January 21 2011

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Video and Audio - Ashtanga Yoga: Pranayama 1 (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 100)|| Nithyananda Satsang

All orthodox translations say Pranayama is control of breathing. Living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda translated it as the cessation of breathing. Breathing which you experience every day - the movement of air with thoughts - should be stopped. The thoughts being awakened with the breathing should b stopped. Prana is air movement without thoughts.

Cessation of air movements without thoughts is what Paramahamsa Nithyananda calls Pranayama.

After achieving the firm posture (as described in yesterday's discourse), you should learn the practice of breathing without thinking, that is the science of pranayama. Along with the air movement, if the thoughts are awakened, you are not inhaling life energy.

Air is not energy. Air is like a truck; life energy is the cargo carried by truck. Life energy gets unloaded into the body and air comes out. If there is less thought, more life energy will go inside. The truck should be of less weight and more products should go in.

All of us are doing this, too much air is going in and no life energy is coming inside. Only life energy, not air, is the ideal situation. Breathing without thinking.

After mastering sitting in a sturdy comfortable posture through the balancing technique, you should now learn the science of exhaling and inhaling without thoughts. It's not just controlling the exhalation and inhalation. That is what I call cessation of breathing: Pranayama.

Video Audio



|| sadāśiva samārambhām saṅkarācārya madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today is, 100th Sutra of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. In second chapter, 49th verse, “Pranayama” - Cessation of breathing. Please understand, I am not translating Pranayama as, “Control of Breathing”. All the orthodox translation say, “Control of breathing”. I am translating, “Cessation” means completely stopping. You may think, “Wow, then should we die or what?” No! I am not asking you to die. When I say the word, “Cessation of Breathing” - I mean Breathing which you experience every day, every moment which awakens the thought also along with the air movement, should be stopped. Cessation of air movement with thoughts is what I call Breathing; that should be stopped.


You see, what you understand as Breathing is, air movement with thoughts also being awakened; that should be stopped; that is what I call, “Pranayamaha”. So, I don’t want to use the word, “Control of Breathing”. Prana and Breathing is not equivalent words. Please understand, it is not translation. Breathing means air movement with thoughts. Prana means air movement without thoughts. So, “Cessation of Breathing” is what I call Pranayama. Cessation of air movement with thoughts is what I call Pranayama. Only air movements, no thoughts is what I call Pranayama.


So, let Me enter into the Sutra, what Patanjali describes let’s understand. In this Sutra, he just introduces the Pranayama. तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वास्योर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः ॥ tasmin sati śvāsa-praśvāsyor-gati-vicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ ॥ Swami Vivekananda translates this Sutra as, “Control of the motion of the exhalation and inhalation follows after this”. Swami Prabhavananda translates as, “After mastering posture, one must practice the Prana... by practice control of the Prana... Pranayama, by stopping the motions of inhalation and exhalation”. Swami Sachidananda translates this Sutra as, “That firm posture being acquired, the movements of inhalation and exhalation should be controlled. This is Pranayama”.


I will translate this Sutra as, “After achieving the firm posture, means balance, steady and comfortable posture, as I taught you yesterday, through the technique of balancing; you should learn the practice of Breathing without thinking, without thoughts being awakened, that is what I call, Science of Pranayama”. Please understand along with the air movement if the thoughts are also awakened you are not inhaling pure Prana, the life energy. Please understand these few things, Air is not life energy. There is a subtle energy goes inside along with air, that is what is called Prana.


Air is like a lorry and Prana is the object goes inside the lorry; like a how lorry comes here and unloads what we bought the objects and goes back. Same way, the life energy is carried by the air, it goes inside and the life energy gets unloaded into the body, stays inside and lorry comes out means the air comes out. If there is more thought, less life energy will go inside. If there is less thought, more life energy will go inside. If lorry itself is too heavy and only less products can come inside, then what is the use? Lorry should be less weight and more product should come through the lorry; otherwise like our story of we buying vegetables. Only lorries and lorries and lorries will come. In each lorry, two potato, one brinjal will come. If I ask, “What happened? Why only lorries are coming? No vegetables?” “No Swamiji we paid only for lorries. We forgot to pay for vegetables”.


So almost all of us are doing the same thing; too much of air is going inside but no Prana is going inside. No life energy is coming inside. So understand only life energy should come inside, no air. Only life energy, no air, is the ideal situation. We are supposed to be having no thought but only breathing. So we are supposed to now learn the Science of Breathing without thinking.


Please understand let Me translate this Sutra, तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वास्योर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः ॥ tasmin sati śvāsa-praśvāsyor-gati-vicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ ॥ After mastering steady, comfortable posture - Asana, through the balance technique which I taught you yesterday; now you should learn the science of exhaling and inhaling without thoughts, that is what is exactly Pranayamaha. It is not just controlling the exhalation and inhalation. It is controlling the exhalation and inhalation without thoughts, that is what I call, “Cessation of Breathing”.


Cessation of Breathing is Pranayamaha. Let us learn the technique in next, next Sutras. This is the essence of this Sutra, essence of this Sutras’ message. I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.


Video and Audio - Kundalini Awakening Q&A

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees from around the world who are sitting with us now live in two-way and one-way. The two way I can see. So again I wanted to remind all of you. Sit either in vajrasana or padmasana or sukhasana. Keep your hands in samana mudra and sit in a very relaxed way.


Please understand if you keep your hands in samana mudra the fake levitation will not happen. In samana mudra only the authentic kundalini awakening can shake your body. The fake levitation; fake levitation means sometime people get excited and body starts moving; that will not happen. I wanted you guys to experience authentic kundalini awakening; that is why the padmasana and samana mudra. If you sit in any of these three asana; padmasana or sukhasana or vajrasana and samana mudra, that is the most difficult posture to move your body. You can see especially if you sit in padmasana and samana mudra you can never have fake levitation. You don’t need to worry am I having fake levitation or originally I am having kundalini awakening. If you sit in padmasana and samana mudra, any movement in your body can happen only if kundalini is awakened; because that is the most difficult posture for body movement.


This is Madhuri from Jaipur Rajasthan. "Swamiji I am learning physical exercise, yoga and martial arts from last two years. We learnt some techniques in martial arts. That if like somebody hold your both hands then how we can take out our hands easily from the other persons grip. In this technique the person who wants to take out his hands out of the other persons hand grip will put a force in outward direction to the point where the hand is weak towards the thumb side. Before, when I used to practice the technique and hold the other persons hand very tightly, since they know that technique they used to take out their hands very easily. Now I am doing Nithya Dhyaan and listening to live satsang regularly by your grace. Just two days before on 13th January, I practiced the same technique but nobody was able to unlock my grip; not even batch mates of my age. In fact the senior most in my batch was struggling to take out his hand from my grip. Is this kundalini shakti and if yes is my kundalini shakti has awakened?”


Madhuri, it is the side effect of kundalini shakti no doubt, and your kundalini is awakened no doubt. Two thing; in the martial arts, when somebody touches you, if your kundalini energy is more than their kundalini energy, even if you don’t attack them they will just fall. They will be completely shaken. The martial arts is more kundalini energy based. The other day I was seeing a video, a Chinese master. He did not touch even one person but he was fighting with 20 people. All 20 were rolling on the ground. He did not touch even one person. So what you see here, see here I make you guys roll in the ground with My love energy, the compassion energy, by awakening the kundalini. The same thing that master was doing with pure energy. It was neither anger nor compassion; just pure energy. Actually pure energy itself will have a trace of compassion.


So I could see very clearly, I will get the video and give you the reference tomorrow. Tomorrow in the satsang I will give you the reference and it’s in the YouTube you can all watch. I saw from the YouTube only. So if your kundalini is fully awakened you don’t even need to touch anybody. The moment you look at them they will roll on the ground... So, your kundalini is awakened. That is the reason nobody is able to unlock themself or defeat you. Madhuri, you are on the right direction, please enjoy.


I am really surprised from all over the world, I don’t even know the cities and the country’s name; people are watching this live satsang. Thanks to the technology. Thanks to the technology. Now we are having only 10 connections two-way. In a month we will have 108 connections two-way. We are establishing. Even if some centers are able to gather 20 people we will give them two-way connection because from March 2nd, 21 days we wanted to create eN effect all over the world and reduce the natural calamities and manmade calamities. Natural calamity means all the earthquake, tsunami and all those things. Man made calamities like crimes and wars. So in the 21 days we will prove visibly to the world; eN effect the only solution for man made calamities and natural calamities; create eN effect the only hope for future. We will prove this in that 21 days... So that, I request all the devotees to gather as many devotees as possible and meditate, practice unclutching those 21 days in the live satsang.


And I am also going to do one more thing... Many devotees from around the world are struggling to keep up this time, live satsang. Next question is about that. I will read this next question answer then ... “Dear Swamiji I have two questions please. Since the live pada puja and satsang is from 2 to 4 AM UK time, I am sleeping very irregular hours now. I find that I often have to sleep for couple of hours during the day time as my body is feeling sleepy. So I have not been able to maintain working for 12 hours a day as you said. Is it ok for the body to have irregular sleeping patterns? What’s the best thing to do as I want to keep watching you live?”


This question is from Satroopini, London. Two hours sleeping during the day time is ok. That 12 hours working does not mean continuous 12 hours. In a day if you do 12 hours that is enough. And actually satsang time becomes working hours because you are not keeping quiet. I am working on you. So you can add satsang time also as working hours. “That’s first thing. Second thing, due to the timings we have not yet as yet succeeded, we have not as yet succeeded in gathering a large group of people so we can have a two-way satsang with you at morning satsang. Devotees who work and those with children have indicated it is difficult for them to attend. Also the public transport system is not dependable at that time of morning. So we are all individually watching you at our own homes. We have thought about it a lot but have not found any solutions to these logistical issues. How can we also benefit and be part of the eN effect and have a live interactive session with you.”


Satroopini, London, Satroopini from London, I am sorting out not only your problem, problem of many devotees from all over the Europe and South East Asia. From March 2nd we will have two satsangs; morning and evening. So, so, I am planning the second satsang timing consulting with all the satsang centers around the world. So, almost, all the countries will be able to attend any one of this satsang. That is the way I am working out the timings. So morning I will have one sitting, evening also I will have one sitting. If you can participate in any one, great! So that 21 days the eN effect, we will be having two satsangs live. You can sit at any one time. And we are also expanding. Suddenly the satsang centers number has, is exploding. So if we have 108 connections; morning 108 cities can sit with me and evening 108 cities. But no city can sit twice because we are running short of connections. So we will open the doors. All the European south east Asian countries whose timings are matching with evening satsang can sit evening and all the countries like east coast and west coast of USA and countries like Guadeloupe, Toronto, the north America, Mexico; those countries can sit in the morning satsang.


Even the morning satsang time I am taking suggestions from all the satsang centers. We will be moving the time as per the devotees convenience around the world. So we will have two satsangs every day from March 2nd. Except the time, days, I am giving the programs like NSP or Inner Awakening, I will give two satsangs every day. Not only that I will start speaking on Brahma sutras. Mornings I will do on Yoga sutras, evenings I will do on Brahma sutras. Of course both will be uploaded in YouTube immediately. The live, when you sit live with me it will not only be an intellectual learning it will be an eN effect. You will have the experience also. If you just want the intellectual knowledge, in 24 hours it will be in the YouTube you can watch. We are exploding really. I can see... And I am really seeing in every satsang center the people who experience the eN effect, how powerful and creative they are becoming; powerful, creative, alive and how the Inner Awakening is happening in everybody. Cosmos is with us. Nobody can disturb us. Divine is supporting us so nobody can disturb us. Good.


So next question; this is Prasanna from San Jose. Is he there, San Jose, Prasanna?? “In many big festivals and religious gatherings I have witnessed handful of people start swaying and having involuntary motions; never levitation of course. My understanding was that for those few moments they were possessed by God and were channels of the divine. Is my understanding correct?”


