December 29 2013

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Nithyananda Diary | Padapuja | Satsang | Meditation | Kalpataru Darshan


In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals that through authentic listening of the self, we can achieve self-completion. By listening to our mind and allowing it to speak, without passing judgment, we can melt down our deep incompletions. Completion is a required component to cause our reality to happen. Let us provide authentic listening to ourselves and bring authenticity to the cause of our existence!

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way video-conferencing in many cities and many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Oman-Sivagangai, Colorado Springs-USA, Katmandu-Nepal, New Jersey, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Winnipeg-Canada, New York-Varanasi, Washington DC-Sripuram, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, London-Kashi, Bogota-Columbia, Verkala-Kerala, Indrani-New Jersey, Austin-Texas, Sparta-New Jersey, Port Washington-New York, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Diego-Tirualavai, Singapore-Singapuram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Melbourne-Australia.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!

I’ll expand on the truth of Causing Enlightenment.

Understand, when you want to cause enlightenment in others, don’t even expect the other person will understand either the depth of enlightenment or your sincerity. Please understand, your authenticity or what you are trying to do, its depth to the other person, for whose sake, I’m dedicating my life, those fools are only trying to hurt me! It’s like the root is abusing the fruit, but the fruit exists to become a seed and create more and more roots. And, I can put it in this way also: The root only supplies energy to the fruit and the fruit is abusing the root.

Understand, that is what is life. If they know that they need our service, then what we are offering is no more service, it’s a business. Serving the person who doesn’t even know he needs your service is real sacrifice. That really needs strength, courage to serve!

So, the first thing you need to understand, do not expect the other person will completely realize the reality of what you are teaching. Even if you help a person to get out of a headache, or knee pain, it is causing enlightenment! Understand, by giving one meal, if you remove hunger from him for the next few hours, that is causing enlightenment. If you just give a few clothes and help him to protect himself from the weather that is causing enlightenment. Giving him medical care and helping him to come out of some physical suffering, that is causing enlightenment. Giving him the knowledge of Completion and helping him come out of psychological sufferings and mental pains, it is causing enlightenment. Helping him evolve consciously and get enlightened, it is causing enlightenment. As multiple dimensions!

Please listen! Align your whole thinking, whole life for others. The secret of success is: Your sincerity to be a cause for others’ reality. Whatever field you may be in; whether you are a doctor, or an engineer, or a spiritual leader, lawyer, political leader, social leader, a student, a teacher, whatever may be your life, your profession, your sincerity to cause others’ reality makes you successful. Your sincerity to cause what people want in their lives, that is the secret, that is the formula, that is the methodology for success. Be a catalyst for everyone to realize their reality.

A lawyer should be a catalyst for everyone to get justice. A doctor should be a catalyst for everyone to have health. A politician should be a catalyst for everyone to have whatever possible growth, auspiciousness, good things in their lives. A teacher should be a catalyst for everyone to have knowledge. A spiritual leader should be a catalyst for everyone to have enlightenment. Decide that your life will be a catalyst for others’ reality.

I tell you, when you start causing others’ reality, suddenly from thousands of directions, ten thousand hands will come and cause your life into reality. That will be caused as reality. I tell you, so much of auspiciousness will be showered on you. So many wonderful things will be expressed through you.

Whenever I say, ‘Cosmos showers’, I can’t contain my smile. It’s like these school boys, when they fall in this puppy love, whenever their girlfriends’ names are uttered, they cannot contain the smile in their hearts. I tell you, my puppy love was this concept! Because this was told to me by Raghupathi Yogi. He actually demonstrated, still I remember.

There was a Naga Linga flower tree in Arunachala Temple; I’m so happy these fellows didn’t touch that tree, it’s still alive, and it is there. The tree is still there in the temple. There is a place called Krittigai Mandapam where Raghupathi Yogi used to teach yoga to me and some more students he had. The tree is there, next to that mandapam. He told me, ‘Go and tell that tree that you will water that tree every day and that you will send your love to that tree for it to flower’. That tree was not flowering for quite a long time, he told me to do that. I said, ‘okay’, and started doing that. Maybe it took one month, suddenly one day when I went there i saw the whole tree had so many flowers! And, please understand, when I touched that tree and did the same practice I used to do, I’d feel that I was giving my love and feelings, my support that the tree should flower and it should be happy. When I touched that tree, I tell you, I have not shaken that tree; I was a small boy, I could not shake the whole tree and all that; when I touched that tree, at least a hundred flowers showered! Literally showered on me!

