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Arjuna: The ultimate possibility
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fViYklTv75M |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-aug-27-day-6-arjuna-your?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-august"/>
==Link to Video: ==
Just Drop Your Ideas About You
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut777r2El8U&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-aug-27-just-drop-your?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-august"/>
==Transcript: ==
सदाशिव-समारम्भां शङ्कराचार्य-मध्यमाम्।
अस्मदाचार्य-प्रयन्तां वन्दे गुरु परम्पराम् ॥
vande guru paramparaam ||
I welcome you all, with my love and respects. Let’s enter into today’s Satsang. Yesterday, I ended the Satsang with the note saying, I’ll explain today why, Vyasa, is describing every name, every person’s name and their conch name, the name of their conch, in a very detailed way. Please understand, the whole Western science, from aircraft to weapons, everything functions based on electron – the light particles. But in the Eastern tradition, we used all energies, we did all the job the Western science is doing. Please understand, just today I was reading an article, I’ll talk about in a elaborate way in the next Shlokas, next Verses.
There is a solid proof, very clear recorded proof. We had aircrafts, and atomic weapons. Atomic weapons were used, in Mahabharata. In the Eastern tradition also, we had everything from the aircraft to the atomic weapons. But we handled, controlled did everything through sound particles. The western tradition all the equipment’s are getting operated, everything based on electricity, electron particles, light particles. The Eastern tradition, we were doing everything, based on sound, vibration.
So each person, had his own signature sound. Each person, had his own way of creating certain sound waves. Please understand, I can tell you how, the aircraft which Ravana was using was functioning. He will sit in his pilot seat, and create certain sounds, very subtle sounds, and immediately, aircraft will take off. And same way, he will operate, divert the direction or increase the speed, reduce the speed everything just based on the sound waves.
Blowing the conch, is almost like a intensely releasing, all the possible sound waves this person can create. It’s like a preparation. Because, the sound, to blow the conch, to blow the conch you need to create from the source of the vaak. In Vedic tradition, the Eastern tradition, we were doing everything using sound. So each individual blowing their own conch, is like a signal they are sending, and the energy they are expressing. Actually, just by blowing the conch, Bhishma is able to raise somebody’s confidence, and destroy the opponent’s confident, opponent’s confidence.
Same way, when Krishna blows His conch, he is able to raise the confidence of Pandava army and destroy the confidence of Kaurava army, which is His own army. That is the reason, so much of detailed naming of every individual’s conch is done in Mahabharata. Vyasa, gives such details, actually, from last few days, morning evening both I am talking on Vyasa. Morning, the epic by Vyasa, evening the philosophy by Vyasa. It’s unimaginable, one brain can do both the job, such an extraordinary poet and a story writer, historian and such and extraordinary philosopher.
See whatever happened in the outer world during His time, He recorded as Mahabharata. Whatever was happening in the inner world; all thought trend, thought current, philosophies everything, he compiled and put it as Brahma Sutras. Whatever was happening in the outer world, he compiled everything and recorded as Mahabharata. Whatever was happening in a inner world, means all thought currents, thought trends, the philosophies everything he has recorded and presented as Brahma Sutras.
Impossible for a man, to have this breadth. See, Mahabharata needs breadth, what a breadth He is covering. See Mahabharata is not just a history book, He describes the geography of the 54 desas very clearly. The places, which were not under the control of any king, even those things, Vyasa describes very clearly. You can’t imagine a human brain, can do so much. That is why, we consider Vyasa as a incarnation of Vishnu. Vyasa is also considered as an incarnation. That’s why the stotra says
“शंकरं शंकराचार्यं केशवं बादरायणम् ।“
(shankaram shankarAchAryam keshavam bAdarAyaNam)
Vishnu comes as Bhadarayana – man who is able to educate, people in the outer world, in the breadth. Same way He is able to educate people in the inner world also, the depth. What a depth! Nobody after Vyasa can claim, any supernatural things, in the planet Earth. He is the ultimate supernatural, happened. Please understand, including me, whatever I am doing is natural, because you don’t understand you call it as supernatural. But Vyasa, is supernatural even for me.
See, calling something as supernatural because you don’t understand is not supernatural. Calling something as supernatural, because you understand but you are flabbergasted, you are just shaken; you understand the breadth and depth but you can’t grasp how can this happen, that is supernatural. Whatever is happening in my presence, because you don’t understand the science you call it as supernatural. Vyasa, is really something extraordinary, supernatural.
Let me enter into today’s verses. In Bhagavad Gita, first chapter, 19th verse:
स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत् |
नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलोऽभ्यनुनादयन् ||1-19||
sa ghoṣho dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇāṁ hṛidayāni vyadārayat
nabhaśhcha pṛithivīṁ chaiva tumulo abhyanunādayan
(saḥ—that; ghoṣhaḥ—sound; dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇām—of Dhritarashtra’s sons; hṛidayāni—hearts; vyadārayat—shattered; nabhaḥ—the sky; cha—and; pṛithivīm—the earth; cha—and; eva—certainly; tumulaḥ—terrific sound; abhyanunādayan—thundering)
The translation goes, “The terrible sound echoing, through the sky, and the earth rent the hearts of the sons of Dhrutraashtra.”
Here Sanjaya, who is describing the whole thing, to Dhrutraashtra, is saying – understand, the sound, coming out of, all the sons of Pandava, the terrible sound, is entering into the hearts of the sons of Dhrutraashtra. Please understand, Sanjaya is not saying when Bhishma’s conch sound was heard, he is not saying all the Pandavas are shaken. See very subtle way, even Sanjaya is giving enough hints, what is going to be end of the story. He does not say, the conch of Bhishma, and the accompanying sound of trumps and trumpets of Kaurava army, caused any concern amongst the Pandava army.
But with the roar of the conches of Pandava warriors, Sanjaya says, that the hearts of the sons of Dhrutraashtra, were shattered. He says that the blowing of the conches, created vibrations in the sky, upon the earth. Actually, blowing of the conch is used, as a attack on the missiles. If there are missiles coming from opposite side, just by the blow of the conch they will destroy those missiles. The missiles will fall. Just by the blowing of the conches, created the vibration in the sky, and that very vibration, filled, the hearts of the Duryodhana’s army, the Kauravas, and they were shattered.
The next verse Vyasa describes:
अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वज: |
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डव: |
हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते ||1-20||
atha vyavasthitān dṛiṣhṭvā dhārtarāṣhṭrān kapi-dhwajaḥ
pravṛitte śhastra-sampāte dhanurudyamya pāṇḍavaḥ
hṛiṣhīkeśhaṁ tadā vākyam idam āha mahī-pate ||1-20||
atha—thereupon; vyavasthitān—arrayed; dṛiṣhṭvā—seeing; dhārtarāṣhṭrān—Dhritarashtra’s sons; kapi-dwajaḥ—the Monkey Bannered; pravṛitte—about to commence; śhastra-sampāte—to use the weapons; dhanuḥ—bow; udyamya—taking up; pāṇḍavaḥ—Arjun, the son of Pandu; hṛiṣhīkeśham—to Shree Krishna; tadā—at that time; vākyam—words; idam—these; āha—said; mahī-pate—King
Seeing the sons of Dhrutraashtra arrayed in the battlefield, Arjuna, the son of Pandu, who was seated in his chariot, bearing the flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow.
Now the character Arjuna is introduced, first time in Bhagavad Gita, hero, of whole Bhagavad Gita. Understand, nobody else, other than Arjuna, can be a, receiver of a great book like Bhagavad Gita. Please understand, when a statue is created, it is not only the greatness of the metal poured, into it. The greatness of the mold also plays the role. Same way; see Krishna’s intelligence is like a metal, like a gold, melted gold, molten gold. It’s getting poured. It is Arjuna’s mental setup, which acts like a mold. How the gold is going to get stored, how the gold is going to get frozen, how the gold is going to become a statue, that is decided, only based on, the Arjuna’s mental setup.
