November 15 2011

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011 “Sadashiva samarambam, Shankaracharya madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 297 places through eNtv, 17 places 2 way Nayana Deeksha, in 110 cities, in 14 countries! I welcome all the cities… sitting with us in 2 way Nayana Deeksha – Los Angeles Arunachala, Singapore,Seeat chid, Ohio Pr, Phoenix Kanchi, SaN Jose Madhu, Port Wash New York, Aruna Tiru, Vadodara, Ok Som, Bang Norht, Rio degenero, Vict aus, toront kail, guad, Malaysia Palani charlotee srisailam. Blessings to ma Nithya prem thirtha birthday blessings. I will be with you. you will be with me! Let us enter into today’s Satsang. I will answer your questions today also  1) Jeremy from California USA – Swamiji I had an accident in my…. Somebody goes to Bhagavan and says Bhagavan, he is a very simple person. he tells Bhagavan. He is a good Sadhu. He tells Bhagavan I feel to live our life 6 rupee is more than enough… Bhagavan laughs and says I feel to live your life you don’t even need body and mind. Why 6 rupee? Und for you to believe you are immortal you don’t even need other leg, other hand… are not able to be immortal? Your whole body is mortal. When I say immortal, which is beyond the body. now you should be able to believe all the more you are immortal. See when you had that one leg, you believed that one leg is you. …. You are alive! Understand when you are able to be alive without one leg, you can be alive without the other leg, …. Reason to believe you are immortal. Jeremy understand step by step. See you say….befasue you are a body, you lost part of your body, how can you be immortal? I am coming from your logic itself…. Now that leg is not there. That is the not the thing you lost your lfie. You are alive, youa re existing! Understand because you lost the leg and still you exist, you have more reasons to believe you are immortal. You can exist you can live without other parts of the body also. 2) Aditya …Swaminji you mentioned in a recent center that one should plan one’s day carefully. Earlier you asked us to jump before you think. Can you explain how can I be disciplined and ….Aditya do any one thing. ….balance. a settled centeredness or discipline your whole day, iron it out. Any one is okay. Any one will lead you to the next level. any one will have a more and more awakening in you. see whatever I am giving is a diff diff diff techniques. But do any one completely. I know See Rama Krishna used to eat only morning breakfast. …Vivekananda used to eat only night dinner…Sharada Devi used to eat only lunch. Nothing else…So one RamaKrishna mision sadhu was eating all the three times….we should not be. He said no in morning I follow RamaKrishna, noon I follow Sharada Devi, evening I follow Vivekananda. Und don’t try to mix and match. You will be in a mess! So either jump before you think constantly that itself will bring a discipline. Or plan your whole day carefully. That will also bring a spontaneity. Any one do it intensely. That’s all I am saying.

3) Swamiji deep gratitude….just wondering if you could give us a Kriya for rejuvenating our kidneys… It is possible. I will give you the Kriya specially for activating, rejunvenating the kidneys again and the cure is possible for….Yogic tradition has really created. See Yogic tradition has created solution for all the existing diseases and diseases which are going to come. They know human beings are in continuous job of creating diseases… Because of the unconsciousness human beings are constantly creating diseases. Our masters they thought, they understood. Where all our unconsciousness can lead and created Kriyas for everything… Only I have not yet started revealing. Soon I will reveal Kriyas for HIV cure, cancer cure and this kidney cure many other diseases which are incurable as per the allopath science….i am very clear I am going to bring new world health order! I am not here fooling around. Come on, I am too serious about what I am talking and I know what I am talking. I am not promoting Yogic Tradition, Vedic Tradition …I mean our tradition has solution for everything. I mean out tradition, the Yogic Tradition not only has the solution for everything, it can snub the problem before even the problem starts. I am really serious. My initial level struggle is only not having infra structure. Und not having….we can do it. I will do it! 4) Preetam =- …you said few days ago that we can directly be released from Samsara….how can a technique be sufficient for such a powerful pattern Unclutching is not an ordinary technique. It is beyond technique. Techniqueless technique..for example I am sahying…if I walk though the 6 feet door ….if I have a 6 feet opening and walk through I will have a 6 feet place. No. walk thought it, you will und, the whole world is waiting for you. same way, unclutching is not a small door. It is a door to the cosmos. It is nto an ordinary technqie. It leads to the complete fulfillment or ultimate liberation or freedcom. So pl und unclutching will destroy the very pattern of making patterns. I can say unclutching is internal earth quake, wild earthquake. Your blood will have Tsunami, your bones will have EQ and your samskaras wil have forest fire. And your Ananda Gandha…. Not the Tsunami in ocean, …in your blood, not the EQ outside, EQ in your bones….unclutching si the knife in the hadns, sword in the hands of Kalki. You are going to be the ultimate incarnation when you use the unclutching. It is a very ..lpowerful … 5) How does one identify one’s life mission and purpose clearly? I can say sit with yourself without letting all the influcences of the society, family, friends. Spend few days just contemplating on it. maybe take up this as a vrata…. Family, friends, contemplate. You will suddenly realize your purpose and mission completely in your life. I have even given some more techniques earlier itself for ppl to find out purpose in their life, … 6) Is Kund a purely mystical phenomena… Everything which is mystical phenomnea has a scientific basis. Science is yet to evolve to our level….whoever funds they guide the research and the result. So 400 yrs with so much of flaw. Btu spir mysticism is at least 4k years without any flaw…repeat …ifnot 400 billion years without any flaws. So und science is yet to catch up with us!

7) Steve from Can kund awakening be controlled thru the mind…if a disease is healed by ..continuing negative mental pattern? Steve, one good thing of the Kund is not only it heals you it frees you from the negative mental pattern also…so mostly you will not have the same negative mental pattern to bring the disease back. 8)….all the three ppl I talked to that day, I felt I was talking to God. The only thing is in one of my relationships, I still feel…. Suvarna – I am not replacing your husband! See I teach you how to love him. he should a ctually be more happy that you have connected to me and living life so happily….i am teaching you to love him, he is teaching you to hate me. see the behavior human mind. It is like both of you go to a counselor…that fellow starts hating the counsellow. What to do now? ….but poor fellow he is unable to understand. Uncon scious guys. Basically man cannot stand another man praising the wife. …men cannot stand if a women looks at even celebrities or actors int eh cinema and movie. Why when you guys look at all woman celebrities. Alright I don’t want to get into that area. But men are basically sick! I tell you. …because of my inspiration. Instead of understanding that, that guy thinks that I am his completion…hs is too small for me. I don’t know how these fools get into this sickness. I think we should treat him as a sick baby. That’s all. 9) I find that when I am in romantic relationship this is where I struggle…super my world mode where I fantacise about past and present…. Super my world more, you are not really in romance. You are in fantasy. Romance is loving the truth, fact. Romance is something like a completely not having fantasy but being in love! Repeat is love. Kara understand, when you are going to that my world mode, you are not in romance you are in fantasy…relax you will realize. 10) I have heard that kund enhances the sexual …infertility problem which I am suffering with since many years. I WILL GIVE kriya for removing, curing infertility problem and I will give Kriya for Bramhacharya both I will give. Of course Brahmachazrya is not becoming impotent…. 11) After KA WILL th eunconsc patterns I inherited from my paretns and grandparents also be destroyed? Sure... 12) Idols in your temples. Ravi idols are not idols, they are deities. When prana pratishtya happens, I myself enter inot it. what has entered into my body ….enters intot he idol to make it deity. Sow ehn it is a deity, it is an ind intelligence response to your prayer, everything. So und it really, really, really, really it can give what you want and take you to the space where you don’t want anything else. It can give you ultimate. Really it can give you even enlgiht. It can act, deity can act as a substitute for living master. That is the reason…..i am so devoted even to my own dieity. Once I energize my paadukas give it to the temples or centers….for the center and kept it in the corner. While I was walking my feel touched that. I bent…the BCs who are talking care of me said …it is a ind intelligence. Paadukai naachiyar now it is a deity. That’s it. even I have to respect it. when I go to

the temple everyday morn, I put my head on my own deity. It is there in the Garbha mandir and I put my head. Treat it with tre… Atma naadha means Shiva himself worshipped his own deity just to tell the world how to do puja. Srisailam is atma linga or Mahadeva….Sriranagam…sri Ramachandra Prabhu. Srisailam Ravana tried to….Srirangam Vibheesahnd tried to ccarry from Lanka… So und Rama himself worshipped Ranganatha and showed how to deo puja. Shiva himself worshipped shiva linga and showed how to worship. Diety is God 11) 2 nights ago I had a dream that you are helping me unclutch. I woke upwith such a sweet feeling…flood your being with the doing…all day I was in bliss….always Laon, watch Satsang everyday… 13) Islove a delusion for me? the love I have from my family….my heart melts. Is this also an illusuion? Diano beloo I don’t want to say this is illusion…have more deeper and deeper love. 14) Umesh from Toront Kailasa – in pure Tamil. I am giving you the name Kailasam. I watned Toronto temple to be Tamil temple becos it is …

You mentioned that ppl with desires to achieve their dreams go thru unnecessary sufferings….what is the diff bet trying to achieve my desired goals and trying to ahc ieve enlgithenment. ? Here you are saying short term pain truning into long term gain. There in enlight even short term pain will nto be there. … 15) I met someone who I really liked and she seemed to be really like me…I cant imagine liking anyone else….can you pl give me some advice on what should I do in regard to this person. You should try once more. …it can work. Yest! Let us enter into today’s Kriya. Care for anxiety. Before the Kriya it is a very long Kriya. So 3 minutes break. You can gather after 1,2,3. (08:08-08:11) We will start the kriya. First step – Matsyendrasana. It is from Gheranda Samhita, 2 nd Upadesha, 23 rd verse - “Having kept the abdomen at ease, similar to the back, the bent left leg should be placed over the right lap. There in that posture the right elbow should be placed on this and the face has to be placed on the right palm. The sight fixed at the eye brow center. This is called Matsyendrasana.” (Swamiji demonstrates this) This is Matsyendrasana. Be in that posture for 30 seonds. This will create ceratin chemicals and energy in your body. Straight away you will be released from anxiety.

Now change. I will tell you step by step. Stretch your legs, bend your left leg and place it on your rigt lap. Now place your right elbow on the left knee. See lift the leg. That left leg. Lift. Yes. Place your face on the right palm. This is for doing the Kriya. You are ready? Yes. With this you will have to do the Kriya. All anxieity willd disappear. Because now you will be having so much of anxiety to do this Kriya!  you don’t need to put your face exactly on the palm but you can use this hand for the Kriya. Next in this Kriya, start the Trishoola Kumbhaka. “Inhale through the nostrils and also through the mouth simultaneously. Hold the breath as long as you can judiciously and exhale very slowly.” Do this 21 times. Start! (08:15-08:23) Next step - Seethkari Pranayama. Hata Yoga Pradipika, Upadesha 2, verse 54. “The breath needs to be sucked in through the mouth with a hissing sound and the exhalation to be done through the nostrils.” I will show you. “Sit in a comfortable way. Of course sit in the same Matsyendrasana. By now it should have beocme comfortable  and press the lower teeth with the upper teeth, open the lips comfortably. Suck the air through the gaps in between the teeth . Be aware of the sound produced. After inhaling close the mouth and exhale through the nose. Don’t hold.” I will show you (Swamiji demonstrates) Do the Seethkari for 21 times. (08:25 – 08:30) Next technique – Sheethali. It is Gheranda Samhita, 5 th Upadesha, 54 th Verse - “The breath has to be filled in the abdomen by drawing air through the tongue. After having retained the breath for a moment, the exhalation should be done through the nostrils.” “Sit comfortably. Close the eyes. Protrude your tongue as much as possible. Let me show you. Roll it. Roll the sides of the tongue like a tube. Now inhale through the tube formed by the tongue. Hold as long as you can, then exhale through the nostrils.” Do it 21 times. (08:31-08:35) Next. Next is the last step. Trinetra Kumbhaka – Please understand. This is Kumbhaka Paddhati, 192 nd verse - “Inhale through the left nostril. Hold the breath. Without exhaling, inhale through right also, hold the breath, without exhaling, inhale through both and hold the breath as long as you can. Then exhale and relax. Inhale through right and again without exhaling, inhale through left, again without exhaling hold

through both. Hold judiciously as long as you can. Then relax.“ Let’s start. 21 times. Relax. (08:36-08:42) I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 636 places through eNtv, 18 places through 2 way Video conferencing, in 298 cities, 22 countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


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Temple Visit | Pratyaksha Pada Puja | Bhagavad Gita Satsang – 15 November 2011

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