April 26 2013

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda discusses the meaning of birth purpose and life purpose – “happening” purpose. Birth purpose is bio memory, our true reason for living. Happening purpose is muscle memory -- what society teaches us should be our life’s purpose. Conflict between these two creates feelings of powerlessness and lack of fulfillment. When we bring integrity to our awareness we can align our sense of purpose, free ourselves from conflict and discover enlightenment.

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, birth, life, society, conflict, power, awareness, enlightenment


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

Today’s subject for Nithya Satsang: “FULFILLMENT IN THE LIFE”.

Please listen! All the unfulfillment in your life reminds you to become more authentic to your purpose of happening. Purpose of birth is different, purpose of happening is different. Fortunately, if both align, you will become Jeevan Muktha. Why you are born is your “praarabdha” – purpose of birth. Purpose of happening means, after birth so many things which came to you – your education, your knowledge, your intellect, your society - all the things came to your life decides purpose of your happening.

Purpose of happening can be changed. It is called “aagaamya” in Sanskrit. Purpose of birth can’t be changed. If your purpose of birth and happening are aligned, you become enlightened, you become complete.

Things which happen around you, attracts your attention, makes you take momentary decision, gives you tremendous passion, kind of a fulfillment, kick, feeling of fulfillment, but not the fulfillment itself. Many a time, things which are happening around you gives you so much of passion, before even you achieve the fulfillment of your life, birth, you leave the body.


I will give you examples. Vivekananda - he was filled with so much of energy, by the grace of Ramakrishna he found purpose of his birth and purpose of happening. Both aligned, he completed and left the body.

See, when I say the word “the purpose of happening”, what appears to be your goal based on your desires and options you choose. You may choose to become a great engineer. You may choose to become a great doctor. You may choose to become a great architect. You may choose to become a great actor. These all is purpose of happening, because these all you decide after somebody tells you, society shows you. It is called “aagamya”. Means, after you see, look around, do the window shopping, you pick up the object you need to buy, but you did not go to the shop or mall with that aim when you started from your house. When you started from your house, with what idea you are going, means, if you are going to buy groceries, that is the purpose of your life. After going there, you see too many things displayed. You go around, do the window shopping; along with groceries you start buying jewels also, clothes also. That is purpose of happening. Make out the difference. For what you start from the house and go to the mall is purpose of birth. What all inspires you and you start doing other than your main purpose is purpose of happening. Many a time, you spend all your money in purpose of happening and forget the purpose of birth itself! Aligning this two will directly lead you to success. Aligning this two will directly lead you to success.


Please listen! How to align? I will give you the simple basic truth. Constantly be in Integrity in your thinking. Even the subtle negativities, wipe them, wipe them, wipe them. Infuse complete awareness into your thinking and bring Authenticity in your thinking and actions.

I will give you the essence in Hindi.


Aligning! Either you align or malign! Either you align the purpose with the purpose of your birth or malign the purpose of your birth! It is so unfortunate, human-beings do not know how to align with even their own birth, purpose of their own birth. When you constantly practice Integrity, you will see not only negativities are weeded out, negativities disappear, you will also see the unusual happening inside you, suddenly, hundreds of thoughts constantly which you repeat in you unconsciously will start disappearing, it will start evaporating. You will find more space in your inside!

If you feel more space inside you, you will feel conflict-free and powerful. Too much of traffic congestion inside your inner space is powerlessness and contradictions and conflicts. If your inner space traffic is too congested, you will feel contradictory, conflict and powerless. If your inner space has lot of free space, means you are relaxed, you are in restful awareness, you have joy, you have fulfillment, you are YOU! That takes away so much of conflicts, contradictions and powerlessness.



People ask me, as I said, ‘How can I find out my purpose of birth?’

I think you should continue, continue, continue to practice Integrity.


Constantly practice Integrity; Means, infusing awareness in your thinking, Infusing awareness into your thinking. Your thinking has to be filled with Integrity. Be very clear, any word you give it to others, you will fulfill. Any word you give it to you, you will fulfill. You fill fulfill the words you gave it to you. You will fulfill the words you gave it to others. When you start living this, the words you give it to you will start reducing. You will become more aware, more conscious of the words you utter towards you. When you become more aware of the words you utter towards you, when you reduce the words you utter towards you, you will have so much of inner space, so much of inner space, you become enlightened! You become enlightened!


Understand the purpose of enlightenment, the purpose of happening. The happening happens more with the information fed to your senses, which becomes your muscle-memory. Like if you are constantly eating pizza, that will become muscle-memory in your tongue. If you are constantly listening to certain music, that will become muscle-memory in your body. If you are constantly enjoying certain visuals, that will become muscle-memory in your eyes. So, if the purpose of your birth, purpose of your birth is like your bio-memory with which you came, the purpose of happening is which is forced on you. If you start living Integrity, which is forced on you will lose power over you. The fight between your bio-memory and muscle-memory, bio-memory will win. Bio-memory will take over the muscle-memory.

