June 28 2020

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Revealing the principiles about conscious currency. ll Paramashivohan S-7 .ll Venkateshwara Bhava Darshan.ll


KAILASA's Department of Information Broadcasting, in collaboration with SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations for Peacekeeping, aimed at eradicating violence and promoting peace, telecasted the Nithyananda Satsang on Subramanya Learning from Paramashiva revealed by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. In this Satsang, His Divine Holiness (HDH) explained the secret inner space of Lord Subrahmanya of not questioning or doubting Guru. HDH also gave a separate, live talk KAILASA Courtyard Session, revealing the principles about Conscious Currency as anything which inspires or empowers you and is non-violent. HDH explained that this Conscious based Economy needs to be applied in every level and is only going to flourish in times to come.

Contributing to over 108 humanitarian causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 7, Day 5 of Paramashivoham. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention is Power Manifestation, today being the Power of Third Eye, Body Scanning and Mahima. The Darshan for today was Venkateshwara Bhava Darshan.

Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated teachers Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA conducted a series of seminars focusing on the Truths of Gender, eN-relationships, Anahata, Conquering Time, Power of Enriching and Sanyas, as revealed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.


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28 June 2020


I welcome you all with My love and respects and blessings.


Today, I wanted to reveal conscious principles, directly from Paramashiva. Listen. The conscious principles I received about conscious currency… You see, like how gold can be used as a currency in any country. If you have gold, in any country you can get your food, your accommodation or anything you can buy anything you want, you will be able to get in any country. Like gold is the common currency, almost in all countries. There are some conscious principles, currency in the whole Cosmos. If you have these principles in you, you can use that energy, that principles, that consciousness as currency in the whole Cosmos, all vertical time zones, in this Planet Earth or the higher time zones. Vertical time zones, higher planes, you can use them as currency. I’ll explain what is ‘Conscious Principles’. Patanjali uses the beautiful word, “sārvabhaumya vrataḥ (सार्वभौम्य व्रतः).” Means, in all places of existence, these principles will have its value. Understand. These principles will have its value in all zones of existence.


Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Aparigraha. First principle is non-violence. Second, is absolute integrity with the nature and Cosmos. Third, non-stealing. Fourth, listen. When I say non-stealing, not only not robbing others’ properties, not taking away life or livelihood of natural inhabitants of Planet Earth, like animals. Taking life away from them for, for you eating their body, is stealing. No life can belong to another life. If something is empowered to run and save itself from you, you don’t have right to kill them and eat. That is why animals cannot be used as food. You can’t steal their organs or their body, their life for your food. Understand.


Step by step, I’ll explain these principles - how they save, integrate your consciousness, how it can be used as a conscious currency for the Universe. I will give you one example. Violent man waste continuously his embodied life period. He is like a spendthrift, destroyer. I’ll give you an example. For example, people who are trying to attack Me, persecute Me, because of their violence and anger, for years they are attacking Me, to persecute Me, trying to do assassination attempts, trying war, lawfare, everything! They are wasting their years of life, decades sometime, but, I don’t even remember them. I just go on loving the people who love Me and I don’t have time to hate people who hate Me. But, they are almost destroying, wasting their decades, just hating me! Understand. They are wasting their decades hating Me.


I tell you, people with violence, hatred mental setup, waste sometimes not just number of years, even whole life, going after their violence and anger. Even these people, who are trying to persecute Me, not just few years, they may waste even their whole life and just die in their violence. And worst punishment is, when they take next birth, they forget they wasted their whole life in violence. Only they carry that violence pattern in them, they will start hating somebody else! Whoever they sees them, they see, whoever they see in that life, they start hating them, fighting with them, start doing violence with them! And again waste life. I tell you, violence and anger is negative currency consciously.


Conscious currency has its own logic. Anything which excites you, inspires you, empowers you, is the positive currency. Anything which drains you, puts you in blind spot, deludes you, is negative currency. Violence is negative currency. Non-violence is conscious currency. I tell you, your brain is built by consciousness, don’t think...brain builds consciousness. No! Consciousness builds your brain. Your whole body can be structured and built by consciousness. Consciousness manifests your body, brain, everything. These conscious currencies, will help you to live in any zone you

reached. For example a person, non-violence and non-stealing, can live as long as you want in Tapo Loka, higher zone, where the peaceful beings exist.


If you mastered the principle of living with minimal things - Aparigraha, you can live in Svarga Loka as long as you want, because SvargaLoka has everything, all the best luxuries but nobody can possess it. All luxuries minus possessiveness, is Svarga Loka. So, anybody who lives … with minimal things - Aparigraha, masters that life, conscious principle of non-possessiveness. That conscious principle of non-possessiveness, Aparigraha, makes your consciousness qualified to live in Svarga Loka. I tell you, each of the truth I am uttering, is absolute straightforward Cosmic logic. I am not talking something...which you just need to believe. No! What I am talking is experiential Cosmic logic. You can experiment with what I am saying. You can see the results of it in your life from today. Understand.


Corono is literally melting the world down. As I was telling yesterday, the Aghora principle of Paramashiva is manifesting. The Aghora Tandava is happening! All the relationships … which are social contract is melting down. All legal contracts are melting down. All moral contracts are melting down. Only spiritual contracts.…will be delivered. Only spiritual contracts will be delivered, all other contracts are melting down. Listen. I’ll give you an example. Tirumala, Tirupati - average per day one lakh persons used to have darshan … pre Corono period. So every person in that area thinks, if we invest … million dollar and build a hotel, so many people will stay everyday and every month we may have...hundred thousand dollar income. Listen. So they will invest million dollar and build the hotel, … expecting hundred thousand dollar income everyday, and they are also getting.


Suddenly now, the post Corona, the Corona lockdown period and post Corona, the whole number of people coming is melting down. The way it is melting down, you don’t know what will happen to those investors. Understand. These are social contracts. It’s not that he had a contract with some one person, “Aye! Everyday one lakh people, hundred thousand people will be coming for darshan, so I am investing.” It is just, it used to be the way! Now the post Corono world, … that is not the way things are happening. I am giving you one examples. Same way, two crore people used to walk and do the Kavadya, Kanwari Yatra from Rishikesh to Ghaziabad - not happening! Two crore means twenty million people. Jagannatha Ratha Yatra … almost five miilion people will

participate. Now just few hundred people are pulling the chariot. All the social contracts are melting down! Corono is melting down all the social contracts.


Multiple principles which you believed as way to exist are demonstrating their inability to sustain you. That is what I am calling ‘life is collapsing’. Understand. All over the world, it’s not just livelihood of the people are collapsing, it’s not that just people are losing job! People are losing faith in what was believed by them as life! So extreme... frustration, emptiness, almost like nerve shattering reality is landing on them, that all that delusion is … all the dreams, hopes, delusion based attitude, patterns, understandings, lifestyle, principles - everything is literally, practically pulled out of people.


I am telling you, only human beings who built their life consciousness based principles, are going to survive. I tell you, you will have energy, excitement to live, if you built your life based on non-stealing and living with minimal things and non-violence and absolute integrity to Cosmos. People who built their life and their mental setup with non-violence, non-stealing, absolute integrity and living with minimal things and brahmacharya with all these principles - they are

going to be continuously excited, inspired, energetic, alive, in post Corona world. All the people who built their mental setup, life, consciousness with delusion, are going to be shattered. I tell you, that is why I was telling, if you are young, especially infused with these great principles of conscious principles - Satya, Asteya, Aparigraha, Brahmacharya, Ahimsa - non-violence, non-stealing, living with minimal things and living with absolute integrity and Brahmacharya - with these principles if you are built, you have a great future. Understand.


People who built their consciousness, mind, life, with the delusionary principles, with delusions, literally will be losing life, because what they think is the result of their life, their source of inspiration, which excites them is melting down! Every level you apply what I am talking, you apply these principles, you will understand how the whole world is melting down. All the tourism places are losing their brand value. All celebrities are losing their brand value. All celebrities are losing their brand value. All tourism places are losing it’s brand value. The way we think, the way we relate, the way we travel - everything is going to be completely different in post Corona world! What all is going to change, I have not even listed fully.


By December 14th... December 14th... this eclipse to December 14th, is the period I am seeing that whole Aghora Tandava of Paramashiva happening. If you already built your consciousness with less delusion, you are blessed. At least now, remove all the delusions. Build consciousness based life. Go for agriculture based lifestyle. Contributing, manufacturing based lifestyle. Tourism, non-vegetarian, animal husbandry industries are going to lose its importance. Human beings are going to realize eating animals, is not the way of life. Life is going to become more and more non-violent. I tell you, listen to today’s satsang at least four-five times, because, I have given various different, different points. If you listen again and again, only then all this zigzag puzzle will fall in place.


These conscious principles if you build, that conscious currency will help you. I think that is the only thing which is going to help you post Corono world. That is only going to be your strength, your power, in post Corono world. I give you one example of Tirupati, because that is known tourism center, spiritual tourism. Like that, I can give you thousands of examples. Ooty Kodaikanal - seasonal tourism. All of it is melting down. I tell you, that delusion based economy, making you buy things with money which you don’t have and forcing you to work for it, is called delusion based economy. In that whole balloon, the hole is made already. Puusss ... that balloon is collapsing. Making you buy things which you don’t need and making you work for it to pay for

the money which you don't have. Making you buy things with money which you don’t have and making you work for paying ... for it.


This whole delusion based economy, that balloon is bursting, collapsing. The inner conscious principle based economy, is only going to flourish. Conscious principles need to be applied in every level! Politics, economy, in every level, relationships. Only those ideas, those principle, consciousness principle based … things are going to work out. ...I tell you, these conscious principles, these conscious principles based - built body, brain, mind, life - these are going to be the most important, useful … for your life in post Corono world.


Sit straight. I’ll initiate all of you into these conscious principles and infuse consciousness in you, so you can manifest powers, especially body scanning. Today, I am going to infuse so much energy in your Third Eye, you will be able to do the body scanning. Sit straight.


Swamiji started the initiation.


Sacred ritual offering in Adi Kailasa to Swamiji on Guru Purnima Utsavam Day 4 Celebration.


Continue initiation sitting with Swamiji


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