 because of the attack and abusal - one, 2011 - four, 2012 - six, 2013 - eight, now 2014 - 12. It’s only just multiplying.
By next year I am training acharyas. I’ll do in one spot, acharyas will be going around and doing in different places. Understand, carry the space of possibility, every day action will only lead you to more and more excitement. Every Inner Awakening only excites Me, not tires Me. I am only excited to spend more time with people, to be with people. Every day kalpataru only excites Me, doesn’t tires Me. I tell you, in your life, carrying the space of possibility in your heart is kalpataru.
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, hearts, state, family, neighbors, society, humanity, couch, TV, create.
==Transcript: ==
Here is the transcript
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1KC31TsB8ryHT49GXEbcIjTB9EDxdOQHN" alt="Nithyasatsang - _MG_7571_batch.jpg" height = "400">
== Tags ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, hearts, state, family, neighbors, society, humanity, couch, TV, create.
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Latest revision as of 22:02, 12 September 2021


HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us.


Video and Audio - The Best Gift for our Children

In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises us to carry possibility in our hearts to awaken life within us. The possibility we carry should be infectious, by our enthusiasm, spreading out to everyone around us. In this state, we are more active and useful to our family, neighbors, society, and humanity. Let us stay off the couch, away from the TV, and create excitement and joy in others!

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


is samay hamare saath upasthith sabhi darshakon, bhakton ka mein prem aur ashirwad sahith swagath kartha hoon. aaj ke satsang mein, mein aap sabhi ka prem aur ashirwad ke saath swagath kartha hoon. sabhi bhakton shishyon sannyasiyon samajiyon ka swagath hai.


I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us all over the world, this time through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Ishwar TV, Janasri TV, and through two-way video conferencing, having nayana deeksha in 29 cities in many countries around the world. The cities sitting with us via two-way video conferencing. Greensboro - North Carolina, Kuala Lumpur - Palani, Monterrey - Mexico, Charlotte - SriSailam, London - Kaashi, Nithyanagara - Bangalore, Xalapa Jalisco - Mexico, San Diego - La Jolla, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Seattle - Chidambaram, Houston - Kalahasti, San Jose - Madurai, Adhi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetham Avathi Palayam (2:09), Thiruvanmiyur - Chennai, Ohio - Ma Shivananda, Bengaluru - city centre, Nithyananda Nagaramu - Hyderabad, Los Angeles - Arunachalam, Ohio - Prayag, Toronto - Kaailasam, Indrani - New Jersey, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetham Avati palayam, Guadeloupe - Prameshwaram, Houston - Kaalahasti, Singapore - Singapuram, San Antonio - Texas, Enriching Temple Bidadi, Molieres - France, Oman - Sivagangai, Scottsdale - Arizona, Hyderabad - Gupta Kashi, Thiruvanmiyur - Chennai.


I welcome all of you with My love and blessings. I specially welcome all the participants in Toronto - Kailaasam; all the devotees, viewers, visitors gathered in Toronto Kaailasam for special kalpataru darshan, unique kalpataru darshan.


Today again I wanted to expand on kalpataru. Listen, there is a big difference between every action you take with the idea of impossibility, and with the idea of possibility. Understand? For example, from Haridwar you are travelling to Delhi. You are going by walk. Every step you take, you put, with the idea, you are never going to reach Delhi, with all kinds of doubts, “who knows whether this is the right road? Who knows whether the tempo..whether the weather will be helping us? Who knows I will not get into some accident and die?” With all kinds of doubts. The more and more number of steps you put, more and more you will be tired, sick, depressed. If you walk in the same road, with the idea of possibility, more and more you will be excited. When you see every name board, “Wow, we are coming closer to Delhi, closer to Delhi.” And the ideas, what you’re going to achieve, enjoy, have in Delhi, that will inspire you and excite you more and more.


Please understand, don’t ever think like a so-called rationalist, irrational-rationalist. This irrational-rationalist always give an argument, “Eh, what is there? Whether I believe or don’t believe, the same number of steps only I have to take to reach Delhi.” Understand, number of steps may be same, but the effort will not be same. When you walk with the impossibility, number of steps may be same, but the effort will be more. If you walk with the possibility, number of steps may be same, but effort will be practically zero. The more and more action, the more and more excitement, is the definition of possibility. The more and more action, more and more excitement. The more and more action, more and more tiredness and boredom, is the definition of impossibility.


One of My disciple asked me, “Swamiji, what is this, everyday morning exactly You get up, run to take bath, do Your puja,” I am sincerely doing, even I am some..sometimes surprised. See, after the realization of My incarnation-hood, see, from the age of three I started puja. First I started with Ganapathi puja, with that Ganesha deity I got. Then, a few deities added. But from the age of three I remember, Me doing puja, unbroken, till the age of 22. And after 22 no puja. Just being in the samadhi, that’s all. Again, the day I took up the responsibility of Madurai Adheenam, from that day till now, unbroken, I am doing puja as a tradition. I’ll sit and invoke My own presence and offer 😃 It will be very cute if you see the puja. 😃 I’ll sit with so much of joy and I’ll feel exactly, almost like a, My own hand putting it on Myself. But it is such a joy. So one disciple asked Me, “What is this Swamiji? You do your puja and run to the satsang. Are you going to do this for your whole life forever?”


Please understand, the moment he asked, I know that idea of boredom and tiredness as a pattern in him. Immediately I told, “First thing, understand, not only My whole life, even after I leave the body I am going to be doing this.” I am going to be doing this forever, as a aksharadhama. Forever and ever, from My aksharadhama I’ll continuously be available. You will see, all over the world in all My samadhis, people will gather every morning and do Pada Puja and sit for satsang, Upanishad with Me. When I am in the body, when My body is moving and when My vocal cord is functioning, it is satsang, Nithya satsang. When that does not function, it is Nithya Upanishad, that’s all. It is going to be My action, whether I am in the body or after I leave the body. He could not understand, the disciple could not understand. I wanted to tell him and tell every one of you, if any action brings you tiredness and boredom, you already have a belief of impossibility. The subtle impossibility is already developed in you.


I tell you, beauty in the action is possibility. We all know how to beautify our body and skin. We need to know how to beautify our actions. When you are carrying possibility and acting, every action brings more and more joy and excitement. You will grow younger and younger. Your face will become more graceful, more younger, more beautiful. Very rarely I have seen people growing younger. One person without doubt I can say, Sathya Sai Baba. He grew younger and younger and younger. The more time passes, he was becoming more graceful and more younger. Without any controversy or doubt, I will tell, I will tell very clearly and boldly, one person I’ve seen in My life growing younger and younger and younger is Sathya Sai Baba. I have seen Yogi Ram Surat Kumar also. Not only the face and the being, even the.. the lifestyle, everything. Bhagavan Ram Surat Kumar, the more the number of years he become more like a child. He was growing younger.


I tell you, the same Haridwar to Delhi, if you walk with the idea of impossibility, SDHD, you will not even cross Roorkee. Before that itself in some Ganga canal you may fall and die. With SDHD, you will not even cross Roorkee. If you walk the same road with the idea of possibility, without SDHD, every step gives you excitement. By the time you reach Delhi, you have all the excitements, all the excitement of Delhi. And, you get excited to do more walking, more yatra. I tell you honestly, when I started My yatra, please understand, let it be on record, when I started My Parivrajaka Yatra, I never thought, or planned, I will walk length and breadth of India, I will spend so much time In My Parivrajaka Yatra. The first few days of Yatra, I carried with the idea of possibility, that’s all. The concept of possibility gave Me so much courage, so much joy. I never imagined I spent 9 full years. God!


You see, a person who is more awake, for him, one day is equivalent to the three day of a normal man. See, even for the Inner Awakening, all the IA graduates, understand, you guys did not go through 21-day programme. You have gone through 63-day programme in 21 days. Because the number of hours you were working, just see. Morning 4 o’clock you’ve got to get up. Am I right? Ah, sorry, 3. Because 4 you have to be in the yoga. 3 you have to get up and clean all the holes and.. and.. and 4 you have to be here. From 3, what time you go to bed? 9 or 10, sometime 11. In the normal everyday, regular day, average a man works 6 to 7 hours a day. Here come on, see how many hours? And that also, all the emotional rollercoasters, ups and downs. And so much of cleansing. So, 3 days action you go through in 1 day. Understand? External cleaning, internal cleaning, internal internal cleaning.


So, I was a this kind of a person, Too many hours means, many number of hours, waking hours. Too many number of waking hours was My lifestyle, from the beginning. So I never imagined 9 years, 9 means in My lifestyle 9 into 4, 36 years. Because for Me, there is no other thing. No waking... no dreaming and sleeping state. I never thought so many years I’ll spent in Parivrajaka Yatra.


Now I remember, when I am going around the Haridwar, I have not spent years in Haridwar, surely months only, at different different time, but months only, not years. But I feel like, as if I know the whole Haridwar, because I don’t keep quiet. I’ll be walking around everywhere, going to every temple, going to every ashram, going to every place. The active lifestyle, I tell you, because that possibility gave Me the excitement, only now when I look back, I am shocked, 9 years I spent in Parivrajaka - Means, going from place-to-place. Not being stable in one place. God.


Please understand, take this one lesson, intranalyze this one truth. It may be same number of steps, same distance, but the effort, result, everything will be different. if you carry possibility with you. I tell you, when you travel with possibility idea from Haridwar to Delhi, with the idea of possibility, even if you’ve walked the same number of steps, you will forget many time, you walked or you struggled so much. To tell you honestly, when I describe it looks like a struggle for all of you, My Parivrajaka yatra time. Otherwise, it was simply honey-sun. Honeymoon means you may start imagining your own stories, I don’t want to tell that word. It was just a joy, excitement. Vacation with nature, that is exact word I’ll use. Vacation with nature.


