January 22 2011

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This morning living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda re-interpreted the classic definition for Pranayama. "When you stop your mind, your breathing gets fulfilled. If your mind is interfering with your breathing, it won't be fulfilled." This is the essence of the spiritual practice of Pranayama.

If you feel you have everything in the outer world and you are not fulfilled, your breathing is not fulfilled. If your breathing is fulfilled, everything will be fulfilled in your life even if you have so many complications in the outer world.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda reflected on the epidemic of depression in the world, "I really feel bad for the western society which is caught in psychiatric medicines to come out of depressions. These techniques can be an instant permanent cure at any level. These techniques can get any human being out of mental diseases, at any level or age."

To demonstrate, he used the example that your body is like a desert filled with sand. Any air movement happens in your body, any airflow, all the dust will be shifted by the air and the wind becomes dusty with sand. In the same way all bodies are filled with biomemory and for any air movement these biomemories are lifted. So breathing by its very nature makes you restless and unfulfilled.

However, if breathing happens without provoking thoughts in your inner space, you are enlightened. That's what he called pranayama - breathing happening without provoking thoughts.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda explained the process that happens for his ashramites living around him, and the people attending courses. "I'm actually trying to do my breathing in all your bodies. I'm breathing without thoughts, this breathing is contagious, if you sit in my breathing space, your breathing also catches this. This is what I call ocean."

Your biomemory is intelligent, if you like somebody, just like that you can do what he does. Body language which is able to inspire many people's biomemory to automatically follow with what one is doing is what I call charisma.

He gave a simple technique for breathing without creating thoughts: Sit comfortably and observe the breathing movement. Whenever you get a thought, other than the breathing process, just stop breathing immediately. This is one of the most powerful pranayama processes.

Video and Audio - Pranayama Technique for Enlightenment (Patanjali Yoga Sutras 101) Nithyananda Satsang

Video Audio



sadāshiva samārambām jnana sambantharācharya madhyamām | asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Let us enter into the Sutra, today’s Sutra... All the participants in the NSP should know, this morning Satsang, the Pada Puja and Satsang is watched by thousands of devotees in hundreds of countries all over the world and it is drastically increasing, thanks to the technology. Our recent video conferencing equipment has made the NTVs clarity more strong and I am seriously considering to have a full fledged studio and satellite channel because people are... from all over the world, lot of requests are coming and even some devotees have offered some money also to support this project. They are all requesting, “Swamiji, let’s have a satellite channel”. So soon you can expect the announcement. We are working on it, it may take six months to one year but soon you can expect the announcement of launching of NTV.


I am seeing... I am seeing all over the world that morning Satsang with the Master is becoming a culture and I am also planning to spend more time with devotees and disciples by giving two Satsangs and not only that... it has a purpose; see, people gathering together and sitting LIVE with Me has a purpose. If only knowledge transfer is a purpose then you don’t need to sit LIVE with Me, just I can put it in the YouTube, listen, you will have the knowledge whenever you want. So we may not need a satellite channel but when you sit LIVE with Me, something more than knowledge transfer happens; the transmission is happening which is doing so much good for individuals and to the world that’s a reason now we are working with video-conferencing facility. We will upgrade this facility itself for 108 cities by March 2nd that’s a first level work and after that, we will go for the second level work of launching a satellite TV where people can sit LIVE all over the world everyday and listen to the Satsang, morning Satsang.


Today is 101st Sutra, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, in second chapter, 50th verse: “Pranayama; stop your mind. Pranayama; stop your mind to fulfill the breath”. Please understand, when you stop the mind your breathing gets fulfilled. If your mind is interfering with your breathing it is always unfulfilled. Just yesterday somebody was asking Me, “Swamiji I have everything any one will ask for in the life but somehow that emptiness, unfulfilled feeling. I don’t know what to do”. Please understand if you feel you have everything in the outer world but still there is an unfulfillment, your breathing is not fulfilled. The first thing you need to fulfill in your life is breathing. If you fulfill your breathing, everything will be fulfilled in your life even though you have so many complications in the outer world. If you have not fulfilled your breathing, you will have a deep emptiness even if everything is fulfilled in the outer world. Please understand even if everything is fulfilled in the outer world you will not feel fulfilled. You will not feel fulfilled. Important thing you need to understand, even if you don’t feel things are right in the outer world, you can experience fulfillment; and one important secret is always outer world follows the inner world. If you think the inner world follows the outer world, you are wrong.


Ramakrishna says very beautifully, “Whatever you make in the inner world only happens in the outer world, not whatever you make in the outer world in inner world”. No! The fulfillment is always experienced first inner, in the inner world then that actually expresses itself in the outer world and outer world situations also fall in place and the fulfillment happens but unfortunately ignorant-mind starts thinking, “If you create fulfillment in the outer world then it will happen in the inner world”. No, it is not. It is not the truth and it does not happen in that way. Fulfill breathing first. How to fulfill breathing?


Let’s enter into the Sutra and understand what Patanjali has to offer to all of us; the technology of fulfilling the breathing. I tell you, just fulfilling the breathing your whole inner space can be transformed to fulfillment maybe within 10 to 20 seconds. I can say instant cure for depression, instant cure for any mental disorders, any mental disorders at any level. I really feel bad for the western society which is caught with these psychiatric medicines, depression medications. To come out of depression or the psychological sufferings, medicines are the last help. It is so unfortunate they are stuck with medicines because they do not know anything else.


I can tell you, these Patanjali’s techniques can be a instant cure; understand, permanent cure for all kinds of mental disorders at any level. Please understand when I am uttering all these words I am talking very responsibly. I know I am addressing some of the major serious issues and problems modern day humanity is facing so naturally I won’t make casual irresponsible statements. I am not a marketing agent for some pharmacy company to make any statement, any advertisement and sell the product. No, I am here to help the humanity honestly. With all My Integrity and honesty I tell you these Patanjali’s techniques can get any human being out of any mental disorders, at any level, at any age, belong to any race, gender, color, country. Whatever words I uttered, I uttered from the strength of Patanjali’s teachings. Now one word I am adding with My own strength “Instantly” that word I am adding from My strength. Any human being, any mental disorder can be cured at any level at any age. This statement I am making with Patanjali’s strength. I am adding one word “Instantly” from My own strength. I know how to make these techniques work instantly for the modern day human beings. From that strength I am adding the word, “Instantly”.


Let Me enter into the Sutras.

Wow! Nobody can... nobody can use so minimal words and not to miss even one small instruction like Patanjali. If you use too minimal words you will miss some instruction. If you don’t miss any instruction you will be using too much of words but Patanjali is the ultimate combination of minimal words and never missing, single instruction. He is showing his ability to use minimal words and giving all instructions properly in this Sutra.


Swami Vivekananda translates this Sutra as, “Its modifications are three-fold namely external, internal and motionless. They are regulated by place, time and number and further they are either long or short”. Swami Prabhavananda translates this Sutra as, “The breath may be stopped externally or internally or checked in mid-motion and regulated according to place, time and a fixed number of moments, so that the stoppage is either protracted or brief”. Swami Sachidananda translates as, “The modifications of life breath are either external, internal or stationary. They are to be regulated by space, time and number and are either long or short”.


I will try to translate. I think this whole today’s session I will just translate this Sutra; because just the translation you can make at least one hundred technique, from this translation one hundred Pranayama techniques. Still I am not able to get the right word for the “Pranayama”; english word. The close word can be Life-Breath. I will use the word, “Life-Breath” roughly to translate Pranayama.

Oh God! Maybe I will take three days to explain this Sutra. Don’t bother if you don’t understand completely because you may have to see all three sessions together only then you will understand. I will explain the first part today.

You see, as on now how you breathe should be understood by you. Your body is like a desert filled with sand. Any air movement happens in your body... see in the desert if any airflow, breeze or the wind happens, what will happen? All the dust will be lifted by the air and the whole wind become dusty, full of sand. Sameway, ordinary body is filled with so much of Bio-Memory, it’s like a desert. If too much of Bio-Memory is there, nobody can live. Any air movement… immediately what happens… in that wind all this dust is lifted. So the breathing by its nature awakens too many thoughts and engrams and makes you restless, unfulfilled. Now what is the way that air should not awaken the dust and get contaminated? Either all the sand should become a stone or it should become ocean, that’s the only way. Either all your Bio-Memories should become stone means dead once for all. It cannot be awakened by the breeze at all. See on the huge rocks, if the air flows what will happen? Neither the sand will be raised nor the air will be impure. The air will be pure. Very important thing, please understand the sand and the air when they mix together, both are corrupted. When the Bio-Memory and your Life-Breath when they are mixed together, both are corrupted. If breathing happens without provoking thoughts in your inner space, you are enlightened, that is what I call Pranayamaha. “Breathing happening without provoking thoughts”.

