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Space - kasha! Let me use exactly the word Mahadeva uses. “Akasha” is modern Sanskrit word. In original Agama, the word “kasha” only is there. There also, there’s a possibility in that palm leaf, sometime this corner of the palm leaf gets broken. So, anyhow whatever available, even that palm leaf breaking is His action only. So what He left it for us to understand, from that the word “kasha” only is there. So let’s use that, that’s all. Space! Simple understanding where length, breadth, depth, time - all these are dancing, vibrating. That is the aspect called space. It’s a very simple understanding, but now I am going to give you how understanding space is going to have some use for you. See, ultimately our goal is to rest in the highest existence and highest consciousness - what we called as Mahasadashiva.
Resting in that state, operating in that space, manifesting the powers of that space: for that, understanding space! Whatever we need to understand, I am going to give you those understandings. All of you are clear? Actually if I have to speak on space, two-three thousand verses Mahadeva is giving in various Agamas on kasha, on space. Even this cloth is called kashaya because only a fellow who is established in that space can wear this cloth. That’s why this cloth is called kashaya. Whoever is constantly in that space of akasa, only they can wear this cloth, this colour. Two-three thousand verses He explains about the space. I am going to give you some maybe twenty ideas which is useful for you to manifest powers of Sadashiva and to understand the space of Sadashiva.
See these simple words - “feeling suffocated,” “irritated,” “I am not okay with all this.” These simple words, only by uttering them again and again you create that feeling. How many of you understand this? Usage of those words avoided, that experience is also avoided. How many of you understand this? So, can you take two-three minutes and pen down. Listen! Listen carefully. Usage of words in your space becoming experience few incident - first time when you started using the word depression, depression, deep-pression! Various explanations. It is nothing but Shiva, Sadashiva, Mahasadashiva like that. Depression. Depression! Deep-pression! Means, Shiva becomes Sadashiva and Mahasadashiva! I think er depression to deep-pression and depression.
When you started using these words, cherishing these words and manifesting those experiences in your space. Just for you to understand, listen, listen, please listen. If two objects are struck, sound is generated. If a thought is stuck on the space, reality is generated. That’s all. Thought, idea, depression, irritation - simple words. How you teach to these teenager kids? How they pick up between when you, you guys are fighting - “I cannot tolerate this!” “I can’t digest this!” “Hell with it!” “Better to die than living like this!” All these words, they pick up while both of you fight. And when they use that word on their space, they generate that as a experience. You yourself have done this crime against you. First time when you did this crime, try to remember and pen down.
See, where you could have avoided the word and avoided the experience, that is called freedom. You chose the word and chose the experience, after that you even, if you don’t choose the word, experience does not leave you - that’s called marriage, bondage. Understand! See, first few times when you use the word “I am irritated!” “I am agitated!” “I can’t tolerate this!” “I can’t put up with this!” “Better to die than living like this life!” “Hell with you!” All these phrases, there’s a dance. All this Jerry Springer Show phrases. All these words, listen! When you are using first time and manifesting them as reality, you had a choice not to use them and manifest those experiences and reality.  How many of you understand that? So, but after continuous usage and those experiences produced, when that become your normalcy - that is what still I can’t understand this word “normalcy.” What is common? What is normal? Most abnormal thing is normal. Most stupid things are common.
No, sometime people question me, “Why our kids are taught so much of importance for the language is given?” Our balasanths are not suppose to even utter the word “no,” “not,” all that - avoid knowing. So much importance is given for their language because when the language is stuck in the inner space, the reality is generated. Understand, the damaru of Mahadeva dancing in the space of Chidambara generates the Cosmos. So, the language you use inside is the damaru of Mahadeva. Whatever is generated here becomes reality. Just remember one or two incidents and write so you will understand when you started doing this big crime against you, using strong words and generating those ideas and experiences in your inner space stupidly! And same way, even when you use the good words, “Tsk! See, when I go to the temple, such a peace happens to me!” Initially may not have that big experience, but the good words repeated - third time when you go to that temple, really you’ll have that peace! How many of you have experienced this? That’s all.
Generated good words or generated bad words, when they hit the space, they become reality. Whatever makes the word into real is space, akasha, kasha. You’re a adult, you can choose your words. Don’t come and give me a big letter, “Ooh! Still I have some doubts about you.” Then die! Who cares! You’re an adult, you pick up the word! Is somebody else sitting in your head and picking up the word!? Nothing else can be done! Don’t try to “Ooo...! Ooo...!” No! “Still I am feeling very negative about the spirituality.” Then what can be done. You’re an adult! You decide! Which thought current you decide to cherish as your part! I can teach only to adults. My kids may not be adults but they are mature. Understand, their very connection with me makes them mature!
Try to write both experiences, so you’ll understand how initially the word you generate in your space manifest reality. Then I teach you about, make you understand about the space. End of the day it’s not teaching, I am just making you understand the spare parts you have. What I am giving you is owner’s manual. I am not giving you any disciplinary. I am just telling you how to ride the bike. You going two hundred miles or six hundred miles speed, I don’t care. I am okay whether you do a, a race, bike race or you go for a pleasure ride. That is up to you. I am giving you owner’s manual. These are the spare parts you have and these are the effects and side effects you will have.
And, I want to tell you guys, this rudraksha hold the space. This rudraksha, see just like battery has a capacity to hold the neutron, electron, that proton, that all the electricity activity. Rudraksha has a capacity to hold somebody’s space. All the rudraksha you are wearing is holding Mahadeva’s space. It is energised and brought to you. So, Mahadeva’s space is put in that - karukidai nigandu is done then it reaches you. You can, even that word, record that word “karukidai nigandu” means impregnating with the thought current or experience. It is not even impregnating. The karukidai means making you deliver. It’s end to end actually. Not just impregnating, then you may get aborted, who knows? So, karukidai means successfully making you deliver this thought current as your experience. “Karukidai nigandu,” the word is from Prakrit. One of my important contribution is going to be reviving all these sweet words from Agamas and making them all day to day use words.
Listen! Next one simple understanding. The space inside you, space in which you are breathing and the whole space. Listen, three words I am uttering. Space inside you where you are alive, where you feel you are alive! The space you are alive, the space where you are breathing and the whole space where you are living. Daharakasha means, where your life is pulsating - Daharakasha. The realisation science, self realisation science is called Dahara Vidya. Daharakasha where you are alive inside your body frame - that space. Where you are breathing, this Nithyananda Sabha - this is called Katakasha. The whole is called Mahakasha. The words you reverberate inside decides the quality of your state. The words you generate in your breathing space decides quality of your space and life. The words you generate with the Cosmos decides your existence - mantras. The words you generate here - “I can’t tolerate!” “I am irritated!” You understand the examples? Now you understand why I gave those examples and made you do the homework.
Daharakasha - along with the power manifestation, I am programming this whole thing inside you as a powerful cognition. You see, goal is actually you manifesting powerful cognitions only. Power manifestation is to inspire you to manifest powerful cognitions. And it is not that it is something wrong. And, Mahadeva such amazing software developer. His whole system is only to the level of enlightenment, you’ll manifest powers! Because it is from there He’s making you manifest. See, in the Yoga Vedanta Sampradaya, towards enlightenment you manifest powers. But here, from the grounding of enlightenment you manifest powers! So the whole software, Shaktipata is different! And one more thing you need to know - you need to be very careful about whose breathing space you are breathing and listening to these great ideas, because Shaktipata happens understand.
You need to know, when you take any help - you grasp, you imbibe the foundation, context on which they are setting, they are sitting, they are standing. All of you are clear? If you go to a Guru who says, “Siddhis are wrong, they come during enlightenment and they stop your enlightenment,” and you heard that - that is hell for you! Because he knows only that science and he’s doing Shaktipata with you! Only that and that will be your reality! If you go to a Guru who says, “Eeh, it is from established groundedness of Sadashivatva the powers manifest, understand. When you become Shiva, shakti manifest in you. That’s all.” When you listen to this truth and manifest powers, this is your Shaktipata and this is your reality! So, you need to be very clear from where you are getting Shaktipata, from whom you are getting Shaktipata. And is that system authorised by the shastras. That is too important.
Siddhi is stepmother. In Tamil, Siddhi means stepmother. Shakti is mother, Adishakti! Understand, one more thing for you to manifest shakti, you need a strong Shaktipata with the Master who has already mastered this science. When there is no Master to give that Shaktipata, teaching yoga is the best. You can do it from manual book. Why do you think yoga become very popular?  Because you don’t need Masters, teachers are enough. But for shakti to manifest, actually only if you manifest shakti after the Shaktipata, it is called Shaktipata. Otherwise it is verumpata, not Shaktipata. Only if you manifest shakti, after that Shaktipata, it is Shaktipata!  Otherwise, it is what? Pata, that’s all.
These three words - “Daharakasha,” “Chittakasha” or “Katakasha” or “Mahakasha.” These has two word - “Chittakasha” and “Katakasha,” both. Why I am using both words you know? If you don’t manifest what you want as a reality in your space, it is called Katakasha. If you manifest your life as you want, it is called Chittakasha. The state, space where you live; the state, space where you operate - as of now all of you are operating in this Nithyananda Sabha. Am I right? So this is called Katakasha, if you don’t manifest what you want as reality. But, if you manifest what you want as reality in your breathing space, it’s called Chittakasha, conscious space. Katakasha means mud space. Katam is a mud pot. The space inside the mud pot, the mud pot has no use. Mud pot has any use or the space inside there? No! You are saying katam. No, katam is use for us, not for mud pot! For mud pot, it’s a beating! >>>Tamil<<<
No, he’s trying to show, No, no, no! There is a use katam.” Katam music is use for whom? For us who generates, not for the katam! In your space, listen. Your state is Daharakasha where you exist - Dahara Vidya. Dahara Vidya means the knowledge of enlightenment science. Now whatever I am talking to you - all these can be classified as Dahara Vidya. Precisely, if I have to translate that word - grounded in existence. Dahara - grounding you in your soul, Atman. Enlightenment is called Dahara Vidya. Where you are grounded is called Daharakasha, the space of your life - alive! Your state - the words you generate there and hit you, decides the state you are in. Feeling, experience, expanded, joyful or suffocation, all is within this. How many of you are understanding? Having the whole world open for you and feeling imprison can be there. Sitting on one small cave feeling enlightened can be there, because it is on Dahara. There are many great Sadhus lived in a small cave of remote Himalayas, lived such an ecstatic glorious space! And, there are many people who are flying whole day and night in the space, but feeling imprison inside. How many of you are understanding what I am saying? 
I tell you, if this science can be taught in schools, the whole quality of the humanity will become different. The words you utter, actually what we should do you know? That, that fork is there, what is the name? Spoon? Ah, can you guys get one? We have? That tuning fork, it should be given to everyone. Just twenty four hours you should experiment. Everytime you utter a bad word inside, you should hit that and feel, “Hmm! I have damage my state.” No, for you to remind, remember. Just twenty four hours is enough. So much awakening will happen to you. How many times you are damaging you? Understand, after a few days, you’ll logically start substantiating this self sabotage pattern - “Ah! What is there? That is the way it is! Alright! I’ll stop self sabotaging! As if my life is going to become better or what?,” “See, my business is failing! My life is ruining! Alright! Now I’ll stop doing all these self sabotage patterns. So, it’s going to become better?” It means what? You yourself have come to the conclusion, that you are doing is okay. How many of you understand what I say?
So, okay lot of drainage water is coming into your home because of flood, then why not drink it? Let’s drink! No, that’s what you’re coming to conclusion. Am I right? So you’re saying,  “Okay! I am not drinking it. Is it coming, stop it coming here or what?” I am not saying, it’s coming or stopping, coming and all that! But, this is not the way to go about. Understand, even if it is not immediate pleasant, do only right! Kathopanishad says right, not pleasant. Even if it is not immediate pleasant - do right, not pleasant. The words you utter, that creates the space you operate, that makes your breathing space as Katakasha or Chittakasha. Chittakasha means consciously generated space. Means, if you are uttering all the words consciously, tuning to your life’s goal, you create Chittakasha. If you are uttering why without knowing why you are uttering or because of compulsions, and manifest default reality by fault - that is called Katakasha. Listen. Default reality is Katakasha. Conscious reality is Chittakasha. These three words - Daharakasha, Katakasha and Chittakasha and Mahakasha. Mahakasha is whatever exist, that you don’t know anything. You don’t know a-b-c-d of Mahakasha.
Please understand, just because you’ve seen some movies, some chakubu chikubu. No! We don’t know anything about Mahakasha, it’s only a word you need to be introduced. That’s all. Whatever is, is Mahakasha. That’s all. See, one more thing you need to know -  one good thing about Akasha is, it can never get corrupted. It can be easily programmed. Like electricity cannot be corrupted. It maybe helping you for last hundred years, but it did not bother to kill you in one second if you do something wrong. Same way, it maybe killing so many people, in so many places if something wrong is done. It’ll not bother to help you if you do it proper circuit. No qualities acquired, no favouritism and no corruption. That’s a quality of space. No favouritism, no quality acquired. It is all about what you want to do from now? That decides the whole programming of the space. That’s all. The next few understandings about cosmology. Actually now, it is not even understanding, it’s bomb. Mahadeva says, you don’t have a soul till you get enlightened. Now this is the most funny thing. He says, till you are solidified with the consciousness manifesting, you are only the accident of, play of Katakasha and body, mind - not Daharakasha. Listen carefully. I’ll explain. I’ll explain.
