November 15 2013

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Grace is there on you Forever.


In today’s morning satsang Paramahamsa Nithyananda assured us that Grace is flowing in us forever, and that God is not a sadist and He does not enjoy our conflicts and complications. The cosmos wants us to be fulfilled. We need to stop worshiping impossibility and complete, complete, complete with all the layers of impossibility to experience the awakening of the kundalini shakti and remove all obstacles to the flow of grace.

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

00:41 Hindi - 00:52

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Charlotte-Srisailam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Sharjah, San Jose-Madurai, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagar-Hyderabad, Ohio-Prayag, Slovakia-Shivaloka, Tiruvottiyur-Chennai, Oman-Sivagangai, Jorpati-Nepal, San Antonio-Texas, San Diego-La Jolla, Surrey-British Columbia, Colorado Springs-USA, Bangalore North, North Vancouver, Simi Valley-California, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Devon-UK, Grasse-France, Monterrey-Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Dakota Dunes, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Indrani-New Jersey, Mill Valley-California, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, East London-UK, Bogota-Colombia, Bangalore-Malleshwaram and Hong Kong-Sirkazhi and Hyderabad Gupta Kashi. Singapore - Singaporum, Warrington - UK, Grasse France, Peeta Dishwares training centre Salem.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. Today Kalpataru satsang . Next three days we will have Kalpataru Satsangs.

Today, as part of the 8th day of the Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsava, Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari are gracing here.

Today, 21st batch Inner Awakening, 15th day. Completing with past lives. Today we are going to complete with past lives.

And, as part of the Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsava, today is Bhikshadana Utsava where Mahadeva goes around begging, taking away all the impossibilities from people, taking away all the incompletions from people, completing them. Just understand, Mahadeva comes down to beg. What a scene it is. He goes around and takes away all the incompletions, radiating the Space of Completion and giving. When Mahadeva goes to beg, he gives more than what he receives. Remember, repeat, WHEN MAHADEVA GOES FOR BEGGING, HE GIVES MORE THAN WHAT HE RECEIVES!

Today, we will have Kalpataru Satsang.

Please listen, these basic truths: That grace is flowing in you forever. Life is flowing in you just to make your life as you want. Life is not sadistic. Life is not life-negative. God is not sadistic. Divine is not sadistic. And, please listen, God is not enjoying your conflicts and complications. Don’t think, God is not a politician, surely not a lawyer. So, he is not happy to put in you some desire and not fulfil that desire. No, he doesn’t enjoy that game. So, please listen. Neither is God sadistic, nor he enjoys the conflicts and contradictions you go through. So understand, it is we who project all our emotions on to God. I have always seen. Just few days before our devotees, one husband and wife, both of them came to ashram. Wife ran away from the house and came to ashram. Some problem in the house, husband also came. Both have their version. Husband says wife is depressed, wife says ‘ No, no he starts yelling at me ’ All I did is I just waited because whoever carries the problem they will naturally not be able to keep quiet here so in few days if we observe we will know where the problem is. Now I found out is the problem on the wife because she is projecting in the same abusive behaviour that she puts on the husband on me! I could see not only on me on everyone around. With whoever she sees, talks. I started laughing, now we know where the problem is and we can sort it out, that’s all.

Same way we also put our ideas on God. God himself is not sadist. He doesn’t enjoy the conflicts. So, please listen, if you are able to wake up in the morning and if you are able to breathe, understand, his Grace is there on you, he wants you to fulfill your life as you want. He wants you to fulfill your life as you want. So when you are fulfilled, Cosmos celebrates with you. When you are expanding, Cosmos dances with you. When you are expanding, Cosmos sings with you. It celebrates with you. So, first thing, you need to have this as a basic cognition. Please listen. This is the basic cognition you need to have: God is graceful. His Grace overflows in our life. How much ever you deny with multi-million arguments or trillions of arguments, the truth is the truth is the truth.

The whole human society is suffering so much because its very existence is built on the wrong cognition. It is built on wrong cognition. See, the whole western civilization is built on the cognition: You have to conquer the Nature. The whole eastern civilization is built on the concept: You have to enjoy the Nature, celebrate the Nature, because, from the beginning, we believed Nature is supporting life, Nature wants us to be here. The trust level between us and the Nature was so high, even if we had to die in some natural calamities, we only felt that this body is getting cleansed so that will come back with another one body. The whole attitude was different. But, unfortunately, in the Greek civilization, the whole attitude was: Conquer the Nature, master the Nature, go against the Nature. So, naturally, that attitude replicated in the relationships with human-beings, in the relationship with everything.