Travel in your life also, with the possibility in your heart. You will see, one: every step does not tires you, it adds to more and more excitement. See when you walk with impossibility, every step adds anxiety, not excitement. When you walk with possibility, every step adds excitement. And, when you reach the goal, you won’t even feel tired that you did so much; because when you were walking you did not feel tired. See, when you were walking, if you did not feel tired, after reaching you will not have the tiredness memory. But with the idea of impossibility, while you are walking it’ll be tired, you may not reach. By mistake if you reach, it will give you the idea of “Ohhh, so much difficulty.” I tell you, I don’t feel at all I have struggled to do anything in My life. That is why still I don’t care about all this opposition, abusal, illegal attacks. I am not at all bothered.


Actually these guys who are abusing, spreading lies, spreading rumours, they should have a small trailer of My inner space, heart 😃 They should get to, look into My inner space, they will really, they’ll really be, because they may be thinking, I am, I am giving too much importance to them in My inner space. When they look there, and they find that they are not even there, they will really be upset. Because they really expect that I should be afraid of them or I should be frightened about them, or I should have at least little concern. This is too much.


What to do? I tell you one thing, I tell all these guys who are abusing us, attacking us, illegally, immorally, adharmically, and lying about us, spreading rumours, I wanted to tell all you guys one thing, please understand, “do not fight with a man who don’t have vengeance.” Understand, this is a secret of life, I don’t have any vengeance, I don’t have any violence, My inner space is full of power. Don't fight with the guy who don’t have vengeance. You will fall and collapse, fail bitterly. See, only a person with vengeance will become tired, will become bored, will feel he’s doing mo… so much. A person without vengeance will never feel he’s doing too much. I neither feel I am doing too much nor I have any vengeance against anybody, or I have anger, no nothing.


Understand one of the very important lessons in the life. Do not fight with a guy who don’t have vengeance. You will lose the game. Always fight with the fellow who has a vengeance, you will always win the game. Please understand, the fellow with vengeance, even if he is a too big guy, you are a too small guy, you just go with the space of without vengeance, go with the completion, you will just win him.


I am still working and trying to get some of the Akashik records, how did the few akhada sadhus fail in the war? I want to study, because many of our akhada sadhus were established on Nididhyasana. Only after they were established on nidhidhyasana level, means the cognitive shift has happened, they have sent to war, they have been sent to war. How did they, a few wars they lost, how did they lose? I want to study. Maybe before, some emergency I think some of the people have been sent to war before the training. That might have been the reason for their loss. Otherwise I tell you, a violence-free man can never be conquered. It’s a law of life. Violence-free man can never be conquered. My victory declares not just My victory, victory of dharma. I am telling you, My victory over all these abusive elements, anti-spiritual elements, anti-social elements, anti-humanity elements, anti-national elements, proves, this one truth: a nonviolent person can never be conquered. You will always lose if you are fighting with a nonviolent person. Because he’s so powerful. I tell you, a nonviolent person will be so powerful inside. He will not have any wound inside. And he knows, very beautifully he will handle the whole situation, and he knows what to do. When you’re filled with violence you will not know what to do. You will enter foolishly into a small ashram and break, beat that Swami, and get into trouble!!


I tell you, that is why in tradition, always before war, warrior has to do tapas, he has to do tapas. Whether it is Arjuna or Bhima, first they have to do tapas, become nonviolent, powerful, only then any war. I tell you, carry this space of possibility, you will always win in all wars. No one can win you in any war. Because the space of possibility excites you more and more, inspires you more and more, brings rejoice in you.


You can see in My life. Really people thought, how can Swamiji do 21-day programme, continuously? First year we did one. Second year we did two. Third year we did four. Fourth year we did six, sorry, third year we did one, because of the abusal and attack, but fourth year we did six, 4, 4, and fifth year we did six, sixth year we did eight, and, 7th year we are doing 12. Yes, 2008 - one, 2009 - two, 2010 because of the attack and abusal - one, 2011 - four, 2012 - six, 2013 - eight, now 2014 - 12. It’s only just multiplying.


By next year I am training acharyas. I’ll do in one spot, acharyas will be going around and doing in different places. Understand, carry the space of possibility, every day action will only lead you to more and more excitement. Every Inner Awakening only excites Me, not tires Me. I am only excited to spend more time with people, to be with people. Every day kalpataru only excites Me, doesn’t tires Me. I tell you, in your life, carrying the space of possibility in your heart is kalpataru.



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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, hearts, state, family, neighbors, society, humanity, couch, TV, create.

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