All the great things, this book expresses, Arjuna is also responsible for it. Please understand, Arjuna is also responsible. Even, some boring things in this book, like a repetition. Please understand, when you read Bhagavad Gita first time you will feel, there are lot of repetition. Even I used to feel, ‘god... what kind of patience, Krishna is having, what a way! He is teaching.’ Arjuna, unique character, sometime he acts very dumb, so that the teachings received, is helped, is useful, even to the dumbest people on the planet earth. I can be sure, he can’t be so dumb, after-all a king.
He can’t be so dumb to ask the same questions again and again. Maybe he is asking so that even, ordinary people can understand the truths of Bhagavad Gita. The glorious expression, of Bhagavad Gita, not only Krishna is responsible, Arjuna also is responsible. Because the man who receives, his intelligence, plays a main role the way in which the teachings are given. One side Arjuna has to be highly intelligent, only then, the ultimate teaching, the Rajavidya can be given. Krishna gives Rajavidya here, Supreme knowledge. And Rajaguhya, the most secret.
Please understand, He gives the supreme knowledge, which is the supreme secret. So for that, Arjuna has to be, highly intelligent and trustworthy. Same way, he has to act dumb, to make Krishna repeat the truth again and again. I think Arjuna tests Krishna, if he puts the same question again and again, what kind of answers Krishna is giving. If Krishna is giving the same kind of answers, then the answer is true. If you tell a lie once, you won’t be able to remember that again and again and repeat the same lie.
So Arjuna, is recording, for posterity, for eternity, all the solutions in a proper way, in a unmistakable way, in all possible, directions. For example, when you ask me to define “Yoga” at different times, I’ll be giving different definitions. It is not that some definitions are high, some are lower. I’m giving the different definitions based on the different thought trend. So Arjuna, collects definition for all the key terms, like a Yoga, Tapa, Jnana, Aanma, Vairagya, knowledge – all the key terms.
Arjuna collects definitions, from Krishna, from all thought currents, from all thought trends, from different thought trends he gets the answers for all the different key terms. Seeing, the Arjuna’s innocence and interest, Krishna goes on and on and on. I tell you, only a person like Arjuna, can receive, great book like Gita. See sometime, when people ask you something, even you melt down. I have seen, in my experience, when people ask me something, very unique, I can see very clearly, my whole being melts and pours me, on them. In your life also you can see this kind of many experiences.
But I tell you, one example, recently happened during Kailash trip. One devotee, husband-wife both of them came to Kailash trip. He came and asked me, “Swamiji”. Actually both of them came, the husband asked me, “You should be the center of our relationship, means the, me and my wife both should be living, just based on you.” – Its… see, thousands of people ask me thousands of things, but it’s very rarely something very unique, very a detail, a depth boons. The moment he asked, I can remember, still now I can remember the whole scene.
I can see very clearly my whole Ananda-Gandha just exploded, “Wow!” This is what exactly, the definition of a Rishi in Vedic tradition. Two people, decide to live together, based on one ideology. Immediately, I blessed the both of them, “Yes, not only I will be the center, I will be the right-left-center of your life!” When some people ask you, something unique, how your heart feels, only if you experience you will understand. Very rarely I get this kind of unique requests, or boons. Otherwise usual, the knee pain, back pain, headache, very rarely people ask me the intelligent things.
See it is such a sweet boon. See, any boon people ask I am going to give, that is different. But when some people ask intelligent, sweet boons, I feel, “Wow, what a right thing this guy has asked!” It’s very rare people ask right things. People always ask for things, that is different, very rare people ask for right things. “Let You be the center of our whole relationship and life,” I thought, “oh God..” I don’t know, how did he think and where did he get this idea!
|alignment=center }}  
Maybe in the morning while taking shower he would have hit upon this idea. Usually, while you take shower only you get these ideas, where you are practically in “Nirvana” your mind is free, you are all alone, nobody is going to disturb you, there is no pressure that you should end, and the water also get; when water gets poured, on your body, a certain relief feeling. I think those moments only this kind of ideas comes out. Anyhow, when a person who asks, asks for the intelligent things the expression also becomes intelligent.
I know, I can see very clearly, how romantic the whole scene would have been, between Krishna and Arjuna. Maybe first, when Arjuna fell into the depression and dropped the bow and arrow, Krishna would have come down and held the hands of Arjuna and lifted him. Maybe, Arjuna did not even wanted to see the face of Krishna, I know for sure, beautifully, Krishna would have lifted, the Arjuna’s face, his chin, “look into My eyes, what are you doing!”
There are some records, I’ll give you later on the reference; at one point, Rukmini becomes jealous of Arjuna, this fellow all the time hanging around Krishna, I don’t get any time. It’s ‘time’ problem, attention problem. And, one day, late night, Arjuna and Krishna were walking and talking, finally Krishna retires to his bedroom. Rukmini was standing at the door of the bedroom. Anyhow, only Krishna can be with Arjuna with that limit. And Arjuna also can come only till the gate of the bedroom, door of the bedroom.
So, he comes to the door of the bedroom and just to see-off Krishna and to go back. So, Rukmini was standing there, she was very happy, this fellow can come only this much. She just want to show, that, her superiority. So she looks at Arjuna, ‘enough, go, go’ and just slams the door. You know how it will be, “pataar…” and Arjuna really becomes jealousy, jealous; and asks Krishna, that I should assume a woman body and enjoy you physically, and the record goes on to tell, Krishna blesses him, gives the boon, gives the science of gender change.
Understand, first time in the planet earth the gender change happened in Mahabharata times. Arjuna changes his gender. With this science only, he changed his gender once more, when he was, they were supposed to hide, during the vana-vaasa and ajnata-vaasa. See one year they were supposed to be in ajnata-vaasa. That time he goes through a gender change, and hides himself in Virata’s palace. So he goes through a gender change and enjoys Krishna’s physical presence.
I can understand, with this background, the amount of love and the feeling connection both of them would have had, the tradition says they are incarnations of Nara-Narayana. Means the same energy, which expresses as paramatma and jeevatma. See, in Vaishnava tradition, Vishnu expresses Himself as Narayana and Nara. In Shaiva tradition we call it Pashu-Pati. Pure soul and the soul which reflects on the body. The pure soul is Pati, and the reflection of the soul on the body is Pashu. Pure soul is Narayana, and the soul which reflects on the body is Nara. So they call it Nara-Narayana. So Arjuna is just, his own reflection.
Unless I describe, all the details of Krishna-Arjuna relationship, you won’t understand, the whole Bhagavad Gita. Because what a deep love and concern, was a basis, for this whole teaching. See, when a common man hears, he may be even feel offended – “wow, how can he say that there was a physical relationship between Arjuna and Krishna.” What can I do, there is a record. We can’t feel hurt for all these things because there are record for Shiva and Vishnu having physical relationship, then how did Aiyappa come?
So, these all you just need to listen and understand from the right perspective if you can. Otherwise just keep quiet. Understand, from the right perspective, to understand the depth of feeling connection. See, here is a man who is ready to go through a gender change to enjoy something, to experience something. And here is a man, who is ready to teach! The gender change. Give such a big boon. Almost, Arjuna was just Krishna’s reflection, Nara-Narayana.
That is why, the truth was expressed in such pure, crystal clear form, in Gita! Because it is almost like talking to himself. It is like convincing himself. When you talk to yourself internally and try to convince yourself, for something, naturally you will be honest. You will not be naturally telling lies about yourself to yourself. If you are in that level then you are in a big danger. See, for example, you have to convince yourself to do certain actions. So, you present the pros and cons to yourself, right and wrong to yourself. So naturally, you will be honest, to yourself about your capabilities, what you can and what you can’t. It will be honest analysis.