Please listen. Nature is the first god you encounter, God’s first representative you encounter. There are four representatives of God:

One, Nature;

Second, the “Avyaktha” – Un-manifested Nature We can call that as a “God”, “Unknown”.

Third your own “Individual Soul”. Please listen, your own individual soul is representative of God.

Listen. It’s very important for you to understand this:

Avyaktha, Un-manifested; Nature, the Manifested; Your own Soul; and Guru. These are the four representatives of God you encounter in the life.

Nature is the first representative you face because, till you meet God, you will not meet you. Till you meet Guru, you will not meet you. Only when you meet the Guru, he introduces you and God both simultaneously to you. Till you meet Guru, you won’t meet you, you won’t meet God. So, the first representative you meet is Nature. Your relationship with the Nature establishes the pattern how you are going to relate with God, Guru and your own Self. So, be very clear, Nature celebrates your success. Nature wants you to be successful. Nature celebrates your success. Nature wants you to be successful.

Listen. Nature. First root-cognition you need to have is, the whole Nature is waiting for you to be successful, is waiting for you to win the game to celebrate with you. The whole Nature is constantly supporting you to have your life as you want. If you want to be healthy, please be very clear, Nature supports you to be healthy. If you want to be wealthy, the whole Nature supports you to be wealthy. If you want to be enlightened, whole God, the whole Cosmos wants you to be enlightened and wants to celebrate your enlightenment. Everything, everything, everything you want, Nature wants you to have it.

You’re like confused child in the mall. Please listen. Confused child in the mall! When a child goes to a mall, it runs here to the candy shop, it runs there to the toy shop, it runs to the clothes shop, and it runs to the jewellery shop. It is confused about what it wants. Even then, God just sits in the lounge and waits and watches your play and the game and tells you, ‘Please take what you want; it’s all yours.’ But, unfortunately, you are so confused, all the twenty floors of the mall you go up and down, up and down, and each counter, by the time you decide what you want, you are dead!

Listen. Grace is there forever on you. Patanjali explains beautifully: ‘You don’t need to bring water into the land; the canal is there; just remove the obstructions.’ You don’t need to bring Kundalini into your body; it is there with the whole circuit; just remove the blockages you created. Incompletions are the blockages you created. For example, you decide you want to be healthy. The moment you think you want to be healthy, what all blockages come inside you, the ideas come inside you? Come on complete with all of that. Complete and drop! Complete and drop! Complete and drop!

I tell you, the Power of Completion. Somebody who thought he can never wake up before morning 10 o’clock, who lived all his life sleeping up to 10 o’clock, suddenly he started completing with that pattern, just forty-eight hours Completion, from next day he is out 4 o’clock in the morning. I tell you, it is possible. It is a big problem, this waking up in the morning. People are ready to dedicate their life, but not ready to give up their sleep, I know.

Somebody asked me, ‘Swamiji, Give me a simple solution for this problem of morning waking up, I want to become an ashramite.’

Because, in the ashram, that morning waking up is a very important component of life.

I told, ‘See, if you are in Malaysia or in some country where we are a few hours ahead, what will you do?’

‘What will I do?’

I told, ‘See, now in India, you are expected to wake up 4:30. You are in a country where their 10:30 – your waking up time – is India 4:30 am. What will you do?’

‘I’ll sleep a little early and, naturally, I’ll wake up.’

I don’t know whether all of you are understanding? Just move the calendar a little. Think you are in some other country. So, move your sleeping time and naturally you will be fresh, alive, morning 4:30.

Please understand, this morning 4:30 is just your psychological. I know, many of you did not get it. Many of you have not got the example. I’ll give you the example in a detailed way.

See, you are living; you are born and brought up in India. You can wake up Indian Time around 8 o’clock, but not 4:30 but if you move to some country where the Indian Time 4 o’clock is 8 o’clock for them, in two days you will start waking up at 8 o’clock. Is it not? Then you are now waking up at Indian Time 4:30 there. How many of you are understanding now? So, that’s all I want you to do now here itself. Just going to bed, alter that time, push that a little earlier; that’s all. So the Indian 4:30 you will wake up. Because, this time 4:30 is simply psychological; it is not physiological.

