June 26 2013

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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expands on the science of the Nirahara Samyama. He explains how we build up hundreds of patterns and unnecessary sentiments relating to food. We relate food with love, associate it with prestige, and carry deep fear planted in us from society: fear of starvation, death. Maybe we can remember when our father instilled in us to eat everything on our plates, or grandma out of her expression of love, continued piling more food on the plate. Many of us have heard at some point, how will you make money to buy food? Now Paramahamsa Nithyananda offers a way to free us from these patterns through the beautiful Nirahara Samyama. He is making this science available to all of us, unlocking the bio-memory each of us carries, to live from the air and sun.

Link to Video:


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nirahara Samyama, patterns, sentiments, food, love, prestige, fear, society, starvation, death, free, bio-memory, air, sun.



Before entering into the satsang, Nithya Satsang, today I wanted to say few words about Nirahara Samyama.

Please understand. Come to the space of listening.

You have something called ‘muscle-memory’. Means, your basic habits, way you respond, way you like things, way you hate things, way you are addicted to it or way you are allergic to it. All these, please listen, there are some things you are addicted to, there are some things you are allergic to, some things you like, some things you hate. All the memories you need to live this life stays with your muscle-memory. It stays in your muscles. That is why if you touch the live wire, electricity, even by mistake, automatically your body jumps out. Medically, you call it ‘instinct’ or whatever names you may give. That component which has the basic survival instinct and all the basic knowledge you need to run this life, is ‘muscle-memory’. It stays in your muscle-memory.

The language you learnt and the way you respond to situation; some people can tolerate anything but can’t tolerate if their ego is hurt. They will tolerate anything, but they can’t tolerate if their ego is hurt. Same way, there are some people, they will not bother about their ego; they can tolerate even if their ego is hurt; but physical pain they can’t handle. All these patterns are in your muscle-memory. All these patterns are in your muscle-memory. Listen.

But, there are higher intelligences which you learnt in your past lives: ability to fly like a bird, ability to swim like a fish, ability to live under water, ability to produce food directly from the air and the sunrays. Please understand, I am talking knowing I am talking in a national TV. I am talking responsibly. I am not promoting any superstition. All these powers are in your bio-memory. Ability to fly like a bird, ability to swim like a fish, ability to live under the water like a tortoise or crocodile, ability to produce food directly from air and sunrays just like trees, all these abilities are there in your bio-memory.

Then you may ask, ‘Do you mean to say we can fly?’

Naturally, I am going to say ‘Yes’. With the right technique and process, if you awaken those bio-memories, you can do. But as on now, I have not successfully proved any technique or process which can make anybody fly. So, once I establish, I will teach the science.

Till now, but I am able to comfortably, very successfully make at least few hundred people live without solid food; some people even without anything other than water, just on water and air. By the divine grace, I received the techniques and process to activate your Kundalini to such level, Kundalini energy to such level where people can comfortably, without disease – that is the main thing – without tiredness, without fatigue, comfortably able to live quite a long time. I have Niraharis who are successfully living that as a lifestyle for more than ten months. They are going to be completing a year, one year. Many, many of them have taken up this lifestyle. Many people in my ashram do off and on, doing Nirahara. Understand, that is why I am sharing this process, this technique with you.

I tell you, it is a successful process, it is a successful technique. Your bio-memory which carries the intelligence to produce the food directly from the space, from sunrays and air, is possible.


The next question comes: ‘Why I should do this? I am not that poor that I don’t have food. Why I should do that? I am rich enough to eat.’

India is suffering with the swing of pendulum. Please listen. When a society or civilization suffers with utter poverty, they don’t have money even for food, if they have suffered, the moment they get the money first thing they will do is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, till they become obese. Means, by eating they will die, because their pattern is the fear, ‘Without food I am going to die.’ That pattern will leave so much of incompletion, just by eating they will die.

I tell you, the whole India, especially the middle-age and younger generation – when I say ‘younger’, I am telling my age only; see, 30-50, that group remembers their young age – all Indians, if you are between 30-50, you remember either your parents or when you were born that time, we suffered even for food. How many of you remember, raise your hand. How many of you say your family had suffering even for food at sometime? I will raise the hand. India, now only India is moving from that zone to the ‘money is available for food’, that zone. That is why we are suffering and we are going to suffer with obesity.

I tell you, one of the worst predictions which is going to become true for India, I am making is, India is going to suffer terribly by obesity just like USA; may be worse than USA, because our food was designed for hard work, now we are going to eat and not going to work. Our food is designed for hard work. Rice, wheat, all these are designed for hard work. We are going to eat, but we are not going to work out. That is the biggest danger.

And one more worse thing: we are not health-conscious. In India, including body, everything only breakdown maintenance. After it breaks down, we will plan for maintenance. There is no preventive maintenance. In Mechanical Engineering these terms come – preventive maintenance and something called I think running maintenance and breakdown maintenance. In India, everything, whether it is a road or a bridge or a vehicle or a machinery or a body, Indian psyche is like that only. As long as it runs, run. When it breaks, then we will see. When it breaks, let us see.

I know one Swami who used to be 130 kg.

I used to tell him, ‘Swamiji, you should do something. Go for a walk.’

He used to tell, ‘ehh What is there. It’s okay.’

I used to tell, ‘Swamiji, it will lead to unnecessary heart problems.’

He was already having diabetes.

He used to say, ‘No, no, no. If something happens, then we will see.’ But unfortunately, he had a sudden heart attack and died just at the age of sixty. Sixty is not the age to die. He died.


Wall Street journal also says, ‘OBESITY IS SEEN AS INDIA’S ECONOMY GROWS.’

We are going to suffer obesity, listen, because we saw money just now, and we suffered lack of food, the fear of poverty, fear of ‘no food’ for quite a long time; the stories of ‘no food’ quite a long time. Obesity is going to be epidemic in India, I tell you. Obesity is going to be epidemic.

We may think, ‘No, no, no, I have money. Why should I do this? Why should I not eat?’

Listen. Food is not just related to your body. Along with food you built hundreds and hundreds of patterns. Love is associated with food. That is why every social function in India, social gathering in India, first thing - sharing the food, and sumptuously, varieties. I just get frightened about the feasts. No, really. When people call me for feast, I shiver literally. ‘Oh God! One more person is going to torture me.’ No, really. The pattern of food.

Food is unfortunately associated with love and it is so unfortunate feeding is shown as a symbol of love, because in India those days that was very rare, food was rare commodity. When I say ‘those days’, I mean the period of the Moghuls and British ruling, not before that. When we were ruling, we know, when Vedic Rishis were ruling, Vedic tradition was ruling we know ‘Annam Bahukurveeta’. We know how to create food and share food and how to remain Niraharis.

Food is associated with Love. There is so much of sentiments associated unnecessarily with food. When you become Nirahari and break the pattern of food, first thing happens to you is you break all those patterns which tortures you.


Society starts controls you with food. See, when you are young, if you don’t want to listen to the ways of the society, first thing what parents will tell, what family will tell, ‘How will you eat if you don’t work? If you don’t listen to the society, you won’t have food.’ Because, everyone wants to throw everything of the society and go away to forest and live on their own. But first question: Where is the food? ‘Alright’, because of the fear of food, once you start saying ‘okay’, then…over. You are bulldozed and road is made on you. They lay the road.

Food is such a sensitive component of human life. It is considered as the symbol of prestige, symbol of love. There are multiple things associated with food. I tell you, we eat everything other than food when we eat, because there are so many others things associated with food, only that goes inside. The way we cook, when the prestige is associated with it, all high, rich items, which brings you the rich man’s diseases – diabetes, sugar. And same way, when it is associated with Love, then naturally the person has to feed you large quantity; only then you will be made to understand he loves you so much.

No. Whenever I go to any feast, one, I am afraid of the amount of the food they serve me and the varieties; two, I am more afraid of the way they serve me and their expectation of how I should finish everything served. Especially most of the devotees have the habit of literally living with me in their house. They have either my photo or the deity, in front of which they put varieties and varieties. That is always a safe method. You put it in front of my deity and YOU eat. I have no problem. But when they expect this physical body to eat the whole thing, God!

I tell you, almost four years, four years in my ten years of public life, four full years, I was tortured by the feasts. Only one fine morning, when doctors warned me, I put my foot down and said, ‘No more going to devotees’ houses. No question of eating anything devotees bring.’ Even after I stopped going to devotees’ houses, they will bring it from all the way. And in the Sarvadarshan they will stand. ‘Swamiji, I myself made, eat little.’ And that will be twenty box per day. Even if I taste all that twenty box, what will happen to my body? No it’s a big, only then I put my foot down very clearly, ‘Anything devotees want to give, please send it to the temple. Anandeshwara will not have any problem.’


48% of the Indian population is overweight and in that 48%, majority, I can say almost nobody does any exercise. 34% of them live a sedentary lifestyle. 51% of the population is physically unfit and suffer from various diseases related to food, diseases which caused by food. 33% of the Indians need to consume medicines daily. 26% of the people are hyper tensed and having blood-pressure. 30% of the people have bad teeth. 17% has diabetes, sorry, 17% suffers with acute diabetes. 31% suffers related to disorders of digestion of food. God!

Food is associated so much with Love, other emotions. If somebody snatches your plate, that’s it. Your Kundalini will go in wrong direction. It will go down, instead of going up. No, how you behave, hmmm. You don’t just eat food; you eat so many things associated with food by society – Prestige, Love. Because of prestige, good quality; when I say ‘good quality’, I don’t mean ‘healthy’. What you think as costly food, many time, because you pay more money, don’t think you get quality product. Unfortunately, in human mind, cost is associated with quality. They think if you pay more money, it is good food. No. Junk also is sold for high price because of the publicity, advertisement costs. What you think as good food, but not healthy food, when you make the pattern of eating that because food is associated with prestige. Then, because it is associated with love, you eat large quantity. Neither your wife who serves you or the mother who serves you reminds you, ‘no, enough, Stop.’ ‘No, no, no, no, no. It is love. Please oh my son, eat little more. Oh, my daughter, eat little more. Oh, my dear, please eat little more.’

I tell you the wife who does not stop husbands eating is killing the husband. May be she has a purpose. No, the mother who does not stop the son eating has a purpose. And in Indian society it is also inauspicious if you tell somebody, ‘enough, don’t add more’. Best way of taking revenge on somebody is to dump the food. And also, there is a habit food is God, so you cannot waste. If you waste outside, only food will be wasted. If you put it inside, food and the system, both will be wasted. If food is God; your body is also God. What about that? So, that is why you think let God be with God!


Too many things, too many things are associated with food. Food has become too loaded idea in India. Food is not just left to be a food. And many time, see, all our pleasures are just to prove our powerfulness. When you give fifty items and serve, it is like you show, ‘See, how big guy I am. What I can do, do you see?’

When you do Nirahara Samyama, the right Kriya and process, and awaken your bio-memory’s capability to produce the food directly from air and space, first thing will happen, all the psychological patterns you carry, mental patterns you carry, sufferings related to food will break. That is the first thing. First thing, break patterns related to food.



Understand, with this Nirahara Samyama, Kriya, first thing, you will break all the psychological patterns related to food. You will complete all the incompletions related to food. Because society started controlling you in the young age based on food; how many of you remember it is based on food you are forced to go to school, go to job, do many things which you don’t want to do? Raise your hand, let me see. Yes, even I can raise.

With that pattern only my parents used to always keep me, try to keep me in the house, because I want to run away at the age of twelve itself. And I did. I did. When I was twelve, I ran away. Just few months before I met the person who brought me back. I ran away to a place called Vadalur. In Tamil Nadu, there is a great saint Vallalar; because the family always used to talk about food. ‘If you run away, if you become sannyasi, what will happen to food? What will happen to food?’ I know one place in Tamil Nadu where they give food every day without missing: that’s Vallalar’s place. I heard about their Annadaana. I thought ‘then I won’t have a problem about food; I will go and stay there and do my spiritual practices.’ I ran away. Finally I, even then, where I ran away? I ran away to a place where I am given food regularly.

So, understand, even when you refuse to go to school, they tell you ‘if you do not go to school and study, you will not have job, you will not have food, you will have to beg for food, you will die without food. So you have to study, settle down in a job to earn and eat.’

To settle down with the ways of the society, the first thing, fear created in us is food. Once you bend for that, first weapon of the society uses to turn you, over. Then all the other weapons are thrown on you. And the first weapon society uses to control you is food.

Understand, because of these reason, every one of you will be carrying some or other incompletions with food. You need to complete that. You need to complete that. Nirahara Samyama is the space for completing all your patterns with food and awakening the extraordinary bio-memory, ability to produce food directly from space and ether and air.


It is food, it is food which is the first and foremost, which is the first and foremost pattern, pattern and incompletions you will be suffering with. So, for Nirahara Samyama, first thing you should start doing all the food-related incompletions you carry in your life, complete with them. Complete with Annapoorni. Understand, complete with Annapoorni. Complete with all the patterns created based on food and do this Kriya, Nirahara Samyama Kriya. Naturally, the Nirahara Samyama Kriya will awaken your bio-memory to produce the food directly from space. I do it very systematically, scientifically-proved valid method, step by step. First, only the solid food is removed from your life. You are brought to liquid diet. Then, slowly, slowly, slowly the liquid is reduced. Continuously, you are medically observed. Only then, after a thorough medical observation, may be after six months, you are allowed to live as Nirahari, you are initiated into Nirahara.


So, it’s a four-level process.

First level, two day, just forty-eight hours you try.

Second level, seven days you try. That seven days level only, all the food-related patterns will come up: irritation, agitation, feeling poor – ‘I can’t even eat or what? Then why should I work so much? I went to this Swami. He made me not even eat.’ Hatred related to food, everything will come out. If you can continue, continue, continue to complete with all that and stay in your decision to awaken your bio memory.

The third, third phase is eleven days. You will almost cross psychological components and incompletions related to food, psychological patterns and incompletions related to food.

Then, ‘The Samyama’, the fourth level, your bio-memory will be awakened to be without food; your bio-memory will be initiated by proper kriyas to directly assume, directly create energy from water and sun, space, nature. Then you will be able to live this lifestyle.

From July 1st, through Sadhna TV and Lotus TV, I will be teaching the science of Nirahara Samyama and the Kriya, I have developed a special Kriya for Nirahara Samyama which you can be doing.



It is intelligence in your system, intelligence in your bio-memory. It is your birthright. That is all I can say about Nirahara Samyama.

The essence of today’s satsang:

Nirahara state is your birthright. Food is not your birthright. Now I am seeing Government passing a law, ‘Right of Food’ Bill. I tell you, right to be a Nirahari is your birthright, not just food. The science of Nirahara should be taught to every one of you guys.


I have done enough of medical research and documentation on the science I am talking – Nirahara Samyama. Even people with so many diseases got healed completely. Anemic people get healed by not eating. Can you imagine? Gastric trouble gets healed by not eating. Stomach ulcer gets healed by not heating. Of course, obesity getting healed is usual. Many things which you think will be aggravated by not eating as per the Allopathy, completely gets healed by this Nirahara Samyama; because it is done with a proper Kriya and right context, right understanding.


Rudrabishekam sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-6-13-3.JPG Morning PadhaPuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-6-13-12.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-6-13-1.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-6-13-2.JPG Satsang on Nirahara Samyama http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8201-26-6-13-7.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8200-26-6-13-8.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8198-26-6-13-9.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/_MG_8193-26-6-13-10.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-6-13-13.JPG Final Blessings - IMG_8080.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8313.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8306.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8305.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8301.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8299.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8297.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8285.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8284.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8282.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8281.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8277.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8271.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8254.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8240.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8230.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8227.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8217.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8213.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8210.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8252.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8266.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8248.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8228.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8224.JPG Lotustv Swamiji - _MG_8223.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8200.JPG Nithya Satsang - IMG_8064.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8202.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8198.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8191.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8193.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8197.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8192.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8188.JPG Nithya Satsang - _MG_8189.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8057.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8044.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8042.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8041.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8040.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8028.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8027.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8017.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8007.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8006.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8005.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - _MG_8183.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - _MG_8182.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - _MG_8178.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - _MG_8177.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8038.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8039.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8035.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8031.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8034.JPG Pratyaksha Padapuja - IMG_8029.JPG