January 05 2019

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Temple-entire Spiritual Ecosystem || Deities-living Gods || Preserving Shaka, Veda, Agama,Upaveda,Upagama || urgent need for Hindus to become Kshatriyas to Stand up and protect the Sanatana Hindu Dharma ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle Ahara, during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk, His Divine Holiness (HDH) expounded that the past and future are not two different things as only if the past is burned in the fire of your Consciousness, will the future be born. He revealed that if one is conscious enough to clean up the past, then one will be powerful enough to manifest the future explaining that if your past is still alive, your future is not in your hands.

His Divine Holiness shared that politicians will rewrite history to achieve a future as per their own agenda sharing further that the sacred ash - Bhasma when removed from images depicting Tiruvallavur or Avvayar, it is not just a past person’s identity being changed, it’s the Bhasma from the forehead of entire generations of youngsters being removed. He explained that Ahara can change the way you perceive the past and directly help you build your future and that the whole science of Ahara Shuddhi and manifesting your future feels may feel too heavy because of the many layers of cleansing that need to happen. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism concluded by saying, getting healed about the past is too important.


Pratyaksha Pada Pooja | Uttamotama Seva

Facebook Transcript

Hinduism knows the science of the Divine landing on the GROUND. All Hindu Deities are living. ALIVE. PHYSICALLY. In Hinduism a Temple is the place where GOD LIVES. Hindu Temples are hence FUNDAMENTALLY different from other religious organizations. This is a very important point that many tend to miss. In other religions, their centers are places of congregation of the faithful, worship altars or in some religions memorials or monuments for legendary figures or incidents. For Hindus it is a living residence of the DIVINE. He or She is a residing member of the place and is treated just like that. For example, in Chidambaram there are 3000 Dikshitars (priests) but Puja is done for 3001 people including the Deity. The deity is considered one among the 3001 preiests and an intimate member of the family of people. Whenever clothes are bought, they buy 3001 sets including the Lord himself. That is why all temples have a bedroom where God sleeps. We have a toothbrush and mouthwash with cardamom milk in the morning for her and so on. There are enough accounts throughout history of how the deity as a living individual responds directly to the devotees. Our tradition is not book based like the Abrahamic traditions. Each temple is a living tradition of a living God practicing and preserving one Shaka of the Veda, One Agama or One Upaveda or One Upagama. If you lose the temple you lose the entire tradition - the entire spiritual ecosystem and that particular Shaka or Agama or Upaveda or Upagama is lost for ever. So many traditions have been lost to Hinduism when the temples were destroyed. When we rebuild the temples it is not always that the same ecosystem can be revived. Sarvajnapeeta which is the Peeta to which Adi Shankara ascended in Kashmir is today lost. Not only are the temple and monastery gone the enlightened ecosystem that was producing millions of Sarvajnas (all knowing) every generations is lost. Only after seeing Swamiji in close quarters and experiencing his Sarvajnathwa we started believing Sarvajnathwa even is possible. Because we did not even have one specimen other than Swamiji left. Sarvajnas who could reveals anything about anything. It would have been such a joy to have Sarvajnas living among us to reveal everything in various fields. Not only have we lost Sarvajnas, but to the common Hindus we are made to believe that the very system never existed and is a myth. Our ancestors worked hard for this but this was taken away from us brutally just because we were not brutal. It was like guerrilla soldiers attacking an university. We were a civilization of universities and any war preparation was minimal and more like security guards Multani Marhi of the Atal Akhada, one of the oldest Akhadas or apex bodies of Hinduism, was situated in Multan situated in present day Pakistan. The city had one of the greatest temples for Shiva built which was renowned for its architecture and the deity made of Gold was floating in air using electromagnetic technology of iron-ored stones and deity which had a magnetized copper energized by the enlightened master. It showed the amazing knowledge of the Hindu civilization of metullurgy and magenetic fields. This temple is talked about by Greek literature and by the Chinese traveler Huen-Tsang. With the destruction of the temple and the territory the entire ecosystem is now gone and with it the large Ganapathya tradition of the Atal Akhada - enlightenment ecosystem created by Lord Ganesha - and the great science of metullurgy and magnetism based on sounds vibration. The destruction of each temple is nothing but the cultural genocide of a people, their living traditions and their enlightenment ecosystems - sampradaya. Many Shaktipeetas were present in all the 56 Desas in present day Bangladesh, Malaysia, India and so on. Many of these have today been destroyed and recreated in other places to hide the destruction. Bhabanipur Shaktipeeth in present day Bangladesh was known as Tarapith and was the Shaktipeet where the "third eye" of Shakti fell. Around this place a great enlightenment ecosystem was formed. This is no longer present and all evidence of it have been wiped out because we lost the land. The size of the land lost is same as the number of Sampradayas lost in Hinduism. Hindu Kings protected our temples tenaciously. But when the Kingdoms were taken away from them, the temples were destroyed and with it the entire enlightenment ecosystem. In all geographies where Hinduism has lost political control it was only a matter of time before the temples are destroyed, the people are killed and the enlightenment ecosystem - the entire sampradaya - vanished into nothing. And this phenomenon is continuing to happen till to date. Every week one sampradaya of Hinduism is taken down. Like Shani Shingnapur temple and now Sabarimala. Sampradaya by sampradaya we are being dismantled. Statements such as "Sanatana Hindu Dharma is eternal" have been used by the anti Hindu forces to put Hindus to sleep. Hinduism maybe eternal but it can disappear from a geography. Not long ago Hindusim was the state religion of 56 Nations. Countries like Kandhahar (Afghanistan), Sindh (Pakistan), Burma, Cambodia, Malaysia, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Kashmir, Bangladesh and Indonesia which were all Hindu countries not so long ago are now completely lost to it. From the glorious time when 56 nations and 200 states 17000 provinces and 10000 sampradhayas which consisted 85% of the population, we came to a situation in 2017 where there was not even a single state practicing Hinduism as the state religion leave alone protecting the interests of the Hindus. Less than 15% of the population today identify themselves as Hindus and even fewer practice it. Without political legitimacy, slowly Hinduism will fade away into history. Hindus need to become Kshatriyas and must standup to support Hindu Dharma with great urgency. We have to come together or perish. Either we stand up and protect Sanatana Hindu Dharma or you will be talking to your grandson about some religion called Hinduism which gave us so much but is now extinct.


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Photos Of The Day:

