September 06 2010

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Vedic Tradition The Science of Holistic Living

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sadāshiva samārambhām shankarācāryā madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


Vedic tradition – the masters of science of holistic healing.

When I use the word Vedic tradition, I mean a huge unimaginable civilization. The depth and the breadth in this civilization, worked about life - all aspects of life starting from birth, education, childhood, adulthood, sex, marriage, the way of classifying people, way of leading every individual to the excellence in his own line, law and order, creating wealth, storing wealth and distributing wealth, clothing, food, God! and ultimately the science of leaving the body - death; in every line the contribution, unimaginable contribution.


Just yesterday, I was reading an article - Stephen Hawking - Taking on God. He says God has not created the world. Very beautifully he describes, it is a spontaneous happening. Amazing way he has described. All of you may be aware of Stephen Hawkings, who wrote Brief History of Time. If I must, I keep the book in the standard of Nyaya sutras and Vaisheshika sutras. After the Ganana and Gautama nobody, nobody is able to penetrate to the depth of the truths of time, like Stephen Hawkings. Even yesterday what he revealed, this is the word I want to use - not what he wrote, revealed - because I feel he is rishi. He should be kept in the category of rishi. If he was in India, we would have worshipped him as a rishi and respected him as a rishi.


What he revealed, no Vedic master will oppose, because the clarity on what is God. Even if he does not agree with our clarity, we will have patience, “Can you spend little more time with us explaining? Can you elaborate to make our logic catch up with you?” You will be surprised in the whole Vedic tradition, we have only something called prashna uttara, question and answer.


When Buddha comes, ready to take everybody one step further, all the brahmanas, the Vedic priests, drop their shrukshruva 4:50, homas, yagnas, go and sit at the feet of the Buddha and evolve. When Shankara comes and ready to take people one step higher than the Buddha, all the Buddhists, they drop, drop everything and go and sit at the feet of Shankara. When Nagarjuna comes from the Buddhist tradition and ready to take everybody one step higher than Shankara, all the Shankaraites drop their danda and everything, go and sit at the feet of Nagarjuna. The greatness of Vedic tradition, ready, always ready to listen, listen, listen; whoever takes us one step further, ready to surrender, ready to go behind, ready to experiment... the most scientific tradition... masters of holistic living.


An amazing revelation, what he revealed is exactly what Upanishads describe: a spontaneous, independent, intelligent, happening. He bases his whole creation on a certain law, which is beyond law. No Vedic master will oppose Stephen because that is exactly the truth. May be Stephen needs one last push to experience that inside him. What has happened in him as a revelation, if it becomes experience, he will write few more things. He can complete all his revelations. He can make a real last statement like Zen masters. I was so happy to see a scientist describing the experience of creation so beautifully, so perfectly, in the western language, where the main stream society can understand it.


Unfortunately the religious leaders, they see God also in their own personality, as if a power centre. So they can’t understand God, without being a power centre. Please understand every centre is power. Only then you will understand there is no power centre. Every centre is power - is the truth. When you understand that, only then the holistic lifestyle evolves. That is why in the Vedic tradition, not just a person who invented theories and truths about God is rishi, every person who dedicates his life to any centre of life, reveals truths in any centre of life, is rishi, is power.


I have list of people, Sushruta - father of surgery, is master of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is one of the greatest gift to the world from Vedic civilization. Bhaskara - father of astronomy Chanakya - father of economy, economics Aryabhatta - who invented calculus and algebra Panini - father of grammar Agastya – who, father of electricity. I can go on and on and on. Here I have something more Vyamanika shastra - science of aerodynamics Visha shastra - science of poison Malla shastra - science of body building

I can say, on each thing I can speak for days.


I only wanted to tell you one thing today, as My message. Two ways of keeping this Vedic tradition alive. One: studying and doing research and development in whatever was revealed already. Second: having patience for any new revelation, from any corner of the world. Vedic tradition again and again says all the great knowledge let it reach us from all corners of the world; from all corners of the world. When it comes from Stephen Hawkings, don’t have a shield. Don’t think “Oh, how can he talk about God? I am here wearing this robe and sitting in this seat for years and studying about God for years in great theological seminars, discussing, debating, how can he know more about god than me?” No. A rishi from Vedic tradition can never think of that way. He can only have patience, “Can you explain with a little more words? Can I have little more time with you? Is it possible to learn what you talk in my language, in my logic, in my understanding?”


Have this two, this is my message. One: try to explore whatever is revealed in different lines of Vedic tradition and keep your being open for more and more new revelation. Vedic tradition is the only tradition which can update itself because there is no last word. Our shastras can be updated, can be commented, can be interpreted and reinterpreted. Understand there are some sutras like Shruti - Upanishads which cannot be altered, but you can comment on it. You cannot alter the original sutra, but you can comment on it. But other Smruti and all you can even alter.


So we have many line, sutra is a revelation, bashya is the commentary and varthika - commentary on commentary, then tika - commentary on commentary on commentary. So when a sutrakara, when a incarnation happens and reveals the sutras, his first line disciples who expand that are commentators - bashyakaras. His next line disciples who write vartika on the commentary, they are called vartikakaras. The third line disciples who write tika on vartika, they are called tikakaras. So the possibility for updation, commentary expansion, is kept alive in the Vedic tradition. People who have so much confidence about their revelation and their contribution to that tradition, allow the updation and commentary; who are very clear, very confident about their commentary, their revelation, their contribution, can never be destroyed, can never be taken away, cannot be abused. That is the courage you need to allow people to comment, allow people to update, allow people to interpret.


Have this two, explore as much as possible the life style, depth of Vedic tradition and add as much as possible, the essence of tradition in every aspect of your life. It’s the first thing. Second thing; keep yourself completely open for all new possibilities; for new, new, new, expressions. That is the only way to keep the Vedic tradition alive. So live Vedic tradition. Live and radiate enlightenment. Live and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.




In this video, Swamiji guides us to powerful process of levitation through pranayama by listening through eyes to make the mind silent and awaken third eye

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Powerful Third Eye Awakening Technique, LEP Day 14

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[00:00:25] Will start the process. Today I’m going to very strong Prayanam. I just wanted to put you guys in a process first. No Prayanam, so you can wear your mala’s, brass only. Just only one word; listening through eyes, silence. Not through ears, through eyes. Understand? Put your awareness here and listen to the silence. Your mind will become completely silent. Because any movement in your mind will be a sound here, Understand? The mind, sound happens here, in Anya. Outside sound happens in ears. Inside sound happens in Anya.

[00:01:28] So, when you put your awareness here with closed eyes, listen to the sound happening there. Any sound you hear is from here, forget about that. If it comes or goes, don’t worry, but try to listen the sound, which happens here. Ok? Very powerful process, with this process only Ragupati jogi initiated me and I saw Devi. I had Davi’s darshan with this process only.

[00:02:05] We had a Devi in the last peetam. When Devi was there, did you guys see that with four hands, Abhaya Bharata and Angusa Pasha. Now we put that Devi in chariot and ratan, send it to Tamil Nadu for Navratri Yatra. They are doing some forty day yatra, we sent. Did you guys see that last throne it was there? Now Surya is there, in that throne it was there with four hand, exactly as I had the Darshan, I created that Devi, that Devi was done as per my Darshan, vision. As, after the Darshan immediately I carved in stone, that was only in the archives, it was a small piece. We made four, four feet deity here. It was there, how come you guys missed?

[00:02:50] Now it has been kept in the chariot and it has gone to Tamil Nadu for the Rathi Yatra. I think one week before I sent it. They are doing forty, forty days Rathi Yatra in Tamil Nadu for Dasara. Navaratri festival. Whatever you are going through are Satories. It will get bolted by this different pranayama and everything. See, everybody is having Satori, I’m not letting you guys, you guys are having Satori, I know, but it should become Samathi.

[00:03:19] Shall we start? The silence of, see, seeing, right word is listening through eyes. Ok? Naturally it will be silence, but you don’t imagine silence and all. Try to listen through the eyes. Bring your awareness here and just listen. Just close your eyes. Don’t, no need to tie the ribbon. Just close your eyes. Don’t open your eyes at least for next two hours. Ha, that will be great, but Ma Sana and Samanamudra will be great. Because now levitation will be happening. It won’t disturb you. It will be easy. There will be heavy levitation. See, yesterday one small process only you did, just this automatic Bahir Kumbhaka started happening in the system. Like this, so many of these Hatha Yogi details.

[00:04:21] How many of you lost weight? Wow, great. So it is amazing weight loss program, ha? Good, but nobody feels, nobody looks tired or dull. You don’t have two different eyes. You are just constantly looking through both eyes so fast, you think you have two eyes, Ma. You have two instrument, but not two seer. You understand? Two instrument, but only one seer, that’s what now will happen, actually. Means not physically opening, but you will be able to experience third eye.

[00:05:01] Others who are interested in Vaishnavism you can have the ceremony, nothing wrong. It’s initiation into Vaishnavism. Initiation into devotion. Unfortunately, those people who do that rituals, they are not able to make people understand the importance of it, that is where the whole thing got broken. People should be made to enjoy all that. Did you guys go and attend the Ganapati homa?

[00:05:35] Somehow we make everything entertainable, you see. Is entertainment, you can enjoy. The arrangements and everything and that ambient is maintained so decently, you can enjoy. If the priests are running here and there and pouring coffee here, pouring ghee there and dirty clothes and holding this side, then what will you feel.? You won’t feel like sitting and enjoying. In that place, how it is maintained, simple way, but neat way and how the deity is kept decent washed clothes.

[00:06:16] See I’m not even expecting all temples should have like this jewels and everything. Because all temples can’t effort so much jewels, but at least they can effort clean cloths, that much all temples are rich. The neat, washed clothes and the deity is kept with lot of respect. Actually it could have been so beautifully managed. How, you know? After all it is a small cave. So nobody should go inside, just from outside, itself make a cube, beautifully people can have from here direct darshan. Over, and put two camera, put outside three projector. And whatever goes on inside people can have darshan from outside also.

[00:06:54] See, if you want to see main deity directly, go and stand in the pure, in the line and come, I would have.. If they allow me, I will organize the whole thing. Whole one lakh people will have darshan in three hours. Beautifully I will finish it. But one nice thing with the temple, they asked, they requested us officially to take over the temple. I said yes. In three days we are going to have MOU. I’m going to promote that temple. I have decided to promote that temple and will make a website. Internationally popularize that place as a main kshetra. It is a very old temple. In Ramayana, there is a mention of that whole area. Geographically it exactly matches with Ramayana’s mention.

[00:07:43] Did you guys see that seven big stones? Seven big rocks, Saptarishi. Saptarishis were there with Rama and Saptarishi rocks are mentioned in the, recorded in the Ramayana. So that place, and no crow will be there. Did you guys observe? All other birds will be there, not a single crow will be there. Because Kakka shara. The crow demon was killed there, no crows come there. Even scientists came and did so many different, different research. This people who were, do researches on birds and lifestyle of birds, all these.. What do you call them?

[00:08:24] All those guys came and did lot of research, it seems. No crow comes there, even if they bring a crow and leave, just it rushes out, out of that energy field. So I said I will donate golden kavacha, Utsav Murti. Whatever necessary for the temple. I’ll, I’m going to make them manage. I’m not going to involve, but I’m going to be like a consultant. And organize, make the temple self sustaining and I’ll make a website.

[00:08:55] See, with our website, our temple is self sustaining. Whatever puja we do, whatever money we spent. We, at least we are able to run, but temple is my passion. I don’t bother. I don’t run as a thing, it's my passion and whatever I make, I spend on temples only, everything. It’s my passion, but I’m still, at least running expenses. So we are able to keep it neat, clean.

[00:09:20] So I’ll make that temple also same way. Make it as a, I’m planning for an institution, like this to give consultancy to temples and Ashrams and Muds and Monasteries to make it self sustaining and creating a, trying to create a software. Mainly for Ashram accounts, for all the Ashrams and spiritual organizations. Trying to give a training for the accounts, publication departments. We learned the science by ourself. Why people should spend so much time again in reinvention. Let them have this system.

[00:09:57] No water, no body movement. Finish now itself. Because if you move, you will start getting disturbed. Pitta Karasos initiated in this process. The guy who created this Uti.. no, no he not create, he learned from India and popularized the Theorems. Pythagoras. He was initiated into this, into this process. There are records. One of our devotee in Chennai did a research on the historicity of Rama. I supported him with lot of material and we proved the Ramma’s existence chronologically as per time. Did you guys see the documentary? I’ll, in one session I’ll get the documentary and show you guys.

[00:10:49] See the, I gave him the five astronomical references in the Valmiki Ramayana, based on that we calculated the time and we proved the historicity of the Rama and Nasa’a dating of the bridge matches with this dating. Nasa is dated that bridge, that Rama’s bridge, Ram Setu and it is matching with our dating. I’ll get that and show you guys. And Subhramanyan Swamy supported, submitted this document in supreme court and it is accepted by supreme court. So the stewas got from this document only.

[00:11:34] Of Course, the devotee did a hundred percent job. I only supply five astronomical details. The sun, moon setting, that I translated and exactly put the points and gave. Chronologic. I’ll gave you whole, shall I present whole documentary. We have it. See I put all the Grahas and gave him. He calculated the timing. Then how many thousand years before the Grahas came in that positions. We have the whole documentary. Clearly, birth, Rama’s marriage. At the age of twelve he got married. Poor guy. 12 got married. So all the things are clearly chronologicaly recorded. Systematically. Short life, not like Krishna. Krishna lived long time. Rama lived less, lot less.

[00:12:30] Common, close your eyes. No, don’t tie the ribbon. No weight on the Anya, but no question of opening the eyes for next two hours. No, no. Allow the movements, Don’t suppress all movements, nothing. Just allow everything to happen as it is. Just go with it. Have enough space, now itself, all the frequent flyers have enough space. Voluntary movements. Involuntary movements are ok. Anything happens, allow it to happen. Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to the eyebrow.


Technique for Levitation - Powerful Pranayama Process Part 1 , LEP Day 14, 6 SEP 2010


In this video , Swamiji talks about powerful breathing process to remove all kinds of fears. stopping all the voluntary activities under our control during the process of pranayama

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(00:23) Alright, shall we do the process now, hmm? Anybody had a difficulty with the morning stop-process? You all have done it properly. If you have not had difficulty, you have not done it! How many of you did not have any difficulty in morning, that stop? No difficulty at all, very comfortably you were sitting - how many? Raise your hand. Dull fellows, means did not do properly.

Audience [inaudible]

Swamiji: It has to be lot of struggle. How many of you had really, really lot of struggle? You guys- it's a, that is meant for that. It is meant for that. It’s very powerful process. If you did not have a struggle, it's useless. No really. You see it is a process for Antar and Bahir Kumbhaka. And not only that, I am also - I have also tuned your bio-memory now so nicely. With this stop-process you will simply feel the whole insecurity raising. You see like it is like I am- I have drained all the water. I am just now playing with the mud. Your raw fears and greed, mud; churning them. Only then it will be cleaned.

(02:00) Come on, let's start again. Yes...relax. During stop, how much control you have...your- on your breath hold, that's all. Not more than that. Just stop.

(02:29) [Meditation process]

(03:29) Stop whatever is under your control. Stop. Your body, your breathing, your mind howmuchever is under your control, that much stop. When you are not able to control let the breathing happen, inhaling or exhaling. When you are able to control again, stop. Just stop.

(03:57) [Meditation process]



Reason and Release (PYS61): Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra

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Reason and Release (PYS61): Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra

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Paadapooja - ._DSC_7968.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7970.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7972.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7973.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7974.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7975.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7976.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7977.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7978.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7979.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7981.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7982.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7983.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7984.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7985.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7986.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7987.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7990.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7991.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7997.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7998.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_7999.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8000.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8007.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8026.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8027.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8031.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8032.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8033.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8034.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8035.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8039.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8050.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8051.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8054.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8056.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8058.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8059.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8060.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8063.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8072.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8077.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8078.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8079.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8080.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8081.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8082.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8083.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8084.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8085.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8101.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8102.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8109.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8110.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8111.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8112.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8113.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8118.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8120.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8121.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8122.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8123.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8128.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8129.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8130.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8131.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8132.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8136.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8137.JPG Paadapooja - ._DSC_8140.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7968.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7970.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7972.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7973.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7974.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7975.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7976.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7977.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7978.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7979.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7981.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7982.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7983.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7984.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7985.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7986.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7987.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7990.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7991.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7997.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7998.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_7999.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8000.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8007.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8027.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8031.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8032.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8033.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8034.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8035.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8039.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8050.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8051.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8054.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8056.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8058.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8059.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8060.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8072.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8077.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8078.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8079.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8080.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8081.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8082.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8083.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8084.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8085.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8101.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8102.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8109.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8110.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8111.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8112.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8113.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8118.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8120.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8121.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8122.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8123.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8128.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8129.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8130.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8131.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8132.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8136.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8137.JPG Paadapooja - DSC_8140.JPG


Morning-Message - ._DSC_8153.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8154.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8159.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8160.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8161.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8162.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8163.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8164.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8165.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8168.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8170.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8171.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8176.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8178.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8180.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8184.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8185.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8193.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8196.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8198.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8199.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8201.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8205.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8207.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8209.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8210.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8211.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8214.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8215.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8217.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8219.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8222.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8223.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8224.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8226.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8227.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8228.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8230.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8232.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8233.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8236.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8239.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8241.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8242.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8247.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8249.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8250.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8251.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8252.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8253.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8254.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8255.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8256.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8257.JPG Morning-Message - ._DSC_8258.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8153.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8154.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8159.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8160.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8161.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8162.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8163.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8164.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8165.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8168.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8170.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8171.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8176.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8178.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8180.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8184.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8185.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8193.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8196.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8198.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8199.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8201.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8205.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8207.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8209.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8210.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8211.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8214.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8215.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8217.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8219.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8222.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8223.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8226.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8227.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8228.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8230.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8232.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8233.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8236.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8239.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8241.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8242.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8247.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8249.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8250.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8251.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8252.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8253.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8254.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8255.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8256.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8257.JPG Morning-Message - DSC_8258.JPG


Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8146.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8265.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8266.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8267.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8268.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8269.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8270.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8271.JPG Sarvadarshan - ._DSC_8276.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8146.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8265.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8266.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8267.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8268.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8269.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8270.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8271.JPG Sarvadarshan - DSC_8276.JPG


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Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8288.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8289.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8292.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8293.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8296.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8297.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8298.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8299.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8300.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8301.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8302.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8303.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8305.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8310.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8314.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8315.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8318.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8322.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8324.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8325.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - ._DSC_8326.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8288.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8289.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8292.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8293.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8296.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8297.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8298.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8299.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8300.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8301.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8302.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8303.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8305.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8310.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8314.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8315.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8318.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8322.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8324.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8325.JPG Swamiji-In-Lep-Meeting - DSC_8326.JPG


Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8335.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8336.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8337.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8339.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8440.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8441.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8442.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - ._DSC_8452.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8335.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8336.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8337.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8339.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8440.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8441.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8442.JPG Ashramites-Meeting - DSC_8452.JPG

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