(22:52) I am actually trying to do My breathing in all your bodies because now I am breathing without having any thought; no thoughts are provoked in Me but I am breathing. One fortunate thing is, this breathing is contagious. If you sit with this breathing in My breathing space, slowly, slowly your breathing also catches this. This is what I call becoming ocean. See if you don’t want the air to be contaminated by the sand, either become a rock or become a ocean. Becoming rock means by your own Sadhana, Unclutching and integrating yourself, so no thought during breathing, that’s one method. Second, if you think, “No, when can sand become stone by My practice” or at least be one with the ocean, just go and become one with the ocean, that’s what surrendering to God. So naturally if you become ocean, the air will not have sand. It will not lift sand, it will not get contaminated. There’s a third thing, neither you need to become rock nor you need to go and surrender to the ocean. Suddenly a river will start flowing over you, that is what I call grace, compassion of the Master. When the river starts flowing over you, neither without your effort to Unclutch nor your effort to surrender; even surrender is kind of a effort. Nothing is required. Your breathing has become pure. Masters presence is like a river. When you sit in somebody’s breathing Space whose breathing does not create thought in his body, your breathing also changes and your breathing also stops creating thoughts in your body, in your Bio-Memory.


I can see very clearly this Prana is going through My nostril and it is going, taking a turn near My Ajna and whatever portion came in it is just absorbed and goes all over the body as Samana and whatever amount of air is required to go out so that the pumping can happen, for that reason certain amount of air is sent out but I am not seeing any difference between the air which goes inside, air which comes outside; any chemical change, any difference. Usually the science says the air which goes inside has more oxygen, air which comes out has more carbon dioxide, the oxygen is absorbed inside but I am seeing clearly at least in My body chemically I don’t see difference between this two. Maybe we will do some scientific research because I am not seeing difference chemically; only in the level of Prana, the process is happening.


So whenever the air goes in and comes out without creating any thought it is Pranayamaha. So if you sit in the breathing Space of a person who breathes in that way, your breathing also changes because your Bio-Memory is intelligent. Please understand if you like somebody’s body language you don’t need to learn his body language step by step, word by word; just like that you will pick up. You will just do what he does. You will just do what he does. Please understand body language which is able to inspire many people’s Bio-Memory automatically to follow its expression is what I call charisma. Charisma has nothing to do with being beautiful or handsome or any measurement. See some of this celebrities, they don’t have what you call as, being handsome or beautiful and all that but their body language has something, simply which makes people follow, that is what is charisma but understand, if you follow somebody’s body language who is not complete in himself, you are entering into a most dangerous zone. Do not follow somebody’s body language who is not complete.


I think the best way to explain this Sutra is to give you experience but for the sake of future and posterity, I will talk about this Sutra also; explain also. I will give you a straight instruction, “How to breathe without creating a thought?” Sit in a very comfortable posture, the first thing. Second, just observe the breathing movement. Whenever you get a thought other than the breathing action, stop the breathing then and there whether you are in the process of inhaling or holding or exhaling whatever may be the cycle happening in you... Please understand the moment you see a thought is happening other than the breathing process... See a thought like, “Oh I am inhaling, I am holding, I am exhaling” that is allowed. Any thought other than the breathing process starts, stop the breathing immediately. You will see the thought will disappear then again allow the breathing process, again when the thought starts, stop. I can say this is one of the most powerful Pranayama process, very powerful Pranayama process; I can give you. Maybe today I will stop with this one Pranayama technique. I will continue on this same Sutra deeper and deeper for next two-three days because this whole thing cannot be translated and given in one session.


So the essence of first-part of this Sutra is, whether the breathing movement is outside or inside or happening… Please understand, outside means lungs are empty, air is outside, that is what is… I call the outside. Inside means lungs are full, air is inside that is what I call Antara, inside. Between means the air movement is happening between the outside and inside. Whatever may be the situation, the moment you have a thought, stop it. This can be a very powerful instant technique for Pranayama but I will give you more and more deeper and deeper techniques in further Satsangs. Today I will stop with this. Maybe you can all just sit for few minutes to catch up this breathing without thinking. Just sit, sit in Padmasana or Vajrasana and Samana Mudra. Try, try to sit in Padmasana. You don’t need to do anything. Just sit in Padmasana and Samana Mudra. You don’t even need to close your eyes, like a infection now you will catch this breathing without thinking. You don’t need to try to control your thinking. You just sit. You can even keep your eyes open. You don’t need to do any technique. No need for any technique. I am just going to chant the Beeja of Prana. Prana Beeja is “Yam”. Yam is the Beeja of the Pranic energy, the Air energy; Vayu Deva.


