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In today’s morning Satsang from Varanasi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda spoke about Living Advaitha; sharing your desires with the teamily. He explained how in every yuga the fears, pain and comforts and concerns change, in fact 7 changes corresponding to the 7 chakras happen. The teamily process is the specific way of making Advaitha user friendly in this Yuga by causing probability to become possibility instead of being dispersed in impossibility. Then he spoke about the upcoming Kalabhairava Darshan; the first ever in Anandavana.

Link to Video:


Varanasi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Living Advaitha, teamily, yuga, 7 changes, 7 chakras,user friendly, causing probility to become possibility, Kalabhairava Darshan, Anandavana.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who are sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Peethadeshwaris Training Centre-Salem, Charlotte-Srisailam, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Tuen Mun-Hong Kong, Simi Valley-California, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, San Jose-Madurai, Toronto-Kailasam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Jorpati-Nepal, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram.

More and more cities are joining.

Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Tiruvanmayur-Chennai, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Singapore-Singapuram...

Houston-Kalahasti, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Halifax-Canada, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, and Ananda Vana vaasis...

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, eighth day of the Meenakshi Brahmotsavam; Mahadeva and Devi are gracing here in Ananda Vana, and in Bidadi. Let’s offer our respects to them.

Today, the coronation of Meenakshi, the utsava is celebrated in Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi. Evening 7 pm Indian Standard Time, coronation of Meenakshi as the Queen of the whole Universe is done. Devi Pattabhishekam, the coronation for Mahadevi, in Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, and in San Jose-Madurai, the Devi’s coronation will be happening. The auspicious timing is evening 7 o’clock. Yes, let’s move to today’s satsangh.



I gave few days’ time for that Living Advaitha process participants with a certain homework, the homework of penning down the reality you want to cause, and each one in your teamily, the reality they want to cause, sharing it with the whole teamily.

Listen. Incarnation is a person who makes the ultimate spiritual truth psychologically easy to practice in every Age. Listen, every Age the human-being psychology changes - your fears changes, your love changes, your greed changes, your pain changes, your difficulties changes, your comforts changes. See, the time of Rama, the fear of people is animals, demons. That is why he has to be all the time with a bow and arrow and he has to show himself as master of bow and arrow. But now, we don’t need bow and arrow, because, through bow and arrow I can’t protect any of you. Forget about protecting me, I can’t protect any of you, because our fears have changed, our pains have changed. It is no more the wild animals threatening us. We are threatening their existence. It is no more our fear. Our fears have changed. Demons don’t come with big teeth; they come with OB van. No, I am not saying all OB vans are demons. Listen! So, our fears have changed, our pains have changed, our comforts have changed, our way of thinking has changed.

In every Age, please listen, if these seven items change, means –

· our greed,

· our fear,

· our concerns, worries,

· and the way what we think as love,

· and the comparison, the way we compare,

· and our identity,

· and our satisfaction of life; means, our lifestyle.

These seven, all these seven are related to your seven Energy Centres, Chakras. If these seven changes, all these seven changes, one Age has changed, one Yuga is over. Please understand; I am defining Yuga. If these seven changes, one new Yuga has happened. In every Yuga, your psychology functions in a different way.

I will repeat:

· Your desires – Mooladhara,

· Your fears – Swadishtana,

· Your concerns – Manipuraka,

· What you think as love, what you love – Anahata,

· With which you compare yourself – Vishuddhi,

· Your identity, with what you identify yourself – Ajna,

· Lifestyle – Sahasrara,

If these seven changes, one Yuga changes, one Age is over.

In every Age, naturally your psychology functions in a different way. Beings who happen in every Age and make the ultimate principles, the Advaitha, user-friendly, easily applicable, easily practicable in your day-to-day life, are ‘incarnations’.


This whole teamily process, making you experience Advaitha with people around you, with your body. Please understand; I am not lying. You can actually make your organs listen to you. You can just say, ‘Hey, liver, what, from today morning you are doing some gada bada, gada bada. Heal yourself.’ ‘Hey heart what are you up to? Why are you so fast? Get settled.’ You can talk to them. They will listen to you. Just little Completion is required with them; that’s all. You built certain incompletion. You see, just like when you built some incompletion with your friends, there is no talking terms. Same way, you built incompletions with your organs, you are not in talking terms with them; that’s all. Just because you are not in talking terms with them, don’t think you can never talk to them. With your body, with the people around you, bringing Advaitha is my way of teaching you to make Advaitha user-friendly, understand? This is the best, most efficient way of making the ultimate principles as your lifestyle day-to-day, user-friendly, practical; most easiest. Please understand, what I am sharing with you is the message for this Yuga.

