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==Additional Video(s)==
==Additional Video(s)==

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Strength for the world after Coronavirus. ll Paramashivoham S-6 ll Paramashiva Bhava Darshan.ll


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principles Consciousness Muscles & Superpowers - Strength for the World After Coronavirus. His Divine Holiness (HDH) explained that Corona is not weapon. It is Shastra, knowledge here to teach strong and powerful lessons to the world. HDH also received all delegates and blessed them with an intense initiation during the Courtyard Session with many revelations from Lord Kalabhairava. The Darshan for today was Paramashiva Bhava Darshan.

Contributing to over 108 Humanitarian Causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 6, Day 11 of Paramashivoham. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention is Power Manifestation, today being 6 Powers of Third Eye.

Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA conducted a series of seminars focusing on Truths of the Ishavasya Upanishad, Keno Upanishad, Brahma Sutras and Pure Questioning, as revealed by HDH inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.



Additional Video(s)



18 JUNE 2020

(00:14) This message is directly from Maha Kalabhairava. Listen, whatever conscious lifestyle you developed, conscious muscles you built, conscious powers you acquired, accumulated till now, only that is going to be your strength in the post Corona world. Listen - All the conscious lifestyle, strengths you accumulated, like a, how much of ability to unclutch you developed, how much of powerful cognitions you built, how many hours a day you are able to keep yourself in a high state of consciousness, how many powers you are able to manifest consciously powerfully without self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, how much alive, life-involved you are; only these things are going to be your strength post Corona world. (02:12) Listen carefully, everything else you acquired is not going to be with you. Corona, as I said, is not weapon. It is shastra, knowledge. It is going to teach lessons, strong powerful lessons to the world. It’s not going to be weapon. It’s not going to kill the numbers like how you are made to believe or threatened. It may not even become world’s number one cause of death. Understand, but it is going to teach strong lessons to the world. (03:31) Listen, whatever you thought, you are thinking as your strength: your education, your career, your name and fame, your beauty; nothing is going to be your strength in post Corona world. Celebrities are losing their brand value, understand. (04:06) Money is not going to bring all the things it used to bring to you in pre pre-Corona world. In pre-Corona world, whatever you can get, buy through money, post Corona world you are not going to get that. Even if you have money, even if the money has a value, its ability to get things what you want is going to be lost drastically. If money can buy hundred items for you in pre-Corona world, in post-Corona world it can buy only maybe maximum two or three things. Means the utility of the money, the ability of money to get what you want is going to be dropped 97%. (05:13) Understand, I’m going to publish this video. I’m going to put this on record. Corona is not going to become number one cause of death in the world. That’s the first statement. Listen, number of deaths per year caused by cardiovascular diseases is something like 20.2 million, directly related to heart, around 20.2 millions per year. Corona is not going to kill that many number of people per year. Be very clear. It is not even going to be the world’s leading cause of death. That’s the first statement I am making. Second, but it is going to teach huge lessons to human beings. <<inaudible>> huge lessons to human beings. I made this statement the moment Corona pandemic started: Corona is not weapon to kill people. It is going to only teach lessons to people, strong lessons to people. It may not even become the number one cause of death per year. But it is going to change the world forever. It’s going to teach large number of lessons. I tell you, whatever you thought useful in your life, really will not be useful. All the great strategies you built in your life for things which you thought as a goal of your life will not fulfill the goals of your life anymore. Old world order is melting down. If you thought money is going to take you all over the world to different places, it’s going to help you to travel the world and see the world, you are fool. If you accumulated conscious power manifestation, that will help you and take you to the more places, and that will take you, make you travel all over the world and enjoy the world than any money. People with money are not going to be able to travel. Travel is not going to be easy for you. But people with powers are going to be traveling. Everywhere you are going to be invited. I tell you, my balasants, get ready to travel all over the world, not only manifestation,<<unclear>> people. Future is yours. Future is my Balasants world, I’m telling you. Not pride, not arrogance, simple statement. Understand I’m neither arrogant person nor humble person. I’m a simple straightforward person, village boy from Tiruvannamalai. A Hindu spiritual village boy. So understand, your