See, only when you are initiated, you use your will. With that will, you manifest something consciously in your space. Only then, soul enters into your system. Till then, soul means that Jiva is not operative in your system. Your body is alive and functioning because of the vatavarana, not because of the individual soul. He calls it pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam. I’ve been using this word many times in the satsang also. Individual conscious will awakening and declaring its existence. If you know, “Yes, I exist and I have this, this, this as a problem. This, this, this as a inspiration.” Even if you have a problem it’s okay, but your individual will should perceived the problem, only then it’ll start cracking the code. 
Listen! That is why Agama says, only when you are initiated, life enters into you. In Vedic tradition, we have something called dvija - reborn. By birth only the Katakasha keeps you alive, not Daharakasha. Daharakasha is infused into you by the person who is operating from Mahakasha through Chittakasha! Too many words. Come on! I’ll repeat. The individual soul in you, is breathed by the person who is breathing the Cosmos into you, through his breathing space. That’s the translation. Till then, your perception of existence is because of the ambience of the Katakasha like in your mother’s womb, even though you kick, hit, move, do everything - you cannot be called as individual soul. By its vatavarana it appears as if you’re alive. So, it is only substandard of consciousness. I should not even use the word “consciousness” - substandard existence. How many of you are getting?
Understand, the Katakashic existence is call accidental existence. You need to use your will persistence ferociously broke, you need to break the laws of Katakasha, that is call tapas. Breaking the chains of your vatavarana by will persistence is call tapas. More tapas, more alive you will feel. That is why in Hindu tradition, if somebody wants to become a king, he will not enter into politics. He will retire to forest and start meditating for twelve years. When he becomes alive and walks into the city, the elephant comes and puts the garland and carries him and puts him in the seat, throne of the king. Whether conquering infrastructure or internal structure - breaking Katakasha by your will, is the only thing any human being need to do in the life. Katakasha is the accidental ambience you are breathing, which gives the illusion or delusion you are alive. Your existence is given a delusory idea that you are alive, because you are breathing, you are made to believe you are alive. Like a ups and downs of the wave, gives the feeling as if the ocean is alive in that area, even though there is no individual, independent, individual energy exists.
You have soul only when you manifest powers. No, that is what is the conclusion. And do you know funny thing? People who are not initiated or not manifesting powers, He classifies them as Pancama and murdering of those people is not punishable crime. Sorry for… (Swamiji guffawing away) No, I am not, haha...ha, I am not saying we should take this literally. But I am saying, the importance He gives for power manifestation and awakening the pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam. You should read in this way, not in this way. You should read the importance Mahadeva gives for power manifestation. You should not read in this way saying, “Ooh! He doesn’t have a respect for life!”
Now, let’s come to the point. What is will persistence, and what is will? Listen. Will is not astra, it is shastra. I’ll explain these two concept. Astra means a weapon loaded, pre-planned, pre-programmed and operated. Shastra means power is generated and immediately release, is shastra. Will cannot be programmed earlier and kept and use. No! Now you generate and you release. The good news is, does not need training. Will to manifest will persistence and will - you need not be trained for twelve years. Person who’s tried to have will for twenty two years and who is beginning today - both will have the same will. Because, will is the weapon from the space which cannot be programmed. Listen carefully. Subtler and subtler you go - they can only be less luggage, baggage program. When you are going in bullock cart, you can carry the whole city. When you go in bus, you’ll have to reduce. When you go in train, you’ll have to reduce more. When you are going in the flight, it has to be reduced a lot more. If it’s jet, you can only carry that pills. The subtler and subtler you go - baggage, the past patterns, compilations, judgements, concepts are not allowed.             
In the length dimension - your whole past is required, only then you can move towards future. You need to know about your past history, only then you’ll have the confidence about building your future. That is why British destroy our history first, so we will lose confidence. Destroying history is not a small thing. It’s a strategy. Destroy it! So, he doesn’t know his possibilities. Just before extinction, I’ve come. So don’t worry. It cannot be destroyed. 79 would have been too late! It cannot be destroyed now. I am grounded. We have grounded enough now. The important lesson you need to know, understanding you need to know with all these is, for consciousness to manifest in the form of will, and power manifestation to happen - you do not need pre-training. Astra is different. Shastra is different. Astra means, you meditate on Naga Devata - Goddess of snake, and get the boon from that Naga Devata and keep Nagastra, and put it in the bow and send it. That is astra, Nagastra, where pre-process is done and loaded. Shastra means, you just pick up something, use only your will and send it. 
Understand, Mahadeva very clearly says state, space, manifestation - all the three does not need pre-training because it is fundamentally based on the space. Will power, will persistence is enough. Means, you deciding now, from now what I want to do, only matters. Till now what I have done, does not matter. Womaniser Arunagirinathar, not Arunagiri Yogishwara. Arunagirinathar who lived in Tiruvannamalai. He gets Kailash Patavi! He gets to go to Kailash and come back with the Parijatha flower. But, the fellow who was in the Parijatha flower garden, Sundarar - just because he saw the Rudrakanyas in a little flirting way, he has been sent down! Understand these two stories. A womaniser goes to Parijatha garden and brings Parijatha flower. The fellow who is in the garden serving Mahadeva whole day and night, who was supposed to have been such an intimate assistant, who brought even Halahala to Mahadeva - just a flirting look, he has been sent back to Bhuloka. So fundamentally Mahadeva asked Sundarar, “What do you want from now? Forget about what happened. In this moment and now, what do you want? You want to enjoy them. Then go back. Go and finish and come back.” For Arunagirinathar, “Forget about what has happened. Now what do you want?” “I want Kailash Patavi.” “Now, come on! Have it!”
Understand, past, the good news I have for you. Past is irrelevant when you’re working with the space, akasha. Present is too relevant when you are working with the akasha. Clear! You have been twenty years devotee, twenty five years devotee or born and brought up along with me does not matter or yesterday only you entered the program - does not matter at all. From this moment what do you want to do, matters. Now, do you want to manifest power and cognise what I am sharing with you? Not believe, because I am not talking some, I am not talking some stupidity you need to believe. I am talking science, you don’t need to believe. Come on! Cognise it! Believe is a prerequisite, if some stupidity is going to be dumped on your head. Here I am sitting and analysing the science of life, science of existence.
Daharakasha, means your soul is infused into you in the form of Shaktipata as a will. Will means, experience I exist larger than what I was feeling as me till before the initiation. How many of you are catching what I am saying? How many of you feel, listen carefully, after the initiation and power manifestation, even the way you feel you is much larger? That only manifest into Katakasha and makes it into Chittakasha. If you don't manifest power, your Nithyananda Sabha is Katakasha. If you manifest power, your Nithyananda Sabha is Chittakasha. Understand. Whether this is ponnambalam or pot, kata or chitta is up to you. In pot, what you can do? In ponnambalam only you can dance. In Chittakasha only you can dance.
Science of initiation - deeksha. This word “deeksha” need to be understood. The word initiation is too superficial for deeksha. If I have to translate exactly the word “deeksha” into English - breathing life, infusing life. The frequency of your will existence raise to the level of frequency of will persistence to become the realisation of will, reality, realisation.  Understand, Daharakasha breathe, Guru breathe life into Daharakasha - with that you start that will persistence. With that will persistence you start manifesting not only powers, even the life as you want. Katakasha becomes Chittakasha, understand. In Katakasha, Kauravas are cooked. In Chittakasha, Pandavas are cooked. See how Pandavas are born? Kunti calls, Gods and Goddesses out of will they are generated - Chittakasha. How Kauravas are cooked? Kept in the pot. From Katakasha, Kauravas manifest. From Chittakasha, Pandavas manifest. Five, but conscious. Hundred and one, but unconscious. It’s not hundred, hundred and one actually - one daughter. One daughter and hundred son.
I don’t know how many of you know Pandavas also have one sister, but before born she’s died, she’s dead, she was dead. The Madri, Pandu has a cursed that if you have a physical relationship with anybody you will die, and he was not able to control himself, has a physical relationship with the second wife. That err Nakula and Sahadeva’s mother. That night, you see the, the power of Pandu was such because for quite a long time he was celibate. Within twenty four hours the child has happened, but before the delivery she also entered into sati and die and left the body, so…died before birth but sister, one sister. Karna was never call Pandava because before the marriage of Pandu, he was born. So he was only call Kaunteya, Kunti’s son, not Pandava’s son. Bio memory from Pandu, muscle memory from Kunti, bio energy from those Gods. That’s the way they were born. With Karna, bio energy and bio memory - both Surya gave, that is why even the body had kavacha, vajra. Unless you understand Agama, you cannot understand puranas of Hinduism. You need to know the Agama as a context to know the puranas of Hinduism.
Conclusion of these truths I am sharing with you - you do not need pre-training for power manifestation. Now if you decide, “Oh! Swamiji says life is continuous rhythm, rhythmic continuum. I have option either to cognise with my own capacity. I have one more option till I cognise because he cognised and he will do only good to me, I am deciding to vote for him and cognise this. With this strength, let me start acting out what I am suppose to act out from this cognition!”  is initiation. How many of you are getting? That is what is Shaktipata.
See, life is rhythmic continuum. You can realise only if you die three times and see. Before that, keep the accounts in your muscle memory. Die, and after coming out - pull it out and check whether all the, the house, number of houses, wives, cars, properties handed over to you. And after three time checking only, “I think bank is working properly. Okay.” Do you want to do that? “I think this guy is saying he has seen many time. He must be telling only good for me. Let me try it out. Putting my understanding as his understanding. Let me cognise and see.” Like how in the maths teachers they say, “Let’s keep x equal to y for the sake of solving this problem. Once you solve the problem then it becomes yours! You see, once you keep this cognition as a proposal and manifest the powers, after that you don’t need to die and see! This cognition is yours now! Because it has worked for you! How many of you are understanding? See, till you manifest the power only this is a proposal, “Will you become me?”
Understand, once you manifested the power base on that cognition, then what happens? Then it is yours! Then it’s your realisation! A Acharya should have the capacity to convince the disciple to keep this as a proposal till the manifestation happens, that’s the qualification of a Acharya. Acharya needs a different frequency. He has to be so strongly manifesting. See, when I am proposing saying, “Eh, till you manifest powers, keep this life is rhythmic continuum.” I should be able to command your inner space, and should have proved at least in few people a good track record. How many of you understanding what I am saying? One, otherwise why will you say, “Ah! Life is continuous rhythm. Who cares! Go! Go!” An Acharya who occupies the seat of Sarvanjnapeetha has to be strong enough by his own authority. When he proposes, disciple should be able to hold it and try it out. Because till it manifest in you, I am responsible.
See, this life is continuous rhythm. Once you manifest the powers associated with that understanding, with that powerful cognitions - then your self-doubt, all that doesn’t matter. Your being cognises, “Eh! This is the truth.” Your being just grasped! Your logic do not know but your being acts it out - this is what is falling in love. You will fall in love with these higher cognitions. Nothing can be done. You just know this is the way you are going to be. You will not bother about anything else. How many of you are catching what I am saying that falling in love with higher cognitions? An Acharya should be authoritative enough, authentic enough, to present this proposal and make the ball roll. Because, now you are going to get into the virtuous circle - one higher cognition, one power manifestation. Then because of that, more trust on the more higher cognition, and more trust means, more power manifestation. That’s a virtuous circle. Otherwise, vicious circle. No faith, no higher cognition. Faith is too small word. No higher cognition, no power manifestation, only powerless manifestation and more depression and more lower cognition and more depression. 
Somebody has to stop the snowballing effect and push it out that side. From taittiriya retas, somebody has to push it and send it to as urdhva retas. That is exactly I do during the initiations. Stopping this taittiriya retas idea and pushing it out as urdhva retas. Listen. With this cognition, I am giving life is rhythmic continuum. First thing, powerful cognition - “Appa! Fear of death is not there.” Second responsibility, “I have to come to completion with this wife. Otherwise, she’s going to come back.” No! With any situation! Not wife or boss! Completion is the only freedom! Till then, it is only going to be continuum. Freedom and responsibility, both. You do not need earlier training. Decide now, life is a continuous rhythm. Then, what all is the effect and side effect of the way I cognise me and my fears, my desires, my understanding, my goal, my vision, my mission, my existence. I think that is where fear comes. “Aaah … ooh too many things are at stake.” This is what is washing your brain, not brainwashing. Understand. This is not brainwashing. Washing all the dirt we collected. Washing all the blind spots. Just with this one understanding life is continuous rhythm, you can become enlightened and manifest all the powers. That put so much of trust on life.
All your insecurities are humbug. All your possessiveness is humbug. Understand, own but don’t possess. Owning means, taking responsibility to include everyone and share. Possessing means, owning it to exclude everyone else. The whole Indian village economy will be all about owning, not possessing. If your friends, family or brothers have money, you have a right to go and ask, “Eh! You have na. Give! I am, I have a problem.” There is no such thing as “Eh! It is yours. If you have, ah come on!” Because our mental structure was all about owning, not possessing. Your idea about possession, your idea about people, your idea about wealth, your idea about your mission, your idea about your existence, all will go through a huge acid wash, if you just relax with this one cognition - life is continuous rhythm. How many of you are already feeling the effect and side effect of this one truth in you?
Few minutes, can you pen down whatever you want, you pen down about this truth. If you, if this becomes your experience - what all will be the first changes you will find in your life? See, after power manifestation, it’s going to be your experience, not now. But, suddenly you manifest powers really and this becomes your realisation - what all the immediate effect going to happen in your day to day life, and your day to day thinking? Few minutes. What all you may want to do or what is the changes you think will happen, if you experience life is continuous rhythm?  I tell you, this will give you such a tremendous grounded healing. You will make wealth like a ghost and you will live peacefully like a saint. Your asa gets converted into pasa and collapsing your whole life. That desire becomes blind spot, because you don’t add awareness to it. If you have tremendous healing, trust on life - desire becomes iccha shakti. Iccha becomes iccha shakti. I tell you, iccha is not wrong, making blind spots out of iccha is wrong.
Life is rhythmic continuum. If you avoid this boss in this life, it’s not that you’re going to be liberated. You will project this same boss in your life continuously till you come to completion with the pattern, while you are projecting this same type of people in your life. Karma saphalyam is janma saphalyam. Not changing place, person, situation. No! Karma saphalyam is janma saphalyam means, completion of the karma is completion of janma. But always what we think? Somehow if I escape from this boss, I am safe. If I escape from this person, I am safe. If I escape from this situation, I am safe. Sometimes you say, “Okay, okay, I need to escape from karma, but let me first escape from the situation then I’ll plan.” Listen. If you decide to change the karma and want to escape from the immediate problem, God will support you completely. Any man who decides for completion, the whole Cosmos supports him! Cosmos is not interested in taking revenge on you. It is interested in rejuvenating you.
Listen. Listen to this important truth. “Let me solve my karma pattern, but immediately I want to get rid of this few mess up!” How many of you have that kind of a thought current and request? Raise your hand. Pen down that. Because I’ll, I’ll invoke enough energy that you’ll immediately rid of the messes as miraculously, with the commitment you’ll going to get rid of that karma pattern once for all. The moment you want to transform, I have authority to use all my powers to empower you. Because, all these powers are to transform you. Yesterday I made the statement life is continuous rhythm - how that and space is connected. Listen! There is a part of you again and again forgets you are going to die, gives confidence to you as if you’re going to exist forever! How many of you understand that? Again, there is a part of you which always puts you in fear of non existence, that one day everything is going to go away, what will happen to you? How many of you understand that? Both of you are getting, all of you are getting it?
One group of people always scream, “Ooh! People are forgetting they are going to die, that is why they are doing all nonsense!” No. People are forgetting they are going to be there forever, that is why they are doing nonsense. Listen carefully. If you remember you are going to die and all the decisions you take - it is called dharma. If you remember you are going to be there forever and all the decisions you take - that is called moksha. Definition of dharma and moksha - dharma mental setup and moksha mental setup. Listen! All moral teachers need to remind you - you are going to die! All moksha teachers need to remind you - you are never going to die! All moral teachers will torture you saying, “You are going to die. Don’t do this, don’t do that!” All liberation Gurus need to teach you - you are never going to die, you are never going to die, you are never going to die! How many of you are getting this dharma thought current and moksha thought current? When you think you are going to die, that decisions you take is morality - dharma. When you understand you are never going to die, that decisions you take, the space you enjoy is moksha - moksha thought current.
All moksha thought current leads good to you and to others. I am not blaming dharma thought current, but that is not ultimate. When you don’t have moksha thought current, eat dharma thought current. When you don’t have idli and chutney, eat the burger and die. When you have idli and tamarind rice, why would you eat burger?  When you can enjoy nice sugar cane juice, all these - why would you go for burning alcohol which literally burns your system? Mahadeva defines dharma thought current - mrityu smarana, remembrance that you are going to die. Whatever actions, decisions, feelings invoked in you develops dharma. And remembrance you are never going to die, whatever powerfulness is invoked in you, that evolves as moksha.
Your inner space should be hit with the idea life is continuous rhythm. Understand. Hit your Daharakasha with the understanding life is continuous rhythm, powers will start manifesting. See I tell you, all your thoughts either manifest powerlessness or power. It cannot just be dead. No! It cannot be your dead mother-in-law. Mother-in-law even retired cannot keep quiet. Indian mother-in-law especially. I am seeing many people are looking this side and that side, I think if your mother-in-law is here, you are confirming. Indian mother-in-law cannot keep quiet even after retirement.
Any thought invoked or provoked in you, cannot keep quiet. It has to generate powerfulness or powerlessness. Hitting your inner space powerfully with the sacred truth life is continuous rhythm. Akhanda means unbroken. Khanda means broken. Akhanda means unbroken. You may think, “How can power manifest, if I just think life is continuous rhythm.” It will manifest because I am telling you to do that. Because you never understood power of your will. You always have been clouded.
Next understanding. Listen. Even if it is dharma also, if that decision comes from the powerless cognition - it should be given up. Listen carefully. Even if it is dharma also, if that decision comes from powerless cognition - it should be given up when you have met the moksha Guru, not till then. Only after you hear these words directly -
सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज ।
अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्ष्ययिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥१८-६६॥
sarvadharmān parityajya māmekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja |
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarvapāpebhyo mokṣyayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ ||18-66||
Understand, here Krishna gives the assurance, “I will liberate you from everything. You drop whatever you know as dharma and surrender and do.” When you hear this only then you can give up dharma, not till then. When you hear, you have to give up dharma! Not after that! 
Now, I am going to make you understand why dharma is good but not enough. Because, even though it is good for many people around you, not good for you because it stems out of powerlessness and makes the powerlessness more and more stronger. How many of you can catch immediately two-three things at least in your life to match with what I am saying? Pen down. Your powerlessness decisions but useful for others, which continues to keep you powerless. And, others now have a vested interest to keep you powerless. That is when sometime dharma becomes bondage. How many of you are understanding that stark difference between dharma thought current and moksha thought current? Life is continuous rhythm means you are not going to die - moksha. You are going to die, remember - dharma. Do not measure dharma or moksha base on its effect on others. Measure base on its effects of that on you. Its effect on you.
When you declare life is continuous rhythm, fundamentally what happens you know? Suddenly, your gear is shift to consciousness! If you are a body, life cannot be continuous rhythm. If life is continuous rhythm, then who you are? Consciousness. That is when it hits your inner space and makes you manifest powers and powerful cognitions. Understand, when you are generating a will, if you remember you are consciousness - the will becomes reality! “mama sankalpam, shiva sankalpam mastu” - let my will becomes Sadashiva’s will. When it will become? If you are consciousness. You may think all this can happen just by thinking? Life is continuous rhythm shifts your existence from body-mind to consciousness. So from that moment before any clouding starts in you, the will you generate starts manifesting powers. How many of you are catching what I am saying?
See, if again clouds comes and you remember you are body, you are mind, you are husband, you are wife, you are man, you are this, you are that - then all  “mama sankalpam, kata sankalpam mastu.” That’s all. That fleet, fleeting second, few split seconds where the gear is shifted to consciousness, where you don’t remember how beautiful you are ... the makeup you are suppose to put to make you more beautiful ... and how rich you are, and the money you are suppose to add more to your bank to make you more rich. Where you don't remember all these taritrata. Taritriya means nothing. Na, see, listen, the word, exactly the word means not enough concept, the idea of not enough. That’s all. Taritra means the idea of not enough. That's all. Nothing else. It is the idea of not enough pulls you out of your conscious space. You cannot do anything directly about that. Forget about it. But, from conscious gear when you declare some will, will persistence and manifest powers, your inner space starts enjoying and romancing with that idea you are consciousness.     
See, my only job is I need to create a cherish romance inside you about your conscious existence or conscious part of you! That’s all is my job. Are you all getting? See, you have a lot of cherish romance about you existing as your body, you existing as your mind. I need to generate and make you cherish the romance of you existing as consciousness! This whole power manifestation drama is that’s all. Nothing else. Generating romance and letting you cherish with that idea you are consciousness, you are Mahadeva, you are Sadashiva. When I say conscious, you can use the word superconscious and supra, supra, supra, supro, superconscious or whatever. Mega superconscious, Maha superconscious - okay, that’s all okay. Hmm. How many of you are getting what I am saying?
I tell you, with this understanding, you don’t need other’s third eye to see what is happening in New York. You can directly see. You’re consciousness! All pervading space! Why New York? Start seeing what is happening in the moon and the sun! Start seeing what is happening in the Jupiter. Shani play cheat, you go to Shani and talk to him and come back. How many are feeling this life is continuous rhythm is a very powerful way of ironing out your whole inner space? From the various angles I am trying to iron it out. Mahadeva, the way He defines itself, He provokes you to manifest Him! He’s not talking to you in the language where after that you can just tie the book and put it under your pillow or above that paran. Paran in English la? Ah? Loft! You can put the book in the loft and sleep well! He charges you up so much. You just have to manifest Him. You just have to manifest Him. It has to be become reality. Shiva means reality.
I tell you exactly when Agama was revealed. I tell you. All the Vedas in its formlessness, He breathe all the Vedas and handed over the Vedas to Brahma telling him, “Come on! Create the whole creation and let things happen.” Brahma did a beautiful job. He created and then the whole Manu. Manu did a amazing job based on the Vedic knowledge, wrote a practical dictum, a Constitution kind of a social structure laws. Everything was going very well. Then Manu’s Smriti, Daksha developed. Manu’s err daughter’s husband is Daksha, Prajapati, Daksha Prajapati. He developed a next level of very precise theories, like a currency, the whole concept of exchange - all that started by Daksha Smriti only. It’s not from Manu Smriti. From Daksha Smriti only that exchange items, all that things starts. Everything was going smooth.
Then Vishnu and Brahma, they request Mahadeva, Sadashiva, to assume a body and assist them in the physical plane. Then Sadashiva assumes the body. That is when this Sati falls in love when He was there in the Himalayas. And, they eloped and get married and all this whole mess, that Daksha Prajapati opposes and then finally Sati gives up the body. This whole mess has happened. Then Mahadeva withdraw Adishakti into Himself. He sits as Sadashiva and Adishakti together - that is what is Dakshinamurthy (दक्षिणामूर्ति, Dakṣiṇāmūrti) form. That is why in all Rajeshwari Temples, there will not be Shiva. In all Dakshinamurthy Temples, there will not be Devi. Because in Dakshinamurthy form, He is both. In Rajeshwari form, He is both. When the male component is sucked into the female component, He is Rajarajeshwari. When the female component is sucked into the male component, He is Dakshinamurthy. In no Dakshinamurthy Temple there will be Devi. So He sits as Dakshinamurthy.
Saptarishis come to Mahadeva with the complain, “Now how can we follow something written by a person who is not respected, who has not respected you?” See, Daksha evolves this smriti. So all the Saptarishis say we neither want Daksha’s Smriti nor wants Manu’s Smriti. You yourself give practical applied technology also from your own mouth! That is why the pure science Veda, He himself gives applied technology Agama! Otherwise, earlier the applied technology was given by Manu only. Manu and Daksha Prajapati only evolved the social system based on the original Vedas. Because of this situation Mahadeva teaches to Saptarishis in that Dadhi, Dadhichi Ashram. That is where the Agama gets revealed to Saptarishis. He himself gives applied technology. From that time the Smartas (स्मार्त, Smārta), Smritis Sampradaya and Shaiva goes on fighting with each other. The Smartas-Shaiva problem starts from that time, means Yoga Vedanta and Vedagama. Started from there, till now it is continuing. Even though always Shaivism wins end of the day, it is continuing.
See, all of you know this tuning fork. One, if you just beat one and keep it near, other one will also start vibrating. And, literally like tuning fork hitting this space, hit your inner space with the thought current - life is continuous rhythm. And I tell you, just like how vibrating fork if you bring this near, this also start vibrating. I am a vibrating being, consciousness. When you come near, your space also starts vibrating with that very frequency. And, I can comfortably vibrate all of you. Few minutes, let’s vibrate our brain with this one truth. Please understand, most of your space is not here (Swamiji pointing to his chest), it is here (Swamiji pointing to his head) because ninety nine percent of you live in length. Shall we vibrate us a few minutes with this truth - life is continuous rhythm. Life is continuous rhythm. Actually, that description of this only is >>>indiscernible<<< all that you read. With this description, with this understanding, I am going to make it as experience. “akhanda paripuranam (अखंड परिपूरणम्, akhaṇḍa paripūraṇam)” - con ... the continuous rhythm. 01:24:08

Revision as of 04:49, 24 August 2020


Akasha - Fifth Dimension, The Canvas to Manifest Your Reality


In this video (1 January 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains the fifth dimension - 'Akasha' or Space. The space dimension is a canvas for any thought, desire to manifest as reality.

When two objects are struck, sound is generated. If a thought is struck on the Space dimension - it gets generated into reality.

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00:27 Space - kasha! Let me use exactly the word Mahadeva uses. “Akasha” is modern Sanskrit word. In original Agama, the word “kasha” only is there. There also, there’s a possibility in that palm leaf, sometime this corner of the palm leaf gets broken. So, anyhow whatever available, even that palm leaf breaking is His action only. So what He left it for us to understand, from that the word “kasha” only is there. So let’s use that, that’s all. Space! Simple understanding where length, breadth, depth, time - all these are dancing, vibrating. That is the aspect called space. It’s a very simple understanding, but now I am going to give you how understanding space is going to have some use for you. See, ultimately our goal is to rest in the highest existence and highest consciousness - what we called as Mahasadashiva.

02:03 Resting in that state, operating in that space, manifesting the powers of that space: for that, understanding space! Whatever we need to understand, I am going to give you those understandings. All of you are clear? Actually if I have to speak on space, two-three thousand verses Mahadeva is giving in various Agamas on kasha, on space. Even this cloth is called kashaya because only a fellow who is established in that space can wear this cloth. That’s why this cloth is called kashaya. Whoever is constantly in that space of akasa, only they can wear this cloth, this colour. Two-three thousand verses He explains about the space. I am going to give you some maybe twenty ideas which is useful for you to manifest powers of Sadashiva and to understand the space of Sadashiva.

03:27 See these simple words - “feeling suffocated,” “irritated,” “I am not okay with all this.” These simple words, only by uttering them again and again you create that feeling. How many of you understand this? Usage of those words avoided, that experience is also avoided. How many of you understand this? So, can you take two-three minutes and pen down. Listen! Listen carefully. Usage of words in your space becoming experience few incident - first time when you started using the word depression, depression, deep-pression! Various explanations. It is nothing but Shiva, Sadashiva, Mahasadashiva like that. Depression. Depression! Deep-pression! Means, Shiva becomes Sadashiva and Mahasadashiva! I think er depression to deep-pression and depression.

04:56 When you started using these words, cherishing these words and manifesting those experiences in your space. Just for you to understand, listen, listen, please listen. If two objects are struck, sound is generated. If a thought is stuck on the space, reality is generated. That’s all. Thought, idea, depression, irritation - simple words. How you teach to these teenager kids? How they pick up between when you, you guys are fighting - “I cannot tolerate this!” “I can’t digest this!” “Hell with it!” “Better to die than living like this!” All these words, they pick up while both of you fight. And when they use that word on their space, they generate that as a experience. You yourself have done this crime against you. First time when you did this crime, try to remember and pen down.

06:05 See, where you could have avoided the word and avoided the experience, that is called freedom. You chose the word and chose the experience, after that you even, if you don’t choose the word, experience does not leave you - that’s called marriage, bondage. Understand! See, first few times when you use the word “I am irritated!” “I am agitated!” “I can’t tolerate this!” “I can’t put up with this!” “Better to die than living like this life!” “Hell with you!” All these phrases, there’s a dance. All this Jerry Springer Show phrases. All these words, listen! When you are using first time and manifesting them as reality, you had a choice not to use them and manifest those experiences and reality. How many of you understand that? So, but after continuous usage and those experiences produced, when that become your normalcy - that is what still I can’t understand this word “normalcy.” What is common? What is normal? Most abnormal thing is normal. Most stupid things are common.

07:42 No, sometime people question me, “Why our kids are taught so much of importance for the language is given?” Our balasanths are not suppose to even utter the word “no,” “not,” all that - avoid knowing. So much importance is given for their language because when the language is stuck in the inner space, the reality is generated. Understand, the damaru of Mahadeva dancing in the space of Chidambara generates the Cosmos. So, the language you use inside is the damaru of Mahadeva. Whatever is generated here becomes reality. Just remember one or two incidents and write so you will understand when you started doing this big crime against you, using strong words and generating those ideas and experiences in your inner space stupidly! And same way, even when you use the good words, “Tsk! See, when I go to the temple, such a peace happens to me!” Initially may not have that big experience, but the good words repeated - third time when you go to that temple, really you’ll have that peace! How many of you have experienced this? That’s all.

09:21 Generated good words or generated bad words, when they hit the space, they become reality. Whatever makes the word into real is space, akasha, kasha. You’re a adult, you can choose your words. Don’t come and give me a big letter, “Ooh! Still I have some doubts about you.” Then die! Who cares! You’re an adult, you pick up the word! Is somebody else sitting in your head and picking up the word!? Nothing else can be done! Don’t try to “Ooo...! Ooo...!” No! “Still I am feeling very negative about the spirituality.” Then what can be done. You’re an adult! You decide! Which thought current you decide to cherish as your part! I can teach only to adults. My kids may not be adults but they are mature. Understand, their very connection with me makes them mature!

10:39 Try to write both experiences, so you’ll understand how initially the word you generate in your space manifest reality. Then I teach you about, make you understand about the space. End of the day it’s not teaching, I am just making you understand the spare parts you have. What I am giving you is owner’s manual. I am not giving you any disciplinary. I am just telling you how to ride the bike. You going two hundred miles or six hundred miles speed, I don’t care. I am okay whether you do a, a race, bike race or you go for a pleasure ride. That is up to you. I am giving you owner’s manual. These are the spare parts you have and these are the effects and side effects you will have.

11:28 And, I want to tell you guys, this rudraksha hold the space. This rudraksha, see just like battery has a capacity to hold the neutron, electron, that proton, that all the electricity activity. Rudraksha has a capacity to hold somebody’s space. All the rudraksha you are wearing is holding Mahadeva’s space. It is energised and brought to you. So, Mahadeva’s space is put in that - karukidai nigandu is done then it reaches you. You can, even that word, record that word “karukidai nigandu” means impregnating with the thought current or experience. It is not even impregnating. The karukidai means making you deliver. It’s end to end actually. Not just impregnating, then you may get aborted, who knows? So, karukidai means successfully making you deliver this thought current as your experience. “Karukidai nigandu,” the word is from Prakrit. One of my important contribution is going to be reviving all these sweet words from Agamas and making them all day to day use words.

13:01 Listen! Next one simple understanding. The space inside you, space in which you are breathing and the whole space. Listen, three words I am uttering. Space inside you where you are alive, where you feel you are alive! The space you are alive, the space where you are breathing and the whole space where you are living. Daharakasha means, where your life is pulsating - Daharakasha. The realisation science, self realisation science is called Dahara Vidya. Daharakasha where you are alive inside your body frame - that space. Where you are breathing, this Nithyananda Sabha - this is called Katakasha. The whole is called Mahakasha. The words you reverberate inside decides the quality of your state. The words you generate in your breathing space decides quality of your space and life. The words you generate with the Cosmos decides your existence - mantras. The words you generate here - “I can’t tolerate!” “I am irritated!” You understand the examples? Now you understand why I gave those examples and made you do the homework.

14:59 Daharakasha - along with the power manifestation, I am programming this whole thing inside you as a powerful cognition. You see, goal is actually you manifesting powerful cognitions only. Power manifestation is to inspire you to manifest powerful cognitions. And it is not that it is something wrong. And, Mahadeva such amazing software developer. His whole system is only to the level of enlightenment, you’ll manifest powers! Because it is from there He’s making you manifest. See, in the Yoga Vedanta Sampradaya, towards enlightenment you manifest powers. But here, from the grounding of enlightenment you manifest powers! So the whole software, Shaktipata is different! And one more thing you need to know - you need to be very careful about whose breathing space you are breathing and listening to these great ideas, because Shaktipata happens understand.

16:17 You need to know, when you take any help - you grasp, you imbibe the foundation, context on which they are setting, they are sitting, they are standing. All of you are clear? If you go to a Guru who says, “Siddhis are wrong, they come during enlightenment and they stop your enlightenment,” and you heard that - that is hell for you! Because he knows only that science and he’s doing Shaktipata with you! Only that and that will be your reality! If you go to a Guru who says, “Eeh, it is from established groundedness of Sadashivatva the powers manifest, understand. When you become Shiva, shakti manifest in you. That’s all.” When you listen to this truth and manifest powers, this is your Shaktipata and this is your reality! So, you need to be very clear from where you are getting Shaktipata, from whom you are getting Shaktipata. And is that system authorised by the shastras. That is too important.

17:40 Siddhi is stepmother. In Tamil, Siddhi means stepmother. Shakti is mother, Adishakti! Understand, one more thing for you to manifest shakti, you need a strong Shaktipata with the Master who has already mastered this science. When there is no Master to give that Shaktipata, teaching yoga is the best. You can do it from manual book. Why do you think yoga become very popular? Because you don’t need Masters, teachers are enough. But for shakti to manifest, actually only if you manifest shakti after the Shaktipata, it is called Shaktipata. Otherwise it is verumpata, not Shaktipata. Only if you manifest shakti, after that Shaktipata, it is Shaktipata! Otherwise, it is what? Pata, that’s all.

18:42 These three words - “Daharakasha,” “Chittakasha” or “Katakasha” or “Mahakasha.” These has two word - “Chittakasha” and “Katakasha,” both. Why I am using both words you know? If you don’t manifest what you want as a reality in your space, it is called Katakasha. If you manifest your life as you want, it is called Chittakasha. The state, space where you live; the state, space where you operate - as of now all of you are operating in this Nithyananda Sabha. Am I right? So this is called Katakasha, if you don’t manifest what you want as reality. But, if you manifest what you want as reality in your breathing space, it’s called Chittakasha, conscious space. Katakasha means mud space. Katam is a mud pot. The space inside the mud pot, the mud pot has no use. Mud pot has any use or the space inside there? No! You are saying katam. No, katam is use for us, not for mud pot! For mud pot, it’s a beating! >>>Tamil<<<

20:09 No, he’s trying to show, No, no, no! There is a use katam.” Katam music is use for whom? For us who generates, not for the katam! In your space, listen. Your state is Daharakasha where you exist - Dahara Vidya. Dahara Vidya means the knowledge of enlightenment science. Now whatever I am talking to you - all these can be classified as Dahara Vidya. Precisely, if I have to translate that word - grounded in existence. Dahara - grounding you in your soul, Atman. Enlightenment is called Dahara Vidya. Where you are grounded is called Daharakasha, the space of your life - alive! Your state - the words you generate there and hit you, decides the state you are in. Feeling, experience, expanded, joyful or suffocation, all is within this. How many of you are understanding? Having the whole world open for you and feeling imprison can be there. Sitting on one small cave feeling enlightened can be there, because it is on Dahara. There are many great Sadhus lived in a small cave of remote Himalayas, lived such an ecstatic glorious space! And, there are many people who are flying whole day and night in the space, but feeling imprison inside. How many of you are understanding what I am saying?

22:19 I tell you, if this science can be taught in schools, the whole quality of the humanity will become different. The words you utter, actually what we should do you know? That, that fork is there, what is the name? Spoon? Ah, can you guys get one? We have? That tuning fork, it should be given to everyone. Just twenty four hours you should experiment. Everytime you utter a bad word inside, you should hit that and feel, “Hmm! I have damage my state.” No, for you to remind, remember. Just twenty four hours is enough. So much awakening will happen to you. How many times you are damaging you? Understand, after a few days, you’ll logically start substantiating this self sabotage pattern - “Ah! What is there? That is the way it is! Alright! I’ll stop self sabotaging! As if my life is going to become better or what?,” “See, my business is failing! My life is ruining! Alright! Now I’ll stop doing all these self sabotage patterns. So, it’s going to become better?” It means what? You yourself have come to the conclusion, that you are doing is okay. How many of you understand what I say?

24:01 So, okay lot of drainage water is coming into your home because of flood, then why not drink it? Let’s drink! No, that’s what you’re coming to conclusion. Am I right? So you’re saying, “Okay! I am not drinking it. Is it coming, stop it coming here or what?” I am not saying, it’s coming or stopping, coming and all that! But, this is not the way to go about. Understand, even if it is not immediate pleasant, do only right! Kathopanishad says right, not pleasant. Even if it is not immediate pleasant - do right, not pleasant. The words you utter, that creates the space you operate, that makes your breathing space as Katakasha or Chittakasha. Chittakasha means consciously generated space. Means, if you are uttering all the words consciously, tuning to your life’s goal, you create Chittakasha. If you are uttering why without knowing why you are uttering or because of compulsions, and manifest default reality by fault - that is called Katakasha. Listen. Default reality is Katakasha. Conscious reality is Chittakasha. These three words - Daharakasha, Katakasha and Chittakasha and Mahakasha. Mahakasha is whatever exist, that you don’t know anything. You don’t know a-b-c-d of Mahakasha.

26:14 Please understand, just because you’ve seen some movies, some chakubu chikubu. No! We don’t know anything about Mahakasha, it’s only a word you need to be introduced. That’s all. Whatever is, is Mahakasha. That’s all. See, one more thing you need to know - one good thing about Akasha is, it can never get corrupted. It can be easily programmed. Like electricity cannot be corrupted. It maybe helping you for last hundred years, but it did not bother to kill you in one second if you do something wrong. Same way, it maybe killing so many people, in so many places if something wrong is done. It’ll not bother to help you if you do it proper circuit. No qualities acquired, no favouritism and no corruption. That’s a quality of space. No favouritism, no quality acquired. It is all about what you want to do from now? That decides the whole programming of the space. That’s all. The next few understandings about cosmology. Actually now, it is not even understanding, it’s bomb. Mahadeva says, you don’t have a soul till you get enlightened. Now this is the most funny thing. He says, till you are solidified with the consciousness manifesting, you are only the accident of, play of Katakasha and body, mind - not Daharakasha. Listen carefully. I’ll explain. I’ll explain.

28:29 See, only when you are initiated, you use your will. With that will, you manifest something consciously in your space. Only then, soul enters into your system. Till then, soul means that Jiva is not operative in your system. Your body is alive and functioning because of the vatavarana, not because of the individual soul. He calls it pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam. I’ve been using this word many times in the satsang also. Individual conscious will awakening and declaring its existence. If you know, “Yes, I exist and I have this, this, this as a problem. This, this, this as a inspiration.” Even if you have a problem it’s okay, but your individual will should perceived the problem, only then it’ll start cracking the code.

30:05 Listen! That is why Agama says, only when you are initiated, life enters into you. In Vedic tradition, we have something called dvija - reborn. By birth only the Katakasha keeps you alive, not Daharakasha. Daharakasha is infused into you by the person who is operating from Mahakasha through Chittakasha! Too many words. Come on! I’ll repeat. The individual soul in you, is breathed by the person who is breathing the Cosmos into you, through his breathing space. That’s the translation. Till then, your perception of existence is because of the ambience of the Katakasha like in your mother’s womb, even though you kick, hit, move, do everything - you cannot be called as individual soul. By its vatavarana it appears as if you’re alive. So, it is only substandard of consciousness. I should not even use the word “consciousness” - substandard existence. How many of you are getting?

32:12 Understand, the Katakashic existence is call accidental existence. You need to use your will persistence ferociously broke, you need to break the laws of Katakasha, that is call tapas. Breaking the chains of your vatavarana by will persistence is call tapas. More tapas, more alive you will feel. That is why in Hindu tradition, if somebody wants to become a king, he will not enter into politics. He will retire to forest and start meditating for twelve years. When he becomes alive and walks into the city, the elephant comes and puts the garland and carries him and puts him in the seat, throne of the king. Whether conquering infrastructure or internal structure - breaking Katakasha by your will, is the only thing any human being need to do in the life. Katakasha is the accidental ambience you are breathing, which gives the illusion or delusion you are alive. Your existence is given a delusory idea that you are alive, because you are breathing, you are made to believe you are alive. Like a ups and downs of the wave, gives the feeling as if the ocean is alive in that area, even though there is no individual, independent, individual energy exists.

34:25 You have soul only when you manifest powers. No, that is what is the conclusion. And do you know funny thing? People who are not initiated or not manifesting powers, He classifies them as Pancama and murdering of those people is not punishable crime. Sorry for… (Swamiji guffawing away) No, I am not, haha...ha, I am not saying we should take this literally. But I am saying, the importance He gives for power manifestation and awakening the pratyagatma chaitanya jagratam. You should read in this way, not in this way. You should read the importance Mahadeva gives for power manifestation. You should not read in this way saying, “Ooh! He doesn’t have a respect for life!”

35:26 Now, let’s come to the point. What is will persistence, and what is will? Listen. Will is not astra, it is shastra. I’ll explain these two concept. Astra means a weapon loaded, pre-planned, pre-programmed and operated. Shastra means power is generated and immediately release, is shastra. Will cannot be programmed earlier and kept and use. No! Now you generate and you release. The good news is, does not need training. Will to manifest will persistence and will - you need not be trained for twelve years. Person who’s tried to have will for twenty two years and who is beginning today - both will have the same will. Because, will is the weapon from the space which cannot be programmed. Listen carefully. Subtler and subtler you go - they can only be less luggage, baggage program. When you are going in bullock cart, you can carry the whole city. When you go in bus, you’ll have to reduce. When you go in train, you’ll have to reduce more. When you are going in the flight, it has to be reduced a lot more. If it’s jet, you can only carry that pills. The subtler and subtler you go - baggage, the past patterns, compilations, judgements, concepts are not allowed.

37:46 In the length dimension - your whole past is required, only then you can move towards future. You need to know about your past history, only then you’ll have the confidence about building your future. That is why British destroy our history first, so we will lose confidence. Destroying history is not a small thing. It’s a strategy. Destroy it! So, he doesn’t know his possibilities. Just before extinction, I’ve come. So don’t worry. It cannot be destroyed. 79 would have been too late! It cannot be destroyed now. I am grounded. We have grounded enough now. The important lesson you need to know, understanding you need to know with all these is, for consciousness to manifest in the form of will, and power manifestation to happen - you do not need pre-training. Astra is different. Shastra is different. Astra means, you meditate on Naga Devata - Goddess of snake, and get the boon from that Naga Devata and keep Nagastra, and put it in the bow and send it. That is astra, Nagastra, where pre-process is done and loaded. Shastra means, you just pick up something, use only your will and send it.

39:38 Understand, Mahadeva very clearly says state, space, manifestation - all the three does not need pre-training because it is fundamentally based on the space. Will power, will persistence is enough. Means, you deciding now, from now what I want to do, only matters. Till now what I have done, does not matter. Womaniser Arunagirinathar, not Arunagiri Yogishwara. Arunagirinathar who lived in Tiruvannamalai. He gets Kailash Patavi! He gets to go to Kailash and come back with the Parijatha flower. But, the fellow who was in the Parijatha flower garden, Sundarar - just because he saw the Rudrakanyas in a little flirting way, he has been sent down! Understand these two stories. A womaniser goes to Parijatha garden and brings Parijatha flower. The fellow who is in the garden serving Mahadeva whole day and night, who was supposed to have been such an intimate assistant, who brought even Halahala to Mahadeva - just a flirting look, he has been sent back to Bhuloka. So fundamentally Mahadeva asked Sundarar, “What do you want from now? Forget about what happened. In this moment and now, what do you want? You want to enjoy them. Then go back. Go and finish and come back.” For Arunagirinathar, “Forget about what has happened. Now what do you want?” “I want Kailash Patavi.” “Now, come on! Have it!”

41:34 Understand, past, the good news I have for you. Past is irrelevant when you’re working with the space, akasha. Present is too relevant when you are working with the akasha. Clear! You have been twenty years devotee, twenty five years devotee or born and brought up along with me does not matter or yesterday only you entered the program - does not matter at all. From this moment what do you want to do, matters. Now, do you want to manifest power and cognise what I am sharing with you? Not believe, because I am not talking some, I am not talking some stupidity you need to believe. I am talking science, you don’t need to believe. Come on! Cognise it! Believe is a prerequisite, if some stupidity is going to be dumped on your head. Here I am sitting and analysing the science of life, science of existence.

43:05 Daharakasha, means your soul is infused into you in the form of Shaktipata as a will. Will means, experience I exist larger than what I was feeling as me till before the initiation. How many of you are catching what I am saying? How many of you feel, listen carefully, after the initiation and power manifestation, even the way you feel you is much larger? That only manifest into Katakasha and makes it into Chittakasha. If you don't manifest power, your Nithyananda Sabha is Katakasha. If you manifest power, your Nithyananda Sabha is Chittakasha. Understand. Whether this is ponnambalam or pot, kata or chitta is up to you. In pot, what you can do? In ponnambalam only you can dance. In Chittakasha only you can dance.

44:48 Science of initiation - deeksha. This word “deeksha” need to be understood. The word initiation is too superficial for deeksha. If I have to translate exactly the word “deeksha” into English - breathing life, infusing life. The frequency of your will existence raise to the level of frequency of will persistence to become the realisation of will, reality, realisation. Understand, Daharakasha breathe, Guru breathe life into Daharakasha - with that you start that will persistence. With that will persistence you start manifesting not only powers, even the life as you want. Katakasha becomes Chittakasha, understand. In Katakasha, Kauravas are cooked. In Chittakasha, Pandavas are cooked. See how Pandavas are born? Kunti calls, Gods and Goddesses out of will they are generated - Chittakasha. How Kauravas are cooked? Kept in the pot. From Katakasha, Kauravas manifest. From Chittakasha, Pandavas manifest. Five, but conscious. Hundred and one, but unconscious. It’s not hundred, hundred and one actually - one daughter. One daughter and hundred son.

