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2009 Shiva Rathri Message Awaken Your Inner Space

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This Shiva Ratri, my message is only on word: Inner Awakening. Awaken your inner space. The tremendous potential energy which is inside you. Awaken that. That is what we call in Tradition, Kundalini. Awakening that higher consciousness. See, our inner space is filled with darkness. That is why you don’t know what is happening there. 99% of your activities are done almost in darkness. You don’t know why you talk the way you talk. You don’t know why you like something. You don’t know why you hate something. You don’t know why you behave the way in which you are behaving. You don’t know anything. You don’t know why you look the way you look. You don’t know why you act the way you act. All the activities are happening in a deep darkness. Which is dangerous not only for you for the people who are living around you.

Understand: awakening your inner space. The idol of Shiva…Shiva… Shiva is the being whose inner space is completely awakened. Who is living in Light. Radiating the energy. If inner awakening happens in you, you are living as Shiva. So this Shiva Ratri, we dedicate to awaken to kundalini; for inner awakening. To awaken the potential energy which is inside you. Understand few things about this kundalini, inner awakening. When the inner awakening happens, each chakra comes to life. Each energy center comes to life. You can beautifully in Shiva’s story. This inner awakening is described. A person in whom all the seven chakras are awakened, are in light, is Shiva. Who has experienced the inner awakening. He is Shiva. Kundalini is metaphysically portrayed as a snake. That is why Shiva…Shiva’s pictures are always portrayed as him with many snakes in head, all over his body. Means…each and every chakra is awakened. Not only the major seven chakras. In the hands and all you know, minor chakras… even those chakras are awakened. That is why you will see snake in the hands of Shiva.

Inner Awakening. Shiva is a being in whom the inner awakening has happened. You can see beautifully from the stories, how metaphysically, they are describing Shiva is a being in whom inner awakening has happened.

In Shiva, the muladhara is pure. Awakened muladhara. That is what they say through the story of manmada dahana. Please understand, it is a wonderful story. Manmada dahana. The story says, Shiva was sitting and meditating. The devatas, they wanted to disturb Shiva. So they are sending Manmada. And Manmada throws the arrows. Shiva opens third eye and burns Manmada. Don’t take it literally. It has metaphysical meaning. And another wonderful thing you should know. Shiva burnt the Manmada then married Parvati. Understand: understand it means the marriage was not based on lust. The marriage was not based on fantasy. The whole story, such a wonderful story…And Manmada throws his arrows means trying to create fantasy inside Shiva. He opens his third eye means inner awakening. He opens his third eye…and just his presence, intense presence… Opening third eye means bringing your awareness to its peak. If you bring your awareness to its peak, please understand, If you bring your awareness to its peak, this moment, you are opening the third eye. When the opening the third eye happens, suddenly you will see all the fantasies are burnt. They are not there any more. So Shiva’s muladhara is awakened muladhara. When you awaken your muladhara by intense awareness, you will become Shiva. Nothing…simple technique. Very simple technique. Whenever fantasy overtakes you, I am not even saying suppress it. Just bring intense awareness. If it is more powerful, than your awareness, then it will move your body. Make it act. Be aware. Don’t try to suppress. Be it is less powerful than your awareness, it will just die down. If it is more powerful than your awareness, it may make your body move. Allow it. But just be aware intensely. You will see the experience will add more understanding to you. Even if there was experience, physical experiences, suddenly it will add more understanding, more awareness to you. Bringing awareness to the root chakra, muladhara chakra, awakens your being. Shiva’s being whose muladhara is awakened, that is what they mean this story.

The second story: Swadhishtana. Second chakra, Swadhishtana, where your root is centered. Where your being is centered. Another one beautiful story, story of Markandeya.