Ultimate principles are same. What Vasishta taught Rama, Krishna taught Arjuna, Mahadeva taught to Devi, Kapila taught to his own mother, I am teaching to you; the ultimate principle is the same. Each of them time; see, when I assume your psychology and your physiology, means, this time available physiology and psychology, and bring those principles to penetrate through this, you get the best version of those principles to be practiced in your physiology and psychology as easily as possible. Because, the way in which that Advaitha penetrates this body and mind, it will penetrate your body and mind, it will become part of your body and mind. So, this teamily process makes Advaitha as reality for you.

Sometime you may feel this process is too simple for you, these are all for beginners. No. Listen. In every step, the success you feel brings you the courage and fulfilment, understand? In every step, the success you feel brings you the courage and fulfilment. I tell you, anything you think as too simple for you and reject, and pick up too complicated things and struggle, takes away your courage to travel, takes away your excitement and joy to travel. So, even though you think this is too simple for the initial level people, please get in. You will understand, sometime through the process I just awaken the excitement and feeling ‘so simple’ in you. When you make a kid jump and cross a small stick, it is not that you were thinking the child cannot jump and then you made him jump. No. You are just teaching him the excitement of jumping, the joy of jumping. Understand, most of the time, which you think as very simple and reject, even through simple things, some of the qualities need to be awaken in you, you may miss that. Don’t reject.


Now the teamily process which I am sharing with you all is very simple. What I am saying, just prepare the list of what you want to cause as reality, and make your team also list out, and all of you share. It looks ‘How can this be Advaitha? For Advaitha, you have to go to forest and sit under a tree, if banyan tree is there great otherwise some tree, and you have to close your eyes and meditate till your hair grows and penetrates into the earth like a root. How can that Advaitha happen by this small paper and pen?

Please listen. It happens. That’s the first statement I want to make.

Second, with this process I will prove you are able to cause what you want to cause, so that excitement, joy, strength, which is awakened in you will become a great support for me inside you. I need my man inside you. The joy you carry, the bliss you carry, is my man inside you, my person inside you, so that constantly you are excited to live Advaitha. First I have to plant my person inside you. Only then you will not give up in-between. I know the modern mind; it wants instantaneous, quick, immediate result; only then it will even continue to listen. I know.

Somebody told me, ‘Swamiji, your satsanghs are super hit. I am hooked to it. Because, anywhere I click, switch on, anywhere I start listening, in two minute I get a click.’ I have to design the whole satsangh like that. You watch any satsangh anywhere in-between; means, pick up any satsangh I gave any number of years before; you don’t have to start from the beginning or in the end; just go in the middle; within two minutes, means that is the maximum your attention span, within two minutes you will have a strong click. You are hooked. Any of my book, open any page; before you finish the second paragraph, you will have a click. Only then you will be hooked to read, because, that is the only way the modern man’s attention can be gained, he will start getting interested.

So, understand, this science will immediately give you the result. The moment you see the result, you will be excited, joyful, then start moving in that direction. The probability becomes possibility. Whenever you start a spiritual practice, you start with the mood of probability. The first step of the Master is to move you from the mood of probability to possibility. If you are lost in that first step, from probability if you move to impossibility, gone! May be one or two births of your life, you will never turn towards this direction. You missed him, I missed you. I can’t afford that.

Understand, when you miss me, I miss you. When you love me, I love you. Because, life is You-Me, Me-You. Be very clear, when you miss me, I can never be without missing you. You may be thinking, ‘No, No, I miss him, I love him, he doesn’t care about me. He damn cares about me. He doesn’t even look at me.’ Be very clear, the law of life: when you miss me, I can never be other than missing you. When you love me, I can never be other than loving you. It’s law of life.


Whoever they may be, whether it is Rama, or Krishna, or Mahadeva, or Devi, if you love them, they will be simply pulled towards you to love you. Whether it is Shiva or Krishna, the moment you remember them, understand, they will be forced to remember you. Because, it is law of life! You can make a ripple in the Shiva’s consciousness just by repeating ‘Namah Shivaya’; you already made a ripple in him. Now you made him remember you. Nothing can be done. This is the law of life. The moment you say ‘Nithyananda’ anywhere in the world, I have to remember you. Because, dharma, the dhamma of life, the truth of life is You-Me, Me-You. There is no superior you or superior me, inferior you, inferior me. The moment you remember me, I have to remember you. The moment you love me, I have to love you. The moment you miss me, I have to miss you.

All the technique, all the method, all the spiritual practice, is nothing but just to give you the shift from probability to possibility, that’s all. And, listen. The moment possibility is confirmed by your heart, your heart knows the direction. After that, I don’t need to do something big; I just need to be available to you, that’s all. See, when you are in the space of probability you can either fall into possibility or impossibility. At that moment only I am required; crucial period, critical period. I just have to see to it that you enter into the space of possibility, that’s all. After that, simply you flow, simply you flow.

Listen, those days, the kings from Bengal, they used to come by boats through the Ganga to conquer the northern parts of India. If their boats in Prayag – Prayag is the place where Ganga and Yamuna is meeting – if their boats by mistake gets into Yamuna, they conquer Delhi. If it gets into Ganga, they conquer this side cities. When you are in the space of probability, you are same, exactly the same way. Are you going to fall into Ganga, ‘possibility’ or, I don’t want to compare Yamuna with ‘impossibility’ – maybe, are you going to fall into the other direction, ‘impossibility’? I just have to help you to move from probability to possibility. This whole teamily process is to help you to move from probability to possibility, that’s all. All the rules, all the things, whether I give Kotharis the five-thousand mala, or Mahants ten-thousand mala, everything I do itfrom this angle only; this ‘yatha sthaanam’, everything.


Sometime people tell me...

Yesterday one fellow was sending a message to me in the Facebook: ‘Where are you? Are you in Bangalore, Varanasi?’

Only Indians have audacity to get into personal without becoming friendly. They will never bother whether their behaviour, words, are friendly. They will straight get into personal.

So I sent a message, ‘Can you introduce yourself?’

He immediately, ‘Oh, I am a simple man, goes to all the great Gurus just to learn whatever I can and whatever they can teach me. I just wanted to ping you to see what all the techniques you can share, part with me.’

What an introduction. ‘I am a simple man, goes to all the Gurus and learn whatever they can part with me.’ Simple man will directly ping without getting friendly, or asking, without request, will directly ping and get into so personal? These so-called ‘simple’ men are the most arrogant fellows.

Then I just typed, ‘I will tell Swamiji about all this, whatever you said and get back to you.’ HAHAHAHA.

Actually I wanted to type the message ‘Whatever techniques you want to learn, the website is there.’ I did not directly type; I gave a hint. ‘Do you know all the books he wrote and all the techniques he designed is available freely? You can just download and read, practice, try anything....’

I wanted all of you to know, not pride or anything - world’s largest spiritual repository is our website. Please understand, almost like seventy-thousand page spiritual books are available. All the books I wrote personally and the translation. And, of late, the last five-and-a-half years, we have one more plus point - No one can say my books are compiled edited by somebody else, because in the Tablet I am writing. I write and then save it. Write and then save it. Write and then save it. Almost all the Tamil and English books we have in my own handwriting; my own handwriting! Of course, other books are translated. Tamil and English; Sanskrit I can write, not that fluent. Anyhow, Tamil and English, everything, everything we have in my own handwriting. Whole thing is available.

All of you may be aware, all the books I wrote are available for free download, reading, downloading in our website. And I also committed, forever I will make this as a lifestyle. Any time, the books I write, the morning satsanghs I deliver will be available to the world free of cost; free of cost, at the rate of the speed of thought, available in your bedroom a click away. This is the Vision Statement I gave for my Publication Department. Because, in Vedic tradition, we believe knowledge is free. Of course, we do ask you to contribute when you come here for experiencing it, so that the Dharma Chakra is kept alive.


Money is used in our Sangha as a lubrication, but not as a structure of Sangha itself. It is necessary as a lubrication to run the Sangha, because the hotel is going to ask you to pay. So, as a lubrication, little money is required. Please understand, in our Sangha, the place of the money is only lubrication, not fabrication. The whole fabrication structure is not by money; that is by inspiration and energy. Money’s place is only as a lubrication.

We do use, handle; but only at that level.

Understand, I replied to him, ‘So much is available. Have you heard about it?’

‘No, no, no, I saw all that. But I just wanted to directly ask you. You tell me directly. I don’t have time to read all that and go through all that. You just directly teach me what you want to teach.’

Understand, he is so much bothered about his time, but he doesn’t bother about my time. He says, ‘I am too busy.’ The first statement he makes, ‘I am a simple man.’ The next statement after few minutes, ‘No, I am too busy to look into all that. Can you teach directly?’

I just started laughing. It would have been nice if you come to the Kalpataru Darshan to get my answer. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He would have had a real spicy answer.

Finally, I just typed, ‘I will tell Swamiji whatever you said and then get back to you.’

One good thing is, my Twitter, Facebook, everything is handled by some two-three Secretaries, the Webmaster; all of them handle. So, no problem; nobody knows when I am there, when I am not there! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Real ‘aroopa roopa’! Because I have nothing personal, I have nothing personal. I have nothing to hide. I let these guys; they handle.

These so-called ‘simple’ people are the most cunning. Many time I get this kind of messages: ‘I am neither your Thanedar, nor Kothari, Mahant. But I wanted this, this, this, this, this. Please answer.’

I tell them, ‘What is the reason you have not become a Thanedar?’

‘No, I am too busy.’

When you can’t commit your time, how do you expect that I should commit my time to you? What a funny thing.

I tell them, ‘Okay. I have made vast material available to people who can’t commit their time to me. Read from that and pick up what you want.’

Do you know the worst thing? They will make me spend time, give answer to their problems, questions, not to practice, to consider me as a one more option. That is the worst thing. I spend so much time, energy, everything, and finally give them answer. Why? It’s not that they are going to practice. They will just see whether this option is okay for them.

I said, ‘I am tired of being used by these funny people. Let me work with the people who really take my answers seriously.’


Understand, whenever you come and ask me anything in Energy Darshan or Kalpataru, if I ask you to get horoscope, means, if I ask you, ‘Give me your date of birth or horoscope. I will reply after two days-three days’ means, understand, I am taking you seriously. It means, I believe you are going to follow the solution I give, I am taking time. See, there are four or five metaphysical knowledge trends available in Vedic tradition. So the intuition, astrology; there are four, five metaphysical trends......akashic records. Usually, when you take me seriously, when I trust that you are going to follow the solution I give, I will spend time on all the four and cross verify, and bring the complete final picture to you. If I see you are a casual curiosity monger or casual visitor, you are going to only consider me as one more option, I will say, ‘Thathaasthu. Blessings! Please go. Next.’ These guys will ask, ‘Oh, the person who came before me, you asked to bring horoscope, to bring photograph. For me you did not tell anything. You just gave me vibhooti and sent.’

What can you do? That person is committed. The person is going to take my solution seriously. So, I am responsible for what I am saying. He is going to practice it. He is going to make many of the strategy based on my input: whether to go to doctor or not to go to doctor or whether to get married or not to get married, whether to start this business or not to start this business. The person is going to make decision based on my input. So I am responsible now. I cannot be foolish or irresponsible. Stupidity cannot be celebrated in life. So, naturally, I have to put my time, energy, intelligence, and see all the three-four streams of the knowledge. Hindu tradition has three-four streams of knowledge for future prediction or solution, counselling - akashic records, the horoscope readings, the intuition. I use all the three-four methods when I wanted to make some serious decisions, and ask for the input necessary for all the three-four direction. Sometimes, I even refer the naadi.

So, whenever I ask you to wait for some decision four-five days, don’t worry. It means I am taking you seriously. But sometime people don’t have any respect for my decision. Then naturally what I do? Whatever you ask, ‘Thathaasthu. Please have this vibhooti and banana. Go. Next.’ That is called ‘Banana Solution’. HAHAHAHAHA. No, I don’t want to waste time on these so-called ‘simple’ people, understand, who consider me as a one more option, because I am too busy with the people who are taking me too seriously. When people take me too seriously, I become responsible. As I said, if you remember Mahadeva, he has to remember you. If you take him seriously, he has to take you seriously. If you love Krishna, he has to love you. There is no other way. If you are integrated to Krishna, he has to be integrated to you. It’s law of life, dhamma. If you miss Krishna, he has to miss you.


So, understand, don’t think this teamily process which I am asking you to do is too simple and avoid.

Few Facebook messages I received ‘Oh, Swamiji, what is this? Such a simple process you are giving, you are asking us to do. I feel these are all for beginners.’ Please understand, still I consider myself as a beginner. And I don’t even want to use the word ‘still’; I just want to say, ‘I consider myself beginner’. Do not reject something in the name it is ‘too simple’, because the effect can be very exciting and inspiring for you to take a big jump; very complicated things.

Again few days before one more question in the Facebook only: ‘Yes, I came to see you in Varanasi. Only you spent one hour with all of us, public. But you spend almost fifteen to eighteen hours with your devotees, rich people.’

I tell them, ‘No. They are not rich. But they decided to spend their time with me.’

What is money? Money is nothing but your time. For some people, this money you pay for the Inner Awakening is one month, for some people it is two month, for some people it is three month, for some people it is six months of work. That’s all. So, whoever has decided to spend their six months of time with me are here. That’s all. When you decide to spend your time with me, I decide to spend my time with you; over!

I sent a message to him: ‘May I know what is your profession? May I have an introduction about you? Then I can give you the solution, why you should be in Inner Awakening, and why you are not in the place you are jealous of? Why you are not in the place which you are jealous of?’

And he sent a reply, ‘You are too intelligent. You cannot be questioned.’

I sent a reply, ‘Without that you think I can live amongst the people like you fellows?’

Ultimately, I tell you, Advaitha is neither easy nor difficult. It is just the truth. The Sun rising in the east is a fact. It is neither easy nor difficult. Based on the fact, plan your strategy; when to wake up, where to put the window, how to sleep, which is the best way of putting the door. Use that fact and strategize the way you live, your shelter, your agriculture, your lifestyle, whatever way you can manipulate and use best that fact.


Advaitha is the fact available to you. If you are arguing to get convinced or arguing to prove it is wrong, if you are fighting with it to establish your supremacy, whatever you are doing or you believe it and not act upon it, all this is foolishness. Advaitha is a simple fact. I don’t even want to use the word ‘truth’, because the ‘truth’ word is too loaded. ‘Fact’! Use this to strategize things about your life.

That’s all I have to share with you all. So, may be in the further satsanghs, I will lead you further into the teamily process. Today only one instruction: After you shared the reality you want to cause with your teamily and listened to the teamily’s reality, now decide you will cause everyone’s reality in your teamily; start thinking for everyone, start thinking for everyone. This is the next step.

I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.

Photos From The Day:

Devi Meenakshi beautifully Decorated with Pearl Crown http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_6775.JPG Padapuja to the sacred feet of the Master "I gave a few days’ time for the Living Advaitha process participants for the homework, the homework of penning down the reality you want to cause, and each one in your teamily, the reality they want to cause, share it with the whole teamily." "Listen! Incarnation is the person who makes the ultimate spiritual truth psychologically easy to practice in every Age. Listen! In every Age, the human-beings’ psychology changes. Your fears change, your love changes, your greed changes, your pain changes, your difficulties change, your comfort changes." "In every Age, naturally your psychology functions in a different way. Beings who happen in every Age and make the ultimate principles, Advaitha, user-friendly, easily applicable, easily practisable in your day-to-day life, are “incarnations”. " "This whole teamily process, making you experience Advaitha with people around you, with your body..... Please understand, I am not lying. You can actually make your organs listen to you! You can just say, ‘Hey, liver, what, from today morning you are doing some gada bada, gada bada! Heal yourself!’ Or your heart: ‘What are you up to? Why are you so fast? Get settled!’ You can talk to them. They will listen to you. Just a little Completion is required for that. That’s all." "Ultimate principles are same. What Vasishta taught Rama, Krishna taught Arjuna, Mahadeva taught to Devi, Kapila taught to his own mother, I am teaching to you, the ultimate principle is the same. See, when I assume your psychology and your physiology, means, this time available physiology and psychology, and bring those principles to penetrate through this, you get the best version of those principles to be practiced in your physiology and psychology as easily as possible. Because, the way in which Advaitha penetrates this body and mind, it will penetrate your body and mind, it will become part of your body and mind. So, this teamily process makes Advaitha as reality for you. " Coronation for Devi Meenakshi http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/DSC02129.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/DSC02131.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/DSC02104.JPG