Let the Prana without thinking happen in all of you. Let the breathing without thinking happen in all of you. Remember only the breathing action happening in you. Inhaling is happening, exhaling is happening, holding is happening; just breathing action. “Yam... Om... Yam...” Thoughts are dust. Breathing is breeze. Let your body have breeze without dust. Let it have breeze without dust. Let your breathing be without thinking. Let the pure energy rotate in you as breathing. Let the pure energy flow in you as breathing. “Om… Yam…” “Om… Yam…” “Om… Yam...” Let the pure breathing happen in your Nadis, pure breathing without thinking, pure breathing without thoughts. Let the time stand still. “Yam… Yam… Yam...” Pure breathing without thinking. No sound; any physical movement is okay but don’t allow sound because through sound the energy will leave your body. Physical movements are okay; no sound. “Om… Yam...” “Om... Yam…” “Yam…” “Om… Yam...” “Om... Yam…” “Om… Yam...” Pure breathing without thoughts. (45:38) I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


Video and Audio - Life Bliss || LBP

Video Audio



Please understand. Life bliss, life by its very nature is bliss. So anything you feel which is not bliss your engraved memories are responsible. Please understand. The next ten statement I am going to make, in that I am giving you the complete technical knowledge you need to live your life. Then I will add techniques to make you experience those truths. Then initiation to make you radiate that as a life. Please understand. First I am giving you, few technical truths, knowledge, sacred secrets, few truths, the technical knowledge. Then next step technique to make that truths as experience. Third step initiation to make you radiate those truths. First truth, life is bliss by its nature. But immediately our mind will resist, ‘No, how can this be bliss? Because I have disease. I don’t have proper relationship. I don’t have enough wealth. I don’t have peace of mind. I am depressed. I have these problems. I have that problems.’ Your mind will list all the problems and say ‘No life is not bliss.’


I am telling you, please understand. Anything which makes you feel life is not bliss is what I call engraved memory. The idea, thought or... corrupted memory is the right word. I was choosing right word. Corrupted memory means something you would have experienced as a joy but it will get recorded as pain. Something would have been pain when you went through but it will get recorded as a joy. This is what corrupted memory. These are all is what I call engram - samskaras. Please understand. Anything which makes you feel life is not bliss is samskara - engraved memory. Let Me define samskara, idea which gets into your system and makes you do the same act or same thought again and again even if you don’t want. That is what is samskara. The idea gets into your system and makes you think or work in a certain frequency or fashion, in a certain way even if you don’t want. That is a…..that’s what I call samskaras - engraved memory.


Please understand: Whether it is your physical disease or mental disorders or interpersonal relationship problems or unable to create the wealth, or the spiritual emptiness, whatever may be the problem, engraved memory is responsible. Engrams are responsible. Samskaras are responsible. I can give you simple examples: In the young age if your mother teaches you ‘Don’t go in the rain you will catch cold.’ Even after you become forty, fifty you don’t even need to go in rain, just see the rain through the window you will say ‘aach’. (Swamiji makes a sneezing gesture) Even if you see the rain through the window, ‘aach’ (Swamiji makes a sneezing gesture) you will start sneezing. The engraved memory again and again and again puts your bio memory in a same way of flowing. I can tell you if you are habituated for headache, for twenty days or one month if you don’t have a headache you will feel something is missing. You will feel empty.


If you look deeply in your life you will see in many places, many situations, if you don’t have the criss-crossing of the engrams in you, you will feel empty. Criss crossing of the engrams means physical disorder or mental disorders. You will feel empty; because you are habituated to live continuously with engrams - with samskaras. The seven layer engraved memories which we store inside our system - all the engrams related to physical disorders, all the engrams related to our desires, all the engrams related to our guilt, all the engrams related to our pains, all the engrams which are not completely meaningful to your life which are chaotic, and all the engrams related to your peace and engramsless state. These are the seven layers you have in you. Many things which I say if you don’t remember after the class don’t worry. You don’t need to remember them.