I can say, this Bhagavad Gita is more than a teaching, it is a honest analysis, of the possibilities of an incarnation. It is not just teaching, if it is just teaching, “why should Krishna show a Vishwaroopa?” By the time we reach the Vishwaroopa chapter, all you guys will be ready for ‘Vishwaroopa’. It should be given, otherwise the whole Gita will not be delivered. I don’t want to give the skeleton of Gita to you guys, I am going to give the Gita with flesh, bone and with all the full makeup!
Gita without Vishwaroopa Darshana, will be just skeleton of Gita. Arjuna is a unique character. As I said yesterday, he is the embodiment of Vega with Viveka, ‘Speed with discrimination”. Bhima is embodiment of just speed, no discrimination. Arjuna is embodiment of speed with discrimination. I tell you, Arjuna is the complete human being! Nara. And he is a great dancer, great poet, singer, nobody even Dhrona is not able to match him, the art of archery. Dhrona says, “my own student, but even I am not able to match him, I can’t match him.”
And a great tapasvi! By his penance, he got Shiva-Dhanush, Pashupataastram, from the Pashupati-Naatha, Mahadeva, Shiva! The great devotee! Krishna’s college mate. Both of them studied under the same Guru, Shandeepani. And, guy with all the great qualities of Krishna, without being an incarnation. Understand, when you are an incarnation you will have all the qualities but you have a responsibilities also; you can’t freak out. But here, Arjuna, with all the great qualities, but without the responsibility of being an incarnation.
That is why he enjoys life, and the strength, power; great father, who brought up Abhimanyu, in a very wonderful way; amazing brother, who is ready to give the whole life, his life for his brothers; Bhima and Yudhistra, Nakula, Sahadeva. Embodiment of power with discrimination and the feminine touch he has, means the ability to slip into the other gender and come back adds perfection. Please understand, when a man is beautiful, it is handsome. When a woman is handsome, it is beautiful.
The masculine touch on female body and feminine touch on masculine body gives a complete fulfillment. Arjuna, is embodiment of that. The feminine touch on the masculine body. Beauty and handsome put together, being handsome and beautiful at a time.
The description here – seeing the sons of Dhrutraashtra, arrayed in the battle field, Arjuna the son of Pandu, who was seated in his chariot, bearing the flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow.
Actually in introduction scene, first shot, hero is presented. Vyasa would have made a great director, and camera man. See, he is just turning the camera showing the whole Dhrutraashtra army in the battle field and turns the whole camera slowly to Arjuna. Showing the huge chariot, with the Hanuman flag and just picking up the bow. See the Hanuman flag and the bow means something. When he is taking up the bow, means, he is ready to fight, he is now starting. Hanuman flag shows, he is going to be the winner. See  the Hanuman is a great protection, for Arjuna. In a way Hanuman, is a step brother of Arjuna.
Please understand, you may think – “what step brother?” Hanuman’s father is Vayu, Bhima’s father is Vayu. So Arjuna is Bhima’s brother, so step-brother! No in Mahabharata, relationships are really too complicated. You need to understand, even I am very careful when I describe, because Bhishma and Vyasa are step-brothers. Different father same mother. Please understand, Bhisma goes and brings a girl by giving the promise that your son will be the king.
That girl is Vyasa’s mother! So in a way we can say step-brother. Of course, not even same mother, different mother different father. It’s like Shantanu and Vyasa’s mother both of them can talk, that your children and my children are playing with our children! Actually, Vyasa comes to visit Pandu, Dhrutraashtra, all of them, blesses all of them because his own family, gives them boons. It’s very complicated.
The Hanuman in the flag is a protection, Arjuna had, from all the negative elements and all the negative energies. I can say, Hanuman in the flag was responsible for Arjuna’s victory in the whole war. Let me tell you one more story. Then you will understand why, Vyasa is so particular about mentioning Hanuman’s name. Here, see usually, after the war is over, it is a protocol, the charioteer, driver will come down from the war, from the chariot and it’s like the opening the car’s door.
It is like how we have the protocol the driver comes out and he opens the door, for the owner to come down, for the passenger to come down. Same way the charioteer, the driver should come down and hold the hand of the king or the warrior to come down from the chariot. That’s a protocol. So after the war is over, now after all Arjuna won the game; he is in the elated glory that he is a hero. So he waits Krishna to come down and give this respect, maintain protocol.
So Krishna is sitting in the, in his place, and Arjuna is also just sitting silently waiting. Arjuna neither has the guts to tell Krishna to come down and hold my hand, nor he wants to give-up that pride. He is waiting. Krishna waited, waited for few minutes and then, “aai, get down!” Arjuna comes to his senses. Anyhow he gets down, but he felt Krishna should have done that, job of coming down and respecting him.
So after coming down, Arjuna looks at Krishna and in a very disappointed way – “you are after all, you gave me the boon you will be my driver and you did all the job of being a driver perfectly. You should have done this also. That would have been the perfect driver.” Then Krishna look looks at him, after all can’t Krishna understand what this fool can think, and he looks at Arjuna and, “What? You want me to get down and hold your hand? Would you like to see if I get down from the chariot first what will happen?”
So Krishna jumps out of the chariot. The moment He jumped out of the chariot, the Hanuman who was in the flag flew, he just went away. The moment Hanuman went away all the negative energies which were waiting to attack the chariot attacked and the whole chariot exploded, got burnt. Krishna says, “fool, understand! there were millions of Brahmastras, the atomic weapons waiting to bombard your chariot. The negative energies. Because Hanuman was there, in your flag, they were not able to touch your chariot.”
“But the Hanuman has given you the boon only for 18 days, 18 days is over. Now still he is sitting in the flag because I am sitting on the chariot. He can’t leave the flag before I step down. See the time is already over. Your commitment with the Hanuman is over. He said He will be there till the end of the war. War is over. Now he is still sitting and not leaving because I am here. He can’t leave before I leave. He is my servant. So if I come down from the chariot first he would have gone out. Your chariot would have exploded, you would have been dead by now.”
Understand, it is power of Hanuman, the Hanuman flag, power of Hanuman, which was responsible for Arjuna’s victory. Why, Arjuna did not die in the whole war? That is why, Hanuman is considered to be a great protection from all black magic, witchcraft and all negative energies. He is a Nama-Swaroopi, embodiment of the divine name, the highest divine vibration. Arjuna, naturally was shocked and surprised by the compassion of Krishna once more. Arjuna must have felt, “how many times I go on showing my foolishness and how many times he goes on showing his intelligence and compassion!”
Such a simple act, getting down and holding the hand of Arjuna. I don’t think Krishna would have been bothered about it. Because, see in the chariot, the driver has to sit lower, the front. When 18 days, this guy can sit lower than Arjuna, he wouldn’t have bothered to come down and hold his hand. And not only that, as a driver’s responsibility the Mahabharata very clearly records everyday Krishna was washing the horses, and wheels; preparing the chariot, understand.
See, you can’t tell somebody else to wash the horses because horses won’t listen to you. Only when you maintain them, you will have a personal relationship with them, they will listen to you. If somebody else is washing them, clothing them, giving them food and you just come and sit in the chariot, “aai.. run!” It is not car that anybody can put a fuel and wash the car, but you can drive. It’s a living beings, they need some love, care from you. Only then they will run when you say run.
Otherwise they will run in the direction they want to run. Like my horse, I got into that foolish horse without giving food or taking care of that fellow. Somebody else was taking care, I sat on it.  See what happened. Nothing like this happened in that 18 days proves Krishna was taking care of those horses. I can tell you from my experience. Krishna was not hurt in any way, throughout the war. But in record there are two things, one, he had a neck pain, because he has to bend his neck for a such a long time to teach Bhagavad Gita.
And, the Bhishma’s arrows on his face, the Triplicane Parthasarathy, utsav moorthi has 11 points in his face. That’s a Bhishma’s arrows, Bhishma-baana. Still, in the Parthasarathy temple they apply medicine every year for some 11-12 days during certain festival, for the Bhishma-baana. Except Bhishma’s arrows no other arrows was even able to come in the breathing space of Krishna. Krishna also allowed the Bhishma’s arrows because he went to fight directly with Bhishma by picking up the wheel, picking up the chariot wheel, he went to fight directly with Bhishma.
Because of that he allowed Bhishma’s arrows to touch him – “Anyhow, I went to fight so let me allow the arrows.” 11 marks are there in his face. Bhishma-baana. I can go on expanding on Arjuna’s character, because the Arjuna and Krishna are going to be there throughout the Gita, I’ll expand, at different times and speak more about their characters,  the personalities.
Next verse,
अर्जुन उवाच |
(Arjuna is speaking.)
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये रथं स्थापय मेऽच्युत || 21||
यावदेतान्निरीक्षेऽहं योद्धुकामानवस्थितान् |
कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यमस्मिन् रणसमुद्यमे || 22||
Arjuna uvācha
senayor ubhayor madhye rathaṁ sthāpaya me ’chyuta
yāvadetān nirīkṣhe ’haṁ yoddhu-kāmān avasthitān
kairmayā saha yoddhavyam asmin raṇa-samudyame
(arjunaḥ uvācha—Arjun said; senayoḥ—armies; ubhayoḥ—both; madhye—in the middle; ratham—chariot; sthāpaya—place; me—my; achyuta—Shree Krishna, the infallible One; yāvat—as many as; etān—these; nirīkṣhe—look; aham—I; yoddhu-kāmān—for the battle; avasthitān—arrayed; kaiḥ—with whom; mayā—by me; saha—together; yoddhavyam—must fight; asmin—in this; raṇa-samudyame—great combat)
Two verses are together, Arjuna says, for the first time in the scripture Arjuna speaks. Arjuna said, “O infallible,” he starts, “O infallible one, please place my chariot between the two armies while I may observe these warriors arrayed, for battle and with whom I have to engage in fight.”
Let me read from last two verses, 19, 20 and 21, 22, you will understand more clearly.
स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत् |
नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलोऽभ्यनुनादयन् ||1-19||
sa ghoṣho dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇāṁ hṛidayāni vyadārayat
nabhaśhcha pṛithivīṁ chaiva tumulo abhyanunādayan
अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वज: |
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डव: |
हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते ||1-20||
atha vyavasthitān dṛiṣhṭvā dhārtarāṣhṭrān kapi-dhwajaḥ
pravṛitte śhastra-sampāte dhanurudyamya pāṇḍavaḥ
hṛiṣhīkeśhaṁ tadā vākyam idam āha mahī-pate ||1-20||
Here, there is one more line. Seeing Krishna, Arjuna said these words. Understand, between the, last verse and this verse there is one more line, where Krishna’s name appears first time, in the Gita, as Hrishikesham. To Krishna, Arjuna says,
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये रथं स्थापय मेऽच्युत ||1-21||
यावदेतान्निरीक्षेऽहं योद्धुकामानवस्थितान् |
कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यमस्मिन् रणसमुद्यमे ||1-22||
arjuna uvācha
senayor ubhayor madhye rathaṁ sthāpaya me ’chyuta
yāvadetān nirīkṣhe ’haṁ yoddhu-kāmān avasthitān ||1-21||
kairmayā saha yoddhavyam asmin raṇa-samudyame ||1-22||
“O infallible one, please place my chariot between, the two armies, while I may observe these warriors arrayed for battle, with whom, I have to engage and fight.” Arjuna says to Krishna, “Please take me to the center from where I can see, the whole army.”
I’ll expand, on these verses, in the next Satsangs. Because, now I have to introduce Krishna. First time, Krishna is mentioned in these verses. First time the Krishna’s name is mentioned in the book. I need little time to expand, so I’ll introduce this first scene, the first conversation, tomorrow.
Because this conversation shows, the intimacy they have. The beautiful relationship they have. I’ll introduce this conversation, in next Satsang.
Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss. Nithyananda!
Thank you!
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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==Transcript: ==
Bhagavad Gita
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Arjuna: The ultimate possibility
DATE: Day 6: Aug 27nd 2011
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The next verse Vyasa describes:
Atha vyavasthitan drstva dhartarastran kapidhvajah
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==Photos Of The Day:==
pravrtte sastrasampate dhanur udyamya pandavah
hrshikesam tada vakyam idam aha mahipate
Seeing the sons of Dhrtarastra arrayed in the battle field, Arjuna, the son of Pandu, who was seated in his chariot, bearing the flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow.
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Now the character Arjuna is introduced first time in Bhagavad Gita; hero of whole Bhagavad Gita. Understand nobody else other that Arjuna can be a receiver of a great book like Bhagavad Gita. Please understand, when a statue is created it is not only the greatness of the metal poured into it, the greatness of the mould also plays the role. Same way, see [[Krishna]]'s Intelligence is like a metal, like a Gold, melted Gold, molten Gold. It’s getting poured, it is Arjunas mental setup which acts like a mould how the Gold is going to get stored, how is the gold is going to get frozen, how the gold is going to become a statue, that is decided only based on the Arjunas mental setup.
All the great things, this book expresses, Arjuna is also responsible for it. Please understand Arjuna is also responsible. Even some boring things in this book like a repetition….. Please understand when you read Bhagavad Gita first time you will feel there are lot of repetition. Even I used to feel God! What kind of patience Krishna is having. What a way he is teaching Arjuna, unique character. Sometime he acts very dumb, so that the teachings received is helped, is useful, even to the dumbest people on the planet earth. I can be sure he can’t be so dumb….. after all a King! He can’t be so dumb to ask the same questions again and again. May be he is asking so that even ordinary people can understand the truths of Bhagavad Gita.
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The glorious expression of Bhagavad Gita, not only Krishna is responsible Arjuna also is responsible, because the man who receives His intelligence plays a main role in the way in which the teachings are given. One side Arjuna has to be highly intelligent. Only then the ultimate teaching, the Raja vidya can be given. Krishna gives Raja Vidya here, supreme Knowledge and raja guhya the most secret.
Please understand, he gives the supreme knowledge which is a supreme secret. So for that Arjuna has to be highly intelligent and trustworthy. Same way he has to act dumb to make Krishna repeat the truth again and again. I think Arjuna tests Krishna if he puts the same question again and again what kind of answers Krishna is giving. If Krishna is giving the same kind of answers then the answer is true. If you tell a lie once you won’t be able to remember that again and again and repeat the same lie. So Arjuna is recording for posterity, for eternity, all the solutions in a proper way, in a unmistakable way, in all possible directions.
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For example when you ask me to define [[Yoga]] at different times I will be giving different definitions. It is not that some definitions are high some are lower. I am giving the different definitions based on the different [[Thought Trend|thought trend]]. So Arjuna collects definition for all the key terms like yoga, tapah, gyana, aanma, [[vairagya]], knowledge; all the key terms Arjuna collects definitions from Krishna from all thought currents, from all thought trends. From different thought trends he gets the answers for all the different key terms. Seeing the Arjunas innocence and interest Krishna goes on and on and on.
I tell you only a person like Arjuna can receive great book like Gita. The tradition says they are incarnation of Nara Narayana means the same energy which expresses as Paramathma and Jeevathma. See in Vaishnava tradition, Vishnu expresses himself as Narayana and Nara. In Shaiva tradition we call it as Pasu pathi; Pure soul and the soul which reflects on the body. The pure soul is Pathi and the reflection of the soul on the body is Pasu .Pure soul is Narayana and the soul which reflects on the body is Nara. So they call it Naranarayana. So Arjuna is just his own reflection.
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Unless I describe all the details of Krishna Arjuna relationship, you won’t understand the whole Bhagavad Gita because what a deep love and concern was a basis for this whole teaching.
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Arjuna: The ultimate possibility