This word “Cosmos Showers” was given to me by Raghupathi Yogi experientially. That is why when I utter that word, I can’t contain my smile. I tell you, be cause for others’ reality. I wanted to repeat this line, ‘Be a cause for others’ reality, because, being a cause for others’ reality is your being the cause for your Being’. When you are authentically, sincerely causing others’ reality, suddenly you will realize that IS your cause.

As long as you have some hidden agenda, selfish agenda, the fear whether that agenda will be fulfilled or not will always be there in you. Just drop all agenda and decide you will cause only others’ reality. After that, even if you want to suffer, Cosmos will say, ‘Hey, you cannot be tortured, go, go, you are not a rowdy’. I saw a Tamil movie, there’s a comedy scene, one comedian says, ‘I am also a rowdy, take me to the police station, arrest me, put me in jail’. They’ll say, ‘No, no, no, you are not a rowdy, you cannot be put in jail, go, go!’ Same way, you will tell the Cosmos, ‘Come on, I am a human being, kill me! torture me, put me in suffering’. Cosmos will say, ‘No, no, no, no, for all that you are useless, go, go, go!’

Understand, bring sincerity to the context of your existence! That is where the whole thing boils down. That is where you get the confidence about you. See, not bringing right context to the existence of your self, is self-denial. One side of your heart will tell you, ‘No, no, no, let me decide to be authentically, sincerely be cause for others’ reality’. But, the other part of you will say, ‘No, no, no if you are that sincere people will cheat you, exploit you’. As if you have something to lose. You don’t have anything other than this stinking six-foot body. What else is there for you to lose? And, those foolish, stupid plans and projects you have grown in that six-foot body without having intelligence and responsibility; only those things are left. I tell you, decide to bring Authenticity to the cause of your existence. Why you exist and what is the context from which you want to operate. Bring sincerity into that! Whatever Incompletions your mind brings out, ‘No, no, no, if I start causing others’ reality, they will exploit me, my time will be wasted, and maybe they will try to cause harm to me’. Whatever Incompletions come up, understand as early as possible, those Incompletions are not going to bring any fulfillment in your life and Complete with them! They will only be distracting and destroying you. The earlier you understand, the better for you. Those Incompletions which do not allow the sincerity into the context of your existence is Self-denial.

‘Átma Hathya’, in Sanskrit there’s a beautiful word, ‘Átma Hathya’. This same word is used for suicide also. I’ll expand why. Suicide is not just killing your body, making you useless for yourself and others is also suicide. So, the first thing you need to do is, authentically listen to yourself! That is the basic survey you need to do. It is a Poorva Paksha you need to do for your life. The Poorvanga you need to do as your life.

What have you done with your life from the moment you were born or you know that you exist? Usually between 0 to 3 years, that is the age you start remembering that you ‘exist’, you start realizing that you exist. Between the ages of 3 to 7 you start realizing you exist as a body or mind. Then from 7 to 14 years of age, patterns develop! Your attitude, identity, qualification, personality, qualities. The Vyaktitva starts developing. The first thing, listen to yourself authentically, ‘What have I done with my life from the moment I knew I exist? Is it looking like a big mess, or is it looking like a little mess, a little bliss or is it looking like a little mess and a lot of bliss, or is it looking like a lot of mess and little bliss?’ First, take a stock. And one more thing, when you take stock don’t believe what your mind says. I’m only telling listen to your mind, don’t believe your mind. Authentically provide listening! Let your mind cry and tell all the sob stories, conduct the TV serial, ‘Oh, ten years ago that fellow poked me here, this boy poked me here, and my friend put the pencil on my body, this girl took away my chappal’. Let your mind tell everything, nothing wrong. Everything your mind sings, listen authentically. I’m not asking you to believe and same way I’m not saying ‘don’t believe’, don’t pass any judgment whether it is right or wrong, just listen!

By just providing authentic listening to you, you will melt down the deep depressions created by your own incompletions with you. I tell you, just sit and listen to you. Provide authentic listening to yourself.

Our Banyan Tree and Vaidyasarovar, these two are the best places! For Completion, go to Kaalabhairava. For authentic listening, go to Banyan Tree. Sit with Kalpavriksha, listen to yourself authentically, provide authentic listening to yourself in the breathing space of Kalpavriksha. That is why, thousand feet around the Kalpavriksha nobody else can live only we can live. You see how many people have tried to make what all, no one can do anything, because that is the breathing space of Kalpavriksha. It is equivalent to a Temple. You cannot build any other house or home, you can only build Temple, you can only do Spiritual activities there. It’s the presence of Mahadeva. Sit and provide authentic listening to yourself.

Usually when you try to listen to yourself, the first thing your mind will do is throw tantrum, it will cry, then it will make you feel bored, then it will tell you that you are tired. Listen to all the three, only after that you will understand, what the Incompletions you are carrying are. Till then, you don’t even know what incompletions you are carrying, understand. Don’t miss life, without even knowing the Incompletions you are carrying. It is like some fellow who comes all the way from US in business class ticket, from the airport he takes a cab, comes to the Adheenam, goes around and just steals one old chappal and escapes, goes back to his house and when he’s trying to wear it he understands that he brought two different sized chappals from two different people and it is not fitting.

That is exactly what you are doing in the planet earth. With so much of difficulty you took this body, came down just to steal the chappals which will not be fitting for your feet. After you go back and check you will understand, ‘Oh god, I just went to steal a chappal? And that also not fitting me and both chappals are two different sizes and shapes?’ When you leave the body you will understand you have only stolen chappal.

Don’t miss life like this. First, catch what your Incompletions are by providing authentic listening to yourself. See, when you provide authentic listening to you, you will also realize so many wonderful good things you have. You will also learn how to cause ‘Enlightenment to others’.

Yesterday I was talking to my Tamil Publication department, I was training them and giving them feedback about one of the books that was translated, I told them, ‘First, give these books to ten fellows who are common Tamilians, who are not intellectuals, who don’t know the language much, who just read newspapers and listen to the Television news, see some movies; choose some ten people, give each of them one copy of the book and make them read and let them underline all the words they do not understand, then correct those words and bring it to me only then we will publish it’. There was a book getting translated in Tamil, one of my books. I also told them, not thinking for the person whom you are serving is ego, arrogance.

It’s like a story I always repeat, ‘In the school, one day the NCC teacher told all the students, ‘NCC boys, every day you have to do one good act and come back and report to me’.

What does it mean ‘a good act’? Giving water to somebody, or helping some old person to cross the road, or giving a meal to somebody; these are all good acts.

Next day, in the NCC class, six boys stood up and said, ‘Sir, today all of us did a good act’.

The teacher asked, ‘Tell me each one of you guys what you did’.

All of them shouted in chorus, ‘All of us, all six of us helped an old lady to cross the road’.

The teacher was shocked, he said, ‘It took six people to help one old lady cross the road?’

They said, ‘Yes sir, she was adamant and didn’t want to cross the road, we had to forcibly lift her and cross the road’.

See, not thinking about the person whom you are serving is ego, arrogance. To whom you are serving, you don’t think about his need, whether you translate and publish a book or give a speech, talk into the listening of the listener! You will learn that only if you provide authentic listening to yourself. Be sincere about listening to yourself. I tell you that’s the most joyful spiritual practice that I have done. Listening to myself! I’ll sit on the banks of Ganga, not for a few hours, but day in and day out. The sun will rise and fall, moon will rise and fall, I’ll just sit. If the sun just comes out of the Victoria Hall, I used to sit on the banks of Ganga in Calcutta, a place called Thelghat in Howrah, just opposite on the other side of the banks is the Victoria Memorial; if the sun comes out of the Victoria Memorial, I know it is daytime, if the moon comes out of the Victoria Memorial, I know it is night time, that’s all.

Day in and day out I used to sit. I tell you, suddenly I realized, just like many things floating on the Ganga, thoughts are floating in me but neither the things floating corrupts, pollutes Ganga nor the thoughts floating in me corrupts or pollutes me. Provide authentic listening to you, you will understand that your sufferings are not your sufferings because you are suffering.

Listen, just provide authentic listening to yourself

Mahadeva is here in this campus in the form of living Banyan Tree. Please understand, all over the world, in any temple, He is only in the Jata, in the matter He lives only as the Consciousness. Only we have ‘Chaitanya Vigraha’. A living Vigraha, a living deity, the Kalpavriksha. Mahadeva is here as a juice of that Banyan Tree; as the leaf of the Banyan Tree; as the branch of that Banyan Tree. His intense presence! So just sit and provide authentic listening to yourself. I tell you, nothing else is required other than providing authentic listening to yourself for you to achieve Self-Completion. For your Self-Completion – Swapoornatva, nothing else is required other than providing authentic listening.

Essence of this whole year’s Satsang and the essence of today’s satsang both put together, the essence of essence is ‘Provide authentic listening to yourself’.

Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Photos Of The Day:






Paramahamsa Nithyananda, authentic listening, mind, completion, reality, authenticity, existence.