November 15 2011

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Satha siva samarambam sangarachariya mathyamam asmathachariya baryantham vanthe guru paramparam. I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samayees , satsangees sitting with us around the world at this moment in 260 places through eN-TV, 17 places through two way Nayana theeksha ,119 cities in 16 countries. Cities sitting with us two way Nayana Theeksha…Ohio pryar, Los Angeles Arunachala, Singapoor Singapuram, San Jose Madurai, Seattle Sithamparam, Scottsdale Arizona, George Washington New York, Atlanta Ujjaini, Oman, Austin, Guadalupe Rameshvaram, Oklahoma Somanatham, Malasia Palani, Victoria Australia, Toronto Kylash, Charlotte Shree Sailam, Bangalore North. I welcome you all with my love and respects. 02:26 The 2012 truth not just prophesy (the word just need to be added...)..not just prophesy. This new book has been released, your manual to prepare for conscious transition. 2012, the e-book was released at the Alchemy event on 11-11-11, now it is available online, many people have already downloaded it, it’s available for all of you. Go to for more information. 03:08 All right. Come on show me then..What you are playing…..? Samarpani blessings for you, I’ll be with you. 03:43 Let us start the today’s Satsang in Bhagavad Gita..oh second chapter same 67 th verse, I’m still stuck, still I have not found the complete solution so I’ll answer your questions. Ranac Majunthar from Freeman California is asking, Nithyanandam swamiji, I have a question, Arjuna was in deep depression according to the first chapter of the Gita, but by second chapter his sahasrara

was completely open as you mentioned, how did this happen so quickly without any sathana or thapas on his part? Is there a way for us also to progress so fast? Understand he was completely open to Krishna. His tremendous trust on Krishna that was something extraordinary. He just got it back that’s it nothing else. He just got it back. For few moments, he also suffered in depression but see falling is not wrong never raising is wrong. Never raising again is wrong. Arjuna fell no doubt but he got up. Immediately he got up. Stood up and ….he doesn’t have ego..ah what I said is true. No he is ready. See courage is nothing but ability to put yourself on right track. Power is nothing but ability to put you on right track. Putting yourself on right track, Arjuna never lost that. Arjuna is really a amazing devotee, disciple ….in a way even beloved of Krishna. So he never lost that strong feeling connection. So when he got back, immediately he …..his sahasrara was open, available ….. 06:49 The other day, one of our ashramite did not take the responsibility in the Welcome centre, the department, so immediately the restructuring wanted to transfer to the branch, I said go ahead perfectly alright. But the person was supposed to have been lived around me even in the past. Then immediately I told people who are making the decisions …..Just like Arjuna only, when they in depression they need to be treated. It’s a treatment. Just like Arjuna , how Arjuna came back let this person also come back then let them have the blessing of physically living around my presence. So it’s like a…..just because you fall into depression once, the whole thing doesn’t get lost and same way just because you have so many great qualities it is not that you don’t fall into depression. 07:55 Just because Arjuna had hundred good qualities that does not mean he never fell into depression, he fell into depression. Just because he fell into depression, it’s not that all good qualities are lost, no. So it was a struggle on the journey. Whatever is said and done, Arujuna has a tremendous punya, merit. His whole life is filled with Krishna Leela. 08:32 I know one king, who lived in south India, he is well known for his…he is a freedom fighter, his name was Kattabomman. I was driving for some satsang , suddenly the team which came with me stopped my car in one place and showed me this is the place where Kattabomman was hanged by the British. I just got down and look, I saw completely like a samathi of siddha purusha, energy was….. This fellow after all a king…..See patriotism, nationalism, fighting for freedom and all is only political, that will not bring enlightenment. Enlightenment is completely different area, is completely different zone. I’m not saying patriotism is wrong, I’m not saying patriotism can give enlightenment, enlightenment is totally different thing. So I can never imagine, what is this eh….. Kattabomman, there is huge memorial where he was hanged by the British, then I took his black box, how his death happened. He did not become enlighten when he was alive, but he is great devotee of Subramanya of Thiruchendur. So from Thiruchendur temple to his fort he has made bell towers. Means once the puja is done in the Thiruchendur temple they will ring the bell, then how much distance the bell will be heard, maybe for one kilo meter, there

will be next tower, they will ring the next bell , then one more kilo meter they will ring the bell , till his ford he has made the bell, only when he receives the bell he will eat. Literally he was living with Subramanya swami …of Thiruchendur. When I saw, when I opened his black box and saw how he become enlighten, see his whole memory was just completely about Subramanya swami of Thiruchendur , there is nothing else in him. He fought for the land to protect the temple and culture, nothing else. Then I realized, oh you should not classify him under nationalist, you should not classify him under patriotic, patriot… that’s too small title for him. He is a spiritual patriot, he want to keep the life of the Bharath so he wanted the land. Understand there are two types of patriots, some fellows who fought for the land so they can be in power… they can be in power. Some people fought for the land so the great spiritual tradition will be in power. I’m going to support this second kind of patriotism. You will see I’m going to create a huge patriotic movement in India. We want to protect this land to protect our culture, our tradition, our spiritual enlightenment. Where is my patriot? Oh today he is not here… I have many people come to my ashram for patriotism reason. 12:29 So suddenly I realized, oh god … see actually I had a new click about patriotism one thing, second I never expected this guy to become enlighten! See throughout his life he was doing only mundane things, he was living as a king, and had enough of women and everything around him, everything a king will have, he had everything. But guy become enlighten! And especially he was hanged, see he was murdered…murdered and…if you are murdered or committing suicide then no question of enlightenment, you have to be waiting. But in this case there was no waiting! All the regular rules and regulations of the society is broken, there is a cosmic law it is just broken, means such a strong connection, there was nothing else inside him except Subramanya swami of Thiruchendur. And I saw completely inside, he was having only that Muruga, Muruga, Muruga that name, he had his own mantra, must have been initiated by some siddha , only that name where the…the knot settling on his body. See when the…when they hanged him, the knot settles in this area (swamiji was pointing to a spot on back of the neck and a spot around adams apple) and this area, this two area only the exact ….in his body the exactly that suffering has happened. So I saw the whole suffering was clearly intertwined with that mantra…this fellow become enlighten. Understand same way Arjuna even though he was in depression, his whole being is filled with Krishna. I never imagined Kattabomman is an enlighten… I really wanted to talk to those locality people, you should have a guru puja festival for him, guru puja means the day he left the body, remembering him and doing puja , should not be political function, it should be a spiritual function.

14:56 Just like Thevar… Thevar is another one great saintly being, well known in southern part of Tamil Nadu, he is a politician and a great spiritual revolutionary. Small time politician but big time spiritual revolutionary. But this Kattabomman was always associated as a rebel and revolutionary and freedom

fighter, never had a spiritual identity. First time I was shocked that this felow become enlighten, he become a Jeevan Mukta . The reason was his whole being was filled with Subramanya swami of Thiruchendur. I tell you Arjuna was also completely filled with Sri Krishna, there was not much empty space. So I want all you guys to understand, just because you fall into depression once it is not that all the good qualities in you goes away. Sometimes people come and tell me, oh I’ve been around you so many years but still I fall into depression … then why don’t you die. Yes you fell into depression that does not mean all the good things disappeared from you, no.

16:47 You need to understand Arjuna never lost his complete feeling connection. It was covered like a cloud, how the cloud covers the sun, it was covered, again it opened. Arjuna is intelligent enough to drop his ego and tell shishyastheham, I’m your disciple, please forgive me, I want to learn, I want to know. Arjuna is a powerful being, he is powerful enough do this job. That is the reason, immediately in second chapter itself the sahasrara open, happened. 17:43 Next question this is Balaji Iyengar from Vijay Nagar, Dear Swamiji is being established in efficient action also a meditation? In the highly efficient state are we in the zero thought zone? Balaji you are right. Being established in efficient action and not bothered about result is meditation. But if you are still suffering, see I tell you, when you remember, when you predict you are going to have negative result, the suffering spreads all over your body, that wrong signals spreads your body should be stopped, that’s all. Your nervous system should be so heavy that any pain, suffering related news should not send chills in your body. It should not be affecting your body. 19:06 To have that kind of heavy nervous system, you need to do only one thing. Men need to build the body heavily through adai yoga, women need to make them completely flexible… Actually once, one person came to me for healing, healing for some problem in the Kalpatru tharshan, I put my hand on the head, immediately I saw that problem disappeared. I was shocked because usually it takes few seconds for the energy to penetrate and settle down and then sometimes even few hours or few weeks… few days for them to come out of the….. get healed completely. I was shocked, I wanted to know that person’s profession, I asked what are you doing, the person said she is working in circus. Oh then I… god how come circus and…..what all is connected…what all things in what all way…unimaginable … Because they work with the body so strongly continuously she was completely ready. It is not she is enlightened, but the system was receiving the subtle energy. I don’t want to say all the women working in the circus are enlightened, but they are all ready for the higher conscious experience, spiritual

enlightenment. Spiritual growth. Same way people who build their body through the hata yoga, they are also like a ready to receive the higher experience. The bliss that we experience 21:25 The next question, so I’ll answer this Balaji Iyengar completely. Balaji, so along with your being established in efficient action, just don’t bother about the result, that’s all. You are in zero TPS, zero thought zone. This is Vishwas from Mulund Mumbai. Beloved Master, is the bliss that we experience in your presence also an attachment to be overcome? I don’t want to say attachment to be overcome but go on renouncing it. Give it away. So that more and more happens. See attachment to overcome means you need to run away from it. This is not attachment you need to overcome. But if you go on renouncing it, you will have more and more. So I can’t use the word attachment for this. Same way I can’t tell you, you are in right zone keep quite. No. 22:26 If you are experiencing intense bliss in my presence , I don’t want to say there ends everything. No. Just don’t try to hold that bliss for a long time or continuously just drop it. The moment you step out of my physical presence just expect that let it be forgotten. It goes away. Its ok. Go on unclutching from that also. Then you will see that bliss becomes solid, solid experience in you. That is what I would really recommend. But you should not use the word attachment for it because see for example if I am attached to this object I have to give up this up because I need to be integrated. 23:24 But, if I give up that does not mean I will have more and more ipods no. But with bliss, if you go on giving up you will have more and more deeper and deeper . higher and higher frequency. So there is a difference. It is neither attachment nor I am asking you to be in that same that it is ultimate no. Next question from Virudunagar, Arun Vijay from Virudunagar. Swamiji how can I overcome the fear of losing my form and my boundary during meditation , please guide me. Oh God. The only way is death meditation. You need to go and sit in your city cemetery. Sit silently and watch dead bodies being continuously burnt. But of course in Virudunagar I don’t think you will get continuously dead bodies to watch. Better go to Varanasi and stay there for a at least 11 days in manikarnika ghat. I tell you I give this as a tapas for all our devotees, disciples who have death fear. 24:52 Go to Varanasi, sit in Manikarnika Ghat, for ten days or eleven days watch dead bodies being burnt. Simply your body will, your body will imbibe the intelligence. Like this only today this body is going to be

burnt. You don’t have to think No No your mind will imbibe and it may not digest No. And now we have our own ashram in manikarnika ghat in Varanasi. Historical place where swamiji had a death experience. Our Varanasi ashram, Manikarnika branch is inaugurated, go and stay there, our bhramacharis are there they will give you food. And you can sit and meditate. You will come out of this fear or very simple thing I can tell you. 25:55 Arun Vijay just attend NSP that’s all. I can give you both, one going to Varanasi and staying there for a week sa for eleven days. And seeing continuously dead bodies being burnt. I tell you first half an hour only you will feel like vomiting and you will not be able to eat food because when the moment you get the food in front of your plate only that dead bodies burning will come in front of your eyes. And especially the fat of the stomach burning. They will not keep too much wood when it starts burning you see the fat just dripping in the side. And one leg will be falling apart. One hand will be falling apart. Then that dom raja’s assistants will come and take it and put it back again and burn it. He he small place also na so I tell you will not be able to eat you will feel likewaa vomiting all this only for half an hour one hour. Sit attentively attend. What can be done? In one or two days I tell you, your body is intelligent. It’ll just catch eee just like that body, this body is also going to be burnt. 27:30 I had attachment to my long hair. That one attachment I could not give up. Of course now it is not attachment no but just I am enjoying it. I used to have long hair jata. I’ll always feel that, I’ll tie the jata in different ways and put rudraksha on it. And somehow my idea of yogi is associated with long hair only. And this Ramakrishna Mission you are supposed to shave. I hate. Even if I shave I’ll keep that shika in a big way little bigger than other bhramacharies. So that that will grow like a shiva jata and I’ll use that to create jata on my head. 28:21 So I was thinking are c’mon if I am having this attachment to the long jata how will I become enlightened. Then after death I may take one more birth with lot of hair all around the body. And having jata everywhere. Only in va Varanasi in manikarnika ghat that jata attachment disappeared. Because I saw the hair burning in two seconds. Two second the whole hair gets burnt. Other things at least takes little time. The hair pussspusss that’s all. They put the camphor there only na. The moment they put the fire the hair goes away. 29:04 I thought oh god like this only this hair is also going to go. I do all sorts of things and I’ll to make it as a jata I’ll tie a small black threads on it. And keep thme together so that it’ll become a jata like shiva jata. Once they become a shiva jata then I’ll remove that black thread and put another one knot with black thread. I thought oh god I am spending all this time and decorating it in all this way and this will be burnt just like this two seconds.

29:42 Whole attachment went away. After that neither I felt about the jata nor I bothered about decorating it. So I tell you manikarnika ghat is best solution. Go and sit there and completely see how the dead bodies are being burnt day in and day out. That is the best thing. Ma Nithya prema manohari from copen hagen, in Denmark. Thanks to swamijis grace, opportunity for financial ends from my personal expansion are becoming available without my efforts in any way. It has been nothing short of a miracle for me to get money and to attend inner awakening and engenius. Get nayana deeksha at home for swamijis satsangh. Swamiji has taken care of everything. Great. Prema manohari enjoy. 30:58 Next question, ravi from Vancouver Canada. Dear Swamiji, why one should become neutral or so called impotent to physical needs. Is not the very creation of male and female and the senses also the gift of existence? See I am not saying you should become neutral, but beyond certain level when you raise to a level, you become neutral. Please understand, he is asking is not the very creation of the male and female and the senses also the gift of existence. Yes monkey is also the gift of existence but monkeys evolved as a human being. So senses are also gift of existence, you can evolve to the next level also. See, being a monkey is not crime 31:49 But when you do the some spiritual process you evolve naturally the next level happens.While savoring the gift of existence cant we achieve the same highest coherence that we can achieve through renunciation. Ravi no. You are asking me to give you some comfortable solution. No. it Is not going to happen. Especially for you I am telling you, unless you become physcically impotent you are not going to cross be very clear. Because exactly that is where you are caught, that is where it is going to be torture for you. 32:26 That is why you are trying to have very nice justification. Ravi you are caught now. Being monkey is not wrong but when you evolve that naturally disappears. Don’t use this big big word o that is also creation of the existence and all that. Then there is there is so much of plants which are creation of the existence but they are poisonous why don’t you eat them. 33:03 So, Alright Ma Nithyananda Pragnya from Sanjose. Regarding the education systems that you spoke about recently. My 12 year old son is intelligent but he does not like school. Does not know why he has to lern so much of the info that is not practical. Pragnya I really feel for your son. If he was there in

Indian village like me he would have become like me. And it is unfortunate he is forced into the school. He generally does very well but also tends to sometimes withdraw from completing work and resents going. I can see that his joy is gone . Could you please guide me how to help him cope. Pragnya I’ll really tell you it’ll be good if you put him in the home schooling. Don’t send him to school. Do the home schooling. If you don’t have the facility of home schooling get them to our gurukul. Till the age of 14 I don’t show them any text book in their eyes. 34:16 Text books are responsible for all the suffering of the human beings. I don’t show them any text book. So understand if he was fortunate enough to be in indian village. See in Indian villages in our time and all teacher himself will not come to the school what about student. No really. So in a way it was great and good. But I really feel you should put your son into home schooling. If you don’t have that kind of a atmosphere or facilities get them to our gurukul. That’s it. 35:11 If you don’t do any one of this two and go on torturing him with the school, be very clear he is going to take revenge on you. Next question, Santosh from Sanjose. Kindly tell us more about Ananda Gandha Chakra and how to remain centered in it. See unless you are initiated Ananda Gandha will not be activated in you. So I may not want to talk more about it. I may ask you to go through the healing initiation program. You can have the healing initiation. That will be the best thing. Best way to understand and experience about ananda gandha 36:06 Next question Rukmini from Chennai. Does freeing from triguna means nt having engrams or not reacting to engrams. Rukmini Freeing from trigunya for your level it will be not reacting to engrams. The really not having engrams happens only when you have become enlightened. Not reacting to engrams is what you can reach by your sadhana. So work for not reacting to engrams 36:40 Next Iwer Marks from Toronto Canada. Sean Isebella , Mangi [ name not clear] from Vancouver Canada. Both of them asking same question. During the Nithya Kriya a few days ago.You’d asked us to surrender al pleasure and pain to ananda Gandha . How does one do this. At those moments just remember this below the anahata above the manipuraka that area and relax yourself into it. That’s all. Relax and focus bring your attention on that area. That’s it . nothing else. 37:19

Ananda from Bloomington USA.Ilinois. Is it possible to feel the point of anada gandha anywhere in the body. I used to feel it only between the manipuraka and anahata chakra. But now I feel a pin point of bliss at the top of my head. Ananda, top of your head is only sahasrara. Ananda Gandha is only felt between Manipuraka and Anahata. Next Shalini from Koling Malaysia. Swamii I have so much of crowd phobia that I will stammer even if I will talk in front of a small crowd. I was taking sleeping tablets. During the 28 th ot satsangh I was waiting with a deep hope that just by sitting in 2 way connection and doing any kriya also in front of you, I’ll get rid of thee sleeping difficulties. Suddenly you announced that today’s kriya is for insomnia care. It was beyond my hope. Since I did that kriya I am sleeping peacefully swamiji on nov 3 rd you also granted my prayer that I would make my college presentation without stammering in front of my lecturer and classmates. It is unbelievable. Thankyou so much for being with me each and every moment. 38:50 Now I am receiving lot of these emails about this kriyas. See I request all our devotees volunteers. Our peo audience youtube viewers everybody. If you are going to take up this nithya kriya for blood pressure. Check your pressure and get medical certificate. Do this kriya for 21 days. Then again do the medical certificate. Check the pressure and do the medical report and send it both of both to us. For diabeties same, like this sleeping same. Send your earlier condition and prescription Now your condition your able to sleep without medication. 39:42 Send us the report before Nithya Kriya , After Nithya Kriya. So the Nithya Kriya effect on you will be recorded will be useful for many people. And it will be useful for our own research and development in our R&D. So next chitra jayaraman from Chennai. I often see you in my dreams. How do I know if you are rally communicating with me or just my imagination. Chitra if you are seeing in me in color dress. Means if you are able to see the color of my dress. Like orange or white or yellow or red some color. If you are able to see me in color then I am appearing. If it is just black and white then it is your imagination. Usually I don’t allow anybody to play proxy for me. Of course unless you plan to create a morphed video. So maximum chitra jayaraman must be my darshan. 41:01 Teresa from USA. How can I enjoy my existence without my body and mind. Only without your body and mind you even know your existence Teresa. With body and mind you are only enjoying your body and mind not your existence.

Alright we will enter into today’s kriya. Todays Kriya is also very powerful kriya. I may ask you to have glass of water around you. I may also ask you to run for 1,2,3 and come back. Three minutes break, because the kriya is going to be very powerful. I also discovered one more thing. This kriya helps people to receive teleported objects or materialize. I designed this kriya mainly only for curing memory loss. Means curing all memory related problems issues. But after doing R&D with this kriya I realized, that part of the brain is also getting awakened. 42:23 You see your memory and part of the brain which is realted to receiving teleported objects both parts are one and the same. Telepathy and teleportation both parts are one and the same. So I see people getting awakened to that power also. Todays kriya you may need to master. Means at least 48 days you should do. Only then the completely the problem will be cleared, but it will be healed once for all. This kriya will heal all problems related like a Alzeimers, the problems related to memory loss. Lets start the kriya. Please come to the Veerasana. Veerasana is from Girandha Samvidha Upedesha 2. Verse 17 Place one foot on the other thigh. And fold the other foot backwards. This is termed as Veerasana. Sit in Veerasana. Support your head with one hand because now you are going to do so many strong pranayama . your head needs support . Sit in this posture and inhale and exhale in a relaxed way for few seconds. Let your body settle with that muscle tension. In Veerasana 49:00 Now we will start the next step Nada Kumbhaka. Chant the (h)omkara. When you inhale deeply for prolonged time and hold with (h)om kara inside exhale in a prolonged way with omkara outside. Swami demostartes. Oooommm(inhale). Inside also when you hold ooommmm. Ommmm[ exhale] Understand. When you inhale with a prolonged way ooooommmm. Through nose and mouth both inhaling. When you hold inside oooooommmm hold with homkara. Then when you exhale, exhale with omkara. Do this 21 times,. Hold as long as you can judicially based on your health. [participants do the kriya] 1:03:24 Next step. Trinetra Kumbhaka. Let me describe it is Kumbhakapadadhi 192 nd verse. Inhale first thru right sorry through left. Then again inhale through right. Then again inhale through both and hold. Hold judiciously as much as you can. Then slowly exhale through both nostrils. Do this 21 times. Inhale through left. Without exhaling inhale through right. Without exhaling inhale through both

and hold. Hold judicially as long as you can. And when you cant hold anymore exhale. Very slowly. Do this 21 times. [participants do the kriya] 1:14:58 Next. Thrishula kumbhaka. Kumbhaka padati 193 rd verse.Inhale through the nostrils and also through the mouth simultaneously. hold the breath judiciously as long as you can. Now exhale and relax. When you can’t hold anymore. do this 21 times. Let me show you. Swami demonstrates. Do it 21 times [participants do the kriya] 1:22:27 Relax. This kriya will completely hul..heal and cure all the problems related to memory loss.And if you do this regularly, your memory will be enhanced I bless you all who are sitting with us through en-tv 739 places. 17 places 2 way nayana deeksha. In 233 cities in 37 countries Mamta Varma in Austin blessings to you. I’ll be with you. Let you all achieve, experience,live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you.


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Temple Visit | Pratyaksha Pada Puja | Bhagavad Gita Satsang – 15 November 2011