Basically you have seven layer engrams in you layer by layer. The first layer is related to all your physical disorders. The second layer is related to all your desires. Why it is getting fulfilled? Why it is not getting fulfilled? The third layer is related to all your guit. Why you don’t do something and you again and again do something even if it is wrong. You don’t do something even if it is right. You don’t… you do again and again some things even if it is wrong. Why? Behavioral pattern..patterns that is the third layer. The fourth layer is the constant pain which you carry about life. You see practically I tell you the moment somebody crosses thirty, it almost like a life is a big load. Life is a big load. Everybody feels that. Why? Why everybody feels life is a load? That is the fourth layer engram the pain. And fifth layer is broken memories, that is what I call the complete misunderstood memories. Pain will be perceived as pleasure pleasure will be perceived as pain, guilt will be perceived as desire desire will be perceived as guilt; chaos, complete chaos. That’s the fifth layer. Sixth layer is the memories related to your peace. Seventh layer is no memory, no engram. That is the ultimate bliss.


I am actually going to work on all the six layers in these four days and push you into the seventh layer. That’s what exactly I am going to do in these four days. One more thing when I say ‘I am going to do’ please understand, I am going to DO. I mean what I am saying. Another one thing, now I know the complete science of how people catch what I am teaching? Why people miss sometime? And how to take care that they don’t miss. So now I can assure and promise you, these four days I will be able to work on all your six layers and push you into the seventh layer. The deep peace and life bliss, the real life force. That life force only we call it as God, Shiva, cosmos, self, atma, Brahman. You can call with any name - Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad any name you can give which is beyond your ego. That’s it. All names, forms, everything merges in that.


If you cooperate with Me you will also enjoy the programme. But even if you don’t cooperate independent of you I am going to do that. Understand. Actually last inner awakening we did a survey. Tomorrow, the doctor who did the survey is coming and reporting to you. Hundred percent participants, hundred percent of them have their bio energy... there is a technical term they said, he will come and present it to you. Thirteen times it has increased. Please understand. Thousand three hundred percent than normal man and before the programme. Before program and after program... actually I promised in the last Inner Awakening I will make at least four strands of your DNA awakened; four more. Usually all human beings will have two strands; two strands is the normal. I promised at least four more I will awaken, means at least six. But he says in his thing thirteen times more. Thousand three hundred percent. This is not complete fun, the real funny thing is for participants thirteen hundred percent energy is awakened, what we call kundalini. Mitochondria’s bio.. cell energy - thirteen times, thousand three hundred percent it’s awakened. And the funny thing is participants who were in the hall did not do any.. participants who were in the hall and did all the program they had thirteen times more means thousand three hundred percent. The volunteers who were in the hall, did not do any program, only had energy darshan from Me. They will sit here and take care of the participants. End of the program every day you will have energy darshan. They will come only for energy darshan. They had thousand hundred percent, means eleven times more.


So the essence: Your life is basically bliss. Anything you feel other than bliss is a samskara - engraved memory. These four days I am going to remove those engraved memories from you and infuse intense bliss into your bio memory. That’s all.


Video and Audio - Man Cannot Make It He has to be Given || LBP

Video Audio



Clear! Please understand. Go with the... go into the program with all intensity. I’ll see that not only you enjoy the program, that real honest truth, the honest true spiritual experience is awakened in you and that gets converted as a physical health, mental health, and spiritual joy, beautiful relationships and creativity - creating wealth, prosperity in your life. I'll see that that energy gets converted into all these five directions. As a side effect of that spiritual awakening, all these starts happening in your life.


Of course, if you are not interested in doing, if you are just sitting here also, I'll be able to push you. I can do that. But you will not be enjoying. That is why I always tell people, even if it is heaven, if it is given to you without you working for it, it will not be heaven. If you also work for it, even if your work does not bring that result directly; if you feel after you worked you got it, you will enjoy it. See, it is not that some ten-fifteen minutes of your meditation is going to bring you spiritual experience. No. I am telling you very clearly, man cannot make it. He has to be given. That's the truth. But if you give him freely, he will take it for granted. So he has to made run around like as if he is making it. Then finally you have to gift it to him as if he made it. No, that is the whole game. You can't think that it came without your effort.

And same way, the truth is you can't make it. That is the problem. Basically, man can't make it. You see I tell you honestly, I did not make it. Somebody gave it to me. That is why when I write My biography, people feel shocked thinking that all those things I achieved. It is not truth!


