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What is Jeeva Samadhi (Eternal Life)patanjali yoga Sutras 137
On that day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the 31st verse, 3rd chapter, 137th sutra of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. SPH described the science behind the Jeeva Samadhi. He described the exact process (strictly to be done in the presence of an enlightened master) to reach the state of jeeva Samadhi. Running Parallel on that day the enKriya Convention took place in the city of Istanbul, Turkey, under the direct guidance of SPH. Additionally the Indian Ambassador of USA, presented a Commendation for SPH’s tireless work through the Kailasa Mission in the India Community Center in Milpitas, California, USA.
That day’s Discourse on Shiva Sutras was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 26 March 2011, in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAFw450LaYU&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-mar-26-what-is-jeeva?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-march"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. As you are all aware I am continuing on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 137th sutra, in the 3rd chapter 31st verse
kanta koope kshut pipasa nivritti h
I am continuing on the Samyama of Patanjali. Today I will speak on the next dimension of this Samyama. Please understand, not only making your body go beyond the necessity of food and water, hunger and thirst, this Samyama on the vishuddhi chakra can take you beyond the any energy consumption from the outer space. Please understand, the air you suck inside or the space you take inside or the fire which is kept alive by the sunlight and moon rays, all the energy intake can be completely stopped and you can continue to be alive. Please understand. This is the science of Jeeva Samadhi. As I said yesterday the science which I was expressing yesterday - living completely without food and water - and yesterday, just yesterday I saw a video, one great sadhu, Johny his name, in YouTube his video is there, many US universities have come and done… did research on him. In India many time they have done research on him in the hospitals, they kept him in the hospital’s glass door for days together; he will neither eat or drink or pass urine or any… neither intake nor output, no input nor output. He was a… of course he is, not he was, he is on record the man who is living for longest period without food and water, no intake for last 72 years. The whole biography and his background and all the medical researches done on him are available in you tube, you can see.
Yesterday I was talking about the science of going beyond food and water but I again wanted to remind you, I put the whole technology on record but do not practice unless you are directly being guided by the Master. I heard… you need to work with Him; I need to work with you directly, if that kind of a intense samyamas needs to be done. You see for chandra samyama and all, no need for personal supervision, but this kind of, this going beyond food and water, these kind of samyamas need a direct supervision, personal attending. Today I am talking one more deeper dimension of the same samyama, “Science of Jeeva Samadhi”. Please understand, yesterday it was, the process was only about living without food and water, now one step further, living without food, water, air or fire and space energy; just living without all five energies, all 5 panchbhootas, living purely on the inner space, producing all energies from inner space and keeping yourself alive.
When I say not taking energy from the space, means desires, desires are the energy from the space, Prana is the energy from the air, fire is the energy from Sun, the heat you feel in your stomach, Jatharagni, the digestion fire is the energy from the sun, and blood flow is the energy from water, and the mass - bone, bone marrow, muscles, these are the energy from the earth element. This samyama can be used to go beyond all 5 but again I wanted to warn you all, I am putting it on record please don’t practice on your own.
Now the next samyama, samyama “Science of Jeeva Samadhi”. Giving you the exact technique… but again I wanted to remind you, it has to be done under the direct supervision of the master, not otherwise. Yesterday we had a samyama, night 8 o’ clock in the temple, all our brahmacharis and brahmacharinis were piercing their ears, I went there to see, how the samyama can help them to handle the pain, I saw these guys because already they are levitating, not a single fellow had any pain; that is one side.
I was sitting there, I was training these people for the teleportation. I kept a vibhooti cup near Me and asked some of these brahmacharis and brahmacharinis to sit and meditate, may be just some 3 to 4 minute, two brahmacharis means one brahmachari and one brahmacharini started having vibhooti in their hand; samyama was successful, but the important thing is, this kind of samyamas has to be done directly under supervision because it creates such an intense energy inside. First thing you should not become egoistic and arrogant. Second thing, that whole energy should be used for love and compassion, understand energy is dangerous if it happens in you without maturity, like a child getting the knife - when he doesn’t know how to use it, how to handle it, if he gets knife it is dangerous, it’s risky. Energy is useful only if it is in the matured right hands.
