December 14 2016

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Day's Event

December 14, 2016: SADASHIVOHAM DAY 14

Sadashivoham Day 14

Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple – Dvajarohanam

Today’s flag hoisting marks one of the most important festivals, if not THE most - Nithyananda Jayanthi Brahmotsavam! The countdown begins to the greatest day in our modern history – the Day the Avatar, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda came down to planet Earth and took the human form!

Each item in Sanatana Hindu Dharma has great detail and significance, even raising the flag. The rope for the flag hoisting came all the way from the hometown of the Avatar, blessed at Arunachuleshwara Temple in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu.

Nithyananda Yoga Session with His Holiness!

One of the most rare occasions ever – The Avatar not only visited the participants at the Nithyananda Yoga class, but He Himself teaches the class! He gives deep, sacred secrets about yoga revealed by Sadashiva and He fondly tells stories about His own yoga Guru - Yogiraj Yogananda Puri. He proceeds to awaken everyone’s Kundalini, showing that you don’t need decades of practice to perform difficult asanas (poses); it can just happen with His Presence. What an amazing, surprise Blessing!

Manifesting Shaktis

Today participants continued to practice remote viewing with the Krishta Sila (marble stone for seeing). Imagine seeing what is happening on the other side of the world through a piece of stone!! Amazing!

11 Dimensions

The Avatar expands further on the 11 Dimensions of the Universe, getting deeper into Length, Breadth, Depth, Time and Space and the permutation, combination of these 5.

Theppam – The Float Festival

This event is another powerful spiritual process as participants witness His Holiness and the Deity, AdiShakti, being gently carried by the float around the Vaidya Sarovar. Bhakti is thick in the air as devotional music plays and the sight of The Avatar, The revered Guru, moving around on the brightly lit, beautifully flowered float. It is a scene to be scene!

Link to Video:


In this video (14 December 2016), Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains that the dimensions of length, breadth, & depth aren't merely units of measurement - there are deeper cosmic principles behind these dimensions. Length is any force in the universe which submits to a linear logic flow e.g. Mathematics, static matter. Breadth is cognitions and spirit influencing matter e.g. art, poetry, music, etc. Independent of length and breadth, the cognitions which are capable of manifesting matter is depth. Watch, share and like the videos and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click to subscribe.


Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadāshivoham, Mahadeva, 11 dimensions, Length, breadth, depth, linear thinking, Unit of Self - Jeeva, unit of Universe - Space, unit of the God – Sadāshiva, 25 states of consciousness, visualization, cognition



I am going to introduce the concept of 11 dimensions. Length, breadth, depth is not just lines, it is also principles – means, your logic. A linear thinking - 1+1 is 2 means 1+1+1 is 3. All men have one head, Socrates is a man means Socrates has one head. All these kind of a linear thinking put together is length. When I use the word ‘length’....see Sadāshiva defines length. Please understand. Everything I am going to say now, all the 11 dimensions, precisely defined in Sanskrit, I should say Prakrit...Prakrit in Agama by Sadāshiva. So listen. Unit of Self - Jeeva, unit of Universe - Space, unit of the God - Sadāshiva, all 3 unit is one and the same. Listen carefully. The Being who goes through all the 25 states of consciousness, the unit space of the 11 dimensions of the Universe and the unit space of the Sadāshiva - God Particle ... all 3 are one and the same. You will experience that later and I’ll make sure you get that. Now at least understand intellectually what I am presenting.

When Sadāshiva says,”length” - not only the line, everything which is linearly functioning. Every energy, force, which submits itself to the linear calculation, for example - if you use this many horsepower, this item will be pulled, this many horsepower this item will be pulled; it is a linear logical understanding. Anything which submits itself to this law is also length, but this law will not be useful when you are having fight with your spouse J No, there are many places ... I am just giving you one example. There are many places this law will not be useful. So whatever submits itself to all the logical linear understandings...all of you are able to get what I am saying? Length does mean just the length of this...; anything you understand by logic. If you put this much of electricity into this machine, this will start rotating in this speed. If you put this much of voltage, it will start rotating in this speed. This is a linear understanding, a logical understanding. In this, anything which functions under the law of logical understanding, is length.

And as per the West, gravity theory comes under length. I’ll prove, it comes under breadth, later. It is not….the whole gravity theory is stupid. I’ll...I’ll establish little later, first listen. Breadth means visualization; anywhere the length calculations does not fit in, but there is certain logic flows into it. I’ll give you example: Canvas, paint and the effort of the painter - all 3 put together is painting; but it is not that all paintings are going to be same. For example, same amount of canvas, same amount of painting...sorry, same amount of paint and canvas, give it 10 different painters, the 10 different paintings are going to come. So 1+1+1 is not same 3 in all the 10, but there is certain level of freedom only is available. For example, if you give the same amount of canvas and paint, he is not going to produce 10000 paintings. In the painting, there will be differences, but 10000 paintings will not be produced; so which does not fall under the clear logic, where there is certain personal freedom and involvement of the life.

Listen carefully, it is not only human life; Any life if it involves with logic and the life’s involvement impacts the logic, that dimension is called ‘breadth’. No involvement of life, matter functions with the dead law is length. Involvement of the life alters the result of the matter, only to a certain level, not completely, is called ‘breadth’ and independent of length and breadth, spirit alone can play anything it wants, is called ‘depth’.


I don’t know whether….did you guys get it? Shall I repeat? Listen. Matter forming materialistic conclusions is length. Spirit, crisscrossing the matter, influencing, changing the result only to certain level, is breadth. Spirit, independent of matter, playing and doing its own dance and can create anything from zero to infinity, is depth.

In depth, spirit matters.

In length, spirit does not matter, only matter matters.

In breadth, spirit and matter both matters.

In depth, only spirit matters, no matter matters.

Listen. This is what is dimensions of Universe, basic unit dimensions. When Sadāshiva describes length, breadth, depth, understand it is not the geometrical LBD; all this inclusive is this LBD. If I have to roughly equate it, length can be equated to your logic - individual logic, breadth can be equated to your emotion - art, poetry, sculpting, depth can be equated to your Being, where you cognize. In this trishul, listen carefully, see here in this trishul, this is the length and this is the depth and this is the breadth. Am I right? In Me, My logical thinking is length, My artistic visualization is breadth, My ability to cognize whatever exists is depth. LBD should not be understood in this level [gestures towards trishul] alone, it should be understood in this level [gestures towards His Self]. Catching it?


In the life, length means all forces which submits itself to the conclusions of logical calculation; everything which follows certain mathematics, everything which follows certain mathematics is the length dimension of the Universe. All of you are getting? Like a water, if it gathers it will go towards the slope, means lower area. That is length. Anything which submits itself to the logical conclusion and your ability to calculate and manage, is the dimension of length. Anything which can be influenced by the Consciousness, spirit and alters the result, outcome, that dimension is called breadth, where artistic… Where the matter does not matter, you can do what you want from zero to infinity, means being all alone without anything, your depth can show you - you are king of Universe. Being a Rothschild, your depth can make you feel deeply insecure. Independent of the matter.... means length and breadth, something which is in you which can create anything from zero to infinity is called depth, cognition. In this trishul, depth is this, in Me - depth is My ability to cognize. Understand.

You may be lying down in a beautiful bed in the safe environment, complete security protection, air conditioned room, but in your dream you will be suffocating and you will be running, tigers and snakes will be chasing you. So independent of the length and breadth, your depth is giving you different cognition. How many of you are catching what I am saying? So that depth is your cognition. This three are the unit normal human mind understands in your day to day life.


You see, once more I’ll repeat.

Length of this trishul - this, breadth of this trishul - this, depth of this trishul - this.

Length of you is logic. Breadth of you is art, emotion. Depth of you is your cognition. Length of the Universe is anything which submits itself to a mathematical calculation - 100 + 100 is 200. If you can come to a conclusion with your maths, all those forces are called length. If something which you can influence and alter, all those forces called breadth. There is something independent of that, you can just generate and live, that dimension is called depth in the Universe. The spirit is the depth of the Universe, where independent of this that can generate anything, like a how Vishwamitra created Trisanku Swarga - that consciousness, cognition... He was able to create a new Loka for Trisanku - that powerful consciousness.

So length of the trishul, length of you, length of the Universe. Breadth of the trishul, breadth of you, breadth of the Universe. Depth of the trishul, depth of you, depth of the Universe. How many of you are catching? Depth of the trishul is this. Depth of you is your ability to dream bad dreams even when you are in the great bungalow or the ability to have a good dreams even while you are in the street platform, that is your depth. Depth of the Universe is Vishwamitra able to create a one Svarga for Trisanku. The force of Vishwamitra which he had, independent of the length and breath of the Universe, out of his sheer Will, which he is able to manifest, that is the depth of the Universe. If he can dream heaven for himself, it is depth of Vishwamitra. If he can manifest a dream for somebody else, he is even manipulating the depth of the Universe. I think, literally I am opening up different dimensions to you. This understanding will change the way you cognize you. I guarantee you. This will be such a strong rude awakening. You will never go back to sleep forgetting this understanding anymore.


Link to Video

Transcript 2


Sadashiva describes Yoga, the peak of Yoga will be having the cosmic orgasm.

Kattrai punarthal kalinadam. Aattrai punarthal azukaarualithal. Prapanja punarvae yogam

It is actually one of the apta pramana; not shastra pramana, apta pramana; Thirumoolar, a great saint.

A blissful dance means it is literally having physical relationship with air. Completion of the cleaning means literally having physical relationship with the river And you literally have a relationship with the whole cosmos, the cosmic orgasm is yoga.

So, body should reach its peak, which is actually beyond even sex. I am telling you, in the modern day human beings don’t reach even in the sexual act, this peak. Human beings have basically become dull and insensitive. Your very frequency of existence has gone down. Yoga is actually, all about raising your frequency. It is not about just bending the body. That is the way actually I learnt yoga.


Once my Guru entangled Me and he started showing the hands like this. He was teaching Me yoga in the temple. So I just saw the temple tower and started climbing. It’s around 150 feet tower and I climbed, on the top I am standing, suddenly he stopped entanglement. ☺ ☺ Now I don’t know how to come down. ☺ taka taka taka I climbed on the top and now I am sitting and – “O God, how to come down?” ☺ ☺Then he entangled again and slowly brought Me down. ☺

And then once he taught Me pranayama and put some 2 feet beds. And He made Me sit on the top and asked Me to do certain pranayama, samana balancing, and then he removed all the beds; My body was in the air and… put His pet dog, “if He comes down bite Him!”. And I am sitting ☺ and that fellow is lying just under Me! And around half an hour, then He said, “Alright move”, and then slowly got Me down. At least half an hour I have to hold that samana balancing.

Once He told Me to do surya namaskar. When the sun started rising, He said, “Start the surya namaskar’ and then He told Me, “Till I come back continue” and He went away! He came back only after sunset. ☺ And then He is acting as if He doesn’t know that whole day I am doing. But when He came he came with a gunny bag. Gunny bag is usually tied on the knees if you have done too much of yoga and have any pain. Like modern day how you put that cray band, olden days in the villages, gunny bag is the cray band for that. Then I asked him, “If you don’t know I am doing, why did you come with a gunny bag?” ☺ He said, “I know”. ☺Then he put the gunny bag like a cray band and then made Me rest. That is the first time I felt all the joints on the body. ☺ It was heavy yoga. He made Me and He prepared an amazing body.


Actually even to live in this body is so pleasant and every time I remember I am grateful to Him. Body does not demand anything, no pain, doesn’t get excited about anything and… all these does not come as a package as Enlightenment. Please don’t mistake all this comes as a package as Enlightenment. No, He specially prepared it. It’s not that all Enlightened Masters radiate these qualities. Of course, when they become Enlightened, when they want they can download, that is different. In My case, He prepared the body itself. That is why I am so grateful to my Gurus and Guru parampara. That is going to be the unique contribution by our sangha - how much ever we achieve we will not move away from Hindu tradition and Guru Parampara sampradaya. Our strength will be strength of Sanatana Dharma.


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Transcript 3

Ayurveda very clearly describes - Haritaki is much more than your mother. Haritaki will do more good to you than your Mother. There is no herb praised so much like haritaki. Haritaki will always keep you very clean. Not only that, see, with this yoga initiation, what I am doing you know…. I am opening the Kundalini channel in you such a way even if you have some toxic thought currents developed, it will be immediately converted into physical matter and leave your system. I am not allowing the psychological sediments, like a layer it forms…. deposit, I am not letting this psychological pattern get deposited in your system; your brain will be so alive and active it will get converted into physical matter, so it leaves through your motion. For that haritaki will help a lot. See, each worry becomes a small bubble of ulcer in your intestine. So I am not allowing that psychological pattern like a sediment to settle in your system. I will convert all of them into physical matter. So it just goes out of your system. This way your brain will be permanently holding the Kundalini up and not allowing the toxic mental setup. And if you have Haritaki everyday it will not settle down even in the physical level. Even physically it will just be cleansed and kicked out. (02:17)
