February 12 2011

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Title: Upanishad & Q&A Session, Patanjali Yoga Sutra 12

Upanishad & Q&A Session Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra 12 Feb 2011


A discourse and Q&A session by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

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'Description: Upanishad & Q&A Session, Patanjali Yoga Sutra by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 12 feb 2011'


Q: do you initiate only people who are sitting live with you, directly watching the satsang or even people who watch the recorded Youtube discourses later on? I wanted them to know please understand, the initiation happens whenever you melt down with a deep trust & feeling connection with the master. When you melt down with the trust & deep connection, you are sitting live with me. you are coming alive with me & I am coming alive with you! please understand, here I am making an imp statement – a sincere seeker, sincere disciple when he sits with a deep melting mood with the master, not only master comes alive with the disciple, disciple comes alive with the master. Not only disciple feels fulfilled, master also feels fulfilled. When a deep trust happens and melting down happens, the transmission of the initiation happens automatically – and the medium whether two way conference or youtube or anything else does not matter. When a sincere seeker sits around me, not only he is fulfilled, I am also fulfilled. My mission is getting fulfilled. When a sincere seeker is sitting around me, I don’t expect you to do any puja or rituals, but just sitting around me not only you, I also feel fulfilled! A sincere seeker deeply fulfills a master. Understand, sitting with me live or listening to the video discourses recorded later on does not matter. When you melt down & sit with a deep trust the connection happens, the initiation happens, the transmission of the lamp happens! it is no way related to only sitting live with me during this morning satsang. But one thing if you have the habit of coming & sitting the morning satsang, not only the initiation will happen, you will practice these techniques systematically & the next next evolving happens. if you are watching me later, the timing may not be proper. If you are watching recorded discourses in Youtube decide you will watch in only a particular time & watch yesterday’s discourse. So maintain the continuity. Then you will have the same effect of watching the live eNtv. When a sincere seeker sits with the master, 1000s of things happen in their system! Upanishad completely awakens your inner being – the inner self. So I wanted to tell the devotee who wrote this question – will I be initiated if I am watching the recorded discourses. I tell you yes! Q: what is collective consciousness? All the thoughts which is thought spoken, contemplated, suppressed or expressed – everything – please understand – all the thoughts created, spoken, contemplated, suppressed, expressed – all this put together becomes an independent intelligence. You need to know one important fact – the matter which has become highly sensitive & subtle can become life suddenly! That is the way the first cell is created – out of matter only! I have seen in my experience water staying on a rock slowly allows the water plants to happen, then it allows small animals like fish and all that to happen. We may think no no that is external influence which is happening. But I can tell you from my understanding this one truth even matter which has become sensitive can give birth to life. I want all of you to know even the dead thoughts when they gather in huge volume it can become independent intelligence. If 1 million people are thinking at the same time some good thought like let there be global peace, let there not be wars – loka samastha sukhino bhavantu – let the whole world be happy – this thoughts happening in millions of mind at a time, will nto be a dead matter – it becomes an independent intelligence – lands on violent brains and try to change the way they think, work, act even if these thoughts are not directly communicated to them as per traditional methods of talking, informing or taking it to them. Thoughts created by huge number of people, even if you do not do any action, just those thoughts when they gather, get collected, when it becomes huge mass it becomes independenet intelligence. Only thing the volume of the thoughts needs to be certain quantity. If one person thinks, it will not become collective consciousness. No. but if same frequency, thought, coherence happens in few millions, suddenly you will see the collective consciousness happening. If 3% of the world population (I am saying this based on amount of collective negativity in the world) sends a peaceful loving thought to the cosmic consciousness the whole collective negativity is erased. We can push Kali Yuga into satya yuga. We can push the whole collective conscioiusness inot blissful cycle. Thoughts are infectious, spiritual experience, truths are infectious. I can see very clearly when the levitation experience was transmitted by me to group of Ashramites, slowly it has spread now and almost 90% are experiencing Kundalini. The remaining 10% are catching slowly. How it happens you know? Your bio memory has an independent intelligence to take & send your emotions. Your brain is fortunately independent of your logic. There are 1000s of things even if your logic is not able to grasp or understand, your brain, your muscle memory grasps and catches it. People experiencing levitation think what is happening to me? understand, you are fortunate your brain is more intelligent than your logic. Fortunately your logic cloud is not able to completely take over the sky brain. .. As body you are natural, as logic you are societal. So the body is more intelligent. It can capture the truth even if logically you are not convinced! It can just catch it. When the honest experience is happening and the truth is beign expressed, your muscle memory just catches it. Because you body is natural, yoru logic is from society. Anything societal is suicidal. That is why even logically convinced, the highest experience is straight away picked up, caught, received by your body. Your brain, your muscle memory can directly receive and transmit information, experiences without any ordinary traditional communication methods like a word or visual or signal or any other orthodox method of relating, communicating. That is why your muscle memory is catching this experience. Just like that it catches. Sometime your logic goes on denying! One of the important thing a master is supposed to do is taking care that logical people do not experience the emotion or ordinary sentiments with the master because if you deny the ordinary emotion or