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(02:36) सदाशिव-समारम्भां शङ्कराचार्य-मध्यमाम्। अस्मदाचार्य-प्रयन्तां वन्दे गुरु परम्पराम् ॥ sadaashiva-samaarambhaaM sha~gkaraachaarya-madhyamaam| asmadaachaarya-prayantaaM vande guru paramparaam ||

I welcome you all, with my love and respects. Let’s enter into today’s Satsang. Yesterday, I ended the Satsang with the note saying, I’ll explain today why, Vyasa, is describing every name, every person’s name and their conch name, the name of their conch, in a very detailed way. Please understand, the whole Western science, from aircraft to weapons, everything functions based on electron – the light particles. But in the Eastern tradition, we used all energies, we did all the job the Western science is doing. Please understand, just today I was reading an article, I’ll talk about in a elaborate way in the next Shlokas, next Verses.

There is a solid proof, very clear recorded proof. We had aircrafts, and atomic weapons. Atomic weapons were used, in Mahabharata. In the Eastern tradition also, we had everything from the aircraft to the atomic weapons. But we handled, controlled did everything through sound particles. The western tradition all the equipment’s are getting operated, everything based on electricity, electron particles, light particles. The Eastern tradition, we were doing everything, based on sound, vibration. (05:39)

So each person, had his own signature sound. Each person, had his own way of creating certain sound waves. Please understand, I can tell you how, the aircraft which Ravana was using was functioning. He will sit in his pilot seat, and create certain sounds, very subtle sounds, and immediately, aircraft will take off. And same way, he will operate, divert the direction or increase the speed, reduce the speed everything just based on the sound waves.


Blowing the conch, is almost like a intensely releasing, all the possible sound waves this person can create. It’s like a preparation. Because, the sound, to blow the conch, to blow the conch you need to create from the source of the vaak. In Vedic tradition, the Eastern tradition, we were doing everything using sound. So each individual blowing their own conch, is like a signal they are sending, and the energy they are expressing. Actually, just by blowing the conch, Bhishma is able to raise somebody’s confidence, and destroy the opponent’s confident, opponent’s confidence.

Same way, when Krishna blows His conch, he is able to raise the confidence of Pandava army and destroy the confidence of Kaurava army, which is His own army. That is the reason, so much of detailed naming of every individual’s conch is done in Mahabharata. Vyasa, gives such details, actually, from last few days, morning evening both I am talking on Vyasa. Morning, the epic by Vyasa, evening the philosophy by Vyasa. It’s unimaginable, one brain can do both the job, such an extraordinary poet and a story writer, historian and such and extraordinary philosopher.


See whatever happened in the outer world during His time, He recorded as Mahabharata. Whatever was happening in the inner world; all thought trend, thought current, philosophies everything, he compiled and put it as Brahma Sutras. Whatever was happening in the outer world, he compiled everything and recorded as Mahabharata. Whatever was happening in a inner world, means all thought currents, thought trends, the philosophies everything he has recorded and presented as Brahma Sutras.

Impossible for a man, to have this breadth. See, Mahabharata needs breadth, what a breadth He is covering. See Mahabharata is not just a history book, He describes the geography of the 54 desas very clearly. The places, which were not under the control of any king, even those things, Vyasa describes very clearly. You can’t imagine a human brain, can do so much. That is why, we consider Vyasa as a incarnation of Vishnu. Vyasa is also considered as an incarnation. That’s why the stotra says

“शंकरं शंकराचार्यं केशवं बादरायणम् ।“ (shankaram shankarAchAryam keshavam bAdarAyaNam)

Vishnu comes as Bhadarayana – man who is able to educate, people in the outer world, in the breadth. Same way He is able to educate people in the inner world also, the depth. What a depth! Nobody after Vyasa can claim, any supernatural things, in the planet Earth. He is the ultimate supernatural, happened. Please understand, including me, whatever I am doing is natural, because you don’t understand you call it as supernatural. But Vyasa, is supernatural even for me.


See, calling something as supernatural because you don’t understand is not supernatural. Calling something as supernatural, because you understand but you are flabbergasted, you are just shaken; you understand the breadth and depth but you can’t grasp how can this happen, that is supernatural. Whatever is happening in my presence, because you don’t understand the science you call it as supernatural. Vyasa, is really something extraordinary, supernatural.

Let me enter into today’s verses. In Bhagavad Gita, first chapter, 19th verse:

स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत् | नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलोऽभ्यनुनादयन् ||1-19||

sa ghoṣho dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇāṁ hṛidayāni vyadārayat nabhaśhcha pṛithivīṁ chaiva tumulo abhyanunādayan

(saḥ—that; ghoṣhaḥ—sound; dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇām—of Dhritarashtra’s sons; hṛidayāni—hearts; vyadārayat—shattered; nabhaḥ—the sky; cha—and; pṛithivīm—the earth; cha—and; eva—certainly; tumulaḥ—terrific sound; abhyanunādayan—thundering)

The translation goes, “The terrible sound echoing, through the sky, and the earth rent the hearts of the sons of Dhrutraashtra.”

Here Sanjaya, who is describing the whole thing, to Dhrutraashtra, is saying – understand, the sound, coming out of, all the sons of Pandava, the terrible sound, is entering into the hearts of the sons of Dhrutraashtra. Please understand, Sanjaya is not saying when Bhishma’s conch sound was heard, he is not saying all the Pandavas are shaken. See very subtle way, even Sanjaya is giving enough hints, what is going to be end of the story. He does not say, the conch of Bhishma, and the accompanying sound of trumps and trumpets of Kaurava army, caused any concern amongst the Pandava army.