For example you are doing Chandra samyama, samyama on the moon, you are all on the practice for last 15 days, sorry this 15 days; this will not create any big side effect, even if you get the energy you get based on your intelligence level. You will not become arrogant, you will not become egoistic but this deeper samayamas which awakens some extraordinary powers in your system, you need to be very balanced. And not only that, these powers when you receive as a gift from the master, for some reason if you become arrogant or egoistic, not only you will lose that power, you will fall into such a worst space and worst depression, to come out of it, it will take ages, janmas, janmas it will take, that is the big problem. That's a reason these kind of samyamas has to be done very carefully under the direct supervision of the master after thoroughly your ego is molded, cleaned, polished.
Let Me give you the process for Jeeva Samadhi. Jeeva Samadhi means, all the 9 fluids which are running in your body… see there are 9 fluids, as per the Siddha tradition, Yogic tradition, there are 9 fluids, body fluids, responsible for running your body. They are called Navapashana, 9 poisons. Please understand in Siddha tradition the word Pashana, not just means poison which kills you, it’s like a certain high quality alive chemicals are called Pashana, but the Pashana word is unfortunately translated as poison. In English we don’t have any other word, so I am just allowing that word. Maybe I can use the word catalyst agent instead of the word poison I can translate - catalyst agent - the word for Pashana; means these 9 body fluids if it is properly handled will keep you alive , if they are imbalanced will kill you . Blood and the water in the eyes, saliva and the kapha in the nose, the 9 body fluids, the seminal fluid; these 9 body fluids are called Navapashana, 9 poisons. If you are able to… sorry, instead of the word poison let us use the word catalyst agents. The 9 catalysts, if you are able to produce all these 9 catalysts without any input from the outer world like desire, please understand, desire is a input, that immediately produces the semen, body fluid, and water immediately produces blood flow. Each input from the outer world immediately produces certain catalyst agent in your system. Without any input from outer world if you can produce all this 9 catalyst agents in your body, you are a Siddha who can sit in Jeeva Samadhi means your body can be buried but you will be alive forever, even without your body you will be alive forever, understand this science.
If you can produce the water which is in your eyes, that liquid without any input from the outer world, you can see anything you want without using these eyes. That energy becomes capable of seeing even using the air as eye. You don’t need eyeballs anymore to see; you are now liberated from eyes. If you can produce the Prana Shakti inside without taking the air from outside, you can smell anything anywhere in the world, you don’t need nose to smell; you are now liberated from nose. If you can produce saliva without adding water from the outer world just through the inner space from the pure energy, you will be continuously in such an intense taste without any food from the outer world, that’s what we call Amrutha. This baba who doesn’t eat or drink, Johny baba, he experiences that Amrutha only, I saw his photograph. I saw he is a great yogi, no doubt. I will show the power of yoga to the world.
Suddenly 100 people will declare that we will live without food for 10 years and they will show. I will make all this happen. I am not going to talk stories. See last year I spoke I will make people levitate, now I am making at least few 1000 levitate everyday. So now I am telling, I will make at least 1000 people to live without food, water, at least 3 years. Not only that, I will send them all over the world. They can go to any universities, sit in any cabin, any hospital, go through any controlled conditioned tests, and now I already, first, may be one month before I tried teaching teleporting to our Brahmacharis, but these fools before I instructed they opened their eyes, sorry, they opened their hands, so it was not a successful experiment, but yesterday it was successful.
2 people had that initiation and they were able to get the vibhooti in their hand. Now it is only question of time. I tell you guys within the end of this year all the swamis who come to your cities to conduct classes, Puja , now you see Bhakta is sitting in the Houston, they will all come and do Pujas and materialize vibhooti and give you guys , that’s all. Aey Bhakta you don’t need vibhooti cup, you will be able to do within a year directly. Understand they will learn the science. See I wanted all these guys to learn this science so that we will tell the world. And one more thing, one fortunate thing is we have a very strong devoted disciples who are whose ego can never be abusive. Now, you see now we filtered, now the people who are standing with us are standing completely surrendering the ego. When this strong ego surrender happens, giving all these extraordinary powers is not a big problem, it is very easy. They can go around and play.
By the end of this year I am planning that at least 25 -30 acharyas, ashramites will go round all over the world showing the power of materialization, teleporting. And it will take at least one year for Me to train this no food, this no food-water that Samyama. I will work and first I will send at least some 25 people. But within next 2-3 yrs I will make at least 1000 people to live without food and water; just they will live. See, when I declared I will make people levitate, one year before everybody was thinking, ‘aey what is he talking?’ But see now it is happening. We will do the same thing now systematically, properly; I will prove this science of yoga, living without food and water and living examples of yogic tradition, teleporting and materializing.
Now let Me continue on this Samyama. So, any catalyst agent of your body, if you are able to produce without any input from the outer world, please understand, then you are liberated from that sense. For example, a man whose seminal production or the egg production, in the women’s body the egg production or in the men’s body seminal production is independent of the desire, fantasy, he is liberated from the urge to reproduce and his love becomes such pure, his love is not controlled by the hormones. If your love is controlled by the hormones it will always be related to blood relationship. Understand, all blood relationships are hormone relationships, not blood relationships. We are using a polite word blood relationship, its hormonal relationship which came by from hormone; whether your wife or the son or the daughter or all the relationships happened because of the hormone, hormones. Then his love is beyond the hormonal relationships; only he can radiate universal love.
Understand when your body seminal production activity is liberated from the outside desires and fantasies, you are free from the urge to reproduce and you are now free to install energy into anything; you can give life to anything. You don’t need another one womb to create a life. You don’t need another one human body to give life. You can just make a statue and touch that and that will become alive, that is the science of Prana pratishtha.
Normal human life… He is not only free from the urge to reproduce; he is liberated from the normal body physical actions which is necessary to infuse life into something. He can infuse life into anything just by look. Just a look is enough, he infuses life. Just if he touches that’s enough a stone will be filled with prana, life. This is the science how the deities are installed by enlightened masters, just their sparsh deeksha, when they touch, the energy is infused into it. They don’t even actually need to touch. Touch is like a one more act to satisfy the people that it has been energized; otherwise just a look is enough. Look is enough to infuse energy into the body or a stone or a metal or anything.
If you want to see the power of look, nayana deeksha, you don’t need to go anywhere, just see! 😃 [Swamiji gives a look at the nayana deeksha participants] Look can just infuse energy into the system. You don’t need the physical act to put life. In every step if you are liberated from creating any catalyst agent without having need to add from the outer world, you are liberated that part of the act. Please understand, I am giving like a formula. Maybe you should see this discourse once more later on so that you understand these formulas. You can apply it in your life.
Now this technique, the samyama on the vishuddhi chakra can liberate you from all the 9 catalyst agent productive, production inputs. Please understand, for all the 9 catalyst agent production, whatever input you need from the outer world, you can be liberated from all that input. You can be liberated from all that input, understand that’s important thing. And you can go on be producing it so that your body is…. I can say that you are alive.
Like Ragavendra swamigal of Vrindavan, a great yogi…he is still alive, sitting. Don’t think he is dead. It is Jeeva Samadhi. He is there alive, still his beads roll, please understand if you go in the silent night times, put your ears on that samadhi, you can very clearly listen the beads rolling and that sound of the Rama nama, that mantra, that some murmuring. You may not be able to hear the exact Rama sound, but that somebody is sitting there and humming or uttering some words in rhythmic way that can be heard very clearly. I am not promoting any superstitions, I am not telling you lies, I am telling you from My experience. If you have a intelligence, go and check it. Still he is there counting the beads. He is in samadhi, jeeva samadhi and the beads are moving just to prove he is in jeeva samadhi.
I can give you thousands of examples of Jeeva Samadhi in India. Trailinga Swami; he will be sitting and meditating on the Ganges, suddenly flood will come and he will be completely covered inside. After the flood recedes may be some 5 months, 6 months, then people will search for him and start digging out, he will be sitting inside 10 feet in the mud, 10 feet when they dig, he will be sitting in Samadhi. They will get the body out and he will just shake and come out as “Yes…Aey how are you ... what happened?”