sentimental fulfillment, the logic will be denied its lubrication. When the lubrication is denied, logic has to die. BECAUSE without basic lubrication logic is too much to hold. Logic is heavy weight the sentiment lubrication! Thoughts which are created suppressed expressed manipulated modified in any form happened whole this thing put together is collective consciousness. Collective consciousness can become negative or positive and if your body, bio memory individual consciousness is getting in tune towards positive, you will attract positive people around you, that will click with you. if you are making your body & mind negative, you will attract all negative information around you. once you fall for negative info, you will fall in tune with that and that will click around you. that is the most dangerous thing. that is one of the biggest problem human beings faced. Even this scandal, whoever tuned themselves and gave their ears to those ideas not only attracted negativity they are still attracting it. People who stood strongly with positivity and clarity are still attracting positivity and experiencing levitation around me. I have a story for you – Two psychiatrists were at a convention as they conversed. One asked the other psychiatrist – what was your most difficult case? The other said – I had a patient who was in pure fantasy. He believed he had an uncle who would die and leave his whole wealth to him. All day long he waited for the fantasy uncle to die and the fantasy letter to come. I worked with him for 8 years. Other doctor asked – what was the result? I cured him after 8 years but that stupid letter did arrive then! The patient was not in fantasy but the psychiatrist was in fantasy world!! It is time we understand the basic truths about the collective consciousness. If you tune yourself to positivity, you will attract positive info, incidents, people in your life and vice versa. So understanding about collective consciousness is important. Today’s subject is Upanishad! 116th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 10th verse - Tasya prashanta vahitaa samskaaraat Vivekananda: Its flow becomes steady by habit Prabhavananda: when this suppression of thought waves becomes continuous the minds flow is caught Satchitananda:the flow of nirodha parinama becomes steady thru habit Osho: this flow becomes peaceful with repeated impressions I want to translate this sutra and express my experience. Please understand, till the last sutra Patanjali was talking on dharana, dhyana, Samadhi, samyama and he was teaching us how to be in a space between thoughts – nirodha parinamaha – the thoughtless space. Now he is teaching how to extablish yourself in that thoughtless space. When you sit with a deep trust with a master and listen to him, listen from him there is gap between thoughts, and you are something beyond thoughts – that relaxed sitting, Upanishad a deep sitting with a receptive mood & a deep trust & feeling connection, gives you the experience of nirodha parinamaha the space between thgouhts, experience between hgouths. Sitting again & again with master with deep trust, makes you established in that space. Sitting again & again in a deep trust with a deep feeling connection in the restful awareness with the master establishes you in that thoughtless space, cloudless sky! Somebody was asking me – there is one more question Q: what is it that is really working for the seeker – it is self effort or Guru’s grace? If it is self effort, why do we need Guru, if it is Guru’s grace, why do we need self effort? You need to be in self effort to have Guru’s grace and you need Guru’s grace to be in self effort. when you catch the Guru’s grace, put your self effort to be in that grace. Avoid all negative talks, negativity of the master and you. when you have his grace, take inspiration from him and start self effort. when you have self effort, use the effort to be in Guru’s grace. You need self effort to be soaked in Guru’s grace. Nirodha parinama – the dimension of you in which you are thoughtless. The space in which you are thoughtless how to experience that? It happens when you sit in a deep trust with the master. Today Patanjali is explaining how to retain that space of nirodha parinama. Soak yourself in that space again & again. Try to sit in that restful awareness, deep feeling co nnection, trust again & again as much as you can. Let your body be soaked in that pure experience, pure space. Sit as much as possible, as many times as possible, in unclutched mood, receptive mood in master’s presence. 2nd if you are not able to sit in master’s presence – even if there are 7 people expereinding kundalini levitation – if you at least sit with that group, the group itself has the master’s presence completely because usually if 7 people are experiencing the levitation, all different energies related to 7 chakras are active in that space. So today this sutra – Tasya prashanta vahitaa samskaaraat This space nirodha parinama becomes eternal in you when you become steady and soaked in the same master’s presence where the thoughtless space is happening again & again! Just like if you put cotton into the honey bowl and leave it, how the cotton becomes soaked in honey & almost becomes one, same way put yourself in the master’s presence, soak yourself in the master’s presence. Soaking yourself int eh master’s presence will automatically naturally make yourself established in nirodha parinama – no mind state, no mind space! Guru’s grace & self effort is not paradox! If you want to know about the paradoxes, come to India. This is the country where pizza reaches your home than ambulance and police!

We live in a nation where rice is Rs.40 per kg and sim card is free Car loan 5% edu loan 12% Foot wear in a/c show rooms, but vegetable we eat sold in foot path Assembly of complex buildings get ready in 1 year, public flyovers for years Lemon juices with aritifical flavors and dish wash liquids with real lemon! Understand guru’;s grace and self effort are n ot paradoxes like this! Sit in the restful awareness, unclutched with deep connection and trust with the master – Upanishad as much as possible, as long as possible, as many times as possible. Every night before falling asleep at least listen to some of my discourse for 10 minutes in a deep relaxed restful awareness and fall asleep. You will see whole night you will be in Upanishad! In the highly elevated consciousness, sit again & again & again in the deep restful awareness feeling connected to the master this will nto only make you experience nirodha parinama, it will settle the nirodha parinama in your system. Your system will be established in thoughtless space. Now I request all devotees, disciples sitting all around the world please sit in Padmasana or vajrasana and samana mudra in unclutched mood. Blessings!