Markandeya is young saint. At the age of 16, he was supposed to be taken away by the Death, Kala, Yama. He worshipped Shiva intensely. And Yama appears, Yama tries to take the life of Markandeya. Story says, Markandeya was so close to Shivalinga, he was hugging the Shivalinga. And Yama threw the rope. It fell not only on Markandeya, on the Shivalinga also. So Shiva came out of that Linga and killed Markandeya…killed Yamadharma…killed the Death itself. Please understand the metaphysical meaning behind the whole story. When Death comes, If you really hug tightly, not physical Shivalinga, not ohysically Shiva Linga, If you really, if you are tied, close to the Shiva Consciousness, if you are intensely connected to the Shiva consciousness, whenever fear arises in you, be completely connected to the Shiva Consciosuness, you are hugging Shivalinga. See, the story says beautifully. Kala, Yamadharma has thrown the rope only on Markandeya. He would have taken his life and gone. But there was no distance between Markandeya and Shiva. Understand this can happen only if in your inner space the awakening has happened. If Shiva is in your inner space. Not otherwise. Not otherwise. Any physical linga, atleast there will be few micron distance. Few microns there will be distance. If your inner space if filled with Shiva, if Yama, Death, if he throws his rope, naturally, he cant catch only you. he has to throw the rope on Shiva also. And he already learnt his lesson. He will never try to throw. So be very clear, be filled, completely connected to the Shiva Consciousness. You will experience what Markandeya experienced.

The story says, Shiva came out, and killed the Yama and gave Chiranjeevitva, Eternal Life to Markandeya. Understand the story, it is nothing but if you strongly feel connected, Shiva will come out of that Consicousness. If you take the literal meaning, then all of us can one one small Shivalinga in our ICU unit where death may come and hug it. That is not the literal meaning. Develop Shiva Consciousness in your inner space. Have a deep feeling connection to Shiva in your inner space. Suddenly you will see, Yama cannot separate you from Shiva. If Yama cannot separate you from Shiva, you are in eternal life. You have achieved the eternal life. What Markandeya achieved – the chiranjeevitwa is achieved by you. It is a very subtle truth. One more thing: you dont know when Yama will come. Don’t wait till he comes. Start feeling connected from now. In the West, there is a beautiful saying: Go to church when you walk. Don’t wait for four people to carry you. you don’t have to wait till death comes. Start now. And you don’t know when it will come. So start that deep feeling connection this moment. Awaken Swadhishtana chakra. Each chakra there is a beautiful story related to Shiva. Shiva;s story can be connected to each energy center. One more thing: it is not that fear comes inside you only when death comes. Every moment there are so many fears happening in your life. When you get into the car and allow to start your travel, always there will be one thought, always there will be one thought, maybe accident will happen. And one memory, one flash you will see some memory of the accident or some photograph of an accident or some picture which you saw about some accident. Use even those moment to awaken your inner space. Don’t think, ‘No, no, no, accident wont happen.’ Don’t try to suppress or don’t try to justify. Don’t try to give courage. Just relax. Alright, if it has to happen, what can be done? Let me face. Bring intense awareness. Please understand, Courage is not absence of fear, it is energy to face the fear. Please understand, courage is not absence of fear. There is no such thing as absence of fear. Anybody who is alive, will have fear. Anybody who has something to lose will have the fear of losing that. Only one person will have fear, who is already in the graveyard. He may not have fear. If you have life, you will have fear. The ay to handle the fear is not suppression. People always come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, I meditate for a long time. But still have fears. Understand: do not try to create a space where there will not be fear at all. That is not the thing. As long as the breathing is happening, fear will be there. You see, every inhaling, and every exhaling, moves your swadhistana. You can see very clearly, the inhaling, will touch your swadhistana. Exhaling also touches your swadhishtana. Any movement in swadhistana, there will be fear. There will be fear. Any activity in swadhistana, there will be fear. There will be fear. Please understand: don’t try to suppress fear. Be very clear: Courage means not absence of fear. There is no such space as absence of fear. Courage means the energy to face the fear. So whenever fear thought raises, just try few times, Next time when you see fear arising in you, for any reason, so many reason. A cockroach is enough to create fear in you. Not even cockroach, even ant is enough. A frog is enough to create fear in you. Whenever that kind of fear arises in you, many fears arise in you, don’t suppress, Don’t justify, ‘no no no I wont die… I wont… This wont happen… That wont happen…no no no my driver has slept well… no no no…don’t justify.