Near my native place, Arunachala, there was a swami, Poondi swamigal, a great siddha purusha, same way only he will sit on the banks of the river and simply flood will cover him and the whole body will be covered by the river sand, he will be there inside for 6-7 months, after 6 -7 months when the flood recedes, flood settles down, recedes, people will go and dig some 5-6 feet, then bring the body out. He will come out and “oh ok, ok, ok”. He will talk to them and start living.
These are not stories. Pondi Swami lived just 30 years before, only 30 or 40 years before he took Jeeva Samadhi. He is a next generation to Ramana Maharshi, must be 30 to 50 years only. He would have had Jeeva Samadhi and Trailinga swami, he also lived, he was seen by…. Ramakrishna had darshan of Trailanga swami , Vivekananada had Darshan of Trailanga swami, means 100 yrs before.
So understand this science of Jeeva Samadhi is not false and one more thing now itself I am putting it on record, I am challenging and I am putting it on record, at least, at least 108 of My disciples will have Jeeva Samadhi. Understand, no really, I am working on the new campus, that’s the way I am designing. It’s like a…. it will be like a…. I am saying now 108, just for the safe side, to be on safe side. I am working in such a way, I will be sitting in Jeeva Samadhi at least with 10000 yogis in Jeeva Samadhi around Me. We will create one of the greatest energy field on the planet earth in Bidadi. We will see, it’s like a one sun, 10000 mirrors will be reflecting it. What will happen to that intense energy centralizing?
I will prove all this science. Whatever I was talking last 2-3 years I am proving continuously. We started with levitation, now next teleportation, then next is being liberated from food and water, hunger-thirst. Then the next science will be teaching the Jeeva Samadhi, science of Jeeva Samadhi. Of course I am going to live for long time in the body, keeping it alive and active at least 100 more years. But after that I am saying when I sit in Jeeva Samadhi you will see I would have trained at least 10000 people in that science. I will be sitting alive with 10000 disciples around. Actually when I was planning for the new campus, the main temple, I was telling them “Aey make a 10000 Shivalinga temple around Me”. The main temple which we are planning for Me and 10000 Shivalinga temples like a prakara, 10000 temples around. They were asking why Swamiji. I said all My swamis will live with Me even after leaving the body, where will they go? Only department change, nothing else, only department change. And like a transferring to the, from one campus to another campus, come on your job in the Bidadi campus is over, now Akshardham. Akshardham means the imperishable space; from there let us continue our job.
So before they all leave the body, they will show to the world the science of Jeeva Samadhi. Of course not only I will show, Me showing they will always create controversy and people will never believe. If I train these people and show through them, see for example if I levitate what will they say ‘Eh he is acting’. If 10000 people are levitating, what to do? You can’t say all 10000 people are acting. If I materialize they say ‘Oh sleight of hand, he is doing magic; he is having somewhere here there and he is bringing it.’ I am not doing, I am just telling ‘Eh you do it’ and they are doing what can be....and Brahmacharis and Swamis are doing what can be done. Then you can’t say they are cheating or they are doing some sleight of hand or magic. Same way I will prove this science of Jeeva Samadhi, science of going beyond food and water, hunger and thirst and science of Jeeva Samadhi.
I will describe exact technique, let it be on record just for that, not for you to practice and you will not be able to also, just for the record. Bring the awareness intensely on the vishuddhi chakra as a shining sun and give instruction to each catalyst agent, like eyes. Tell the eyeball ‘Stop producing the water from outer source.’ Tell the tongue ‘Stop producing saliva from the outer source’, water. ‘Stop producing the seminal fluids or body fluids from the desire, mind.’ ‘Stop producing the blood flow from the food or water.’ Understand when you give instruction and visualize, you are withdrawing from that each sense, each hole, withdraw yourself. You will see, one by one each pashana production, the catalyst agent production will become independent of the outer input. The outer input is not necessary, will not be necessary for the inner production of the catalyst agents, the very inner space, the sun in the throat chakra can supply all the catalyst agents required to live and run your life.
I bless you all. Let you all Achieve, Experience, Live, Express, Radiate and Share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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{{#hsimg:1|200|20110326_Photo_1002_Indian Ambassador meet 03.24..2011 025_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2011-Mar-26-AFP-5350/02-Indian-Ambassador-India-Community-Center-Milpitas-California-USA/20110326_Photo_1002_Indian Ambassador meet 03.24..2011 025_CMP_WM.jpg}}
{{#hsimg:1|200|20110326_Photo_1003_Indian Ambassador meet 03.24..2011 027_CMP_WM|https://zenphoto.kailasamailer.com/albums/2011-Mar-26-AFP-5350/02-Indian-Ambassador-India-Community-Center-Milpitas-California-USA/20110326_Photo_1003_Indian Ambassador meet 03.24..2011 027_CMP_WM.jpg}}
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Latest revision as of 20:17, 28 June 2022


What is Jeeva Samadhi (Eternal Life)patanjali yoga Sutras 137


On that day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the 31st verse, 3rd chapter, 137th sutra of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. SPH described the science behind the Jeeva Samadhi. He described the exact process (strictly to be done in the presence of an enlightened master) to reach the state of jeeva Samadhi. Running Parallel on that day the enKriya Convention took place in the city of Istanbul, Turkey, under the direct guidance of SPH. Additionally the Indian Ambassador of USA, presented a Commendation for SPH’s tireless work through the Kailasa Mission in the India Community Center in Milpitas, California, USA.

That day’s Discourse on Shiva Sutras was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 26 March 2011, in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. As you are all aware I am continuing on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 137th sutra, in the 3rd chapter 31st verse kanta koope kshut pipasa nivritti h I am continuing on the Samyama of Patanjali. Today I will speak on the next dimension of this Samyama. Please understand, not only making your body go beyond the necessity of food and water, hunger and thirst, this Samyama on the vishuddhi chakra can take you beyond the any energy consumption from the outer space. Please understand, the air you suck inside or the space you take inside or the fire which is kept alive by the sunlight and moon rays, all the energy intake can be completely stopped and you can continue to be alive. Please understand. This is the science of Jeeva Samadhi. As I said yesterday the science which I was expressing yesterday - living completely without food and water - and yesterday, just yesterday I saw a video, one great sadhu, Johny his name, in YouTube his video is there, many US universities have come and done… did research on him. In India many time they have done research on him in the hospitals, they kept him in the hospital’s glass door for days together; he will neither eat or drink or pass urine or any… neither intake nor output, no input nor output. He was a… of course he is, not he was, he is on record the man who is living for longest period without food and water, no intake for last 72 years. The whole biography and his background and all the medical researches done on him are available in you tube, you can see.


Yesterday I was talking about the science of going beyond food and water but I again wanted to remind you, I put the whole technology on record but do not practice unless you are directly being guided by the Master. I heard… you need to work with Him; I need to work with you directly, if that kind of a intense samyamas needs to be done. You see for chandra samyama and all, no need for personal supervision, but this kind of, this going beyond food and water, these kind of samyamas need a direct supervision, personal attending. Today I am talking one more deeper dimension of the same samyama, “Science of Jeeva Samadhi”. Please understand, yesterday it was, the process was only about living without food and water, now one step further, living without food, water, air or fire and space energy; just living without all five energies, all 5 panchbhootas, living purely on the inner space, producing all energies from inner space and keeping yourself alive.


When I say not taking energy from the space, means desires, desires are the energy from the space, Prana is the energy from the air, fire is the energy from Sun, the heat you feel in your stomach, Jatharagni, the digestion fire is the energy from the sun, and blood flow is the energy from water, and the mass - bone, bone marrow, muscles, these are the energy from the earth element. This samyama can be used to go beyond all 5 but again I wanted to warn you all, I am putting it on record please don’t practice on your own.


Now the next samyama, samyama “Science of Jeeva Samadhi”. Giving you the exact technique… but again I wanted to remind you, it has to be done under the direct supervision of the master, not otherwise. Yesterday we had a samyama, night 8 o’ clock in the temple, all our brahmacharis and brahmacharinis were piercing their ears, I went there to see, how the samyama can help them to handle the pain, I saw these guys because already they are levitating, not a single fellow had any pain; that is one side. I was sitting there, I was training these people for the teleportation. I kept a vibhooti cup near Me and asked some of these brahmacharis and brahmacharinis to sit and meditate, may be just some 3 to 4 minute, two brahmacharis means one brahmachari and one brahmacharini started having vibhooti in their hand; samyama was successful, but the important thing is, this kind of samyamas has to be done directly under supervision because it creates such an intense energy inside. First thing you should not become egoistic and arrogant. Second thing, that whole energy should be used for love and compassion, understand energy is dangerous if it happens in you without maturity, like a child getting the knife - when he doesn’t know how to use it, how to handle it, if he gets knife it is dangerous, it’s risky. Energy is useful only if it is in the matured right hands.


