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Solar Eclipse .ll Paramashivoham S-6 ll Vishwaroopa Darshan. ll


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, continued to expound on The Old World Order during a special Courtyard Session today. His Divine Holiness (HDH) said that following the Veda Agamas, the foundation for the New World Order, is especially important during the upcoming solar eclipse. HDH shared that astrologically, all Grahas are locked between Rahu and Ketu. This means that from now to December 14th there will be many deaths caused by heart and lung failure due to Coronavirus. He advised all delegates on the 3 things they would need to do to prepare themselves. HDH then initiated all into Surya Grahana, the solar eclipse special initiation. The Darshan for today was Vishwaroopa Darshan.

Contributing to over 108 humanitarian causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 6, Day 13 of Paramashivoham. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention was Power Manifestation today being the Power of Increasing Height.

Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA conducted a series of seminars focusing on the Truths of the Karma Yoga, Uddharet Atma Atmanam, [Yoga Nashta Pranthapaha]] and Bhagavad Gita chapters 5 and 6, as revealed by HDH inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.

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20 JUNE 2020

Listen. Today, I am going to talk to myself, not even to gurukul kids. I am going to talk to myself. Actually I can talk only to myself. Whoever feels … very connected to what I am feeling as me, you can all understand what I am going to talk now. It is for all of you, understand. What I am going to talk now is from, directly from Mahaganapati, from the space of Paramashiva. I can call it as Paramashiva Ganapati; how Shiva ganas are trained, educated, taught, evolved that whole science. As I said, in each one of you there is a component of seeking Paramashiva, higher reality. Most scientifically scientific life, logically logical life, Cosmic logic life, understand. In each one of you that seeking is there! That seeking component is me in you. I am going to talk to that me in you (Swamiji laughing).

Again coming back to me, me, me, me, me … (Swamiji laughing). Actually when I utter this statement, if you watch that video, only along with visual that will make meaning because when I utter one “me” I show here, one “me” I show there (Swamiji pointing to everyone). When they removed that video and used it in Enthiran[?] movie only the audio, it doesn’t make sense. I don’t know whether they did it purposely or unknowingly. In Enthiran[?] movie they used that clip. They just used only audio. But if you remove audio, it’ll not make sense. Only with video, sorry, they removed video and used only audio. If you just used only audio, it won’t make sense; only with video it’ll make sense because I am saying very clearly, “the me in me is talking to me in you in me.” In that I am showing everyone … very clearly. So when they removed the video and used only audio, it doesn’t make sense. Anyhow …

Now … the me in me is going to talk to me in you. Whoever feels … deeply associating with me, with my ideas, understand. Ordinary binary logic, materialistic life … does not answer many of your questions about life. But Cosmic logic, Veda Agamas … answers every question possible. And, it has answer to the answers to the questions which human beings have not even started asking. So understand. Cosmic logic not only has a answer, it has solutions. And I am telling you, each society, each nation, each country, each group, lives based on their visionaries who formed that group, that nation, that country, that culture, that ... based on their understandings that community, that country, that nation lives. But the vision for the whole Cosmos is Vedas and Agamas. If you understand this logic of the Vedas and Agamas, you can live in the whole Universe and I tell you … all logic, vision, promises, ideas of every society, country, nation is melting down! It’s melting down. I am telling you, it is melting down! You really need to know that!

Yesterday I made a statement. >>>Tamil<<< Yesterday I was telling, and today I wanted to repeat again. In young age, we used to say if something is missing, … the elders will say, “Oh, crow has taken it and … gone.” In those days the crows used to be common bird in our life. Unfortunately now neither you can see crows nor you can see … squirrels, sparrows, in cities. I was brought up in a village where peacocks will come regularly to home. Peacocks, monkeys, all will come to the regular home visit for food. Even now in our Tiruvannamalai Ashram, they all come regularly. Peacocks, monkeys, snakes, all of them come. Deer, … all of them come. Umm. Anyhow … When something is missing, the kids are asking, elders will say, tell, “Oh, crow has taken it and gone.” Now the whole life, Corona has taken it and gone (Swamiji laughing). Corona pip wicchhh …

Human society, ... human society has no logical answer or solution. I can see very clearly, … the old world order is melting down! The promises, commitments unsaid and said each nation, each country, each society, each culture, has given it to their followers - all of it has lost meaning. The hopes each nation give it to their followers, each country give it to their followers, each society give it to their followers, each culture give it to their followers, each civilization give it to their followers - all of them … suddenly has no meaning! You are asked to work day and night … with the assurance, earn money, keep it in bank - you will have a safe future and medical care, … long life. The compulsion of grid based lifestyle was extracted from human beings … by usage of the fear and greed which is now melting down is making humanity question itself - where it is gone wrong?

I am telling you, … this solar eclipse tomorrow has a great possibility of Kala Sarpa Yoga and Kala Sarpa Dosha. You can use this opportunity, actually from tomorrow it starts till the next solar eclipse. From tomorrow to next solar eclipse that period … opens the great possibility of Kala Sarpa Yoga, and Kala Sarpa Dosha - both. You can use this opportunity, this window period for enlightenment intensely with Guru, with Paramashiva. Or … this period can be extremely disastrous, understand. Because, see in 2012, I said … whoever raises the consciousness can use that wave for enlightenment. If not, a deep depression. I saw very clearly, the people who used the opportunity for enlightenment - they raised themself. People who missed - extreme depression. I know tons of people who used it, and tons of people messed it, missed it.

Now this … solar eclipse is opening a great possibility. Why the great possibility you know? Very rarely, once in five thousand years or six thousand years only, all the Grahas will be locked between Rahu and Ketu. All Grahas! You can google and see also. Very rarely this kind of … solar eclipse happens. Solar eclipse happens regularly. But this Kala Sarpa Yoga solar eclipse, where the all Grahas are locked between Rahu and Ketu. It is going to be extremely amazing for people who are intensely connected to Guru, who make Guruvak as life, lifestyle. It’s going to be extremely dangerous for the people who have Kala Sarpa Dosha. Because ... the Grahas, globally … people are going to have extreme health collapse related to upper chest, lungs, heart.

I think yesterday I read out the original Shastra Pramana. I’ll read out again the original Shastra Pramana in English. I’ll read out the translation.

Shukra in Svakshetra in Vrishabha rasi - powerful. Budha Svakshetra in Mithuna rasi - powerful. Shani Svakshetra in Makara rasi - powerful. Rahu and Ketu powerful in Mithuna and Dhanus respectively. Surya and Angaraka in their enemies house. Guru is neecha in Makara rasi, but due to the presence of Shani in Makara, it is transformed into Neecha Bhanga Raja Yogam. Guru’s debilitation is cancelled and becomes doubly powerful and exalted. All Grahas are locked between Rahu and Ketu forming the Kala Sarpa Yoga, or Kala Sarpa Dosha. Since it is Amavasya and Grahanam, Surya and Chandra are coming together with Rahu in Mithuna Rasi which represents upper chest, shoulders, arms and hands. Hence, this eclipse will at large affect those body parts globally.

To save all of us from that ill effects, only tomorrow I am going to initiate and give that special process … to protect all of us. Listen. Astrologically, world is going through a huge … critical time which you can turn it as positive. If not, it is going, I don’t want even tell. In this all the Navagrahas only who is going to be protecting. Anybody, … any human being, only Guru is in exalted state - able to give protection … due to Neecha Bhanga Raja Yogam. Understand, … this extremely powerful possibility is available for all of us from tomorrow to next eclipse. I don’t know how many months it is. Just find out next solar eclipse, and tell the date. Next solar eclipse, find out the date and get the Shastra Pramana for that also umm.

Listen carefully … and inten ... intensely. From tomorrow the power manifestation will be in exalted state … for every one of you. If you have Kala Sarpa Dosha, be highly protective of yourself. Don’t even keep the window open. Even through window Corono can come inside. Don’t even keep window open. It is because Corona directly affects lungs and heart and the upper chest, organs of upper chest. From tomorrow to December 14th , December 14th 2020 is the next sol … solar eclipse. This is the best period for enlightenment and power manifestation. From tomorrow to December 14th 2020, best time for enlightenment and power manifestation. And the same way, there is going to be large number of deaths due to Corono, ... especially lungs and heart failure.

See, before even the Corono affects the whole body, just by lungs failure and heart failure people will die … because of this Kala Sarpa Dosha. Actually Corono by itself does not kill much people. If Corona is … not affecting the heart and lungs, you can give the treatment and protection and quarantine and the person can be healed and He can come out. But from tomorrow the heart and lungs failure will be extreme till December 14th. That is going to kill people, not even Corono. People with the healthy lungs and heart will not die even if they, even if the Corono comes, even if they get infected by Corono. And even without Corona, the lungs and heart failure will be in the high from tomorrow till December 14th, you can see the statistics. Now anyhow I am making this statement online, on video, means on record. You can study from tomorrow globally till December 14th. With Corona or without Corono, the number of lungs failure, heart failure globally will be extreme. If you study the same time as last year and this year, you can see that difference. God!

Even if you reduce Corono, Corono’s effect without Corono itself, people having lungs failure and heart failure will be extreme due to this Kala Sarpa Dosha, … from tomorrow till December 14th 2020. So all of you without missing, participate in tomorrow’s process. And … manifest this power of detoxing yourself. See actually, this mantra, this mantra I am going to >>>technical glitch<<< destroys snake poisons or any poisons. Not only helps you to break the Parkinson’s poisonous effects in other bodies, it helps even for you to detox not only poisons and poisonous even toxins. You can detox yourself. It’s a absolute ultimate detox process directly using the Cosmic energy with the help of all the Grahas.

Now listen. As I was telling, I am going to talk to myself. Whoever feels … deeply connected to the sacred truth I am representing, the sacred state, space, powers I am representing, the energy I am representing, the ideas I am representing, the vision I am representing, the responsibility I have taken; if you feel sympathetic towards it, one with it - these words are for you which I am going to utter from now. Understand, this is exactly what I … received from Mahaganapati today during the puja. >>>extended technical glitch<<<

Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch. Listen carefully. Whatever i received from Mahaganapati, I’ll share it with you all as it is. First, human beings need external support in the form of sangha for higher superconscious achievements. Whether the state of Paramashiva or space of Paramashiva, powers of Paramashiva, being of Paramashiva, superconsciousness of Paramashiva or Kailasa of Paramashiva - for people to manifest it, they need the support of sangha, other human beings. So first, start giving intense love, care, support to other people; ... helping everyone around you to manifest the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness … and Kailasa of Paramashiva. Whenever you don’t receive that same support from others, understand Paramashiva >>>no transmission<<<.

I’ll tell you exactly how to implement this in various levels. But only these two cognitions are going to help you … in post Corono world for you to achieve what do you want to achieve in your life, understand. The post Corono world: all ideas of society, nation, country, … the group, everything is going to melt down, I am telling you. Your neighbour will be as near to you as somebody in ten thousand miles away. Somebody in ten thousand miles away will be as near to you as your neighbour. Somebody in ten thousand mile, who is ten thousand miles away will be as far away from you as your neighbour. And your neighbour will be as close, you can just juggle with this, understand. Let me repeat. Your neighbour will be in the same distance between you and him. The person who is ten thousand miles away from you physically, whether somebody is your neighbour or ten thousand miles away - you are only going to be digitally interacting. Whether somebody is ten thousand miles away or your neighbour, you are only going to be digitally interacting, so somebody is close to you or far away from you is all going to be based on your consciousness; no more based on the physical locality or location where you are.

Understand, the idea of nation, country, … society, locality, everything is just going to melt down. The whole world is going to be one digital nation. I tell you, the physical nations are going to lose its power over you. The physical nations are going to give only food, clothes, shelter. The life, you are going to get from digital nations. Understand this truth. Your life is going to be happening with the digital nation. Only the food, clothes and house you are going to get from physical nations. There is … understand these two. Inspiration, energy, life, hope, going forward, looking for future, vision, everything related to your life, your consciousness, you are going to get it from digital nations. Only food, clothes, shelter, house - you are going to get it from physical nations. The influence or the impact or the need of the physical nation for your life is drastically going to reduce. The physical nations will not be having much need for you or you will not be in need of physical nations. And it is also great opportunity >>> extended technical glitch<<<

Listen. Sorry for the technical glitch. Listen. Let me exactly tell you as I received from Mahaganapati. Human beings need support in the form of sangha … from other human beings who achieved the highest state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva. The goal of life, … this is the first truth. Second, continously give this love, care, support, enriching to everyone as much as you can with extreme tyaga. Enrich every person you can and you can’t. Enriching people whom you can, and enriching is only a responsibility, not tyaga. Enriching the people even whom you can’t enrich, but you are ready to do the tyaga and ready to do - that is the real enriching, real tyaga. Continously working without giving up giving up. That is real tyaga. So listen! Continuously enrich people day in and day out intensely. Third truth: when you don’t receive any support from outside, be very clear Paramashiva is testing you and have tremendous patience and tyaga; continue to support others, everyone. Understand.

Listen. These three principles are going to be the foundation to achieve what you want to achieve in post Corono world. As I was telling post Corono world, many things are going to lose power over you. They are all going to, many things are going to become redundant, irrelevant. As I was telling that reality and digital reality, the physical reality and digital reality, physical nation and digital nation. Only food, clothes, shelter is going to come to you from physical nation. Inspiration, life, hope, vision, all the things of life is going to come to you only from digital nation. So understand, … the physical society is going to lose power over you. Its going to lose its influence over you. Anything you want to achieve, these three principles will be the … principles for success, manifesting. This message is directly from Mahaganapati. Understand, this is directly from Mahaganapati.

Anyone feels sympathetic towards my ideas, vision, responsibility for what I stand, for what I exist, for what I am working, for what I am alive; whoever feels sympathetic with it, with that ideas; whoever feels connected to that - … I am talking to them. Understand. Wherever you are, whether you are in our Kailasas, whether you are in the Kailasa where I am physically residing or you are in a Kailasa branch or wherever you are - the physical distance don’t matter anymore. Physical distance doesn’t matter anymore. Understand that. Wherever you are, these three principles: human beings need support in the form of sangha to achieve anything higher, whether enlightenment, state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva. First truth. Second, … go on enriching others, take responsibility enriching others. Supporting others, helping others, in every level with tremendous love and compassion ... without giving priority to anything else. Not bother about name and fame, not bother about anything else, just go on enriching, enriching, enriching, because the new world order is going to be consciousness based.

Only consciousness based world order Is going to be the future. Even if something is built unconsciously, that is going to be again cleaned up by the Corono Level 2, that’s all! Instead of Corona, some other Morona will come or Borona will come, something will come! And that will clean up. So the future is going to be only consciousness based society and civilization and humanity. So be very clear. Go on intensely enriching everyone to live the consciousness based lifestyle, to achieve the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva; supporting every possible way. If you feel you are not receiving the support from others, don’t become violent, angry, hurt. Be very clear, Paramashiva is testing your tyaga, what kind of a metal you are made of. So, have patience and go through, demonstrate your tyaga and win in the test Paramashiva is putting you through.

This is the basic principles with which Shiva ganas are trained. Whoever wants to be in Kailasa now or in near future, use these three principles as your foundation, fundamental cognition and start manifesting your life, building your life. If you want to be in Kailasa now or near future, or any time - use these principles as fundamental principles and start building your life. Start building your life. I tell you, … Corona is literally melting down … the old world order. The way you work, the way you travel, the way you … the way you wake up from the bed, the way you go to sleep, whole day … the way you travel, way you work out, way you eat, way you sleep, the way you think, the way you … enjoy your vacation, the way you plan your free time, the way you plan your work, the way you plan your career, the way you plan your future - everything is going to be totally different in post Corono world.

Today I am seeing all over the world, the International Yoga Day in Zoom sessions. I started doing this for last two years. Everyone was making fun of me, trolling me. Now come on, they are all following me (Swamiji laughing). If trolls follow you, … you are a visionary. All my trolls start following me in few days or few weeks or few months, that’s all. So understand, … today I am seeing International Yoga Day being celebrated through the Zoom conferences, Zoom sessions, in Zoom all over the world, everywhere. I started doing this two years before, ah two, I think no, actually from 2012. I started doing these two-way video conferencing sessions and … Vadyuo then Zoom. We started with video, vadyuo - v-a-d-y-u-o. Then … Zoom. Anyhow ... Listen. Now I am getting the data. In 2010, we started. In 2010 we started the … online, digital programs, classes, sessions, everything, including Kalpataru, everything. People trolled, made fun of me. Now just following me, okay. Come on! Let me come back to the subject.

Wherever you are, … start building intense enlightenment ecosystem around you by constantly supporting, enriching others … to achieve the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness, and Kailasa of Paramashiva. So now, … I’ll initiate all of you, and prepare all of you for … the Surya Grahana time process, Surya Grahana time initiation. Sit straight. Cognize intensely billions of suns, strong nuclear power, force manifesting in you, and visualize churning of your spinal cord, and rotate the mathu in your hand. I am going to initiate all of you into Praṇava Mahābīja (प्रणव महाबीज), Oṁkāra (ओंकार) and awaken your Kundalini Shakti to make you all manifest powers.

Swamiji started the initiation

Oṁ, Oṁ Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ …, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ …, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ …, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ, Oṁ ...

You can keep your eyes open. You don’t need to close your eyes. Keep your eyes open and intensely rotate the mathu. Visualize your spine is rotating and intense billion suns, strong nuclear force. Start.

Oṁ, Oṁ Oṁ, Oṁ ...

Initiation has happened. Now, you can start the power manifestation.

Rupini, Rupini, birthday blessings for Rupini. Rupini is completing six years. Rupini, birthday blessings. So … within ten hours, we are going to start have solar eclipse. Get ready for solar eclipse special initiation.

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the state, space, powers, being, superconsciousness of and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

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