But with the roar of the conches of Pandava warriors, Sanjaya says, that the hearts of the sons of Dhrutraashtra, were shattered. He says that the blowing of the conches, created vibrations in the sky, upon the earth. Actually, blowing of the conch is used, as a attack on the missiles. If there are missiles coming from opposite side, just by the blow of the conch they will destroy those missiles. The missiles will fall. Just by the blowing of the conches, created the vibration in the sky, and that very vibration, filled, the hearts of the Duryodhana’s army, the Kauravas, and they were shattered.

The next verse Vyasa describes:

अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वज: | प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डव: | हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते ||1-20||

atha vyavasthitān dṛiṣhṭvā dhārtarāṣhṭrān kapi-dhwajaḥ pravṛitte śhastra-sampāte dhanurudyamya pāṇḍavaḥ hṛiṣhīkeśhaṁ tadā vākyam idam āha mahī-pate ||1-20||

atha—thereupon; vyavasthitān—arrayed; dṛiṣhṭvā—seeing; dhārtarāṣhṭrān—Dhritarashtra’s sons; kapi-dwajaḥ—the Monkey Bannered; pravṛitte—about to commence; śhastra-sampāte—to use the weapons; dhanuḥ—bow; udyamya—taking up; pāṇḍavaḥ—Arjun, the son of Pandu; hṛiṣhīkeśham—to Shree Krishna; tadā—at that time; vākyam—words; idam—these; āha—said; mahī-pate—King

Seeing the sons of Dhrutraashtra arrayed in the battlefield, Arjuna, the son of Pandu, who was seated in his chariot, bearing the flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow.


Now the character Arjuna is introduced, first time in Bhagavad Gita, hero, of whole Bhagavad Gita. Understand, nobody else, other than Arjuna, can be a, receiver of a great book like Bhagavad Gita. Please understand, when a statue is created, it is not only the greatness of the metal poured, into it. The greatness of the mold also plays the role. Same way; see Krishna’s intelligence is like a metal, like a gold, melted gold, molten gold. It’s getting poured. It is Arjuna’s mental setup, which acts like a mold. How the gold is going to get stored, how the gold is going to get frozen, how the gold is going to become a statue, that is decided, only based on, the Arjuna’s mental setup.

All the great things, this book expresses, Arjuna is also responsible for it. Please understand, Arjuna is also responsible. Even, some boring things in this book, like a repetition. Please understand, when you read Bhagavad Gita first time you will feel, there are lot of repetition. Even I used to feel, ‘god... what kind of patience, Krishna is having, what a way! He is teaching.’ Arjuna, unique character, sometime he acts very dumb, so that the teachings received, is helped, is useful, even to the dumbest people on the planet earth. I can be sure, he can’t be so dumb, after-all a king.

He can’t be so dumb to ask the same questions again and again. Maybe he is asking so that even, ordinary people can understand the truths of Bhagavad Gita. The glorious expression, of Bhagavad Gita, not only Krishna is responsible, Arjuna also is responsible. Because the man who receives, his intelligence, plays a main role the way in which the teachings are given. One side Arjuna has to be highly intelligent, only then, the ultimate teaching, the Rajavidya can be given. Krishna gives Rajavidya here, Supreme knowledge. And Rajaguhya, the most secret.


Please understand, He gives the supreme knowledge, which is the supreme secret. So for that, Arjuna has to be, highly intelligent and trustworthy. Same way, he has to act dumb, to make Krishna repeat the truth again and again. I think Arjuna tests Krishna, if he puts the same question again and again, what kind of answers Krishna is giving. If Krishna is giving the same kind of answers, then the answer is true. If you tell a lie once, you won’t be able to remember that again and again and repeat the same lie.

So Arjuna, is recording, for posterity, for eternity, all the solutions in a proper way, in a unmistakable way, in all possible, directions. For example, when you ask me to define “Yoga” at different times, I’ll be giving different definitions. It is not that some definitions are high, some are lower. I’m giving the different definitions based on the different thought trend. So Arjuna, collects definition for all the key terms, like a Yoga, Tapa, Jnana, Aanma, Vairagya, knowledge – all the key terms.

Arjuna collects definitions, from Krishna, from all thought currents, from all thought trends, from different thought trends he gets the answers for all the different key terms. Seeing, the Arjuna’s innocence and interest, Krishna goes on and on and on. I tell you, only a person like Arjuna, can receive, great book like Gita. See sometime, when people ask you something, even you melt down. I have seen, in my experience, when people ask me something, very unique, I can see very clearly, my whole being melts and pours me, on them. In your life also you can see this kind of many experiences.


But I tell you, one example, recently happened during Kailash trip. One devotee, husband-wife both of them came to Kailash trip. He came and asked me, “Swamiji”. Actually both of them came, the husband asked me, “You should be the center of our relationship, means the, me and my wife both should be living, just based on you.” – Its… see, thousands of people ask me thousands of things, but it’s very rarely something very unique, very a detail, a depth boons. The moment he asked, I can remember, still now I can remember the whole scene.

I can see very clearly my whole Ananda-Gandha just exploded, “Wow!” This is what exactly, the definition of a Rishi in Vedic tradition. Two people, decide to live together, based on one ideology. Immediately, I blessed the both of them, “Yes, not only I will be the center, I will be the right-left-center of your life!” When some people ask you, something unique, how your heart feels, only if you experience you will understand. Very rarely I get this kind of unique requests, or boons. Otherwise usual, the knee pain, back pain, headache, very rarely people ask me the intelligent things.

See it is such a sweet boon. See, any boon people ask I am going to give, that is different. But when some people ask intelligent, sweet boons, I feel, “Wow, what a right thing this guy has asked!” It’s very rare people ask right things. People always ask for things, that is different, very rare people ask for right things. “Let You be the center of our whole relationship and life,” I thought, “oh God..” I don’t know, how did he think and where did he get this idea!


Maybe in the morning while taking shower he would have hit upon this idea. Usually, while you take shower only you get these ideas, where you are practically in “Nirvana” your mind is free, you are all alone, nobody is going to disturb you, there is no pressure that you should end, and the water also get; when water gets poured, on your body, a certain relief feeling. I think those moments only this kind of ideas comes out. Anyhow, when a person who asks, asks for the intelligent things the expression also becomes intelligent.

I know, I can see very clearly, how romantic the whole scene would have been, between Krishna and Arjuna. Maybe first, when Arjuna fell into the depression and dropped the bow and arrow, Krishna would have come down and held the hands of Arjuna and lifted him. Maybe, Arjuna did not even wanted to see the face of Krishna, I know for sure, beautifully, Krishna would have lifted, the Arjuna’s face, his chin, “look into My eyes, what are you doing!”

There are some records, I’ll give you later on the reference; at one point, Rukmini becomes jealous of Arjuna, this fellow all the time hanging around Krishna, I don’t get any time. It’s ‘time’ problem, attention problem. And, one day, late night, Arjuna and Krishna were walking and talking, finally Krishna retires to his bedroom. Rukmini was standing at the door of the bedroom. Anyhow, only Krishna can be with Arjuna with that limit. And Arjuna also can come only till the gate of the bedroom, door of the bedroom.