For example you are doing Chandra samyama, samyama on the moon, you are all on the practice for last 15 days, sorry this 15 days; this will not create any big side effect, even if you get the energy you get based on your intelligence level. You will not become arrogant, you will not become egoistic but this deeper samayamas which awakens some extraordinary powers in your system, you need to be very balanced. And not only that, these powers when you receive as a gift from the master, for some reason if you become arrogant or egoistic, not only you will lose that power, you will fall into such a worst space and worst depression, to come out of it, it will take ages, janmas, janmas it will take, that is the big problem. That's a reason these kind of samyamas has to be done very carefully under the direct supervision of the master after thoroughly your ego is molded, cleaned, polished.


Let Me give you the process for Jeeva Samadhi. Jeeva Samadhi means, all the 9 fluids which are running in your body… see there are 9 fluids, as per the Siddha tradition, Yogic tradition, there are 9 fluids, body fluids, responsible for running your body. They are called Navapashana, 9 poisons. Please understand in Siddha tradition the word Pashana, not just means poison which kills you, it’s like a certain high quality alive chemicals are called Pashana, but the Pashana word is unfortunately translated as poison. In English we don’t have any other word, so I am just allowing that word. Maybe I can use the word catalyst agent instead of the word poison I can translate - catalyst agent - the word for Pashana; means these 9 body fluids if it is properly handled will keep you alive , if they are imbalanced will kill you . Blood and the water in the eyes, saliva and the kapha in the nose, the 9 body fluids, the seminal fluid; these 9 body fluids are called Navapashana, 9 poisons. If you are able to… sorry, instead of the word poison let us use the word catalyst agents. The 9 catalysts, if you are able to produce all these 9 catalysts without any input from the outer world like desire, please understand, desire is a input, that immediately produces the semen, body fluid, and water immediately produces blood flow. Each input from the outer world immediately produces certain catalyst agent in your system. Without any input from outer world if you can produce all this 9 catalyst agents in your body, you are a Siddha who can sit in Jeeva Samadhi means your body can be buried but you will be alive forever, even without your body you will be alive forever, understand this science.


If you can produce the water which is in your eyes, that liquid without any input from the outer world, you can see anything you want without using these eyes. That energy becomes capable of seeing even using the air as eye. You don’t need eyeballs anymore to see; you are now liberated from eyes. If you can produce the Prana Shakti inside without taking the air from outside, you can smell anything anywhere in the world, you don’t need nose to smell; you are now liberated from nose. If you can produce saliva without adding water from the outer world just through the inner space from the pure energy, you will be continuously in such an intense taste without any food from the outer world, that’s what we call Amrutha. This baba who doesn’t eat or drink, Johny baba, he experiences that Amrutha only, I saw his photograph. I saw he is a great yogi, no doubt. I will show the power of yoga to the world.


Suddenly 100 people will declare that we will live without food for 10 years and they will show. I will make all this happen. I am not going to talk stories. See last year I spoke I will make people levitate, now I am making at least few 1000 levitate everyday. So now I am telling, I will make at least 1000 people to live without food, water, at least 3 years. Not only that, I will send them all over the world. They can go to any universities, sit in any cabin, any hospital, go through any controlled conditioned tests, and now I already, first, may be one month before I tried teaching teleporting to our Brahmacharis, but these fools before I instructed they opened their eyes, sorry, they opened their hands, so it was not a successful experiment, but yesterday it was successful.


2 people had that initiation and they were able to get the vibhooti in their hand. Now it is only question of time. I tell you guys within the end of this year all the swamis who come to your cities to conduct classes, Puja , now you see Bhakta is sitting in the Houston, they will all come and do Pujas and materialize vibhooti and give you guys , that’s all. Aey Bhakta you don’t need vibhooti cup, you will be able to do within a year directly. Understand they will learn the science. See I wanted all these guys to learn this science so that we will tell the world. And one more thing, one fortunate thing is we have a very strong devoted disciples who are whose ego can never be abusive. Now, you see now we filtered, now the people who are standing with us are standing completely surrendering the ego. When this strong ego surrender happens, giving all these extraordinary powers is not a big problem, it is very easy. They can go around and play.