See I had a strong experience at the age of twelve. Somebody gave Me; actually Annamalai Swamigal gave Me, gave that experience to Me. Any of you have seen him? He lived in Arunachala. In ninety-five only he passed away. A great enlightened disciple of Ramana Maharshi. He gave it to Me; because he gave, My whole life has become alive. Then I did whatever I did.

So basically man can't make it, he has to be given. But the funny thing is his ego is so much, if he is given he will take it for granted. So you have to satisfy his ego - means you have to make him feel, “Oh I woke up early morning and drove all the way to Bangalore and sat with Swamiji. We blowed the right nostril, left nostril, did pranayama, bent the body and then our kundalini was awakened.”!! You feel very happy. “Wow! I did it. I did it!” But exactly, to tell you the truth, man can't make it. He has to be given. That's the truth. I was given! I am telling you honestly I was given. To tell you honestly, you can't make it. You can't make it. It has to be given. Somebody gave Me, and I can give you. But unfortunately if I give you directly, you will have the same problem which I had when it was given to Me. I did not believe. I really thought, “Oh something is being done to me.”


Really I am telling you. You see, when My master gave Me the experience, I really thought that he is hypnotising Me and he is going to use Me for himself. But he did not even care about Me. He just left the body. Annamalai Swamigal. No, he did not expect Me to make a big mission for him or he did not expect Me to do some seva for him. Nothing! But when he gave the experience I had that fear. “Maybe he is doing something on Me or he is going to do something to Me.”


Suddenly I realized, “Oh God! He gave it as a gift!” The human mind doesn't tolerate gift. It tolerates pain because it breeds on pain. Human mind breeds on pain. Please understand. So it... but it doesn't tolerate gifts. So that is the reason I have to make you do some exercise, some practice, something and then make you experience. So you may think, “Now after all you told the truth, why should we do?” The truth which I said only your intellect will catch. Your whole inner being will not catch. That will catch only when I make you do the whole circus. That's the truth, that's the right word ‘circus’. That's a right word. Because you have gone so much away from the simple truth. Bringing you back to that simple truth is so complicated. Bringing you back to that simple truth is so complicated. So basically, these four days I am going to make you experience.


(Video edited - no continuity) And seven engrams, seven layer engram you have. See you are basically a seven layer. Seven things put together is you. One your physical body-blood, flesh, bone, bone marrow. This is the first part. The second part is your breathing structure-inhaling, holding,exhaling, spreading all over the body, and cleaning. These are the five breathing action happening in you. Please understand. Inhaling holding, exhaling and the air which you held inside that being spread all over the body and cleaning. These are the five breathing actions -prana, vyana, udana, samana, apana.


You don't need to remember; as I said I am repeating all this for My remembrance. It's like uh I am... My rhythms “Baa Baa Black Sheep”. Only when you sing again and again you'll remember. So I never miss a opportunity to repeat these Sanskrit words. See I'm just, I wanted all this to be kept alive. So, as I said there will be some technical terms I'll be repeating not for the sake of you understanding or remembering. For the sake of Me remembering and keeping it alive.


So you understand the English, that's enough. In English I'm repeating - inhaling, holding, exhaling, spreading, cleaning. This what I am saying - prana, vyana, udana, samana, apana - Five breathing process. This is the second part of you.


Third part of you is constant inner chattering. Constantly that inside, something will be going on. Lalalalalalalala. Something! Whether you are sitting, walking, talking. You may do anything but inside that radio will be going on. Chatterbox…. will be going on. That is the third part of you.


Fourth part of you is emotions. Sometime you will not even have words, but you will have the heaviness feeling, emotions. And the fourth, please understand. The fourth is emotions. Emotion is different from thoughts. Thoughts can be controlled, emotion will control you. It is not thoughts. It's beyond thoughts. It's the fourth part.


Fifth part is the chaos, like a lump of emotion and thought mixture. Like RCC concrete. See thought is a steel. Emotion is a concrete. And the fifth layer is concrete and steel put together, RCC pillar. That’s the fifth layer. Fifth layer is the place where you fall asleep. You can't handle yourself anymore and you just fall asleep. Where aaaaalll, its like a garage! All your engrams are there. The fifth is the, like a godown (warehouse), causal body.


The sixth is the peaceful zone. Seventh is enlightenment. All these seven parts put together only is you. ‘You’ is all these seven put together.



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Photos Of The Day:


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