money, your beauty, your education, your career, your awards, rewards, all achievements, nothing is going to have value in post Corona world. I’m making it very clear. It’s a message from Khalabavara listen. (10:41) Old world order is melting down. Understand every statement I am making. Corona is not going to become the leading cause of deaths in the world every year because Corona has not come to the world as a weapon to kill human beings. But it is going to teach large number of lessons. Money, even if it is able to retain its value, like a currency value, what is that ex.. that you exchange... even if the exchange value of the currency is retained, maintained artificially, its utility value in your life is going to drastically drop. Not just little bit, drastically. Even if the exchange rates are maintained artificially, money’s ability to get you what you want in your life, what has been taught to you as a pleasure, joy, security, whatever, whatever. What for you worked for money? You worked for money your whole life, your strategies for money, your plans for money - what for? Because you expect money will give you certain security, medical care and certain kind of a stability. It will buy you all the things which give you joy, pleasure, luxury, comfort, happiness, whatever you think you will get it through money. Money has lost its ability to buy all that for you. Even if you are a billionaire, you will not be able to travel as freely as it used to be in pre-Corona world. Your whole world is going to be reduced just to digital screens. Of course digital companies, the digital based products and companies are going to just shoot up the value. All digital based assets, products, everything is going to just go up, because the whole world is going to be reduced to the digital interaction. I tell you, whole world is going to be reduced to digital interactions. The whole, there is something going to evolve called new normal. Your money’s ability to buy, get what you think as pleasure is going to drop drastically more than 97%. Listen carefully, a power manifesting balasant is going to travel to more number of countries and places than a billionaire. In pre-Corona world, a power manifesting balasant can travel to the level of millionaire. Somebody has a million dollar, how much he can travel all over the world, that much a power manifesting balasant can travel. Now in post-Corona world, a power manifesting balasant will travel and meet people, do power demonstration, heal people, help people consciously to the level only billionaire can travel. That is why I told you, each power manifesting balasant is equivalent to billionaire. All these statements I made, each power manifesting balasant is equivalent to billionaire, all this will be proved as a truth post-Corona world. (15:53) I’m telling you: Only the conscious muscles you built, means power manifesting science, Consciousness, Consciousness based lifestyle, only these assets which you accumulated till now is going to be valuable and life supporting for you in the post Corona world. (16:26) The world is going to go through a huge shift. Many things which were valuable in pre-Corona world is going to be absolutely dust in post-Corona world. I don’t know how many of you know, top four airlines have declared bankruptcy. Top four airlines, because flying is not going to be same as it used to be in pre-Corona world. People are going to suddenly become rich and suddenly become poor. Anything you built digital based, you are going to be rich thousands times more. If you are today million dollar worth, a digital company, digital based company million dollar worth. you are just going to be billion dollars worth. (17:35) Understand, I am responsibly making every statement. I am responsible for the statements I am making now. Everytime when I decide I am responsible for the statement I am making, exactly that statement was proven true and it became reality. If it was a prophecy, prediction, it became reality properly on time. If it was a statement, it was established as a truth by many scientific researchers’ discoveries. Maybe in later days E is not equivalent to MC2 is not something I uttered a few years before. In 2002, just see my first video recorded Ananda Spurana Program in Tamil, 2002 February done in Erode. Go and see that video. If you know Tamil, you can understand. In that video I am saying E=MC2 is not the truth. From 2002, I am talking. And now recently scientists are saying, “Yes E=MC2 is not complete truth.” That something is missing. 2002, I said and now scientists are proving. Multiple research papers are coming out. (19:11) Listen, now mark my words. All digital assets are going to become thousand times more valuable. Real estate is going to literally crash. Wealthy people are going to become poor and poor people are going to become wealthy. This confused, not even logical, confused, terrorizing, horrible changes are going to happen. Even if you become wealthy, that wealth is not going to bring you what you want. I’m telling you Corona is going to teach straightforward simple truths ferociously. (20:15) Listen, it’s going to teach all the truths, the Spiritual truth, whatever is revealed by Paramashiva in Upanishads, all of that, the situation created by Corona is going to teach us. We are going to be taught all those truths in a simple but ferocious way, that’s it. Listen, each of my balasant is going to fly in chartered planes to do power demonstrations and heal people all over the world. Even billionaires will not be able to afford it. Understand I am recording all these statements and putting them in public because I am going to prove it in next few months. Maybe your parents can assist, come with you to wash your clothes and take care of you as your sevak’s, dasandari. (21:25)) Listen carefully. The future is only for two products Consciousness based products, power manifestation, Consciousness based lifestyle, teachings. If you are able to teach consciousness based products by giving experience, you do power manifestations and you make them do the process, rasasiddham, and they do power manifestation. If you are able to do this, you have a future. Second, if your products are digital based you have a future. Only these two has a future. No one, nothing else has a future. I’m telling you, put it on, I’m putting it on record. (22:22) All the ideas of passport, visa is going to collapse. All the ideas of passport, visa is going to collapse because nobody will be able to travel. If somebody is able to, want to travel, the travel is going to be so costly, so highly, only needed on demand basis. No country will stop you visiting their country. No country will bother about passport. I tell you, if you are able to manifest one power, you have a universal passport. I guarantee all my balasants you have a universal passport which has access to any country. No country will stop you. Every country will welcome you. The idea of passport and visa, citizenship is going to be wiped out from planet Earth. Hey, all this Khalabaivara revealed. That is why, with so, so much of clarity I’m spelling it out and putting it on record. (23:41) I also know the people who have enmity towards me, the abuser kulnari gang regularly watches the satsang, classes, sessions, more than any of you and they record. I’m putting it on record and I’m going to record this and publish it. The idea of passport, visa, all this are going to be irrelevant, redundant. (24:20) Money is not going to get you the citizenship in the country you want, but if you learn one power manifestation, it will get you the citizenship, highest civilian award in any country you want. Just learn only one power manifestation. If you are able to demonstrate one power foolproof, you are universal citizen. I can get you citizenship in any country you want. (24:49) I will, there are tons of things which money cannot buy, is going to be available for people who built conscious powers, superconscious powers. (25:28) Focus your time, energy on just these two things: one power manifestation, means the Consciousness, spiritual consciousness, power manifesting based lifestyle and power manifestation. Second, if you have time and you want to do something socially with world, work in the digital platform. Only that has a future because the whole world’s contact with human beings and human beings' contact with the world is going to be drastically reduced, and 80% of the contact with human beings and the world is going to be digital. 80% of the experiences of the people with the human world is going to be digital. So, if you want money, work in the digital world. If you want life, work in the Consciousness world. (26:40) Hey, today morning only Khalabaivara showed Me clearly, how nicely last ten years, from 2010 He is preparing Me and the Sangha for the post-Corona world. Understand, only these two is going to have a value: one, Consciousness based products like power manifestation, or all other products which is going to increase Consciousness in you. Second digital. Whole world education, joys, pleasure, happiness, entertainment, everything is going to become digital. Even tourism is going to become digital. You will be given a digital tourist tour, that’s all. Everything is going to become digital. Even the medical world, lot is going to become digital. Augmented reality and virtual reality is going to become the new normal reality. Only these two is going to have the future: Consciousness based and digital. (27:58) Understand, large infrastructures built for human beings gathering is going to become absolutely useless, absolutely useless. Large cities are going to be absolutely useless. This culture of moving towards the city is drastically going to collapse. The reverse migration which is happening now in India is going to become a lifestyle. Heavily crowded cities are no more going to become the attraction point. They’re no more going to be the attraction point. Mega city concepts are dead. The future is going to be just island cities, small, small, small, small, small, small happy peaceful communities, settlements where the interacting with human beings is your choice, not a forced need of your day to day life. People are going to move and live in that kind of places where the interaction with other human beings is your choice, not the force or demand. (29:33) See, if you are living in cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, just because you need to go to your job, every morning you need to get up from your home and move to your, go to your office. Societally, you are forced to interact with thousands of people. The risk of infection is thousands of times higher. So all these kind of infrastructures where human interaction is mandatory is going to lose its power over people, lose its glamour over people. Human interaction on voluntary based, only that kind of lifestyle is going to evolve. People are going to move more towards villages and, where if you want, you can meet people, if not, you don’t need to meet people. You don’t even need to see people. Exactly as I decided My lifestyle two years before. I told you, world has no other choice. Universe has no other choice other than to follow Me. You guys trolled Me and made fun of Me, just follow Me, OK? You trolled Me, you made fun of Me, enough, all that silly games, come on, now follow Me. Human interactions on need basis, lifestyle, that kind of settlement, that kind of environment, that kind of housing, that kind of a places is only going to become popular. The mandatory human interaction based, mandatory and unnecessary. (31:52) See, even if you have to work to earn salary, you may need to meet only your boss, only that is mandatory and few co-workers, handful, maybe five, six, but if you are living in a city like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, unnecessarily you need to meet thousands of people, see thousands of people, be among thousands of people during your travel and for multiple other reasons even though you don’t want. So all the unnecessary and non-mandatory human interaction based infrastructures are going to lose its power over people. People don’t want anymore mandatory human interaction based cities, places anymore. (33:07) Lot’s of new understanding about life, I should say, ancient, ancient understandings will be implemented now in life. All My devotees, whoever listens to My advice, focus your time, energy, talent, everything just in these two: building digital assets, digital based profession, Consciousness based lifestyle. Spend more time nicely building your body through yoga, building your conscious muscles, means ability to be without solid food. I tell you, feed your body with very good nutrients, vitamins, minerals, all in liquid form. Soon science will prove why I insist on liquid form and fasting, keeping yourself away from solid food. (34:27) Understand, listen carefully. If you’re physically active, working out, working in the fields and doing agriculture, construction work, physically active, solid food is good for you. If you are not physically active, you are only sitting wholel day, using your brain, heart, emotions, your other components of you other than your body, you are not physically active but you are active in the other ways, mentally, psychologically, emotionally, visually, creatively. If you are a that kind of person; ninety nine per cent of My disciples are that kind of people who are not physically active, who are not physically working, for you, liquid diet is the best lifestyle. You will become thousands times more creative. Your Consciousness will reach higher and higher state when you cut down solid food. I am not saying deny food. Give a very rich nutrients, vitamins, minerals, very rich food, healthy food to your body - liquid... liquid. Don’t eat solid. When you start giving as a liquid you will take very minimal because it is more like an Aushada. It’s not like a tasty, tasty. You will not eat for tongue, you will eat for body. (36:23) Shifting eating for health, not for taste, will be achieved in your life when you shift to the liquid diet from solid food. Less eating is the best way to live long. Thousands of researchers have come, now I, I’m showing you one article, thousands of researchers have proved eating less is the best way to live long. Practice more and more conscious lifestyle capabilities and powers. Listen, conscious lifestyle possibilities and powers, this is going to be your greatest asset and strength. Consciousness based possibilities means ability to do intense yoga and keep your body usable. See, My body is usable for me. What is My purpose? I need to sit twenty hours a day and teach: classes, programs, do the dial the Avatar calls, interact with people, initiate them, for that My body is perfectly ready. Twenty hours a day I can nicely sit in Padmasana and I don’t even need to move My body. I can just sit like this twenty hours a day, and do My work very highly completely focused on the subject I am talking. I can just download truths after truths after truths and go on be sharing with you twenty hours sitting like this per day. If you watch my 2002 classes, satsangs, discourses, sessions, you will see the same thing. No, not even backrest. At least now I have a backrest but I am not using it. I am not leaning on it. I stopped using... leaning on the backrest. Backrest is there as a symbol, as a respect but there’s a big gap between the backrest and My body, no back support. Backrest is not back support. You can see Me sitting in the same way in My first ASP, video recorded ASP in 2002, stabily like this for hours and now, literally forty two, I can sit like this for hours and go on doing My job, what I am expected to do, what I have committed to the world to do. Healthy body means twenty hours a day you should be able to do the job which you’re expected to do without tiredness, boredom, irritation, anything. (40:04) Build conscious mind means no violence. I tell you all, violence is nothing but iron deficiency. See, if you are feeling violent, if you are feeling angry, if you are feeling frustrated about anything, just take Neem juice everyday. Feeling violence, anger, frustrated, irritated is just iron deficiency. Do not support your anger. Do not feel somebody is reason for your anger. If you do false diagnosis you will never be healed. (40:58) Hey, all my balasants, at least you guys, listen to Me. At least you guys, listen to Me. If you are feeling angry, frustrated, violent about anything, be very clear, external reason is false. Internal reason, iron deficiency, leaky guts, these are the reason. Just take Neem juice. Take Haritaki. Take sesame seed balls. Sesame seed oil is an amazing healer. Supply the nutritions, minerals, vitamins, healthy food to your body organically naturally. All external reasons you show for your anger, violence, frustration is false. If you just take neem juice, if you just supply enough iron for your body, vitamins, minerals, suddenly you will see your anger, violence, frustration has no meaning. Do not stupidly lose your divine status. By acknowledging, logically cognizing external persons or situations as reason for your anger, violence, frustration. Hey, balasants, at least you guys, listen, I’m talking for you. This will be great help for you guys to remove the violence. Listen, early morning when you are the one becoming many is, that is what is waking-up state. See waking up is nothing but one becoming many. When one becomes many, it should always be pleasant - “I am becoming many to enjoy me.” If you have anger, violence, hatred towards somebody, you will become many only to hurt yourself. Then, you will, you will live a demonic life. Become many to enjoy yourself. You will live a blissful life like Paramashiva. (43:49) One real incident happened in my life. Once I was sitting with Arunagiri Yogishwara, my guru. Understand this is very important incident, listen carefully. Sit straight and listen carefully. I’ll describe as it is. One elderly person comes into the scene. Why I’m calling it as a scene you know, I always observed. Within the dvadashanta(Dvādaśānta (Sanskrit: द्वादशान्त), means Arunagiri Yogishwara gave me Darshan as a six feet form, normally. Sometimes He would look too big but six feet form is the normal form. I should say maybe six five, like that, that is the form. Twelve times of his size, his height like a twelve into six point five or six roughly. We can keep it as six, six into twelve. That many feet, seventy two feet. Within that seventy two feet, if somebody comes and seen by Me also and Him also, that person is from Kailasa. He can see us, we can see him. But once he moves from seventy two feet, no, he will not be seen by Me, but he will be seen only by Him, Arunagiri Yogishwara. And outsiders cannot see Him. (45:38) Listen carefully. That is Dvadashanta, His breathing space is so powerful, no outsider can see Him even when I’m sitting with Him, that is why the temple watchman Rajendran, Tiruvannamalai temple watchman Rajendran, he says: I used to see Swamiji will be sitting and talking alone in front of Arunagiri Yogishwara’s Jiva samadhi for long time, morning to evening, but I don’t know with whom He is talking. So ordinary people cannot see Him. When people walk into His breathing space, if they are from Kailasa, I can see them, they can see Me, they can see Him, all three can see each other. So one person like that, elderly person walked in, kept some edible items like a murukku, some, few items. So I was sitting with Arunagiri Yogishwara and listening to Him. He was talking something. After some time, very casually, and I had a very intimate relationship with Him. He is literally part of Me and I am part of Him, casually, without Him telling Me, instructing Me. This is the place where I used to usually sit with Him, exactly the place where I’m sitting, He used to sit and I sit the next step down. This is the place where we usually sit and have interactions. (47:36) Listen carefully now. Now let Me tell you. Casually, I took that murukku, some items and put it in My mouth and started eating. He was teaching something very powerful, and He uttered some mantras, very powerful sound, mantras, but I was trying to crush the murukku in My mouth. Because of the murukku sound I did not hear that mantra. So I just asked Him “ah ah”. Means to repeat the mantra. He is extremely sweet person. He became ferocious and said in Tamil “thingarada niruttu”. Literally My whole being was shaken. He told, “Thingarada niruttu”, it means, literal translation is “stop snacking”. That snacks, when you eat, that process is called “thingaradu” that which makes sound, the murukku and all that snacks, Indian snacks when you eat, it will make sound in the mouth. So, because of that sound, I missed some of the mantras He was uttering. Actually if you eat murukku, you will understand exactly what I am saying. The sound which your mo.., the sound which murukku makes inside your mouth, you will not be able to hear others talking. So I missed some syllables, some of the beeja mantras and asked Him “ah ah”. Means When I, i just said “ah ah”, it means I’m just asking Him to repeat. I missed the sound, so please repeat. He became so ferocious and very strong screaming voice “Thingarada niruttu”. Fortunately He has already blessed Me with the simple obedience, just My spontaneous reaction was I spat the whole thing, means I just vomited the, spat the whole thing, threw the whole thing out. And the next thing I did, I just picked up His finger and put it in My mouth to remove whatever is stuck in