Listen. Just with a simple Completion, you will understand time is psychological, not physiological. You will have power over your sleep. Having power over you sleep will bring so much confidence in you. You will have so much confidence. You will have power over your thinking, power over your feeling.

Come back to the subject.

Grace flows in us continuously. We just need to complete all the concepts of “impossibility” we created on our own like a headless chicken, brainless baby in the mall. Brainless baby in the mall and headless chicken is one and the same. Whether the baby is eight or eighty, when it does not have a brain, what the baby goes through in the mall, what a headless chicken goes through in the life, are one and the same.

Listen. Today, pick up just one desire and complete all the impossibilities. I wanted you to do this again and again two-three times. Only then you will catch the knack. Only then you will find how many self-denial patterns you are carrying, how many ways God is trying to give you what you want, and you are pushing him away. He sends you through somebody. He sends what you want as a gift through somebody. You say, ‘No, no! Get out!’ Then he sends through the courier - you don’t want to receive! He sends through Flipkart - you don’t want to receive! He sends through so many ways you throw it away! Finally, he breaks your roof and drops it. Then again you curse the building, ‘You have given way and something has dropped,’ and you get frightened and run away from that house! And the treasure what you want is dropped inside that house.

If you can imagine what I am saying, that is exactly your life, please understand.

You want something. You go and pray to the God” ‘God, please give me a diamond-studded golden pen I really want it.’ God says, ‘Alright.’ He sends it through somebody and that fellow tries to give you the gift. You ask, ‘Who are you? What is your intention to give me the gift? Get out!’ Then He sends through a courier. ‘No, no, no who knows it may be a bomb why to open?’ Then He sends through Flipkart. ‘No, no, no, no these fellows may be cheating me. How did they send it to me without me ordering? They are trying to fleece me.’ So many ways God has sent. You threw it and reject it. Finally your roof opens and he drops it inside. You think, ‘Oh God, something has fallen somebody has thrown a bomb,’ and you run away!

That is exactly the pattern you carry. So many deeper and deeper and deeper ways you deny life. Every idea of “impossible” you carry is a life-denial. Layers and layers of “impossibility” you carry. Morning waking up: impossible. Taking bath: impossible. Brushing teeth: impossible. Going to job: impossible. Doing the job; impossible. Be healthy: impossible. Be mentally blissful: impossible. Have good relationships: impossible. Have wealth: impossible. For anything, you chant the word “impossible” more than any name of the God or any mantra. Then “impossible” becomes your mantra. So the God Impossible appears in front of you and says, ‘O, my son, everything is impossible for you, I give you that boon!’ No, that is what is happening, what you worship appears in front of you!

Understand, stop worshipping “impossibility”. Complete, complete, complete with all the ideas of “impossible”. You will see so much of Kundalini energy’s awakened in you, so much of Kundalini Shakthi is alive in you.

28:53 Hindi - 29:50

Please sit straight. Now I’ll lead you into the process of Kalpataru.

Take one desire, any one desire. Don’t run around like a brainless baby in the mall! Pick up one. Whether you want to be healthy, wealthy, blissful. If you are intelligent enough, you can add all this in one desire, no problem but make it as one, one statement, so that, that statement can be empowered now and it can become reality in your life.

First start completing with all the doubts and your earlier failures – you wanted what you want now, earlier also but you never achieved it, you never got it, so life is not going to give you this. Complete with this pattern first.

Life is not sadist. Life is not denying what you want.

Complete with all the past failures. Complete with life. Complete with every step. Complete with everything. Complete with your doubt whether you can create this space or not. Complete with your doubt whether you will get it or not. Complete with your challenging attitude ‘How will I get it just by thinking?” Complete with all these “impossible” cognitions, the self-denial cognitions. Complete with all those negative cognitions.

33:01 Hindi - 34:17

Complete, complete all the incompletions.

Complete with all the “impossibilities” first. You yourself have become a bundle of impossibility. Complete with that first. Complete with you first.

37:30 Hindi - 37:32

Complete with all your “impossibilities” first.

Now create the desire as reality through your space. Decide that it is real, what you want is real in your life.

41:25 Hindi - 41:50

I bless you all with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, as Kalpataru, whatever you all created in your inner space, become reality and auspicious for you and the world.

Let you all achieve, experience live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss, Nithyananda.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, complete, grace, fulfilled, awakening, kundalini shakti.

Photos Of The Day:

