October 10 2010

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Healing Through Meditation


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of [Healing/Meditation]] during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Healing Through Meditation, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared that He will be expanding on different researches by modern day scientists on healing and mediation and also how three great Masters such as Patanjali, Swatmarama and Shiva did so much in the line of mind, brain, consciousness and body. He explained how so much morphing happens in the brain, calling this Maya and shared how the technique of Mahamantra, intense humming, puts all the brain’s neurons in such restful awareness. His Divine Holiness explained that the normal frequency of the mind is raised to a higher frequency by meditation allowing the mind automatically to do manana which will lead you to the ultimate experience.

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|| Sadāshiva samārambhām Shankarācāryā madhyamām | Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. The today’s subject, ‘Healing through Meditation’. Next few days I am continuously going to talk on different researches on healing and meditation. I just wanted to make people understand, about the different effects of meditation, on your brain and the system and the direct techniques to create those effects.


Here I am, with some of the researches these modern day scientists have done. Vincent Giampapa MD; he is a doctor and anti-aging researcher and I will explain how the words of Patanjali and Swatmarama is beautifully proved by this research. His research proves, in a certain brain wave frequencies, brain releases a highly beneficial substances, including human growth hormone, a major healing hormone and three other effects he records. Cortisol comes down, the stress hormone, aging hormone. DHEA - the dehydroepiandrosterone goes up, which is responsible for our physiological age and resistance to diseases, which is responsible our vibrant healthy and ability to fight diseases and third - important - Melatonin goes up which is responsible for our sound sleep and acts as a highly potent anti-oxidant. There are some more researches, I’ll come back to all that.


First I wanted to talk about this research and how, how this effect can be achieved in you and how Patanjali and Swatmarama and Shiva, I can say these are the great three Masters, who did so much in the line of Mind, Brain, Consciousness and Body. The line which cuts across these subjects - no other tradition, no other group, no other civilization, no other community - is able to penetrate so deeply, dive so deeply and collect the ultimate truths; present it so beautifully in such an organized way to the humanity.


But fortunately, the Vedic tradition understood the human mind and separated this research and development, R&D department and defined rules to protect the purity and truth of the research and development. It did very beautifully - kept the R&D people in poverty and took care these politicians and the Vaishyas - the wealthy guys - do not interfere in their research and development; their R&D is not disturbed, interfered. So the, when a Brahmana, an R&D person, research and development scientist is possessed by Shraddha - Truth, he is just completely given freedom. When he experiences that, ‘Shraddha Viveca’ - he is given a ultimate freedom. There is no limit for him. He can explore into all great fields.


Just yesterday I was studying, a YouTube presentation related to this discourse. So beautifully they presented, how each thought has a neuron. See, each bit of an information, each thought has an independent neuron in our brain, recording and making that information available to you whenever you want. Means, how many billions of stars are there, that many billions of neurons are there in you. The Cosmos is reality; the brain is the experience of reality - so the Brahmanda and Pindanda. Any change or purification in Pindanda - means the brain, makes you experience the Brahmanda - Cosmos - pure. They had the pure Shraddha - sincerity. They were able to record and make the truths available to us.


I thank every individual who existed during the period of these three great Masters, for not invading and intruding and tempting and abusing the purity of those great Masters. Not only those three, I thank every individual, for not doing that abusal; because if they would have done, these great truths wouldn’t have been available to us.


I tell you, studying yesterday this presentation about the brain and the meditation in some of the YouTube clips; I could see very clearly, the every experience I had with each Sutra of Patanjali and Mahadeva - Shiva. See, when I study some of these Sutras and consciously scan, I’ll see very clearly that part of the brain getting activated and that effect happening in my system. So it’s so beautiful to see that scientifically recorded.


Every bit of information is held by a neuron in your brain. Even the world’s largest library, the amount of information it has; your single brain can have larger, more information than that amount. World’s largest library - the amount of information it contains, more amount of informations can be stored in your single brain; of course if you have it.


When I was seeing that presentation, I could see very clearly, how the ‘Drishti-shrishti’ - the truths of experiencing the Cosmos as you want, is connected through these great scientific understandings and these researches. Sometime, some parts of your brain, somehow labels some experiences as unwanted or wound or pain. Then that part is forcibly, purposely dumped into the archives section, un-retrievable archives section by your own decision; because you connect that with a suffering, wound - you dump that. Understand. When you dump, you don’t dump only that particular information, all information related to that particular information.


I tell you, anybody who suffered and memorized subject and wrote exam, forgets the whole subject within six month. The more stress you put on exam, more quickly you forget the subject. I am telling you directly. If you are an engineer, software engineer or doctor or lawyer five years before - now try to remember what you studied in your, for your examination. You may remember what you are using every day now - that’s all, nothing more than that. Nothing can be remembered. Because of so much suffering associated to exam and studying which is done for exam, makes you hate that whole process. You dump the whole thing into the un-retrievable archive.


So, the game between un-retreivable archive, constantly enjoyed memory. The constantly cherished memory is fantasy, greed. Information dumped into the un-retreivable archives is fear. Unfortunately, when you dump something forcibly into the un-retrievable archive, some part of your brain gets the fear it may come up by itself. That fear itself constantly reminds and pushes that material to face - surface again and again. The self-contradicting experience, the inner-conflict which you dump into un-retreivable archive, the force with which you dump, creates a fear it may surface by itself for some reason.


These two - creates a conflict. So now, three factor. One - the fantasy and the fear, the fantasy may take over. Second - the un-retrievable archive - the memories dumped into the un-retrievable archives and the fear it may surface by itself. Third important factor is the inner-conflict between these experiences. This is the mirror on which the Cosmos is reflecting in your system. That is why I say, whatever you see, whatever you hear, do not believe. Done outside the video and the scene which is shown to you; it is done inside your brain. So much of morphing is happening inside your brain. Misrepresentation, manipulation and morphing done inside your brain is what I call Maya. Three ‘M’, it’s the ‘Fourth M’


Misrepresentation, manipulation and morphing done inside your brain, by these factors of memories dumped into the un-retreivable archive and the fear that memories may surface by itself and the constantly cherished memory - fantasy and the fear, these memories may take over your brain. These four are the ingredient, the major responsible ingredients for the morphing, misrepresentation and manipulation of Cosmos done in your brain which I call, ‘Maya’.


Let me come to the solution. If the Brahmanda reflects on Pindanda, if the Macrocosm reflects on Microcosm as it is - it is Enlightenment. That is what I call, ‘Incarnation’ - embodiment of Cosmos. You don’t need to be born as Incarnation. You can just explode and experience your Avatarhood, Incarnation-hood any moment you decide. If the Macrocosm reflects on Microcosm without manipulation, misrepresentation and morphing, you are an Incarnation.


When that three ‘M’ happens, you are caught in the ‘Big M’ - Maya. How to stop these three M happening in the system? When the three ‘M’ put together - the fourth M, ‘Big M’ - Maya. What is the solution for the ‘Fourth M’ - the ‘Fifth M’ - Meditation. Even the ‘Fifth M’ is nothing but the solution for this problem to stop this morphing, manipulation, misrepresentation. These three M, creates the ‘Fourth M’ - Maya problem. The solution is ‘Fifth M’.


The technique, how to do the ‘Fifth M’ - is nothing but just ‘Mmmmm’ - Mahamantra - intense ‘Mmmm’. Actually, the Mahamantra puts all neurons in such restful awareness, in such restful awareness; morphing, misrepresentation, manipulation is just stopped, at least for few seconds and Macrocosm reflects on Microcosm as it is. When the Macrocosm, ‘M’ is not reflecting on Microcosm, ‘M’ properly, because of three ‘M’; the solution M is ‘Mmmm’.


Let me give you one more important tip, revelation, truth. With this understanding this, Mahamantra technique - the intense humming - will very deeply work on you. First thing - bring your awareness to Manana. Manana means, ‘What am I? What is really going on in my brain? What are the memories I am dumping into un-retrievable archive? I can say trying to dump into un-retrievable archive; What are the memories I am trying to dump into the most cherishing memory, fantasy?’ - just simple few minutes of looking. Everything will boil down into, ‘What am I?’.


See, when that, ‘What am I? Who am I?’ starts; first thing you will feel is, the identity which you carry, which is a mixture of body and mind. If you just look little deeply, ‘Is it really, body and mind me?’ - suddenly Shastra Pramana, the scriptural truths or Apta Pramana, the Masters experience, may come for your help. It’ll say, ‘No, no Swamiji said, I am not just the body. Yes, even Ramana Maharshi says I am not just the body. Upanishad says, I am not just body’. When these Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramana comes to your help; how much of Vitarka you have, that much these two will become Atma Pramana.


Understand. These two help will not become 100% experience in you immediately. But they too, will be of a tremendous help. First, when you have the Manana, the identity which you feel, the mixture of your body and mind; if it is a hundred gram weight, when you remember these two - Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramana maybe based on your Shraddha, Vitarka; sixty gram weight may drop from your identity or even ninety gram weight may drop. Rarely, even hundred gram weight may drop. But that is very rare, when you have that tremendous Shraddha with the Master. But usually, at least more than fifty gram weight will drop. After that, that remaining identity which is there; the remaining, try to look, look, look, with awareness, ‘What is this? What am I?’


Understand. How much the Shastra Pramana and Aptha Pramana helps, take that help. More than that, don’t bother. You yourself put your Sadhana. When you have the Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramana too strongly, you don’t need Sadhana. But when there is little less Apta Pramana, means the Shraddha with the Master, you need little Sadhana. That Sadhana is what I call, ‘Look, really What? Who am I?’ Within five-ten minutes your mind will be bored or tired and slip away. Now this is the time for Mahamantra. Understand?


Please understand. The ‘Who am I?’ or ‘What am I?’, is not the question for you to get answer. No. It is the process, for you to get prepared for experience. Don’t expect there will be answer - suddenly somebody will appear, ‘Oh my Son, this is who you are’ - no. No, this is not the question to be answered, the process to be experienced. So I am giving you a very important powerful process, technique today. It’s one of my great gift to all of you; LE participants, understand.


This is the process, let me describe. Remember, the Cosmos is not reflecting as it is in your system. The Macrocosm is not perceived, experienced as it is in Microcosm - first truth. This gap between two ‘M’ is because of three ‘M’. For the same video, when you add wrong music, when these three ‘M’ twists the relationship between these two ‘M’ - that is what I call ‘Maya’ - next ‘M’. So the solution is the ultimate ‘M’, Meditation and before Meditation - technique.


Please understand. Meditation can be called as two part - Manana, Dhyana. Manana is a process, Dhyana is the technique. So now, I am giving you two - two part. First, Manana - ‘Who am I?’ When you start digging, you will have that lump of identity, that is what I call ‘aborted baby’. The identity which you carry, the mixture of body and mind, is ‘aborted baby’. In the aborted baby, how it looks - just the flesh; your identity which you carry, which is a mixture of body and mind, is ‘aborted baby’. The moment it appears, it will naturally immediately appear, ‘This is what I think I am’. Then naturally immediately, your Shastra Pramana and Apta Pramana will come for your rescue, ‘No no no no, books says; all the books I read.’


You see, all the books you read means, anything which you did not directly receive from the Master, but spiritual knowledge - is Shastra Pramana. Even if you have read Ramana Maharshi’s books, J. Krishnamurti’s books and have not seen them, directly had initiation from them, it is Shastra Pramana. If you have read Ramakrishna’s books, but you have not directly seen him or had initiation from him it is Shastra Pramana only. So Shastra Pramana will come for help.


Then, if you are fortunate to sit at the feet of the Master, the Apta Pramana - Master’s experience also will come for help. You can just remember, ‘I have seen somebody who had such a big wound and did not even know about it for five days. I myself lived around him during those five days. Not only did not put any medicine or any care and did not even know that has happened’ - Shastra Pramana sorry Apta Pramana. The Masters experience comes, ‘Oh then, I am body is not ultimate truth. Something else is there’. The Apta Pramana - that will come for help.


When these two comes for help, depending on our Shraddha, maybe 50 to even 100 percent of that idea of identity will be dropped. If 100% drops - no problem, nothing more need to be done. Then you need, not you need, you already have the ultimate ‘M’ - Mouna. So nothing is required. When that ultimate M, Mouna does not happen, don’t bother. Now, continue the Manana, ‘Who am I? Then what am I?’


Your brain has certain capability. It can be alert and aware and hold on to a particular truth for few minutes. The capacity will vary person to person. Don’t bother about the capacity. How much capacity you have, that much time, that many minutes your brain will hold on to that Manana, ‘Who am I?’. When it drifts away, slips away, don’t have worry or guilt. Don’t create one more engram, no; one more morphing, no; morphing on morphing - no. The moment it slips away, now understand, you are done with your Manana today. Today’s Manana is over, don’t do second time. Start Mahamantra - technique now. Manana is over, go to Dhyana. Maybe do it to the extent, maybe 20 minutes, so intensely. After that the Manana will be happening by itself in your system, whole day.


Please understand. If you try to do Manana...They have some grinder inside and they are peeling the coconut, ‘Shhh shhh phhh phhh’. No. Don’t bring second time. Shravana should be done again and again; Manana should be done only once; Nididhyasana should not even be done, should happen. Understand the law of Vedanta. This is Vedanta. Vedanta has only three component. Shravana - listening again and again and again, which we don’t want to do. Manana should be done only once which we want to do again and again. Nididhyasana should never be done, should happen. The essence of Vedanta is this one process - 20 minute do intense Mahamantra.


I saw yesterday very clearly, when they described about that brain, each bit of information being received by neuron and getting stored; in a chaotic way they are all blown away into your brain, like a small...You see, when a cyclone comes on a desert, how the dust, huge amount of dust is thrown in the air; same way, one small fear moves on your brain, billions of neurons are thrown away, blown away and low speed internet connection in YouTube, that also get clogged. So chaos into chaos.


So I was seeing how to sort out this, how to settle the dust down. Mahamantra is the technique. Immediately dust settles down. When the dust settles down - Manana becomes habit, Manana becomes lifestyle. Manana means, which is supposed to be happening, as long as your mind is there. Means, the normal frequency of the mind is raised to the higher frequency by the meditation - Mahamantra technique. When the higher frequency mind exists, it automatically does Manana. That is what again and again and again insist on being in the restful awareness whole day. Automatically, the Manana goes on and on and on. Manana leads to Mouna; the ultimate silence.


Understand all these ‘M’s, then these two M - ‘Me’ and ‘Mine’ will disappear. Understand this great truth. Understand the process - Manana and Dhyana and it will automatically lead you to the ultimate experience.


Let you all achieve and radiate Enlightenment. Achieve and radiate the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.




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Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2743.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2895.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2903.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2904.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2905.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2906.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2907.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2908.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2995.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2996.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_2997.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_3004.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_3007.JPG Sarvadarshan - watermark_IMG_3014.JPG


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Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5239.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5241.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5242.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5243.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5244.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5246.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5247.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5248.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5251.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5252.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5260.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5262.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5264.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5265.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5267.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5268.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5269.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5270.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5271.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5272.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5273.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5274.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5276.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5277.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5278.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5279.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5280.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5281.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5283.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5284.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5285.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5286.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5287.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5290.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5291.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5293.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5297.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5298.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5299.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5301.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5304.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5305.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5306.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5314.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5316.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5317.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5318.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5319.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5320.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5321.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5323.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5324.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5326.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5327.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5328.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5329.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5334.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5337.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5338.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5339.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5340.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5342.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5343.JPG Swamiji-Doing-Pranaprathistha-To-Durga-Devi - watermark_DSC_5344.JPG


Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3073.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3088.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3091.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3092.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3093.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3094.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3096.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3098.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3099.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3100.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3122.JPG Lep-Session-With-Swamiji - watermark_IMG_3124.JPG


Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5350.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5361.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5362.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5365.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5367.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5371.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5372.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_DSC_5382.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3134.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3135.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3138.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3142.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3145.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3147.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3152.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3162.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3166.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3167.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3169.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3170.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3173.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3174.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3175.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3179.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3182.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3183.JPG Lep-Darshan - watermark_IMG_3186.JPG Lep-Darshan - 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E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3048.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3053.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3055.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3056.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3061.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3063.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3064.JPG E-Kalpataru-Darshan-To-Malaysia-Devotees - watermark_IMG_3065.JPG

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