Prasanna, I don’t want to say it is correct or wrong. It depends on individual. If the person who is swaying, having involuntary motions, if he is in bliss during the experience and after the experience if he becomes intelligent; sat chit ananda; sat means more integrated and more clear, more knowledgeable about life death and the great secrets of life like having more understanding about sacred secrets. That is the first scale. Second he should become more aware about his life and others life. Third he should become more blissful. If these three things sat chit ananda is increasing in that person then he is possessed by God for those few moments. If that three is not increasing, during the experience he is not blissful and sat chit ananda is not increasing after the experience, then he is not possessed by divine. He is just having some nervous breakdown. His nadi is having some chaotic experience.


“What is the difference between what we are experiencing during eN effect and their experience?” Please understand Prasanna, this is the difference. If sat-chit-ananda increases during the effect and after the effect, you are having eN effect, kundalini awakening. If that three is not there during the effect and after the effect, then it is nervous breakdown. So this is the right scale not to have the fake experience, fake levitation, nervous breakdown... Sit in samana mudra and padmasana you can never have fake experience. Those people who are swaying in these religious ceremonies and large gatherings, tell them to sit in padmasana and samana mudra everything will stop. Real kundalini awakening only can move your body if you sit in padmasana and samana mudra. If you are sitting in any other postures and body is swaying and moving there can be doubt. But if you are sitting in padmasana and samana mudra any movement can be only out of kundalini. So this is the scale to find out whether it is a nervous breakdown or eN effect.


“Dear Swamiji, thank you so much for the strange experiences I had during yesterday morning’s satsang.” This is from Nithya Priyatma, Neeraja from Atlanta satsang center. “Thank you so much for the strange experiences I had during yesterday’s morning satsang. I could not understand what it is; neither read any scripture to refer nor had any spiritual guidance from others. But I believe whatever happening to me is for my own good. Yesterday as usual I started levitating during pratyaksha pada puja.” Levitation has become almost like as usual, see. Once upon a time people used to meditate for 12 years to experience this levitation or animadi siddhis. Nowadays people don’t even think it is kind of a siddhi. They think it’s like you go to Nithyananda and sit with his live satsang. God!!! What have I done? See how casually people write, as usual I was levitating.


I used to feel like this casually, casual, when I was with Raghupathi Yogi. Just day before yesterday I met one of our devotee who was the devotee of Raghupathi Yogi also; great disciple of Raghupathi Yogi. He is the owner of a big hotel. Even now he runs the hotel-Udupi hotel in Thiruvannamalai. He is from very spiritual family, Upadhyaya family, very highly spiritual person. He was the disciple of Raghupathi Yogi. And he came to have my darshan and I was sitting and talking with him all the old days, good old days, Raghupathi yogi…. he is a very joyful, jovial person.


This, in his hotel once Raghupathi Yogi was sitting I was also with him. He was sharing the incident with Me. So he was also sitting, we all three were chatting. We were having coffee. I was a small boy. So the dining table height was too much for Me. So I was standing and drinking the coffee and they both were sitting on the chair and drinking the coffee. And somebody came and asked Raghupathi Yogi like a very disturbing way, “I heard you can make people levitate means fly. Can you do that to me?” Then Raghupathi Yogi jovially told him, ‘Pay for this coffee bill, then I will do.’ Those days cup of coffee is something like a 60 paise. 60 paise means less than one rupee. So three coffee; the hotel owner was also having coffee. But usually he will never charge. He is a devotee so he will never ask money. So he was actually giving coffee for Raghupathi Yogi and for Me and for himself. So this guy who came he said alright I will pay for three coffee. For all three coffee he paid and Raghupathi Yogi actually made him sit on that dining table and told him to hold the nostril and did something for three four minutes and pulled that dining table and he was levitating. He was there on the air. He was there on the air; just three four minutes. So I used to think oh levitation is ordinary. Just like how I used to think in those days with Raghupathi Yogi this Neeraja is telling as usual I was levitating.


“Yesterday as usual I started levitating during pratyaksha pada puja. After that when you were initiating us into kula kundalini awakening, I had this strange experience. My eyes were squeezed inside my ajna chakra and it is trying to go upwards.” Neeraja it is perfect, right experience; your ajna is getting awakened. Usually when your ajna is awakened it will suck both the eyes. It will suck both the eyes inside. The third eye will be awakened only if the two eyes are sacrificed into the third eye. The life energy will be offered into the third eye only then the third eye will be awakened. Actually after the third eye is awakened all three eyes will be seeing, eyes will have the power. But for the awakening these two eyes will be sucked into the third eye.


“My head started moving up slowly on its own till it reached a point where I could not sit. I fell backwards. After sometime I got up and started staring at you in the monitor. I saw you were breathing the same way I was breathing.” Neeraja you had My pratyaksha darshan. That’s what is exactly, no doubt. If you are watching now you will see vibhooti will come out of your monitor, ok, just to show you that you are having pratyaksha darshan you are seeing me directly. “My body was moving up and down while breathing. I saw the same up and down movements in your body also.” Great!! “I asked my husband, “is Swamiji moving up and down!” He said ‘no’. After that I went and slept. In the morning I was looking at our window blinds. I saw they are also breathing as I am breathing.” Neeraja you are having the glimpse of what I had at the age of 12; feeling everything alive. You are exactly having the glimpse of what I had during at the age of 12. “Few days ago I saw the eyes in the Guru Moorthi in the house, in our house, they are moving. Is it a spiritual experience or just my hallucination?”


Neeraja you can never have so many hallucinations. Don’t worry. So I will prove now you are not having hallucination, you are having the real spiritual experience, with two things. Sit with padmasana and samana mudra you will levitate with that. Second you will have vibhooti from the monitor when you are watching Me. If you are watching now you will have now. If you are not watching Me live now, when you watch me again live, at that time you will have it. So this will prove you are not having hallucination. You are having real spiritual experience.


I used to have this doubt sometimes when I was with Kuppammal. When I had My first experience itself, when I had My Enlightenment at the age of 12, I had the doubt, am I possessed by ghost or God and all that. When I went to Kuppammal she did a very beautiful thing. She took Me to the Arunachaleshwar temple, she took Me near the garbha mandir and asked now remember that experience. I remembered. She asked is it getting intensified or getting diminished. I said it is getting intensified, I can see now. This Shiva linga is alive, all this Deities are alive, this whole temple is alive. She said this is the proof you are possessed by God; because the Arunachaleshwara temple is the most sacred and oldest energy center. If you are possessed by the demon that experience cannot become solid here. It cannot get solidified. It can only diminish. It will only become dull. If you are possessed by divine experience, the real kundalini awakening, only then it can become intense.


So that is the reason, I always request all satsang centers to have some Deity, God, the traditional Hindu Deity. See have Deities like Shiva or Vishnu or Ganesha; the traditional Hindu Deities. No black magic can work in those places. That’s a reason I insist all satsang centers to have the traditional Deities. You see an authentic Master will never create his own black magic Deities. There are people going around creating their own black magic Deities. You can’t understand you can’t connect them with the tradition. Even when they put the linga, it will not look like a traditional linga. Means what; they put their own energy the black magic energy and their own form.


So understand that is the reason I am telling you do not go to the places where the authentic traditional Deities are not worshipped. Go for the Vedic traditional deities; Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Rama, Ganesha. No black magic can work with these Deities; because from the time immemorial they represent pure cosmic consciousness. So in the cosmos itself very clearly only the pure cosmic consciousness can be associated with that Deities. So no black magic can work in the presence of those Deities. That’s the reason I insist have a Shiva linga in your center. Have Ganesha or Venkateshwara, Rama, Krishna, those Deities; no black magic can work and no fake experiences can happen. I think you all understand what I mean! How these fools, cheap people having, creating their own kind of Gods which no scriptures talk about, no tradition accepts. Because they can’t infuse their black magic energy into the traditional Deities, so they create their own new-new names and new, new Deities. So be aware of the people who create their own names their own... I have authentic time tested, fool proof, traditional Deities.


“In Atlanta only women are experiencing kundalini awakening. They are rolling, rocking and levitating. Men are very depressed because nothing is happening to them.” Neeraja, don’t worry, I am not biased. I will give experience to men also. “They are thinking that they are not worthy of it; feeling low about themselves. They are thinking their wives are moving far away from them. Please do something for them Swamiji. Ma Nithya Priyatma.” Priyatma, I bless you from today men also will experience kundalini awakening in Atlanta. OK. Actually it is like this, when men experience, the stability of the experience in men will be long. Women will experience very quickly but stability will be very less. So it’s like each body has one advantage and one disadvantage. So don’t worry about it.


Testimonials and comments; Oh God too many letters, All right, I will just finish this two. This is from Mukta Pushpa San Jose. “I am sure many of us went through an amazing experience during last night session with Swamiji. I could clearly feel a very blissful silence created within each of us after the session. Since I am still swaying with a very sweet bliss today, there is something very sweet to share with you all. When Swamiji started teleporting vibhooti I could clearly smell vibhooti and also my palms had its fragrance later on when we got home. Even Harish could smell it even after washing my hands. And another very sweet incident; I switched my cell phone off during eN effect process. All of a sudden my phone with switched off sound started playing Vishnu sahasranamam.”


Oh God! There is an incident Gnaneshwar, in Gnaneshwars life, Namdev, so Gnaneshwar, Namdev and all used to walk naked. Some of the Brahmins caught them and started asking if you guys are avadhutas, Paramahamsas, as you claim can you make this buffalo chant Vedas? Namdev just sprinkled little water on the buffalo. Buffalo simply chanted the whole Vedic mantras beautifully; Rig Veda mantras. They were shocked. Now we can say switched off cell phone will chant sahasranama. Come on. I can say buffalo chanting Vedic mantra is much easy than the cell phone having Vishnu sahasranama.


“First I thought the sound was coming from somewhere in the temple and I did not pay attention to it. Only after sometime I am seeing my phone in my pocket playing loud with silence mode on Vishnu sahasranama; not to mention that my cell phone is time password protected when it locks automatically after one minute of inactivity.” This is an experience. It is locked, silence mode, switched off and it is chanting Vishnu sahasranama. Great! It’s from Mukta Pushpa’s phone.


“Dear and respected Swamiji my namaskarams to you. Please accept my respects to you. I have been searching my Master internally for past 20 years.” This is Krishna from Toronto. “Cosmic force has answered my call silently because even without anybody recommending, first moment I saw you in the YouTube and heard your voice my inner space is filled with you. My nature is more internal; always searching for things inside the inner space. I must first experience the Brahman and attain yogic body and Vedic mind before I can get into satsang with others. Please accept my respects and bless me. Ennoda ulunarvu unartavada nanugalodan edoovuraviyil ungalidan irangidiki”


He says I have a strong emotion that I had been with you in some distant past life. Please bless me and accept me as your virtual disciple for now. Very soon if you wish I will have your darshan in your presence. Krishna I accept you as My real disciple itself why just virtual disciple! I accept you as My disciple. You will have My darshan in My physical presence. “Accept this following sukta as if I am chanting in your presence with poorna kumbha.” He is giving poorna kumbha to Me. I accept. Krishna you will experience. Yes.


Here is one more question. “Dear Swamiji, what is the difference between contentment and suppression? In one discourse you said do not suppress in another you said be contented. They seem to be contradictory. How do we apply the two techniques? Achala, for you contentment; It is to the individuals. So for you practice contentment. That’s it.


I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.



Living incarnation and Avatar, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam dove into the Patanjali Sutra on Ashtanga Yoga. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, an important spiritual scripture which has inspired millions of seekers and yoga enthusiasts in both the East and the West. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali, a spiritual scientist and the founding father of Yoga, discusses the truths about yoga in a straight-forward manner so that seekers can immediately experience the benefits of Yoga practice. Patanjali teaches the science of life, the science of living and the science of Yoga (uniting). In today's sutra, His Divine Holiness explains how pranayama should be translated as cessation of air movements without thoughts and not as control of breathing.
Following that was the 4 day meditation program called Nithyananda Spurana Program (now known as Nithya Kriya Yoga).

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Photos Of The Day:


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