47:06 I don’t know how many of you know Pandavas also have one sister, but before born she’s died, she’s dead, she was dead. The Madri, Pandu has a cursed that if you have a physical relationship with anybody you will die, and he was not able to control himself, has a physical relationship with the second wife. That err Nakula and Sahadeva’s mother. That night, you see the, the power of Pandu was such because for quite a long time he was celibate. Within twenty four hours the child has happened, but before the delivery she also entered into sati and die and left the body, so…died before birth but sister, one sister. Karna was never call Pandava because before the marriage of Pandu, he was born. So he was only call Kaunteya, Kunti’s son, not Pandava’s son. Bio memory from Pandu, muscle memory from Kunti, bio energy from those Gods. That’s the way they were born. With Karna, bio energy and bio memory - both Surya gave, that is why even the body had kavacha, vajra. Unless you understand Agama, you cannot understand puranas of Hinduism. You need to know the Agama as a context to know the puranas of Hinduism.

48:30 Conclusion of these truths I am sharing with you - you do not need pre-training for power manifestation. Now if you decide, “Oh! Swamiji says life is continuous rhythm, rhythmic continuum. I have option either to cognise with my own capacity. I have one more option till I cognise because he cognised and he will do only good to me, I am deciding to vote for him and cognise this. With this strength, let me start acting out what I am suppose to act out from this cognition!” is initiation. How many of you are getting? That is what is Shaktipata.

49:27 See, life is rhythmic continuum. You can realise only if you die three times and see. Before that, keep the accounts in your muscle memory. Die, and after coming out - pull it out and check whether all the, the house, number of houses, wives, cars, properties handed over to you. And after three time checking only, “I think bank is working properly. Okay.” Do you want to do that? “I think this guy is saying he has seen many time. He must be telling only good for me. Let me try it out. Putting my understanding as his understanding. Let me cognise and see.” Like how in the maths teachers they say, “Let’s keep x equal to y for the sake of solving this problem. Once you solve the problem then it becomes yours! You see, once you keep this cognition as a proposal and manifest the powers, after that you don’t need to die and see! This cognition is yours now! Because it has worked for you! How many of you are understanding? See, till you manifest the power only this is a proposal, “Will you become me?”

50:45 Understand, once you manifested the power base on that cognition, then what happens? Then it is yours! Then it’s your realisation! A Acharya should have the capacity to convince the disciple to keep this as a proposal till the manifestation happens, that’s the qualification of a Acharya. Acharya needs a different frequency. He has to be so strongly manifesting. See, when I am proposing saying, “Eh, till you manifest powers, keep this life is rhythmic continuum.” I should be able to command your inner space, and should have proved at least in few people a good track record. How many of you understanding what I am saying? One, otherwise why will you say, “Ah! Life is continuous rhythm. Who cares! Go! Go!” An Acharya who occupies the seat of Sarvanjnapeetha has to be strong enough by his own authority. When he proposes, disciple should be able to hold it and try it out. Because till it manifest in you, I am responsible.

52:25 See, this life is continuous rhythm. Once you manifest the powers associated with that understanding, with that powerful cognitions - then your self-doubt, all that doesn’t matter. Your being cognises, “Eh! This is the truth.” Your being just grasped! Your logic do not know but your being acts it out - this is what is falling in love. You will fall in love with these higher cognitions. Nothing can be done. You just know this is the way you are going to be. You will not bother about anything else. How many of you are catching what I am saying that falling in love with higher cognitions? An Acharya should be authoritative enough, authentic enough, to present this proposal and make the ball roll. Because, now you are going to get into the virtuous circle - one higher cognition, one power manifestation. Then because of that, more trust on the more higher cognition, and more trust means, more power manifestation. That’s a virtuous circle. Otherwise, vicious circle. No faith, no higher cognition. Faith is too small word. No higher cognition, no power manifestation, only powerless manifestation and more depression and more lower cognition and more depression.

54:13 Somebody has to stop the snowballing effect and push it out that side. From taittiriya retas, somebody has to push it and send it to as urdhva retas. That is exactly I do during the initiations. Stopping this taittiriya retas idea and pushing it out as urdhva retas. Listen. With this cognition, I am giving life is rhythmic continuum. First thing, powerful cognition - “Appa! Fear of death is not there.” Second responsibility, “I have to come to completion with this wife. Otherwise, she’s going to come back.” No! With any situation! Not wife or boss! Completion is the only freedom! Till then, it is only going to be continuum. Freedom and responsibility, both. You do not need earlier training. Decide now, life is a continuous rhythm. Then, what all is the effect and side effect of the way I cognise me and my fears, my desires, my understanding, my goal, my vision, my mission, my existence. I think that is where fear comes. “Aaah … ooh too many things are at stake.” This is what is washing your brain, not brainwashing. Understand. This is not brainwashing. Washing all the dirt we collected. Washing all the blind spots. Just with this one understanding life is continuous rhythm, you can become enlightened and manifest all the powers. That put so much of trust on life.

56:52 All your insecurities are humbug. All your possessiveness is humbug. Understand, own but don’t possess. Owning means, taking responsibility to include everyone and share. Possessing means, owning it to exclude everyone else. The whole Indian village economy will be all about owning, not possessing. If your friends, family or brothers have money, you have a right to go and ask, “Eh! You have na. Give! I am, I have a problem.” There is no such thing as “Eh! It is yours. If you have, ah come on!” Because our mental structure was all about owning, not possessing. Your idea about possession, your idea about people, your idea about wealth, your idea about your mission, your idea about your existence, all will go through a huge acid wash, if you just relax with this one cognition - life is continuous rhythm. How many of you are already feeling the effect and side effect of this one truth in you?

58:24 Few minutes, can you pen down whatever you want, you pen down about this truth. If you, if this becomes your experience - what all will be the first changes you will find in your life? See, after power manifestation, it’s going to be your experience, not now. But, suddenly you manifest powers really and this becomes your realisation - what all the immediate effect going to happen in your day to day life, and your day to day thinking? Few minutes. What all you may want to do or what is the changes you think will happen, if you experience life is continuous rhythm? I tell you, this will give you such a tremendous grounded healing. You will make wealth like a ghost and you will live peacefully like a saint. Your asa gets converted into pasa and collapsing your whole life. That desire becomes blind spot, because you don’t add awareness to it. If you have tremendous healing, trust on life - desire becomes iccha shakti. Iccha becomes iccha shakti. I tell you, iccha is not wrong, making blind spots out of iccha is wrong.

01:00:16 Life is rhythmic continuum. If you avoid this boss in this life, it’s not that you’re going to be liberated. You will project this same boss in your life continuously till you come to completion with the pattern, while you are projecting this same type of people in your life. Karma saphalyam is janma saphalyam. Not changing place, person, situation. No! Karma saphalyam is janma saphalyam means, completion of the karma is completion of janma. But always what we think? Somehow if I escape from this boss, I am safe. If I escape from this person, I am safe. If I escape from this situation, I am safe. Sometimes you say, “Okay, okay, I need to escape from karma, but let me first escape from the situation then I’ll plan.” Listen. If you decide to change the karma and want to escape from the immediate problem, God will support you completely. Any man who decides for completion, the whole Cosmos supports him! Cosmos is not interested in taking revenge on you. It is interested in rejuvenating you.

01:01:57 Listen. Listen to this important truth. “Let me solve my karma pattern, but immediately I want to get rid of this few mess up!” How many of you have that kind of a thought current and request? Raise your hand. Pen down that. Because I’ll, I’ll invoke enough energy that you’ll immediately rid of the messes as miraculously, with the commitment you’ll going to get rid of that karma pattern once for all. The moment you want to transform, I have authority to use all my powers to empower you. Because, all these powers are to transform you. Yesterday I made the statement life is continuous rhythm - how that and space is connected. Listen! There is a part of you again and again forgets you are going to die, gives confidence to you as if you’re going to exist forever! How many of you understand that? Again, there is a part of you which always puts you in fear of non existence, that one day everything is going to go away, what will happen to you? How many of you understand that? Both of you are getting, all of you are getting it?

01:03:34 One group of people always scream, “Ooh! People are forgetting they are going to die, that is why they are doing all nonsense!” No. People are forgetting they are going to be there forever, that is why they are doing nonsense. Listen carefully. If you remember you are going to die and all the decisions you take - it is called dharma. If you remember you are going to be there forever and all the decisions you take - that is called moksha. Definition of dharma and moksha - dharma mental setup and moksha mental setup. Listen! All moral teachers need to remind you - you are going to die! All moksha teachers need to remind you - you are never going to die! All moral teachers will torture you saying, “You are going to die. Don’t do this, don’t do that!” All liberation Gurus need to teach you - you are never going to die, you are never going to die, you are never going to die! How many of you are getting this dharma thought current and moksha thought current? When you think you are going to die, that decisions you take is morality - dharma. When you understand you are never going to die, that decisions you take, the space you enjoy is moksha - moksha thought current.

01:05:13 All moksha thought current leads good to you and to others. I am not blaming dharma thought current, but that is not ultimate. When you don’t have moksha thought current, eat dharma thought current. When you don’t have idli and chutney, eat the burger and die. When you have idli and tamarind rice, why would you eat burger? When you can enjoy nice sugar cane juice, all these - why would you go for burning alcohol which literally burns your system? Mahadeva defines dharma thought current - mrityu smarana, remembrance that you are going to die. Whatever actions, decisions, feelings invoked in you develops dharma. And remembrance you are never going to die, whatever powerfulness is invoked in you, that evolves as moksha.

01:06:28 Your inner space should be hit with the idea life is continuous rhythm. Understand. Hit your Daharakasha with the understanding life is continuous rhythm, powers will start manifesting. See I tell you, all your thoughts either manifest powerlessness or power. It cannot just be dead. No! It cannot be your dead mother-in-law. Mother-in-law even retired cannot keep quiet. Indian mother-in-law especially. I am seeing many people are looking this side and that side, I think if your mother-in-law is here, you are confirming. Indian mother-in-law cannot keep quiet even after retirement.