See, all the conflicts you have in your life is the conflict between what you feel as purpose of you and what society teaches you as purpose of you. That is why, all over the world, not only me, any spiritual Guru when they teach about Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, simply people get inspired, because it is already in your bio-memory. Integrity and Authenticity is your bio-memory, purpose of your birth. Any other strategy towards life is taught to you by society. Because it is taught to you by society, it is superficial; it has only the strength of your muscle-memory. But Integrity and Authenticity, because you came with it, it has strength of your bio-memory, support of your bio-memory.


See, when a seed is created, it is inbuilt to become a tree. After the tree starts sprouting, tree continues to grow, expand, and gives the fruit. This whole mechanism is programmed, available in the format of programming inside the seed. Same way, when you take birth, the whole thing which you are supposed to do is available in you as a program.

Please listen! When a banyan seed grows as a ten branches and still that tree continues to push itself, expand that eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth branch, even the decision to push and create eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, next, next branches, is available in the form of programming inside the seed.

Same way, please listen, please understand, how in a banyan tree seed the whole programming of the banyan tree is available. First the seed should become banyan tree – banyan seed cannot become mango tree – banyan seed becoming banyan tree is Integrity. And the tree continues to push itself, push itself, push itself and become huge is Authenticity. The tree deciding to multiply itself and stand by itself is Responsibility. And it giving the seeds is Enriching.

Please understand, these four principles are available in the form of seed inside the tree, sorry, inside the seed; the whole thing is available inside the seed. The seed becoming a tree, continues to flourish, taking responsibility to stand for what all it can offer to the world and giving more seeds - all four are available inside the seed in the form of programming. Same way, all these four are available in you in the form of programming the moment you took birth.


If you teach Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching to a banyan tree, it will not find all these four as strange. It will find all four are purpose of its own birth. Same way, in you, when you start listening to Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, you will find all these four are purpose of your birth. It is there part of you as your bio-memory. So, naturally, you are inspired. This is natural law of Life. You will be inspired to realize it, to live it.

Anything which is forced on you as a purpose of happening by society can go only up to the level of muscle-memory; it cannot become bio-memory. It is like a gold coating on any jewellery; it can go only upto certain level. For example, 1 kilogram silver vessel is there. How much ever you coat the gold, even if you make half a kilogram gold coating on it, it is only coating. It stays only as muscle-memory. But the bio-memory is silver. But if you melt the whole thing, now you will have a new material: one kilogram silver, half kilogram gold. Now the gold also becomes bio-memory. Same way, if you die and come back in next janma (birth), whatever you accumulated in the past janma as a muscle-memory can become bio-memory; you may choose to have them as bio-memory. But, in this janma, as long as you have the body, whatever is accumulated continues to remain as muscle-memory.

Your life is nothing but a great fight between bio-memory and muscle-memory. If these two are in tune, you are enlightened! If both are in tune, your hands are available for you, your eyes are available for you, your body is available for you, you are available for you! But, as on now, unfortunately most of the time your body is not available to you. You want to do something, but your body says, ‘I am sick.” Your mind is not completely available to you. All your planning intelligence is not completely available to you. If the muscle-memory is completely available to bio-memory, that life is called “Enlightenment”, “Jeevan Muktha”!

I will give you the essence in Hindi.




When you practice Integrity, you will find your purpose. It is like a if the banyan tree is, banyan tree is growing as a banyan tree, unfortunately some parasites come and land on it. Now how will you separate the parasite and the tree? If you go to the root’s, root’s root, you will find banyan tree is banyan tree, parasite is parasite. Whatever is parasite, you know now how to separate and remove it. Your bio-memory is your Integrity, your original purpose. Muscle-memory is the parasite on you. If you start practicing Integrity continuously, you will see you will be able to distinguish between bio-memory and muscle-memory, parasite and the root tree. And automatically, parasite will fall out.


So, the essence of what I wanted to share through today’s satsang:

The purpose with which you came is in your bio-memory. The purpose which is forced on you by society is muscle-memory. The conflict between the muscle-memory and bio-memory is powerlessness, unfulfillment. If you can practice Integrity, you will find your bio-memory, purpose of your birth. And when you find that, you can drop the purpose forced on you and be liberated. Very important, very important thing you need to know, you become conflict-free. When you find the purpose of your birth, bio-memory, that will become conflict-free and you will reach Enlightenment! You will reach Enlightenment! When you are conflict-free, when you live a conflict-free life, your body, your mind your strategy planning mechanism is available to you to fulfill your purpose. You will live in completion.


Photos From The Day:

Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Blessings During Swasthi Mantra http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9467.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_9468.JPG