My mouth, to make sure it doesn’t go inside, it goes outside. So whatever... I took His finger and put it in My mouth to clean. Let all that go out. Let your instructions be absolutely executed by your Grace. I am here with absolute simple obedience. I did not think and do all these action. I just know simple obedience and no anger, no reaction, no fear, no violence, no resistance, nothing. Actually He was screaming, ferocious with Me. I was very romantic, the romance was My response for His ferociousness. Will you have a guts when some, even your mother or father screaming at you, you will, will you have the gut to pick up their hand and put it in your mouth and clean your teeth? Fortunately He has blessed Me with absolute, simple obedience. That simple obedience, I just spat the whole thing, whatever was in My mouth, and picked up His hand, put the finger and cleaned My teeth, whatever was deep inside, stuck. Two things happened. He just cooled down. His whole response to Me cooled down. Of course, surely, He is, He is Paramashiva, the whole space is different and He was tasting Me and all that I know. I, I’m telling you the, the exact as it happened. And the way He, then He took another hand and held My head with one hand. And actually I took the left hand, His left hand and put in My mouth to clean My mouth, to get the small, small bits out of whatever was stuck in My teeth. So He took his right hand and held My head and nicely cleaned, like just He did here, there and all thing came out and I spat the whole thing. It all happened, maybe the whole incident, I can say, ten minutes. He said: “I was just checking. I know for sure, you are in Oneness with Me”. (53:36) Understand, first I did not think, let Me swallow whatever I already put in My mouth. No. I made a big mess of taking it and put it in My mouth without asking His permission. Before He told. I did a mess, it's a big mess. I should not have taken His presence for granted, His teaching for granted, His initiation for granted. and just picked up, and put it in My mouth, it was a mess. big mess. And then when I missed the syllable, the sound beeja mantra, he was actually chanting few beeja mantra in between the instructions to initiate Me. And I missed the beeja mantra because of the murukku sound, karamura sound. When I asked Him “ah, ah, ah”, - when He became ferocious and gave the instruction, literally screamed “Thingarada niruttu”, I did not plan strategically, let Me just swallow whatever is in the mouth. No, simple obedience, just spat. Next, I have cleaned whatever is in the mouth. How much ever I tried to clean on My own, it will not be complete, so let Me take His help to execute His instructions, took the finger and put it in the mouth, absolute intimacy and romance. Note I am very clear He is ferocious for My good, He does not hate Me or He is angry with Me. Trust in your guru, he is not angry with you. He does not hate you. He is guru-disciple relationship. That is the basis for simple obedience. I just know he doesn’t hate Me. He is not angry with Me. He is just training Me. And the whole thing only opened up in Me as an intense love and romance, so I just picked up His hand, put it in My mouth and started cleaning My mouth, requesting Him to help Me to execute guruvak, His instruction. He was ferocious. His ferociousness invoked intense trust and romance in Me. That is the source of simple obedience, simple obedience. Not strategic, not thinking, “oh let me swallow this much, I will not put next hand in my mouth, next handful I will not put. I will not take more but whatever is in the mouth, let me swallow it.” No. Simple obedience. No justification, no anger, no violence, simple obedience. After cleaning My mouth, actually He held with right hand My head and with the left hand He cleaned. I could see very clearly everything just came out and I spat it out. He just hugged Me, that’s it. (58:10) I know the intense Oneness. I bless you all with this Oneness. Keeping Arunagiri Yogishwara as a witness. I am bringing that akashic record from past to present and making it happen with all of you. Let all of you experience this Oneness with Arunagiri Yogishwara. I am blessing all of you, everyone of you. Not just My Gurukul kids, I am blessing each one of you. With the grace and blessings of Arunagiri Yogishwara, let Mahadeva Paramashiva, I pray to Him, “Prabho manifest intense Oneness, sweet Oneness which you showered on Me. Let that past become present now and manifest, and manifest each one sitting with Me all over the world, each one sitting with Me all over the world manifest that same Oneness with you. Mahadeva, Prabho Paramashiva, Swami. That is the way I addressed him. I never addressed him as Paramashiva. I’ve not even addressed Him as Arunagiri Yogishwara. I addressed Him only as Swami. Now, I’m calling you the same, Sami, manifest, bless everyone with that same Oneness. Let that past become present. Let you manifest the same Oneness with all, all, all. (1:01:13) The most intimate world, largest number of times I used and you responded is Sami. I’m calling you with that same word Sami, manifest the same Oneness you gave Me to all. (1:10:02) Now you can all manifest powers now. Today I want you to manifest six powers, all third eye related, intensely focused. Listen carefully. Opening third eye with intense energy will raise, awaken multiple powers. So focus the six third eye powers today, and the solar eclipse day, I’m going to give a special Power manifestation mantra diksha. In Tamil we say “Vishakadi neenga manthiram”. Means the mantra and power manifestation initiation I am going to give to you on solar eclipse day, if you use them, you will be able to heal any of the poisonous biting. All the poisons will become powerless in front of you. With this mantra you can clear any poison. Listen, it's very powerful mantra. I initiate all of you and the procedure, both. So on that solar eclipse time I’ll be initiating all of you. With the time, date now the message will be put in the Facebook page. Please all of you share. Listen carefully, listen to this carefully. I told all My Gurukul balasants to read that article where a Chennai scientist claims connection between Covid-19 and solar eclipse. (1:12:25) See, I want to tell you few things. Few things which doctor K.L Sundar Krishna says, the scientist says. I’m going to support and acknowledge but that does not mean I am not supporting or acknowledging other points he makes. Other points he makes, I have no idea. I don’t know about it. So whatever is conforming with My experience, I’m going to support it. I’m going to explain it. (1:13:07) Listen one thing, listen to this. As he says that during the solar eclipse, that some energy transit, energy fusion, happening. Actually you can’t use the word transmission or fusion or fission. All those words have very less meaning and smaller definition. We should just say “energy happening” and leave it. Listen carefully. There is an “energy happening” during the eclipse time and this virus kind of things does have the planetary interventions. Listen carefully. See, he says, “The virus has occurred from the upper atmosphere due to the interplanetary force variations. A new alignment in which the Earth has created a conducive atmosphere, for the first neutrons with no charge in nature are coming out of most sufficient energy from sun. Said Krishna adding, “They may have started nucleating with foreign absorbing material which could be nucleus of the biomolecule, bio nuclear interactions taken place in the upper atmosphere. The mutation of the bio molecular structure protein, might have been possible source of this virus.” This is the Sunder Krishna presentation. I want to all of you to read this article. First thing I am in awe and absolutely appreciate his clarity. I give My humble respects to his intelligence, his Sarasvatya, Pandithya, his knowledge, I bow down to his knowledge. (1:15:35) Many things he is saying, whatever I understood which is connecting and matching with my Shastra pramana, My knowledge about the cosmos from My enlightenment, Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramana, I will present it to all of you. Listen, whatever he says, I’ll read out once more these lines, “The virus has occurred”, I’m reading out the article published in Hindustan times, “the virus has occurred from the upper atmosphere due to the interplanetary force variation.” I agree with this absolutely and its truth. “A new alignment in which the Earth has created a conducive atmosphere.” That’s also true. “For the first neutrons with no charge in nature are coming out of most sufficent energy from the sun”, true, “they may have started nucleating with the foreign absorbing material which could be a nucleus of biomolecule, bio-nuclear interaction taken place in the upper atmosphere, the mutation of the biomolecular structure, protein, might have been possible source of this virus.” (1:17:10) Listen, whatever he said, I absolutely agree, it is true. I’m only adding one more point. I also project the link to that article here, please read. Listen. See, normally if a male component, semen, and the female component, if they match, if they meet in some open place, it will not become a child, it will not become a life, it will not become a baby. But in a space, in a mother’s womb, when the male component and female component meet, life happens, that atmosphere, the space which makes the life happen is called Chit - Chidakasha. Listen carefully, Chit Chidakasha is the fifth dimension of the Universe. Actually, fifth dimension, but in the modern day scientists because they start telling time is the fourth and space is the fifth, sometimes I tell Chit as the sixth dimension for your understanding. But as for the cosmic reality the space is actually inside time itself. The time space is one and the same. It’s not separate in Hindu tradition. The Cosmos, in actual cosmos, time and space are the same dimension. So, length, breadth, depth, time, space, time space is fourth dimension, Chit is the fifth dimension, Chidakasha. Chidakasha is the space where the life is generated consciously. It is not dead mechanical chemical actions and reactions. (1:19:13) Listen, now whatever this scientist is describing, that is happening in a place where Chit is making it alive. That Chit is ParaShakti Mahamari. So, if we connect with ParaShakti Mahamari, She can completely heal the Coronavirus. She can heal the Coronavirus. Understand, this whole process which he is describing is not dead chemical, just ordinary chemistry process. It is happening in a place called Chit, Chidākāsha. Remember this example. All the male component, female component meeting does not become a child, baby, life. New life does not happen because for the new life to happen, both the male component, female component need to meet in a space called Chit, Consciousness. In that dimension they both meet, only then it becomes life, new life. Same way, what doctor Krishna says this process has happened. In Chit, that expression is Mahamari - Mahamari Parashakti Mahamari. If we connect with Her and pray to Her and request Her to heal us and the planet Earth. She is a conscious happening who listens to our prayers and responds to us. She is not just some dead, chemical process, no, conscious happening. She can decide and free us from Corona, liberate us from Corona. That is why I was insisting on Pacchai Pattini Vratham prayer to Mariamman. So, understand Chit, Consciousness is the space of Mahamari ParaShakti. (1:22:09) She can control, clean Corona if we can pray to Her, connect with Her through Pacchai Pattini Vratham and all other prayers. And I tell you, Mahamari worship in South, Jagannatha worship in Orissa, means East, Kalabhairava worship in North, all these are directly related to protecting ourself from this virus pandemics, diseases, this large killing epidemics pandemics kind of diseases. That whole worship, all these three worship is a science of protecting ourself from all pandemics, epidemics, this Coronavirus kind of mass killing diseases, mass killing diseases pandemics. (1:23:32) So, understand, I request all My disciples, follow your country’s laws, follow the rules and regulations of your country. I cannot interfere in your country’s rules, regulations, laws and I will not interfere also. Along with following your country’s laws, rules, regulations, if you can add and do Puja of these three worships as much as your country law allows: in the South Mahamayi Puja, the whole, all the four states has this Devi worship, that science, using Neem, Turmeric, Fire walking, fasting, all this used, in every village the name may be different, different, some places Muthumariamman, some places Mahamariamman, some places Chandanamariamman, some places Isakki Mariamman and some places Maha Kaliamman. In Andhra they do something called Bommaloo...Bonam… Bonam, Bonam festival and exactly the Bonam, the rituals and methods done in Andhra and Tamil Nadu, Poo choodal, Bhumithitthal, all that exactly the same methodology, same science, same methodology. The deity names are only different, same way the North Kalabhairava pooja and East Jagannatha’s worship, all of it follows the same science. Different local indigenious names and traditions. In Kerala they call it Velicha Padu. I request all the Hindus to do all these worships as much as possible to reduce the negative impact of Corona on life and livelihood, both. Bonalu, in Andhra also is same as the worship of Mariamman in Tamil Nadu. In Telangana Yellamma, Yellamma is in Tamil Nadu Ellaiamma. It is actually my mother’s mother’s family deity Yellamma. My mother’s mother’s name itself is Yellammal. Ellaiammal in Tamil and Yellamma in Andhra Bonalu festival Jatra. All these are direct science of healing the pandemics, epidemics, the Coronavirus kind of diseases. Bonalu involves the worship of Mother Goddess, Maisamma, Pochamma, Yellamma, Beddamma, Dukkalamma, Angalamma, Poleramma, Mariamma, Nookalamma, all... Anyhow, please try to do all these pujas, rituals, worships as much as your country's laws and legalities allows, but wherever it is allowed, I will really encourage people to do all these worships. Any country ratha yatra is allowed, I request that countries Nithyananda Sangha to make Jagannath ratha yatra happen this year. Because in India, Jagannath ratha yatra, ratha yatra is stayed in Puri, I read the news. Whichever country your law allows, the rules are allowing, please inform Me, that country Nithyananda Sangha should conduct Jagannath ratha yatra this year because the traditions should not be lost. Wherever our Kailasa Nithyananda Sangha is there, please approach your government, any government gives permission, we should conduct ratha yatra this year, Jagannath ratha yatra. We can’t afford to stop the worship of Jagannatha. It is direct science of healing and protecting all of us from this pandemics and epidemics. So, in India it is not possible because the Supreme court has stayed the Jagannath rath yatra this year. All other country, our Nithyananda Sangha should try to approach your local government and get permission. Any country gets permission, inform Me, we should do ratha yatra in that country. Same way, any country gives permission for fire walking, inform Me. We should do Mariamman puja and do fire walking and let’s pray to the beings Gods of Kailasa to heal the world, protect all of us from the negative impacts of Corona on life and livelihood, both. With this please do the power manifestation. I will continue to initiate in further sessions and satsangs. Now you can all manifest third eye, remote viewing, body scanning, mind reading, Consciousness over matter, clairvoyance, all the six powers with this strong powerful initiation. With the grace of Arunagiri Yogishwara all of you can manifest powers. (1:31:05) So, now, with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaitam, the State, Space, Powers, Being, Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva. Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Parmashivoham, the eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful. (1:31:39)

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