01:07:33 Any thought invoked or provoked in you, cannot keep quiet. It has to generate powerfulness or powerlessness. Hitting your inner space powerfully with the sacred truth life is continuous rhythm. Akhanda means unbroken. Khanda means broken. Akhanda means unbroken. You may think, “How can power manifest, if I just think life is continuous rhythm.” It will manifest because I am telling you to do that. Because you never understood power of your will. You always have been clouded.

Next understanding. Listen. Even if it is dharma also, if that decision comes from the powerless cognition - it should be given up. Listen carefully. Even if it is dharma also, if that decision comes from powerless cognition - it should be given up when you have met the moksha Guru, not till then. Only after you hear these words directly -

01:09:18 सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज । अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्ष्ययिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥१८-६६॥

sarvadharmān parityajya māmekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja | ahaṁ tvāṁ sarvapāpebhyo mokṣyayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ ||18-66||

Understand, here Krishna gives the assurance, “I will liberate you from everything. You drop whatever you know as dharma and surrender and do.” When you hear this only then you can give up dharma, not till then. When you hear, you have to give up dharma! Not after that!

01:10:00 Now, I am going to make you understand why dharma is good but not enough. Because, even though it is good for many people around you, not good for you because it stems out of powerlessness and makes the powerlessness more and more stronger. How many of you can catch immediately two-three things at least in your life to match with what I am saying? Pen down. Your powerlessness decisions but useful for others, which continues to keep you powerless. And, others now have a vested interest to keep you powerless. That is when sometime dharma becomes bondage. How many of you are understanding that stark difference between dharma thought current and moksha thought current? Life is continuous rhythm means you are not going to die - moksha. You are going to die, remember - dharma. Do not measure dharma or moksha base on its effect on others. Measure base on its effects of that on you. Its effect on you.

01:11:33 When you declare life is continuous rhythm, fundamentally what happens you know? Suddenly, your gear is shift to consciousness! If you are a body, life cannot be continuous rhythm. If life is continuous rhythm, then who you are? Consciousness. That is when it hits your inner space and makes you manifest powers and powerful cognitions. Understand, when you are generating a will, if you remember you are consciousness - the will becomes reality! “mama sankalpam, shiva sankalpam mastu” - let my will becomes Sadashiva’s will. When it will become? If you are consciousness. You may think all this can happen just by thinking? Life is continuous rhythm shifts your existence from body-mind to consciousness. So from that moment before any clouding starts in you, the will you generate starts manifesting powers. How many of you are catching what I am saying?

01:13:15 See, if again clouds comes and you remember you are body, you are mind, you are husband, you are wife, you are man, you are this, you are that - then all “mama sankalpam, kata sankalpam mastu.” That’s all. That fleet, fleeting second, few split seconds where the gear is shifted to consciousness, where you don’t remember how beautiful you are ... the makeup you are suppose to put to make you more beautiful ... and how rich you are, and the money you are suppose to add more to your bank to make you more rich. Where you don't remember all these taritrata. Taritriya means nothing. Na, see, listen, the word, exactly the word means not enough concept, the idea of not enough. That’s all. Taritra means the idea of not enough. That's all. Nothing else. It is the idea of not enough pulls you out of your conscious space. You cannot do anything directly about that. Forget about it. But, from conscious gear when you declare some will, will persistence and manifest powers, your inner space starts enjoying and romancing with that idea you are consciousness.

01:14:58 See, my only job is I need to create a cherish romance inside you about your conscious existence or conscious part of you! That’s all is my job. Are you all getting? See, you have a lot of cherish romance about you existing as your body, you existing as your mind. I need to generate and make you cherish the romance of you existing as consciousness! This whole power manifestation drama is that’s all. Nothing else. Generating romance and letting you cherish with that idea you are consciousness, you are Mahadeva, you are Sadashiva. When I say conscious, you can use the word superconscious and supra, supra, supra, supro, superconscious or whatever. Mega superconscious, Maha superconscious - okay, that’s all okay. Hmm. How many of you are getting what I am saying?

01:16:05 I tell you, with this understanding, you don’t need other’s third eye to see what is happening in New York. You can directly see. You’re consciousness! All pervading space! Why New York? Start seeing what is happening in the moon and the sun! Start seeing what is happening in the Jupiter. Shani play cheat, you go to Shani and talk to him and come back. How many are feeling this life is continuous rhythm is a very powerful way of ironing out your whole inner space? From the various angles I am trying to iron it out. Mahadeva, the way He defines itself, He provokes you to manifest Him! He’s not talking to you in the language where after that you can just tie the book and put it under your pillow or above that paran. Paran in English la? Ah? Loft! You can put the book in the loft and sleep well! He charges you up so much. You just have to manifest Him. You just have to manifest Him. It has to be become reality. Shiva means reality.

01:17:35 I tell you exactly when Agama was revealed. I tell you. All the Vedas in its formlessness, He breathe all the Vedas and handed over the Vedas to Brahma telling him, “Come on! Create the whole creation and let things happen.” Brahma did a beautiful job. He created and then the whole Manu. Manu did a amazing job based on the Vedic knowledge, wrote a practical dictum, a Constitution kind of a social structure laws. Everything was going very well. Then Manu’s Smriti, Daksha developed. Manu’s err daughter’s husband is Daksha, Prajapati, Daksha Prajapati. He developed a next level of very precise theories, like a currency, the whole concept of exchange - all that started by Daksha Smriti only. It’s not from Manu Smriti. From Daksha Smriti only that exchange items, all that things starts. Everything was going smooth.

01:18:51 Then Vishnu and Brahma, they request Mahadeva, Sadashiva, to assume a body and assist them in the physical plane. Then Sadashiva assumes the body. That is when this Sati falls in love when He was there in the Himalayas. And, they eloped and get married and all this whole mess, that Daksha Prajapati opposes and then finally Sati gives up the body. This whole mess has happened. Then Mahadeva withdraw Adishakti into Himself. He sits as Sadashiva and Adishakti together - that is what is Dakshinamurthy (दक्षिणामूर्ति, Dakṣiṇāmūrti) form. That is why in all Rajeshwari Temples, there will not be Shiva. In all Dakshinamurthy Temples, there will not be Devi. Because in Dakshinamurthy form, He is both. In Rajeshwari form, He is both. When the male component is sucked into the female component, He is Rajarajeshwari. When the female component is sucked into the male component, He is Dakshinamurthy. In no Dakshinamurthy Temple there will be Devi. So He sits as Dakshinamurthy.

01:20:13 Saptarishis come to Mahadeva with the complain, “Now how can we follow something written by a person who is not respected, who has not respected you?” See, Daksha evolves this smriti. So all the Saptarishis say we neither want Daksha’s Smriti nor wants Manu’s Smriti. You yourself give practical applied technology also from your own mouth! That is why the pure science Veda, He himself gives applied technology Agama! Otherwise, earlier the applied technology was given by Manu only. Manu and Daksha Prajapati only evolved the social system based on the original Vedas. Because of this situation Mahadeva teaches to Saptarishis in that Dadhi, Dadhichi Ashram. That is where the Agama gets revealed to Saptarishis. He himself gives applied technology. From that time the Smartas (स्मार्त, Smārta), Smritis Sampradaya and Shaiva goes on fighting with each other. The Smartas-Shaiva problem starts from that time, means Yoga Vedanta and Vedagama. Started from there, till now it is continuing. Even though always Shaivism wins end of the day, it is continuing.

01:22:04 See, all of you know this tuning fork. One, if you just beat one and keep it near, other one will also start vibrating. And, literally like tuning fork hitting this space, hit your inner space with the thought current - life is continuous rhythm. And I tell you, just like how vibrating fork if you bring this near, this also start vibrating. I am a vibrating being, consciousness. When you come near, your space also starts vibrating with that very frequency. And, I can comfortably vibrate all of you. Few minutes, let’s vibrate our brain with this one truth. Please understand, most of your space is not here (Swamiji pointing to his chest), it is here (Swamiji pointing to his head) because ninety nine percent of you live in length. Shall we vibrate us a few minutes with this truth - life is continuous rhythm. Life is continuous rhythm. Actually, that description of this only is >>>indiscernible<<< all that you read. With this description, with this understanding, I am going to make it as experience. “akhanda paripuranam (अखंड परिपूरणम्, akhaṇḍa paripūraṇam)” - con ... the continuous rhythm. 01:24:08


Vision for Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Devasthanam


In this video (1 January 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals His vision for the grand Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Devasthanam, the worlds largest golden temple for Sadashiva which is going to be built at Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam.

The temple is being constructed as per the Agama Shastras, the perfect scriptures, directly mandated by Lord Shiva. Embodying Divinity, the large, majestic temple will become the pilgrimage destination (dham) for billions on the planet, fulfilling their Divine faiths and earthly aspirations . Its sacred energy field (ksetra) will draw countless numbers to directly connect, commune and experience the Divine through worship, devotion, meditation and ritual ceremonies, proclaiming the accession of the Vedic era .

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Access the 11 Dimensions of the Universe through Aushada (01 Jan 2018)

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Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 202 (11 Dimension Aushada - 01 Jan 2018)


If Brain is capable of experiencing something more than what we are experiencing, then there is something more than what we know exist. Science has been catching up with the truth that our brain is capable of experiencing 11 layers. But before thousands of years, many of these truths are revealed in cosmology by Paramashiva. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda has revived the science of Aushada, a very powerful science our ancient Hindu Masters have developed. In this capsule, the making of Aushada for the system to experience 11 dimensions of the universe and manifest extraordinary powers and powerful cognitions is witnessed. So, even if you sit in silently with the receptive passive space which is not having an active inner image this powerful cognitions can get into your system. The mirroring of the neuron can happen. This powerful cognitions can become an experience and you can manifest powers. That's all is the whole process of Aushadha. Sit with a passive inner image - a deep patience and silence. So these powerful cognitions can enter into your being and manifest as powers.

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Your Past Life Abilities & Possibilities Can Be Reawakened


In this video (1 January 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains how reincarnation works and how to reawaken our past life abilities and possibilities in this birth.

Life is a continuous rythm - we start the next birth right where we left off in this one. We carry our set of cognitions and the things we acquired through these cognitions even after we lose this body.

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11-Dimensions Session On-Akasha Cosmology

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