So, he comes to the door of the bedroom and just to see-off Krishna and to go back. So, Rukmini was standing there, she was very happy, this fellow can come only this much. She just want to show, that, her superiority. So she looks at Arjuna, ‘enough, go, go’ and just slams the door. You know how it will be, “pataar…” and Arjuna really becomes jealousy, jealous; and asks Krishna, that I should assume a woman body and enjoy you physically, and the record goes on to tell, Krishna blesses him, gives the boon, gives the science of gender change.

Understand, first time in the planet earth the gender change happened in Mahabharata times. Arjuna changes his gender. With this science only, he changed his gender once more, when he was, they were supposed to hide, during the vana-vaasa and ajnata-vaasa. See one year they were supposed to be in ajnata-vaasa. That time he goes through a gender change, and hides himself in Virata’s palace. So he goes through a gender change and enjoys Krishna’s physical presence.

I can understand, with this background, the amount of love and the feeling connection both of them would have had, the tradition says they are incarnations of Nara-Narayana. Means the same energy, which expresses as paramatma and jeevatma. See, in Vaishnava tradition, Vishnu expresses Himself as Narayana and Nara. In Shaiva tradition we call it Pashu-Pati. Pure soul and the soul which reflects on the body. The pure soul is Pati, and the reflection of the soul on the body is Pashu. Pure soul is Narayana, and the soul which reflects on the body is Nara. So they call it Nara-Narayana. So Arjuna is just, his own reflection.


Unless I describe, all the details of Krishna-Arjuna relationship, you won’t understand, the whole Bhagavad Gita. Because what a deep love and concern, was a basis, for this whole teaching. See, when a common man hears, he may be even feel offended – “wow, how can he say that there was a physical relationship between Arjuna and Krishna.” What can I do, there is a record. We can’t feel hurt for all these things because there are record for Shiva and Vishnu having physical relationship, then how did Aiyappa come?

So, these all you just need to listen and understand from the right perspective if you can. Otherwise just keep quiet. Understand, from the right perspective, to understand the depth of feeling connection. See, here is a man who is ready to go through a gender change to enjoy something, to experience something. And here is a man, who is ready to teach! The gender change. Give such a big boon. Almost, Arjuna was just Krishna’s reflection, Nara-Narayana.

That is why, the truth was expressed in such pure, crystal clear form, in Gita! Because it is almost like talking to himself. It is like convincing himself. When you talk to yourself internally and try to convince yourself, for something, naturally you will be honest. You will not be naturally telling lies about yourself to yourself. If you are in that level then you are in a big danger. See, for example, you have to convince yourself to do certain actions. So, you present the pros and cons to yourself, right and wrong to yourself. So naturally, you will be honest, to yourself about your capabilities, what you can and what you can’t. It will be honest analysis.


I can say, this Bhagavad Gita is more than a teaching, it is a honest analysis, of the possibilities of an incarnation. It is not just teaching, if it is just teaching, “why should Krishna show a Vishwaroopa?” By the time we reach the Vishwaroopa chapter, all you guys will be ready for ‘Vishwaroopa’. It should be given, otherwise the whole Gita will not be delivered. I don’t want to give the skeleton of Gita to you guys, I am going to give the Gita with flesh, bone and with all the full makeup!

Gita without Vishwaroopa Darshana, will be just skeleton of Gita. Arjuna is a unique character. As I said yesterday, he is the embodiment of Vega with Viveka, ‘Speed with discrimination”. Bhima is embodiment of just speed, no discrimination. Arjuna is embodiment of speed with discrimination. I tell you, Arjuna is the complete human being! Nara. And he is a great dancer, great poet, singer, nobody even Dhrona is not able to match him, the art of archery. Dhrona says, “my own student, but even I am not able to match him, I can’t match him.”

And a great tapasvi! By his penance, he got Shiva-Dhanush, Pashupataastram, from the Pashupati-Naatha, Mahadeva, Shiva! The great devotee! Krishna’s college mate. Both of them studied under the same Guru, Shandeepani. And, guy with all the great qualities of Krishna, without being an incarnation. Understand, when you are an incarnation you will have all the qualities but you have a responsibilities also; you can’t freak out. But here, Arjuna, with all the great qualities, but without the responsibility of being an incarnation.


That is why he enjoys life, and the strength, power; great father, who brought up Abhimanyu, in a very wonderful way; amazing brother, who is ready to give the whole life, his life for his brothers; Bhima and Yudhistra, Nakula, Sahadeva. Embodiment of power with discrimination and the feminine touch he has, means the ability to slip into the other gender and come back adds perfection. Please understand, when a man is beautiful, it is handsome. When a woman is handsome, it is beautiful.

The masculine touch on female body and feminine touch on masculine body gives a complete fulfillment. Arjuna, is embodiment of that. The feminine touch on the masculine body. Beauty and handsome put together, being handsome and beautiful at a time.

The description here – seeing the sons of Dhrutraashtra, arrayed in the battle field, Arjuna the son of Pandu, who was seated in his chariot, bearing the flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow.

Actually in introduction scene, first shot, hero is presented. Vyasa would have made a great director, and camera man. See, he is just turning the camera showing the whole Dhrutraashtra army in the battle field and turns the whole camera slowly to Arjuna. Showing the huge chariot, with the Hanuman flag and just picking up the bow. See the Hanuman flag and the bow means something. When he is taking up the bow, means, he is ready to fight, he is now starting. Hanuman flag shows, he is going to be the winner. See the Hanuman is a great protection, for Arjuna. In a way Hanuman, is a step brother of Arjuna.


Please understand, you may think – “what step brother?” Hanuman’s father is Vayu, Bhima’s father is Vayu. So Arjuna is Bhima’s brother, so step-brother! No in Mahabharata, relationships are really too complicated. You need to understand, even I am very careful when I describe, because Bhishma and Vyasa are step-brothers. Different father same mother. Please understand, Bhisma goes and brings a girl by giving the promise that your son will be the king.

That girl is Vyasa’s mother! So in a way we can say step-brother. Of course, not even same mother, different mother different father. It’s like Shantanu and Vyasa’s mother both of them can talk, that your children and my children are playing with our children! Actually, Vyasa comes to visit Pandu, Dhrutraashtra, all of them, blesses all of them because his own family, gives them boons. It’s very complicated.

The Hanuman in the flag is a protection, Arjuna had, from all the negative elements and all the negative energies. I can say, Hanuman in the flag was responsible for Arjuna’s victory in the whole war. Let me tell you one more story. Then you will understand why, Vyasa is so particular about mentioning Hanuman’s name. Here, see usually, after the war is over, it is a protocol, the charioteer, driver will come down from the war, from the chariot and it’s like the opening the car’s door.


It is like how we have the protocol the driver comes out and he opens the door, for the owner to come down, for the passenger to come down. Same way the charioteer, the driver should come down and hold the hand of the king or the warrior to come down from the chariot. That’s a protocol. So after the war is over, now after all Arjuna won the game; he is in the elated glory that he is a hero. So he waits Krishna to come down and give this respect, maintain protocol.

So Krishna is sitting in the, in his place, and Arjuna is also just sitting silently waiting. Arjuna neither has the guts to tell Krishna to come down and hold my hand, nor he wants to give-up that pride. He is waiting. Krishna waited, waited for few minutes and then, “aai, get down!” Arjuna comes to his senses. Anyhow he gets down, but he felt Krishna should have done that, job of coming down and respecting him.