Just say, ‘If that has to happen, ok, what can be done?’ A deep awareness. Remembrance. Remembrance of the Truth is what I call Inner Awakening. Remember the truth. I have seen people trying to divert from the truth in so many ways. Only when they walk in the darkness, night, alone they will start chanting all names: Rama, Krishna, Govinda…all kinds of stotras will come out. It is nothing but diverting yourself from the fear. Understand: I am not saying, don’t chant Rama, or don’t chant Krishna, don’t chant Shiva. I am not saying that. But don’t use that as a tranquilizer. Yu are using that more as anaesthesia. Not to bring more awareness to you. Use the mantra, use the great names, use Shiva’s name to bring Shiva consciousness, not as a diversion, not as a tranquilizer, not as a anaesthesia. When you are walking alone. Naturally you feel the fear. What do you do? You will start loudly singing. When you start singing loudly, you feel as if somebody else is also with you. you feel people are there with you and you forget you are alone. Don’t use Shiva’s name as a tranquiliser. Remember, if there is fear, if something can happen, nothing can be done. Relax. Bring the straight truth to your memory. Straightaway see the truth. Suddenly you will see… Please understand: I have experienced what I am talking. I am responsible for what I am talking. I am talking to you after experiencing this technique. I have seen this working in me. When you have the fear. Don’t divert. By uttering Rama Krishna Govinda or some mantra or some loud chanting or some loud stotra I have seen people chanting: kaaka, kaaka, kanagavel kaaka…noka noka daga daga daga daga daga daga daga daga… Only at that moment, all kinds of mantras will come. All kinds of chantings will come. All kinds of stotras will come. Sometimes they will get mixed also. Because if you afraid, if this god is sleeping, and his cell phone is not working, if he is not picking up the call, atleast somebody else pick up the call. If his cell phone is busy, let me talk to somebody else. Let me try some other number. Trying all kinds of number. Trying to send some SMSs. If he is not picking up the call, atleast let me send SMS. Don’t try all those things. Just see the truth. Yes, what can be done? Understand, only two three times you need to try this. Suddenly you will see. After few times, the very fear thought wont happen in you. Understand: I am responsible for what I’m talking. Try. Try, Experiment. Any fear arises in you, don’t divert yourself. Don’t use any tranquilizer. Don’t use any mantra. No anesthesia, no cell phone. No SMS. Nothing. Just remember and say, ‘Nothing can be done.’ That’s all. It is inevitable. Fear is inevitable. When there is life, death is inevitable. When there is wealth, losing is inevitable. When there is something, the possibility of losing it is inevitable. Just remember: the inevitability of the moment. Suddenly you will, the swadhishtana will be awakened. Just try few times. I am not saying, try this technique forever. 12 years… then you will have achievement. No. I am not saying all that kind of words. What I am saying I am responsible: practice just few times. Bring your awareness. Just accept. Inevitable of this moment. Inevitability of this moment. Suddenly you will see, the very remembrance of the fear will not happen in you. That is what I call Inner Awakening. When you are awakened in your inner space, when your swadhishtana is awakened, you wont even have thought. When I walk in the darkness, and alone, I don’t even have the thought it is darkness, I am alone. Please understand: It is not that you will fear, then you will suppress or divert. The very fear will disappear. This is the technique to connect to the Shiva consciousness. So whenever the fear thought arises, remember the inevitability. And surrender to this moment. You will see, when real death happens, you will be surrendering to this moment. Surrendering to this moment is Shiva consciousness. You are in Shiva Consciousness. You will see, Yama dharma cannot throw his rope on you. Death cannot throw his rope on you. You will see, Shiva is appearing in you, and giving you the eternal life, Chiranjeevitva. When the fear disappears, you are living eternal life. Please understand: your everyday sleep and death, has no difference. Everyday you sleep and come back next day morning. Same way only death. You die and take next birth. But you are so frightened about death. Just because of the fear, there is so much of suffering. Nothing else. See, to fall asleep you don’t have fear. That is why you fall asleep smoothly and get out. If you somehow overcome the fear of death, same way you will just fall asleep and you will come out. People say, ‘No, no, no… in the sleep we know there is continuity. In the death, we don’t know whether there is continuity or not.’ What do you mean by saying in the sleep there is continuity? Who knows next day morning you will get up or not? Everybody who lies down thinks that next day morning they will get up. Understand: every night there are millions of people who are not getting up…next day morning. You don’t remember about that. And you think there is a strong possibility of continuity. No. So be very clear: it is fear makes the death worse. Not death creates fear. Fear creates death. When you bring the awareness to this moment. Surrendering to this moment, surrendering to the inevitability, suddenly you will see fear disappears. It is not there anymore. Next manipuraka. Worry. Understand: beautiful story of churning the ocean. Its nothing but the poison which came out Its nothing but the collective negativity means the worry of the who universe. Shiva is such a pure space. He has digested the whole thing. Please understand: again the story has deep metaphysical meaning. When good thoughts and bad thoughts try to achieve something inside you, they churn your whole inner space. Good thoughts are Devatas. Bad thoughts are demons. They churn your inner space. That is what is your life. The churning is what is your life. The rope, Vasuki snake is your mind. When the churning is done, naturally worry comes up. Worry comes up. Usually when worry happens in you, you vomit it on others. Shiva has digested it. It has not crossed his throat. That is why he is called Neelakanta. It has not crossed his throat. Anything comes up, he completely digests it. Understand: he is beyond worry. His inner space is awakened I wanted you to understand one important truth: when Shiva digested the poison, next thing immediately happened is nectar came out. In your life also, whenever the anger comes, whenever worry comes, just digest it, means accept it. Don’t give a title – worry. All your problem is not even worrying, Worrying about worrying is your problem. Just look little deep: your real problem is not just worry. Worry is a simple act. Anything you do, you have to think. A chronological planning is a basic need for Existence. So that is not a problem. You start worrying thinking you have too much worry! Means you are not able to swallow the poison. You are not able to swallow the outcome of the churning. Acceptance is what is denoted expressed through this story of drinking the poison. When the tremendous worry raises in you, the depression, when it raises in you, behave like a Shiva. Just digest and sit. Don’t be shaken. Don’t be perturbed. Have deep acceptance. Let it raise. Have a deep acceptance. You will see, the poison will become a nectar. That is what has happened in the story. That truth is only expressed in this story. Shiva drank the poison and next thing that came out of the churning is nectar! Please understand: when the nectar comes out, all the Devatas are enjoying. They drink the nectar and they become immortal. Means all the good energy in you will be energized by that nectar. You will become immortal and you will enjoy the eternal life. Whenever, worry happens in you, when the poison happens in you, don’t vomit on people. That is what we are doing. Continuously we vomit on people. We continuously vomit that worry on people. When we vomit the worry on others, it is called anger. When you vomit verbally, it is verbal abuse. When you vomit physically, it is violence. When you vomit with strategy planning, it is terrorism. Understand: it is nothing but your worry. The person who is constantly worrying, restless, only he can be terrorist. The person who is completely peaceful within himself will never be a terrorist. There wont be terrorism. There wont be violence. If you are completely settled with yourself…so bring acceptance, the deep acceptance. Suddenly you will see, the poison has disappeared. See when Shiva digested the poison, it is not that he was hurt by poison. The poison has lost its killing quality. And it has become nectar. So when you accept the worry, not only you will not be hurting other, the worry wont hurt even you. You will just lose, the worry will lose its quality of hurting. It will just relax. You will experience a beautiful nectar feeling in your navel, in your manipuraka. Whenever you accept, whenever worry happens in you, understand it is a beautiful chance for you. The poison is in front of you: Whether you want to be a Neelakanta or you want to be shaken away. Whenever the worry comes, just accept the worry. A deep acceptance. Suddenly you will see, the worry loses its quality. I am not saying about physical poison. I am saying about the mental poison. And understand: the story is also about metaphysical truths. Whenever depression arises in you, it’s a mental poison. Acceptance will completely transform the quality of that mental poison. It will disappear. You will experience the nectar. Next comes anahata chakra. Shiva is embodiment of love. This very story he gets married after the Manmada was burnt. Shows the marriage was pure love. It was pure love. The pure bhakti. The pure anahata chakra. He is the embodiment of anahata chakra. Understand: there is a beautiful description. Of Shiva and Parvati’s relationship in Tantra. The description says, the Shiva had the motherly attitude towards Devi. The relationship was described. I was surprised when I read those descriptions. It says, Shiva felt Devi was his own mother. A strong motherly connection means what? A Pure anahata. A Pure anahata energy. When the pure anahata energy is experienced, you feel the whole world… either you will you are the mother of the whole world or you feel the whole world is your mother. The story, the description says, Shiva felt Devi is his own mother. And she felt the whole world is her child. If you are in the female body, the female psychology, when anahata opens, you will feel everybody is your child. When you are in the male body, when you are living with male psychology, if anahata opens, you will feel everybody is your mother. The pure feeling connection. When the inner awakening happens, in your anahta, if you are in the male body, you will feel the whole world is your mother. The whole world is mothering you, protecting you, caring you. The Existence loves you. Existence is fulfilling itself through you. Please understand: You are the expression of Existence’s strong, pure will. You are not an accident. You are conscious miracle of Existence. When your anahata opens, I tell you, even this one example, you can understand. If you fall in love with somebody, suddenly, even if you fall in love with one person, suddenly you will see so much of fulfillment. And you will feel everything is so rosy, flowery, green. Its because of anahata. Love has the quality to give you the feeling that whole world cares for you. Whole world mothers you. Shiva’s anahata is awakened anahata. That is why, even with Parvati, with Uma, he has such a deep feeling of motherly love. What Ramakrishna and Sharada Devi exhibited…that strong feeling of motherly love, means awakened anahata. Next vishuddhi. The energy center. Shiva is the ultimate energy – kalabairava. The amazing energy. The very description of Shiva is the third layer energy. Awakened vishuddhi. Awakened vishuddhi chakra. Is the Shiva energy. He is the ocean of energy. Living in a different consciousness. That is why Shiva is described as living in the Himalayas. Very arduous place. Very difficult place. Only high energy people will be able to survive there. Only whose vishuddhi is awakened, will be able to survive in the Himalayas. Shiva is a awakened being. His vishuddhi is awakened. His kundalini is crossed. The vishuddhi chakra. Ofcoruse, third eye, brow center… Shiva’s unique expression. Or we can say Shiva is described as Trinetri. The third eye. His intense awareness is what is described as the third eye. His third eye is awakened energy. He has destroyed Tripurasuras just by opening the third eye.

There is a beautiful story. Three demons were disturbing Devatas. Devatas went and requested Shiva ‘Please kill those demons.’ Shiva says, ‘Alright. I’ll kill them. Suddenly all the Devatas they request, ‘Oh Lord, we will create a chariot for you.’ So they created a beautiful chariot. All the four Vedas have become horses. And all the Devatas have become the toys, carvings in the chariot. And Yama himself became the lower base. And brahma became the charioteer and the whole chariot is ready. Suddenly Indra had a ego. If like this chariot happens, if all the Devatas and powers are together, this kind of chariot is given, anybody will kill these rakshasa. Why we need Shiva. Immediately Shiva just smiled. He understood and he smiled. You guys come and ask me, to kill the rakshasa. And you yourself say you want to make a chariot. Now you are expressing your ego. Neither I asked I want to kill, nor I asked for a chariot, and he says, now relax, he jus opens his third eye and all the Tripura Asuras are burnt. Indra was shaken. This story has a beautiful meaning. I have seen many time, people come to me, ‘Swamiji I have this problem I have that problem. Please help me.’ I try to help. Suddenly they will have their ego: what kind of help he can give? All kinds of doubt. Many people come and they think if such a big organization is there, I can also do what Swamiji is doing. Sometime when ego comes, you start judging. Shiva says, ‘No. for my mission, no organization is needed.’ He just opens the third eye and Tripura asuras are burnt. There is a beautiful subtle truth, one more truth in this story. You can understand the story from this angle also. The three rakshasas, the three demons are nothing but our own inner engrams – the fear, greed and worry. The fear, greed and worry. These are the three rakshasas. And the chariot is all kinds of techniques – rituals, techniques, all those things. Opening the third eye unclutching this moment. Bringing your intense awareness to this moment. If you can bring you awareness to this moment, unclutch, you don’t need chariot to burn three rakshasas. You don’t need these chariots to burn all the three rakshasas. Bring you awareness to this moment and unclutch. You will open your third eye. The inner awakening will happen.

Ultimately the sahasrara, Shiva is the overflowing fulfillment. That is why he is always dancing. He is the god who is remembered as a great dancer – Nataraja in ananda tandava – his cosmic dance is constantly happening because he is overflowing in ecstacy. He is so grateful about what he is having and what he has created around himself. Understand: when you bring that gratitude, feeling fulfillment of what you are having and what you created around you, suddenly you will see, you will also be dancing like Shiva. Understand: if Shiva can have the fulfillment, he has nothing around him…he is the poorest guy, whatever we rejected he is using! See what is his living place? The burial ground where nobody goes. Rejected place. That is his…whenever I travel, nine years when I travel, when I walk, when I did pada yatra, I will always go and stay in the burial grounds only, cemeteries only. Graveyards. People ask me, ‘Why do you go and stay in graveyards Swami?’ I said that is the place where you don’t need reservation. It will be always empty! People ask me, ‘you are not afraid of ghosts?’ From my experience I tell you, only living people disturb others. Dead people never disturb others. I have never been disturbed by dead people. Only living people disturb others. Dead people never disturb others. They are all sleeping happily. They are in eternal silence. All rejected things he is using. What is his ornaments? Rudrakshas…beads…useless, cheap. Not ratna, vaira, vaidurya, komedaga. See Vishnu: all best things. Milky ocean, snake bed, To press the feet, Ms World…! Lakshmi! Ms. World of those days! Or I can say eternal Ms. World. And all luxuries…flight. Garuda. All best things. See Shiva. Tyagaraja. Poor guy. Who are his companions? Bhootas. Pretas. And it continues till today. What are the ornaments? Snake. Rudraksha. And who are the friends? Scorpions, crocodile. And what is the vehicle? Old bull which cannot go more than 10 kilometer per hour. All rejected items. Rejected by the society. He is living with them, but constantly dancing! In eternal bliss! Nataraja! Understand: if he can be so contented, then what about us? All of us have surely much more than Shiva… much more than Shiva. See everything around Shiva. Who is the wife? Tribal girl. Himalayan girl. Uma is Himalayan girl. And not only that, she runs away inbetween to the father’s house. If he can be contented, why not we? He has very minimum things. But he is completely fulfilled. That is why he is dancing in ecstacy. His sahasrara is open. Gratitude is the greatest attitude you can have. He is in that attitude. That is why he is Nataraja, eternally dancing. So bring your awareness to what you have, what you have created as you and around you. Celebrate the existence of you and around you. Please understand, whatever you are having, you are worthy of it. If you remember that, suddenly the insecurity that you are carrying constantly, whether this will be there with me or it will go away…that insecurity will disappear. You always feel you are not worthy of what you are having. That is why you have the deep insecurity feeling, this may go away from you. The moment you have the insecurity, you want to acquire more, so that at least that will be there. If this goes, that will be there. When that comes, again more insecurity. Then you say, let me create one more layer. If this goes, that layer will be there. That is why in different banks you have account. If this bank goes bankrupt, I will have in that bank. And after some time in different country banks you create account. If you remember you are worthy of what you have, you will not be afraid of even death. People are afraid of death, why you know? 40, 50 years I made money and settled, now if I die, next time I have to take birth, I don’t know where I will take birth. I may have to work again for 40, 6o years to settle down. That is the problem. Remember, you are worthy of what you have. The moment you remember you are worthy of what you have, the insecurity will disappear. If I die here, I will take birth in a place where I have all these things already. That is the way people take birth in rich families. Understand: the moment you are clear about this truth, the tremendous security feeling will happen in you. You will stop acquiring layer and layer and layer and layer, different banks and different country banks and you will stop all these acquiring. You will have such a deep fulfillment, contentment. First thing you need to understand: Celebrate the way you are the things you created around you. Feel fulfilled. You will have… understand: if you feel fulfilled, even if you create wealth, it will not be out of insecurity, it will be out of joy. It will be out of joy. You can have any number of bank balance. Any number of bank accounts in any number of country. If it is out of joy, it is worthy. If it is out of insecurity, it is not worthy. If it is out of insecurity, if you believe you are not worthy of what you are having, how much ever you create, you will have the deep insecurity. If you remember, you are worthy of what you have, whatever you have, you may have, may not have, you will live like Nataraja. You will live celebrating life. Anything you create will be out of joy, not out of insecurity. You will not be creating out of insecurity. You will be creating out of joy.

So please understand, When you awaken all the seven energy centers, you become Shiva. You become Nataraja. The kundalini awakening makes you Shiva. When the kundalini is not awakened, you are just shava. If the kundalini is awakened, shava becomes Shiva. When the kundalini is not awakened, even if you are alive, you are just shava.

So understand this one truth. Understand this one deep truth. Kundalini awakening is the essence of spiritual life. Inner Awakening is the essence of spiritual life. People have all kinds of fear. If kundalini is awakened, I may become mad. This that…Nobody will become and disturbed by meditating and kundalini awakening. There is no record: somebody has become mad because of meditation. There are enough of record: people have become mad because they did not meditate. So don’t be afraid of kundalini energy. Don’t be afraid of awakening your spiritual energy. The inner Awakening. Ofcourse there are all kinds of weird ideas and understandings, written in different kinds of books about kundalini. I don’t support those ideas. I don’t support that descriptions. What I am talking about kundalini is a safe spiritual method of awakening that energy. Awakening that energy. Now, let us enter into the safe, beautiful, spiritual method of awakening your kundalini energy. Let us all achieve the inner space of Shiva. Let’s all reside in the inner space of Shiva. Remember, whether you believe it or not, you are in inner space of Shiva now. You are in the inner space of Shiva now. You are in Shiva’s energy field. So, just connect yourself with him, with his energy. WE will have a beautiful technique. If you can, sit in vajrasana otherwise sit in normal squatting pose. Let me describe the technique. Please understand: Have your hands in the hip. Let me describe, then you can start doing. Visualise from the root center, from your root of the spine, the end of the spine, an intense energy is overflowing. It is flowing like a ….let me describe the energy experience. It will shining like 1000s of suns. And it will be cool like 1000s of moons. Intense light but very cool light. Visualise that intense light From the root center, the intense light raising and reaching the head, the crown center. Understand the technique. Please settle down. Sit in vajrasana. Keep the hands on the hip. Visualise the intense energy flowing from the base the root of your spine, end of the spine to the head. All over the body it is spreading. Visualise intense light, intense energy and chant the mahamantra: Om Namashivaya. Understand: visualize intense energy flowing all over the body and chant the mahamantra Om Namashivaya Allow whatever happens in your body to happen. Allow whatever happens in your body to happen. I’ll guide you. And I’ll see that the mantra awakens the energy in you. I’ll also guide and help the awakening of your kundalini by instructions. By guided instructions. So whenever I give instructions, whatever happens in your body, allow it to happen. After this meditation, we will go for Shiva puja. We will have abhishekam in the temple. And homa. Shiva homa. Then you can all come and have individual darshan Each one of you can come and have darshan. Please understand: you have to become Shiva to worship Shiva. Unless you become Shiva, you cant do puja to Shiva. So now, first become Shiva. Then you can…only when you become Shiva, you can even understand what space Shiva is. And you will have respect for him and you will be able to worship him. So worship happens only when you become. Not otherwise. Otherwise you will be imagining Shiva. Now let us experience Shiva. Close your eyes. If you have kerchief or duppatta, tie your eyes. Close your eyes. Sit straight. Sit in vajrasana.