By the end of this year I am planning that at least 25 -30 acharyas, ashramites will go round all over the world showing the power of materialization, teleporting. And it will take at least one year for Me to train this no food, this no food-water that Samyama. I will work and first I will send at least some 25 people. But within next 2-3 yrs I will make at least 1000 people to live without food and water; just they will live. See, when I declared I will make people levitate, one year before everybody was thinking, ‘aey what is he talking?’ But see now it is happening. We will do the same thing now systematically, properly; I will prove this science of yoga, living without food and water and living examples of yogic tradition, teleporting and materializing.


Now let Me continue on this Samyama. So, any catalyst agent of your body, if you are able to produce without any input from the outer world, please understand, then you are liberated from that sense. For example, a man whose seminal production or the egg production, in the women’s body the egg production or in the men’s body seminal production is independent of the desire, fantasy, he is liberated from the urge to reproduce and his love becomes such pure, his love is not controlled by the hormones. If your love is controlled by the hormones it will always be related to blood relationship. Understand, all blood relationships are hormone relationships, not blood relationships. We are using a polite word blood relationship, its hormonal relationship which came by from hormone; whether your wife or the son or the daughter or all the relationships happened because of the hormone, hormones. Then his love is beyond the hormonal relationships; only he can radiate universal love.


Understand when your body seminal production activity is liberated from the outside desires and fantasies, you are free from the urge to reproduce and you are now free to install energy into anything; you can give life to anything. You don’t need another one womb to create a life. You don’t need another one human body to give life. You can just make a statue and touch that and that will become alive, that is the science of Prana pratishtha. Normal human life… He is not only free from the urge to reproduce; he is liberated from the normal body physical actions which is necessary to infuse life into something. He can infuse life into anything just by look. Just a look is enough, he infuses life. Just if he touches that’s enough a stone will be filled with prana, life. This is the science how the deities are installed by enlightened masters, just their sparsh deeksha, when they touch, the energy is infused into it. They don’t even actually need to touch. Touch is like a one more act to satisfy the people that it has been energized; otherwise just a look is enough. Look is enough to infuse energy into the body or a stone or a metal or anything.


If you want to see the power of look, nayana deeksha, you don’t need to go anywhere, just see! 😃 [Swamiji gives a look at the nayana deeksha participants] Look can just infuse energy into the system. You don’t need the physical act to put life. In every step if you are liberated from creating any catalyst agent without having need to add from the outer world, you are liberated that part of the act. Please understand, I am giving like a formula. Maybe you should see this discourse once more later on so that you understand these formulas. You can apply it in your life.


Now this technique, the samyama on the vishuddhi chakra can liberate you from all the 9 catalyst agent productive, production inputs. Please understand, for all the 9 catalyst agent production, whatever input you need from the outer world, you can be liberated from all that input. You can be liberated from all that input, understand that’s important thing. And you can go on be producing it so that your body is…. I can say that you are alive. Like Ragavendra swamigal of Vrindavan, a great yogi…he is still alive, sitting. Don’t think he is dead. It is Jeeva Samadhi. He is there alive, still his beads roll, please understand if you go in the silent night times, put your ears on that samadhi, you can very clearly listen the beads rolling and that sound of the Rama nama, that mantra, that some murmuring. You may not be able to hear the exact Rama sound, but that somebody is sitting there and humming or uttering some words in rhythmic way that can be heard very clearly. I am not promoting any superstitions, I am not telling you lies, I am telling you from My experience. If you have a intelligence, go and check it. Still he is there counting the beads. He is in samadhi, jeeva samadhi and the beads are moving just to prove he is in jeeva samadhi.


I can give you thousands of examples of Jeeva Samadhi in India. Trailinga Swami; he will be sitting and meditating on the Ganges, suddenly flood will come and he will be completely covered inside. After the flood recedes may be some 5 months, 6 months, then people will search for him and start digging out, he will be sitting inside 10 feet in the mud, 10 feet when they dig, he will be sitting in Samadhi. They will get the body out and he will just shake and come out as “Yes…Aey how are you ... what happened?” Near my native place, Arunachala, there was a swami, Poondi swamigal, a great siddha purusha, same way only he will sit on the banks of the river and simply flood will cover him and the whole body will be covered by the river sand, he will be there inside for 6-7 months, after 6 -7 months when the flood recedes, flood settles down, recedes, people will go and dig some 5-6 feet, then bring the body out. He will come out and “oh ok, ok, ok”. He will talk to them and start living. These are not stories. Pondi Swami lived just 30 years before, only 30 or 40 years before he took Jeeva Samadhi. He is a next generation to Ramana Maharshi, must be 30 to 50 years only. He would have had Jeeva Samadhi and Trailinga swami, he also lived, he was seen by…. Ramakrishna had darshan of Trailanga swami , Vivekananada had Darshan of Trailanga swami, means 100 yrs before.


So understand this science of Jeeva Samadhi is not false and one more thing now itself I am putting it on record, I am challenging and I am putting it on record, at least, at least 108 of My disciples will have Jeeva Samadhi. Understand, no really, I am working on the new campus, that’s the way I am designing. It’s like a…. it will be like a…. I am saying now 108, just for the safe side, to be on safe side. I am working in such a way, I will be sitting in Jeeva Samadhi at least with 10000 yogis in Jeeva Samadhi around Me. We will create one of the greatest energy field on the planet earth in Bidadi. We will see, it’s like a one sun, 10000 mirrors will be reflecting it. What will happen to that intense energy centralizing?


I will prove all this science. Whatever I was talking last 2-3 years I am proving continuously. We started with levitation, now next teleportation, then next is being liberated from food and water, hunger-thirst. Then the next science will be teaching the Jeeva Samadhi, science of Jeeva Samadhi. Of course I am going to live for long time in the body, keeping it alive and active at least 100 more years. But after that I am saying when I sit in Jeeva Samadhi you will see I would have trained at least 10000 people in that science. I will be sitting alive with 10000 disciples around. Actually when I was planning for the new campus, the main temple, I was telling them “Aey make a 10000 Shivalinga temple around Me”. The main temple which we are planning for Me and 10000 Shivalinga temples like a prakara, 10000 temples around. They were asking why Swamiji. I said all My swamis will live with Me even after leaving the body, where will they go? Only department change, nothing else, only department change. And like a transferring to the, from one campus to another campus, come on your job in the Bidadi campus is over, now Akshardham. Akshardham means the imperishable space; from there let us continue our job.


So before they all leave the body, they will show to the world the science of Jeeva Samadhi. Of course not only I will show, Me showing they will always create controversy and people will never believe. If I train these people and show through them, see for example if I levitate what will they say ‘Eh he is acting’. If 10000 people are levitating, what to do? You can’t say all 10000 people are acting. If I materialize they say ‘Oh sleight of hand, he is doing magic; he is having somewhere here there and he is bringing it.’ I am not doing, I am just telling ‘Eh you do it’ and they are doing what can be....and Brahmacharis and Swamis are doing what can be done. Then you can’t say they are cheating or they are doing some sleight of hand or magic. Same way I will prove this science of Jeeva Samadhi, science of going beyond food and water, hunger and thirst and science of Jeeva Samadhi.


I will describe exact technique, let it be on record just for that, not for you to practice and you will not be able to also, just for the record. Bring the awareness intensely on the vishuddhi chakra as a shining sun and give instruction to each catalyst agent, like eyes. Tell the eyeball ‘Stop producing the water from outer source.’ Tell the tongue ‘Stop producing saliva from the outer source’, water. ‘Stop producing the seminal fluids or body fluids from the desire, mind.’ ‘Stop producing the blood flow from the food or water.’ Understand when you give instruction and visualize, you are withdrawing from that each sense, each hole, withdraw yourself. You will see, one by one each pashana production, the catalyst agent production will become independent of the outer input. The outer input is not necessary, will not be necessary for the inner production of the catalyst agents, the very inner space, the sun in the throat chakra can supply all the catalyst agents required to live and run your life.


I bless you all. Let you all Achieve, Experience, Live, Express, Radiate and Share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


Photos Of The Day:


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