February 27 2011

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Manifestation through eN-Kriya Nithyananda Satsang 27 Feb 2011

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'Description: Manifestation through eN-Kriya by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 feb 2011'


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

00:45 I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples who are sitting with us around the world at this moment in 518 places, in 197 cities, in 91 states, in 28 countries. And I welcome all the cities, temples, ashrams, our satsang centres which are sitting with us at this moment in two way, two way connection.

01:25 I am able to see Los Angeles, USA, San Jose, San Jose, Seattle, Ohio, Phoenix, Houston, New York, Dallas, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Atlanta and Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver. All these cities I am able to see two way.

02:06 In India, Anna nagar, first time I am seeing Anna nagar. So my blessings to the Anna nagar centre. Dr. Seetha , blessings to you and your team; Adayar centre, Tirunelveli. And in Europe, Germany is sitting with us. I am able to see Germany centre. In Malaysia we have one team sitting in the ashram and Kuala Lumpur another group of devotees. More than 100 people are sitting with us for the eN-kriya initiation. I am able to see both the teams. Dubai, I am able to see and Guadalupe I am able to see and in Singapore two centres are sitting with us today; ANGMOKHIO??? Centre and Singapore satsang, both I am able to see and Australia. So totally in 10 countries, 25 cities are sitting with us at this moment.

03:25 Very happy to welcome all of you! So before entering into the satsang, please get back to padmasana, and samana mudra. Let us start the eN-effect. The eN-experience. Today's subject for the eN-Kriya initiation is ‘Manifestation’.

03:57 Please understand. Today all of you will learn how manifestation can be done through eN-kriya. You can manifest health, happiness, emotional fulfilment, feeling completed, feeling fulfilled, wealth or any outer world incident which you need, ultimately enlightenment itself. You can manifest anything you want through eN-kriya.

04:47 Please understand. A western logic can never understand the eastern way of living and attracting abundance. In the east if somebody wants to become rich, he goes and sits under a tree and starts chanting some mantra. You may think how can that bring richness, wealth? It brings!

05:29 One important thing is, when he sits under a tree and meditates, when the wealth happens, not only he has a wealth, he has a intelligence and restful awareness to enjoy it live it. But if the wealth is brought by the violence, aggression, outgoing; then naturally he loses the capacity to live, capacity to enjoy, capacity to own.

06:09 Please understand. Many people are owned by wealth, not owning wealth. Owning means you must be enjoying. If you cannot spend the way you want, if you cannot enjoy the way you want, if you cannot give as you want then what is the use of wealth?

06:37 Wealth has two dimensions; Kubera, lakshmi. Kubera just hoards, hoards, hoards, hoards, hoards and somebody steals and goes it, that's it; goes away. Lakshmi means rotating, circulating. Lakshmi wealth is like currency, it will be in current. It will be in use in current, in currency.

07:06 We need to look into some of these details. Only if it is circulating it can be called as wealth. Not otherwise. Manifestation; its one the oldest science, very fascinating science! How an idea can be taken, put into the source from where your very body is manifested and how to manifest this idea into reality?

7:52 Please understand. Your body has manifested from certain energy which was in your mother’s womb. If you are carrying female body, you carry the same energy in your womb. If you are having male body you carry the same energy in you at least to reproduce a body in female womb.

08:20 Whether you are carrying male body or female body, you have the energy which manifested your own body. There is a seed energy which manifested your body. Now if you put any idea into that seed energy, it can manifest that idea also into reality.

08:45 In Sanskrit we have a very beautiful word, hiranya garba; means the womb in which any ideas planted becomes immediately reality. It’s called golden womb or cosmic womb. All of you have ability, capacity to put an idea into hiranya garba and make that idea into reality. Any idea which has been put in hiranya garba which becomes reality or a possibility, which directly adds to your life is from hiranya garba.

09:43 Understand this concept, this truth. You are continuously manifesting but unfortunately unconscious manifesting. Please understand, all your diseases are your manifestation. All your dissatisfaction is your manifestation. All the untoward incidents in your life is your manifestation. Same way any untoward incident caused to you, you can change it completely. The power of manifestation can play any way you want.

10:34 A man who is continuously manifesting unconsciously feels bound, sick, broke. A man who knows the science of conscious manifestation experiences a whole life as a play, game. That is why we say, whenever we write the biography, history of enlightened beings, we say 'leela': Ramaleela, Krishnaleela means what? Krishna knows the science of conscious manifestation. He plays with it. Rama knows science of manifestation. He plays with it. Buddha knows science of manifestation. He plays with it. When you know the science of manifestation, your life becomes play, leela.

11:41 Even now you are unconsciously constantly manifesting. I can see sometime, when people feel suffocated from reason, something, how the emission of negativity happens in their body and mind. And the amount of emission of negativity, they do it thinking that they are going to hurt the other person or disrespect the other person, demean the other person. They do not understand, he is going to surround them as poison and kill them.

12:25 The other day, just few days before one guy came and fell at my feet, brought by another one person and started crying profusely. I said, "Why are you crying? Tell me. If I can help you in some way I can help". He said, " Swamiji, during this persecution on you, at that time, I came and burnt some of your photos and posters outside your ashram. From that day still now I am having intense hand pain. Please somehow heal me".

13:08 I looked into his system. Of course I did not curse and I don't need to curse. But the negativity he created to demean me, he is not able to get rid of it. See it is not that you are that intelligent and you take little poison and throw it on the other person and exactly wash your hand and wipe it and clearly safe guard yourself. At least in the physical level, you know some dettol or this that to clean your hands. In the mental level you don’t know. When you take a poison to throw it on somebody, not only you spit here there and without knowing you spit thu thu thu here all over because you do not know the clear boundaries in the mental layer.

14:07 And I have seen people who disrespected, abused still unable to get out, stuck. They are not able to forgive them self. I have forgiven them but they are not able to forgive them self. Suffering, do not know what to do. If somebody can materialise vibhooti as He wants where He wants, if somebody can awaken the kundalini shakti of people sitting across the globe, then He may have little intelligence to know what you are doing.

15:14 You go on manifest in your life but unfortunately unconsciously. Going on manifesting unconsciously. The unconscious manifestation not only disturbs you, disturbs others also. People, who go on manifest things unconsciously, harass themselves and others. Conscious manifestation means exactly doing what do you want to do, achieving what do you want to achieve. Putting the seed in the right space and making it into reality is manifestation.

16:19 Any idea you wanted to make it reality, take it to the level of kunadilni shakti. The kunadalini which is in you is responsible for manifestation of your body, your mind. When you take the seed to that kundalini energy level, when you are having levitation experience or kundalini experience, any idea you sow inside, put inside deeply becomes reality as soon as possible.

16:56 I can say when I use the word as soon as possible, it will be just question of few minutes or few hours. I don't even want to say few days. Try, you can try. When you are intensely experiencing kundalini experience, put any idea. If you want to have good relationship with some body, put that idea. If you want to manifest health, put that idea.

17:23 I can see in my own ashram so many people who had such serious diseases and disorders, just by few kundalini awakening sessions; they are just out of that diseases and disorders. A manifestation is a science of consciously altering the reality as you want and experiencing the reality as you want.

18:17 eN-Kriya awakens your kundalini energy so intensely, it manifests whatever you sow in the seed form in your inner space. I initiate all of you into this powerful technique, sacred secret, eN-kriya at this moment people who are sitting with us in 584 places, in 203 cities, in 94 states, in 29 countries.

19:09 I'll first give the instruction for the technique, kriya then guide you to do it. Please understand, this kriya is a scientific full proof, time tested, powerful method to awaken your kundalini shakti which will naturally make the mitochondria cell energy and the deeper strands of DNA awakened.

19:53 This kriya, en-kriya is one of the most sacred secret. ‘rajavidya rajaguhya’. Ultimate knowledge and kept as ultimate secret, THE secret.

20:22 The first step is nadi shodana. It is 7 step. I'll explain step by step then you can…I'll guide you into the practice and I request all the people who have any serious heart conditions or high blood pressure, not to do intensely with too much effort. Do it very slowly as mildly as possible or don’t do it at all.

20:59 The first step is nadi shodhana. Inhaling and exhaling. That’s all. It’s a preparation. Just inhale deeply and exhale deeply. That’s it. Eleven times inhale and exhale; inhale and exhale. This is the first step. Nadi sodhana.

21:31 The second step, second important step which is a very powerful and very important step; bastrika. We don’t understand the importance of this bastrika. It is one kind of bastrika pranayama. Only the lower abdomen should be pulled in and up. If it’s too big nothing can be done! Try to pull in and up. 21 times bastrika.

22:29 Third, please understand the third is important thing. Samana kriya; inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible, exhale as slowly as possible, hold the lungs empty as long as possible. Inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible, exhale as slowly as possible; hold the lungs empty as long as possible. 21times.

23:18 The fourth part is the main Kriya. First these three parts are preparation. The fourth part is the main kriya, eN-kriya. In this you need to get into sambhavi mudra. Thumbs on your ears, the index finger and middle finger on the eyes, ring finger on the nose, nostrils and the little finger on the lip.

23:54 Locking all the senses and sending the energy inward. Lock, stop even your breathing as long as you can. When you feel it is too much, no you can't, then relax open the nostrils, allow the body to balance itself. It may inhale or exhale, it will balance itself. In few seconds, in few seconds again block it and send the energy inside, awaken the kundalini. That is the moment the possibility of enlightenment is there. This eN-kriya is a technique for sudden enlightenment and gradual enlightenment.

24:55 This fourth part, exact kriya part is a technique for sudden enlightenment and even if you miss it, the technique is the path for gradual enlightenment. First time the planet earth has a technique which is for sudden and gradual enlightenment, for both. Always the technique for instant enlightenment will not be useful for gradual enlightenment because either you get it now or miss it. Technique for gradual enlightenment will never help you to have the instant enlightenment.

25:44 eN-kriya has been designed so beautifully, it gives the possibility of sudden instant enlightenment; if you miss it at least gradual enlightenment. It is like a insured gambling. If you get it you get it, otherwise at least t it is an insurance saving. So 21 times stop the breath doing sambavi mudra.

26:29 The next fifth part is intense humming for 7 minutes; digesting that energy, settling it in your body. The sixth part is do shakti dharana means stand on your knees and raise your hand facing the banyan tree. All of the world, please understand, just like how Muslim face Mecca, same way face this banyan tree from all over the world. Feel connected to the master. When you are feeling full, pour yourself on the earth. Receive from the sky, pour it on the earth. Just become a pure empty channel for cosmic energy. Do this at least 7 times.

27:34 Then the seventh part, just sit. Send a deep loving, caring, peaceful, compassionate vibrations and thoughts to the whole cosmos. Sit feeling connected to the master. Whatever you have just throw it away to the world. If you have so much of joy, peace, love inside, don’t hold. Send it to the world. Tell yourself let this be released to the cosmos. Let me share with the cosmos, let it be released.

28:12 More and more you release, more and more will be poured on you. Cosmos always gives back what you give it to it. Krishna says, “Anything you give me, I give you ten thousand times more”. So never send fear, pain, worrying to cosmos. Send joy, pleasure, love, compassion, peace to cosmos so that you receive that ten thousand times more.

28:46 That is the reason we sit and do shanti mantra and swasti mantra. “loka samastha sukhino bhavantu”. Let everybody be blissful, let everything be blissful!! Send this intense peaceful vibrations in the 7th step. The seventh step is more my job. I'll see that the kundalini experience happens in you and you experience levitation, awakening of inner potential energy.

29:20 Now seven steps: I'll now guide you step by step into the kriya. Please sit on the ground, on the floor. Close your right nostril with right thumb; inhale through the left as deeply as possible and as slowly as possible. Inhale through one nostril and exhale through the other side. Again inhale through one side and exhale through the other side. Do this at least 11 times.

30:17 If you are pregnant or having hernia problems, do it very slowly. Don't do too much of intensity. Let us move to bastrika. Pull your lower abdomen in and up 21 times intensely. Don’t move your shoulders, only the lower abdomen in and up. Do the bastrika at least 21 times.

31:10 Samana kriya: Use your hands and inhale as slowly as possible. Please, not sambhavi mudra, samana kriya. Use your fingers to close the nostril one side. Inhale as deeply as possible and as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible, exhale as slowly as possible, hold the lungs empty as long as possible. This is one cycle; all these four action. So do this at least 21 times. Don’t do just by will. Use your fingers to close the nostril. Please use your fingers. Inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible, exhale as slowly as possible, hold the lungs empty as long as possible. Do this same cycle at least 21 times. Use the fingers, don’t do mentally. Inhale as slowly as possible, hold as long as possible, exhale as slowly as possible, hold the lungs empty as long as possible. Sit straight and do it.

33:54 Now get into sambhavi mudra. Thumbs should be on the ears, index finger and middle finger on the eyes, ring finger on the nostrils and little finger on the lips. Lock all the senses. Send the energy intensely inside. Lock it as intensely as possible, hold as much as you can. When you can’t, let go and again start. Hold as much as you can, when you can’t, relax and start again. Do it at least 21 times.

35:50 Now sit and start humming intensely. Sit in padmasana and start humming in samana mudra as loudly as possible as intensely as possible. Now start the shakti dharana. Stand on your knees, raise your hand, facing the direction of banyan tree, feel connected intensely with the divine, the Master’s energy. When you feel full, overflowing, fall at the ground and pour yourself. When you are full, fall on the ground and pour yourself completely. Do it at least 7 times.

37:11 If you have completed please settle down. Sit in padmasana and samana mudra. Feel connected to the Master, Master’s cosmic energy intensely and send strong blissful compassionate vibrations around the globe. Let us create the eN-effect. Let the Kundalini shakti in you all intensely explode. Let it be intensely awakened. Let the kundalini shakti reach the crown centre.

38:11 Let the kundalini shakti be intensely awakened in all your energy centres. Let the intense joy and bliss and success energy explode in you. Let the intense love and bliss and compassion spread all over the globe. Let your kundalini shakti reach the crown centre and experience the communion with Sadashiva, Mahadeva, Maheshwara

38:56 Relax! You can open your eyes. Beautifully we have created the eN-effect on the whole cosmos. Let all the auspiciousness be showered on the cosmos and all of you.

39:29 I have few things to tell all our devotees disciples and satsangis. Please don’t fast. If you want to do something to stop this religious persecution, go and give petition to the Indian embassy in your country and do silent protest there but please do not continue fasting. It’s my humble request.

40:07 And I have some good things for you to listen. In Malaysia, from Golden paduka vibhooti has started like a small dots and building like ant hill, it is coming out. Let me bless some more cities, few more cities will have vibhooti happening in my padukas this moment and at least few devotees will have vibhooti in their hand at this moment in their hands, inside samana mudra.

40:58 My blessings to all of you! As you all might be aware today we are in the second day of the eLBP successfully. People are enjoying all over the world. More than 500 people are attending physically and virtually all over the world.

41:26 And I am announcing further few programs. In weekends the same video conferencing style; people can attend here Bidadi also and people from all over the world can join through video conferencing. I am creating first time a course on wealth. A program on wealth, creation and managing, March 26th and 27th. It will be called enlightened wealth: eN-Wealth Program.

42:16 And two day work shop on May 9th and 10th specially aiming at health, eN-health: Enlightened Health. June 14th and 15th; Breakthrough Performance. In this I'll be awakening as I said the deeper strands of DNA and non mechanical parts of your brain. I am working on some extraordinary siddhis. The ability to remember and take decision; just on that part I am working. ‘Breakthrough Performance’; the program will be called; June 14th and 15th.

43:02 And August 13th and 14th specially program on Relationships, Enlightened Relationships, eN-Relationships. I am working on the dimension of heart and love, opening up to the people and nature.

43:25 Sept 24th and 25th: A unique program only on these two truths; birth and death. How to consciously die and consciously take birth. Programming yourself to have enlightened birth and death. We called it eN-birth and death.

43:50 And October 15th and 16th, a special program o ‘Hatha yoga for Enlightenment’. Just working on the body. So these six programs, all the details will be available on our website. You can email at [email protected]. In this email you can get all the details. So six weekend on 6 different dimensions of life we will have e-workshops; e-programs.

44:36 My blessings to all of you! At this moment in 756 locations, in 232 cities in 102 states, in 33 countries people are sitting with us. I invite all of you March 2nd to celebrate Shivaratri and observe the religious freedom day. The day against the religious persecutions and I request all of you to go and give petition in the Indian embassy in your country as groups and do silent protests. Send photos to our website and collect signatures in your local VIP's, politicians, religious leaders, in support and send it to us. Please do that, that is enough. You don’t need to fast.

45:38 Stop fasting. Let us send our message to the world, especially Karnataka government and Karnataka CID in a strong loud way, in a non violent way. I bless you all! Let you all achieve, live, experience, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you.


Photos For the Day


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Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8976.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8977.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8979.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8980.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8981.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8982.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8983.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8984.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8985.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8986.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8987.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8990.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8991.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8994.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8995.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8998.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_8999.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9001.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9002.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9005.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9006.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - 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batch_batch_IMG_9047.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9052.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9056.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9058.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9059.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9060.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9061.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9062.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9063.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9068.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9069.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9070.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9071.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9072.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9073.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9079.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9081.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9082.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9084.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9085.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9088.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9089.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9093.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9095.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9096.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9097.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9098.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9100.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9101.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9102.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9103.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9108.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9111.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9115.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9118.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9121.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9131.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9137.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9138.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9140.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9141.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9145.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9146.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9149.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9150.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9155.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9156.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9158.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9160.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9164.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9165.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9166.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9167.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9174.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9192.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9198.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9203.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9208.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9210.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9214.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9219.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9223.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9224.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9239.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9241.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9278.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9280.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9289.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9293.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9295.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9300.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9302.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9310.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9311.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9316.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9317.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9318.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9319.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9320.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9321.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9325.JPG Nithyananda-Satsang - batch_batch_IMG_9326.JPG


Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9328.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9329.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9330.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9331.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9333.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9337.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9342.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9343.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9344.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9346.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9347.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9348.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9350.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9351.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9352.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9353.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9354.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9355.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9356.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9365.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9366.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9367.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9368.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9369.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9370.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9371.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9373.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9374.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9375.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9376.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9377.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9378.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9379.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9380.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9381.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9382.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9383.JPG Sarvadarshan - batch_batch_IMG_9385.JPG

Life Bliss Program

Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9395.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9396.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9399.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9403.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9404.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9406.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9407.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9408.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9409.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9410.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9411.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9412.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9413.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9414.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9415.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9417.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9418.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9420.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9423.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9424.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9435.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9439.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9440.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9441.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9442.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9443.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9449.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9451.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9452.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9453.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9457.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9460.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9464.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9491.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9516.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9525.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9541.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9544.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9545.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9546.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9547.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9554.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9555.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9564.JPG Lbp - batch_batch_IMG_9582.JPG


Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9589.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9590.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9591.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9592.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9593.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9594.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9596.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9597.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9598.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9599.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9600.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9601.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9604.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9605.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9606.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9607.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9610.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9611.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9612.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9613.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9614.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9615.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9616.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9617.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9618.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9619.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9620.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9625.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9626.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9627.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9628.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9629.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9630.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9633.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9634.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9635.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9636.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9637.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9638.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9639.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9640.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9643.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9644.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9645.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9646.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9647.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9649.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9650.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9651.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9652.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9653.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9654.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9655.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9657.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9665.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9667.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9669.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9670.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9674.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9675.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9677.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9678.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9679.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9682.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9685.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9686.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9687.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9688.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9689.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9693.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9694.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9696.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9697.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9709.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9710.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9713.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9719.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9722.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9724.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9725.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9727.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9728.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9730.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9742.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9743.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9744.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9745.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9746.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9747.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9749.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9750.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9752.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9753.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9754.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9756.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9760.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9761.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9762.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9763.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9764.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9769.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9770.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9771.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9772.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9773.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9777.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9778.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9779.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9781.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9783.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9784.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9786.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9787.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9788.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9796.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9799.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9800.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9801.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9802.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9803.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9805.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9806.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9808.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9809.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9810.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9818.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9820.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9822.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9823.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9824.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9825.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9826.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9829.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9830.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9833.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9837.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9838.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9840.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9841.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9842.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9845.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9848.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9849.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9851.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9852.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9853.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9858.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9859.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9872.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9873.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9874.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9875.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9879.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9880.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9884.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9889.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9891.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9892.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9897.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9903.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9905.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9906.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9907.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9908.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9912.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9914.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9915.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9919.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9923.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9932.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9940.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9944.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9948.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9958.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9959.JPG Energy-Darshan - batch_batch_IMG_9960.JPG


Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8786.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8788.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8790.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8791.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8792.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8793.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8794.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8796.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8806.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8813.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8814.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8815.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8816.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8818.JPG Actor-Santhanam-Visit - batch_batch_IMG_8827.JPG


Nithyananda-Yoga - batch_batch_IMG_8679.JPG Nithyananda-Yoga - batch_batch_IMG_8680.JPG Nithyananda-Yoga - batch_batch_IMG_8698.JPG Nithyananda-Yoga - batch_batch_IMG_8699.JPG Nithyananda-Yoga - batch_batch_IMG_8701.JPG