So after coming down, Arjuna looks at Krishna and in a very disappointed way – “you are after all, you gave me the boon you will be my driver and you did all the job of being a driver perfectly. You should have done this also. That would have been the perfect driver.” Then Krishna look looks at him, after all can’t Krishna understand what this fool can think, and he looks at Arjuna and, “What? You want me to get down and hold your hand? Would you like to see if I get down from the chariot first what will happen?”


So Krishna jumps out of the chariot. The moment He jumped out of the chariot, the Hanuman who was in the flag flew, he just went away. The moment Hanuman went away all the negative energies which were waiting to attack the chariot attacked and the whole chariot exploded, got burnt. Krishna says, “fool, understand! there were millions of Brahmastras, the atomic weapons waiting to bombard your chariot. The negative energies. Because Hanuman was there, in your flag, they were not able to touch your chariot.”

“But the Hanuman has given you the boon only for 18 days, 18 days is over. Now still he is sitting in the flag because I am sitting on the chariot. He can’t leave the flag before I step down. See the time is already over. Your commitment with the Hanuman is over. He said He will be there till the end of the war. War is over. Now he is still sitting and not leaving because I am here. He can’t leave before I leave. He is my servant. So if I come down from the chariot first he would have gone out. Your chariot would have exploded, you would have been dead by now.”

Understand, it is power of Hanuman, the Hanuman flag, power of Hanuman, which was responsible for Arjuna’s victory. Why, Arjuna did not die in the whole war? That is why, Hanuman is considered to be a great protection from all black magic, witchcraft and all negative energies. He is a Nama-Swaroopi, embodiment of the divine name, the highest divine vibration. Arjuna, naturally was shocked and surprised by the compassion of Krishna once more. Arjuna must have felt, “how many times I go on showing my foolishness and how many times he goes on showing his intelligence and compassion!”


Such a simple act, getting down and holding the hand of Arjuna. I don’t think Krishna would have been bothered about it. Because, see in the chariot, the driver has to sit lower, the front. When 18 days, this guy can sit lower than Arjuna, he wouldn’t have bothered to come down and hold his hand. And not only that, as a driver’s responsibility the Mahabharata very clearly records everyday Krishna was washing the horses, and wheels; preparing the chariot, understand.

See, you can’t tell somebody else to wash the horses because horses won’t listen to you. Only when you maintain them, you will have a personal relationship with them, they will listen to you. If somebody else is washing them, clothing them, giving them food and you just come and sit in the chariot, “aai.. run!” It is not car that anybody can put a fuel and wash the car, but you can drive. It’s a living beings, they need some love, care from you. Only then they will run when you say run.

Otherwise they will run in the direction they want to run. Like my horse, I got into that foolish horse without giving food or taking care of that fellow. Somebody else was taking care, I sat on it. See what happened. Nothing like this happened in that 18 days proves Krishna was taking care of those horses. I can tell you from my experience. Krishna was not hurt in any way, throughout the war. But in record there are two things, one, he had a neck pain, because he has to bend his neck for a such a long time to teach Bhagavad Gita.


And, the Bhishma’s arrows on his face, the Triplicane Parthasarathy, utsav moorthi has 11 points in his face. That’s a Bhishma’s arrows, Bhishma-baana. Still, in the Parthasarathy temple they apply medicine every year for some 11-12 days during certain festival, for the Bhishma-baana. Except Bhishma’s arrows no other arrows was even able to come in the breathing space of Krishna. Krishna also allowed the Bhishma’s arrows because he went to fight directly with Bhishma by picking up the wheel, picking up the chariot wheel, he went to fight directly with Bhishma.

Because of that he allowed Bhishma’s arrows to touch him – “Anyhow, I went to fight so let me allow the arrows.” 11 marks are there in his face. Bhishma-baana. I can go on expanding on Arjuna’s character, because the Arjuna and Krishna are going to be there throughout the Gita, I’ll expand, at different times and speak more about their characters, the personalities.

Next verse, अर्जुन उवाच | (Arjuna is speaking.)

सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये रथं स्थापय मेऽच्युत || 21|| यावदेतान्निरीक्षेऽहं योद्धुकामानवस्थितान् | कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यमस्मिन् रणसमुद्यमे || 22||

Arjuna uvācha senayor ubhayor madhye rathaṁ sthāpaya me ’chyuta yāvadetān nirīkṣhe ’haṁ yoddhu-kāmān avasthitān kairmayā saha yoddhavyam asmin raṇa-samudyame

(arjunaḥ uvācha—Arjun said; senayoḥ—armies; ubhayoḥ—both; madhye—in the middle; ratham—chariot; sthāpaya—place; me—my; achyuta—Shree Krishna, the infallible One; yāvat—as many as; etān—these; nirīkṣhe—look; aham—I; yoddhu-kāmān—for the battle; avasthitān—arrayed; kaiḥ—with whom; mayā—by me; saha—together; yoddhavyam—must fight; asmin—in this; raṇa-samudyame—great combat)

Two verses are together, Arjuna says, for the first time in the scripture Arjuna speaks. Arjuna said, “O infallible,” he starts, “O infallible one, please place my chariot between the two armies while I may observe these warriors arrayed, for battle and with whom I have to engage in fight.”


Let me read from last two verses, 19, 20 and 21, 22, you will understand more clearly.

स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत् | नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलोऽभ्यनुनादयन् ||1-19|| sa ghoṣho dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇāṁ hṛidayāni vyadārayat nabhaśhcha pṛithivīṁ chaiva tumulo abhyanunādayan

अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वज: | प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डव: | हृषीकेशं तदा वाक्यमिदमाह महीपते ||1-20||

atha vyavasthitān dṛiṣhṭvā dhārtarāṣhṭrān kapi-dhwajaḥ pravṛitte śhastra-sampāte dhanurudyamya pāṇḍavaḥ hṛiṣhīkeśhaṁ tadā vākyam idam āha mahī-pate ||1-20||

Here, there is one more line. Seeing Krishna, Arjuna said these words. Understand, between the, last verse and this verse there is one more line, where Krishna’s name appears first time, in the Gita, as Hrishikesham. To Krishna, Arjuna says,

सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये रथं स्थापय मेऽच्युत ||1-21|| यावदेतान्निरीक्षेऽहं योद्धुकामानवस्थितान् | कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यमस्मिन् रणसमुद्यमे ||1-22||

arjuna uvācha senayor ubhayor madhye rathaṁ sthāpaya me ’chyuta yāvadetān nirīkṣhe ’haṁ yoddhu-kāmān avasthitān ||1-21|| kairmayā saha yoddhavyam asmin raṇa-samudyame ||1-22||

“O infallible one, please place my chariot between, the two armies, while I may observe these warriors arrayed for battle, with whom, I have to engage and fight.” Arjuna says to Krishna, “Please take me to the center from where I can see, the whole army.”

I’ll expand, on these verses, in the next Satsangs. Because, now I have to introduce Krishna. First time, Krishna is mentioned in these verses. First time the Krishna’s name is mentioned in the book. I need little time to expand, so I’ll introduce this first scene, the first conversation, tomorrow.


Because this conversation shows, the intimacy they have. The beautiful relationship they have. I’ll introduce this conversation, in next Satsang.

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss. Nithyananda!

Thank you!


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